Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Financial Services Question Paper PDF Download



TH 17







Date & Time: 04/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00 Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks




                                                                                                                           (10 x 2 = 20)

Answer ALL questions


  1. What do you mean by Merchant Banking?


  1. Write the role of merchant bankers in the issue of prospectus.


  1. Narrate the term Consortium Finance.


  1. List out the elements of factoring.


  1. What is recourse factoring?


  1. What are the demerits of forfaiting?


  1. Write a note on “Seed Capital”.


  1. Define securitisation.


  1. What is ESOP?


  1. Give the meaning of financial lease.



                                                                                                                           (5 x 8 = 40)

Answer any FIVE questions


  1. How does merchant banking differ from commercial banking?


  1. Discuss the role of merchant banker in public issue.


  1. Briefly explain the stages of venture capital.


  1. What is forfaiting? Differentiate factoring from forfaiting.


  1. Write a note on lease evaluation from lessor and lessee point of view.


  1. Bring out the merits and demerits of leasing.


  1. Explain the process of securitisation.





  1. The annual turnover of M/s. Welcome Ltd is Rs.6,00,000,  of which  80%  is  credit.

Customers are allowed one month to clear off their dues.  M/s. Royal Factors Ltd.  is

willing to advance  90% of the  bills raised on credit for a fee of  2%  a month  plus a

commission  of  4%  of the total amount of debts. As a result of  this arrangement, the

company is likely to save Rs.2160 annually in management costs and avoid bad debt

at  1%  on credit sales. A  Pune-based  NBFC  which offers  corporate loans has come

forward  to  make  an  advance  equal  to  90%  of the debts at an interest of  18%  p.a.

However, its service charges will be at  3%  on the debts. Would you accept factoring

or the offer of the NBFC ? Comment.



                                                                                                                           (2 x 20 = 40)

Answer any TWO questions


  1. Describe the functions of a merchant banker.


  1. Explain the importance of venture capital financing and bring out the reason for its

slow growth in India.


  1. M/s. Global Travels Ltd. wishes to acquire an imported car costing Rs.10,00,000. It is

faced with 2 options:

Option I: To acquire it by taking a 15% Bank Loan repayable in 5 equal instalment at

the end each year along with interest.

Option II: To lease the asset  at  a  rental of  Rs.220  per  thousand  of  the asset  value

payable at the end of each year for 5 years.

The tax rate is determined at 50 % and Capital discount rate is estimated at 16%. The

asset  is  expected  to have  a  life of  8 years  with a scrap value of  50% of  the book

value at the end of its life time. The  rate  of  depreciation  is  determined  at  20% on

diminishing balance method. Which option would you recommend? Comment.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Financial Management Question Paper PDF Download

TH 23








Date & Time : 16.04.2007/9.00-12.00      Dept. No.                                                      Max. : 100 Marks



Section: A

Answer any ten only:                                                                                    10 x 2 = 20


1) What are the major types of financial decisions that a business firm makes?


2) Pradeep placed Rs.1, 000 in a savings account earning 8% interest compounded

Annually. How much money will he have in the account at the end of 4 years?


3) What is Capital Expenditure Budget?


4) A project costs Rs.40, 00,000 and yields annually a profit of Rs.6, 00,000 after

Depreciation @12.5% but before tax at 50%. Calculate the payback period.


5) What is meant by ‘Operating Cycle Concept’ in management of working capital?


6) The current market price of an equity share of  a company is Rs.90. the current

dividend per share is Rs.4.50. In case the dividends are expected to grow at the rate of

7%. Calculate the cost of equity capital?


7) State whether each of the following statements is “True” or “False”

  1. It is risky to have a high operating leverage, since even a slight fall in sales would result in a disproportionately large fall in profits.
  2. The ideal situation is to have a high financial leverage and low operating leverage.


8) Briefly explain the trading on equity.


9) What is meant by explicit cost of capital?


10) Calculate degree of operating leverage from the following data:

  1. Sales 2, 00,000 units @ Rs.4 per unit.
  2. Variable cost per unit @ Re. 0.70
  3. Fixed cost Rs.2, 00,000
  4. Interest charges Rs.7,336.



Section – B

Answer any five only.                                                                       5 x 8 = 40


11) “The operative objective of financial management is to maximize wealth of the firm”.


12) What do you mean by Optimum Capital Structure? Make a list of factors determining

Optimum Capital Structure.


  • Explain various determinants of working capital of a concern.


  • Using the information given below, compute the Pay-Back Period under (a) traditional Pay-Back Method, and (b) Discounted Pay-Back Method and Comment on the results.


Initial Outlay                         Rs.80,000

Estimated Life                       5 Years

Profit After Tax:

End of Year   1                      Rs.6,000

  • 14,000
  • 24,000
  • 16,000
  • Nil

Depreciation has been calculated under straight-line method. The cost of capital may be taken at 20%p.a and the P.V of Rs.1 at 20% p.a is given below:


Year:                1          2          3          4          5

P.V factor       .83       .69       .58       .48       .40



  • From the following information, extracted from the books of a manufacturing company, compute the operating cycle in days and the amount of working capital required:


Period covered                                                                365 days

Average period of credit allowed by suppliers               16 days


Average total of Debtors outstanding                                        2,40,000

Raw Material consumption                                           22,00,000

Total Production cost                                                    50,00,000

Total Cost of Sales                                                       52,50,000

Sales for the year                                                          80,00,000

Value of Average Stock maintained                               1,60,000

Work in progress                                                             1,75,000

Finished Goods                                                               1,30,000


  • ABC Ltd. has an EBIT of Rs.1, 60,000. Its capital Structure consists of the following securities:


10% Debentures                    Rs.5,00,000

12%Prefernce shares              Rs.1,00,000

Equity shares of Rs.100         Rs.4,00,000


The company is in the 55% tax bracket. You are required to determine:


  • The Company’s EPS.
  • The percentage change in EPS associated with 30% increase in EBIT.
  • The degree of financial leverage.


  • (A) For varying level of debt-equity mix, the estimates of the cost of debt and equity capital after tax are given below:


Debt as % of total                        Cost of Debt             Cost of Equity

Capital Employed

0                                              7.0                             15.0

10                                              7.0                             15.0

20                                              7.0                             16.0

30                                              8.0                             17.0

40                                              9.0                             18.0

50                                            10.0                             21.0

60                                            11.0                             24.0


(B) The shares of a chemical company are selling at RS.20 per share. The firm had paid dividend @ Rs.2 per share last year. The estimated growth of the company is approximately 5% per year.

  • Determine the cost of equity capital of the company.
  • Determine the estimated market price of the equity share if the anticipated growth rate of the firm rises to 8%.


18) A) X.Ltd. is expecting annual EBIT of RS.1, 00,000. The company has

Rs.4, 00,000 in 10% Debentures. The equity capitalization rate is 12.5 %. The      company desires to redeem debentures of Rs.1, 00,000 by issuing additional equity shares of Rs.1, 00,000.

You are required to calculate the value of the firm and the overall cost of capital based on Net Income (NI) Approach.


  1. B) X Ltd. has an EBIT of Rs.1, 00,000. Its cost of debt is 10% and the outstanding debt amounts to Rs.4, 00,000. The overall capitalization rate is 12.5%. The company decides to raise a sum of Rs.1, 00,000 through debt at 10% and uses the proceeds to pay off the equity shareholders.

You are required to calculate the total value of the firm and also the equity capitalization rate under Net Operating income Approach (NOI)

Section – C


Answer any Two only.                                                                                    2 x 20 = 40


  • A Limited company is considering investment in a project requiring a capital outlay of Rs.1, 00,000. Forecast for annual income after depreciation but before tax is as follows:

Year.                                                   Rs.

  1.                                    50,000
  2. 50,000
  • 40,000
  1. 40,000
  2.                                  20,000

Depreciation may be taken as 10% on original cost and taxation at 50% of net income. You are required to evaluate the project according to each of the following methods.

  • Pay Back Method
  • Rate of Return on average investment method.
  • Discounted cash flow method taking cost of capital as 10%
  • Net present value index method.
  • Internal rate of return method.


  • The Board of Directors of RRLtd. requests you to prepare a statement showing the working capital requirements forecast for a level of activity of 3,12,000 units of production.

A ) The following information is available for your calculation:

Raw Materials Rs.180 per unit.

Direct Labour  Rs.  80 per unit

Overheads       Rs.150 per unit


Rs.410 per unit

Profit               Rs. 120 per uint


Selling price    Rs.530 per unit.

  1. B) 1) Raw materials are in stock on average one month.

2) Materials are in process, on average 2 weeks.

3) Finished goods are in stock, on average one month.

4) Credit allowed by suppliers one month.

5) Time lag in payment from debtors 2 months.

6) Lag in payment of wages 1 ½ weeks.

7) Lag in payment of overheads is one month.


20% of the output is sold against cash. Cash in hand and at bank is expected to be Rs.1, 20, 000. It is to be assumed that production is carried on evenly throughout the year, wages and overheads accrue similarly and a time period lot 4 weeks is equivalent to a month.

  • You are required to determine the weighted average cost of capital (Ko) of the J. Ltd. using 1) Book Value Weights and the 2) Market Value weights. The following information is available for your perusal:

The J.Ltd. Present book value capital structure is:


Debentures (Rs.100 per debenture)                8,00,000

Preference shares (Rs.100 per share)              2,00,000

Equity shares (Rs.10 per share)                     10,00,000


All these securities are traded in the capital markets. Recent prices are debentures @ Rs.110, Preference shares @Rs.120 and Equity shares @Rs.22. Anticipated external financing opportunities are:


  • 100 per debentures redeemable at par: 20 year maturity, 8% coupon rate, 4% flotation costs, sale price Rs.100.
  • 100 Preference share redeemable at par: 15 year maturity, 10% dividend rate, 5% floatation cost, sale price Rs.100.
  • Equity shares: Rs.2 per share flotation costs, sale price Rs.22.


In addition, the dividend expected to on the equity share at the end of the year is Rs.2 per share; the anticipated growth rate in dividends is 5% and the company has the practice of paying all its earning in the form of dividends. The corporate tax rate is 50%.

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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Cost Accounting Question Paper PDF Download



TH 12






Date & Time: 28/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



Answer all questions:                                                                                         10 x 2 = 20


  • State the objectives of Cost Accounting.


  • State any three essentials of a good wage system.


  • State whether the following statements are true or false:
    1. Bad Debts are excluded from cost accounts.
    2. Sale of factory scrap is reduced from works cost.


  • Calculate the total earnings from the following data under Halsey plan and under Halsey-weir plan. Standard Time: 10 hours; Time taken: 8 hours; Time rate: Rs.2.50 per hour.


  • What are the bases for apportionment of expenses given below to the different departments? 1) Depreciation, 2) Canteen expense, 3) Factory cleaning, 4) Crèche expenses, 5) Power.


  • Write short note on equivalent production units.


  • What is escalation clause?


  • A transport service company is running four buses between two towns which are 50kms. Apart. Seating capacity of each bus is 40 passengers. Actual passengers carried were 75% of the seating capacity. All the four buses ran on all the days and of the month if April 2005. Each bus made one round trip per day. Calculate the total kilometers and total passenger kilometers for the month.


  • Calculate margin of safety and the amount of actual sales from the following:

Profit Rs.10, 000; P/V ratio – 50%; BEP Sales Rs.20, 000.


  • A factory consumes 60 units of material per day which is supplied by a vendor in lots of 240 units each at Rs.2, 400 per lot. The factory works for 300 days per annum. Each order involves handling charges of Rs.120 and Freight charges of Rs.380. The storage cost is Re. 0.50 per unit per annum. The interest cost of carry inventory works out at 1.25% per month. Calculate the EOQ.

Section – B

Answer any five only:                                                                                    5 x 8 = 40


11) Distinguish between Financial accounting and Cost accounting.


  • Briefly explain various inventory control techniques.


  • What is Labour Turnover? Explain its causes and effect. And also suggest the steps to reduce labour turnover.


  • A company produces three products A, B and C with standard costs and quantities per unit are as follows:

Particulars                                              A                    B                     C

Quantity produced                              10, 000            20, 000            30, 000

Direct material per unit (RS)                       50                    40                    30

Direct labour per unit (RS)                         30                    40                    50

Labour hours required per unit                     3                      4                      5

Machine hours required per unit                   4                      4                      7

Number of purchase requisitions          1, 200              1, 800              2, 000

Number of set ups                                     240                  260                  300

Production overhead spilt by departments:

Department 1 = Rs.11, 00, 000 and Department 2 = Rs.15, 00,000.

Department 1 is labour intensive and Department 2 is machine intensive.

Total labour hours in department 1 – 1, 83,333 while

Total machine hours in department 2 – 5, 00,000.

Production overhead spilt by activity:

Receiving/inspecting = Rs.14, 00,000

Production scheduling /machine set up  =     Rs.12, 00,000.

Number of batches received/inspected   =                 5, 000;

Number of batches for scheduling and set-up = 800. You are required to prepare product cost statement under traditional absorption costing and Activity Based Costing method.


  • A product passes through three processes, A, B and C. The normal wastage if each process is as follows; Process A- 3%; B- 5%; C- 8%. The wastage of process A was sold at Rs.0.25 per unit, B at Rs.0.50 per unit and C at Re.1 per unit. 10,000 units were introduced in process A at a cost of Re.1 per unit. The other expenses are:

Process-A        Process-B        Process-C

Rs.                   Rs.                   Rs.

Sundry materials                     1,000               1,500                  500

Labour                                     5,000               8,000               6,500

Direct expenses                       1,050               1,188               2,009

Actual output (units)               9,500               9,100               8,100

Prepare the process accounts, assuming that there were not opening or closing stocks. Also give the abnormal loss and abnormal gain account, normal loss account.

  • The records of a company show the following:

Period                          Sales                Profit

I                                   Rs.1, 20,000    Rs.   9, 000

II                                 Rs.1, 40,000    Rs. 13, 000

Find out: a) P/V ratio. b) Break even point, c) Fixed cost, d) Profit when sales are

Rs.1, 00, 000, e) Sales required to earn a profit  of Rs.20,000, f) Margin of safety,

  1. g) variable cost for period II.


  • A) From the following information calculate: a) Economic order quantity,
  1. b) Reorder level, c) Maximum level, d) Minimum level.

Normal usage is 150 units per day. Minimum usage is 100 units per day. Maximum usage is 200 units per day. Reorder period 50 to 60 days. The annual usage is 50, 000 units. The cost of purchase is Rs.100 per order. Cost per unit is Re.1 carrying cost is 10%per annum.








  1. B) From the following particulars, prepare stores ledger by adopting Weighted Average Method of pricing of material issues:


Date                Receipts                                              Issues

01.01.99          600 units at Rs.20 per unit

10.01.99          400 units at Rs.24 per unit

12.01.99          800 units at Rs.22 per unit

15.01.99                                                                      500 units

16.01.99                                                                      300 units

18.01.99          400 units at Rs.28 per unit

20.01.99                                                                      300 units

22.01.99          600 units at Rs.30 per unit

25.01.99          200 units at Rs.32 per unit

27.01.99                                                                      400 units

31.01.99                                                                      200 units.


  • The following details are available from the books of accounts of accounts of a contractor for the year ended 31st March, 2003 with respect top particular contract No.313. He has undertaken for a manufacturing organization:

Materials sent to site                                                               5, 11,800

Labour engaged in site                                                            4, 66,100

Cost of plant installed at site                                                  1, 00,000

Direct expenses                                                                           24,000

Establishment expenses                                                              29,000

Materials returned to stores                                                          2,120

Work certified                                                                       10, 70,000

Cost of work not certified                                                          31,000

Materials in hand as on 31st March, 2003                                   12,220

Accrued wages as on 31st March, 2003                                      11,160

Accrued Direct expenses                                                              1,330

Value of plant as revealed on 31st March,2003                          88,000

The contractor price agreed upon with the Contractee is Rs.13, 00,000 payment of Rs.9,90,000 has been received from the Contractee. You are required to prepare the contract account, computing and incorporating the said account the profit to be taken to the profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March, 2003.


Section – C

Answer any two only.                                                                                  2 x 20 = 40


19) The following figures are available from financial accounts for the year 2005.

Direct Material consumed                               Rs.       2, 00,000

Direct Wages                                                              1, 00,000

Factory Overheads                                                         75, 000

Administrative Overheads                                          2, 25,000

Selling and distribution overheads                             2, 40,000

Bad debts                                                                        30,000

Preliminary expenses written off                                    40,000

Legal charges                                                                  20,000

Dividend received                                                          50,000

Interest on bank deposit received                                   20,000

Sales (1, 20,000 units)                                               18, 00,000

Closing stock (30,000 units)                                       1, 60,000

The cost accounts reveal the following:

Direct material consumed Rs.2, 20,000. Direct wages Rs.80, 000.  Factory Overheads at 20% on prime cost. Administration overheads at Rs.2 per unit produced and selling overheads at Rs.2 per unit sold.

Prepare: (1) Statement showing cost and profit; (2) Financial profit and loss account; (3) Reconciliation statement.


  • Electronics Ltd., furnish the following information. It has three production departments A,B and C and two service departments D and E. The following figures are extracted from the records of the company:


Rent and Rates.          Rs.10, 000.      Power                                      Rs.  3, 000

General lighting          Rs.   1,200       Depreciation on Machinery     Rs.20, 000

Indirect wages             Rs.  3,000       Sundries                                  Rs.20, 000


The following further details are available:

Particulars                   A              B              C                D              E

Floor Area (Sq.mts.)   2000         2500         3000          2000             500

Light points                     10             15             20              10                 5

Direct wages (Rs)       6000         4000         6000           3000          1000

H.P.of Machine               60             30             50               10            —-

Value of Machine.Rs.60000      80000     100000           5000         5000

Working hours             6226        4208         4066



The expenses of D and E are allocated as follows:

A         B         C         D         E

D                                 20%     30%     40%     —          10%

E                                  40%     20%     30%     10%     —


What is the total cost of an article if its raw material cost is Rs.60. Labour cost Rs.40, and it passes through departments A, B and C for 4, 5 and 3 hours respectively?


  • The following data are available in respect of process I for the month of October:

Opening work in progress: 2250 units at Rs.11, 250

Degree of Completion Materials – 100%; Labour – 60%; Overheads – 60%

Input of materials: 22,750 units at Rs.88, 500

Direct wages: Rs.20, 500

Production overheads: Rs.41, 000

Units scrapped: 3,000 units.

Degree of Completion: Materials – 1005; Labour – 70%; Overheads – 70%

Closing work in progress: 2, 500 units.

Degree of Completion: Materials – 100%; Labour – 80%; Overheads – 80%.

Units transferred to the next process: 19,500 units.

Normal process loss in 10% of total input (opening stock plus units put in). Scrap value is Rs.3.00 per unit. The company follows FIFO method of inventory valuation.

You are required to: 1) Prepare statement of equivalent production; 2) Statement of cost per equivalent unit for each element and cost of abnormal loss, closing work in progress and units transferred to next process; and Prepare process I account.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Comparative Economic Systems Question Paper PDF Download


RF 50







Date & Time: 19/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks






Answer any FIVE questions in about 75 words each.                   (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)

  1. Define socialism.
  2. What is Price mechanism?
  3. Explain Perestroika.
  4. What is a mixed economy?
  5. Write a note on consumer sovereignty.
  6. Mention the different types of economic systems.
  7. What is surplus value?




Answer any FOUR questions in about 250 words each.               (4 x 10 = 40 Marks)

  1. Define Capitalism. Discuss the main features of a Capitalist economy.
  2. Write a note on Worker’s self management.
  3. Is Marxism out of date? Comment.
  4. Differentiate between communism and socialism.
  5. Explain the Great leap forward.
  6. Explain the Lange Model of socialist market economy.
  7. Elucidate the features of the Soviet economic planning.




Answer any TWO questions in about 900 words each.                 (2 x 20 = 40 Marks)

  1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of American Capitalism.
  2. What are the main features of the Yugoslav Socialist state?
  3. Discuss the various aspects of China’s economic reforms. What are the new conflicts faced by china?
  4. Analyse the Japanese economy and its economic success.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Business Management Question Paper PDF Download

               LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


HT 03






Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00 Dept. No.                                                Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL Questions                                                          (10×2=20  Marks)

  1. What are the different approaches to the study of management?
  2. What are the main findings of Hawthorne experiments?
  3. Mention the responsibilities of a Supervisor.
  4. Why are the managers reluctant to delegate authority?
  5. How does training help employee in development?
  6. Comment on “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs”.
  7. Why are control resented?
  8. Distinguish between centralization and decentralization.
  9. “Directing is a key element in the management process” – Comment.
  10. What is departmentalization? Give examples.



Answer any FIVE Questions                                                    (5×8=40 Marks)

  1. Write an explanatory note on Management by Objectives.
  2. Briefly explain the problems in delegation. What steps should be taken to make delegation more effective?
  3. What is span of management? Discuss the factors that determine the span of management.
  4. Outline the procedures for a recruitment and selection of
  5. Explain the need and importance of Co-ordination.
  6. State the basic characteristics of leadership. Outline the main functions of a leader.
  7. Account for Widespread use of Committees in management. What should be done to make committee form of organization more effective?
  8. Critically explain McGregor’s theory “X” and theory “Y”




Answer any TWO Questions                                            (2×20=40 Marks)


  1. What are the basic skills do managers need and the different roles that a manager may assume in an organization? Discuss each of these skills and roles in terms of management levels.
  2. “Line –Staff conflict occurs for many reasons” – Comment. Explain the important sources of conflict between line and staff managers. How do you resolve the conflict?
  3. Discuss the meaning, significance and methods of departmentalization. Compare the various methods of departmentalization.



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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Business Law – II Question Paper PDF Download



TH 10





Date & Time: 24/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00         Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



Section – A                                       (10 X 2 = 20)

Answer All Questions


  • A Customer gives his tailor a length of suiting and requires him to make a suit for him, the lining materials and the buttons to be supplied by the tailor. State the nature of the transaction


  • Define “Turnover” as per the Central Sales Tax  Act 1956
  • Who is a “Casual Trader” under the T.N.G.S.T Act 1959


  • A of Delhi comes to Mumbai and purchases goods from B in Mumbai. After purchasing, A transports these goods to Delhi in his own name. Is this sale chargeable to Central Sales tax?


  • What do you mean by Insurable Interest


  • Define ‘Whole Sale dealer’ under the central Excise Act 1944


  • When is a sale or purchase of goods said to take place in the course of import or export.


  • Write a note on endowment Policy



  • Define the concept of “Charter party” under the carriage of goods Act.


  • Bring out the meaning of ‘Subrogation’ under the insurance contract


Section – B                                     (5 X 8 = 40)

Answer Any Five Questions


  • Sate the doctrine of caveat emptor and the exceptions to it.


  • Enumerate and explain the rights and the liabilities of a common carrier
  • What is a contract of insurance? Explain the basic principles of the law of Insurance.




  • State and explain in detail the provisions for the levy and the collection of excise duty under the Central Excise Act 1944


  • State the implied conditions in a contract for the sale of goods.


  • Define the following terms as per the T.N.G.S.T Act 1959 with suitable illustrations
    1. Turnover
    2. Total Turnover
    3. Taxable Turnover


  • Distinguish between sale and an Agreement to Sell


  • What is auction sale? What are the rules relating to auction sale?


Section – C                                  (2 X 20 = 40)

Answer Any two Questions


  • When is a seller of goods deemed to be a unpaid seller? What are the rights against
    1. the goods
    2. the buyer personally?


  • Discuss in detail the provisions regarding the following as per the CST act 1956


  1. Sale or purchase of goods in the course of inter-state trade
  2. Sale or purchase of goods outside a state
  3. Registration of dealers


  • “Delivery does not amount to acceptance of goods” Discuss, when a buyer can be said to have accepted the goods and the rules as to delivery of goods with proper illustrations


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Business Law – I Question Paper PDF Download



TH 07






Date & Time: 21/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00            Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




Section – A


  1. Answer all the questions: 10 x 2 = 20 Marks


  1. What is an unenforceable contract?
  2. What is the object and nature of the law of contract?
  3. Mr. A tells his wife that he would commit suicide, if she does not transfer her personal assets to him.  She does so under the threat.  Can the wife avoid the contract?  State your reasons.
  4. When does a claim of Quantum Meruit arise?
  5. What is aQuasi contract?
  6. Who is a substituted agent?
  7. X & Y go into a shop.  X says to the shopkeeper, “Let Y have the goods and if he does not pay, I will”.  What kind of contract is this?  Would it make any difference in your answer if X said to the shopkeeper, “Let Y have the goods, I will see you paid”?
  8. Define Bailment.
  9. Give any four examples of Non-mercantile agents.
  10. What do you mean by Maintenance and Champerty?


Section – B


  1. Answer any FIVE questions only: 5 x 8 = 40 Marks


  1. Explain in detail the various types of contract.
  2.  Condense the legal rules relating to communication of acceptance.
  3. What do you understand by the term “capacity to contract”?  What is the effect of agreements made by persons not qualified to contract?
  4. Briefly explain the requisites of valid tender.
  5. State the conditions to be fulfilled before the Doctrine of Ratification can apply to an act of an agent.
  6. What are the various ways by which agency is created?
  7. Define Indemnity.  What are the rights of the Indemnity-holder?
  8. Distinguish between wagering agreements and contingent contracts.


Section – C


III. Answer any TWO questions only:                                            2 x 20 = 40 Marks


  1. “All agreements are not contracts but all contracts are agreements”.  Discuss the statement explaining the essential elements of a valid contract.
  2.  Explain in detail the rights and duties of Bailor and Bailee.
  3. Who is a Surety?  State the circumstances in which a surety is discharged from liability.

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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Business Correspondence Question Paper PDF Download

                  LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


HO 04



(Also equivalent to BC 2100/CR 2100/3100)


Date & Time: 23/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the questions:                                                 (2×10=20)


1) What are the different kinds of enquiry letters?

2) How clarity is important for a business letter?

3) What is the role of a decoder in a communication loop?

4) State the meaning of status enquiry letters?

5) What are the essential features of an offer letter?

6) What is an agenda?

7) What are the essential features of a business order?

8) What is a circular letter?

9) Why do company’s write collection letters?

10) What are the features of a letter, rejecting a claim?



Answer any five of the following:                                                                        (5×8=40)


11)  What is internal and external communication?

12)  If you as the chairperson for committee how will you go about organizing and

conducting  a committee meeting?

13)  List and explain the technological advancement in business communication?

14) What are the importances of time in communication process?

15)  What are the features of a collection letters?

16)  What are the optional features in the layout of a business letter?

17)  What are the characteristics of a good classified advertisement?

18) What are the essentials of a good business letter?



Answer any two of the following:                                                            (2×20=40)


19) What are the barriers to communication and the means to overcome them with suitable


20) You are running a computer sales and service center. Write an offer letter to

NIIT”computer institute offering your service to their company?

21)  Draft an application with your bio-data for the post of Human Resources Manager in Wipro

Technologies Ltd.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download



MS 15




Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00 Dept. No.                                           Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL the questions:                                                                               10×2=20


1.write a short note on the following terms:

(i).Promptness       (ii).Salesmanship


2.Define the following terms:

(i).Solicited enquiry   (ii). Unsolicited enquiry


3.Give any four hints for drafting replies to defective  or incomplete order.


4.State the 4C’sconsidered to be the foundation of a sound credit policy.


5.Mention any four factors that can give rise to complaints.


6.What is a Circular letter?


7.Explain the following terms:

(i).Ex-ship      (ii). F.O.B


8.Distinguish an informal reports from a formal reports.


  1. How do you define Minutes?


10.Differentiate the term “Press release from Press report”




Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                         5×8=40


11.Give important hints that you will keep in mind while acknowledging an order which

you are going to execute full and part of the order.


12.The manager of IOBank receives a letter from SBI enquiring about the financial status

of a client who has asked for a big loan for a short period. The manager replies

advising a little caution in granting  the loan to the client. Draft the letter of the

bank(SBI) as well as the reply of the IOB Manager.

  1. “Complaints are not routine letters. The writer has to write them with special care and

skill.” Do you agree with this view? Justify your answer.




  1. (a).Draft a circular letter announcing the admission of a new partner of your firm.


(b).Draft a sales letter introducing a new model bike.


  1. (a). Invite a candidate to an interview for the post of production engineer on behalf of

Anand limited, kanpur.


(b) Mr.Ramesh  has been appointed Purchase Officer in your company. Draft a letter

of Appointment to be sent to him.


16.Explain the various types of Reports.


17.Describe the characteristics of a Good Advertisement.


18.Discuss the nature of a good speech. What points should be kept in mind while

drafting speech.




Answer any TWO questions:                                                                           2×20=40


19.Describe with illustrations  the different parts of a Business Letter.


20.The correspondence between the principal and their agents includes a wide variety of

letters on different occasions. What are they? Explain them.


21.Draft the Minutes of the Statutory meeting of the shareholders of “ Relience Fresh” ltd


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download



MS 03






Date & Time: 23/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00            Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks






Answer ALL the questions:                                                                               10×2=20


1.What do you mean by “Appropriateness” and ‘ the “you” attitude’ in a business letter?

2.Write a short note on : (i).Ex-Warehouse      (ii) Loco

3.What is an Order Form?

4.What do you mean by (i).Favorable reply    (ii). Rather unfavorable reply

5.Do you think humorous collection letters can be effective?

6.Mention any four advantages of writing circular letters.

7.Define the following terms:

(i). Bill of entry      (ii). Shipping advice

8.Explain the reports on the basis of function.

9.How are minutes of resolution different from minutes of narration?

  1. Write a short note on (i). Standing and ad-hoc committees (ii).Line and Staff





Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                          5×8=40


11.Explain the different parts of a Business Letter.


  1. You have received a large first order from a customer. Write a letter thanking him

and asking him to furnish you the names of his bankers and trade references.


13.What factors should the supplier keep in mind while replying to a letter of complaint

in which (i) The customer is right  (ii) The customer is at fault (iii).Carrier is at fault.



  1. (a). Messrs. Vasanth & co, chennai, have obtained the sole agency for the state of

Tamilnadu for T.V, Tape – Recorders and other electrical goods produced by

SONY  Electronics Limited, Mumbai. Draft a circular suitable for notifying

the retailers of this fact.


(b).Draft sales letter to promote the sales of Godrej refrigerator.


15.Write a letter to Mr. Vijay, working as Chief Accountant in your company, confirming

his services.


  1. Explain the characteristics of a Good Report.

17.How to make advertisements  effective?

18.You have been asked to declare Open Bharat International Trade Fair. Draft an

appropriate speech for the occasion.




Answer any TWO questions:                                                                       2×20=40


19.(a). “ Collect the account but keep the customer”. Discuss this as a guiding principle

for the drafting of collection letters.


(b). What are the functions of a Sales letter?


20.Describe with illustrations of various correspondence between the Principals and their

Agents on different occasion in order to obtain agency.


21.Draft a speech on behalf of  the chairman of the RAYMONDS Textile ltd. for the

company Annual General Meeting.



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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Adv. Corporate Accounts Question Paper PDF Download


TH 25






Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00   Dept. No.                                                               Max. : 100 Marks




Answer any ten only:                                                                         10 x 2 = 20


  • What is Rebate on Bills discounted?


  • On 1st October 2005, Bank discounted a bill if Rs.20, 000 @ 12% p.a and the bill has on that date exactly four months to run considering the days of grace also. Accounts are closed on 31st Journalize transaction.


  • State True or False:
  1. The Percentage of Profit to be transferred to statutory reserve by the banking company is 20%.
  2. Letter of Credit and Endorsement are shown in the bank accounts under the head of Contingent Liabilities.


  • What is Re insurance?


  • From the following particulars calculate the premiums earned to be derived in schedule 1 of a life insurance company.

Premium less reinsurance Rs.1, 61,500, Accrued Premium Rs.5, 000 and Bonus in reduction of premium not yet adjusted Rs.5, 000.


  • Write short note on: Cost of Control.


  • Stock of Rs.3, 20,000 held by H Ltd consists of Rs.1, 20,000 goods purchased from S Ltd who has charged Profit on Sale of 20%. H Ltd acquired 80% of shares of S Ltd. Calculate the amount of unrealized profit included in stock.


  • Mention any two characteristic features of double account system.


  • Compute the amount to be charged to Revenue A/C from the information given below:

Original cost of an asset Rs.3, 00,000.  Present cost of replacement Rs.3, 90,000. Amount spent for replacement Rs.4, 70,000.


  • Write a Note on “Purchase Consideration”.



Answer Any Five Only.                                                                           5 x 8 = 40


  • Write short note on: a) reversionary bonus; b) Actuarial valuation; c) Endowment Policy; d) Bonus utilized in reduction of premium.


  • Give the “proforma” of schedule 9 of balance sheet of the bank with imaginary figures.


  • Distinguish between Merger method and Purchase method of Accounting for amalgamation.


  • The Trial Balance of the Neena Bank Ltd., As on 30th June 2004 shows the following balances:

Interest and discount                                                                45,40,600

Rebate on bills discounted (1.7.2003)                                            4,750

Bills discounted and Purchased                                                              3,37,400

The unexpired discount as on 30.6.04 is estimated to be Rs.5,560. Draft necessary adjusting entries and calculate the amount of interest and discount to be credited to Profit and Loss Account.


  • The life assurance fund of a company on 31.3.2006 was Rs.29, 00,000. Its net liability on that date was estimated to be Rs.19, 00,000 by the company’s actuary. The investments held by the company amounted to Rs.1, 60,00,000 against which the investment reserve stood at Rs.2, 50,000. The investments have to be written down by Rs.3, 50.000.

The company declared a reversionary bonus of Rs.20 per Rs.1000 with the option to policyholders of bonus in cash at the rate of Rs.8 per Rs.1000. Total value of policies in force was Rs. 8 crores.  ¼ of the policyholders in value decided to receive the bonus in cash. The company estimated that its liability for income tax would be Rs.1, 60,000.

Draft journal entries to record the above.


  • City Electricity Ltd. earned a profit o fRs.8, 45,000 during the year ended 31st March 2005 after debenture interest @ 7 ½ % on Rs.2, 50,000. With the help of the figures given below, show the disposal of profits:

Original Cost of fixed Assets                                                   1,00,00,000

Formation and other expenses                                                     5,00,000

Monthly average of current assts (net)                                        25,00,000

Reserve Fund (represented by 4% Govt. Securities)                   10,00,000

Contingencies Reserve Fund Investments                                     2,50,000

Loan from Electricity Board                                                       15,00,000

Total depreciation written off to date                                          20,00,000

Tariff and Dividend Control Reserve                                              50,000

Security deposits received from customers                                   2,00,000

Assume Bank Rate to be 6%


  • The Mangalore Municipal Corporation replaces part of its existing water mains with larger mains at the cost of Rs.75, 00,000. The original cost of laying the old mains was Rs.15, 00,000 and the present cost of laying those mains would be three times the original cost. Rs.1, 25,000 was realized by the sale of old materials and old materials of Rs.3, 75,000 were used in the replacement and included in the cost given above.

Give the journal entries to record the above and show the allocation of expenses between revenue and capital along with replacement account.


  • Balance sheet of H.Ltd, and S.Ltd as on 31.12.2000 given below:


Liabilities         HLtd.           S.Ltd.               Assets              H.Ltd.        S.Ltd.

Share Capital    10,000           5,000             sundry assets   17,000      10,000

(Rs.1 each)

General Reserve 5,000        ———             4000 shares in

S.Ltd                  5000

Creditors            3,000            3,200

P&L A/C           4,000            1,800

22,000          10,000                                     22,000     10,000

H.Ltd. purchased shares in S.Ltd. On 30th June, 2000. On 1st January 2000 the balance sheet of S.LTd. showed loss of Rs.3, 000  which was written off out of the profits earned during 2000.Profits are assumed to accrue evenly throughout the year. Prepare consolidated Balance sheet.















Answer any two only.                                                                               2 x 20 = 40


  • The following are the balance sheets of A.Ltd., and B.Ltd., as on 31-3-2005

Liabilites             A.Ltd         B.Ltd.            Assets                     A.Ltd.            B.LTd.

Rs.             Rs.                                                 Rs.                 Rs.

Share Capital   10,00,000     2,50,000     Land & Building      7,50,000       1,00,000

(Rs.100 each)                                          Investments             1,25,000        ———

P&L A/C            7,50,000     1,25,000     Current Assets       16,25,000       3,50,000


Liabilities         7,50,000         75,000

25,00,000      4,50,000                                    25,00,000      4,50,000


A Ltd has agreed to absorb B Ltd. On the following terms: A) It is assessed that Net assets of B Ltd may be taken at RTs.3, 62,500, which is to be satisfied by issue of fully paid shares of Rs.100 each by B Ltd at par. B) A.Ltd’s investments include 20% of the shares in B Ltd. At the cost of Rs.60, 000.

Close the books of BLTd and give journal entries and Balance sheet in the books

of A.Ltd.


  • From the following figures taken from the books of Money Bank Ltd., prepare profit and loss account and balance sheet as on 31.12.2004.


Debit Balances                ( Rs.in ‘000)            Credit Balances           ( Rs.in ‘000)

Reserve fund investment           350     Share Capital                                  500

Money at call&short notice          450     Reserve Fund                               350

Investments                                           250               Fixed deposits                                   950

Interest accrued and paid          200                Savings bank deposits                                 3000

Rent                                            20                Current deposits                              8000

Salaries                                       69                Profit &Loss A/c1.1.2004                 200

Directors fees                              6                 Bank draft                                         310

P.F contribution                           5                 Unclaimed dividends                                       20

General Expenses                       10                Travelers Cheques                             500

Premises                                 1200               Borrowed from banks                        800

Cash                                         150                Interest and Discounts                       700

Stock of stationery                      10                Commission                                                     50

Cash with RBI                        1400                Branch adjustments                                       340

Balance with other banks        1600

Owing by foreign-

-Correspondent                         100

Bills discounted                        600

Loans                                       3000

Cash Credits and o/d               4000

Dividend                                     50

——— —                                                          ———

15,720                                                                        15,720

———–                                                          ———


Rebate on bills discounted for unexpired term isRs.5000


A Provision for doubtful debts amounting to Rs.30, 000 is required


Create provision for taxation to the extent of Rs. 1,00,000


Charge 5% depreciation on premises on original cost.


Traveler’s Cheques paid amounted to Rs.20, 000.


  • Following are the Balance Sheets of HLtd. and its subsidiary SLtd. as on31.3.05


Liabilities                   H. Ltd.       S. Ltd.                     Assets          H. Ltd        S Ltd   

                             Rs.              Rs.                                              Rs.            Rs.

Share Capital       10, 00,000     4, 00,000      Fixed Assets       8, 00,000   5,00,000

(Rs.100 each)

General Reserve    3,20,000        1,20,000      Stock                  2, 00,000    1,80,000

P&L A/C                2,80,000        1,80,000      Debtors                               80,000    1,50,000

Creditors                1,60,000        1,80,000      Investments:

3200 shares in

S.Ltd at cost         6, 00,000     ——–

Bank                        80,000     50,000

17,60,000       8.80,000                                   17,60,000   8,80,000

H.Ltd. acquired the shares in S.Ltd on 1st Oct.2004. The Profit and loss account of S.Ltd. on 1- 4 – 2004 showed a balance of Rs.1, 40, 000 out of which a dividend of 20% was paid for the year 2003-2004 in the month of Oct 2004. H.Ltd credited the dividend to its Profit and Loss account. Sundry creditors of S.Ltd includes Rs.30, 000 for goods supplied by H.Ltd. the closing stock of S.Ltd includes goods worth Rs.12, 000 which were supplied by H.Ltd. at a profit of 25% on cost. Prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet.


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Loyola College B.C.A. Computer Application April 2007 Accounts And Business Applications Question Paper PDF Download


MS 25

B.Sc. / BCA DEGREE EXAMINATION – Comp. Sci. / Comp. App.





Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Answer  ALL the questions:                                                        (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

  1. What is meant by sundry debtors?
  2. Explain depreciation.
  3. Distinguish between cash discount and trade discount.
  4. What do you mean by the term “debit note”?
  5. Define “Accounting”.
  6. Following is the list of various accounts. Find out which are real , nominal or personal account:
  1. a) Commission account            b)Freight account
  2. c) Machinery account d) Bank account
  1. Prepare Single column cash book of Mr.Karan

April 2005

1        Cash in hand                            Rs. 5,000

9         Bought goods for cash            Rs. 2,000

16        Sold goods to Nikil for cash   Rs. 8,000

23       Purchased furniture                 Rs. 5,000

26       Received Interest                    Rs. 400

30       Paid Rent                                Rs. 1,500

  1. Prepare trial balance from the following:

Opening stock     — 10,600         Wages               — 2,200        Carriage inward     —      200

Purchases            — 12,000        Trade expenses   — 1,020

Rent& Repairs    —      960            Furniture       — 2,600        Cash in hand         —    1,200

Debtors               —  3,000             Drawings      — 1,200        Sales                    —  25,350

Discount received —     400             Capital                     — 7,000        Creditors               —    2230

  1. Rectify the following errors with suspense A/c:
  1. a) Sales book was undercast by Rs. 400
  2. b) Wages paid to workers Rs.2,000 has been wrongly posted as 3,000 in

Cash a/c

  1. Mr. Samuel bought a plant for Rs. 40,000 and spent Rs. 400 for its installation.  The machine is expected to have a life of  5 years and the estimated scrap value is Rs.1,200 at the end of its life.  Calculate the rate of depreciation.



Answer any FIVE Questions:                                                                  (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. a)   What is meant by “Business entity concept”?
  1. What are the three golden rules of accounting?
  2. What is a trial balance?
  3. What is error of principle?


  1. Journalise the following transactions in books of Mr. Jayakumar


2004 April    1










Started business with cash Rs.2,00,000 , building Rs.2,00,000 and

Machinery Rs. 4,00,000

Purchased goods from Kamesh Bros., for cash  Rs. 40,000

Paid into bank Rs.10,000

Sold goods to  Srikanth on credit Rs.15,000

Bought Furniture from M/s Modern Furn on credit Rs.30,000

Final settlement made by Srikanth Rs.14,900

Withdrew cash from bank for personal use Rs.7,000

Paid Salaries Rs.20,000; 30% paid by cash and 70% by cheque

  1.  Prepare a double column cash book with cash and discount of Mr. Samuel
May 2004













Cash in hand  Rs. 8,000

Purchased goods for cash  Rs.4,000

Received cash from Lalitha  Rs.2,500

Sold goods to Santhosh on credit Rs. 13,000

Purchased goods from Ram on credit Rs. 20,000

Santhosh settled his account in full Rs. 12,850

Purchased furniture for cash Rs. 19,000

Settled Ram by cash Rs.19,800 and discount received Rs.200

Sold good to Mahesh for cash Rs.26,000

Sold old Machinery to M/s Varun & Co on credit Rs. 36,000

Received cash from Mahesh Rs.10,000















  1. From the particulars given below draw the stores ledger card:


2000 July



Opening stock     3000 units   @ Rs.10 each

3 Issued                  1,250 units
9 Purchased               750 units  @ Rs. 12.50 each
11 Issued                  1,250 units
23 Purchased            3,000 units  @ Rs. 14 each
24 Issued                  2,000units
28 Issued                     800 units
30 Purchased               450 units  @ Rs. 10.50 each










Adopt the FIFO method of issue and determine the value of closing stock


  1. Jasmine manufacturing company has drawn up the following P & L A/c  for the year ended 31st March 2006
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To opening stock

To Purchases

To Wages

To Manufacturing expenses

To Gross profit



To Selling expenses

To Administration expenses

To Distribution expenses

To Interest on loan

To Net Profit






By Sales

By closing stock






By gross profit

By compensation

for acquisition of







1,98,000 1,98,000











56,800 56,800

















Calculate the following ratios:   a) Gross profit ratio       b) Net profit ratio

  1. c) Selling & distribution expenses ratio
  2. d) Finance expenses ratio
  1. Prepare a bank reconciliation statement from the following data as on 31-1-2004:
  • Debit Balance as per cash book as on 30-11-2004 Rs.30,400
  • Cheque issued on 30-11-2004 but not yet presented to bank for payment Rs.6,450
  • Cheque deposited in to bank on 28th November 2004 but not yet credited into the account Rs.1,500
  • Bank interest debited in the pass book only Rs.560
  • A periodic payment made to telephone department for Rs.2,300 under standing instruction not entered in cash book.
  • A cheque deposited into bank is dishonoured, but no entry made in cash book. Rs. 2,900
  • 3,000 deposited by a customer, Mr. Daniel directly into bank
  • Interest on investment received by the bank Rs.1,150 and entered in the pass book but not recorded in cash book.





  1. M/s Jackson & Co bought a machinery for Rs. 1,00,000 on 1.1.2002 and spent Rs. 20,000 on installation, 10,000 on other charges immediately after the purchase.  On 1st September 2004 it sold the plant & machinery for Rs. 95,000 and on the same date another machinery was purchased costing Rs. 1,50,000.  It charges depreciation @ 10% p.a. under written down value method and the accounts are closed on 31st December every year.  Prepare machinery a/c and depreciation account for 3 years.


  1. Prepare  ledgers for the following transactions in the books of Mr. George

March   3








Mr. George invested capital Rs.70,000

Bought furniture for cash Rs.10,000

Sold goods to Anjali  for cash Rs.15,000

Purchased goods from Good Luck & Co for Rs.17,000

Opened a current in Indian Bank Rs.5,000

Paid Good Luck & Co Rs.10,000

Paid Salaries    Rs.6,500



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                   (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. From the following Trial Balance extracted from the books of  Mr. Kamal  prepare Trading and

Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31-12-2005


Debit balances Rs. Credit balances Rs.
Cash at bank

Good will

Land & Buildings

Loose tools

Opening stock

Carriage outwards

General expenses

Sundry debtors


Interest on loan

Carriage outwards


Bad debts




Printing & Stationery

Customs duty

Packing charges






















Bank Loan


Sundry creditors

Discount received

Commission received







78,220 78,220



























  • Closing stock on 31-12-2005 Rs.15,000
  • Depreciate Plant & Machinery at 10%

(c)   Provide provision for bad and doubtful debts at 5%

(d) Outstanding salaries Rs. 200

(e) Provide Interest on capital 2%

(f) Commission received in advance Rs. 320








  1. Record the following transactions for the month of January 2006 in the proper Subsidiary books of

M/s New & Sons:


Jan 1




Jan 4



Jan 6

Jan 9

Jan 11


Jan 12



Jan 15






Jan 19

Jan 22

Jan 24


Jan 27



Jan 31



Purchased from M/s Brown & Co:

20 Calculators @ Rs. 550 each

10 dozen Scientific Calculators @ Rs.1,250 each

Trade discount on all the above items @ 10%

Sold to M/s Rahul Bros:

50 scientific calculators @ Rs.1500 each and trade discount  @ 5%

20 dozens of ball pen @ Rs.72 per dozen

Returned 10 scientific calculators to M/s Brown & Co

Purchased 10 dozen ball point pen @ Rs. 12 each for cash

M/s Rahul  Bros returned:

1 dozen scientific calculators and 2 dozens of ball pen

Sold to M/s Gopal & Co:

10 dozen accounts notebook at Rs.18 each

5 gross ink pen at Rs. 60 per dozen

Purchased from M/s Vimal printers:

10 gross of 192 pages notebooks @ Rs.240 per dozen

Less trade discount 5% with invoice no: 35

5 gross digital diaries @ Rs.1,000 each

less trade discount 2% with invoice no: 43

3 dozen rewritable CD @ Rs. 35 each with invoice no: 49

Credit note sent to M/s Gopal & Co for Rs. 250 being over charged

Sold old furniture to M/s JFA furniture mart on credit Rs. 12,000

Returned to Vimal printers:

2 gross notebooks and 3 Digital diaries bought on Jan 15

Sold to M/s Pravesh Traders:

4 dozen of 192 pages notebooks @ Rs. 300 per dozen

2 gross digital diaries @ Rs.14,400 per dozen

Sent a debit note to M/s. Brown & Co  for Rs. 2000 for

goods damaged in transit.





































  1. The following are the summarized balance sheet of Madan industries Ltd.,

as on 31st December, 2005 and 2006:

Liabilities 2005




Assets 2005





Preference shares

Equity shares

General reserve

Profit & Loss A/c


Current liabilities:


Provision for tax

Proposed dividend

Bank overdraft






















Fixed assets

Less: Depreciation



Current assets:



Prepaid expenses




















81,500 88,000 81,500 88,000



















Prepare: (i) Statement showing changes in the working capital

(ii) A statement of sources and applications of funds.

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Loyola College B.B.A. Business Administration Nov 2006 Cost & Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download


AU 09



(Also equivalent to BUA 507)



Date & Time : 27-10-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks

Section –A

( Answer all Questions)                                    (10×2=20)

1.Define cost Accountancy.

2.Give four examples of indirect expenses.

3.What do understand by perpetual inventory system?

4.What do you mean by Normal idle time?

5.Calculate the value of cost of goods sold.


Net works cost                                         2,00,000

Office overhead                                          40,000

Selling overhead                                         30,000

Opening stock of finished goods                  8,000

Closing stock of finished goods                 10,000

6.Calculate average collection period from the following particulars


Credit sales for the year             12,000

Debtors                                         1,000

Bills receivable                             1,000

7.What is meant by stock turnover ratio?.

8.Ascertain provision made for tax during 2005-06


Provision for tax on 1-4-2005            80,000

Provision for tax on 31-3-2006       1,00,000

Tax paid during the year                     60,000

9.Define marginal costing.

10.Calculate p/v ratio from the particulars.

2004; Sales   Rs.6,00,000 ; Profit  Rs.1,00,000

2005; Sales Rs.10,00,000 ; Profit.Rs.1,80,000



( Answer any five questions, choosing not less than TWO from each group)




  1. Explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of Cost accounting.

12.Apportion the overheads among the departments A,B,C an D.

Rs                                                        Rs

Works manager’s salary            4,000       Power                                21,000

Contribution to P.F.                   9,000      Depreciation                      20,000

Plant maintenance                     4,000       Rent                                     6,000

Canteen expenses                    12,000






Additional information;


Particulars          A         B           C           D
Number of employees

Area occupied

( sq.feet)        Value of the plant


Wages (Rs)

Horse power



































  1. .The following information is pertaining to a Firm

Annual consumption  – 12,000 units (360) days

Cost per unit               – Re.1

Cost per order             – Rs.12

Inventory carrying cost – 20%

Lead time                (maximum, normal, minimum)  30-15-5 (days)

Daily consumption  (maximum, normal, minimum)  ,45-33-15 (units)

Calculate EOQ and Inventory levels.


14.a) From the following particulars , workout the total amount payable to the three

workmen and the rate earned by them under;

i)Halsey plan and b) Rowan plan .

Standard time allowed     ; 12 hours

Actual time taken by;

A-8 hours, B-6 hours , C-4 hours.               (4)

  1. b) A company presents the following information ;

Number of employees 0n 1-1-2005           ;     200

Number of employees as on 31-12-2005;       240

Number of employees resigned                 ;      20

Number of employees discharged             ;        5

Number of employees replaced                 ;      18

Calculate labour turnover ratios under all the methods.                     (4)





15 a) Compare and contrast between Management Accounting and Cost Accounting.(4)


  1. b) Write short notes on the following (4)
  2. i) BEP ii) Margin of safety






16.A company presents the following information,

     year     units Total cost  (Rs)      Sales(Rs)


   2004     10,000      80,000     1,00,000
   2005     12,000      90,000     1,20,000

Find out the following;

  1. P/V ratio b) BEP both in units and amount c) Fixed cost d) margin of safety for the year 2005.

17.From the following data, calculate the following ratios.

a)Current ratio b) Liquid ratio c) Debt Equity ratio d) Fixed assets ratio.

Balance sheet as on 31-3-2004


Liabilities                     Rs                        Assets                       Rs

Equity capital                      1,00,000          Land & building             75,000

Reserve fund                          50,000          Plant& machinery          80,000

Profit&loss a/c                       20,000          Stock in trade                 30,000

10% debentures                     50,000          Sundry debtors               50,000

Sundry creditors                    30,000          Bills receivable               20,000

Bills payable                         15,000          Cash in hand                   10,000

———–                                                ————-

2,65,000                                               2,65,000

————                                               ————-

18.From the following profit& loss a/c , calculate the following ratios.

  1. A) G/P ratio b) N/P ratio c) Operating profit ratio d) Operating ratio



Particulars                  Rs                              Particulars                          Rs.


To opening stock               1,00,000        By sales                                        5,60,000

To purchases                     3,50,000        By closing stock                           1,00,000

To wages                                9,000

To Gross profit                  2,01,000

———–                                                            ————

6,60,000                                                             6,60,000

———–                                                           ————-

To Administrative exp          20,000       By Gross profit                             2,01,000

To selling expenses               89,000       By interest on investments              10,000

To Non- operating exp          30,000       By profit on sale of investments       8,000

To Net profit                         80,000

————                                                           ————

2,19,000                                                             2,19,000

————-                                                          ————-












(Answer any two questions  )                           (2X20=40)


19.a) From the following transactions, prepare separately the stores ledger account,

using  The following methods; a) FIFO b) LIFO

Jan 1. Opening  balance              100 units @ Rs.5 each.

5   Received                           500 units @ Rs.6 each.

7   Issued                                300 units

9   Issued                                200 units

10 Received back from work order 10 units issued on 9th February.

13.Received                             600 units @ Rs.5 each.

16.Issued                                  300 units.

  1. Returned to supplier 50 units purchased on 13th January
  2. Issued                     200 units.
  3. Received 500 units at Rs.7 per unit.
  4. Issued 300 units.

Stock verification on 27th January revealed a shortage of 10- units..


19.b) I)  Following data is obtained in the books of –V –Ltd for the year2005


Opening stock of raw materials                                          25,000

Closing stock of raw materials                                           40,000

Purchase of raw materials                                                   85,000

Carriage inwards                                                                   5,000

Direct wages                                                                       75,000

Indirect wages                                                                     10,000

Other direct charges                                                           15,000

Rent and rates  –

Factory                                                                      5,000

Office                                                                           500

Indirect consumption of materials                                           500

Depreciation of plant                                                            1,500

Depreciation of office furniture                                               100

Office salary                                                                         2,500

Salesmen salary                                                                    2,000

Other office expenses                                                              900

Other factory expenses                                                         5,700

Managing director’s remuneration                                     12,000

Other selling expenses                                                          1,000                                              Travelling expenses                                                               1,100

Carriage outwards                                                                  1,000

Sales                                                                                  2,50,000

Advance income tax paid                                                     15,000

Advertisement                                                                        2,000


Managing director’s remuneration is allocated as Rs.4,000  to the factory , Rs.2,000

To the office and Rs.6,000 to the selling departments.

Prepare a cost sheet showing the following;

  1. Prime cost b) Works cost c) cost of production d) cost of sales e) Net profit.





20 a).The following are the summarized Balance sheets of L- Ltd as on 31-st

Dec.2003 and 2004, you are required to prepare , a) Schedule of changes in the

working capital

  1. Fund flow statement.

Balance sheet


Liabilities     30-6-2003      30-6-2004        Assets           30-6-2003      30-6-2004

(Rs)                  ( Rs)                                      (Rs)                ( Rs)


Share capital      1,80,000        2,00,000         Goodwill            24,000         20,000

Reserve fund        28,000           36,000          Building             80,000         72,000

P&L A/c               39,000           24,000          Machinery         74,000         72,000

Trade creditors      16,000           10,800          Investments       20,000         22,000

Bank overdraft      12,400             2,600          Inventories         60,000         50,800

Prov. For tax.        32,000           34,000          Cash                   13,200         30,400

Prov. For doubtful  3,800             4,200          Debtors              40,000         44,400


—————————-                                 ————————–

3,11,200        3,11,600                                   3,11,200     3,11,600

—————————-                                 —————————

Additional information;

  1. i) Depreciation charged on machinery Rs.10,000 and on buildings Rs.8,000
  2. ii) Investments sold during the year Rs.3,000

iii) Rs.15,000 interim dividend paid during Jan.2004

  1. iv) Taxes paid during the year Rs.30,000.


20.b)Balance sheets of A and B are as follows, You are asked to prepare cash flow statement.

Balance sheets


Liabilities                  2003         2004                Assets              2003        2004

Rs              Rs                                          Rs             Rs


Equity share capital         3,00,000    4,00,000     Goodwill            1,15,000   90,000


Land& building   2,00,000 1,70,000

8% Red.pre.cap.              1,50,000    1,00,000       Plant                     80,000 2,00,000

General reserve                  40,000       70,000       Debtors              1,60,000 2,00,000

P&L A/C                            30,000       48,000      Stock                      77,000 1,09,000

Proposed dividend             42,000       50,000       Bills receivable      20,000   30,000

Creditors                            55,000       83,000       Cash in hand          15,000    10,000

Bills payable                      20,000       16,000       Cash at bank          10,000      8,000

Provision for taxation        40,000       50,000

—————————                               ———————–

6,77,000     8,17,000                                  6,77,000 8,17,000

—————————                              ————————

Additional information;

  1. Depreciation of Rs.10,000 and 20,000 have been charged on plant account and

Land  and building account respectively in2004

  1. An interim dividend of Rs.20,000 has been paid in 2004.
  2. Income tax of Rs.35,000 was paid during the year 2004.

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(Also equivalent to BUA 500)



Date & Time : 01-11-2006/1.00-4.00    Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Explain the following concepts in FIVE lines each                                       (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

  1. Performance appraisal.
  2. Budgeting
  3. Decentralization
  4. Objectives
  5. Intrinsic motivation
  6. Democratic Leader
  7. Coordination
  8. Training
  9. Written communication


Answer any FIVE questions                                                                          (5 x 8 = 40 marks)

  1. Explain the principles of coordination.
  2. Explain the components of SWOT analysis.
  3. What is meant by line and staff Organization? State its merits and demerits.
  4. Explain the any four methods of Training and developing executives in an organization.
  5. Explain the steps involved in control.
  6. What is the contribution made by Frederick Taylor towards management thought?
  7. What is delegation of authority? What principles will you bear in mind while delegating authority?
  8. What problems you likely to encounter while communicating in an organization? How will you deal with these problems?


Answer any TWO questions                                                                          (2 x 20 = 40 marks)

  1. What is departmentation?  Explain the basis for departmentation.  Is departmentaion a good method in designing an organization?
  2. Explain clearly the Hygiene Motivator theory and the Expectancy theory of motivation.
  3. Explain the different types of planning.  What obstacles you are likely face while planning?


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Date & Time : 03-11-2006/1.00-4.00           Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks

Section – A

Answer ALL the questions:                                                                   10 X 2 = 20


  1. Define the term “ Business Environment “.
  2. What is socio – cultural Environment?
  3. Define Capitalism.
  4. Name any two laws relating to business in India.
  5. What is Democracy?
  6. What is Contract?
  7. What is an Unfair Trade Practice?
  8. What is Cultural Heritage?
  9. Define Business Ethics.
  10. Define Globalization.

Section – B


Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                   5 X 8 = 40


  1. What do you understand by the term “Business”? Describe the main characteristics of Business.
  2. Explain the achievement and failures of Five-year plans in our society.
  3. Describe the merits and demerits of socialism.
  4. Explain the fundamental rights of citizens in India.
  5. Write short notes on:
    1. Cultural Transmission
    2. Cultural Adaptation
    3. Cultural Lag
    4. Cultural Conformity
  6. Describe the social responsibilities of business towards employee and the customer.
  7. Explain the functions of the state.
  8. Discuss the rights of a consumer under Consumer Protection Act, 1986.


        Section – C

Answer any TWO questions:                                                                 2 X 20 = 40


  1. Explain the concept of “Business”. Describe the main objectives of business.
  2. Explain the features of various types of economic system.
  3. What do you understand by social responsibilities of business and Explain the case for and against social responsibility of business.


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