United India Insurance Company Administrative Officer (AO) Online Examination Held on June 12, 2016
Part-I English Language
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-10) Read the following passage carefully and answer the given questions. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Almost everywhere we turn, trust is on the decline. Trust in our culture at large, in our institutions and in our companies significantly lower than a generation ago. Research shows that only 49% of employees trust senior management, and only 28% believe CEOs are a credible source of information. Consider the loss of trust and confidence in the financial markets today. Indeed, ‘trust makes the world go ‘round’ and right now we’re experiencing a crisis of trust.
This crisis compels us to ask three questions. First, is there a measurable cost to low trust? Second, is there a tangible benefit to high trust? Third,, how can the best leaders build trust in and within their organizations to reap the benefits of high trust?
Most people don’t know how to think about the organizational and societal consequences of low trust because they don’t know, how to quantify or measure the costs of such as so called ‘soft’ factor as trust. For many, trust is intangible, ethereal, and unquantifiable. If it remains that way, then people don’t know, how to get their arms around it or how to improve it. But the fact is, the costs of low trust are very real, they are quantifiable, and they are staggering.
In 2004, one estimate put the cost of complying with federal rules and regulations alone in the United States put-in place essentially due to lack of trust at $ 1.1 trillion, which is more than 10% of the gross domestic product. A recent study conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners estimated that the average American company lost 6% of its annual revenue to some sort of fraudulent activity. Research shows similar effects for the other disguised low trust taxes as well.
Think about it this way: When trust is low, in a company or in a relationship, it places a hidden ‘tax’ on every transaction: every communication, every interaction, every strategy, every decision is taxed, bringing speed down and sending costs up. My experience is that significant distrust doubles the cost of doing business and triples the time it takes to get things done.
By contrast individuals and organizations that have earned and operate with high trust experience, the opposite of a tax, a ‘dividend’ that is alike a performance multiplier, enabling them to succeed in their communications, interactions, and decisions, and to move with incredible speed. A recent study showed that high trust companies outperform low trust companies by nearly 300%!
I contend that the ability to establish, grow, extend, and (where needed) restore trust among stakeholders is the critical competency of leadership needed today. It is needed more than any other competency.
Engendering trust is, in fact, a competency that can be learned, applied, and understood. It is something that you can get good at, something you can measure and improve, something for which you can ‘move the needle.’ You cannot be an effective leader without trust. As Warren Bennis put it, “Leadership without mutual trust is a contradiction in terms.”
1. Which of the following can be the most suitable title for the passage?
(a) The Downfall of Societal Trust
(b) What Leaders Want
(c) Trust-The Art of Portraying What is not True
(d) Building Trust-The Need of the Hour
(e) Characteristics of a Good Leader
2. Which of the following is most nearly the opposite in meaning of the word ‘Disguised’ given in bold as used in the passage?
(a) Concealed
(b) Altered
(c) Rear
(d) Evident
(e) Personal
3. According to the author, why do organizations given enough thought to developing trust?
(a) They find trust to be an unquantifiable trait and cannot fathom the path to improve it.
(b) They believe that it is a frivolous trait and need not be focused on.
(c) They feel that trust is the responsibility of a single individual and an organization cannot possess collective trust.
(d) They find very little time from their economic activities to focus on soft skills development.
(e) They behave that they already possess a sufficient amount of it and don’t think that as a scope for improvements
4. Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning of the word ‘Engendering’ given in bold as used in the passage?
(a) Emasculating
(b) Creating
(c) Itemising
(d) Threatening
(e) Menace
5. Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning of the word ‘Staggering’ given in bold as used in the passage?
(a) Shocking
(b) Shaking
(c) Wobbly
(d) Unstable
(e) Shivering
6. Which of the following is most nearly the opposite in meaning of the word ‘Significantly’ given in bold as used in the passage?
(a) Potentially
(b) Unsatisfactorily
(c) Unusually
(d) Marginally
(e) Vastly
7. According to the author, which of the following can be said about trust?
A. It is a competency which is on the decline.
B. It is competency that can be acquired.
C. Its economic consequences are measurable.
(a) Only C
(b) Only A
(c) B and C
(d) A and B
(e) All of these
8. Which of the following is/are true according to the passage?
A. The economic performance of companies which have a high perceived trust value tends to be much better than those with a low perceived trust value.
B. The implementation of rules and regulations to ensure trustworthy behaviour pose a high cost to a country.
C. More than half of a company’s economic revenue is lost of fraudulent activity.
(a) A and C
(b) B and C
(c) A and B
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
9. What is the author trying to convey through Warren Bennis’ statement?
(a) Leadership and trust are contradicting terms.
(b) A leader without trust is no leader.
(c) A trustworthy person cannot be a leader.
(d) A trustworthy person automatically becomes a leader.
(e) All of the above
10. According to the passage, which of the following is/are not true?
A. The companies which have a high perceived trust value seem to have a smoother ride when it comes to getting things done.
B. Companies that have high perceived trust value will entail significantly lower costs as compared to other companies.
C. The American government levies more taxes on companies with lower trust.
(a) All of these
(b) B and C
(c) Only C
(d) Only B
(e) None of these
Directions (Q. Nos. 11-15) Rearrange the following six sentences A, B, C, D, E, F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. This success has been achieved despite the fact that agriculture has been the most volatile sector of the country’s economy over the past four decades.
B. Such high levels of volatility are caused by the country’s climate, which is punctuated by severe and prolonged periods of drought across the country.
C. Climate change is expected to exacerbate these drought patterns with reduced average rainfall and increased variability.
D. Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the Australian economy generating around $40 billion in export earnings each year.
E. Thus, the agriculture industry demands a sophisticated risk management framework to ensure the sustainability of productive farm businesses.
F. In addition to climatic changes, the government has also failed to deliver a consistent and transparent framework for providing assistance.
11. Which of the following is the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) C
(c) B
(d) D
(e) E
12. Which of the following is the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement?
(a) C
(b) F
(c) A
(d) D
(e) E
13. Which of the following is the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?
(a) E
(b) B
(c) C
(d) A
(e) F
14. Which of the following is the SIXTH sentence after the rearrangement?
(a) E
(b) B
(c) A
(d) D
(e) F
15. Which of the following is the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?
(a) A
(b) D
(c) B
(d) F
(e) C
Directions (Q. Nos. 16-20) Which of the following phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below each the sentence should replace the word/phrase given in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required then choose (e).
16. Long-term exposure to air pollution may increased the risk of developing heart disease.
(a) must increased the risk
(b) might risk the increase
(c) may increase the risk
(d) may increasing risk
(e) No correction required
17. Investigators are still trying for piece together how thieves pulled off a spectacular hack that siphoned $81 m out of the country’s Central Bank.
(a) still trying to
(b) are still tried to
(c) are still trying to
(d) are tried for
(e) No correction required
18. The strange, slithery creatures inside the cave were one considered living proof that dragons existed.
(a) were once considered
(b) was once considered
(c) ones considered
(d) were consider as
(e) No correction required
19. ‘Has a person, was has spend fifteen years of life behind bars without parole, being executed before in the history of this country?’ asked the agitated journalist.
(a) been execution
(b) becoming executing
(c) been execute
(d) been executed
(e) No correction required
20. Barely an eyebrow is raised these days when credit-card details of customers are stolen en masse as such crimes are committed daily.
(a) committing daily
(b) is commit everyday
(c) are committing everyday
(d) is commit daily
(e) No correction required
Directions (Q. Nos. 21-30) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part. The letter of the that part is your answer. If there is no error then answer is (e). (Ignore the errors of punctuation if any.)
21. According to the data provided by the organization,/ since its exception, the helpline has/received over fifty million calls and/ has assisted over five million distressed children.
(a) According to the data provided by the organization
(b) since its exception, the helpline has
(c) received over fifty million calls and
(d) has assisted over five million’ distressed children
(e) No error
22. An annuity is a retirement product/ that gives one a person from life/ and in India this product/ is sold by life insurance companies.
(a) An annuity is retirement product
(b) that gives one a person from life
(c) and in India this product
(d) is sold by life insurance companies.
(e) No error
23. Estimates t hat say that India only/ has to create one million jobs per month/ fail to be recognized the magnitude and complexity/ of the employment and skill defects in India.
(a) Estimates that say that India only
(b) has to create one million jobs per month
(c) fail to be recognized the magnitude and complexity
(d) of the employment and skill defects in India
(e) No error
24. After conducting an asset quality review,/RBI provided a list of companies to the lenders/ and directed it to treat their loans/ to these companies as non-performing assets.
(a) After conducting an asset quality review
(b) RBI provided a list of companies to the lenders
(c) and directed it to treat their loans
(d) to these companies as non-performing assets
(e) No error
25. Despite unseasonal rainfall, the agriculture sector is expected/ to pick up in the fourth quarter/ on the back of better rate production of wheat, oilseeds/ and pulses which will keep up GDP growth high.
(a) Despite unseasonal rainfall, the agricultural sector is expected
(b) to pick up in the fourth quarter
(c) on the back of better rate production of wheat, oilseeds
(d) and pulses which will keep up GDP growth high
(e) No error
26. Connectivity through mobile phones has/successfully strengthen access/ to banking and other financial services/ across the country.
(a) Connectivity through mobile phones has
(b) successfully strengthen access
(c) to banking and other financial services
(d) across the country
(e) No error
27. The tax reform is very significant/ as it entail all states voluntarily/ giving up their right to set and impose sales tax/ and adopting instead a uniform system of taxation.
(a) The tax reform is very significant/
(b) as it entail all states voluntarily
(c) giving up their right to set and impose sales tax
(d) and adopting instead a uniform system of taxation.
(e) No error
28. There are elaborate plans in place / in each of the five states that the river flows through / but the work of cleaning up the river / has not been going at the desired paces.
(a) There are elaborate plans in place
(b) in each of the five states that the river flows through
(c) but the work of cleaning up the river
(d) has not been going at the desired paces.
(e) No error
29. The company expects to increases sales / by 90% this financial year by increasing / the selection of products it offers / and reducing the delivery time.
(a) The company expects to increases sales
(b) by 90% this financial year by increasing
(c) the selection of products it offers
(d) and reducing the delivery time
(e) No error
30. As climate change exacerbates / the effects of storms, flooding and erosion, / the lives and livelihoods of hundreds / of millions of people will be risky.
(a) As climate change exacerbates
(b) the effects of storms, flooding and erosion
(c) the lives and livelihoods of hundreds
(d) of millions of people will be risky
(e) No error
Directions (Q. Nos. 31-40) In the given passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered in bold.
These numbers are presented below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find the appropriate word in each case.
The Bank’s decision to start charging few customers, each time they withdraw money from one of its automated teller machines (31) a trend that is sweeping the banking industry, (32) consumers facing rising fees for services that once were (33).
Banks used to be so (34) to attract customer business that they gave services away. Checking accounts was free safe-deposit lockers’ cost nothing and neither did money orders or cheques.
And the (35) of charging customers to use an automated teller machine was out of question. After all, customers were (36) to use ATMs because the machines would (37) tellers and allow banks to (38) costs. Those days have (39), however, and bank customers now face a fee for almost any type of transaction. And fees are going up, doubling and tripling the cost of banking for consumers who cannot afford to (40) the minimum deposit levels required to avoid or reduce the fees.
(a) reflects
(b) show
(c) leads
(d) returns
(e) catches
(a) parting
(b) allowing
(c) limiting
(d) leaving
(e) remaining
(a) compliment
(b) freebie
(c) free
(d) nothing
(e) unpaid
(a) satisfied
(b) concerned
(c) apathetic
(d) adoring
(e) eager
(a) ideas
(b) impression
(c) confidence
(d) techniques
(e) concept
(a) optimist
(b) disheartened
(c) drawn
(d) promoted
(e) encouraged
(a) follow
(b) change
(c) substitutes
(d) replace
(e) remain
(a) mark
(b) adhere
(c) dissect
(d) cut
(e) chopped
(a) abandoned
(b) escaped
(c) passed
(d) advanced
(e) perished
(a) contain
(b) maintain
(c) hurts
(d) permit
(e) conserve
Part II Reasoning
Directions (Q. Nos. 41-44) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.
Seven different cars (Kwid, Alto, i10, Duster, Corolla, Polo and XUV) were sold on different days of the same week, starting from Monday and ending on Sunday, but not necessarily in the same order.
Duster was sold on one of the days before Thursday. Only four cars were sold between Duster and XUV. Only one car was sold between XUV and Kwid. Polo was sold on one of the days after Kwid but not on Friday. Only four cars were sold between Polo and Alto. Corolla was sold neither on Wednesday nor on Thursday.
41. Which of the following cars were sold before i10?
(a) Both Duster and Alto
(b) Only Alto
(c) Both Corolla and Polo
(d) Both XUV and Kwid
(e) Only Kwid
42. On which of the following days was Kwid sold?
(a) Friday
(b) Thursday
(c) Monday
(d) Saturday
(e) Wednesday
43. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to the group?
(a) Corolla-Wednesday
(b) Duster-Wednesday
(c) Polo-Friday
(d) Kwid-Saturday
(e) Alto-Tuesday
44. How many cars were sold between i10 and Corolla?
(a) None
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) More than three
(e) One
Directions (Q. Nos. 45-49) Read the following information and answer the given questions.
Eight people J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q live on eight different floors of a building but not necessarily in the same order. Ground floor is numbered 1, first floor is numbered 2and so on until the topmost floor is numbered 8.
I. K lives on floor numbered three.
II. Only one person lives between K and Q.
III. P lives immediately above J. P lives on an odd numbered floor
IV. Only two people live between N and Q. N lives above Q.
V. O lives immediately above L.
45. Which of the following is true with respect to the given information?
(a) None of the given statements is true.
(b) Only two people live between P and M.
(c) L lives on an even numbered floor.
(d) J lives immediately above O.
(e) Only one person lives between K and O.
46. Who lives on the floor immediately below M?
(a) O
(b) P
(c) N
(d) K
(e) Other than those given as options
47. How many people live between the floors on which P and K live?
(a) Two
(b) One
(c) None
(d) Three
(e) More than three
48. Who amongst the following lives on floor number 5?
(a) N
(b) Q
(c) M
(d) P
(e) L
49. Who amongst the following lives between J and M?
(a) Q
(b) No one
(c) P
(d) K
(e) N
Directions (Q. Nos. 50-54) Each of the following questions consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to answer the questions. Read both the statements and choose the most appropriate option from given options.
Give answer
a. if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
b. if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
c. if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
d. if the data in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
e. if the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
50. Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G are standing in a straight line facing North, not necessarily in the same order. What is the position of D with respect to G?
I. F stands fifth to the right of B. Only one person stands between F and G. D is neither an immediate neighbour of B nor F.
II. C stands at one of the extreme ends of the line. Only two people stand between C and G. D stands second to the right of B.
51. Among five friends, S,, T, U, V and W, who owns the maximum number of houses? (Each owning a different number of houses)
I. T owns more houses than V. V owns more houses than S but less than W. U does not own the least number of houses.
II. Only one person owns more number of houses than W. S and V own less number of houses than U. T owns more houses than S.
52. A certain number of boxes have been stacked one above the other. How many boxes are there in the stack?
I. Only three boxes are kept between U and B. M is kept immediately below B but not at the bottom of the stack. Only five boxes are kept between M and D.
II. R is kept exactly in the middle of the stack. Only two boxes are kept between R and U. S is kept immediately above U.
53. A certain number of boxes have been stacked one above the other. How many boxes are there in the stack?
I. G is kept fifth from the bottom of the stack. Only two boxes are kept between G and Y. Only three boxes are kept above Y.
II. F is kept third from the top of the stack. Y is kept immediately below F. Only two boxes are kept between Y and B.
54. Seven people P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are standing in a straight line facing north, not necessarily in the same order. What is the position of R with respect to T?
I. S stands second to the right of R. P stands third to the left of R. Only one person stands between P and T.
II. Q stands second from the left end of the line. T is an immediate neighbour of Q. R stand to the immediate left of U.
55. Read the following information and answer the given question :
The government of country X is being criticized for introducing an additional cess in the service tax for the welfare of micro and small industries.
Which of the following statements best explains the stand of the government in introducing the additional cess?
(a) The percentage of cess introduced by government of country X is higher than similar cases in the neighbouring countries.
(b) Most of the micro and small industries fall in country X only because of lack of funds.
(c) Additional cess has been introduced by government of country X for the third time in a year.
(d) Two new schemes worth Rs 2500 crore fully funded by World Bank have been implemented this year by the government of country X for micro and small industries.
(e) A recent survey revealed that few cess earlier levied by the government of country X did not reach the beneficiaries.
Directions (Q. Nos. 56-57) Read the given information carefully to answer the given questions.
Hitesh starts walking towards East from Point G. He walks for 15 m and then takes a left turn. He then walks for 9 m and again takes a left turn. He reaches Point F after walking for 7 m. He takes a right turn, walks for 6 m and reaches Point K. He finally stops at Point S after walking for 8 m to the left of Point K.
56. If, Ankur walks 5 m North from Point G, takes a right turn and stops after walking for 18 m. Then, in which direction is Point K, with respect to Ankur’s final position?
(a) South
(b) South-East
(c) North
(d) North-West
(e) East
57. How far is Point S from Point G?
(a) 12 m
(b) 9 m
(c) 7 m
(d) 18 m
(e) 15 m
58. Study the given information carefully to answer the question :
Kulkarni worked with GRS telecom for 6 years, after which he decided to start his own venture and hence resigned in March, 2012. At present, his venture is successfully running since the past 4 years. However, recently, Kulkarni received a notice from court mentioning that GRS Telecom has filed a case against him for violating their company rules.
Which of the following can be a reason behind a case being filed by GRS Telecom against Kulkarni after so many years?
(a) With the consent of Kulkarni, GRS telecom had deducted Rs 55000 per year from his salary as Employee Emergency Fund which Kulkarni had failed to claim.
(b) Kulkarin’s present venture also is related to the telecom industry and his success is becoming a threat to GRS Telecom.
(c) During the service period in GRS Telecom, Kulkarni was warned at least 5 times to stop misbehaving with the clerical staff, but they all went ignored by him.
(d) Kulkarni still attempt to lure out internal confidential informations of GRS Telecom from its present employees despite being warned twice about the same
(e) When Kulkarni resigned from GRS Telecom, he served a notice period of 83 days as against the company rule of 3 months, but the paid the money for the remaining days.
Directions (Q. Nos. 59-63) In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions I and II. Study the conclusions based on the given statement and give answer.
a. if only conclusion I is true b. if only conclusion II is true
c. if both conclusions are true d. if no one conclusion is true
e. if either conclusion I or II is true
59. Statements C ≤ H ≤ I > L; D ≥ I; L ≥ N
Conclusions I. D > L II. N < I
60. Statements P ≥ A = R ≤ E < N; R ≥ T
Conclusions I. A ≥ N II. T ≤ P
61. Statements M ≥ U = S > T; R < S ≥ D
Conclusions I. M ≥ D II. T > R
62. Statements C ≤ H ≤ I > L; D ≥ I; L ≥ N
Conclusions I. D > C II. C = D
63. Statements H ≤ E < R ≥ O; R ≤ S ≤ M
Conclusions I. M ≥ O II. H < S
Directions (Q. Nos. 64-65) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
B is married to S. S is the mother of J. J is the father of P. P is the only daughter of T.
64. If P is the sister of K, then how is K related to S?
(a) Grandmother
(b) Daughter
(c) Grandson
(d) Granddaughter
(e) Daghter-in-law
65. How is T related to B?
(a) Father-in-law
(b) Niece
(c) Daughter
(d) Son-in-law
(e) Daughter-in-law
Directions (Q. Nos. 66-70) In each of the following questions, three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts and then decide, which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
Give answer
a. if only conclusion I follows
b. if only conclusion II follows
c. if either conclusion I or II follows
d. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
e. if both conclusions I and II follow
66. Statements No cookie is a biscuit.
All biscuits are juices.
Some juices are fruits.
Conclusions I. All juices can never be cookies.
II. Some fruits are definitely not cookies.
67. Statements No cookie is a biscuit.
All biscuits are juices.
Some juices are fruits.
Conclusions I. At least some biscuits are fruits.
II. All cookies being fruits is a possibility.
68. Statements Some lines are strokes.
All strokes are paints.
Some paints are colours.
Conclusions I. Some paints are definitely not lines.
II. All colours being strokes is a possibility.
69. Statements All days are weeks.
Some weeks are months.
All months are years.
Conclusions I. At least some days are years.
II. No day is a year.
70. Statements Some lines are strokes.
All strokes are paints.
Some paints are colours.
Conclusions I. Some strokes are definitely not colours.
II. All lines can never be colours.
71. This questions consists of a decision and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide which of the given statements weakens or strengthens the decision and choose the appropriate answer.
Decision The management department of ASP College has decided that the practice sessions for the upcoming annual fest should not run after 7 pm.
Statement I The props, halo lights, and other materials necessary for the practice have been rented from 10 am-9 pm till the last day of the test.
Statement II Recently, cases of accidents on the highway connecting ASP College and the main city have increased during the peak traffic hours.
Given answer
(a) if both statement I and statement II weaken the decision
(b) if both statement I and statement II are neutral statements
(c) if statement I weakens the information while statement II strengthens the information
(d) if statement I strengthens the information while statement II weakens the information
(e) if both statement I and statement II strengthen the decision
Directions (Q. Nos. 72-74) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.
In a certain code language,
‘start coaching in summer’ is written as ‘mo ph rd jt’
‘summer classes for students’ is written as ‘es nag k mo’
‘coaching for badminton students’ is written as ‘na jt es bt’
72. In the given code language, what does the code ‘na’ stand for?
(a) Summer
(b) Badminton
(c) Classes
(d) Either ‘summer’ or ‘mid’
(e) for
73. What is the code for ‘summer’ in the given code language?
(a) na
(b) ph
(c) gk
(d) jt
(e) mo
74. What will be the code for ‘badminton classes’ in the given code language?
(a) jt ph
(b) rd bt
(c) es rd
(d) bt gk
(e) gkes
75. What in the code for ‘start’ in given code language?
(a) ph
(b) rd
(c) Either ph or rd
(d) jt
(e) gk
Directions (Q. Nos. 76-80) Study the given information carefully to answer the given questions.
Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G were appointed to a company on seven different days of the same week starting from Monday to Sunday (but not necessarily in the same order). Each person also plays a different game namely- Cricket, Hockey, Football, Squash, Volleyball, Tennis and Kho-Kho, but not necessarily in the same order.
Only two people were appointed after the one who plays Hockey. E was appointed on one of the days after the one who plays Hockey. Only three people were appointed between E and G. Only one person was appointed between G and the one who plays Volleyball. A was appointed immediately after the one who plays Volleyball. More than three people were appointed after the one who plays Kho-kho. C was appointed immediately after F, but not on Friday. Only two people were appointed between F and the one who plays Cricket. B was appointed immediately after the one who plays Cricket. More three people were appointed between D and the one who plays Tennis. F does not play Football.
76. Who amongst the following was appointed on Wednesday?
(a) The one who plays Kho-kho
(b) A
(c) B
(d) The one who plays Cricket
(e) F
77. Which of the following statements is true as per the given arrangement?
(a) Only one person was appointed between F and the one who plays Squash.
(b) Only three people were appointed before C.
(c) A plays Tennis.
(d) B was appointed on Saturday.
(e) None of the above
78. The person who plays Tennis was appointed on which of the following days?
(a) Thursday
(b) Tuesday
(c) Sunday
(d) Monday
(e) Saturday
79. Which of the following combinations will be definitely true as per the given arrangement?
(a) C-Squash
(b) Thursday-D
(c) Saturday-Cricket
(d) Monday-Volleyball
(e) F-Kho-kho
80. How many people were appointed before G?
(a) Two
(b) One
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None, as G was appointed on Monday
Part III General Awareness (Special Reference to Financial Sector)
81. Which of the following airports has become world’s first solar-run airport?
(a) Jay Prakash International Airport
(b) Chandigarh International Airport
(c) Indira Gandhi International Airport
(d) Cochin International Airport
(e) Sardar Vallabhbai Patel International Airport
82. Provident Fund is a long term saving instrument with a maturity period of ……….. years.
(a) one
(b) twenty
(c) five
(d) fifteen
(e) ten
83. Who is the current President of the World Bank?
(a) Ban Ki-moon
(b) Dr. Jim Yong Kim
(c) Rober Zoellick
(d) Paul Wolfowitz
(e) Sir James Wolfonsonhn
84. Which country will host the 13th South Asian Games to be held in 2018?
(a) India
(b) Bhutan
(c) Nepal
(d) Sri Lanka
(e) Bangaldesh
85. In terms of BASEL is what does LFR refer to?
(a) Logistic Channel Report
(b) Least Cost Routing
(c) Looking For Raid
(d) Loan to Funding Ratio
(e) Loan for Routing
86. Who is the winner of 2016 Italian Open title of Tennis in the women’s singles category?
(a) Elina Vesnina
(b) Madison Keys
(c) Maria Sharapova
(d) Ekaterina Makarova
(e) Serena Williams
87. State Bank of India has recently (March, 2016) tied-up with ………… to provide instant vehicle finance for driver partners
(a) Meru
(b) Ola
(c) Hola
(d) Uber
(e) Taxi For Sure
88. Reserve Bank of India has recently (January, 2016) imposed a penalty of Rs 1 crore in instructions including reporting of data of ORILC. Name the bank.
(a) State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur
(b) State Bank of Hyderabad
(c) State Bank of Travancore
(d) State Bank of Patiala
(e) None of the above
89. The Kaziranga National Park is situated in which of the following states?
(a) Arunachal Pradesh
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Assam
(d) Gujarat
(e) Uttarakhand
90. The National Science Day is celebrated on which date in India?
(a) February 18
(b) March 28
(c) February 28
(d) April 28
(e) January 28
91. ………… was one of the entities to have been given in-principal approval for opening a payments bank. But it has decided not to pursue it.
(a) Reliance Industries Limited
(b) Fino Pay Tech Limited
(c) Vodafone m-Pesa Limited
(d) National Securities Depository
(e) Cholamandalam Distribution Services
92. Who has won the best actress at the 63rd National Film Awards 2016?
(a) Kangana Ranaut
(b) Priyanka Chopra
(c) Aishwarya Rai
(d) Katrina Kaif
(e) Kareena Kapoor
93. ASBA is a process developed by the India’s stock market regulator SEBI for applying to IPO. ASBA stands for
(a) Applicant Supported by Blocked Amount
(b) Application Supported by Blocked Amount
(c) Application Supported by Bank Account
(d) Applicant Supported by Bank Account
(e) Application Supported by Banking Account
94. Who among the following won the 2015 Pulitzer Prize (announced in April, 2016) in the Journalism (public service)?
(a) The Washington Post
(b) The Tampa Bay Times
(c) The New York Times
(d) Inside Climate News
(e) The Associated Press
95. Reserve Bank of India extended the deadline for exchanging pre ………. currency notes of various denominations including Rs 500 and Rs 1000 by another six months to June 30, 2016.
(a) 2013
(b) 2005
(c) 2008
(d) 2004
(e) 2006
96. IRDAI is an autonomous apex statutory body, which regulates and develops the insurance industry in India. IRDAI is headquartered at
(a) Bengaluru (Karnataka)
(b) Mumbai (Maharashtra)
(c) New Delhi (Delhi)
(d) Hyderabad (Telangana)
(e) Jaipur (Rajasthan)
97. Which of the following is the winner of the recently held Italian Open?
(a) Novak Djokovic
(b) Rafael Nadal
(c) Roger Federer
(d) Andy Murray
(e) Stanislas Wawrinka
98. International Anti-Corruption Day has been observed annually, on ……….., since the passage of the United Nations Convention against Corruption on October 31, 2003.
(a) October 9
(b) December 15
(c) January 15
(d) January 9
(e) December 9
99. Recently, which of the following has been selected for the second time as the Chairman of the ICC Cricket Committee?
(a) Ravi Shashtri
(b) Rahul Dravid
(c) Anil Kumble
(d) Saurav Ganguly
(e) Mahela Jayawardene
100. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently predicted a report regarding the growth rate of India. It is
(a) 6.7%
(b) 7.5%
(c) 8.2%
(d) 7.2%
(e) 9.1%
101. What is the full form of SAO associated with Fasal Bima Yojana?
(a) Seasonal Agricultural Operational
(b) Seasonal Agricultural Operative
(c) Seasonal Agricultural Operational
(d) Seasonal Agenda Operative
(e) Seasonal Agro Operative
102. What is the minimum time frame for short-term loans?
(a) 30-60 days
(b) 50-80 days
(c) 60-120 days
(d) 30-90 days
(e) 90-150 days
103. Ramon Magasaysay Award is named after which country’s President?
(a) Mauritius
(b) Iran
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) Philippines
(e) Oman
104. Which of the following basketball player is recently selected in NBA?
(a) Satnam Singh Bhamara
(b) Sim Bhullar
(c) Vinay Kaushik
(d) Bhriguvanshi
(e) Vikas Kumar
105. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in August, 2015 launched INDRADHANUSH to revamp the functioning of
(a) insurance companies
(b) private companies
(c) public sector banks
(d) private sector banks
(e) stock market
106. Who among the following is an Executive Director of Reserve Bank of India?
(a) SS Mundra
(b) BP Kanungo
(c) Deepak Singhal
(d) Raghuram Rajan
(e) DK Awasthi
107. Who is the current Prime Minister of Sri Lanka?
(a) Ranil Wickremesinghe
(b) DM Jayaratne
(c) Ratnasiri Wickremanayake
(d) Mahindra Rajapaksa
(e) Dingiri Banda Wijetunga
108. The second edition of Gyan Sangam was recently (March,, 2016) held in
(a) Pune
(b) Kolkata
(c) Chandigarh
(d) Guragaon (Gurugram)
(e) Delhi
109. The 42nd G-7 Summit was recently (May, 2016) held in which of the following cities?
(a) Shima (Japan)
(b) Bavaria (Germany)
(c) Sochi (Russia)
(d) New Delhi (India)
(e) Brussels (Belgium)
110. Where is the headquarters of BCBS located?
(a) Basel (Switzerland)
(b) Paris (France)
(c) Tokyo (Japan)
(d) New York (USA)
(e) New Delhi (India)
111. Which of the following is appointed as the present Attorney General of India?
(a) Soli Sorabjee
(b) Milon K. Banerjee
(c) Goolam Essaji Vahanvati
(d) Mukul Rohatgi
(e) AK Antony
112. Which among the following is India’s first small financial bank?
(a) Disha MicroFn Private Limited
(b) Au Financiers
(c) Capital Local Area Bank
(d) Janalakshmi Financial Services Private Limited
(e) Ujjvan Financial Services Private Limited
113. Which of the following recently (May, 2016) broke the Sachin Tendulkar’s record of youngest to reach 10000 runs?
(a) Ian Bell
(b) Alistair Cook
(c) Adam Voges
(d) Kumar Sangakkara
(e) Michael Clarke
114. State Bank of India recently launched a dedicated branch for start-ups called SBI InCube in the city of
(a) Jaipur
(b) Delhi
(c) Bengaluru
(d) Mumbai
(e) Pune
115. Which is the first State in the country to give social welfare benefits to transgender community?
(a) Kerala
(b) Odisha
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Maharashtra
(e) Karnataka
116. MCLR is a new methodology of setting lending rate commercial banks. MCLR stands for
(a) Marginal Cost of Funds Based Lending Rate
(b) Minimum Cost of Funds Based Lending Rate
(c) Marginal Cost of Funds Based Legal Rate
(d) Minimum Cost of Funds Based Legal Rate
(e) Minimal Cost of Funds being Legislative Route
117. The Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY) launched by the government of India, aims at
(a) holistic development of heritage cities
(b) financial Inclusion
(c) increasing the number of people getting insurance
(d) revival of power distribution companies
(e) reconstruction of highways and roads
118. The Asia’s largest underground railway station is located in
(a) India
(b) China
(c) Japan
(d) Iran
(e) UAE
119. In context of banking, what does ‘BBB’ stands for?
(a) Bank Board Bureau
(b) Banking Board Bureau
(c) Bank Broad Bureau
(d) Banking Broad Bureau
(e) Better Business Bureau
120. Who among the following has published ‘Payment and Settlement Systems in India :
(a) NITI Aayog
(b) Reserve Bank of India
(c) Ministry of Finance
(d) Ministry of Home Affairs
(e) None of these
Part IV Computer Literacy
121. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) www.google.com is the website address to a popular search engine.
(b) www.google.com is a computer virus.
(c) www.google.com is an e-mail address to a computer company.
(d) www.google.com is the name of the person who invented the internet.
(e) Other than those given as options
122. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) [email protected] is a website (url).
(b) [email protected] is an e-mail address.
(c) [email protected] is a computer name.
(d) [email protected] is a robot.
(e) [email protected] is a web builder.
123. Files have been moved to the trash bin, and the trash bin has been emptied. Which of t he following is true of the deleted files?
(a) They are no longer accessible.
(b) The can be selected and changed.
(c) They appear in light grey shade.
(d) They can be retrieved, edited, and saved in a new location.
(e) They cannot be selected but can be changed.
124. You have a spreadsheet under the name ‘MathResults’. You made changes to it and want to save it while maintaining a copy of the original spreadsheet, what do you do?
(b) Click ‘Save’ in the file menu
(c) Click ‘Save As’ in the file menu
(d) Use the shortcut Ctrl/S
(e) Use the shortcut Ctrl/V
125. What is the full form of PDF?
(a) Portable Document Format
(b) Performable Document Format
(c) Portable Deformed Format
(d) Performable Deformed Format
(e) Portable Distributed Format
126. …………. controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer.
(a) The operating system
(b) The motherboard
(c) The platform
(d) Application software
(e) Utility software
127. Servers are computers that provide access to other computer connected to a
(a) mainframe
(b) supercomputer
(c) network
(d) client
(e) None of these
128. A …………. is approximately one billion bytes.
(a) bit
(b) kilobyte
(c) gigabyte
(d) megabyte
(e) byte
129. URL is an acronym for
(a) Uniform Resource Locator
(b) Uniform Resource Link
(c) Unique Resource Link
(d) Unique Resource Locator
(e) None of these
130. All of t he following are examples of real security and privacy risks except
(a) viruses
(b) identity theft
(c) hackers
(d) spam
(e) None of these
131. The set of instructions that tells the computer what to do, is
(a) softcopy
(b) software
(c) hardware
(d) hardcopy
(e) program
132. The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking an icon, are called
(a) Instructions
(b) Operating system
(c) Application software
(d) System unit
(e) Part programming
133. The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminals computer, is an example of a law enforcement speciality, called
(a) Simulation
(b) Animation
(c) Robotics
(d) Computer forensics
(e) Cryptography
134. Data that are accumulated and processed in group are called
(a) Group Processing
(b) Batch Processing
(c) Time Sharing
(d) Process Planning
(e) Other than those given as options
135. The process of transferring files from a computer on the internet to your computer is called
(a) Uploading
(b) Forwarding
(c) FTP
(d) Downloading
(e) Browsing
136. ‘Bluetooth’ technology allows
(a) satellite communication
(b) wireless communication between equipments
(c) signal transmission on mobile phones only
(d) landline phone to mobile phone communication
(e) data modification on mobile phones only
137. Verification of a login name and password is known as
(c) 192.168.900.1
(d) 192.900.168.1
(e) None of these
138. The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel, is called a
(a) Cell
(b) Table
(c) Box
(d) Column
(e) Row
139. The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel, is called a
(a) Cell
(b) Table
(c) Box
(d) Column
(e) Row
140. Disk Operating System (DOS) was designed to work with which of the following input device?
(a) Mouse
(b) Keyboard
(c) Joystick
(d) Xbox
(e) Printer
141. A switch in a network is used to
(a) connect systems on network
(b) stop hacking
(c) stop viruses
(d) boot systems remotely
(e) connect to multiple computers
142. MAC in computer stands for
(a) Media Access Control
(b) Media Available Control
(c) Maximum Access Control
(d) Maximum Available Control
(e) Minimum Access Control
143. What do you mean be motherboard?
(a) Scanner and other things are part of motherboard.
(b) Keyboard otherwise known as motherboard.
(c) A circuit board which connects all the elements.
(d) It is a type of file server.
(e) It is a software.
144. LSI in chip technology stands for
(a) Large Scale Integration
(b) Low Scale Integration
(c) Local Scale Integration
(d) Low Scale Internet
(e) Large Scale Internet
145. HTTP stands for
(a) Hyper Text Transmission Protocol
(b) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
(c) Hyper Text Transfer Program
(d) Hyper Text Transmission Program
(e) High Text Transfer Protocol
146. Files that are included with an e-mail message are often referred to as
(a) Server-side includes
(b) Attachments
(c) Cookies
(d) Javascripts
(e) None of these
147. In current presentation which short cut key inserts a new slide?
(a) Ctrl + N
(b) Ctrl + M
(c) Ctrl + V
(d) Ctrl + Y
(e) None of these
148. SOAP is a messaging protocol that allows programs that run on disparate operating systems (such as Windows and Linux) to communicate using Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and its Extensible Markup Language (XML). What does SOAP stands for?
(a) Simple Orientation Access Protocol
(b) Simple Orientation Application Protocol
(c) Simple Object Access Protocol
(d) Simple Object Application Protocol
(e) Simple Operating Access Protocol
149. Which of the following software interacts with the hardware?
(a) Application software
(b) Utility program
(c) System software
(d) Interpreter
(e) Compiler
150. Electronic Mail/Message System (EMMS) is similar or best suits to
(a) postal service
(b) telephone service
(c) telegraph service
(d) mobile phone service
(e) other than those given as options
151. Microsoft Excel is a
(a) financial planning package
(b) electronic spreadsheet
(c) graphics package
(d) database-management package
(e) MS Office package
152. Distributed data processing configuration where all activities passes through a centrally located computer, is
(a) ring network
(b) spider network
(c) hierarchical network
(d) data control network
(e) bus network
153. Data communication involving telegraph lines uses
(a) simplex lines
(b) wideband channels
(c) narrowband channels
(d) dialed service
(e) Other than those given as options
154. Extended ASCII uses
(a) 8 bits for coding
(b) 9 bits for coding
(c) 10 bits for coding
(d) 7 bits for coding
(e) None of these
155. A data transmission medium made of tiny threads of glass or plastic that can transmit huge amount of information at the speed of light is known as
(a) Fibre optic cable
(b) Copper cable
(c) Twisted wire cable
(d) Untwisted wire cable
(e) Co-axial cable
156. The software that allows us to browse through web pages is known as
(a) Browser
(b) FTP client
(c) Operating system
(d) Mail client
(e) Messenger
157. Which one of the following manages the computer resources?
(a) ALU
(b) BUS
(c) Control Unit
(d) I/O Unit
(e) Operating System
158. Which one of the following lets you leave a screen or a program?
(a) Boot
(b) Programs
(c) Exit
(d) Text
(e) Leave
159. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is responsible for
(a) sending e-mail
(b) accessing any e-mail
(c) where e-mails are ready to be sent
(d) where e-mails come
(e) Other than those given as options
160. The data on the tracks of a magnetic disk is written as
(a) zero or one
(b) up or down
(c) high or low voltage
(d) high or low data rate
(e) tiny magnetic spots
Part V Quantitative Aptitude
Directions (Q. Nos. 161-165) Study the graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
- Expenditure of company B in 2009 and 2010 are Rs 12 lakh and Rs 14.5 lakh respectively. What was the total income of company B in 2009 and 2010 together?
(a) Rs 39.75 lakh
(b) Rs 37.95 lakh
(c) Rs 38.75 lakh
(d) Rs 38.55 lakh
(e) None of these
162. Ratio of expenditure of company A and B in 2012 was 3 : 4 respectively. What was the respective ratio of their incomes in 2012?
(a) 21 : 26
(b) 13 : 14
(c) 14 : 13
(d) 26 : 21
(e) None of these
163. Total expenditure of company A in all the years together was Rs 82.5 l akh. What was the total income of the company A in all the years together?
(a) Rs 1.23 crore
(b) Rs 98.75 crore
(c) Rs 99.85 crore
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these
164. If the expenditure of company A and B in 2013 were equal and total income of the two companies was Rs 5.7 lakh. What was the total expenditure of the two companies in 2013?
(a) Rs 4 lakh
(b) Rs 2 lakh
(c) Rs 4.2 lakh
(d) Cannot be determined
(e) None of these
165. If the income of company B in 2010 and 2011 were in the ratio of 2 : 3 respectively. What was the respective ratio of expenditure of that company in these two years?
(a) 20 : 29
(b) 9 : 10
(c) 29 : 45
(d) 10 : 29
(e) None of these
Directions (Q. Nos. 166-176) What should come in place of the question marks in the following number series?
166. 258 130 66 34 18 ?
(a) 12
(b) 10
(c) 4
(d) 6
(e) 9
167. 1 3 9 31 ? 651
(a) 177
(b) 184
(c) 196
(d) 129
(e) 258
168. 84 86 81 91 74 ?
(a) 166
(b) 100
(c) 148
(d) 158
(e) 82
169. 17 9 10 5 35 ?
(a) 90
(b) 50
(c) 60
(d) 80
(e) 70
170. 420 84 21 7 ? 5
(a) 3.5
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 2.5
171. 180 179 172 153 116 ?
(a) 59
(b) 45
(c) 55
(d) 64
(e) 62
Directions (Q. Nos. 172-174) In these questions two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both equations and mark appropriate answer.
Give answer
a. if x > y b. if x < y
b. if x ≥ y d. if x ≤ y
c. if x = y or relationship between x and y cannot be determined
d. 3x2 + 8x + 4 = 0 II. 2y2 + 11y + 14 = 0
173. I. 3x2 + 11x + 10 = 0 II. 3y2 + 4y + 1 = 0
174. I. x2 – 12x + 36 = 0 II. y2 – 11y + 24 = 0
175. A can finish a piece of work in 24 days. B is 20% more efficient than A. C is 25% more than B. In how many days B and C together can finish the same piece of work?
176. Monthly salaries of Pia and Som are in the respective ratio of 5 : 4. Pia, from her monthly salary, give 3/5th to her mother, 15% towards her sister’s tution fees, 18% towards a loan and she shops with the remaining amount, which was Rs 2100. What is the monthly salary to Som?
(a) Rs 25000
(b) Rs 30000
(c) Rs 15000
(d) Rs 20000
(e) Rs 24000
Directions (Q. Nos. 177-184) Study the following pie chart carefully and answer the questions given below.
177. Number of cellular phones (both Nokia and Samsung) sold by store B is, what percent more than the number of Nokia cellular phones sold by store A?
178. What is the central angle corresponding to number of cellular phones (both Nokia and Samsung) sold by store D?
(a) 124.20°
(b) 112.40°
(c) 115.20°
(d) 120.80°
(e) 118.80°
179. What is the average number of Samsung cellular phones sold by stores B, C and D?
(a) 796
(b) 792
(c) 780
(d) 812
(e) 784
180. What is the difference between number of cellular phones (both Nokia and Samsung) sold by store A and total number of Nokia cellular phones sold by stores B and E together?
(a) 442
(b) 436
(c) 432
(d) 428
(e) 426
181. Number of Samsung cellular phones sold by store E is what percent of the number of phones (both Nokia and Samsung) sold by store C?
(a) 55%
(b) 45%
(c) 60%
(d) 65%
(e) 50%
182. There are three positive numbers, one-third of average of all the three numbers is 8 less than the value of the highest number. Average of the lowest and the second lowest number is 8. Which is the highest number?
(a) 11
(b) 14
(c) 10
(d) 9
(e) 13
183. In school ABC, the respective ratio between the number of students in class 8, class 9 and class 10 in the year 2013, was 4: 5 : 6. If in 2014, the number of students in class 8 and class 9 increased by 10% and 20% respectively and the number of students in class 10 decreased by 20%, what was the respective ratio between the number of students in class 8, class 9 and class 10 in 2014?
(a) 11 : 15 : 12
(b) 10 : 11 : 12
(c) 14 : 15 : 11
(d) 11 : 13 : 12
(e) 12 : 17 : 12
184. If the length of a rectangle is increased by 15% and the breadth is decreased by 12%, what is the percentage change in the area of the rectangle?
(a) 2.4% decrease
(b) 1.2% increase
(c) 1.8% decrease
(d) 1.2% decrease
(e) 1.8% decrease
185. In an examination, the average of marks was found to be 50. For deducting marks for computational errors, the marks of 100 candidates had to be changed from 90 to 60 each and so the average of marks come down to 45. The total number of candidates, who appeared in the examination was
(a) 600
(b) 300
(c) 400
(d) 200
(e) 250
Directions (Q. Nos. 186-190) Study the following table and carefully answer the given questions.
186. What is the difference between the total number of cars manufactured in countries A and B together and the total number of cars manufactures in country C and D together?
(a) 10000
(b) 12000
(c) 15000
(d) 6000
(e) 10500
187. Total number of cars sold in countries A and B together for what percent of the total cars manufactured by in all the countries together in that particular quarter?
(a) 30%
(b) 35%
(c) 40%
(d) 32%
(e) 38%
188. What is the total number of cars, which remained unsold in the given quarter in the countries C and E together?
(a) 2400
(b) 3400
(c) 3650
(d) 3800
(e) 3600
189. What is the respective ratio between sales (in Rs) of the total number of cars sold in country D and the sales (in Rs) of the total number of cars sold in country E?
(a) 55 : 47
(b) 52 : 47
(c) 53 : 44
(d) 55 : 42
(e) 52 : 45
190. If the cost for manufacturing a car in country C is Rs 450000, what is the percent profit earned by the company, on which car sold, in the same company?
191. Shindey had a sum of money, which he decided to be distributed among his wife, his one son and one daughter. He gave 25% of the total money to his wife and the remaining amount he distributed in the respective ratio of 2 : 3 among his son and daughter. If his daughter got Rs 24300, how much money did Mr. Shindey have?
(a) Rs 54000
(b) Rs 64000
(c) Rs 48000
(d) Rs 40000
(e) Rs 60000
192. Rs 6100 was partly invested in Scheme A at 10% p.a. compound interest (compounded annually) for 2 years and partly in Scheme B at 10% p.a. simple interest for 4 years. Both the schemes equal interests. How much was invested in Scheme A?
(a) Rs 3750
(b) Rs 4500
(c) Rs 4000
(d) Rs 3250
(e) Rs 5000
Directions (Q. Nos. 193-197) What approximate value will come in place of questions marks in the given questions? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)
193. 5003 × 14.96 ÷12 + ? = 122 × 52
(a) 600
(b) 1200
(c) 800
(d) 1000
(e) 900
194. 952 * 5.05 + 15.012 * 2.99 = ?
(a) 1150
(b) 1215
(c) 1188
(d) 1395
(e) 1084
195. 952 + 12.052 + (1987.25 + 21.85) ÷ ? = 900
(a) 115
(b) 120
(c) 90
(d) 85
(e) 100
(a) 27
(b) 48
(c) 58
(d) 40
(e) 32
197. 99 ÷ 9.85 + 54.94% of 271 = ?
(a) 800
(b) 300
(c) 500
(d) 700
(e) 400
198. Jar A and Jar B both contain mixture of milk and water. Jar A has 80 L of mixture, out of which 2% is water. The mixture in jar B has 40% of water. The mixture from both the jars is poured in an empty jar C. The resultant respective ratio between m ilk and water in the jar C is 5 : 2. What is the quantity of milk in jar C?
(a) 105 L
(b) 120 L
(c) 110 L
(d) 100 L
(e) 130 L
199. The sum of present ages of a father and his son is 8 more than the present age of the mother. The mother is 22 years older to the son, what will be the age of the father after 4 years?
(a) 34 years
(b) 36 years
(c) 40 years
(d) 38 years
(e) 28 years
200. A boat can travel 36 km upstream in 5 hours. If the speed of the stream is 2.4 km/h, how much time will the boat take to cover a distance of 78 km downstream?
(a) 5 h
(b) 6.5 h
(c) 5.5 h
(d) 8 h
(e) 6 h