SARALA (Exudate)
Sarala is an exudate obtained by tapping the wood of Pinus roxburghii Sargent syn. P. longifolia Roxb. (Fam. Pinacem), a monoecious conifer found in north-western Himalayas at an altitude between 460 and 1500 m.
Sanskrit : Srih, Srivestaka, Srivasah, Sriniketah, Sryahvhah, Vrksadhupakah
Assamese : —
Bengali : Sarala gaachh
English : Oleo-resine of Pine
Gujrati : Teliyo devdaar, Pilo berajo
Hindi : Cheed-Ka-Gond, Gandhabirojaa
Kannada : Saral, Sriveshtaka
Kashmiri : —
Malayalam : Charalam, Saralam
Marathi : Sarala deeka
Oriya : Sidhaa, Saral
Punjabi : Cheed
Tamil : Pinaimaaru
Telugu : Saral
Urdu : Cheed
a) Macroscopic
Blackish brown in colour, semi solid, mostly associated with debris from needles, wood chips and bark of the source tree; odour, terebinthene.
Foreign matter Not more than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.2.
Total Ash Not more than 0.6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash Not more than 0.4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive Not less than 74 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive Not less than 0.15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Volatile oil Not less than 18 per cent, Appendix 2.2.10
G.L.C. –
G.L.C. of Turpentine oil on the Gas Chromatograph Model NUCON – 5765, Column & Stationary phase : 30m fused silica capillary column walls coated with FFAP, Carrier Gas : Helium, 1.5 ml. min-1, Column Temperature : 90o C for 2 min. then programmed at the rate of 7o C min-1 to 220o C, Injection port Temperature : 220o C, Detector Temperature : 240o C, Recorder : 2mV, signal attenuation 1:100, Chart speed : 1 cm.min-1, Sample size : 0.10 ml (For GC analyses, pure (0.1ml) is injected with a 1.0 ml syringe).
The identification of compounds is done by comparing the retention time of peaks and by peak enrichment technique with standard samples run under similar operating conditions such as l-α- pinene (Rt = 6.31 min.); l-β-pinene (Rt = 7.18 min.); car-3-ene (Rt = 7.76 min.); longifolene (Rt = 15.46 min.).
T.L.C. of rosin (Material left after separation of essential oil) on a precoated silica gel G plate, using methanol : hexane (5:95). One spot at Rf. 0.80 on spraying with 2% vanillin in sulfuric acid (dark pink to purple flourescent) and on spray with 0.04 per cent bromocresol green solution shows yellow spot.
CONSTITUENTS – l-α-pinene, l-β-pinene, car-3-ene, longifolene and other mono & sesquiterpenes.
Rasa : Katu, Tikta, Kasaya
Guna : Laghu, Snigdha, Tiksna
Virya : Usna
Vipaka : Katu
Karma : Dipana, Kaphahara, Raksoghna, Vatahara, Visaghna, Durgandhahara, Dustavranasodhaka, Varnaprasadana
IMPORTANT FORMULATIONS – Amrtaprasa Curna, Kustadi Taila
THERAPEUTIC USES – Agnimandya, Adhmana, Grahabadha, Krmiroga, Kantharoga, Kandu, Kotha, Kustha, Murccha, Sotha, Tvakroga, Urustambha, Vatavyadhi, Yonidosa, Jatrurdhavaroga, Sveda-Daurgandhya, Karnasula, Nadivrana, Pidaka, Yukaroga
DOSE – 1-3 g.