Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 Indian Folklore Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 19-04-2011             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


  1. Write short note on any FIVE of the following oral genres (75 words only)                             5 x 4 = 20
  2. Folklore
  3. Folksongs
  4. Proverbs
  5. Ballad
  6. Folktale
  7. Snake dance
  8. Elegy
  9. Lullaby


  1. Answer in paragraph any FOUR of the following in not less than 150 words. 4 x 10 = 40


  1. What is the prominence of Kaavadi Aatam, Poikkal Kudirai, Bommalattam, Silambattam?
  2. What are the characteristics of Folk Music?
  3. State the significance and relevance of ‘Karagatam’ in the village temple festivals.
  4. Mention the various beliefs and superstitions still prevalent in the villages today.
  5. Describe the various characteristics of folklore.


  • Attempt an essay on any TWO of the following in 300-500 words:                       2 x 20 = 40


  1. Bring out the various forms of folklore prevailing in the tradition of ours.
  2. List out the reasons why the birth of the first child after the marriage is a great event in any household.
  3. What are the very many fairs and festivals celebrated in our Tamil tradition?

How are the popular musical instruments classified and do mention the names of such instruments?

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 History Of English Literature Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 05-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




  1. Identify the following writers by relating them to:                    (10 × 2 = 20)
  2. Literary school and movement
  3. The chief literary form promoted
  4. Contemporary writers
  5. Any significant historical/social/political/ideological event. Your answer should not exceed 30 words.
  6. Marlowe John Donne
  7. Ben Jonson                               Dr. Johnson
  8. Francis Bacon Charles Lamb
  9. Thomas Wyatt William Blake
  10. John Webster Conrad




  1. Answer any FIVE of the following in about 150 words. (5 × 7 = 35)
  • Write a note on the contribution made by Chaucer.
  • Discuss the major characteristics of the English sonnet.
  • Consider the impact of Puritanism.
  • Discuss the Periodical essay.
  • Examine briefly Restoration Drama.
  • Consider Tennyson as a major poet.
  • Evaluate the influence of Science Fiction.
  • Highlight the chief elements of American Drama.



  • Answer any THREE of the following in about 250 words:                    (3 × 15 = 45)
  • Attempt an essay discussing the place of Shakespeare in the English canon.
  • Evaluate the importance of the works of John Milton.
  • Examine the dominant characteristics of the Romantic Movement.
  • Consider Hemingway as one of the most important writers of the 20th

A comprehensive knowledge of the history of English Literature enables a deeper appreciation of literature. Justify this statement.

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 Dynamics Of Oral Communication Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 20-04-2011             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




  1. Write short notes on any FIVE of the following:                                                       (5×4=20Marks)


  1. Body Language.
  2. Persuasive Speech.
  3. Dyad Basics.
  4. Define DOC
  5. The communication cycle.
  6. Passive listening.


  1. Answer any FOUR of the following:                                             (4X10=40Marks)


  1. Explain the Dyad Process?
  2. What are interpersonal communication skills?
  3. Explain the four types of speeches.
  4. Write down any twenty common interview questions and answers.
  5. One-way and Two-way communication


  • Answer the following in about 300 words each:                                (2×20=40Marks)


  1. What are the types of Small Group Discussion?


Draft a conversation on any topic you wish drawing a for and against column.

  1. What guidelines should be followed for an effective public speaking?


How far the dynamics of oral communication would enable a public speaker to develop his

communication skills?

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 English For Career Exams Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 09-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


EL 6604                     English for Career Examinations


I  Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the key word:           (10×1=10)


A                     B                     C                     D

  1. Meticulous reserved           very careful     indifferent       haughty
  2. Industrious successful        punctual          sensible            diligent
  3. Aboriginal unoriginal        irrational          primitive          ancient
  4. Immaculate spotless            colored                        gorgeous          simple
  5. Judicious legal                 indiscriminate  generous          sensible
  6. Redundant repetitive         unwilling         wrong              retarded
  7. Unearth suppress           discover           disclose           decade
  8. Graphic vague               vivid                drawing           picture
  9. Erudite scholarly          inspiring          effective          perfect
  10. Resilience diversity strength           elasticity          adjustment


II Pick out the word opposite in meaning to the key word:                      (10×1=10)


A                     B                     C                     D

  1. Cordial indifferent distrustful        cold                 official
  2. Voluntary valuable violent             deliberate        compulsory
  3. Uniform equal opposite           varied              different
  4. Fictitious foreign imaginative      fancy               real
  5. Timid tender tall                   brave               big
  6. Heterogeneous strange complex           vast                  homogeneous
  7. Radiant rare bright               dull                  delicate
  8. Humility grandeur arrogance         friendliness      decency
  9. Resist repel welcome          fight                accept
  10. Adversity prosperity curiosity          animosity         sincerity





III Out of the given alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted  for the given phrase or sentence:                                                                            (10×1=10)


A                     B                     C                     D

  1. Incapable of making mistakes

Wholesome     scholarly          perfectible       infallible

  1. Speaking or writing several languages

Vivid               lexicon             polyglot           scholar

  1. Words inscribed on a tombstone

Elegy               epitaph                        mourning         condolence

  1. A selfless lover of others

Altruist            atheist              philanthropist  optimist

  1. A place where money is made

Mint                stable               hive                 arsenal

  1. One who is present everywhere

Omnipotent     omniscient       omnipresent     autocrat

  1. That cannot be erased

Infallible          indelible          incorrigible      illegible

  1. Government by the nobles

Plutocracy       bureaucracy     aristocracy       democracy

  1. The last work of a writer

Utopia             souvenir           panacea           swan song

  1. The belief that God pervades nature

Pantheism        plagiarism        atheism            hedonism


IV Choose the exact meaning of the idioms/phrases:                                                                  (10×1=10)


A                   B                     C                     D

  1. high and dry isolated rejected           wounded         depressed
  2. in doldrums dull bright               uncertain         secure
  3. on the wane increasing declining         spreading         spiraling
  4. a cut above inferior worthy             superior           worthless
  5. on the cards due evident                        certain             probable
  6. a hair-breadth narrow lucky               easy                 quick
  7. in a soup involved ruined              stranded          in trouble
  8. carried the day lose loose                win                  decide
  9. hard of hearing inaudible deaf                 disinterested    insensitive
  10. got the sack resigned tired                 demoted          dismissed


V  Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase:          (10x 1=10)

Most people, when they are asked who Frankenstein was, will reply, “A monster.” This is not really (1)__________. The monster, both in Mary Shelley’s book and in the (2)__________, has no name! It is (3)__________  known as “the monster” or “the Frankenstein monster”. Frankenstein was the (4)__________  of the doctor who created it. In the (5)__________ book, the monster was kind and quite gentle when he was first created. He wanted friends and (6)__________. Soon, however, people began to persecute him because his (7)__________ was so frightening. The monster then changed into the (8)__________  creature that we know from the movies.  Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in 1818, at the age of twenty-one. She wrote the novel to teach two lessons that people shouldn’t (9)__________ other people badly because they are different, and that sometimes we may create something that can (10)__________ us.

A                       B                    C                     D

  1. Correct true                 real                 actual
  2. Movie picture             photos             scenes
  3. Simple only                also                 simply
  4. Picture name              call                   recall
  5. Original first                 early                 former
  6. Like favorite         priority                         love
  7. Face looking           appearance       vision
  8. Terrible bad                 devil                 practical
  9. Treat     behave            deal                  handle
  10. Damage destroy           spoil                 worsen

VI    In this section each sentence has three parts, indicated by A.B and C. Read each sentence to find out whether there is an error in any of the parts. No sentence has more than one error. If a sentence has no error, mark your answer as D. Write only the alphabet of the correct answer in the answer paper.                                                                                                                    (20 x 1 =20)



  1. That was me / whom you saw / on the train. / No Error.

                   A                          B                     C                 D     

  1. Some children were bathing in the sea, / others were looking for shells and / a few

A                                                         B                    

played in the sand. / No error.

                  C                D

  1. He as well as his friends / are entering a competition / for the 400 metres race. /

A                                             B                                             C

       No error.


  1. The one thing artists can’t tolerate is / being disturbed / while at work. / No error.

A                                             B                       C                   D

  1. A few seconds had passed / and then, appeared / a small black and white cat. /

A                                 B                                 C

      No error.



  1. They were off to a / flying start but cannot / keep up their pace. / No error.

A                                 B                                C                        D

  1. We currently / hung out at / the Taj Hotel in Bombay. / No error.

A                     B                                 C                     D

  1. We have chosen / to completely ignored / that response. / No error.

A                                 B                        C                  D

  1. Nothing has / or could be more unfortunate / in the whole affair. / No error.

A                                 B                                 C                         D

  1. He was let with a fine / instead of / being sent to prison. / No error.

A                                 B                     C                       D


  1. In no case / we can measure the learner’s achievement by a single test / however

        A                                                 B                                                        

skillfully designed. / No error.

                  C                 D

  1. His radical proposals for reform faced a lot of opposition and / his high handed


dealings produced so much hostility / that the whole project was killed in the bud.

                                    B                                                                     C        

/  No error.




  1. No sooner did the thief see the policemen / that he jumped over the wall, / and ran

A                                                    B

away as fast as his legs could carry him. / No error.

                                                C                         D


  1. His circumstance / did not allow him to continue his studies / when he was

A                                             B                                             C

       young./ No error.


  1. The minister was / pleased being invited to inaugurate / the world conference of

A                                          B                                                            C

religious leaders. / No error.


  1. The teacher asked him to write the answer ten times, / as he has again committed

A                                                                                 B

mistakes in answering it, / in spite of repeated corrections. / No error.


                                                                  C                           D

  1. It never occurred to me / that I should have sent my application /through the

  A                                                  B

proper channel. / No error.

               C                                D

  1. I am one of those / that cannot describe / what I have not seen. / No error.

A                                 B                                 C                     D

  1. Before men came, there were only animals; /and before the animals, there was a

A                                                                     B

time when / no kind of life existed on the earth. / No error.

                                                            C                                 D

  1. The students who were involved in communal disturbances / were asked to leave

A                                                                     B

the hostel / with bag and baggage. / No error.

                                          C                   D


VII      Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:        (10 x 1 = 10)



Several suggestions have been advanced to remove obstacles in the way of fast agricultural growth. One such suggested policy measure is to accord industry status to agriculture on the premise that it would lead to eradication of rural poverty through the fuller utilization of the vast potential of agriculture to generate additional production, jobs and income. To what extent would such a step serve the desired aim and what would be its implications?


Agriculture and industry differ significantly in some very important aspects. These references are with regard to processes and techniques of production and nature, marketing pattern and pricing of products. All farm products are good media for4 bacteria and are, therefore, perishable. The life of industrial products, on the other hand, is relatively much longer as they are less perishable.


            Most farm crops come to maturity during a relatively short and specific period and are consumed throughout the year. Industrial production, on the contrary, takes place throughout the year and is hence less seasonal. This and other special features of agriculture subject it to the problems of storage and transportation.


In agriculture, supply of commodities is less controllable than in the industrial sector. Industry attempts to gauge demand continuously and match the supply accordingly. In agriculture, the position is just the reverse.


The relationship between rice and output is strikingly different in the two sectors. Industrial output is directly related to price. In agriculture, the price is inversely related to production. Also, industrial prices are generally more stable than agricultural prices.


Some apprehensions have also been expressed that agriculture has not been treated at par with industry in terms of prices. The main objective of the agriculture price policy in India is to provide an inducement to the producer for adopting improved technology and for maximum production and income. The minimum support/procurement prices for major agricultural commodities numbering about 20 are fixed each year on the basis of recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural costs and Prices (CACP). They are meant to enable the farmer to pursue his activities with the assurance that the price of his produce would not be allowed to fall below the minimum.


The aim of the price policy in the industrial sector is not to support but to control prices. The industrial prices of certain selected products, particularly basic consumer goods and important industrial and agricultural inputs, are controlled and regulated on the recommendations of an expert body like the Bureau of Industrial Costs and prices (BICP) or interministerial committees or groups in the case of certain public enterprises. The factors taken into account in recommending the prices include the cost of more efficient firms accounting for a high percentage of total output, the optimum norms of consumption of raw materials and energy as well as capacity utilization and a fair rate of return on net worth generally ranging between 10 to 14% depending on risks, priorities, growth prospects, etc.



  1. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
  2. The agricultural sector involves more non-skilled workers
  3. Agriculture is a priority sector.
  4. There is no definite market policy adopted by agricultural sector.
  5. The industrial sector is more organized than the agricultural sector.
  6. Industrial products are linked to the demand position.



  1. According to the passage, which of the following is the main purpose to give an industry status to agriculture?
  2. a) to improve conditions of rural poor.
  3. To produce more food.
  4. To create more jobs for the rural population.
  5. To make the rural population economically sound.
  6. All of these.


  1. According to the passage, which of the following is the most important hurdle in giving an industry status to agriculture?
  2. Less durability of agricultural products.
  3. Difficult mode of transportation.
  4. High production costs.
  5. Involvement of comparatively large number of laborers.
  6. None of these.


  1. Which of the following, according to the passage, was the main factor of industrial price policy set up by the Government?
  • Supporting the industry to attain an optimum price for its products.
  1. Consumption of more raw material and higher return.
  • Controlling of new industrial units.
  1. Providing a favoured status to industry.
  • Higher output-input ratio.


  1. Which of the following words has the same meaning as the word ‘gauge’ as used in the passage?
  2. a) obtain       b) quality    c) assess         d) match         e) support


  1. What step, according to the passage, is taken up by the Government to improve the situation of the agriculture sector?
  2. providing better facilities to farmers.
  3. Providing electricity at a lower rate to the farmers.
  4. By giving an industry status to agriculture.
  5. Increasing eh number of government controlled procurement centres.
  6. Providing minimum support to a large number of agriculture products.


  1. The author’s writing style is
  2. a) argumentative b) constructive      c) analytic     d) narrative.    e) verbose.


  1. Which of the following has the same meaning as the word ‘fair’ as used in the passage?
  2. a) bright b) equal    c) considerable      d) just     e) extraordinary.


  1. Which of the following has the same meaning as the word ‘premise’ as used in the passage?
  2. a) basis b) assumption     c) argument       d) position      e) condition.


  1. What, according to the passage, is the main reason for the absence of a fixed pricing policy of agricultural products?
  2. Non-availability of structured marketing policy.
  3. Lack of competition among producers.
  4. Agricultural output is not related to demand
  5. Industrial output is directly related to rice.
  6. None of these.





VIII  Write a précis of the following passage.                                                                          (10 marks)


The persistence of the values of religious pluralism in India can be observed at many levels. First, in the fact that most religions share in common a set of values which can be characterized as universal. Tolerance of all faiths, love for fellow beings, non-violence and righteous conduct are common to all faiths. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity and Sikhism share the values of non-violence and humanism in common. Islam places great emphasis on just and human values. Religions, therefore, share certain universal values in common irrespective of their internal differences. This enriches pluralism.


Secondly, due to historical reasons most religions in India which have expanded through conversion of the local population such as Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, etc. retain in their values and beliefs many elements which come from their past and thus belong to other religions. There are many tribal religions and ritual practices which persist in Hinduism. It is believed that some of its deities, such as Siva, Hanuman and Krishna are incorporation into Hinduism of deities of tribal origin.


IX        Write an essay on any ONE of the following in about 250 words each.   (10 marks)

  1. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far overweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.

News editors decide what to broadcast on TV and what to print in newspapers. What factors do you think influence their decisions?

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 Critical Theories Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 20-04-2011              Dept. No.                                                  Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




  1. Answer any five of the following in about 150 words each.

Choose at least two from each section.

(5 X 8 = 40 Marks)



  • Explain the theory of metaphoric language.
  • Merits of Shakespeare’s plays according to Dr. Johnson.
  • Sidney’s views on Poetic creation.
  • What, according to wordsworth, is the relationship between feeling and action?



  • Present Arnold’s estimate of wordsworth.
  • Describe Arnold’s idea that ‘poetry is the criticism of life’.
  • S. Eliot’s theory of ‘a consciousness of the past’.
  • How can escape and its impossibility be simultaneous?



  1. II) Answer the following in about 400 words each. (2 X 20 = 40 Marks


  • a) Analyse Johnson’s Preface to Shakespeare and isolate the major critical stand

points in them that are relevant to the analysis of a text.




  1. What, according to wordsworth, is the origin of poetry? Comment.


  • a) Explain the salient features of matthew Arnold’s “The Study of Poetry”.




  1. b) What connection does T S Eliot draw between tradition and the individual talent?







  • Attempt a critical analysis of the following poem.             (20 Marks)

The Kingfisher


It was the rainbow gave thee birth,

And left thee all her lovely hues;

And, as her mother’s name was Tears,

So runs it in my blood to choose

For haunts lonely pools, and keep

In company with trees that weep.

Go you and, with such glorious hues,

Live with proud peacocks in green parks;

On lawns as smooth as shining glass,

Let every feather show its marks;

Get thee on boughs and clap thy wings

Before the windows of proud kings

Nay, lovely bird, thou art not vain;

Thou hast no proud, ambitious mind;

I also love a quiet place.


That’s green, away from all mankind;

A lonely pool, and let a tree

Sigh with her bosom over me.


  • H. Davies.

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 Creative Writing Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 09-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer any EIGHT of the following in about 100 words each.                                      (8 × 5 = 40 marks)


  1. Differentiate the different kinds of writing.
  2. Define the concept of creative ability.
  3. Explain the following literary devices with examples:  i) Allegory     ii) Pathetic Fallacy.
  4. Define the following terms:    i) Symbol       ii) Imagery.
  5. Compare and contrast creative writing and imaginative writing.
  6. Write a short note on process of sketching the plot.
  7. Explain the different points of view that are employed in a work of fiction.
  8. Elucidate the importance of dialogue as the backbone of a work of fiction.
  9. Setting and atmosphere can be used as effective devices. Discuss.
  10. Write a paragraph on the writers’ domain.
  11. Show how a writer employs different methods in character development.




Answer any FIVE of the following in not more than 250 words each.                         (5 × 12 = 60 marks)


  1. Using humour, attempt a description of yourself.
  2. Narrate an important episode of your school life using the ‘memory exploration’ technique.
  3. Make the rhythm of your subject and a distinctive prose style prominent as you describe:
  1. a) a sports event you have witnessed  b) a festival you enjoy celebrating


  1. Chetan Bhagat made a remark on creative writing that: “Ideas just come to me. I guess my own life experiences have a big role to play in it. However, not every idea is good enough to carry through to a whole book”. Delineate how creative writing is an amalgamation of ideas, experience as well as language.
  2. Write a creative poem/short story/essay beginning with the line: I was deeply disturbed….
  3. Keeping the poem “Thought-Fox” as a basis, show the working of the creative process.
  4. Lunch time at Loyola College: Using at least 10 exchanges between two friends, describe a typical day at college capturing the spirit of the place as well as the people.
  5. Make an assessment of a novel you have recently read using the principles of creative writing.

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 Contemporary British Literature Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 18-04-2011              Dept. No.                                                    Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




  1. Answer the following questions in about 30 words each.                        (10 X 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Thomas Aquinas states parenthetically, as something entirely obvious, that men are more rational than women.
  2. Whatever happens happens by His will.

Now so quickly to your shelters.

Bring out the irony in these lines.

  1. Man’s knowledge of God is due to God himself. How does Barclay justify this view?
  2. More than the visionary his all.

His stride is wilderness of freedom.

Explain the comparison.

  1. The world at the present day stands in need of two kinds of things.

What according to Russell, are the two things the world requires at present?

  1. He is the moral fool the man who, as we would say, is playing the fool.

Whom does Barclay refer to as a moral fool? Why?

  1. And girls in slack remember Dad.

Bring out the tone of the poet.

  1. We hurried towards London, shuffling gouts of steam.

Explain the context.

  1. Envy had made them concentrate their attention upon competitors and forget altogether the aspect of their prosperity that depended upon customers.

Explain the moral of this parable.

  1. One is always nearer by not keeping still.

Bring out the significance of the line.







  1. Answer any five of the following in 150 words each.                          (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. Bring out the pathos in the “Song of the Dying Gladiator”.
  2. Comment on the theme of Ted Hughe’s ‘Thrushes’.
  3. Sketch the character of Miss Jean Brodie.
  4. What are Barclays views on the existence of God?
  5. Attempt a critical appreciation of Peter Porter’s “Your Attention Please”.
  6. Summaries John Benjeman’s “Christmas”.
  7. What are Russell’s views on the ideas that have harmed mankind?
  8. Bring out the symbolism in Iris Murdoc’s “The Hell”.




  • Answer the following in about 300 words each             (2 X 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Make a study of the themes dealt with in the 20th century poems prescribed.




  1. Consider Ted Hughes as a poet.


  1. Consider Pinter’s play “The Caretaker” as representative absurd drama.




  1. Write an essay on the theme of “The Lord of the Flies”

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 Communicative Grammar Of English Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 20-04-2011             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




  1. Write an essay narrating an event that happened in your school / village/town /city in about 250 words                                                                                         (20 marks)
  2. Write conversation with your friend on your plans you have after your studies in                                                                                (10 marks)
  • Write a short speech for your juniors in Loyola which you would make on the farewell function organised for you by your juniors using adequate adjectives and adverbs.                                                                                                                    

                                                                                                                              (10 marks)

  1. Write an email to your friend on OVATIONS 2010 and a report on the same topic to a newspaper in formal writing. (20 marks)
  2. Write any five sentences in direct speech and convert them into indirect speech.

                                                                                                                               (10 marks)

  1. Point out some rules of passive voice giving at least five examples                    (10 marks)
  • What are some of the common errors made by speakers of English in India and analyse the errors in the following sentences:  (20 marks)
  1. I am more happy today.
  2. You only told that yesterday.
  3. Work hard. Only then you will change.
  4. One of my friend came here.
  5. Am’nt I right?
  6. The amount of horses on the range was small.
  7. I shall ask the boss if I can have the afternoon off.
  8. I can not attend the meeting.
  9. The child continuously disturbed the class.
  10. I am more happy today.

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 British Literature Question Paper PDF Download




EL 2501/EL 2500 – BRITISH LITERATURE (1150-1950)




Date : 08-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




I. Explain the following passages in about 50 words.                                  (10×2=20 marks)

  1. The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
    To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
    Of all the western stars, until I die.
  2. They also serve who only stand and wait.”
  3. Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;
    Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!
  4. Only one ship is seeking us, a black-
    Sailed unfamiliar, towing at her back
    A huge and birdless silence. In her wake
    No waters breed or break.
  5. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar. They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning, by study;
  6. We are nothing; less than nothing, and dreams. We are only what might have been, and must wait upon the tedious shores of Lethe millions of ages before we have existence, and a name” —— and immediately awaking, I found myself quietly seated in my bachelor arm-chair, where I had fallen asleep, with the faithful Bridget unchanged by my side
  7. Well, we must not snub the poor boy now, for I believe we shan’t have him long among us. Anybody that looks in his face may see he’s consumptive.
  8. O, Faustus, lay that damned book aside,

And gaze not on it, lest it tempt thy soul,

And heap God’s heavy wrath upon thy head!

Read, read the Scriptures:–that is blasphemy.

9.    I charge thee to return, and change thy shape;      Thou art too ugly to attend on me:      Go, and return an old Franciscan friar;            That holy shape becomes a devil best.

  1. I am the enemy you killed, my friend.
    I knew you in this dark: for so you frowned
    Yesterday through me as you jabbed and killed.
  2. Answer any FIVE of the following in about 150 words each choosing not more than

    Three from each part.                                                                                              (5×8=40 marks)



  1. Discuss the features of the dramatic monologue as seen in Tennyson’s poem “Ulysses”.
  2. Attempt a critical appreciation of Ted Hughes’ “The Bear”.
  3. Justify the title of the play “She Stoops to Conquer”.
  4. Elucidate with suitable examples the Metaphysical elements present in John Donne’s poem

“The Flea”.



  1. Discuss the role of Eppie on Silas Marner’s life.
  2. Discuss the Absurd elements in Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot”.
  3. What are the major themes in Daniel Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe”?
  4. How does W.B Yeats explore “his thoughts and musings on how immortality, art, and the

human spirit may converge” in his poem “Sailing to Byzantium”?


III. Answer the following in about 300 words each.                                             (2×20=40 marks)


  1. Discuss the style of Francis Bacon giving examples from the essays prescribed for study.


How did Dr. Faustus’s over reaching ambition bring about his downfall?

  1. How does Jane Austen provide insights into the life of the landed gentry of 19th century

England in her novel “Pride and Prejudice?”


How does Shaw expose and debunk the hollowness of romantic ideals in his play “Arms

and the Man”?


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Loyola College B.A. English Nov 2011 History Of Art & Architecture Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.A. English Nov 2011 Dynamics Of Oral Communication Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.A. English April 2011 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 05-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


  1. Place the Stress marks (‘) on the words given below: (5*1=5) marks


  1. Denomination
  2. Malformation
  3. Duty Free
  4. Dust jacket
  5. Ex Serviceman



  1. Identify the Indianisms and rewrite in correct English. (5*1=5) marks


  1. I will do my level best.
  2. At the earliest convenience.
  3. You can do one thing etc.
  4. Thanking you in anticipation.
  5. Please do the needful.


  • State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are correct or incorrect. (5*1=5)               
  1. An interviewee has to perform background research about the organization and the post he is applying for.
  2. Eye contact does not play an important role in non-verbal communication.
  3. The sender originates the process of communication.
  4. A business letter should not stimulate the recipient to act promptly.
  5. A memo is often described as the workhorse of business communication.


  1. Answer any five of the following questions in about 100 words each. (5*5=25)
  2. Write a short note on ‘Memo’ and its features.
  3. Describe ‘Report writing’ and its features.
  4. Explain ‘cohesion’ and ‘register.’
  5. Attempt short notes on ‘Role Play’.
  6. What do you understand by ‘Telephone Etiquettes’?
  7. Differentiate between ‘Skimming ‘and ‘Scanning’.
  8. Write down the features of ‘Close study’ and ‘proof Reading.’
  9. Describe ‘Fixation’ and ‘Regression.’




  1. Read the following advertisement and prepare your resume in response to the same. 10 marks.
Medical representatives wanted for Nandini Pharmaceutical Company. Interested persons may send their C.V. within a week from the date of this advertisement.   Nandhini Pharmaceutical, 17, Sterling road, Nungambakkam, Chennai-600 34, Tamilnadu, India.










  1. Write a letter of application to ‘The Hindu’ in response to their advertisement for the post of

sub-editor.                                                                                                                         10 marks


VII. Prepare the minutes of the following meeting:                                                                 10 marks


You are the secretary of the Loyola College students’ Union. The Union conducted a meeting on 1 March 2011, regarding the upcoming college sports day.  Write down the minutes for the same.


VIII. Imagine yourself as the leader of the group comprising of five members (A, B, C, D, & E).   Write down the manner in which, you would conduct group discussion on the topic:                            10 marks

“Corruption in Indian Politics.”   (or)   “The effects of Globalization.”


Ix. Write an essay on any two of the following in about 300 words.                                   (2*10=20) marks

  1. The importance of non-verbal communication in Business world.
  2. The seven C’S of Business Communication.
  3. Privatization of Education.
  4. The Influence of Advertisements on our daily lives.

Preparing oneself to attend a job Interview.



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Loyola College B.A. Economics Nov 2010 Public Administration Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 12-11-10                     Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

PART – A                                                       (10×2=20)


Answer any TEN questions in Ten Lines each:


  1. Define Administration
  3. Process of amendments
  4. Multi-party System
  5. Cabinet Secrecy
  6. Public Enterprises
  7. Government Gazette
  8. Aptitude Test
  9. Panchayat Councillors
  10.  District Revenue Officer
  11. Union Territory
  12. Constitutional  Jurisdiction


PART – B                                                       (4×10=40)


Answer any FOUR in one page each:          


  1. Compare and Contrast Public and Private Administration.
  2. Narrate the emergency powers of the President of India.
  3. Explain the powers and functions of the Legislative Council.
  4. Write a short note on Functions of UPSC.
  5. Explain the powers and functions of a Municipality.
  6. Briefly explain the concept and advantages of Administrative Adjudication.


PART – C                                                       (2×20=40)


Answer any TWO questions in Four Pages each:  


  1. Define the meaning, nature, scope, and advantages of Public Administration.
  1. Discuss the powers and functions of Local Self Governments.
  2. Describe the concept and implication of Delegated Legislation.
  3. Evaluate the Educational administration in India.

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Loyola College B.A. Economics Nov 2010 Quantitative Tools For Economics Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 02-11-10                     Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




Answer any FIVE questions in about 75 words each.                                                        (5 x 4 = 20 marks)


  1. Define ‘Statistics’.
  2. Distinguish between ‘census’ and ‘sample’.
  3. What are the objectives of classification?.
  4. Give one situation each where we use Mean, Median and Mode.
  5. What is the difference between skewness and kurtosis?
  6. What are the different types of correlation?
  7. Bring out the limitations of Index Numbers.




Answer any FOUR questions in about 300 words each.                                                  (4 x 10 = 40 marks )


  1. Exports and Imports of a country from 2007-08 to 2009 -10 are given below.

Show the data with the help of multiple bar diagram.


Year EXPORT( in crores of Rs.) IMPORT ( in crores of Rs.)
2006 -07 800 1000
2007 -08 750 1500
2008 – 09 1000 2000
2009 – 10 1500 2000


  1. Explain in detail the functions of Statistics.


  1. Calculate the Standard  deviation for the following data:


Age in years 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55
No. of employees 170 110 80 45 40 30 25


  1. Compare and contrast correlation analysis with regression analysis.


  1. If Mean = 40 , standard deviation = 10 and Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness = 0.5 . Find the Median and Mode.


  1. Calculate the coefficient of Rank correlation for the following data:


X 80 78 75 75 68 67 60 59
Y 12 13 14 14 14 16 15 17


  1. Explain the various components of Time series?



Answer any TWO questions in about 900 words each.                                                     (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain different methods of Tabulation, Diagrams and graphic representation of Data.


  1. The following data refer to profits in Rs. Per month, of 100 companies:


PROFIT 6000 -7000 7000 -8000 8000 -9000 9000 -10000 10000 -11000 11000 -12000
No. of companies 11 15 19 25 20 10


Determine Bowley’s coefficient of skewness and interpret its value.


  1. Estimate the regression equation Yi   =   a + b Xi and also the correlation co efficient between

the two given variables.


Yi 61 72 73 73 63 84 80 66 76 74 72
Xi 40 52 59 53 61 58 56 42 58 50 50


  1. Calculate Fisher’s ideal index number and prove that it satisfy Time reversal and Factor reversal test.


(QUANTITY)                                       (PRICE)

Commodity 2000 -2001 2009 -2010 2000 – 2001 2009 – 2010
A 10 12 5 6
B 12 8 7 10
C 8 8 10 12
D 5 6 4 5
E 7 8 8 8

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Loyola College B.A. Economics Nov 2010 Money And Banking Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 03-11-10                     Dept. No.                                                    Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




Answer any FIVE questions in about 75 words each                                         (5 x 4 = 20 marks)

  1. What is the “working definition” of money?
  2. What are the primary functions of money?
  3. Define Index Number of Prices.
  4. Explain the term ‘supply of money’.
  5. What is Saving – Investment approach?
  6. List out the objectives of Credit Control.
  7. Distinguish between Money market and Capital market.




Answer any FOUR Questions in about 300 words each.                                 (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

  1. Explain the contingent functions of money.
  2. Discuss the role of money in a socialist economy.
  3. Graphically illustrate the total demand for money.
  4. Critically analyse the cash balance approach to the quantity theory of money.
  5. List out the principal achievements of the RBI.
  6. What are the principles adhered by the commercial banks in its investment policy?
  7. Explain the role of financial markets in Economic Development.



Answer any TWO Questions in about 900 words each.                                    (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Discuss the determinants of money supply.
  2. Critically analyse Fisher’s quantity theory of money.
  3. Explain the functions of State Bank of India.
  4. What are the main functions of a stock exchange?  Briefly explain the types of securities in India.

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