Loyola College M.C.A. Computer Application April 2009 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download



NM 32






Date & Time: 04/05/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                                  Max. : 100 Marks



SECTION – A                                   5 x 4 = 20 MARKS

  1. What is accent? How is it very import in speaking English?
  2. Place the stress marks ( ’ ) on the appropriate syllables of the following words.
  • re / mem / ber (2) Va / Ca / tion         (3) pe / cu / li / ar

(4) e / co / no / my       (5) Co/ llege                (6) Stu / pen / dous      (7) doc / tor

(8) pro /fess / or.

  1. How is dipththong different from Vowel?
  2. What is register in communication?
  3. What have you understood about neutral accent?

SECTION – B                                   5 x 6 = 30 MARKS

  1. What are the differences between Oral and Written communication?
  2. How does Writing play an important role in business?
  3. Write a short note on body language in communication?
  4. Describe the structure of formal letters with examples.
  5. Write short notes on agenda and minutes in meeting.

SECTION – C                                   5 x 10 = 50 MARKS

  1. Write a covering letter and CV in response to the following advertisement.











  1. Write short notes on the following.
  • Symposium 2) Conference             3) Convention             4) Panel – discussion.
  1. Write an essay on the principles of effective writing in business communication.
  2. Imagine that you are a sales manager of a company which manufactures furniture. Now the company’s sale is on the decrease. You are asked to submit a report about this trend. Prepare a report.
  3. What is the importance of memo in business?

Imagine that you are a manager of a Company, and prepare a memo suspending an employee for his misbehaviour with women staff.



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Loyola College M.C.A. Computer Application Nov 2010 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 11-11-10                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00

I  Answer any TEN of the following questions:                                                                                (10×3=30)


  1. Differentiate between the terms Channel and
  2. Give the meaning of the following words used in business context.
  3. Disburse
  4. Retrench
  5. Etiquette
  6. Headhunt
  7. Money laundering
  8. Perks
  9. Explain the term neutral accent.
  10. Explain with examples the three kinds of speech sounds in English.
  11. How is Grapevine considered as one of the communication methods in business organizations?
  12. In the following words there are six words with diphthong sounds. Identify those words and write them separately.


  1. Manager
  2. Care
  3. Sure
  4. Queue
  5. Road
  6. Say
  7. Bucket
  8. Kind
  9. Deer
  10. What is panel discussion? In what way is it different from seminar?
  11. What is Kinesics?
  12. What are the different information flows in business communication?
  13. Rewrite the following sentences, correcting the errors if any
  14. He is one of my best friend.
  15. The Principal as well as the Professors have supported the students.
  16. The two brothers are helping one another.
  17. Punctuate the following:
  18. Please send the following items 21 reams of bond paper 12 red pencils 3 gum bottles 17 file covers
  19. Sunder managed to pay the college fees because of earn while you learn scheme
  20. Mr Prasad who has been serving the firm for the last 15 years is going to chair the session on sales promotion
  21. How are different salutations used in letter writing?

II Answer any TEN of the following                                                                                                 (10×6=60)


  1. How will you organize Oral presentation?
  2. What are the essentials for the candidate to be successful at the interview?
  3. What is memo?

An employee in the sales section has been in the habit of being absent frequently. Imagining that you were the Manager of the company, prepare an internal memorandum to be issued to the employee.


  1. What are the essentials of group discussions?
  2. What are the advantages of effective communication system in business organization?
  3. Write about the wide range of electronic media created by modern communication technology.
  4. What are the different types of listening?
  5. Write about the Stress and Intonation as features of Para linguistic communication .
  6. What are the essentials of effective communication?
  7. Describe the SEVEN parts of standard letters.
  8. Imagine that you were the manager of a company situated on the outskirts of Chennai. Your company’s productivity is affected due to late coming of the employees. The head office has asked you to send a report. Prepare a suitable report.
  9. How does body language contribute to the effective oral communication?


III Answer any ONE of the following                                                                                                                                              (1×10=10)


  1. What are the barriers to communication? Suggest some strategies to overcome them.
  2. Prepare a suitable covering letter and curriculum vitae pertaining to the advertisement given below:



A leading software company in Chennai is looking for young and energetic executives for its development team. Send your resume :

P.O. Box No 12345

The Hindu

Chennai 600 002



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Loyola College M.A. English April 2011 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 20-04-2011             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


  1. Answer any TEN of the following: (10×5=50)


  1. What is ‘noise’ in the process of communication?
  2. How is Communication important in business organizations?
  3. What is the difference between Channel and Medium?
  4. What is ‘accent’ in English Pronunciation?
  5. Place the accent (Stress) marks on the appropriate syllables of the words given below:
  6.   Plea  sure
  7. pro  fe  ssor
  8. mea  ning
  9. fan  tas  tic
  10. ca  pa  ci  ty
  11. ca  det
  12. Explain the terms ‘slang’ and ‘cliché’ with examples.
  13. What is Minutes writing?
  14. What are the advantages of oral communication in business organization?
  15. How is ‘Panel Discussion’ conducted?
  16. What is ‘downward flow’ in business communication?
  17. Explain ‘Grapevine’ in business communication?
  18. How is ‘Memo’ used in official communication?


  1. Answer any FIVE of the following: (5×8=40)


  1. How is a ‘seminar’ different from ‘Panel Discussion’ and how are they conducted?
  2. A Leading software company requires smart young people for its new projects.

                                Please contact: 044 48586811.

If you had responded to the above advertisement how would a conversation

between the advertiser and you have taken place. Write an imagined conversation.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of written and oral channels?
  2. Write a resume to be E.mailed to the advertiser.


IT Company requires Managers, Team Leaders and Executives for its new branches in

Coimbatore and Tiruchirapalli: Qualified persons may send their Resume.

  1. How does ‘Body Language’ enhance the effectiveness of oral communication?
  2. What are the parts of a business letter?


III. Write any ONE of the following:                                                                                  (1×10=10)


  1. What are the features of effective communication?
  2. Describe the process of communication with suitable illustration.



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Loyola College M.A. English April 2013 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Sc. Visual Communication April 2008 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download



DM 8







Date : 24/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



  1. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 75 words each: (4×5= 20)


  1. Harmony and communication among diverse workplace audiences


  1. Guidelines for effective listening


  1. Importance of proof reading


  1. Sign-posting


  1. The language of business communication


  1. E-mail Netiquette: Courtesy in cyber-space


  1. Circulars and notices



  1. Answer any two of the following : (2 x 10 = 20)


  1. Your professor has agreed to recommend you. Write to the professor in about 100 words and request that he/she send a letter of recommendation to a company where you are applying for a job. Provide data about the job description so that the professor can target its content.
  2.   As administrative assistant to the president of Mithril Products Inc., it is your responsibility to make reservations at a 5-star hotel for the New Year Celebrations. Because of the high cost per person, you would like to have as accurate a guest list as possible. Therefore, write a memo in about 100 words to all the employees requesting that they let you know by December 15 whether they plan to attend it.


  1. You have bought from Woodsmith & Co., furniture for your office, delivery of which was promised in a fortnight. A month has passed and the furniture has not been delivered; nor has any explanation been received. Write a firm but polite letter in about 100 words about this to the suppliers.


  1. Write out an email in about 100 words to a new customer providing information about your company’s products and services.









III. Answer the following :                                                                      (20 x 3 = 60)


  1. As an intern at the South Indian Association of Women in Business, you have to send a report in

about 200 words describing four women who have started their own businesses, how they did it, how

successful they were. In your report, draw conclusions about what kinds of women start businesses,

why they do it, what kinds of business they are likely to start and what difficulties they face. Speculate

on the dramatic increase in the number of female business owners. Make recommendations. Address

your report to Divya Bhargav, Director, South Indian Association of Women in Business.


  1. Write a letter in about 200 words, thanking an important customer for a large order. Your letter

should:1) express pleasure at receiving the order, 2) add a favorable comment on the goods ordered,

3) include an assurance of prompt and careful attention, 4) draw attention to other products likely to

be of interest, 5) hope for further orders.


  1. As secretary to the Labour grievances Committee and Arthur Tools ™, you must prepare the

    minutes of the monthly meeting held on April 10th. At the meeting, you took the following notes:

  1. Called to order 2 P.M., employee’s cafeteria, by Mr. Arthur
  2. Presiding: Mr. Arthur; present- Mr. Sherlock, Mr. Watson, Mr. MacLean, Agatha: Absent-


  1. Mr. Sherlock presented results of survey of office employees. Most frequent complaints agreed on.

Sherlock to arrange to present these complaints to Board of Directors.

  1. Report on condition of warehouse employee washrooms presented by Ms. Agatha. Accepted with

editorial revision.

  1. Adjourned 4 P.M. Next meeting at same time and place on May 13.





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Loyola College B.Sc. Visual Communication April 2015 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Sc. Visual Communication April 2016 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Com April 2006 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download



LO 06


                                                 EL 4200 – BUSINESS COMMUNICATION

(Also equivalent to ENG 200)



Date & Time : 22-04-2006/1.00-4.00 P.M.   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



  1. Write short notes on any five of the following in 100 words (5 x 5 = 25)
  2. Agenda
  3. Seminar and Panel discussion
  4. Circular and notices
  5. Memorandum
  6. Dynamics of group discussion

6.7 Cs of Written Communication

7.Minutes of Meeting


  1. Answer the following ( 3 x 10 = 30)
  2. You are the marketing manager of a computer company, and a local college has written to your department, asking if you would consider sponsoring their week- long drama festival to be held in the summer. Write a letter in 200 words to the principal of the college explaining that, while you sympathise with their aims and needs, your company has fixed a budget for sponsorship and no new ventures can be considered until next year.
    Make up any necessary details.


  1. Write a letter of application, enclosing your curriculum vitae in response to the following advertisement in 200 words



Independent incharge Graduate in commerce with 5 years experience with a good knowledge of sales tax, excise duty, service tax, entry tax & other indirect taxes.  Ability to understand and speak English & Hindi.

Box No: HB-1738


Chennai – 600 002















  1. Write a Memo in 150 words from the Managing Director to all staff, telling them that future working hours will be from 9.30 to 5.30, Monday to Friday, instead of 9-5. if  anyone finds the new hours difficult, they are to let the Managing Director know within a week.


III. Answer the following                                                                       (15 x 3 = 45)

  1. You recently attended a trade fair in another country. Your manager has now asked you to write a report about your visit to the fair. Write a report about your visit to the fair.
    • Write the report in 200 words describing your visit to the trade fair and including the following points:
    • Which other companies were represented?
    • How you spent your time
    • What information you obtained
    • Whether or not you recommend attending the fair next year (and why?)


  1. The chart below shows the percentages of a company’s turn over which were contributed by its main product areas in three successive years.
  • Using the information in the chart, write a short report in 200 words comparing the contributions of the three products to turnover in the three years.





















  1. Imagine that you are the secretary of the union of employees in a private company. Prepare the minutes of the meeting in 200 words based on the notice given below.


24, Old Palace Road, Pallavaram, Chennai – 78


Sir / Madam,

There will be a general body meeting of our union on 23 – 4 – 2005.

Venue : Silver star Auditorium.

Time   : 5 pm

All are requested to attend the meeting without fail.

The following is the agenda:

  1. President’s remarks on the recent strike by the employees.
  2. Assessment of the recent strike and future plans.
  3. Legal remedy and financial help for those employees dismissed/suspended in the strike.
  4. Enhancement of monthly subscription from the employees.
  5. Any other, with the permission of chair

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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download



MS 15




Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00 Dept. No.                                           Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL the questions:                                                                               10×2=20


1.write a short note on the following terms:

(i).Promptness       (ii).Salesmanship


2.Define the following terms:

(i).Solicited enquiry   (ii). Unsolicited enquiry


3.Give any four hints for drafting replies to defective  or incomplete order.


4.State the 4C’sconsidered to be the foundation of a sound credit policy.


5.Mention any four factors that can give rise to complaints.


6.What is a Circular letter?


7.Explain the following terms:

(i).Ex-ship      (ii). F.O.B


8.Distinguish an informal reports from a formal reports.


  1. How do you define Minutes?


10.Differentiate the term “Press release from Press report”




Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                         5×8=40


11.Give important hints that you will keep in mind while acknowledging an order which

you are going to execute full and part of the order.


12.The manager of IOBank receives a letter from SBI enquiring about the financial status

of a client who has asked for a big loan for a short period. The manager replies

advising a little caution in granting  the loan to the client. Draft the letter of the

bank(SBI) as well as the reply of the IOB Manager.

  1. “Complaints are not routine letters. The writer has to write them with special care and

skill.” Do you agree with this view? Justify your answer.




  1. (a).Draft a circular letter announcing the admission of a new partner of your firm.


(b).Draft a sales letter introducing a new model bike.


  1. (a). Invite a candidate to an interview for the post of production engineer on behalf of

Anand limited, kanpur.


(b) Mr.Ramesh  has been appointed Purchase Officer in your company. Draft a letter

of Appointment to be sent to him.


16.Explain the various types of Reports.


17.Describe the characteristics of a Good Advertisement.


18.Discuss the nature of a good speech. What points should be kept in mind while

drafting speech.




Answer any TWO questions:                                                                           2×20=40


19.Describe with illustrations  the different parts of a Business Letter.


20.The correspondence between the principal and their agents includes a wide variety of

letters on different occasions. What are they? Explain them.


21.Draft the Minutes of the Statutory meeting of the shareholders of “ Relience Fresh” ltd


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download



MS 03






Date & Time: 23/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00            Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks






Answer ALL the questions:                                                                               10×2=20


1.What do you mean by “Appropriateness” and ‘ the “you” attitude’ in a business letter?

2.Write a short note on : (i).Ex-Warehouse      (ii) Loco

3.What is an Order Form?

4.What do you mean by (i).Favorable reply    (ii). Rather unfavorable reply

5.Do you think humorous collection letters can be effective?

6.Mention any four advantages of writing circular letters.

7.Define the following terms:

(i). Bill of entry      (ii). Shipping advice

8.Explain the reports on the basis of function.

9.How are minutes of resolution different from minutes of narration?

  1. Write a short note on (i). Standing and ad-hoc committees (ii).Line and Staff





Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                          5×8=40


11.Explain the different parts of a Business Letter.


  1. You have received a large first order from a customer. Write a letter thanking him

and asking him to furnish you the names of his bankers and trade references.


13.What factors should the supplier keep in mind while replying to a letter of complaint

in which (i) The customer is right  (ii) The customer is at fault (iii).Carrier is at fault.



  1. (a). Messrs. Vasanth & co, chennai, have obtained the sole agency for the state of

Tamilnadu for T.V, Tape – Recorders and other electrical goods produced by

SONY  Electronics Limited, Mumbai. Draft a circular suitable for notifying

the retailers of this fact.


(b).Draft sales letter to promote the sales of Godrej refrigerator.


15.Write a letter to Mr. Vijay, working as Chief Accountant in your company, confirming

his services.


  1. Explain the characteristics of a Good Report.

17.How to make advertisements  effective?

18.You have been asked to declare Open Bharat International Trade Fair. Draft an

appropriate speech for the occasion.




Answer any TWO questions:                                                                       2×20=40


19.(a). “ Collect the account but keep the customer”. Discuss this as a guiding principle

for the drafting of collection letters.


(b). What are the functions of a Sales letter?


20.Describe with illustrations of various correspondence between the Principals and their

Agents on different occasion in order to obtain agency.


21.Draft a speech on behalf of  the chairman of the RAYMONDS Textile ltd. for the

company Annual General Meeting.



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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2007 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Com April 2009 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download



JQ 20






Date & Time: 16/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00       Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS                                                [10X2=20marks]


  1. State the importance of effective communication in business.
  2. List out the essentials of an effective Business letter.
  3. Write a short note on :
  4. a) At station
  5. b) Free on Rail
  6. What is an order form? What details are usually included in an order form?
  7. What is meant by a ‘Status Enquiry’?
  8. Bring out the objectives of writing Circular letter.
  9. How is a reference different from a testimonial?
  10. Comment on Formal Reports.
  11. What is a Straight –selling copy?

10.Mention at least four advantages of listening.



ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS                                            [5X8=40marks]


  1. Write brief notes on the following:
  2. a) The letterhead
  3. b) The inside address
  4. c) Attention line
  5. d) Post script

12.What are the important guidelines may be suggested to write an effective Collection letter?

  1. Explain the characteristics of good advertisement.
  2. You have received a large first order from a customer . write a letter thanking him

and asking him to furnish you the names of his bankers and trade references.

  1. Draft a sales letter introducing new model scooter.
  2. Mr. K.S.Nathan has been appointed as a purchase officer in your company.

Draft a letter of appointment to be sent to him.

  1. Draft a travelling Salesman’s report to his Head office on his activities during the

preceding week.

  1. Explain the advantages of forming Committees.



ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTONS                                         [2X20=40marks]


  1. You have received a big order for Socks of various sizes and colours, but are unable to

execute it in time owing to certain difficulties. You write to the customer

asking for extension of time. The customer is willing to grant extension of time up to  a

certain date. Draft both the letters.

  1. (a) Prepare a memorandum to three members of the staff taking disciplinary action

against them for leaving the office early.                                           [10marks]

      (b) Prepare a Press lease to announce the decision of your company to change its

name and commence a new business.                                                 [10marks]

  1. Draft a notice, agenda and the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of

Progressive Publications Limited, Hubli


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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 02-05-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

Part A

Answer All Questions                                                                                                           (10 X 2 =20)


  1. What are the various forms of written communication?
  2. Mention any three important points that should be included in a quotation.
  3. How do business organization benefits from issuing press release?
  4. Mention the stages of a collection series.
  5. What is meant by ‘Status Consciousness’?
  6. Why is it important to sign every pages of the Minutes book?
  7. What are the advantages of allowing credit in trading?
  8. In what way is a classified advertisement similar to a telegram?
  9. What is a performance report?
  10. Mention any three objectives of a sales letter.


Part B

Answer any Five Questions                                                                                                    (5 X 8 =40)


  1. Describe with illustration the different parts of a Business letter.
  2. Discuss the important guidelines for drafting letter of Credit and status enquiry.
  3. Draft a report of a committee appointed to identify areas of diversification for a company engaged in producing home appliances.
  4. Draft a letter of appreciation to an employee who has achieved the sales target.
  5. What are the Characteristics of a good Classified Advertisement?
  6. Explain the various advantages of forming committees.
  7. How should a candidate behave during a selection interview?
  8. You have been asked to declare open “Commerce Form 2011” draft an appropriate speech for the occasion.


Part C

Answer any Two Questions                                                                                               (2 X 20 =40)


  1. Briefly discuss the changes brought in the field of Communication by the newly introduced electronic devices.
  2. Draft an Application to Reliance Company Ltd. Mumbai, for the post of Chartered Accountant specially emphasizing your good auditing skills, knowledge of State and Central taxes and your dignified personality.
  3. You have received a letter from Mr. Vasanth. Vasanth & Co, reminds you to settle a claim of Rs 5 lakhs immediately. Draft a suitable replay requesting for extending of the terms and suggesting payments in installments.

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Loyola College B.Com April 2014 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2016 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 09/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS:                                                                                   (10×2=20)


  1. Define Proposition.
  2. Mention any four factors that can be give rise to complaints.
  3. What is a counter offer?
  4. Give the meaning of ‘Reprimand Interview’.
  5. Write the three possible attitudes that suppliers can have towards a complaint.
  6. Mention any two types of advertisement copy.
  7. How does language act as a barrier to effective communication?
  8. Distinguish between reference and testimonials.
  9. What is the meaning of “3 percent, 7 days”?
  10. What is an enclosure?



ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS:                                                                         (5X8=40)


  1. Briefly explain the functions of business letters.
  2. How do marketers write effective sales letters?
  3. Draft an office circular emphasising the need of minimising the use of staff cars.
  4. Draft a suitable reply to a customer who has complained about the poor services of computers supplied by you.
  5. The commerce forum of your college plan to organize a two day seminar on the need to tackle inflation. Prepare a suitable handout to be issued to the press.
  6. As a retailer, draft a letter to Rainbow India Private Ltd., Calcutta, placing an urgent order with them for certain goods required for the forthcoming rainy season. Draw their attention to the need for prompt delivery.
  7. Explain the components of a Resume.
  8. What are the guidelines to be followed to make Advertisements attractive and effective?



ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS:                                                                 (2X20=40)


  1. (a) Explain the principles of communication.(10 marks)


(b) Apply these principles to develop effective telephone communication in an                 organisation. (10 marks)


  1. Draft an application to TCS, Chennai for the post of HR Manager specially emphasizing your effective management practices, good leadership styles and command over English.
  2. You are residing in an upcountry town. You read in the newspapers that Eastern and Western Stores Ltd., Mumbai, are holding their annual sale in the current month and you want to order some sports materials required by you. Write:
  1. A letter to Eastern and Western Stores Ltd., asking for their catalogue.(10 marks)
  2. A letter from Eastern and Western Stores Ltd., informing you that a catalogue has been sent and that the catalogue also contains usual business terms.(10 marks)



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