Loyola College M.Sc. Biotechnology April 2009 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download



VE 33






Date & Time: 22/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00       Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



PART A                                                  (20 Marks)


  1. Choose the best answer: (5 X 1 = 5)
  2. Energy required by the reactants to undergo the reactions is known as:

(i) Input energy                                   (ii) Energy change                                                       (iii) Activation energy                         (iv) Enthalpy

  1. Specificity of enzyme mostly depends on the:

(i) Apoenzyme            (ii) Coenzyme              (iii) Substrate               (iv) Reaction

  1. Coenzyme not related to B complex which is required for glycogen synthesis is:

(i) ATP                        (ii) CDP                       (iii) UDP                     (iv) PAPS

  1. The enzyme which plays a major role in Myocardial Infarction is:

(i) AST                        (ii) ALT                       (iii) LDH                     (iv) ACP

  1. The mutant, which plays a major role in the mechanism of α-helix capping is:

(i) A4T                        (ii) G147A                   (iii) G189A                  (iv) K305D

  1. State True or False: If false give the reason: (5 X 1 = 5)
  2. Name of the enzyme usually indicates the substrate involved in a particular reaction.
  3. Synthases and synthatases are different class of enzymes.
  4. Coenzymes are otherwise called as second substrates.
  5. Transition state analogs are potential enzyme inhibitors.
  6. In endergonic reactions, the energy is liberated.

III. Complete the following:                                                                            (5 X 1 = 5)

  1. Racemase and epimerase are the examples for the …………… class of enzyme.
  2. The site at which both the ……………. and……….. are present is called as active site.
  3. Isoenzymes are distinguishable only by ………………..
  4. Lysozyme breaks the ……………….. linkages in Glucosaminoglycans.
  5. Inhibitor responsible for the competitive inhibition closely resembles the …………..




  1. Answer the following, each within 50 words:                  (5 X 1 = 5)
  2. Define – Katal.
  3. What is Turnover number?
  4. Define: Enzyme degradation.
  5. Explain: Enzyme electrode.
  6. Define – Abzymes.



  1. Answer any five questions, each within 350 words: (5 X 8 = 40)
  2. Explain in detail about the IUBMB classification of enzymes.
  3. Discuss on importance and methods for isolation and purification of enzymes.
  4. Write in detail about the types of reversible inhibition?
  5. Define multienzyme complex. Explain evolutionary relationship between serine protease.
  6. Explain the diagnostic importance of SGOT, SGPT and ALP in hepatic diseases?
  7. Write about enzyme therapy for genetic disorders and cancer.
  8. Explain in detail about the single point mutagenesis for optimization of industrial enzymes.
  9. What are proteolytic enzymes? Explain their role in digestive tract.



  1. Answer the following, each answer within 1500 words: (2 X 20 = 40)
  2. (a) Explain the specificity, salient features and mechanism of action of active sites.


(b) Derive Michaelis-Menten equation. Explain the effect of substrate, temperature, pH, and product concentration on the regulation of enzyme activity.

  1. (a) Explain the Phillip’s mechanism of enzyme action with reference to lysozyme. Give the importance of catalytic residues in serine proteases.


(b) Explain the types, advantages and applications of enzyme immobilization with suitable examples.


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Loyola College M.Sc. Biotechnology April 2009 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download



VE 34






Date & Time: 24/04/2009 / 1:00 – 4:00  Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks



                                                        PART – A                                              (20 Marks)

  1. Choose the best answer: (5×1=5)


  1. 1. The progressive accumulation of non-biodegradable chemicals through the food chain is known as
  2. ecological balance b) trophic  structure
  3. biological magnification d) biodegradation
  4. Which of the following gas has maximum contribution to enhanced green house effect?
  5. CFC b) CH4                         c) N2 O                        d) CO2
  6. The method of introducing natural microbial strains or GEMS to the contaminated site is called
  7. a) Biostimulation b) Bioremediation
  8. c) Bioaugmentation d) Bioaccumulation
  9. If BOD of river is high, it means that the river is
  10. a) not polluted b) highly polluted
  11. c) gets least amount of light d) has low temperature of  water
  12. Metallothioneins are rich in
  13. a) Cysteine b)Leucine                         c)Proline                             d)Glutamic acid


  1. State true or false. If false; give reasons: (5×1=5)


  1. Fossil fuels are derived from long dead biological material.
  2. Assimilable organic carbon fraction represents the easily degradable compounds.
  3. Polyhydroxyalkanoates are biodegradable polymers.
  4. The ideal microbe for bioleaching of metals from ore is Bacillus subtilis.
  5. 10. Bacterial merA operon degrades inorganic mercury.


III. Complete the following:                                                                                     (5×1=5)


  1. Compounds which persist in the environment are called ____________________.
  2. Gasohol is a mixture of ____________________ and ______________________.
  3. The world environment day is celebrated on _________________________.
  4. Denaturing agents used in DGGE are____ ________ and ______________________.
  5. Lin A gene degrades ________________________.


  1. Answer the following, each in about 50 words: (5×1=5)


  1. What is activated carbon?
  2. Name the particulate pollutants found in atmosphere.
  3. Differentiate Bioventing and Biosparging
  4. Define Siderophores with examples.
  5. What are Phase – I reactions?







  1. Answer any five of the following questions each in about 350 words: (5×8=40)


  1. What are the effects of air pollution? Add a note on its remedial measures.
  2. Write about the attached aerobic treatment processes with examples.
  3. Describe the problems and remedies in soaps, surfactant and dye manufacturing industries.
  4. “Microbes can convert waste into energy” – Justify the statement.
  5. Write about the pathway involved in Toluene degradation by Pseudomonas putida.
  6. Explain the process of Composting of organic waste.
  7. Write about the role of Poplar and Arabidopsis as Phytoremediating plants.
  8. Describe Biphenyl degradation by microbes.



Answer the following each in about 1500 words:                                                  (2×20=40)


  1. (a) What is remote sensing? Explain its working principle and applications.


(b) Explain the biofilm formation,  ecology and its control measures.

  1. (a) Elaborate upon the procedures used by Dr Anand Chakrabarty in getting US patent

No 4259444.


(b)Write about T-RFLP as a tool for molecular analysis of pollutant degrading microbes.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2006 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 25


                                          PB 6605 – ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY



Date & Time : 21-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part A

Answer all the questions                                                                     (20 marks)


Choose the best answer                                                                      (5×1=5)


  1. Bacteriorhodopsin is constituted by
  2. a) 50% protein, 50% lipids b) 25% protein, 75% lipids
  3. c) 75% protein, 225% lipids d) 90% protein, 10% lipids


  1. The normal size of the floc in the activated sludge process ranges from
  2. a) 0.2 to 1mm b) 50 to 200μm c) 10 to 50μm             d) 100μm


  1. The aqueous solubility of hexachlorobiphenyl is
  2. a) 1- 6mg/l b) 10- 20 mg/l c) 7.5 mg/l       d) 0.00095 mg/l


  1. The normal depth of an anaerobic pond is
  2. a) 0.5-1m b) 1 to 10m c) 1 to 25m      d) 1to 2 m


  1. Enhancement of microorganism through addition of nutrients is called
  2. a) biodegradation b) biostimulation c) bioaugmentation     d) biorestoration



II State whether the following statements are  true  or false.             (5×1=5)


  1. Constant mixing of the contents of atmosphere occurs due to air current and the vertical temperature gradient.
  2. Coagulants are the negatively charged chemicals which form insoluble precipitates with positively charged ones.
  3. The number and location of chlorines in PCB help to determine the rate and extent of bioremediation.
  4. Anaerobic condition promotes the growth of BTEX degrading bacteria.
  5. Copper ore is typically obtained by open – cut mining.


III  Complete the following                                                                (5×1 =5)


  1. —————- is regarded to be a very useful information for the management and disposal of waste water.
  2. —————- process system is used for the biological removal of phosphorus.
  3. —————-is a broad spectrum biocide.
  4. Rhizofiltration using sunflower has been used in the remediation of ————–

from surface water.

  1. The enzyme toluene monooxygenase of Pseudomonas mendocina can degrade—-.



  1. Answer the following , each in about 50 words. (5×1 =5)


  1. Define biocorrosion.
  2. What is flocculant settling?
  3. What are xenobiotics?
  4. What is co- metabolism?
  5. Write short notes on rad waste.



Answer any five of the following questions, each in about 350 words.
Draw diagrams / flow charts wherever necessary                                           (5×8=40)


  1. Discuss the role of meteorological conditions in dilution of atmospheric pollutants.
  2. Write in brief about any two types of biogas plants used in biogas production.
  3. Compare and contrast different types of stabilisation ponds.
  4. Explain briefly about bioremediation of heavy metals.
  5. Write notes on biodegradation of PCP and PCBs.
  6. Give an account of any four types of phytoremediation techniques.
  7. Elaborate on microbial and multicellular biomineralisation.
  8. Give an account on management of high level rad waste through reprocessing and vitrification.



Answer  the following questions, each in about 1500 words. Draw diagrams / flowcharts wherever necessary.                                                     (2x 20= 40)


29 a).  Write an essay on biological ethanol production.



  1. b) Describe the following : I) biological nitrogen removal (BNR)  (7)
  2. ii) biological phosphorus removal         (7)

iii) disinfection.                                       (6)


30 a)  What is bioremediation?  Describe the strategies and types of bioremediation.




  1. b) Give an account of organisms, types and methods employed in bioleaching.

How are the copper and uranium recovered from their ores?


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2007 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download

                LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


IB 24






Date & Time: 18/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00     Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks



Part A                                           (20 marks)

Answer All questions

I Choose the Correct Answer                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. Suspended matter and dissolved solids present in the polluted water
  2. impart turbidity to natural waters
  3. restrict penetration of light to lower layer
  4. reduce plant life growing in sub surface layers of water
  5. all the above
  6. Biostimulation treatment process is applicable to ___ remediation
  7. soils b. soil, ground water and sediments
  8. ground water and soil d. ground water
  9. Camphor degrading genes of Pseudomonas pudita are located on____
  10. chromosome b. super numerary chromosome
  11. plasmid d. transposons
  12. 04. Thiobacillus ferroxidans grows best at pH
  13. 1.5 – 2.5    b. 2.0 – 3.0               c. 1.0 – 1.5      d. 3.0 – 5.0
  14. Heavy metals may be remediated in metal contaminated soil by
  15. volatilization b. precipitation
  16. binding to organic matter d. all the above


II State whether the following statements are True or False                (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. The petrochemical ethanol is manufactured both by fermentation and chemical


  1. Rotating biological contactors requires moderate energy input.
  2. The mature biofilm is formed by a combination of colonization and bacterial growth.
  3. The benthic zone is situated at the bottom of the lentic aquatic body.
  4. Alkaline waters are usually unprotective.


III. Complete the following                                                                     ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)

  1. _________ is a mixture of ethanol(20%) and petrol(80%).
  2. _________ are used to increase the aqueous solubility of petroleum hydrocarbons.
  3. Permanent hardness of water is due to ___________.

14._________ leaching is essentially carried out in old, shut down underground mines.

  1. __________is the deposition of minerals by living organisms.


  1. Answer all, each in about 50 words ( 5 x 1 = 5 marks)
  2. What is pollution blanket?
  3. What are stillages ? Mention the uses of stillages.
  4. Write notes on flocculant settling.
  5. What is bioaugmentation?
  6. Distinguish between micro and macrofouling.





PART B                       ( 5 x 8 = 40 marks)


Answer any five, each within 350 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.

  1. Summarise the characteristic features of a lotic system.
  2. Meteorological conditions play an important role in the dilution and dissemination of wastes in the atmosphere _ Discuss.
  3. Give an account of bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons.
  4. Briefly write about biofiltration technique with reference to purification of polluted air.
  5. Give an account of composting.
  6. Write notes on oxidation ponds.
  7. Briefly describe the steps involved in the development of biofilm.
  8. Describe the bioleaching of copper and uranium.


PART C                       ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks)


Answer the following, each within 1500 words only. Draw diagrams and flowcharts wherever necessary.


29 a.     i. Describe the structure of different types of biogas plants

  1. Explain solubilisation, acidogenesis and methanogenesis.



  1. Write an essay on secondary treatment of waste water.


30 a.  What are xenobiotics ? Describe biodegradation pathways of pentachlorophenol

and poly chlorinated biphenyl.  Suggest strategies to promote biodegradation of



  1. Describe the following
  2. Biomineralisation
  3. Types of reactors used in bioremediation


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2009 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download



VE 21






Date & Time: 21/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00    Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



PART –A                                                    (20 marks)


  1. Choose the correct answer (5×1=5)
  1. The filters used in Laminar Air Flow is
  1. Seive filters b. HEPA filters c. Sand filters     d. Filter paper


  1. Increase in deposit of pollutant in the members of food web is called
  1. Biomagnification b. Biosorption c. Biostimulation    d. Biodegradation


  1. Dinococcus radiodurans is able to use
  1. Heavy metal b. Pesticide c. Hydrocarbon    d. Radionuclides


  1. The substances difficult to degrade are called
  1. Reversible b. Remedial c. Removable         d. Recalcitrant


  1. The organism present in Trickling filter includes
  1. Thiobacillus spp b. Mycobacteria spp c. Bordetella spp d. Zooglea spp


  1. State whether the following statements are True or False (5×1=5)
  1. Sulphurdioxide causes chlorosis in plants.


  1. Chlorine in PCB is harmless to microbes.


  1. Iron ore leaching is done using Thiobacillus ferroxidans.


  1. EPA is Environment Protection Act.


  1. Psuedomonas have the enzyme monoxygenases.


III. Complete the following                                                                      (5×1=5)

  1. ______________ is an unconventional energy resource.


  1. Chemical treatment of sewage is done using _________________.


  1. The best way to remove agricultural waste is _________________.


  1. Removal of waste using plant roots is called ______________.


  1. The normal depth of anaerobic pond is _____________.



IV Answer the following within 50 words                                       (5×1=5)

Write short notes on

  1. Biofilm


  1. Chernobyl disaster


  1. Pesticide as xenobiotic substance


  1. Methane


  1. Mercury pollution



Answer any FIVE of the following in about 350 words                       (5×8=40)


  1. Write purification of air
  2. Explain metal transformation.
  3. Describe the Ex-situ bioremediation.
  4. Describe the nonconventional energy resources
  5. Explain the concept of Biomineralisation.
  6. Elaborate on removal of oil spills using microbes.
  7. Describe the Anaerbic digestion of waste.
  8. What is phytoremediation?



Answer the following in about 1500 words                                          (2X20=40)


  1. a. Write in detail the use of microbes in Bioremediation.


  1. Describe i. Trickling filter
  2.          Activated Sludge process


  1. a. Explain the pathway for PCP and PCB degradation.


  1. Discuss i. Bioleaching
  2. Biocorrosions



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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2011 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 07-04-2011              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


PART-A (20 Marks)

Answer ALL  questions


  1. Choose the correct answer (5X1=5 marks)


  1. Biogas (Methane) production involves _______ microorganisms.
  2. Acetogenic b. Methanogenic c. Hydrolytic & fermentative  d. All the above


  1. _______ is otherwise known as superbug.
  2. Pseudomonas putida b. Pseudomonas aeruginosa c. Proteus putida  d. Proteus aeruginosa


  1. _____ cells are used to remove PCP from contaminated water.
  2. Flavobacterium b. Arthrobacter c. Bacillus sp   d. Pseudomonas putida


  1. _______is the in situ treatment that involves supplying air and nutrients through

wells to contaminated soil to stimulate the indigenous bacteria

  1. Bioventing  b. Biosparging   c. Landfarming   d. Bioleaching


5._____ is an aggregate of microorganisms in which cells adhere to a surface.

  1. Floc b. Biofilm   c.  Biocontaminants  d. None


  1. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE (5X1=5 marks)
  2. The sewage of high organic material has high BOD
  3. Activated sludge process is an anaerobic process.
  4. Co-metabolism is used as an approach tobiological degradation of hazardous solvents.
  5. Biopiles are a hybrid of landfarming and composting
  6. Thiobacillus predominate  in the deposits of sulphide ores


III. Complete the following (5X1=5 marks)

  1. _____ is the operation of composting process involving earthworms.
  2. _____ is the predominant microorganism present in the trickling filters.
  3. ______ is an emerging technology that uses plants to remove contaminants from soil and water
  4. _____ is the process of addition of microorganisms indigenous or exogenous to the contaminated sites.
  5. ________ is the process by which living organisms convert ions in solution into solid minerals.


  1. Answer the Following ,each within 50 words (5X1=5 marks)
  2. Define Eutrophication.
  3. Define biosorption.
  4. Define xenobiotics
  5. Define bioremediation
  6. Define Radionuclide


PART-B (5X7=35 marks)

Answer the following  within 500 words.

Draw  diagrams wherever necessary


21.a. Describe the process of composting.


  1. Write the causes and effects of soil pollution.


22.a. Describe briefly about the bioreactors used in effluent treatment.


  1. Give an account on the removal of oil spills using microbes.


23.a.  Describe the phenol biodegradation  pathway.


  1. Comment on the methods to purify polluted air.


  1. Describe the types of reactors used in bioremediation.


  1. Write a note on the microbial populations involved in bioremediation process.


  1. What are the treatment technologies for radionuclides?


  1. Discuss biofilms and biocorrosion.






PART-C (3X15=45 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following, each with 1200 words

Draw  diagrams wherever necessary


  1. What are Non conventional energy resources and their types? Describe in detail about energy derived from wastes.
  2. Outline the processes involved in the secondary sewage treatment.
  3. Explain in detail about the degradation of PCPs and PCBs.
  4. Explain in detail about the bioremediation strategies.
  5. Give a detailed account on microbial leaching of any two metals.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2012 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 18-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




Answer the following, each within 50 words only:                                         (10X2=20 Marks)  


  1. What is Biogas?
  2. What is silage?
  3. Define Biosorption.
  4. What are Lagoons?
  5. What are Xenobiotics?
  6. Write the uses of Lowshear air lift reactor?
  7. Explain Bioventing.
  8. Define biomineralization.
  9. Define Biofilm.
  10. What are radionuclides?





Answer the following within 500 words each:

Draw diagrams wherever necessary:                                                                      (5X7=35 marks)


  1. a) Give an account on Hydrogen Production.


  1. b)  Write briefly about non-conventional energy resources.


  1. a) Describe in detail about the working of trickling filter in sewage treatment.


  1. b) Explain Anaerobic digestion of sewage.


  1. a) Explain the degradation pathway of any one xenobiotics.


  1. b) Discuss the Soil pollution by Xenobiotics.


  1. a) Explain briefly about the process of Phytoremediation.


  1.  b)  Describe the design of Plug flow reactor.






  1. a) Explain the methods employed in microbial leaching.


  1. b)  Give an account on biocorrosion.





Answer any THREE of the following, each with 1200 words:

Draw  diagrams wherever necessary:                                                                   (3X15=45 marks)



  1. Give a detailed account on Recycling of solid waste products.
  2. Describe in detail about the treatment of oil spills.
  3. Discuss the methods to purify polluted air.
  4. Describe in detail about the bioremediation strategies.
  5. Explain in detail about the methods to uptake radionuclides from polluted sites.




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Loyola College B.Sc. Plant Biology and Biotechnology April 2016 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Sc. Adv. Zoology & Bio-Technology April 2015 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Sc. Adv. Zoology & Bio-Technology April 2015 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Sc. Adv. Zoology & Bio-Technology April 2016 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Sc. Adv. Zoology & Bio-Technology Nov 2016 Environmental Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download

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