Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Hindi Elective 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Hindi Elective 2018-19

ह दी (ऐच्छिक) कोड सख्िं
या – 002
प्रस्तावना :
कक्षा 11व िं – 12व िं (2018-19)
उच्चतर माध्यममक स्तर में प्रवेश लेने वाला ववद्यार्थी पहली बार सामान्य मशक्षा से ववशषे
की मशक्षा की ओर उन्मखु
होता है। दस वषों में ववद्यार्थी भाषा के कौशलों से पररचचत हो जाता है।
भाषा और साहहत्य के स्तर पर उसका दायरा अब घर, पास-पडोस, स्कू ल, प्राांत और देश से होता हुआ
धीरे-धीरे ववश्व तक फै ल जाता है। वह इस उम्र में पहुुँच चकु
ा है कक देश की साांस्कृ ततक, सामाजजक,
राजनीततक और आचर्थकि
समस्याओां पर ववचार-ववमशि कर सके , एक जज म्मेदार नागररक की तरह
अपनी जज  म्मदे
ाररयों को समझ सके तर्था देश और खुद को सही हदशा दे सकने में भाषा की ताकत
को पहचान सके । ऐसे दृढ़ भावषक और वचाररक आधार के सार्थ जब ववद्यार्थी आता है तो उसे ववमशि
की भाषा के ऱप में हहदी की व्यापक समझ और प्रयोग में दक्ष बनाना सबसे पहला उद् देश्य होगा।
ककशोरावस्र्था से यवु
ावस्र्था के इस नाजुक मोड पर ककसी भी ववषय का चुनाव करते समय बच्चे और
उनके अमभभावक इस बात को लेकर सबसे अचधक चचततत रहते हैं कक चयतनत ववषय उनके भावी
कै ररयर और जीववका के अवसरों में मदद करेगा कक नहीां। इस उम्र के  ववद्याचर्थयि
ों में चचतन और
करने की प्रवजृ त्त भी प्रबल होती है। इसी आधार पर वे अपने मानमसक, सामाजजक, बौद् चधक
और भावषक ववकास के प्रतत भी सचेत होते हैं और अपने भावी अध्ययन की हदशा तय करते हैं। इस
स्तर पर ऐजच्िक हहदां
ी का अध्ययन एक सजृ
नात्मक, साहहजत्यक, साांस्कृ ततक और ववमभन्न प्रयजु ततयों
की भाषा के ऱप में होगा। इस बात पर भी बल हदया जाएगा कक तनरांतर ववकमसत होती हहदां
अखखल भारतीय स्वऱप से बच्चे का ररश्ता बन सके ।
ी के
इस स्तर पर ववद्याचर्थयि
ों में भाषा के मलखखत प्रयोग के सार्थ-सार्थ उसके मौखखक प्रयोग की कु शलता
और दक्षता का ववकास भी जऱरी है। प्रयास यह भी होगा कक ववद्यार्थी अपने बबखरे हुए ववचारों और
भावों की सहज और मौमलक अमभव्यजतत की क्षमता हामसल कर सके ।
इस पाठ्यक्रम के अध्ययन से :
1.        ववद्यार्थी अपनी रचच और आवश्यकता के अनऱु
जारी रख सकें गे।
प साहहत्य का गहन और ववशषे
2.      ववश्वववद्यालय स्तर पर तनधािररत हहदी-साहहत्य से सबां
स्र्थावपत कर सकें गे।
चधत पाठ्यक्रम के सार्थ सहज सबां
3.          लेखन-कौशल के व्यावहाररक और सजृ
नात्मक ऱपों की अमभव्यजतत में सक्षम हो सकें गे।
4.        रोजगार के ककसी भी क्षेत्र में जाने पर भाषा का प्रयोग प्रभावी ढांग से कर सकें गे।
5      यह पाठ्यक्रम ववद्यार्थी को सचार तर्था प्रकाशन जैसे ववमभन्न-क्षत्रे
करने का अवसर प्रदान कर सकता है।
ों में अपनी क्षमता व्यतत
उद्देश्य :
·      सजृ
नात्मक साहहत्य की सराहना, उसका आनदां
उठाना और उसके प्रतत सजृ
नात्मक और
आलोचनात्मक दृजटि का ववकास करना।
·    साहहत्य की ववववध ववधाओां (कववता, कहानी,   तनबधां
आहद), महत्त्वपर्ू
ि कववयों  और
रचनाकारों, प्रमखु
धाराओां और शमै लयों का पररचय कराना।
·      भाषा की सजृ
नात्मक बारीककयों और व्यावहाररक प्रयोगों का बोध तर्था सदां
भि और समय के
ार प्रभावशाली ढांग से उसकी मौखखक और मलखखत अमभव्यजतत करना।
·   ववमभन्न ज्ञानानशु
का बोध कराना।
ासनों के ववमशि की भाषा के ऱप में हहदां
ी की ववमशटि प्रकृ तत एवां क्षमता
·    साहहत्य की प्रभावशाली क्षमता का उपयोग करते हुए सभी प्रकार की ववववधताओां (धम,ि
जातत, मलगां
, वग,ि
भाषा आहद) एवां अतरों के प्रतत सकारात्मक और सवदनशील व्यवहार का
ववकास करना।
·    देश-ववदेश में प्रचमलत हहदी के ऱपों से पररचचत कराना।
·     सचार-माध्यमों (वप्रिां
और इलेतरॉतनक) में प्रयतु
त हहदां
ी की प्रकृ तत से अवगत कराना और
नवीन ववचधयों के प्रयोग की क्षमता का ववकास करना।
·     साहहत्य की व्यापक धारा के बीच रखकर ववमशटि रचनाओां का ववश्लेषर् और वववेचन करने की क्षमता हामसल करना।
·   ववपरीत पररजस्र्थततयों में भी भाषा का इस्तमाल शाांतत के सार्थ करना।
·      अमतू
ि ववषयों पर प्रयतु
त भाषा का ववकास और कल्पनाशीलता और मौमलक चचतां
न के मलए
प्रयोग करना।
शिक्षण-यच्ु ततयााँ :
इन कक्षाओां में उचचत वातावरर्-तनमािर् में अध्यापकों की भमू मका सदैव सहायक की होनी चाहहए। उनको भाषा और साहहत्य की पढ़ाई में इस बात पर ध्यान देने की जऱरत होगी कक-
·   कक्षा का वातावरर् सवादात्मक हो ताकक अध्यापक, ववद्यार्थी और पस्ु
ररश्ता बन सके ।
·    गलत से सही की ओर पहुुँचने का प्रयास हो। यानी बच्चों को स्वतत्रां
तक तीनों के बीच एक
ऱप से बोलने, मलखने
और पढ़ने हदया जाए और कफर उनसे होने वाली भलू
ों की पहचान करा कर अध्यापक अपनी
पढ़ाने की शली में पररवतनि
·  ऐसे मशक्षर्-बबदां ओु
ां की पहचान की जाए, जजससे कक्षा में ववद्यार्थी की सकक्रय भागीदारी रहे
और अध्यापक भी उनका सार्थी बना रहे।
·   मभन्न क्षमता वाले ववद्याचर्थयि
ों के मलए उपयतु
त मशक्षर्-सामग्री का इस्तमाल ककया जाए तर्था
ककसी भी प्रकार से उन्हें अन्य ववद्याचर्थयि
ों से कमतर या अलग न समझा जाए।
·   कक्षा में अध्यापक को हर प्रकार की ववमभन्नताओां (मलगां
,  धम,ि
जातत, वगि आहद) के  प्रतत
सकारात्मक और सवेदनशील वातावरर् तनममति
करना चाहहए।
·    सजृ
नात्मकता के अभ्यास के मलए ववद्यार्थी से साल में कम से कम दो रचनाएुँ मलखवाई
श्रवण तथा वाचन परीक्षा ेतु हदिा ननदेि
श्रवण (सनु
ना) : वखर्ति
या पहठत सामग्री को सनु
कर अर्थग्रि
हर् करना, वातािलाप करना, वाद-
वववाद, भाषर्, कववतापाठ आहद को सनु
को समझना।
कर समझना, मल्ू
याांकन करना और अमभव्यजतत के ढांग
वाचन (बोलना) : भाषर्, सस्वर कववता-पाठ, वातािलाप और उसकी औपचाररकता, कायक्रम-
प्रस्ततु त, कर्था-कहानी अर्थवा घिना सनु
ाना, पररचय देना, भावानकु
ूल सवां
हिप्पण : वातािलाप की दक्षताओां का मल्ू
न तनरांतरता के आधार पर परीक्षा के समय ही
होगा। तनधािररत 10 अकों में से 5 श्रवर् (सनु
ना) कौशल के मल्ू
याांकन के मलए और 5  वाचन
(बोलना) कौशल के मल्ू
याांकन के मलए होंगे।
श्रवण (सनु
ना) कौिल का मलू
यािंकन :
·   परीक्षक ककसी प्रासचां गक ववषय पर एक  अनच्ु
िे द का स्पटि वाचन करेगा। अनच्ु
िे द
तथ्यात्मक या सझु
ावात्मक हो सकता है। अनच्ु
िे द लगभग 250 शब्दों का होना चाहहए।
परीक्षक 2-3 ममनि का श्रव्य अशां
(ऑडियो जतलप) सनु
वाएगा। अशां
रोचक होना चाहहए ।
कथ्य/घिना पर्ू
ि एवां स्पटि होनी चाहहए। वाचक का उच्चारर् शद्ु
ध, स्पटि एवां ववराम
चचह्नों के उचचत प्रयोग सहहत होना चाहहए।
·    अध्यापक को सनु
हल कर सकें गे।
त-े सनु
ते परीक्षार्थी अलग कागज़ पर हदए हुए श्रवर् बोध के अभ्यासों को
·  अभ्यास ररततस्र्थान-पतू त,ि
सकते हैं।
बहुववकल्पी अर्थवा सत्य/असत्य का चुनाव आहद ववधाओां में  हो
·  अतत लघत्ू तरात्मक 5 प्रश्न पिू
ेजाएुँगे।                                  (1×5 =5)
मौखिक अशिव्यच्तत (बोलना) का मलू
यािंकन :
·    चचत्रों के  क्रम पर आधाररत वर्न : इस भाग में अपेक्षा की जाएगी कक ववद्यार्थी
वववरर्ात्मक भाषा का प्रयोग करें।
·  ककसी चचत्र का वर्नि
: चचत्र व्यजतत या स्र्थान के हो सकते हैं।
·   ककसी तनधािररत ववषय पर बोलना : जजससे ववद्यार्थी अपने व्यजततगत  अनभु
प्रत्यास्मरर् कर सकें ।
व का
·    कोई कहानी सनु
ाना या ककसी घिना का वर्नि
·    पररचय देना।                                                             2
(स् /  पररवार/  वातावरर्/  वस्त/ु
व्यजतत/ पयािवरर्/ कवव /लेखक आहद)
·   कु ल तीन प्रश्न पिू
ेजा सकते हैं।                                          1×3=3
हिप्पण :
1. परीक्षर् से पवू
ि परीक्षार्थी को तयै
ारी के मलए कु ि समय हदया जाए।
2. वववरर्ात्मक भाषा में वतमान काल का प्रयोग अपेक्षक्षत है।
3. तनधािररत ववषय परीक्षार्थी के अनभु
व-जगत के हों। जैसे – कोई चुिकु ला या हास्य प्रसगां I
4. हाल में पढ़ी पस्ु
तक या देखे हुए चलचचत्र (मसनेमा) की कहानी सनु
5. जब परीक्षार्थी बोलना आरांभ करे तो परीक्षक कम से कम हस्तक्षेप करें।
कौिलों के अतिं
रण का मलू
(इस बात का तनश्चय करना कक तया ववद्यार्थी में श्रवर् और वाचन की तनम्नमलखखत योग्यताएुँ हैं।)
श्रवण (सनु ना) वाचन (बोलना)
1 पररचचत सदभों में प्रयतु त शब्दों और पदों को 1 के वल अलग-अलग शब्दों और पदों के प्रयोग
समझने की सामान्य योग्यता है ककां तु वह की योग्यता प्रदमशति  करता है ककां तु एक
ससु बां द्ध आशय को नहीां समझ पाता। ससु बां द्ध स्तर पर नहीां बोल सकता।
2 िोिे ससु बां द् ध कर्थनों को पररचचत सदभों में 2 पररचचत सदभों में के वल िोिे ससु बां द्ध कर्थनों
समझने की योग्यता है। का सीममत शद्ु धता से प्रयोग करता है।
3 पररचचत या अपररचचत दोनों सदभों में कचर्थत 3 अपेक्षाकृ त दीघि भाषर् में अचधक जहिल
सचू ना को स्पटि समझने की योग्यता है। कर्थनों के प्रयोग की योग्यता प्रदमशति करता
है, अभी भी कु ि अशद्ु चधयाुँ करता है, जजससे
प्रेषर् में रकावि आती है।
4 दीघि कर्थनों की शखांृ ला को पयािप्त शद्ु धता 4 अपररचचत जस्र्थततयों में ववचारों को ताककि क
से समझने के ढांग और तनटकषि तनकाल ढांग से सगहठत कर धारा-प्रवाह ऱप में प्रस्ततु
सकने की योग्यता है। करता है। ऐसी गलततयाुँ करता है जजनसे
प्रेषर् में रकावि नहीां आती।
5 जहिल कर्थनों के ववचार-बबदां ओु ां को समझने 5 उद् देश्य और श्रोता के मलए उपयतु त शलै ी को
की योग्यता प्रदमशति करने की क्षमता है। वह अपना सकता है, ऐसा करते समय वह के वल
उद् देश्य  के अनकु ू ल  सनु ने  की  कु शलता मामलू ी गलततयाुँ करता है।
प्रदमशति करता है।
पररयोजना कायय                            – कु ल अकिं   10
व्यजततगत ऱप से हदया जाएगा        – 5 अकां
1. ववषयवस्तु                       – 1 अकां
2. शब्द सीमा (1000 शब्द)           – 1 अकां
3. भाषा शली                       – 1 अकां
4. ववषय से सबां
चां धत चचत्र तर्था आुँकडे  – 1 अकां
5. प्रस्ततु
ीकरर्                    – 1 अकां
·    पररयोजना कायि के आधार पर मौखखकी – 5 अकां
कक्षा – बारहवीां में बाह्य परीक्षक द्वारा मौखखकी ली जाएगी।
·   पररयोजना कायि हहदी भाषा और साहहत्य से सबां
ध हो।
ह दी (ऐच्छिक) (कोड स.िं
कक्षा – 11व िं (2018-19)
ििंड ववषय अकिं
(क) अपहित अििं 16
1 अपहठत गद्याांश –    – बोध (गद्याांश पर आधाररत बोध,  प्रयोग,   रचनाांतरर्,
शीषकि   आहद  पर  लघत्ू तरात्मक  प्रश्न  (2×4     लघत्ू तरात्मक   प्रश्न+1×3 अततलघत्ू तरात्मक प्रश्न)
2 अपहठत काव्याांश पर आधाररत पाुँच लघत्ू तरात्मक प्रश्न) (1×5) 05
(ख) कायायलय ह दी और रचनात्मक लेिन 20
3 ककसी एक ववषय पर तनबधां (ववकल्प सहहत) 8
4 कायािलयी पत्र (ववकल्प सहहत) 5
5 जनसचार माध्यम और पत्रकाररता के ववववध आयामों पर चार लघत्ू तरात्मक प्रश्न (1×4) 4
6 व्यावहाररक लेखन (प्रततवेदन, कायसि चू ी, कायवि त्ृ त इत्याहद) पर एक प्रश्न (3×1) 3
(ग) पाठ्यपस्ु तकें 44
(1) अतरा िाग – 1 32
(अ) काव्य िाग 16
7 एक काव्याांश की सप्रसगां व्याख्या (ववकल्प सहहत) 06
8 कववता के कथ्य पर तीन में से दो प्रश्न (2×2) 04
9 कववताओां के काव्य सौंदयि पर तीन में से दो प्रश्  (3×2) 06
(ब) गद्य िाग 16
10 एक गद्याांश की सप्रसगां व्याख्या (ववकल्प सहहत) 05
11 पाठों की ववषयवस्तु पर दो प्रश्  (3×2) (तीन में से दो प्रश्न) 06
12 ककसी एक लेखक/ कवव का साहहजत्यक पररचय 05
(2) अतराल िाग – 1 12
13 पाठों की ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत एक प्रश्न (ववकल्प सहहत) 4×1 04
14 ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत दो तनबधां ात्मक प्रश्न 4×2 (ववकल्प सहहत) 08
(घ) (क) श्रवर् तर्था वाचन 10
(ख) पररयोजना 10
कु ल 100
नोि : तनम्नमलखखत पाठों से प्रश्न नहीां पिू
अतरा (भाग – 1) ·    नए की जन्म कांु िली
प्रस्ताववत पस्ु
तकें :
1.    अतरा, िाग – 1, एन.सी.ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकामशतI
2.    अतराल, िाग – 1, एन.सी.ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकामशतI
3.   ‘अशिव्यच्तत और माध्यम’, एन.सी.ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकामशत (खांि – ख कामकाजी हहदी
और रचनात्मक लखे
न हेत)ु I
ह दी (ऐच्छिक) (कोड स.िं
कक्षा – 12व िं (2018-19)
ििंड ववषय अकिं
(क) अपहित अििं 16
1 अपहठत गद्याांश पर आधाररत बोध, प्रयोग, रचनाांतरर्, शीषकि  आहद पर लघत्ू तरात्मक प्रश् उपयतु त शीषकि (1×1) + लघु प्रश् (2x 5) 11
2 अपहठत काव्याांश पर आधाररत पॉच लघत्ू तरात्मक प्रश्न (1×5) 05
(ख) कायायलय ह दी और रचनात्मक लेिन 20
3 ककसी एक ववषय पर तनबधां (ववकल्प सहहत) 08
4 कायािलयी पत्र (ववकल्प सहहत) 5×1 05
5 जनसचार माध्यम और पत्रकाररता के ववववध आयामों पर चार  अतत लघत्ू तरात्मक प्रश् (1×4) 04
6 रचनात्मक लेखन पर एक प्रश्न (3 x1) (ववकल्प सहहत) 03
(ग) पाठ्यपस्ु तक 44
(1) अतरा िाग – 2 32
(अ) काव्य िाग 16
7 दो काव्याांशों में से ककसी एक काव्याांश की सप्रसगां व्याख्या 06
8 कववता के कथ्य पर दो प्रश्न (2×2) (तीन में से दो प्रश्न) 04
9 कववताओां के काव्य सौन्दयि पर दो प्रश्न (3×2) (तीन में से दो) 06
(ब) गद्य िाग 16
10 दो गद्याांशों में से ककसी एक गद्याांश की सप्रसगां व्याख्या ववकल्प सहहत 05
11 पाठों की ववषयवस्तु पर दो प्रश्न (तीन में से दो) (3×2) 06
12 एक लेखक/एक कवव का साहहजत्यक पररचय (5×1) 05
(2) अतराल िाग – 2 12
12 पाठों की ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत एक प्रश्न ववकल्प सहहत (4×1) 04
13 ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत दो तनबधां ात्मक प्रश्न (4×2) (तीन में से दो) 08
(घ) (क) श्रवर् एवां वाचन 10
(ख) पररयोजना 10
कु ल 100
नोि : तनम्नमलखखत पाठों से प्रश्न नहीां पिू
अतरा (भाग – 2) ·    अज्ञेय (यह दीप अके ला, मनैं े देखा एक बदूां )
·   के शवदास (कववत्त /सवयै ा)
प्रस्ताववत पस्ु
तकें :
1.    अतरा, िाग – 2, एन.सी.ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकामशतI
2.   अतराल, िाग – 2, (ववववध ववधाओां का सकलन), एन.सी.ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकामशतI
3.   ‘अशिव्यच्तत और माध्यम’, एन.सी.ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकामशत (खांि – ख कामकाजी हहदी और रचनात्मक लेखन हेत)ु I
ननर्ायररत समयावधर् : 3 घििं
ेअधर्कतम अकिं
: 100
क्र. स.िं प्रश्नों का प्रारूप दक्षता  परीक्षण/  अधर्गम पररणाम 1
कु ल योग
1 अपहित बोर् अवधारर्ात्मक  बोध,  अर्थग्रि हर्, 8 4 16
(पिन कौिल) अनुमान लगाना, ववश्लेषर् करना,
शब्दज्ञान  व  भावषक  प्रयोग,
सजृ नात्मकता, मौमलकताI
2 कायायलय  ह दी सांके त बबदां ओु ां का ववस्तार, अपने 4 1 1 1 20
और रचनात्मक मत का अमभव्यजतत, सोदाहरर्
लेिन  (लेिन समझना, औचचत्य तनधािरर्, भाषा
कौिल) में  प्रवाहमयता,  सिीक  शैली,
उचचत   प्राऱप   का   प्रयोग,
अमभव्यजतत  की  मौमलकता,
सजृ नात्मकता एवां ताककि कताI
3 पाठ्य पस्ु तकें प्रत्यास्मरर्, ववषयवस्तु का बोध एवां        व्याख्या,      अर्थिग्रहर् (भावग्रहर्) लेखक के  मनोभावों  को     समझना    शब्दों    का प्रसांगानुकू ल    अर्थि समझना, आलोचनात्मक चचतां न, ताककि कता, सराहना,  साहहजत्यक परांपराओां के पररप्रेक्ष्य में मूल्याांकन, ववश्लेषर्, सजृ नात्मकता,   कल्पनाशीलता, काय-ि कारर् सांबांध स्र्थावपत करना, साम्यता एवां अांतरों की  पहचान, अमभव्यजतत में  मौमलकता एवां जीवन मूल्यों की पहचान। 2 4 3 2 1 44
4 (क) श्रवर् तर्था वाचन 10
(ख) पररयोजना 10
कु ल 1×12
=  12
=  12
=  15
=  12
=  15
=  6
=  8
ननर्ायररत समयावधर् : 3 घििं
ेअधर्कतम अकिं
: 100
क्र. स.िं प्रश्नों का प्रारूप दक्षता  परीक्षण/  अधर्गम पररणाम 1
कु ल योग
1 अपहित बोर् अवधारर्ात्मक  बोध,  अर्थग्रि हर्, 6 5 16
(पिन कौिल) अनुमान लगाना, ववश्लेषर् करना,
शब्दज्ञान  व  भावषक  प्रयोग,
सजृ नात्मकता, मौमलकता I
2 कायायलय  ह दी सांके त बबदां ओु ां का ववस्तार, अपने 4 1 1 1 20
और रचनात्मक मत का अमभव्यजतत, सोदाहरर्
लेिन  (लेिन समझना, औचचत्य तनधािरर्, भाषा
कौिल) में  प्रवाहमयता,  सिीक  शैली,
उचचत   प्राऱप   का   प्रयोग,
अमभव्यजतत  की  मौमलकता,
सजृ नात्मकता एवां ताककि कताI
3 पाठ्य पस्ु तकें प्रत्यास्मरर्, ववषयवस्तु का बोध एवां        व्याख्या,      अर्थिग्रहर् (भावग्रहर्) लेखक के  मनोभावों  को     समझना    शब्दों    का प्रसांगानुकू ल    अर्थि समझना, आलोचनात्मक चचतां न, ताककि कता, सराहना,  साहहजत्यक परांपराओां के पररप्रेक्ष्य में मूल्याांकन, ववश्लेषर्, सजृ नात्मकता,   कल्पनाशीलता, काय-ि कारर् सांबांध स्र्थावपत करना, साम्यता एवां अांतरों की  पहचान, अमभव्यजतत में  मौमलकता एवां जीवन मूल्यों की पहचान। 2 4 3 2 1 44
4 (क) श्रवर् तर्था वाचन 10
(ख) पररयोजना 10
कु ल 1×10
=  10
=  14
=  15
=  12
=  15
=  6
=  8

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Hindi Core 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Hindi Core 2018-19

प्रस्तावना :
ह दिं
ी (आधार) (कोड सिं.  – 302)
दसव ीं कक्षा तक हहदीं
ी का अध्ययन करने वाला ववद्यार्थी समझते हुए पढ़ने व सुनने के
सार्थ-सार्थ हहदीं
ी में सोचने और उसे मौखिक एवीं ललखित ऱप में व्यक्त कर पाने की सामान्य
दक्षता अर्जति
कर चकु
ा होता है। उच्चतर माध्यलमक स्तर पर आने के बाद इन सभ
दक्षताओीं को सामान्य से ऊपर उस स्तर तक ले जाने की आवश्यकता होत है, जहााँ भाषा का
प्रयोग लभन्न-लभन्न व्यवहार-क्षेत्रों की माींगों के अनुऱप ककया जा सके । आधार पाठ्यक्रम, साहहर्ययक बोध के सार्थ-सार्थ भाषाई दक्षता के ववकास को ज्यादा महययव देता है। यह पाठ्यक्रम उन ववद्यार्र्थयों के ललए उपयोग साबबत होगा, जो आगे  ववश्वववद्यालय में
अध्ययन करते हुए हहदीं
ी को एक ववषय के ऱप में पढ़ेंगे या ववज्ञान/सामार्जक ववज्ञान के
ककस ववषय को हहदीं
ी माध्यम से पढ़ना चाहेंगे। यह उनके ललए भ उपयोग साबबत होगा, जो
उच्चतर माध्यलमक स्तर की लिक्षा के बाद ककस तरह के रोजगार में लग जाएींगे। वहााँ
कामकाज  हहदीं
ी का आधारभूत अध्ययन काम आएगा। र्जन ववद्यार्र्थयि
ों की रर्च जनसींचार
माध्यमों में होग , उनके ललए यह पाठ्यक्रम एक आरींलभक पष्ृ ठभूलम ननलमति
करेगा। इसके
सार्थ ही यह पाठ्यक्रम सामान्य ऱप से तरह-तरह के साहहयय के सार्थ ववद्यार्र्थयों के  सींबींध
को सहज बनाएगा। ववद्यार्थी भावषक अलभव्यर्क्त के सूक्ष्म एवीं जहिल ऱपों से पररर्चत हो सकें गे। वे यर्थार्थि को अपने ववचारों में व्यवर्स्र्थत करने के साधन के तौर पर भाषा का
अर्धक सार्थकि
उपयोग कर पाएाँगे और उनमें ज वन के प्रनत मानव य सींवेदना एवीं सम्यक्
दृर्ष्ि का ववकास हो सके गा।
उद्देश् :
·   इन माध्यमों और ववधाओीं के ललए उपयुक्त भाषा प्रयोग की इतन क्षमता उनमें आ
ी होग कक वे स्वयीं इससे जुडे उच्चतर पाठ्यक्रमों को समझ सकें गे।
·  सामार्जक हहसा की भावषक अलभव्यर्क्त की समझ।
·    भाषा के अदीं
र सकक्रय सयता सींबींध की समझ।
·    सजृ
नायमक साहहयय को सराह पाने और उसका आनींद उठाने की क्षमता का ववकास
तर्था भाषा में सौंदयाियमकता उयपन्न करने वाली सजृ
नायमक युर्क्तयों की सींवेदना का
·  ववद्यार्र्थयों के भ तर सभ प्रकार की ववववधताओीं (धम,ि
जानत,  ललगीं
, क्षेत्र एवीं भाषा
सींबींध ) के प्रनत सकारायमक एवीं वववेकपूर्ि रवैये का ववकास।
·  पठन-सामग्र को लभन्न-लभन्न कोर्ों से अलग-अलग सामार्जक, साींस्कृ नतक र्चतीं
के पररप्रेक्ष्य में देिने का अभ्यास कराना तर्था दृर्ष्िकोर् की एकाींर्गकता के  प्रनत
आलोचनायमक दृर्ष्ि का ववकास करना।
·   ववद्यार्थी में स्तरीय साहहयय की समझ और उसका आनींद उठाने की स्फू नत,ि
एवीं उसमें साहहयय को श्रेष्ठ बनाने वाले तयवों की सींवेदना का ववकास।
·   ववलभन्न ज्ञानानुिासनों के ववमिि की भाषा के ऱप में हहदीं
उसकी क्षमताओीं का बोध।
ी की ववलिष्ि प्रकृ नत और
·   कामकाज  हहदीं
ी के उपयोग के कौिल का ववकास।
·   सींचार माध्यमों (वप्रिीं
और इलेक्रॉननक) में प्रयुक्त हहदीं
ी की प्रकृ नत से पररचय और
इन माध्यमों की आवश्यकता के अनुऱप मौखिक एवीं ललखित अलभव्यर्क्त  का
· ववद्यार्थी में ककस भ अपररर्चत ववषय से सींबींर्धत प्रासींर्गक जानकारी के स्रोतों का अनुसींधान और व्यवर्स्र्थत ढींग से उनकी मौखिक और ललखित प्रस्तुनत की क्षमता का ववकास।
·   कु छ बातें इस स्तर पर हहदीं
ी लिक्षर् के लक्ष्यों के सींदभि में सामान्य ऱप से कही जा
सकत हैं। एक तो यह है कक कक्षा में दबाव एवीं तनाव मुक्त माहौल होने की र्स्र्थनत
में ही ये लक्ष्य हालसल ककए जा सकते हैं। चाँकू क इस पाठ्यक्रम में तैयारिुदा उयतरों को कीं ठस्र्थ कर लेने की कोई अपेक्षा नहीीं है, इसललए ववषय को समझने और उस समझ के आधार पर उयतर को िब्दबद्ध करने की योग्यता ववकलसत  करना ही लिक्षक का काम है। इस योग्यता के ववकास के ललए कक्षा में  ववद्यार्र्थयों और लिक्षक्षका के ब च ननबािध सींवाद जऱरी है। ववद्यार्थी अपन  िींकाओीं और उलझनों को र्जतना ही अर्धक व्यक्त करेंगे, उतन ही ज़्यादा स्पष्िता उनमें आ पाएग ।
·   भाषा की कक्षा से समाज में मौजूद ववलभन्न प्रकार के द्वींद्वों पर बातच त का मींच
बनाना चाहहए। उदाहरर् के ललए सींववधान में ककस िब्द  वविषे
के प्रयोग पर ननषेध
को चचाि का ववषय बनाया जा सकता है। यह समझ जऱरी है कक ववद्यार्र्थयों को
लसफि सकारायमक पाठ देने से काम नहीीं चलेगा बर्कक उन्हें समझाकर भावषक यर्थार्थि का स धे सामना करवाने वाले पाठों से पररचय होना जऱरी है।
·  िींकाओीं और उलझनों को रिने के अलावा भ कक्षा में ववद्यार्र्थयों को अर्धक-से- अर्धक बोलने के ललए प्रेररत ककया जाना जऱरी है। उन्हें यह अहसास कराया जाना चाहहए कक वे पहठत सामग्र पर राय देने का अर्धकार और ज्ञान रिते हैं। उनकी राय को प्रार्थलमकता देने और उसे बेहतर तरीके से पुनः प्रस्तुत करने की अध्यापकीय िैली यहााँ बहुत उपयोग होग ।
·   ववद्यार्र्थयों को सींवाद में िालमल करने के ललए यह भ जऱरी होगा कक उन्हें एक
नामहीन समूह न मानकर अलग-अलग व्यर्क्तयों के ऱप में अहलमयत दी जाए। लिक्षकों को अक्सर एक कु िल सींयोजक की भूलमका में स्वयीं देिना होगा, जो ककस
भ इच्छु क व्यर्क्त को सींवाद का भाग दार बनने से वींर्चत नहीीं रित,े
उसके कच्च-े
पक्के वक्तव्य को मानक भाषा-िैली में ढाल कर उसे एक आभा दे देते हैं और मौन
को अलभव्यींजना मान बैठे लोगों को मुिर होने पर बाध्य कर देते हैं।
·  अप्रययालित ववषयों पर  र्चतीं
न तर्था उसकी मौखिक व ललखित अलभव्यर्क्त की
योग्यता का ववकास लिक्षकों के सचते
प्रयास से ही सींभव है। इसके ललए लिक्षकों को
एक ननर्श्चत अतीं
राल पर नए-नए ववषय प्रस्ताववत कर लेि एवीं अनुच्छे द ललिने
तर्था सींभाषर् करने के ललए पूरी कक्षा को प्रेररत करना होगा। यह अभ्यास ऐसा है,
र्जसमें ववषयों की कोई स मा तय नहीीं की जा सकत । ववषय की अस म सींभावना के ब च लिक्षक यह सुननर्श्चत कर सकते हैं कक उसके ववद्यार्थी ककस ननबींध-सींकलन या कींु ज से तैयारिुदा सामग्र को उतार भर न ले। तैयार िुदा सामग्र के लोभ से, बाध्यतावि ही सही मुर्क्त पाकर ववद्यार्थी नये तरीके से सोचने और उसे िब्दबद्ध
करने के ययन में सन्नद्ध होंगे। मौखिक अलभव्यर्क्त पर भ वविषे
ध्यान देने की
जऱरत है,  क्योंकक भववष्य में साक्षायकार,  सींगोष्ठी जैसे मौकों पर यही  योग्यता
ववद्यार्थी के काम आत है। इसके अभ्यास के लसललसले में लिक्षकों को उर्चत हावभाव, मानक उच्चारर्, पॉज, बलाघात, हार्जरजवाब इययाहद पर िास बल देना होगा।
·   मध्यकालीन काव्य की भाषा के ममि से ववद्यार्थी का पररचय कराने के ललए जऱरी होगा कक ककताबों में आए काव्याींिों की सींग तबद्ध प्रस्तुनतयों के   ऑडियो-व डियो कै सेि तैयार ककए जाएाँ। अगर आसान से कोई गायक/गानयका लमले तो कक्षा में मध्यकालीन साहहयय के लिक्षर् में उससे मदद ली जान चाहहए।
·   वयृ तर्चत्रों और लसनेमा को लिक्षर् सामग्र के तौर पर इस्तेमाल करने की जऱरत है।
इनके  प्रदिनि
के क्रम में इन पर लगातार बातच त के जररए लसनेमा के माध्यम से
भाषा के प्रयोग की ववलिष्िता की पहचान कराई जा सकत है और हहदीं
ी की अलग-
अलग छिा हदिाई जा सकत है। ववद्यार्र्थयों को स्तरीय परीक्षा करने को भ कहा
जा सकता है।
· कक्षा में लसफि एक पाठ्यपुस्तक की भौनतक उपर्स्र्थनत से बेहतर यह है कक लिक्षक के हार्थ में तरह-तरह की पाठ्यसामग्र को ववद्यार्थी देि सकें और लिक्षक्षका उनका कक्षा में अलग-अलग मौकों पर इस्तेमाल कर सके ।
·   भाषा लगातार ग्रहर् करने की कक्रया में बनत है, इसे प्रदलिति
करने का एक तरीका
यह भ है कक लिक्षक िदु
यह लसिा सकें कक वे भ िब्दकोि, साहहययकोि, सींदभग्रींर्थ
की लगातार मदद ले रहे हैं। इससे ववद्यार्र्थयों में इसका इस्तेमाल करने को लेकर
तयपरता बढ़ेग । अनुमान के आधार पर ननकितम अर्थि तक पहुाँचकर सतीं
ुष्ि होने की
जगह वे सही अर्थि की िोज करने का अर्थि समझ पाएाँगे। इससे िब्दों की अलग-
अलग रींगत का पता चलेगा और उनमें सींवेदनि लता बढ़ेग । वे िब्दों के बारीक अतीं र
के प्रनत और सजग हो पाएाँगे।
·   कक्षा-अध्यापन के पूरक कायि के ऱप में सेलमनार, ट्यूिोररयल कायि, समस्या-समाधान
समूहचचाि,  पररयोजना काय,ि
स्वाध्याय आहद पर बल हदया जाना चाहहए। पाठ्यक्रम
में जनसींचार माध्यमों से सींबींर्धत अिीं
ों को देिते हुए यह जऱरी है कक समय-समय
पर इन माध्यमों से जुडे व्यर्क्तयों और वविषे
ज्ञों को भ ववद्यालय में बुलाया जाए
तर्था उनकी देि-रेि में कायिालाएाँ आयोर्जत की जाएीं।
·  लभन्न क्षमता वाले ववद्यार्र्थयि
ों के ललए उपयुक्त लिक्षर् सामग्र का इस्तेमाल ककया
जाए तर्था उन्हें ककस भ प्रकार से अन्य ववद्यार्र्थयों से कमतर या अलग न समझा
·  कक्षा में लिक्षक को हर प्रकार की ववलभन्नता और ललगीं
जानत धम ि
वगि के  प्रनत
सकारायमक और सींवेदनि ल वातावरर् ननलमति
करना चाहहए।
श्रवण तथा वाचन परीक्षा ेतु हदिा-ननदेि
श्रवण (सुनना) : वखर्ति
या पहठत सामग्र को सनु
कर अर्थग्रि
हर् करना, वातािलाप करना, वाद-
वववाद, भाषर्, कववतापाठ आहद को सुनकर समझना, मूकयाींकन करना और अलभव्यर्क्त के
ढींग को समझना।                                                          5
वाचन (बोलना) : भाषर्, सस्वर कववता-पाठ, वातािलाप और उसकी औपचाररकता, कायक्रम- प्रस्तुनत, कर्था-कहान अर्थवा घिना सुनाना, पररचय देना, भावानुकू ल सींवाद-वाचन।      5
हिप्पणी : वातािलाप की दक्षताओीं का मूकयाींकन ननरींतरता के आधार पर परीक्षा के समय ही
होगा। ननधािररत 10  अकों में से 5  श्रवर् (सुनना) कौिल के मूकयाींकन के ललए और 5  वाचन
(बोलना) कौिल के मूकयाींकन के ललए होंगे।
श्रवण (सुनना) कौिल का मूलयािंकन :
·  परीक्षक ककस प्रासींर्गक ववषय पर एक अनच्ु
छे द का स्पष्ि वाचन करेगा। अनुच्छे द
तथ्यायमक या सुझावायमक हो सकता है। अनुच्छे द लगभग 250   िब्दों का होना
परीक्षक 2-3 लमनि का श्रव्य अिीं
(ऑडियो र्क्लप) सुनवाएगा। अिीं
रोचक होना
चाहहए । कथ्य /घिना पूर्ि एवीं स्पष्ि होन चाहहए। वाचक का उच्चारर् िुद्ध  स्पष्ि
एवीं ववराम र्चह्नों के उर्चत प्रयोग सहहत होना चाहहए।
·   अध्यापक को सुनत-े सुनते परीक्षार्थी अलग कागज़ पर हदए हुए श्रवर् बोध के अभ्यासों को हल कर सकें गे।
·   अभ्यास ररक्तस्र्थान-पूनत,ि
हो सकते हैं।
बहुववककप अर्थवा सयय/असयय का चनु
ाव आहद ववधाओीं में
·   अनत लघउु
यतरायमक 5 प्रश्न पछू
ेजाएाँगे।                                 (1×5 =5)
मौखिक अशिव्यक्तत (बोलना) का मलू
यािंकन :
·   र्चत्रों के क्रम पर आधाररत वर्न : इस भाग में अपेक्षा की जाएग कक ववद्यार्थी
वववरर्ायमक भाषा का प्रयोग करें।
·  ककस र्चत्र का वर्नि
: र्चत्र व्यर्क्त या स्र्थान के हो सकते हैं।
·  ककस ननधािररत ववषय पर बोलना : र्जससे ववद्यार्थी अपने व्यर्क्तगत अनुभव का
प्रययास्मरर् कर सकें ।
·   कोई कहान सुनाना या ककस घिना का वर्नि
·    पररचय देना।                                                             2
(स् /  पररवार/  वातावरर्/  वस्त/ु
व्यर्क्त/  पयािवरर्/  कवव /लेिक आहद)
·   कु ल त न प्रश्न पछू
ेजा सकते हैं।                                       1×3=3
हिप्पणी :
·  परीक्षर् से पूवि परीक्षार्थी को तैयारी के ललए कु छ समय हदया जाए।
·  वववरर्ायमक भाषा में वतमान काल का प्रयोग अपेक्षक्षत है।
·   ननधािररत ववषय परीक्षार्थी के अनुभव-जगत के हों। जैसे – कोई चिु प्रसींग सुनाना।
कु ला या हास्य
हाल में पढ़ी पुस्तक या देिे हुए चलर्चत्र (लसनेमा) की कहान सुनाना। जब परीक्षार्थी बोलना आरींभ करें तो परीक्षक कम से कम हस्तक्षेप करें।
कौिलों के अतिं
रण का मलू
(इस बात का ननश्चय करना कक क्या ववद्यार्थी में श्रवर् और वाचन की ननम्नललखित योग्यताएाँ हैं।)
श्रवण (सनु ना) वाचन (बोलना)
1 पररर्चत सदभों में प्रयक्ु त िब्दों और पदों 1 के वल अलग-अलग िब्दों और पदों के
को समझने की सामान्य योग्यता है ककीं तु प्रयोग की योग्यता प्रदलिति करता है
वह ससु बीं द्ध आिय को नहीीं समझ पाता। ककीं तु एक ससु बीं द्ध  स्तर पर  नहीीं
बोल सकता।
2 छोिे ससु बीं द्ध कर्थनों को पररर्चत सदभों 2 पररर्चत सदभों में के वल छोिे सबद्ध
में समझने की योग्यता है। कर्थनों का स लमत िद्ु धता से प्रयोग
करता है।
3 पररर्चत या अपररर्चत दोनों सदभों में 3 अपेक्षाकृ त दीघि भाषर् में अर्धक
कर्र्थत सचू ना को स्पष्ि समझने की जहिल कर्थनों के प्रयोग की योग्यता
योग्यता है। प्रदलिति  करता है, अभ  भ  कु छ
अिद्ु र् यााँ करता है, र्जससे प्रेषर् में
रकावि आत है।
4 दीघि कर्थनों की ििींृ ला को पयािप्त िद्ु धता 4 अपररर्चत र्स्र्थनतयों में ववचारों को
से समझने के ढींग और ननष्कषि ननकाल ताककि क ढींग से सगीं हठत कर  धारा-
सकने की योग्यता है। प्रवाह ऱप में प्रस्ततु  करता है। ऐस
गलनतयााँ करता है र्जनसे प्रेषर् में
रकावि नहीीं आत ।
5 जहिल  कर्थनों  के  ववचार-बबदीं ओु ीं  को 5 उद् देश्य और श्रोता के ललए उपयक्ु त
समझने की योग्यता प्रदलिति  करने की िली को अपना सकता है, ऐसा करते
क्षमता है। वह उद् देश्य के अनकु ू ल सनु ने समय वह के वल मामलू ी गलनतयााँ
की कु िलता प्रदलिति  करता है। करता है।
पररयोजना कायय                                  – कु ल अकिं   10
व्यर्क्तगत ऱप से हदया जाएगा              – 5 अकीं
1. ववषयवस्तु                             – 1 अकीं
2. िब्द स मा (1000 िब्द)                  – 1 अकीं
3. भाषा िली                          – 1 अकीं
4. ववषय से सबीं
र्ीं धत र्चत्र तर्था आाँकडे        – 1 अकीं
5. प्रस्ततु
 करर्                         – 1 अकीं
·    पररयोजना कायि के आधार पर मौखिकी  – 5 अकीं
कक्षा – बारहव ीं में बाह्य परीक्षक द्वारा मौखिकी ली जाएग ।
·   पररयोजना कायि हहन्दी भाषा और साहहयय से सबीं
ध हो।
ह दिं
ी (आधार) (कोड सिं. 302)
कक्षा – 11वीिं (2018-19)
िडिं ववषय अकिं
(क) अपहित अििं 16
1 अपहठत गद्याींि – बोध (गद्याींि पर आधाररत बोध, प्रयोग, रचनाींतरर्, ि षकि
आहद   पर   लघूयतरायमक   प्रश्न   (2×4      लघूयतरायमक   प्रश्न+1×2 अनतलघूयतरायमक प्रश्न)
2 दो  में  से  एक  अपहठत  काव्याींि-बोध  (काव्याींि  पर  आधाररत  छह लघूयतरायमक प्रश्न) (1×6) 6
(ि) कायायलयी ह दिं ी और रचनात्मक लेिन 20
3 ननबींध (ववककप सहहत) 8
4 कायािलय पत्र (ववककप सहहत) 5
5 जनसींचार माध्यम और पत्रकाररता के ववववध आयामों पर चार लघूयतरायमक प्रश्न (1×4) 4
6 फीचर, ररपोिि, आलेि लेिन (ज वन-सींदभों ये जुड  घिनाओीं और र्स्र्थनतयों पर) ववककप सहहत (3×1) 3
(ग) पाठ्यपुस्तक 44
(1) आरो िाग – 1 32
(अ) काव्य िाग 16
7 दो काव्याींिों में से ककस एक काव्याींि पर अर्थग्रि हर् से सींबींर्धत त न प्रश्न
8 एक काव्याींि के सौंदयबोध पर त न में से दो प्रश्न (3×2) 06
9 कववताओीं की ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत त न में से दो लघूयतरायमक प्रश्न (2×2) 04
(ब) गद्य िाग 16
10 गद्याींि पर आधाररत अर्थग्रहर् से सींबींर्धत चार प्रश्न (2×3) (1×1) 07
11 पाठों की ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत चार में से त न बोधायमक प्रश्न (3×3) 09
(2) ववतान िाग – 1 12
12 पाठों की ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत दो में से एक प्रश्न (4×1) 04
13 ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत त न में से दो ननबींधायमक प्रश्न (4×2) 8
(घ) (क) श्रवर् तर्था वाचन -10 20
(ि) पररयोजना – 10
कु ल 100
नोि : ननम्नललखित पाठों से प्रश्न नहीीं पछू
आरोह (भाग – 1) ·   अप्पू के सार्थ ढाई साल
·    आयमा का ताप
·  पर्र्थक
प्रस्ताववत पस्ु
तकें :
1. आरो , िाग – 1, एन.स .ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकालितI
2. ववतान िाग – 1, एन.स .ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकालितI
3. अशिव्यक्तत और माध्यम एन.स .ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकालित (िींि – ि कामकाज हहदी और रचनायमक लेिन हेत)ु I
ह दिं
ी (आधार) (कोड सिं. 302)
कक्षा – 12वीिं (2018-19)
िडिं ववषय अकिं
(क) अपहित अििं 16
1 अपहठत गद्याींि – बोध (गद्याींि पर आधाररत बोध, प्रयोग, रचनाींतरर्, ि षकि
आहद पर लघूयतरायमक प्रश्न (1×2) + 5 लघूयतरायमक प्रश्न (2x 5)
2 अपहठत काव्याींि-बोध (काव्याींि पर आधाररत चार लघूयतरायमक प्रश्न) (1×4) 04
(ि) कायायलयी ह दिं ी और रचनात्मक लेिन 20
3 ककस एक ववषय पर अनुच्छे द (ववककप सहहत) 05
4 कायािलय पत्र (ववककप सहहत) 05
5 वप्रिीं माध्यम, सींपादकीय, ररपोिि, आलेि आहद पर चार अनतलघूयतरायमक प्रश्न (1×4) 04
6 ककस एक ववषय पर आलेि अर्थवा हाल ही में पढ़ी पुस्तक की सम क्षा (3×1) 03
7 ज वन-सींदभों से जुड घिनाओीं और र्स्र्थनतयों पर फीचर लेिन (3×1) 03
(ग) पाठ्यपुस्तक 44
(1) आरोह भाग-2 32
(अ) काव्य भाग 16
8 दो काव्याींिों में से ककस एक पर अर्थग्रहर् से सींबींर्धत त न प्रश्न (2×3) 06
9 काव्याींि के सौंदयबोध पर दो में से एक काव्याींि पर दो प्रश्न (2×2) 04
10 कववताओीं की ववषयवस्तु से सींबींर्धत त न में से दो लघूयतरायमक प्रश्न (3×2) 06
(ब) गद्य भाग 16
11 दो गद्याींिों में से ककस एक गद्य पर आधाररत अर्थग्रहर् के त न प्रश्न
12 पाठों की ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत चार बोधायमक प्रश्न (3×3) (1×1) 10
(2) ववतान िाग-2 12
12 पाठों की ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत एक प्रश्न (4×1) ववककप सहहत 04
13 ववषयवस्तु पर आधाररत त न में से दो ननबींधायमक प्रश्न (4×2) 8
(घ) (क) श्रवर् तर्था वाचन – 10 20
(ि) पररयोजना – 10
कु ल 100
नोि : ननम्नललखित पाठों से प्रश्न नहीीं पछू
आरोह (भाग – 2) ·    बादल राग
प्रस्ताववत पस्ु
तकें :
1.    आरो , िाग – 2, एन.स .ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकालितI
2.    ववतान, िाग – 2, एन.स .ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकालितI
3.   ‘अशिव्यक्तत और माध्यम’, एन.स .ई.आर.िी. द्वारा प्रकालित (िींि – ि कामकाज हहदी और रचनायमक लेिन हेत)ु I
प्रश्नपत्र का प्रश्नानुसार ववश्लेषण एविं प्रारूप
ह दिं
ी पाठ्यक्रम – 11वीिं आधार (2018-19)
समयावधध : 3  घिंिे                                      अधधकतम अकिं
: 100
क्र. सिं. प्रश्नों का प्रारूप दक्षता परीक्षण/   अधधगम पररणाम 1
कु ल
1 अपहित   बोध अवधारर्ायमक   बोध,     अर्थग्रहर्, 8 4 16
(पिन कौिल) अनुमान लगाना,  ववश्लेषर् करना,
िब्द-ज्ञान  व  भावषक  प्रयोग,
सजृ नायमकता, मौललकता।
2 कायायलयी ह दिं ी सके त बबदीं ओीं का ववस्तार, अपने मत 4 1 1 1 20
और रचनात्मक की अलभव्यर्क्त, सोदाहरर् समझना,
लेिन  (लेिन और्चयय   ननधािरर्,      भाषा   में
प्रवाहमयता,    सिीक  िैली,    उर्चत
कौिल) प्राऱप का प्रयोग,  अलभव्यर्क्त की
मौललकता,       सजृ नायमकता   एवीं
ताककि कताI
3 पाठ्यपुस्तकें प्रययास्मरर्, ववषयवस्तु का बोध एवीं व्याख्या, अर्थग्रि हर् (भावग्रहर्), लेिक के मनोभावों को समझना,  िब्दों का प्रसींगानुकू ल अर्थि     समझना, आलोचनायमक र्चतीं न,     ताककि कता, सराहना, साहहर्ययक  परींपराओीं के पररप्रेक्ष्य में  मूकयाींकन, ववश्लेषर्, सजृ नायमकता,   ककपनाि लता,   कायि- कारर्   सींबींध स्र्थावपत करना, साम्यता  एवीं अींतरों की पहचान, अलभव्यर्क्त  में  मौललकता   एवीं ज वन-मूकयों की पहचान। 1 8 5 3 44
4 (क) श्रवर् तर्था वाचन 10
(ि) पररयोजना 10
कु ल 1×13
प्रश्नपत्र का प्रश्नानुसार ववश्लेषण एविं प्रारूप
ह दिं
ी पाठ्यक्रम – 12वीिं आधार (2018-19)
समयावधध : 3  घिंिे                                    अधधकतम अकिं
: 100
क्र. सिं. प्रश्नों का प्रारूप दक्षता परीक्षण/ अधधगम पररणाम 1
कु ल
1 अपहित   बोध अवधारर्ायमक बोध,  अर्थग्रि हर्,  अनुमान 6 5 16
(पिन कौिल) लगाना,  ववश्लेषर् करना,  िब्द-ज्ञान व
भावषक प्रयोग, सजृ नायमकता, मौललकता।
2 कायायलयी ह दिं ी सके त बबदीं ओीं का ववस्तार, अपने मत की 4 2 2 20
और रचनात्मक अलभव्यर्क्त, सोदाहरर् समझना, और्चयय
लेिन  (लेिन ननधािरर्, भाषा में प्रवाहमयता, सिीक िैली,
उर्चत प्राऱप का प्रयोग, अलभव्यर्क्त की
कौिल) मौललकता,  सजृ नायमकता एवीं ताककि कता
3 पाठ्यपुस्तकें प्रययास्मरर्,   ववषयवस्तु  का  बोध  एवीं व्याख्या, अर्थग्रहर् (भावग्रहर्), लेिक  के मनोभावों   को   समझना,      िब्दों   का प्रसींगानुकू ल अर्थि समझना,  आलोचनायमक र्चतीं न, ताककि कता,     सराहना, साहहर्ययक परींपराओीं के   पररप्रेक्ष्य में मूकयाींकन, ववश्लेषर्, सजृ नायमकता, ककपनाि लता, काय-ि कारर् सींबींध स्र्थावपत करना, साम्यता एवीं  अींतरों की पहचान, अलभव्यर्क्त में मौललकता एवीं ज वन-मूकयों की पहचान। 1 8 5 3 44
4 (क) श्रवर् तर्था वाचन 10
(ि) पररयोजना 10
कु ल 1×11

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Geography 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Geography 2018-19

Geography is introduced as an elective subject at the senior secondary stage. After ten years of general
education, students branch out at the beginning of this stage and are exposed to the rigors of the discipline for the first time. Being an entry point for the higher education, students choose Geography for pursuing their academic interest and, therefore, need a broader and deeper understanding of the subject. For others, geographical knowledge is useful in daily lives because it is a valuable medium for the education of young people. Its contribution lies in the content, cognitive processes, skills and values that Geography promotes and thus helps the students explore, understand and evaluate the environmental and social dimensions of
the world in a better manner.
Since Geography explores the relationship between people and their environment, it includes studies of
physical and human environments and their interactions at different scales-local, state/region, nation and the world. The fundamental principles responsible for the varieties in the distributional pattern of physical and human features and phenomena over the earth’s surface need to be understood properly. Application of these principles would be taken up through selected case studies from the world and India. Thus, the physical and human environment of India and study of some issues from a geographical point of view will be
covered in greater detail. Students will be exposed to different methods used in geographical investigations.
The course in Geography will help learners to:
Familiarise with key concepts, terminology and core principles of Geography. Describe locations and correlate with Geographical Perspectives.
List/describe what students might see, hear, smell, at a place. List/describe ways a place is linked with other places.
Compare conditions and connections in one place to another. Analyze/describe how conditions in one place can affect nearby places. Identify regions as places that are similar or connected.
Describe and interpret the spatial pattern features on a thematic map.
Search for, recognize and understand the processes and patterns of the spatial arrangement of the natural features as well as human aspects and phenomena on the earth’s surface.
Understand and analyses the inter-relationship between physical and human environments and utilise such knowledge in reflecting on issues related to community.
Apply geographical knowledge and methods of inquiry to emerging situations or problems at different levels-local, regional, national and global.
Develop geographical skills, relating to collection, processing and analysis of spatial data/ information
and preparation of report including maps and graphs and use of computers where ever possible; and to be sensitive to issues.
CLASS XI (2018-19)
One Theory Paper                                                                                                                         70 Marks
3 Hours
Part A Fundamentals of Physical Geography 35 Marks
Unit-1: Geography as a discipline 30
Unit-2: The Earth
Unit-3: Landforms
Unit-4: Climate
Unit-5: Water (Oceans)
Unit-6: Life on the Earth
Map and diagram 5
Part B India-Physical Environment 35 Marks
Unit-7: Introduction 30
Unit-8: Physiography
Unit-9: Climate, vegetation and soil
Unit-10: Natural hazards and Disasters
Map and Diagram 5
Part C Practical Work 30 Marks
Unit-1: Fundamentals of Maps 10 Marks
Unit-2: Topographic and Weather Maps 15 Marks
Practical Record Book and Viva 5 Marks
Part A: Fundamentals of Physical Geography                                                        87 Periods
Unit-1: Geography as a Discipline                                                                                              04 Periods
Geography as an integrating discipline, as a science of spatial attributes. Branches of Geography; Physical Geography and Human Geography.
Scope and Career Options
Unit-2: The Earth                                                                                                                       11 Periods
Origin and evolution of the earth; Interior of the earth. Wegener’s continental drift theory and plate tectonics.
Earthquakes and volcanoes: causes, types and effects.
Unit-3: Landforms                                                                                                                      20 Periods
Rocks: major types of rocks and their characteristics.
Geomorphic processes: weathering, mass wasting, erosion and deposition; soil-formation.
Landforms and their evolution- Brief erosional and depositional features
Unit 4: Climate                                                                                                                          30 Periods
Atmosphere- composition and structure; elements of weather and climate.
Insolation-angle of incidence and distribution; heat budget of the earth-heating and cooling of atmosphere (conduction, convection, terrestrial radiation and advection); temperature- factors controlling temperature; distribution of temperature-horizontal and vertical; inversion of temperature.
Pressure-pressure belts; winds-planetary, seasonal and local; air masses and fronts; tropical and extratropical cyclones.
Precipitation-evaporation; condensation-dew, frost, fog, mist and cloud; rainfall-types and world distribution.
Climate and Global Concerns.
Unit 5: Water (Oceans)                                                                                                              10 Periods
Basics of Oceanography
Oceans – distribution of temperature and salinity.
Movements of ocean water-waves, tides and currents; submarine reliefs. Ocean resources and pollution.
Unit 6: Life on the Earth                                                                                                            07 Periods
Biosphere – importance of plants and other organisms; biodiversity and conservation; ecosystem and ecological balance.
Map work on identification of features based on 1 to 6 units on the outline/Physical/Political map of the
world.                                                                                                                                         05 Periods
Part – B: India – Physical Environment                                                                  78 Periods
Unit-7: Introduction                                                                                                                   04 Periods
Location, space relations, India’s place in the world.
Unit-8: Physiography                                                                                                                 28 Periods
Structure and Relief; Physiographic Divisions.
Drainage systems: Concept of river basins, Watershed; the Himalayan and the Peninsular rivers.
Unit-9: Climate, Vegetation and Soil                                                                                          28 Periods
Weather and climate – spatial and temporal distribution of temperature, pressure winds and rainfall, Indian monsoon: mechanism, onset and withdrawal, variability of rainfalls: spatial and temporal; use of weather charts.
Natural vegetation-forest types and distribution; wild life; conservation; biosphere reserves.
Soils – major types (ICAR’s classification) and their distribution, soil degradation and
Unit-10: Hazards and Disasters: Causes, Consequences and Management                                  14 Periods
Floods, Cloudbursts Droughts: types and impact Earthquakes and Tsunami
Cyclones: features and impact
Map Work of features based on above units for locating and labelling on the Outline/Political/Physical
map of India.                                                                                                                              04 Periods
Part – C: Practical Work                                                                                        50 Periods
Unit-1: Fundamentals of Maps                                                                                                   20 Periods
Geo spatial data, Concept of Geographical data matrix; Point, line, area data.
Maps -types; scales-types; construction of simple linear scale, measuring distance; finding direction and use of symbols.
Map projection- Latitude, longitude and time, typology, construction and properties of projection: Conical with one standard parallel and Mercator’s projection. (only two projections)
Unit 2: Topographic and Weather Maps                                                                                     30 Periods
Study of topographic maps (1 : 50,000 or 1 : 25,000 Survey of India maps); contour cross section and identification of landforms-slopes, hills, valleys, waterfall, cliffs; distribution of settlements.
Aerial Photographs: Types and Geometry-vertical aerial photographs; difference between maps and aerial photographs; photo scale determination. Identification of physical and cultural features.
Satellite imageries, stages in remote sensing data-acquisition, platform and sensors and data products, (photographic and digital).
Use of weather instruments: thermometer, wet and dry-bulb thermometer, barometer, wind vane, rain gauge.
Practical Record Book and Viva Voce
Viva to be based on Practical Unit I and II only.
CLASS – XI (2018-19)
1. Theory – One Paper                                                                                                       Time: 3 hours
Marks: 70
Part-I Fundamentals of Physical Geography 35
Unit-1: Geography as a discipline 30
Unit-2: The Earth
Unit -3: Landforms
Unit – 4: Climate
Unit – 5: Water (Oceans)
Unit – 6 : Life on the Earth
Map Work & Diagram 05
Part-II India- Physical Environment 35
Unit – 7 : Introduction 30
Unit – 8 : Physiography
Unit – 9 : Climate, vegetation and soil
Unit -10 : Natural hazards and Disasters
Map Work & Diagram 05
Total 70
Part -III Practical Work 30
Unit -1 : Fundamentals of Maps 10
Unit – 2 : Topographic and Weather Maps 15
Practical Record Book and Viva 05
2. Weightage to Difficulty Level
Estimated Difficulty Level Percentage
(i) Easy (E) 20%
(ii) Average (AV) 60%
(iii) Difficult (D) 20%
GEOGRAPHY (Theory)                                       Code No. 029                                                          CLASS-XI
Time: 3 Hours                                                 Max. Marks: 70
Typology of Questions Learning Outcomes
& Testing Skills
Short Answer (1 Mark) Short Answer (3 Marks) Long Answer I (5
Map Skills based
(5 Marks)
Marks %
1 Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories; Identify, define, or recite, information), Map skill based questions
(Identification,  location)
Reasoning  Analytical
Critical thinking
3 1 1 1
(identify location)
16 23%
2 Understanding- (Comprehension –to be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase information) 1 1 2 14 20%
3 Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret  a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 1 2 13 19%
4 High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis & Synthesis- Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information; Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information  from  a variety of sources) (includes Map interpretation) 2 1 2 1
(Map interpre- tation)
20 28%
5 Evaluation- (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes) 1 1+1 7 10%
Total 7×1 =7 6×3=18 7×5=35 2×5=10 70 (22)
Practical 30
Time Estimated 15 min. 60 min. 70 min. 20 min. 165+15 = 180
No Chapterwise weightage, care to be taken to cover chapters in both books.
GEOGRAPHY (Code No. 029)
Class XII (2018-19)
One Theory Paper                                                                                                                           3 Hours
70 Marks
A Fundamentals of Human Geography 35 Marks
Unit 1: Human Geography 30
Unit 2: People
Unit 3: Human Activities
Unit 4: Transport, Communication and Trade
Unit 5: Human settlements
Map Work 5
B India: People and Economy 35 Marks
Unit 6: People 30
Unit 7: Human Settlements
Unit 8: Resources and Development
Unit 9: Transport, Communication and International Trade
Unit 10: Geographical Perspective on selected issues and problems
Map Work 5
C Practical Work 30 Marks
Unit 1: Processing of Data and Thematic Mapping 15
Unit 2: Field study or Spatial Information Technology 10
Unit 3: Practical Record Book and Viva Voce 5
GEOGRAPHY (Code No. 029)
Part-A.  Fundamentals of Human Geography                                     90 Periods     35 Marks
Unit 1:     Human Geography: Nature and Scope                                                                         05 Periods
Unit 2:     People                                                                                                                        18 Periods
l       Population-distribution,density and growth
l       Population change-spatial patterns and structure; determinants of population change;
l       Age-sex ratio; rural-urban composition;
l       Human development – concept; selected indicators, international comparisons
Unit 3:     Human Activities                                                                                                         28 Periods
l Primary activities – concept and changing trends; gathering, pastoral, mining, subsistence agriculture, modern agriculture; people engaged in agricultural and allied activities – some examples from selected countries.
l       Secondary activities-concept; manufacturing: types – household, small scale, large scale; agro
based and mineral based industries; people engaged in secondary activities – some examples from selected countries.
l       Tertiary activities-concept; trade, transport and tourism; services; people engaged in tertiary activities – some examples from selected countries.
l       Quatenary  activities-concept;  people  engaged  in  quatenary  activities  –  case  study  from selected countries.
Unit 4:     Transport, Communication and Trade                                                                         24 Periods
l       Land transport – roads, railways; trans-continental railways.
l       Water transport- inland waterways; major ocean routes.
l       Air transport- Intercontinental air routes.
l       Oil and gas pipelines.
l       Satellite communication and cyber space- Importance and usage for geographical information; use of GPS.
l       International trade-Bases and changing patterns; ports as gateways of international trade, role of WTO in International trade.
l       Ocean: National rights and international treaties.
Unit 5:     Human Settlements                                                                                                     10 Periods
l       Settlement types – rural and urban; morphology of cities (case study); distribution of mega cities; problems of human settlements in developing countries.
Map Work on identification of features based on 1-5 units on the outline/Physical/Political map of World.
05 Periods
Part B. India: People and Economy                                                                       90 Periods
Unit 6:     People                                                                                                                        15 Periods
l       Population: distribution, density and growth; composition of population – linguistic, religious; sex, rural-urban and occupational-regional variations in growth of population.
l       Migration: international, national-causes and consequences.
l       Human development: selected indicators and regional patterns.
l       Population, environment and development.
Unit 7:     Human Settlements                                                                                                     10 Periods
l       Rural settlements – types and distribution.
l       Urban settlements – types, distribution and functional classification.
Unit 8:     Resources and Development                                                                                       30 Periods
l Land resources- general land use; agricultural land use, Geographical conditions and distribution of major crops (Wheat, Rice, Tea, Coffee, Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane and Rubber), agricultural development and problems.
l       Water resources-availability and utilization-irrigation, domestic, industrial and other uses;
scarcity   of   water   and   conservation   methods-rain   water   harvesting   and   watershed management.
l Mineral and energy resources- distribution of metallic (Iron ore, Copper, Bauxite, Manganese); non-metallic (Mica, Salt) minerals; conventional (Coal, Petroleum, Natural gas and Hydroelectricity) and non-conventional energy sources (solar, wind, biogas) and conservation.
l Industries – types, factors of industrial location; distribution and changing pattern of selected industries-iron and steel, cotton textiles, sugar, petrochemicals, and knowledge based industries; impact of liberalization, privatisation and globalisation on industrial location; industrial clusters.
l Planning in India- target group area planning (case study); idea of sustainable development (case study).
Unit 9:     Transport, Communication and International Trade                                                    15 Periods
l       Transport and communication-roads, railways, waterways and airways: oil and gas pipelines; Geographical information and communication networks.
l       International trade- changing pattern of India’s foreign trade; sea ports and their hinterland and airports.
Unit 10:   Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems                                        15 Periods
l       Environmental pollution; urban-waste disposal.
l       Urbanisation, rural-urban migration; problems of slums.
l       Land degradation.
Map work on locating and labelling of features based on above units on outline map of India.     05 Marks
Part-C   Practical Work                                                                                        40 Periods
Unit 1:     Processing of Data and Thematic Mapping                                                                   25 Periods
l       Type and Sources of data: Primary, Secondary and other sources.
l       Tabulating and processing of data; calculation of averages, measures of central tendency, deviation and rank correlation.
l       Representation of data- construction of diagrams: bars, circles and flowchart; thematic maps; construction of dot; choropleth and isopleth maps.
l       Data analysis and generation of diagrams, graphs and other visual diagrams using computers.
Unit 2:     Field Study or Spatial Information Technology                                                            15 Periods
Field visit and study: map orientation, observation and preparation of sketch; survey on any one of the local concerns; pollution, ground water changes, land use and land-use changes, poverty, energy issues, soil degradation, impact of floods and drought, catchment area of school, Market survey and Household survey (any one topic of local concern may be taken up for the study; observation and questionnaire survey may be adopted for the data collection; collected data may be tabulated and analysed with diagrams and maps). Students can be given different topics to get more insight into various problems of society.
Spatial Information Technology
Introduction to GIS; hardware requirements and software modules; data formats; raster and vector data, data input, editing and topology building; data analysis; overlay and buffer.
Prescribed Books:
1.   Fundamentals of Physical Geography, Class XI, Published by NCERT
2.   India, Physical Environment, Class XI, Published by NCERT
3.   Practical Work in Geography, Class XI, Published by NCERT
4.   Fundamentals of Human Geography, Class XII, Published by NCERT
5.   India – People and Economy, Class XII, Published by NCERT
6.   Practical Work in Geography, Class XII, Published by NCERT
Note: The above textbooks are also available in Hindi medium.
GEOGRAPHY (Theory)                                     Code No. 029                                                        CLASS-XII
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                      Max. Marks: 70
Typology of Questions Learning Outcomes
& Testing Skills
Short Answer (1
Short Answer – (3 Marks) Long Answer I (5 Marks) Map Skills based
(5 Marks)
Marks %
1 Remembering-  (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories; Identify, define, or recite, information), Map skill based questions
(Identification,  location)
l  Reasoning
l  Analytical Skills
l Critical thinking
3 1 1 1
(identify location)
16 23%
2 Understanding- (Comprehension –to be familiar with meaning and to understand  conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain,  paraphrase information) 1 1 2 14 20%
3 Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 1 2 13 19%
4 High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis & Synthesis- Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information; Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information from a variety of sources) (includes Map interpretation) 2 1 2 1
(Map interpret ion)
20 28%
5 Evaluation- (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 1+
1(values based)
7 10%
Total 7×1 =7 6×3=18 7×5=35 2×5=10 70 (22)
Practical 30
Time Estimated 15
60 min. 70 min. 20 min. 165+15 = 180
Note: No Chapterwise weightage, care to be taken to cover chapters in both books.
I.       Weightage to content (Chapter nos. of NCERT textbooks are given against unit within brackets)
Part A: Fundamentals of Human Geography (Textbook I)                                                    35 marks
A Fundamentals of Human Geography 35 Marks
Unit 1: Human Geography (Ch.1) 30
Unit 2: People (Ch . 2 to 4)
Unit 3: Human Activities (Ch . 5 to 7)
Unit 4: Transport, Communication and Tra de                                   (Ch. 8 and 9)
Unit 5: Human Settlements (Ch. 10)
Map Work—–World map (for identification only relating to Units 1 to 5) 5
Total 35
II.      Weightage to content (Chapter nos. of NCERT textbooks are given against unit within brackets)
Part B: India, People and Economy (Textbook II)                                                                 35 marks
B India: People and Economy 35 Marks
Unit 6: People (Ch. 1 -3) 30
Unit 7: Human Settlements                                                                       (Ch. 4)
Unit 8: Resources and Development (Ch. 5-9)
Unit 9: Transport, Communication and International Trade (Ch. 10-11)
Unit 10: Geographical Perspective on selected issues and problems           (Ch.12)
Map Work 5
Total 35
Grand Total 70
Note: Value Based Question from any Unit 1-10.
III.     Weightage to Difficulty Level
Estimated Difficulty Level Percentage
(i)  Easy (E) 20%
(ii) Average (AV) 60%
(iii) Difficult (D) 20%
Scheme of Option: No internal choice except for blind students.
Fundamentals of Human Geography
Textbook I (NCERT)
Revised Map Items for identification only on outline political map of the World.
Ch. 2 to 4
A large country in each continement in terms of area.
1 Areas having low and high density of population of each continent.
2 Countries having low/high growth rate of population. .
Unit-3 Ch. 5 to 7 1 Areas of subsistence gathering.
Primary Activities. 2 Major areas of nomadic herding of the world.
3 Major areas of commercial livestock rearing.
4 Major areas of extensive commercial grain faming.
5 Major areas of mixed farming of the World.
6 Major areas of mediterreneam agricalture of the World.
Secondary Activities 1 Ruhr  region,  Silicon  Valley,  Appalachian  region,  Great lakes region.
Unit – 4 Ch. 8 to 9 2 Transcontinental     Railways:     Terminal     Stations     of transcontinental railways
3 Major Sea Ports :
Europe:  North  Cape,  London,  Hamburg North  America: Vancouver, San Francisco, New Orleans
South America: Rio De Janeiro, Colon, Valparaiso
Africa: Suez, Durban and Cape Town
Asia: Yokohama, Shanghai, Hongkong, Aden,
Colombo, Karachi, Kolkata
Australia: Perth, Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland
4. Inland  Waterways:  Suez  canal,  Panama  canal,  Rhine waterway and St. Lawrence Seaway
5. Major Airports:
Asia: Tokyo, Beijing, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Mumbai, Jedda, Aden
Europe: Moscow, London, Paris, Berlin and Rome
North America: Chicago, New Orleans, Mexico City
South America: Bogota, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Santiago
Australia: Drarwin and Wellington.
Unit – 5 Ch. 10 Mega cities of the world
India – People and Economy
Textbook II (NCERT)
Revised Map for locating and labelling only on the outline political map of India
Units – 6 & 7 Ch. 1 to 4 •    State with high level of urbanised and low level of urbanisation
•    One state higher level of HDI & One lower level of HDI
•    State with higher level of pop pressure on land & one state lover level
of pop pressure in land.
•    One out migrating state
•    One in migrating state
•    One state with higher gender ratio & one with lower gender ratio
•    Any city with more than 10 million population.
Unit – 8 Ch. 5 to 9 Leading producing states of the following crops:
(a) Rice, (b) Wheat, (c) Jowar, (d) Bajra,
(e) Maize, (f) Groundnut, (g) Cotton, (h) Jute,
(i) Sugarcane, (j) Tea, and (k) Coffee
Iron-ore mines: Mayurbhanj, Kendujhar, Durg, Bailadila, Ratnagiri, Bellary.
Manganese mines: Sundergarh, Balaghat, Nagpur, Shimoga.
Copper mines: Hazaribagh, Singhbhum, Khetari, Udaipur and Amarkantak.
Bauxite mines: Katni, Bilaspur and Koraput.
Coal mines: Jharia, Bokaro, Raniganj, Korba, Talcher, Singareni, Neyveli.
Oil   Refineries:   Bhatinda,   Panipat,   Mathura,   Jamnager,   Mangalore, Tatipaka, Haldia, Guwahati, Baroni Industries.
Iron and Steel Plants: Bhadravati, Bhilai, Bokaro.
Durgapur, Rourkela and Jameshedpur.
Cotton Textile: Ahmedabad, Surat, Gwalior, Varanasi, Murshidabad, Pune, Nagpur, Solapur and Mysore.
Software Technology Parks: Gandhinager, Shrinager, Mohali, Shimla, Delhi,
Noida,  Kanpur,  Indore,  Hyderabad,  Bhubaneshwar  and  Major  Industrial Regions.
Unit – 9 Ch. 10 – 11 Transport:
(i)  Important tower on north south corredor easthest corridor & golden
(ii) Headquarters of all railway zones.
(iii) Major Sea Ports: Kandla, Mumbai, Marmagao, Kochi, Ennore, Tuticorin, Chennai, Vishakhapatnam, Paradwip, Haldia.
(iv) International Air ports: Ahmedabad,   Mumbai,   Bangalore,   Chennai, Kolkata,       Guwahati,       Delhi,       Amritsar,       Panaji,       Kochi,
Thiruvananthapuram & Hyderabad
Unit – 10         Ch. 12                  NIL

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Fine Arts 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Fine Arts 2018-19

A student may offer any one of the following courses:
(a)     Painting (Code No. 049)
(b)     Graphics (Code No. 050)
(c)     Sculpture (Code No. 051)
(d)     Applied Art-Commerci al Art (Code No. 052)
The following art terminologies for all the four subjects are prescribed only for reference and general
1.   Elements of Composition
2.   Principles of Composition
3.   Drawing & Painting
4.   Media of Composition
5.   Sculpture
6.   Graphics
7.   Applied Art
8.   Portfolio Assessment Method :
Point, line, form, colour,tone, texture and space.
Unity, harmony, balance, rhythm, emphasis and proportion, abstraction and stylisation.
Foreshortening, perspective, eye- level,fixed point of view,vanishing point,ratio-proportion, sketching, drawing, light and shade, still-life,
land-scape,anatomy, vertical, horizontal,two and three dimensional, transparent and opaque.
Paper (Cartridge, Canvas and Hard-board Handmade, etc.), pencil, water,acrylic colours, tempera colours, poster colours, pastel colours, waterproof ink.
Collage, Mosaic, Painting, Mural, Fresco, Batik Tie and Dye.
Relief and round sculpture, modelling with clay, terra-cotta, carving in wood, stone, bronze casting, plaster of Paris and metal welding.
Linocut, relief printing, etching, Lithography, silk screen printing, letter press and offset printing.
Book cover design and illustration, cartoon,  poster, advertisements
for newspaper and magazine, animation and printing processes, photography, computer-graphic, hoarding and T.V .
Introduction : The Art Portfolio willconsist of a compilation of all art works, from sketch to finished product .
The submission would include both the original and improved versions of assigned tasks reflective of gradual improvement. Step by step development of the work will be assessed in all units.
Components of a Portfolio:
•  Schedule of work
• Research Skills
• Resources and materials
• Study of connections with artists I art movements
• Art making skills
•  Personal artist statement
• Studies (e. g.,composition/ techniques-medium)
• Picture of the final work (reflective skills)
• Evaluation of final work (affective skills)
• Any kind of personalized notes in relation to art work
Profile of Learners Growth
Values and Attitudes Rubric
The learner develops the ability to :
•  Respect, appreciate and demonstrate an open mind towards the artistic expression of others
•  Appears enthusiastic and willing to study artistic expressions from other cultures or regions of the world that are very different from own.
• Accept different forms and styles and tries to explore their meaning.
• Be sensitive towards other’s creations
• Be ready to research and transfer his/ herlearning to his I her own art
• Take initiative
• Be responsible for his/ her own learning and progress
• Apply theoretical knowledge in practical contexts
• Possess information and communication technology skills
• Be resourceful and organize information effectively
• Listen attentively
Creativity: Candidates are required to produce evidence that demonstrates a creative approach to problem­
solving. Evidence should also include the ability to interpret a given brief and original approaches to produce    a solution . Sketchbooks, notebooks and relevant support material should form part of this evidence.
1.  Drawing
2.   Detailed Study – observation, record,analysis, interpreting a variety of subject 3.  Mood reflected
4.    Follow-up of the Fundamentals of VisualArts (Elements and Principles)
5.  Message the artist wants to convey
Innovation: The knowledge gained with the help of case study (historical importance, great artist work).
How has the above been understood in relation to the topic or the theme taken up by the student?
Technique: To foster creativity and self expression (basic understanding of colour concept and application in
relation to colour and texture of the material used by the student).  Size, details, proportion required
according to the base used for the painting medium chosen according to their art stream. Techniques studied from folk style, contemporary art or traditional art should be used while creating a new concept.
The learners:
•  Discover their potential for creativity, self -expression and visual awareness through painting.
• Feel confident with the chosen medium as a means of communicating and generating ideas.
• Develop observation, recording, manipulation and application skills.
• Experiment with a range of media and techniques.
• Relate their work to other artists work and understand the historical context of this work.
• Understand the basic principles of colour.
• Develop critical awareness.
Execution of Work
• Highlight the method of work giving a historical study of the work.
•  Originality in the presentation (paintings, sketches, etc.)
• Demonstrate an understanding of basic colour principles, colour mixing and representation.
•  Employ a variety of traditional and experimental techniques and processes
• Use a variety of media and materials
• Observe, record, analyse, interpret a variety of subjects, including : the manufactured environment
the natural environment the human figure
• Present evidence of personal enquiry and self expression
•  Discuss and relate own work to recognize artists work
•  Observe colour in other craft and design areas
•  Make informed critical judgement on work in progress
A. Progressive Work: Candidates are required to show evidence of research carried out. It is expected that their skills will demonstrate evidence of process and the exploration of a wide range of subjects. An accepted standard of achievement using a range of media and material should be an integral part of the candidate’s development.
B.   Skills: Sound aesthetic judgement  and organizational skills should be demonstrated in the process of work presented by a candidate.
C.    Logical organization and collection of creations.
D.  Critical evaluation and aesthetic judgement applied.
(Code No. 049)
Introduction: The course in Painting at Senior Secondary stage as an elective subject is aimed to develop
aesthetic sense of the students through the understanding of various important well known aspects and modes of visual art expression in India’s rich cultural heritage from the period of Indus valley to the present time. It also encompasses practical exercises in drawing and painting to develop their mental faculties of
observation, imagination,creation and physical skills required for its expressions.
A)  Thtr0ry. (Hlncry of lnct11nAnJ
Tlne qbject:ive of imcluding ilhe history cf lmdian .Art tor the stuclents is. to familiar-Ee t’h!em with he vanous. styl.M: and m di art itXJiWM!iiOM 1.-onn ditl.-t parun1 ll!lllia.ih1!i wllt!J d @nriri:h lthmrvismn1 8lild enable them to appred:ar, e Mid de-velop :m r.iesllhetk sensibility to enJCJll the be111.1ty of’ nature and
-life. The :5tudenUwill al haYe 1:1n o.g:)Qrtunrt to    raind $tudy the evolAJrt;ICJ!!l of tu 11’1111te.Uon5o a_nd
$)!iltlilest s wi!U’I Dtli\ier style and ·tfile rise of am *ther .mew styt.e.The $W(‘.lemts. should be mac!le aware o1an as .a ooman experience.The teachers :thowld be able to tthem ·to the wide Fafllle of a«tn1c 11115, nhe mei;tia and the toolis 1!15ed.The lnl  of lndln art i”:s. a to11g one. H   e the stuclenU w<00ld be aaJllllaimted wilt! brief pi  af the develuprmem  Df Imdiam ·vi:5l!li!I art as are. requ red fo.­ allna’pt fomriarton. E:xr.ilflplcs iiKludcd In he al study me selectt:d bec111use of heir ;nes.thttic:
4l1U11Ut1  imd arel111tended purely eriruidellnei.
B  Pltdk:al.s
11’111 purpose <Of nntrodLKinl practrcal.   rat ‘ill paTi’tl ng Is °’ and i!i’latu tlhe luMnt.s:
–  Te de’ielQp. sklU iof l.!i1ns. d        and p:a.1nt nit.erlaL (suna.oe, t.oolJ .and ·eqwlpment. ·etc:.)
Ifci sharpen 1h11r1rr obsMva-llon •n !through study of canmon objKU Mid v-M’IOUs. poml!ltrfcd and
noo-etrlcal forms fom!il •Ufe and notwre.
–  l’ develOP hleir 5li: U5o w draw :and  i11t the QbrvaUons-
–   Tc de-‘w’el ill’I 1l!lmder$tandlmg of pa.i nU!if.R·l!:amoo (The ILl5e of tfile e enments !allld ihe prlociples of
pa1111tJng -oompos tiOl!I•.
–   l”t!J  itreaw   hie fonmlii  anfj the ad.our” innaghnaUon with ilfl ibitttylo ei:Pfies5 Uiem
eneoc::tivet;,r in drawfng aoo painti ng.
Tei 8PMS!!!i thfr d.IUl!lntRt fiM!irngs Md        sf Lif’• nd’ n Lms, formsand colourrs.
One Tl’le.Oly Paper
Uttitw’lse ‘W-e’i
CLASS-XI(THEORY) (2018′-19)
1(Cod1t No.. 049)
40 Man:s
Time 2 Hoors
Un ts Periods. Miark!.
History o:f rmttan Arl:
1 Pre-1-listorlr:: roc:k r>ainl:hg§; aoo art ofIn   Valley n. ‘1t)
2 Buddhist.. Ja’n and H1111du .A.rt 24 15
3 Ti!rflple 5′;u ptur1M1 Br'(lnzt!s snd Artirtit:: at.$ ‘1f h’M:IO> l.amii:
l6 15
71 ’40
Unit 1:  Pre-hfstorlc PalntJnp and Art of llndl!ls V lley
(2    B.·C. m ·1500 B.C..
12 Periods
1)   Period and Location
2)   Study of following Pre-historic paintings:
(i) A Roaring Animal, Bhimbethaka (ii) Wizard’s Dance, Bhimbethaka
B.   Introduction
(i)  Period and Location.
(ii) Extension: In about 1500 miles
(a)  Harappa & Mohenjo-daro (Now in Pakistan)
(b) Ropar, Lothal, Rangpur, Alamgirpur, Kali Bangan, Banawali and Dholavira (in India)
2.  Study of following: Sculptures and Terracottas
(i)  Dancing girl (Mohenjo-daro) Bronze, 10.5 x 5 x 2.5 cm.
Circa 2500 B.C.
(Collection: National Museum, New Delhi).
(ii)  Male Torso (Harappa)
Red lime Stone, 9.2 x 5.8 x 3 ems.
Circa 2500 B.C.
(Collection: National Museum, New Delhi).
(iii) Mother Goddess (Mohenjo-daro) terracotta, 22 x 8 x 5 cm. Circa 2500 B.C. (Collection: National Museum, New Delhi).
3.  Study of following Seal:
(i)   Bull (Mohenjo-daro)
Stone (Steatite), 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.4 cm.
Circa 2500 B.C. (Collection: National Museum, New Delhi). Decoration on earthen wares:
(i)   Painted earthen-ware (Jar) Mohenjo-daro
(Collection:  National Museum, New Delhi).
Unit 2:   Buddhist, Jain and Hindu Art
(3rd century B.C. to 8th century A.O.)
24 Periods
1)   General Introduction to Art during Mauryan, Shunga, Kushana (Gandhara and Mathura styles)
and Gupta period:
2)   Study of following Sculptures:
i)  Lion Capital from Sarnath (Mauryan period) Pol shed sandstone,
Circa 3rd Century B.C.
(Collection: Sarnath Museum, U.P.)
ii)  Chauri Bearer from Didar Ganj (Yakshi) (Mauryan period) Polished sandstone
Circa 3rd Century B.C.
(Collection: Patna Museum, Bihar)
iii) Bodhisattva head from Taxila (Kushan period-Gandhara style) Stone, 27.5 x 20 x 15c.m.
Circa 2nd Century A.D.
(Collection: National Museum, New Delhi)
iv)  Seated Buddha from Katra Mound, Mathura-(Kushan Period-Mathura Style) Red-spotted Sand Stone, Circa 3rd Century AD.
(Collection: Govt. Museum, Mathura)
v)    Seated Buddha from Sarnath (Gupta period) Stone
Circa 5th century AD
(Collection: Sarnath Museum U.P.)
vi)   Jain Tirathankara (Gupta period) Stone
Circa 5th Century A.D.
(Collection: State Museum, Lucknow U. P.)
3)   Introduction to Ajanta
Location, period,  No.  of  caves,  Chaitya  and  Vihara, paintings and sculptures,  subject­ matter and technique etc.
4)   Study of Following Painting and Sculpture:
(i) Padmapani Bodhisattva (Ajanta Cave No. I, Maharashtra) Mural Painting
Circa 5th Century A.D.
(ii) Mara Vijay (Ajanta Cave No. 26) Sculpturein stone.
Circa 5th Century A .D.
Unit 3: Temple Sculpture, Bronzes and artistic aspects of lndo-lslamic Architectu re 36 Periods
A)  Artistic aspects of Indian Temple sculpture
(6th Century A. D. to 13th Century A.D. )
(1)  Introduction to Temple Sculpture
(6th Century A. D. to 13th Century A.D. )
12 Periods
(2)  Study of following Temple-Sculptures;
(i)  Descent  of  Ganga  (Pallava  period,  Mahabalipuram, Tamil  Nadu),  granite rock Circa 7th Century A.O.
(ii) Ravana shaking Mount Kailash (Rashtrakuta period, Ellora, Maharashtra) Stone
8th Century A. O.
(iii)Trimurti (Elephanta, Maharashtra) Stone
Circa 9th Century A.O.
(iv)Lakshmi  Narayana (Kandariya Mahadev Temple)  (Chandela period,  Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh)
Circa 10th Century A.O.
(v) Cymbal Player, Sun Temple (Ganga Dynasty, Konark, Odisha) Stone
Circa 13th Century A. D.
(vi)  Mother and Child (Vimal-Shah Temple, Solanki Dynasty, Dilwara , Mount Abu, Rajasthan) white marble.
Circa 13th Century A. D.
(B) Bronzes:
(1) Introduction to Indian Bronzes
(2) Method of casting (solid and hollow)
(3)  Study of following south Indian Bronzes:
(i)   Nataraj (Chola period Thanjavur Distt., Tamil Nadu) 12th Century A .O.
(Collection: National Museum, New Delhi.) (ii) Devi (Uma) Chola Period
11th Century A. D.
(Collection: National Museum, New Delhi.)
12 Periods
(C)  Artistic aspects of the lndo-lslamic architecture
(1)   Introduction
(2) Study of following architectures:
(i)   Qutab Minar, Delhi (ii) Taj Mahal,Agra
(iii) Gol Gumbad , Bijapur
12 Periods
CLASS-X I{2G11-19)
60      1t5
Time 6 Hoblrs C:bl
Units Poriads Marla
1 N:rl.unt and Objed Study sa zo
2 Painting. • CampO’§.ition 50 ID
3 Portfolio As “8 lD
1″416 60
Unit 1; Nature . nd Objec.t ‘Study                                                               20 M.!!rks 50 Periods
Stucbr of·lWO «three not.lftl and fomn 1n perncil W’lth 1iht 1nd shade from 11 fixed point of ·view’. H’atural fooms ike plants, v t l::lles,fruits a!ild iflcrwell’S , etc.;are to be l.11$ed. Gemmetri:ca fMms of ob’J@CbIk@ 1:1lJb1u, OOl’IM) prisrvu:, <CY{tndenaind !!ipMrK !Mulid Mi lMld.
Unit 1; Painting Composition                                                          20 Marks 50 Perliods
UJ Sfmple eK5e5 gf ba”$ic; de$ign irn varnatfQll of s.eorrnet ril; a_nd rhytbmail:: pe5 in SE!!!llliletllicalamd decoratrve desipils ama oolouirs to IDier.iltand des!Sns as organised v’!s1.11al Ul”an;erne111ts.                                                                               1OMarkt: 25 Periods
Ur.It l= PortfOllo Assessment                                                              20 Marks 48 Periods
tt)   Recor<.I or h& ifttln!!     ,.prformana!i frriom sketch to ‘filll prt.      10·.¥!3rb
b  Five             l”!at\Jre arid ob.lect 5-tU!il).r        rd5e5 in iiiDY media       · cbing the 5e5Pon
includins mimirmum al      stll lrifE e  lidses;.                                                                         05 Mairb
c)  iwo M w.orll:s. of P3fntln15!!i don@ c*Jrlng tiht!i YNr                                    O!ii Marks These selecredl works prepared dunhne: lihe c:ourse by ·ttte a111d rertlfied by lhe
sohlooll authcriti’e.s as the wt1rk dbne m the 5Chool wiill be placed behw”e tlrie exam1men for
M!Msrnf!nt .
Note:  1. The c:andicla 9 mould be !ifven one hCll.l”-breok after fl,_ hree haurs.
1. The time-table to be 50 f ramed lo llQ’!i’!il the 5tudeou t.oi wuk aintilnl.DJ5t:.’ for m1n1mum of
two pll’liOds at a     Uli.
One Theary Papeli
PAllNTING (Code No 049)
CLUS-Xll 1(2018-19)
..f 0 Marks
Timo: :2: Hoors
Units Period’s Marls
1 The Rajasthani and Pah.ari Si!:hmol!S. af Miniabre Paint ng t R c10
1 The Mugha.• am:! lleca,n Si;hoo’, Qf Miniature- Paimt(ng 18 10
3 Thelmdf i!n Ni-!1ioAal Rag ancJ the El;englSi;hl;ll;llQf Pa11nti 18 10
4 The Modem Trel!ids In lndlan Art 18 10
71 “‘°
Ulnlt 1: The Rajasthlnl and Paharl Schools of M niature Palnt1n1
(6.., Cent.wy 19th CM’lllllll} A..D.)
A brr1eJ n rocihJi:tion t.o. nd1en Mklfan.-e Sc:hoot’5i: Westem· lndran. Pala,. .ajMthan1, Muah:al, Centra lndli:!, Dea;an.and hhari.
The RaJM’tharri schi»J=
(i) Onlii!lin and Development
(2) Swb-Sch®·Mew.-,Bund Jodlpuir. B1kcaner, lt   s-h emd Jip1i1r·
( ) Main fealLJl’K of thit!’ bjM!ihitni Schod
(‘4)  Stud or tl’le f01.low1ni R:aljMlhan1paEnt11\iS:
MJ 11.rninilddh  s.rng.n tw’8.
Cl’laupn Pal !r’ers
Krisl’ns ao swimg
RM!hi!!J (Bn1·Thmil)
Bharat Meets Rama al Chhlra.lcuta
Utka Ram Dana INurudc:li’n NrMl ll:hmid
JodM  r
l<ii ShmigMh
B “lihe Pahari Scl
(I) Ori!:in and di!<relopmoot
(2) Sul:rSchoob·BMol’IU. Guter1  Kan ra. Chamblj and Garhw
(l) Nim featuire Qf the Pahari Sdloo1
(4) Stnctr or the r-allOWii n Pahati paintings:;
Kr151illlilli Vlllti (iop15 B’lilarat Wtwshippi!ilg
Charan_Padukas of Rama
Cosmic Dance of Shiva Nand, Yashoda and Krishna with Kinsmen going to Vrindavana
Radha and Krishna Looking into the Mirror
Nainsukh Unknown
Kangra Garhwal
Unit 2:  The Mughal and Deccan Schools of Miniature Painting
(16th Century AD to 19th Century A.D.)
(A) The Mughal School
(1)  Origin and development
(2)  Main features of the Mughal School
(3)  Study of the following Mughal Paintings:
18 Periods
Krishna  Lifting Mount  Govardhana Babur Crossing the River Sone
Jahangir Holding the Picture of Madona Falcon on a Bird- Rest
Kabir and Raidas
Marriage procession of Dara Shikoh
(B) The Deccan School
(1)  Origin and development
(2)  Main features of the Deccan School
(3)  Study of the following Deccan Paintings:
Ragini Pat-hamsika
Sultan Abdulla Qutb Shah
Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya and Amir Khusro Dancers
Chand Bibi Playing Polo (Chaugan)
Miskin Jagnath Abul Hassan
Ustad Mansoor Ustad Faquirullah Khan
Haji Madni
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Akbar Akbar Jahangir Jahangir Shahjahan
Provincial Mughal
Ahmadnagar Bijapur Hyderabad Hyderabad
Gol Konda
Unit 3:   The Indian National Flag and the Bengal School of Painting
(About the beginning to mid of the 20th Centuary)
18 Periods
(A)  Evolution of the  Indian National  Flag  (First  –  1906, Middle –  1921 and  Final 1947 stages);
Symbolic significance of its forms and the colours.
(B) (1) Introduction to the Bengal School of Painting
One til:::am Paper
LJ’j!JlfWl!.e W:Mgi’1tq&
PArNmtiiG Code Ho. 049)
CLHS-Xll {201S-19) (PRAC”mCM.)
60 Marks
TiiM: 6. Hm.ll’Si (3.+ll
Unitl Periods Marki
1 tqaturn and Object Study 50 20
2. Painting Composition 50 20
l P-onfO!lio      men 1118 20
148. l!JO
St.ud’6s om Ii.he batls. of ex:ercbes dl!lne n d:ass XI with two or three objeicuand two draperies. (In
different w) for badiJOUrnd arndl focegroumd.Exerdse5:irn pelllCi with llg:ht amd shade and It
full 1Col.ou1T from a fiiced po1nt.of view.
1m111rnat1¥e pafntlns b-ued on subjects rrom Life and N1u, ll.l’fe or Natu11e rn walef” and poster
…:o.lo.un wlttl ool.oUJr   lue!.
Unit J: PwttoHo As.sessment
(a) Reeord 01′ the entire y.E’i.f’s perifo.rma111C.ll’ from ste d’I to ftn’JWcl pro.d.lcl .
(b) FI”VE!  58Kied na u1re andl  abject:  §Cjl!Jdy   exerckes in  any  media   done· dn.-ing  the  sessiom,
includJns m1m1rnurn of tW’O stlll lrf@           sM.                                                       !ii     lb (c• Two seleclt.ed wuks or pirintln11done by dle candidate duriot the     Ii                      s IMfks, These seleded worb pre;pared dl!lriq the course 17t· tlhe candidate arid certified ti,i the school iWthtwUIMM IMwrirlik domt! iill th!! :!!Z:lnll’.ld. ‘1i’ll’lilbl!!           b@tore tlw! f!’xamlntn for aMnwmt.
lllcte:     The tJme-e to be so fmned mto allow tine lt!Jdents. to wort contlnuoo,!J.y for minimum or two
per1    al, i!J :Stfetdl.
1. Markin1Sdhiim.
Pin I: Naliunand Object Study,
(i)     Drawfng (composlticm)                                                                                  10
( i)  TrNtment ol nwdfttlt:ol.Cld’I                                                                 05
(111) 0vera1111mpre- ssm                                                                       05
Part 11  Pi!intlnt – Composition
(ii    COilnjXt$itioma• a,!Ffi’ili’ll!l!M’Mli\t il’ltludiJ’ij                Oli’I tht wtrject.
[ilj Treatment of IN!’dl (coloor’J 21nd apprcpriatemloor sclneme. (“ii }   Orlgi’nal ty. aeatlvity al’ld qve;raH ·irnpras,ian
2{1 lilllilrks.
(i)   Origin and development of the Bengal School of Painting
(ii) Main features of the Bengal School of Painting
(2) Contribution of Indian artists in the struggle for National Freedom Movement
(3)  Study of the following paintings of the Bengal school:
(i)  Journey’s End – Abanindranath Tagore (ii) Shiva and Sati-Nandalal Bose
(iii) Rasa-Lila – Kshitindranath Majumdar
(iv) Radhika – M.A.R. Chughtai
(v)  Meghdoot – Ram Gopal Vijaivargiya
Unit 4:The Modern Trends in Indian Art                                                             18 Periods
(1)  Study of the following works of Contemporary (Modern) Indian Art
(a)  Paintings
(i)  Rama Vanquishing the Pride of the Ocean – Raja Ravi Varma (ii) Magician – Gaganendranath Tagore
(iii) Mother and child – Jamini Roy
(iv) Three Girls – Amrita Sher Gil
(v) Mother Teressa – M.F. Husain
(vi) Gossip – N.S. Bendre
(vii) Untitled – G.R. Santosh
(b) Graphic – prints:
(i)   Whirl pool – Krishna Reddy (ii) Children – Somnath Hore (iii) Devi – Jyoti Bhatt
(iv) Of Walls – Anupam Sud
(v) Man, Woman and Tree – K. Laxma Goud
(c)  Scupltures:
(i)  Triumph of Labour – D. P. Roychowdhury (ii)  Santhal Family – Ramkinkar Vaij
(iii) Cries Un – heard – Amar Nath Sehgal
(iv) Ganesha – P.V. Jankiram
(v)  Chatturmukhi – Aekka Yada Giri Rao
The names of artists and titles of their art work as listed above are only suggestive and in no way
exhaustive. Teachers and students should expand this according to their own resources. However, the questions willbe set from the above mentioned art-works only.
Part Ill: Portfol o Assessment
(a)    Record of the entire year’s performance from sketch to finished product
(b)  Five selected nature and object study exercises in any media including minimum of two still lives
(c)    Two selected painting compositions prepared on the basis of
life and nature
20 marks
2.   Format of the Questions:
Part I: Nature and Object Study
Draw and paint the still·life of a group of objects arranged on a drawing board before you, from a fixed point of view (given to you), on a drawing paper of half imperial size in colours. Your drawing should be proportionate to the size of the paper. The objects should be painted in realistic manner with proper light and shade and perspective, etc. In this study the drawing· board is not to be included.
Note : A group of objects to be decided by the external and internal examiners jointly as per instructions. The objects for nature study and object study are to be arranged before the candidates .
Part II: Painting Composition:
Make a painting ·composition on any of the following five subjects in any medium (water /pastel, tempera, acrylic) of your choice on a drawing-paper of half imperial size either horizontally or vertically. Your composition should be original and effective. Weightage will be given to a well creative  composed   drawing,  effective   use  of  media,  proper   emphasis  on  the  subject matter  and utilization of full-space.
Note: Any five subjects for  painting composition are to be decided by the external and internal
examiners jointly as per instructions and are to mentioned here strictly just before the start of the examination for part II.
3.  (A) Instructions for the selection of the objects for Nature and Object Study:
1. The examiners (Internal and External) are to select/decide two or three suitable objects in such a way so that natural and geometricalforms may be coveredin the group of objects:
(i)      Natural-forms-large size foliage and flowers, fruits, and vegetables, etc.
(ii)   Geometrical forms made of wood/plastic /paper/metal/earthen, etc., such as cube, cone, prism, cylinder and sphere.
2.  Objects should be selected generally of large (suitable) size.
3. An object relating to nature, according to the season and location of the examination centre, must be included in the group of objects. The natural-objects should be purchased/ arranged only on the day of the examination so that its freshness may be maintained.
4. Two draperies in different colours (one in dark and other in light tone) are also to be included for background and foreground, keeping in view the colours and tones of the objects selected.
(B)  Instructions to decide the subjects for Painting-Composition:
1.  The examiners (Internal and External) are to select/decide five subjects suitable for painting – composition.
2. The subjects should be so designed that the candidates may get clear -cut ideas of the subjects
and they can exercise their imagination freely, because it is not important what you do, but how you do it.
3.  The examiners (Internal and External) jointly are free to select/ decide the subjects, but these should be accordingto the standard of Class XIIand environment of the school/candidates.
Some identified areas of the subjects for painting-composition are given below, in which some more areas may also be added:
(i)   Affairs of family friends and daily life. (ii)  Affairs of family professionals.
(iii) Games and sports activities.
(iv)  Nature
(v)   Fantasy
(vi)  National, religious, cultural, historical and social events and celebrations.
4.  General Instructions to the examiners:
1.  Candidates should be given one hour break after first three hours.
2.   Work of the candidates, for Parts I, II and 111, are to be evaluated on the spot jointly by the external and internal  examiners.
3.   Each work of Part I, II and 111, after assessment is to be marked as “Examined” and duly signed by the external  and internal examiners jointly.
Some Reference Books for teachers (For Practical Part):
1.   “Paint Still life” by Claretta White yet to be revised (Walter T. Foster Publication).
2.   “Art of Drawing” Grumbacher Library Wook (Walter T. Foster Publication).
3.   “On Techniques” By Leon Frank (Walter T. Foster Publication).
4.    “More Trees” by Fredrick Gardner (Walter T. Foster Publ cation).
5.   “How to Draw and Paint Textures of Animals” By Walter J. Wilweding (Water T. Foster Publication).
6.   “How to Draw and Paint Animal Expressions” by Walter J. Wilweding (Walter T. Foster Publ cation).
7.   “Art of the Pencil” by Borough Johnson (Sir ISAAC Pitman & Sons Ltd., New Delhi).
8.  “Design for you” by Ethel Jane Beitler (John Wilary & Sons Ltd., New Delhi).
9.   “Complete Book of Artist’s Techniques by Dr. Kurt Herbers, (Thames and Hudson, London).
(Code No. 050)
Introduction: The Course in Graphics at Senior Secondary stage as an elective subject is aimed to develop aesthetic sense of the students through the understanding of various important, well known aspects and modes of Visual art expression in India’s rich cultural heritage from the period of Indus Valley to the present time. It encompasses also a wider range of practical exercises in making of graphic prints for developing their mental faculties of observation, imagination,creation and physical & technical skills.
A)   Theory (History of Indian Art)
Note: As the syllabus of Graphics (Theory) is the same as that of Painting (Theory), its objectives are same.
B)  Practical
The purpose of introducing practical exercises in graphics is to help and enable students to make simple compositions in monochrome and in colours through the various print-making techniques using methods and material specifically prescribed for adequate results. The students should be introduced to the subject by giving a short history of the print making techniques. They should be given exercises to inculcate respect for the tools and apparatus-used in the various processes including their maintenance
and proper handling.
One Theory Paper
Unitwise Weightage
40 Marks
Time: 2 Hours
Units Periods Marks
History of Indian Art
1 Pre-Historic Rock-Paintings and Art of Indus Valley 12 10
2 Buddhist and Jain and Hindu Art 24 15
3 Temple  Sculptures,  Bronzes  and  Artistic  aspects  of  lndo-  Islamic Architecture 36 15
72 40
Notes: The Syllabus of Graphics (Theory) for Class XI is the same as that of Painting (Theory) for class XI
given earlier.
One Practical Paper
Unitwise Weightage
60 Marks
Time: 6 Hours (3+3)
Units Periods Marks
1 Relief Printing through Linocut/Woodcut/Paper-cardboard 100 40
2 Portfolio Assessment 48 20
148 60
Unit 1: To make Linocut/Woodcut/Paper -cardboard print on  1/4 Imperial sheet on a
given subject Syllabus for Rel ef Printing (Lonocuts/Woodcuts/Pape r-cardboard Prints).                                                                                               100 Periods
1.   Introduction of the history of print making.
2.   Printing methods and materials.
3.    Characteristics of printing inks, solvents, and dyers.
4.    Registration methods.
5.   Simple, colour printing techniques.
6.   Finishing of the mounting and prints.
Unit 2: Portfolio Assessment 48 Periods
a)    Record of the entire year’s performance from sketch to finished product 10 Marks
b)   The selected prints (either from Linocuts/Woodcuts/ Paper-cardboard prints) prepared during
the course by the candidate and certified by the school authorities as the work done in the school are to be placed before the examiners for assessment.                                   10 Marks
1.   The candidates should be given one hour break after first three hours.
2.   The time-table to be so framed as to allow the students to work continuously for minimum of two periods at a stretch.
One Theory Paper
Unitwise Weightage
40 Marks
Time: 2 Hours
Units Periods Marks
History of Indian Art
1 The Rajasthani and Pahari Schools of Miniature Painting 18 10
2 The Mughal and Deccan schools of Miniature Painting 18 10
3 The Indian National Flag and the Bengal School of Painting 18 10
4 The Modern Trends in Indian Art 18 10
72 40
Note: The Syllabus of Graphics (Theory) for Class XII is the same as that of Painting (Theory) for class XII
given earlier.
One Practical Paper
Unitwise Weightage
60 Marks
Time: 6 Hours (3+3)
Units Periods Marks
1 Making of  graphic-print through  Serigraphy/Lithography/Etchi ng and 100 40
Engraving (Intaglio Process) techniques
2 48 20
Portfolio Assessment 148 60
Note: The students in the class are expecte d to opt for any one of the fo llowing media depend ing upon
the facilities available in their schools.                                                                            120 Periods
Unit-1   a)  Serigraphy
1.   The history of stencils and silk screen.
2.  Methods and materials.
3.   The use and maintenance of the squeeze.
4.   Sealing, registration for colour,work and preparation for printing.
5.    Solvents for cleaning, use and characteristics of printing inks.
6.   Finishing and mounting of the print.
b)   Lithography                                                                                                            100 Periods
1.  Introduction: Short history and the methods and material used in producing lithographic prints.
2.  The use and characteristics of the Litho stone/ Zinc plates.
3.  The use of lithographic chalks and ink (Tusche).
4.    Preparing for printing and use of various chemicals inking and taking proofs.
5.   Papers used in lithography and getting the final print.
6.   Finishing and mounting of the print.
c)   Etching and Engraving (Intagl o Process)                                                                    120 Periods
1. Introduction to intaglio technique with a short history, methods and materials, Etching process.
2. Preparing the plate and laying the ground (resist) and Inking.
3.  Characteristics of different types of grounds.
4. Characteristics and use of various acids.
5. Colour etching, use of stencils and marks.
6. Finishing and mounting of the prints.
Unit 2:   oprd of the entire year’s performance from sketch to finished product                               10 Marks
b)   Three selected prints prepared during the course by the candidate and certified by the school
authorities  as works  done in the school and  to be  placed  before the external examiner for assessment.                                                                                                                       10 Marks
Note: The time table to be so framed as to allow the students to work continuously for minimum of two
periods at a stretch.
1.  Marking Scheme:
Part I:  Graphic-Composition (print making)
(i)  Emphasis on the subject
(ii) Handling on the material and technique of print·making (iii) Composition and quality of print
10        40 marks 20
Part II: Portfolio Assessment
(a)  Record of the entire year’s performance from sketch to finished product.     10
(b)  Three selected Prints (4+3+3 marks for 3 prints)                                             10
2.  Format of the questions:
Part I:   Graphic Composition (print-making)                                                                             50 marks
Choose one of the print-making medium available and taught in your school viz. serigraphy, lithography, etching and engraving.
Make a Graphic-Composition on any one of the five subjects given below according to the possibility and suitability of the medium:
(Note: Any five suitable subjects for “Graphic-Composition (Print-making)” are to be decided by the internal and external  examiners jointly in accordance with the instructions are to be mentioned here).
Make use of line, tone and texture, exploiting the medium fully to realize composition. Print your composition in one or two colours.
Pay special attention to print quality and cleanliness. Submit two identical prints along with all the roughlayouts as your final submission.
Size of the plate:
(i) Serigraphy
(ii) Lithography
(iii) Etching ft engraving
30 cm x 20 cm.
30 cm x 20 cm.
30 cm x 20 cm.
3.  Instructions to decide the subjects for Graphic – Composition:
1. The external and internal examiners jointly are to select/ decide five subjects suitable for Graphic­ Composition (print-making).
2. Each subject should be so designed that the candidate may get a clear -cut idea of the subject, however, any candidate can perceive a subject in his/ her own way but graphic quality must be maintained in the composition.
3. The examiners (Internal and External) are free to select/decide the subjects, but these should be according to the standard of class XI I and environment of the school/candidates.
Some identified areas of the subjects for Graphic-Composition (Print-making) are given below in which some more areas may be added, if needed:
(i)      Affairs of family, friends and daily life.
(ii)    Affairs of family professionals.
(iii)  Games & Sports Activities.
(iv)    Nature.
(v)     Fantasy.
(vi)   National, religious and cultural, historical and social events and celebrations. (vii)  Historical monuments
(viii) Folk and classical dances/theatres
(ix)     Traditional/ancient sculpture and painting
(x)     Relevant social issues
4.  Instructions to the examiners
1.   Candidates should be given one hour break after first three hours.
2.   Work of the candidates for part I & II is to be evaluated on the spot by the external and internal examiners jointly.
3.   Each work of parts I & 11, after assessment, is to be marked as examined and duly signed by the external and internal examiners.
Some Reference books for teachers
1. “The Techniques of Graphic Art”, by H. Van Kruihingen.
2.    “Print Making”, Harvewy Daniels (Hamlym).
3.   “Art is Manual for Silk Screen Print Making”, by Heavy Shackler.
4.    “Print Making Today”, by Jules Helles.
5.   “Silk Screen Techniques”, J.I. Biege Leison, Dover Publ cation, New York.
6.  “Introducing Screen Printing”, Anthony Kinsey Walson Guptill, New York.
7.   “The Art and Craft of Screen Process Printing”, Kosloff,All the Bruce Publishing Co., New York.
8.   “Practical Screen Printing”, Stephen Russ, Studio Vista Walson Auptill, New York.
9.   “Artists Manual for Silk, Screen Print making”, Harry Shekler, American Artist’s Group’ New York.
10. “Lithography”, Yau Nostrav, Reinnold.
11. “Lithography for Artists”, Standley Loues, Oxford University Press.
12. “Linocuts and Woodcuts” ,Michael Rothemstein Studio Vista, London.
13.  “Relief Printing”, Michael Rothenstein Studio Vista, London.
14. “Etching, Engraving and Intagl o Printing”,Anthony Gross, Oxford University Press.
15. “The Art of Etching”, E.S. Sumaden Gouslable, London.
(Code No. 051)
The Course in sculpture at Senior Secondary stage as an elective subject is aimed at developing aesthetic sense of the students through the understanding of various important, well known aspects and modes of visual art expression in India’s rich cultural heritage from the period of Indus Valley to the present time. It encompasses also a wide range of practical exercises in making of various sculptures for developing their
mental faculties of observation, imagination and creation and the physical and technical skills.
A)  THEORY (History of Indian Art)
Note: As the syllabus of Sculpture (Theory) is the same as that of Painting (Theory), its objectives are same.
The purpose of introducing practical exercises in sculpture is to help and enable the students to make sculptures. All assignments should be designed to understand problems of volume, weight, play of form in space, etc ., as against rendering on flat two dimensional. Adequate technical skills may be provided
depending on the facilities available.
One Theory Paper
Unitwise Weightage
40 Marks
Time: 2 Hours
Units Periods Marks
History of Indian Art
1 Pre-Historic Rock-Painting and Art of Indus Valley 12 10
2 Buddhist, Jain and Hindu Art 24 15
3 Temple Sculpturs,  Bronzes and Artistic aspects of  lndo-lslamic Architecture 36 15
72 40
Note: The Syllabus of Sculpture (Theory) for Class XI is the same as that of Painting (Theory) for Class XI
given earlier.
One Practical Paper
Unitwise Weightage
60 Marks
Time: 6 Hours (3+3)
Units Periods Marks
1 Modelling in Relief (in clay or plaster of Paris) 50 20
2 Modelling in Round (in clay or plaster of Paris) 50 20
3       I Portfolio Assessment                                                                                   48                  20
148               60
Unit 1: Modelling in relief on given subjects from life and nature.
Unit 2: Model ing in round on given subjects from life and nature.
Handling of clay and its techniques, pinching, coiling, rolling, etc.
Unit 3: Portfolio Assessment
50 Periods
50 Periods
48 Periods
a)   Record the entire year’s performance from sketch to finished product.                             10 Marks
b) Four selected pieces of works prepared during the course by the candidate and certified by the school authorities as works executed in the school are to be placed before the examiners for assessment .                                                                                                     10 Marks
Note: 1.   The candidate should be given one hour break after first three hours.
2.    The time table to be so framed as to allow the students to work continuously for minimum of two periods at a stretch.
One Theory Paper
Unitwise Weightage
40 Marks
Time: 2 Hours
Units Periods Marks
CBSE History of Indian Art
1 The Rajasthani and Pahari Schools of Miniature Painting 18 10
2 The Mughal and Deccan Schools of Miniature Painting 18 10
3 The Indian National Flag and the Bengal School of Painting 18 10
4 The Modern Trends in Indian Art 18 10
72 40
Note: The Syllabus of Sculpture (Theory) for Class XII is the same as that of Painting (Theory) for Class XII
given earlier.
One Paper
Unitwise Weightage
60 Marks
Time: 6 Hours (3+3)
Units Periods Marks
1 Modelling in Relief (Clay and plaster of Paris) 50 20
2 Modelling in Round (clay and plaster of Paris 50 20
3 Portfolio Assessment 48 20
148 60
Unit 1: Modelling in Relief*
Unit 2: Modelling in Round*
Unit 3: Portfolio Assessment
50 Pds.
50 Pds.
48 Pds.
(a)  Record of the entire year’s performance from sketch to finished product                    (10 Marks)
(b) Four pieces of work prepared during the course selected by the candidate and certified by the school authorities as work executed in the school are to be placed before the examiners for assessment.
Use of clay composition in hollow for baking.
*    Modelling of simplified human figures, birds, animals and plants in relief and round.
Geometrical  shapes  like cube,  cone,  cylinder,  etc., and  their composition  in relief  as an exercise in design study of textures. Use of plaster of Paris.                                       10 Marks
1.   The candidate should be given one hour break after first three hours.
2.   The time table to be so framed as to allow the students to work continuously for minimum of two periods at a stretch.
1.  Marking Scheme:
Part I:  Modelling in Relief
(i) Composition including emphasis on the subject (ii)  Handling of media
(iii) Creative approach and overall impression
05    20 Marks
Part II: Modelling in Round
(i) Composition including emphasis on the subject (ii)  Handling of media
(iii) Creative approach and overall impression
05    20 Marks
Part Ill: Portfolio Assessment
(a)  Record of the enitre year’s performance from sketch to finished product.  10
(b)  Four works of sculpture consisting of:
(i) One sculpture in relief (High Relief)
(ii) One sculpture in relief (Low Relief)
(c) Two Sculpture in round
20 Marks
2.   Format of the questions:
Part I: Modelling in Relief:
Make a sculpture in Relief (low/high) on any one of the following five subjects. The size should be within 25 to 30 cm. (horizontally or vertically) and about 4 cm. in thickness from the board.
(Note: Any five suitable subjects for “Modelling in Relief ‘ are to be decided by the external and internal examiners jointly in accordance with the instructions and are to be mentioned here).
Part II: Modellingin Round:
Prepare a sculpture in round, in clay medium, on any one of the following five subjects. The height should be within 25 to 30 cm, horizontally or vertically.
Note: Any five suitable subjects for “Modelling in Round” are to be decided in accordance with the instructions and are to be mentioned here strictly just before the start of the examination for Part II.
3.  Instructions to decide the subjects for Modelling in Reil ef and Round:
(1) The examiners (Internal and External) are to select/ decide five subjects suitable for modelling in relief and five subjects for modelling in round. The subjects for “Modelling in Round” are to be conveyed to the candidates strictly just before the start of the examination for Part 11.
(2) Each subject should be so designed that the candidate may get a clear-cut idea of the subject, however, a candidate can perceive a subject in his/her own way. Distortion of human/animal forms may be allowed.
(3)  Choice of high or low rel ef should remain open to the candidates.
(4) The examiners (Internal and External) are free to decide the subjects but they should be according to the standard of class XII and environment of the school/candidates. Some identified areas of the subjects for Modellingin Relief are given below in which some more areas may also beincluded:
(i)      Nature Study;
(ii)   Design, natural, decorative, stylized and geometrical: (iii)   Family, friends and daily life;
(iv)     Birds and animals;
(v)     Games and sports activities;
(vi)    Religious, social and personal activities; (vii)    Cultural activities;
(viii)   Ideas – Personal,social,local, provincial, national and international.
4. General instructions to the examiners:
1.  Candidates should be given one hour break after first three hours.
2.   Work of the candidates of Parts I, II and Ill, is to be evaluated on the spot by the external and internal examiners jointly.
3.  Each work of Parts I, II and 111, after assessment, is to be marked as examined and duly signed by the external and internal examiners.
Some Reference books for teachers:
1.  “Indian Sculpture”, by Chintaman Kar.
2.   “Exploring Sculpture”, by Jan Arndell Mills &. Boon, London.
3.  “The Technique of Sculpture”, John W. Mills, P.T. Patsford Ltd., London.
4.    “A History Sculpture of the world”, Shelden Cneey, Thame and Hudson, London.
5.   “Form and Space”, Edward Their,Thomes and Hudson; London.
6.    “Sculpture and Ideas”, Michael F. Andrews.
7.    “Modern Sculpture”, Jean Selz, Heinemann, London.
8.  “Creative Carving”, (Material techniques appreciation), Dons Z. Meilach, Pritam Publishing.
(Code No. 52)
The course in Applied Art (Commercial Art) at Senior Secondary stage as an elective subject is aimed to develop aesthetic sense of the students through the understanding to various important, wellknown aspects and modes of visual art expression in India’s rich cultural heritage from the period of Indus Valley to the present time. It encompasses also a wide range of practical exercises in commercial art for developing their
mental faculties of observation, imagination, creation and physical and technical skills.
A)  THEORY (History of Indian Art)
Notes: As the syllabus of Applied Art-Commercial Art (Theory) is the same as that of Painting (Theory), its objectives are same.
B)  PRACTICAL: The purpose of introducing practical exercises in Applied Art (Commercial Art) is to help
and enable the students to develop professional competence in making Model Drawing Lettering,layout preparation and poster so that they can link their lives with productivity.
One Theory Paper
Unitwise Weightage
40 Marks
Time:2 Hours
Units Periods Marks
History of Indian Art
1 Pre-Historic Rock-Paintings and Art of Indus Valley 12 10
2 Buddhist, Jain and Hindu Art 24 15
3 Temple  Sculpture   Bronze  and  Artistic   aspects Architecture of Inda-Islamic 36 15
72 40
Note: The Syllabus of Applied Art-Commercial Art  (Theory) for  Class XI is the same as that of  Painting
(Theory) for Class XI given earlier.
One Practical Paper
Unitwise Weightage
60 Marks
Time: 6 Hours (3+3)
Units Periods Marks
1 Drawing 50 20
2 Lettering and layout 50 20
3 Portfolio Assessment 48 20
148 60
Unit 1: Drawing
Drawing from Still-Life and Nature, medium-pencil monochrome/colour.
50 Pds.
Unit 2: (a) Lettering
(i)  Study of lettering of Roman and Devnagri Scripts (ii) Identification of some type-faces and their sizes
(b) Layout
Making a simple layout with lettering as the main component.
50 Pds.
Unit 3:  Portfolio Assessment                                                                                                                  48 Pds.
(a)  Record of entire year’s performance from sketch to finished product.                                        (10)
(b) Five selected drawings in any media done during the year including minimum three lives.     (05)
(c) Two selected works in chosen subject done during the year.                                                (05)
1.  The candidate should be given one hour break after first three hours.
2.  The time table to be so framed as to allow the students to work continuously for minimum of two periods at a stretch.
One Theory Paper
Unitwise Weightage
40 Marks
Time: 2 Hour
Units Periods Marks
History of Indian Art
1 The Rajasthani and Pahari Schools of Miniature Painting 18 10
2 The Mughal and Deccan Schools of Miniature Painting 18 10
3 The Indian National Flag and the Bengal School of Painting 18 10
4 The Modern Trends in Indian Art 18 10
72 40
Note: The Syllabus of Applied Art-Commercial Art  (Theory)  for  ClassXll is the same as that of  Painting
(Theory) for Class X II given earlier.
One Practical Paper
Unitwise Weightage
60 Marks
Time: 6 Hours (3+3)
Units Periods Marks
1 Illustration 50 20
2 Poster 50 20
3    I Portfolio Assessment 48 20
148 60
Unit 1: Illustration 50 Periods
Study  of  techniques of illustration on  given subjects  and simple situations supported  by drawing
from life and outdoor sketching in different media suitable for printing.
Unit 2:  Poster                                                                                                                                50 Periods
Making a poster with specified data and slogan on a given subject in two or three colours.
Unit 3:  Portfolio Assessment                                                                                                         48 Periods
(a)  Record of the entire years performance from sketch to finished product.                                  (10)
(b) Five selected drawings in any media done during the year including minimum of two illustrations
(c) Two selected posters in chosen subject .                                                                    (05)
Note: The time table to  be so framed as to allow the students to work  continuously for  minimum of two
periods at a stretch.
1.  Marking Scheme:
Guidelines for Evaluation of Practical
Part I: Illustrations
(i)  Composition including quality of drawing
(ii) Emphasis on the subject with a specific situation (iii) Reproducing quality and overall impression
05     20 Marks 05
Part II: Poster
(i)  Layout and Lettering
(ii) Emphasis on the subject
(iii) Proper colour scheme, overall impression and reproducing quality
05     20 Marks
Part Ill: Portfolio Assessment
(a)  Record of the entire year’s performance from sketch to finished product.
(b) Five selected drawings in any media including minimum of two illustrations.
(c)  Two selected posters in chosen subjects.
05     20 Marks
2.   Format of the questions:
Part I: Illustration
Make an illustration in black and white in any colour media on any one of the following five subjects with a specific situation.
Size of the illustration: 30 cm x 22 cm.
Note:    Any five suitable subjects or illustration, decided by the external and internal examiners jointly in accordance with the instructions are to be mentioned here.
Part II: Poster
Prepare a poster-design with specified data and slogan in English/Hindi/Regional language, in three flat colours, on any one of the following five subjects. The designing of the poster should have balanced use of typography and illustration.
Size of the Poster-design: 1/2 imp size.
Note: Any five suitable subjects for poster design decided by the external and internal examiners jointly in accordance with the instructions and are mentioned here, strictly just before the start of the examination for Part II.
3.  A)    Instructions to decide the subjects for illustration:
1.  The examiners (Internal and External) are to select/decide five suitable subjects.
2.   Each  subject  should  be  given  a  specific  situation,  which  is  a  main  characteristic  of  an illustration.
3.   Each subject should be so designed that the candidate may get a clear-cut idea of the subject and they can illustrate a specific situation based on given subject areas.
4.    The examiners (Internal and External) are free to decide the subjects but these should be according to the standard of the class XII and environment of the school/ candidates.
Some identified areas of the subjects for illustration are given below, in which some more areas may be added if needed.
Subject with a specific situation:
(i)  Family and friends in daily life.
(ii)  Professionals/ professions. (iii) Games and sports.
(iv) Nature.
(v)  National events and celebrations.
(vi) Religious events and festivals. (vii)Culture- Dance, Drama, Music and Art.
B)   Instructions to decide the subjects for Poster-design:
1.  The examiners (Internal and External) are to select/decide five subjects suitable for poster-design.
2.   Each subject should be given a specified data and slogan.
3.   The data and slogan should be so framed/designed that the candidates may get a clear-cut idea of the subject.
4.   The examiners (Internal and External) must give the subjects data and slogan according to the standard of Class XII and environment of the school/ candidates.
Some identified areas for poster-design are given below, in which some more areas/subject s may be added.
1.  For Advertisement on:
(i) Excursion/Tourism (ii)  Cultural activities
(iii) Community and nature development
(iv) Ideas-Social, national and international
(v)  Commercial products
2. Instructions to the examiners:
1.  Candidates should be given one hour break after first three hours.
2.  Work of the candidates for Parts I, II and Ill is to be evaluated on the spot by the external and internal examiners jointly.
3.  Each work of parts I, II and 111 , after assessment,is to be marked as examined and signed by the external and internal examiners.
Some Reference Books for teachers
1.  Typolog – G.M. Rege, Bombay.
2.   Kalatmak Likhai, Published by D.A. V. P.
3.  Figure Painting in Water Colour, Charles Reid Watson,Guptill Publication. 4.  Walter T. Foster – Objective Drawing.
5.  Walter T. Foster – Human Figure. 6.   Walter T. Foster- Head Study.
7.  Walter T. Foster – Animal Study. 8.  Walter T. Foster – Landscape.
9.   Applied Art Handbook – G.M. Rege, Bombay.
Some Reference Books for Theory portion of Painting, Graphics, Sculpture and Applied Art :
1.  ‘llrnf cit f-q?ICf1(11
2.                      fil?ICf1(11 fueJUT
3.                fil?1ict11
4.             fil?ICf1(11 CliT
5.             Cflffi 3fh: Cf1(11Cf1I<
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21.  Hindustan Masavri
22. The Heritage of Indian Art
23. Studies in Indian Art
24. Indian Painting
25.  History of Indian and Indonesian Art
26.  South Indian Bronzes
27. Discovering  Indian  Sculpture,  A   Brief History
28. Story of Indian Art
“if. <11<fl 1   ‘”S\  m lll<IB qf’*1i·1 “ITT3″B.                  .
llB (6. >T.)
Cf)(‘1T                      .                .  CflT4\F1fi 8  lfflf.
(f.:rcR “IOl’uiT “ITT3″B) ‘         110001 (f      ‘(‘1″.Cfi.3l.  cfi”
m Cfllllfw:n- 1R tjl
“if.        mul         . 1!     . Cll{IOlf!l (6. >T.) 221005
By Dr. Anis Farooqi
Dr. Vasudev Sharan Agrawal
Dr. Vasudev Sharan Agrawal, Banaras Hindu University Publ cation,Varanasi  (U.P.)
Percy Brown, YMCA Publ shing House, Massey Hall, Jai Singh Road (Near Parl ament Street) New Delhi-110001
A. K. Coomaraswamy, Dover Publication, Inc., New York.
C. Civaramamurti , Lal t Kala Academi, New Delhi-I 10001.
Dr. Charles L. Fabri, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., C-57, Defense Colony, New Delhi-110024.
S.K. Bhattacharya, Atma Ram & Sons, Kashmiri Gate, Delhi-I 10006.
30. Glory of Indian Miniature
31 . Indian Painting
32. Indian Artists through the ages 33 . Contemporary Indian Artists
34. Monographs on Amar Nath Sehgal. Amrita Shergil, Abanindra Nath Tagore,
D.P. Roy Chowdhury, Dhanaj Bhagat, Gaganendra Nath Tagore, K.K. Hebbar, Krishna Reddy, M.F. Husain, Rabindra Nath Tagore, Jamini Roy, P.V. Janakiram, Lalit Kala Contemporary
35. Monographs, Portfolios and prints of contemporary IModern paintings and sculptures which are included in the course of study.
36 . Portfolios, books and prints of Paintings and sculptures which are included in the course of study Govt. of India), Janpath,
37 . Contemporary Art in India-A Perspective
38.  History  of  Indian  Painting (Volume-I to
Dr.  Daljeet,  Mahindra  Publications,  R-5/ 11,  New  Raj
Nagar, Ghaziabad, Utttar Pradesh -201002.
C.Sivaramamurti , National Book Trust, India A-5, Green Park, New Delhi-110016
R.K. Chopra, R.K.C. Publications H-49, Raghu Nagar, Pankha Road, New Delhi-110045.
Geeta Kapoor, Vikas Publishing House, Darya Ganj, Delhi – 110002
Lal t Kala Akademi , Rabindra Bhawan, Copernicus Marg, (New Mandi House), New Delhi-110001 .
National Gallery of Modern Art (Deptt. of Culture, Ministry of H.R.D. Govt. of India) : Jaipur House, Near India Gate, New Delhi-110003 .
National Museum (Deptt. of Culture, Ministry of H.R.D.) New Delhi-110011
Prof. P.N. Mago National Book Trust of India, New Delhi-110016
Krishna Chaitanya, Abhinav Publications,  Hauzkhas, New Delhi

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Fashion Studies (only class XII) 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Fashion Studies (only class XII) 2018-19

CLASS – XII (2018-19)
Chapters Periods Marks
Chapter-I History of Fashion 40 15
Chapter-II Basic pattern development 80 20+15
(Theory + Practical)
Chapter–III Elements of Fashion 40 15
Chapter-IV Basics of garment making 80 20+15
(Theory + Practical)
180+60 for practical 70+30=100
Chapter-I: History of Fashion                                                           15 Marks     40 Periods
Objectives of the course
To provide an overview of history of costume from ancient civilization to the present To explain the socio-cultural factors influencing costume
To familiarize students with terminology of costume history
Learning outcomes
After completion of the unit, the students shall be able to:
Explain the significance of studying fashion History as a source of research for developing new collections.
Express their knowledge of History of clothing and Costume
Illustrate their understanding of the role of multiple factors influencing costume. Express their understanding of the effect of Industrial Revolution on clothing
Use appropriate Terminology related to Fashion History.
Course Content
Introduction to history of fashion, sources of information
Factors affecting clothing – protection, ritualistic, identification, adornment Origin and development of costume –
(i)  Draped costume
(ii) War costume – armour, techniques of construction, ancient war costumes, uniforms during World Wars, Oriental and Indian war costumes
Industrial Revolution – mechanical inventions, influence on India Effect of World Wars on fashion
Evolution of 20
century Indian fashion and influence of films on fashion
Teaching Methodology: Illustrated lecture with slides and visuals
Reference Text:
Kaleidoscope of fashion, by Mehar Castilino Ancient Indian Costume, by Roshan Alkazi
Chapter–II: Basic Pattern Development                                             20 Marks     80 Periods
Objectives of the course
To introduce students to the World of Fashion Designing through pattern development
To explain the importance of skills for converting a design sketch into a three dimensional form
To develop basic blocks for bodice, sleeve and skirt
To understand and implement the concept and importance of test fits and to convert paper patterns into muslin
Learning outcomes
After completion of the unit, the students shall be able to: demonstrate understanding the basic skills of Pattern Making. demonstrate  understanding  of  the  concept  of  Fit  and Balance.
develop Basic Blocks from measurement charts and body measurements. test fit and correct the fit of the Pattern.
develop patterns for simple Designs using basic blocks.
Course Content
Methods of measuring body and dress form Relationships of sizes and measurements Tools of pattern making
Common terms used in pattern development
Introduction to pattern Development for womenswear – how patterns are made and developed, the importance of fit and balance and methods of achieving it.
Basic Bodice – How to develope it from the standard measurement chart and test fitted on the dress form.
Details such as darts, seam allowance, notches grain lines etc. Details like Armholes, Necklines – V, U round, square etc.
How to develop basic sleeve block.
How to develop basic skirt block with one dart or two darts, A line and flared skirt Basics of collar development – basic collars like peter pan & Chinese
Dart manipulation
Teaching Methodology: Illustrate lectures with slides, visuals and demonstrations where ever
Reference Text
Pattern making by Helen Armstrong
Pattern making for women’s wear by Winifred Aldrich
Pattern making by Pamela Stringer.
Chapter-III: Elements of Fashion                                                       15 Marks     40 Periods
Objectives of the course
To introduce students to the basic segments in fashion clothing
To teach students about fashion, fashion centres, categories of clothing & trims.
To sensitize students about different items of garments in each category i.e. menswear, womens wear and childrens wear
To teach students the difference between high fashion and mass fashion garments.
To distinguish between custom made & ready to wear garments.
Learning outcomes
After completion of the unit, the students shall be able to: Demonstrate Understanding the segments in Fashion Clothing.
Demonstrate understanding and use of appropriate fashion terminologies. Exhibit Knowledge about Fashion Centers.
Demonstrate understanding of various categories of menswear, women’s wear and children wear.
Demonstrate understanding of trims used in Apparels.
Demonstrate understanding of difference between High Fashion, Mass Fashion and Custom made Clothing.
Course Content
Understanding Fashion definition and overview
Haute couture, High Fashion, Ready to Wear, Mass produced garments Fashion Capitals
Meanswear – Introduction, Categories, Elements of Design, Shirts, Pants and Shorts, Suits Womenswear – dresses, blouses, skirts, trousers, kameezes, saris & blouses
Introduction, Indian Womenswear, Elements of design and categories, in womenswear dresses, blouses./ skirts, trousers, kameezes, saris & blouses.
Kids wear – Introduction, garments for different ages – New born, Infants Toddlers, Pre teans and Teans, dungarees
Trims used for the fashion apparel
Teaching Methodology: Illustrated lectures with slides and visuals.
Reference Text:
Concept to consumer by Gini Stephens Frings Encyclopaedia of Fashion details
Chapter-IV: Basics of Garment Making                                               20 Marks     80 Periods
Objectives of the course
To teach students to assemble a garment
To construct a bodice using different seams To stitch a placket for bodice opening
To finish a neckline using piping and facing
To set a sleeve in the arm hole
Learning outcomes
After completion of the unit, the students shall be able to: assemble various parts of the garments.
finish a bodice with suitable seam finishes. attach the sleeves to the armhole.
assemble of cuffs
make samples of different garment components – sleev cuffs, neckless finishs, plackets.
Course content
Understanding fabric types and selection of underlining, interfacing and inter-lining Pattern methods, fabric for cutting
Pattern layout and cutting of special fabrics
Assembly of bodice using different seams and appropriate finish for side seam and shoulder seams
Types of plackets
Appropriate neckline finishes with piping, bias facing and shaped facing of stay stitching Sleeve attachment to the bodice by setting in the sleeve into armhole
Assembly of cuffs.
Teaching Methodology: Illustrate the content with slides, visuals and demonstrations wherever
Reference Text:
Encyclopedia of dressmaking by Marshall Cavendish Readers Digest book of Sewing
Encyclopedia of Sewing
Class – XII Practicals
Chapter-I : History of Fashion
1.   To identify the cultural context of body adornment and its continuation in contemporary society.
2.   To use visual references to analyze ancient draped garments.
3.   To analyze the impact of Industrial Revolution during the British Raj in India
4.   Refer books, visit museums and archives, and view war moves as sources of information to make
projects on war clothing.
Chapter-II : Basic Pattern Development
5.   Develop and test fit a basic bodice.
6.   Develop and test fit bodices through dart manipulation.
7.   Develop and test fit a basic skirt.
8.   Develop style variations of skirts.
Chapter-III : Elements of Fashion
9.   Design products with self-generated prints inspired from nature.
10. To demonstrate creative exploration of patterns created by using food products for dyeing process.
11. Develop print designs inspired inspired from animal skin by innovative use of materials.
12. Stencil printing technique to create design patterns / motifs.
Chapter-IV : Basics of Garment Making
13. Stitch a sample of a continuous placekt.
14. Stitch a sample of a basic shirt placket.
15. Stitch a sample of a basic shirt placket with facing.
16. Stitch a sample each of Extended facing, Bias facing and Shaped facing.
17. Stitch a sample of a cuff.
CLASS – XII (2018-19)
FASHION STUDIES (Code 053)                                                                                                 Time 3 Hours
S.No Typology of Questions Very Short
Answer (VSA)
(1 mark)
Answer-I (SA-I)
(2 marks)
Answer-II (SA-II)
(3 marks)
Answer (L.A)
(5 marks)
Total marks %
01 Knowledge based 1 1 2 9 13%
02 Conceptual understanding 1 1 2 1 14 20%
03 Application based and inferential type 1 3 2 21 30%
04 Reasoning 3 3 1 12 17%
05 Skill Based 2 2 1 1 14 20%
Total 7×1=7 8×2=16 9×3=27 4×5=20 70(28) 100%
Prescribed Books:
1.   Fashion Studies : Textbook (Class XII) – Published by CBSE
2.   Fashion Studies : Practical Manaul (Class XII) – Published by CBSE

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) English Core 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) English Core 2018-19

CBSE ENGLISH (CORE) (Code No. 301)
Students are expected to have acquired a reasonable degree of language proficiency in English by the time they come to
class XI, and the course will aim, essentially, at promoting the higher-order language skills.
For a large number of students, the higher secondary stage will be a preparation for the university, where a fairly high
degree of proficiency in English may be required. But for another large group, the higher secondary stage may be a preparation for entry into the world of work. The Core Course should cater to both groups by promoting the language skills required for academic study as well as the language skills required for the workplace.
The general objectives at this stage are:
to listen and comprehend live as well as record in writing oral presentations on a variety of topics
to develop greater confidence and proficiency in the use of language skills necessary for social and academic purpose to participate in group discussions, interviews by making short oral presentation on given topics
to perceive the overall meaning and organisation of the text (i.e., the relationships of the different “chunks” in the text to each other
to identify the central/main point and supporting details, etc., to build communicative competence in various registers of English
to promote advanced language skills with an aim to develop the skills of reasoning, drawing inferences, etc. through meaningful activities
to translate texts from mother tongue(s) into English and vice versa
to develop ability and knowledge required in order to engage in independent reflection and enquiry
At the end of this stage learners will be able to do the following:
read and comprehend extended texts (prescribed and non-prescribed) in the following genres: science fiction, drama, poetry, biography, autobiography, travel and sports literature, etc.
text-based writing (i.e., writing in response to questions or tasks based on prescribed or unseen texts) understand and respond to lectures, speeches, etc.
write expository / argumentative essays, explaining or developing a topic, arguing a case, etc. write formal/informal letters and applications for different purposes
write items related to the workplace (minutes, memoranda, notices, summaries, reports etc.
filling up of forms, preparing CV, e-mail messages., making notes from reference materials, recorded talks etc.
The core course should draw upon the language items suggested for class IX-X and delve deeper into their usage and
functions. Particular attention may, however, be given to the following areas of grammar:
The use of passive forms in scientific and innovative writings.
Converting one kind of sentence/clause into a different kind of structure as well as other items to exemplify stylistic
variations in different discourses modal auxiliaries-uses based on semantic considerations.
Specific Objectives of Reading
Students are expected to develop the following study skills:
refer to dictionaries, encyclopaedia, thesaurus and academic reference material
select and extract relevant information, using reading skills of skimming and scanning understand the writer’s attitude and bias
comprehend the difference between what is said and what is implied understand the language of propaganda and persuasion
differentiate between claims and realities, facts and opinions form business opinions on the basis of latest trends available
comprehend technical language as required in computer related fields arrive at personal conclusion and comment on a given text specifically develop the ability to be original and creative in interpreting opinion develop the ability to
be logically persuasive in defending one’s opinion making notes based on a text
Develop literary skills as enumerated below:
personally respond to literary texts
appreciate and analyse special features of languages that differentiate literary texts from non-literary ones explore and evaluate features of character, plot, setting, etc.
understand and appreciate the oral, mobile and visual elements of drama identify the elements of style such as humour, pathos, satire and irony, etc.
make notes from various resources for the purpose of developing the extracted ideas into sustained pieces of writing
Listening and Speaking
Speaking needs a very strong emphasis and is an important objective leading to professional competence. Hence, testing of oral skills must be made an important component of the overall testing pattern. To this end, speaking and listening skills are overtly built into the material to guide the teachers in actualization of the skills.
Specific Objectives of Listening
Students are expected to develop the ability:
to listen to lectures and talks and to be able to extract relevant and useful information for a specific purpose.
to listen to news bulletins and to develop the ability to discuss informally on a wide ranging issues like current national and international affairs, sports, business, etc.
to respond in interviews and to participate in formal group discussions.
to make enquiries meaningfully and adequately and to respond to enquiries for the purpose of travelling within the country and abroad.
to listen to business news and to be able to extract relevant important information. to develop
the art of formal public speaking.
Guidelines for Assessment in Listening and Speaking Skills
A.     Activities:
Activities for listening and speaking available at are to be used for developing listening and speaking skills of students.
Subject teachers should also refer to books prescribed in the syllabus.
In addition to the above, teachers may create their own material for assessing the listening and speaking skills.
B.     Parameters for Assessment:
The listening and speaking skills are to be assessed on the following parameters:
i.   Interactive competence (Initiation & turn taking, relevance to the topic).
ii.  Fluency (cohesion, coherence and speed of delivery).
iii. Pronunciation
iv. Language (accuracy and vocabulary).
C.     Schedule:
The practice of listening and speaking skills should be done throughout the academic year.
The final assessment of the skills is to be done as per the convenience and schedule of the school.
D.     Record keeping:
The record of the activities done and the marks given must be kept for three months after the declaration of result of class XI, for any random checking by the Board.
No recording of speaking skills is to be done.
Specific Objectives of Writing
to write letters to friends, pen friends, relatives, etc. to write business and official letters.
to send faxes, e-mails[formal].
to open accounts in post offices and banks. to fill in railway/airline reservation forms.
to write on various issues to institutions seeking relevant information, lodge complaints, express thanks or tender apology.
to write applications, fill in application forms, prepare a personal bio-data for admission into colleges, universities, entrance tests and jobs.
to write informal reports as part of personal letters on functions, programmes and activities held in school (morning assembly, annual day, sports day, etc.)
to write formal reports for school magazines/events/processes/ or in local newspapers about events or occasions. to express opinions, facts, arguments in the form a speech or debates. to draft
papers to be presented in symposia.
to take down notes from talks and lectures.
to write examination answers according to the requirement of various subjects. to summarise a text.
About Reading
Inculcating good reading habits in children has always been a concern for all stakeholders in education. The purposes to create independent thinking individuals with the ability to not only create their own knowledge but also critically interpret, analyse and evaluate it with objectivity and fairness. This will also help students in learning and acquiring better language skills.
Creating learners for the 21st century involves making them independent learners who can learn, unlearn and relearn and,
if our children are in the habit of reading, they will learn to reinvent themselves and deal with the many challenges that lie ahead of them.
Reading is not merely decoding information or pronouncing words correctly. It is an interactive dialogue between the
author and the reader in which the reader and the author share their experiences and knowledge with each other. Good readers are critical readers with an ability to arrive at a deeper understanding of not only the world presented in the book
but also of the real world around them.
Consequently, they become independent thinkers capable of taking their own decisions in life rationally.
Hence, a few activities are suggested below which teachers may use as a part of the reading project. Short review
Dramatization of the story Commentary on the characters
Critical evaluation of the plot, storyline and characters
Comparing and contrasting the characters within the story and with other characters in stories by the same author or by the other authors
Extrapolating about the story read or life of characters after the story ends defending characters actions in the story Making an audio story out of the novel/text to be read aloud.
Interacting with the author
Holding a literature fest where students role-play as various characters to interact with each other Role playing as authors/poets/dramatists, to defend their works and characters
Symposiums and seminars for introducing a book, an author, or a theme Creating graphic novels out of novel or short stories they read Dramatizing incidents from a novel or a story
Creating their own stories
Books of one genre to be read by the whole class.
Teachers may select books suitable to the age and level of the learners. Care ought to be taken to choose books that are
appropriate in terms of language, theme and content and which do not hurt the sensibilities of a child.
Teachers may later suggest books from other languages but dealing with the same themes as an extended activity. The
Project should lead to independent learning/reading skills and hence the chosen book should not be taught in class, but may be introduced through activities and be left for the students to read at their
own pace. Teachers may, however, choose to assess a student’s progress or success in reading the book by asking for
verbal or written progress reports, looking at their diary entries, engaging in a discussion about the book, giving a short quiz or a work sheet about the book/short story. The mode of assessment may be decided by the teachers as they see fit.
Methods and Techniques
The techniques used for teaching should promote habits of self-learning and reduce dependence on the teacher. In general,
we recommend a multi-skill, learner-centred, activity based approach, of which there can be many variations. The core classroom activity is likely to be that of silent reading of prescribed/selected texts for comprehension, which can lead to other forms of language learning activities such as role-play, dramatization, group discussion, writing, etc., although many such activities could be carried out without the preliminary use of textual material. It is important that students be trained to read independently and intelligently, interacting actively with texts, with the use of reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, etc.) where necessary. Some pre-reading activity will generally be required, and the course books should suggest suitable activities, leaving teachers free to devise other activities when desired. So also, the reading of texts should be followed by post reading activities. It is important to remember that every text can generate different readings. Students
should be encouraged to interpret texts in different ways.
Group and pair activities can be resorted to when desired, but many useful language activities can be carried out
individually. In general, teachers should encourage students to interact actively with texts and with each other. Oral activity (group discussion, etc.) should be encouraged.
CBSE CLASS – XI(2018-19)
SECTION – A(  20 Marks)
CBSE READING COMPREHENSION                                                                                                                        45 Periods
There shall be two unseen passages (including poems) with a variety of questions like Very Short Answer Questions, Short Answer Questions and Multiple Choice Questions, including 04 marks for vocabulary such as word formation and inferring meaning. Multiple Choice Questions(1×6=6marks), Very Short Answer Questions( 1×6= 6marks), 01 Short Answer Questions(1×3=3marks), 01 Long Answer Question ( 1×5=5marks)
The total range of the 2 passages including a poem or a stanza, should be around 900-1000 words as per the following
1.    The passage of 550-600 words in length will be used for note-making and summarising.
2.    The passage of 350-400 words in length will be used to test comprehension, interpretation and inference.
3. An unseen poem of about 28-35 lines.
The passages as given above could be of any one of the following types:
Factual passages, e.g., illustrations, description, reports / Discursive passages involving opinion, e.g., argumentative, persuasive/Literary passages e.g. extracts from fiction, biography, autobiography, travelogue, etc. In the case of a poem, the text may be shorter than the prescribed word limit.
SECTION B( 30 Marks)
Writing                                                                                                                                                                               60 Periods
Short Answer Questions: Based on notice/ poster/ advertisement- 4 Marks
Long Answer Questions: Letters based on verbal/visual input. – 6 Marks It would cover all types of letters. Letter types may include:
(a)  business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies)
(b)  letters to the editor (giving suggestions/opinions on an issue)
(c)  application for a job with a bio-data or resumé
(d)  letter to the school or college authorities, regarding admissions, school issues, requirements / suitability of courses, etc.
Very Long Answer Question: Composition in the form of article/speech/report writing or a narrative- 10 Marks
Different grammatical structures in meaningful contexts will be tested. Item types will include gap filling, sentence re- ordering, dialogue completion and sentence transformation. The grammar syllabus will include determiners, tenses, clauses, modals and Change of Voice. These grammar areas will be tested through 10 Very  short answer type questions
on the following:
A. Error Correction, editing tasks
B. Re – ordering of sentences,
C. Transformation of sentences
SECTION C( 30 Marks)
LITERATURE                                                                                                                                                     70 Periods
Questions from the following texts to test comprehension at different levels , like literal, inferential and evaluative:-
1.    Hornbill: Textbook published by NCERT, New Delhi
2.    Snapshots: Supplementary Reader published by NCERT, New Delhi . The following have been re-included :
Textbooks Name of the lessons
Hornbill 1. Landscape of the Soul
2. The Adventure
3. Silk Road
4. The Laburnum Top (Poetry)
Snapshots 5. The Ghat of the only World
3 Very Short Answer Questions out of four ( 2 questions should be from Hornbill ) – Based on an extract from poetry
to test reference to context comprehension and appreciation. – (1×3=3 Marks)
3 Short Answer Questions out of four ( 2 questions should be from Hornbill ) – Based on prose, poetry and plays from both the texts.( 3×3=9Marks)
One Long Answer Question out of two from Hornbill ( to be answered in120-150 words)  Based on prescribed texts
to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the texts .                                   6 Marks
One Long Answer Questions out of two from Snapshots ( to be answered in120-150 words)  -Based on theme, plot, incidents or events to test global comprehension and extrapolation beyond the texts.    6 Marks
One Long Answer Question out of two from Hornbill ( to be answered in120-150 words)   – Based on understanding appreciation, analysis and interpretation of the characters/events/episodes/incidents   . 6 Marks
Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills                                                                                                      45 Periods
Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills will be for 20 marks. It is recommended that listening and speaking skills should be regularly practiced in the class.
CBSE ENGLISH CORE XI (Code No. 301) Time- 3 hours Marks – 80+20=100
Typology Typology of MCQ Very Short Short Long Long Very Long Total Over
questions/ learning Outcomes I mark Short Answer Answer Question Answer Question Answer- 1 Answer- 2 Answer 150 – 200 marks all %
Question 3 marks 4 marks 80 – 120-150 words
1 mark 100 words (HOTS)
Words 5 marks 6 marks 10 marks
Reading Skills Conceptual understanding, decoding, analysing, inferring, interpreting,
appreciating ,literary conventions and vocabulary, summarising and using appropriate format/s
6 6 1 1 20 20
Writing Skills and Grammar Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency inference, analysis, evaluation and creativity, appreciation applying of languages conventions, comprehension
using structures integratively, accuracy and fluency
10 1 1 1 30 30
Text books And Supplement ary Reader
Recalling, reasoning, appreciating a literary conventions,
inference, analysis,
evaluation, creativity with fluency
3 3 3 30 30
Assessment of Listening and Speaking Skills Interaction, reasoning, diction,
articulation, clarity, pronunciation and overall fluency
4 20 20
TOTAL 6×1=6 19×1=19 4×3=12 1×4=4 5×5=5 4×6=24 1×10=10 100 100
CLASS – XII (2018-19)
READING COMPREHENSION                                                                                                30 Marks
Reading Unseen Passages and Note making
The section A will have three passages.
A. Two unseen passages with a variety of Very Short Answer / Short Answer or Multiple Choice type questions to test
comprehension, interpretation and inference. Vocabulary such as word formation and inference of meaning will also be tested.
The total length of the two passages will be between 1100 – 1200 words. Six Multiple Choice type question and sixteen Very Short Answer Type Questions ( total 22 Marks) shall be asked from these passages.The passage will include two of the following:
a)    Factual passages, e.g., instructions, descriptions, reports.
b)   Descriptive passages involving opinion, e.g., argumentative, persuasive or interpretative text.
c)    Literary passages, e.g., extract from fiction, drama, poetry, essay or biography. A poem could be of 28-35 lines.
The passages can be literary, factual or discursive to test comprehensions. The length of one passage should be between 600-700 words.
B. The third passage will be of 400-500 words .Note-making and Abstraction will be assessed .
i. one Short Answer Type Question( 3 Marks )
ii. one Long Answer Type Question to be answered in 80-100 words ( 5 marks) .
WRITING SKILLS                                                                                                                                                 30 Marks
a. One question out of the two Short Answer Questions, e.g., advertisement and notices, designing or drafting posters, writing formal and informal invitations and replies. – 4 Marks
b. One question out of the two Long Answer Questions to be answered in 120-150 words: Letters based on verbal / visual input.- 6 Marks
Letter types include
Business or official letters (for making enquiries, registering complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies)
Letters to the editor (giving suggestions or opinion on issues of public interest) Application for a job
Two Very Long Answer Questions containing internal choice, to be answered in 150-200 words: Two compositions
based on visual and/or verbal Input may be descriptive or argumentative in nature such as an article/a debate/ a speech or a report- (10×2=20 Marks)
CBSE LITERATURE TEXTBOOKS AND LONG READING TEXT                                                          40 Marks
Books: Flamingo and Vistas
I. Very Short Answer Questions – Based on an extract from poetry to test comprehension and appreciation.      ( 4
II. Four out of six Short Answer Questions based on prose / drama / poetry from both texts ( 4X3=12 Marks)
III. One out of two Long Answer Questions  to be answered in 120-150 words  to test global comprehension and
extrapolation beyond the texts .(6marks)
IV. One out of two Long Answer Questions to be answered in 120-150 words    to test global comprehension along with analysis and extrapolation. (6marks)
V. One out of two Long Answer Questions to be answered in 120-150 words  based on theme, plot and incidents
from the prescribed novels. (6marks)
VI. One out of two Long Answer Questions to be answered in 120-150 words – based on understanding appreciation,
analysis and interpretation of character sketch. (6marks)
Prescribed Books
1.    Flamingo: English Reader published by National Council of Education Research and Training, New Delhi
2.    Vistas: Supplementary Reader published by National Council of Education Research and Training, New Delhi
Textbooks Name of the lessons deleted
Flamingo 1. Poets and Pancakes
2. The Interview
3. A Road Side Stand (Poetry)
Vistas 4. The Third Level
5. Journey to the End of the Earth
3. Extended Reading Texts:
i) The Invisible Man ( unabridged) by H.G.Wells
ii)Silas Marner (unabridged) by George Eliot
Question Paper Design 2018-19
English CORE XII (Code No. 301)                                       Time-3 hours                                                                              Marks -100
Typology Typology of MCQ Very Short Short Long Long Very Total Over
questions/ I Short Answer Answer Answer- Answer- Long marks all %
learning mark Answer Question Question 1 2 Answer
outcomes Question 3 marks 4 marks 80 – 120- 150 –
1 mark 100 150 200
Words Words words
5 marks 6 marks (HOTS)
Reading Skills Conceptual, understanding, decoding, Analysing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating
,literary conventions and vocabulary, summarising and using appropriate format/s
6 16 1 1 30 30
Writing Skills Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format and fluency, inference, analysis, evaluation and creativity. 1 1 2 30 30
Literary Text
books and Long Reading Text
Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary conventions,
inference, analysis, evaluation, creativity with fluency
4 4 4 40 40
TOTAL 6×1=6 20×1=20 3×5=15 1×4=4 1×5=5 5×6=30 2×10=20 100 100

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) English – Elective NCERT (class XII) 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) English – Elective NCERT (class XII) 2018-19

SECTION – A( 20 marks)
Reading an unseen passage and a poem:-                                                                                              60 Periods
10 Very Short Answer Questions from a   literary or discursive passage of about 950-1000 words .( 1×10=10 marks)
05 Short Answer Questions  to be answered in 50-60 words from a  poem of about 24 – 28 lines to test interpretation and appreciation.(2×5=10 marks)
SECTION –B( 30 marks)
A.Creative Writing Skills and Applied Grammar:-                                                                                 60 Periods
Two  Long  Answer  Question  to  be  answered  in  80-100  words:  A  short  discursive,  interpretative writing(5×2=10 marks)
One  Very  Long  Answer  Question  out  of  two  to  be  answered  in  150-200  words:  An  essay  on  an argumentative/discursive topic such as an article/report/speech.(10×1=10 marks)
Very Short Answer Questions: Transformation of Sentences: (10 marks)
SECTION – C (30 marks)
Literature Textbook: Kaleidoscope(30 marks)                                                                           60 Periods
Four Short Answer Questions to be answered in 50-60 words each , taken from two extracts out of the three given to test understanding and appreciation.(2×4=8 marks)
Two Long Answer Question out of three  to be answered in 80-100 words to test deeper understanding, interpretation, appreciation(5×2=10 marks)
Two Long Answer Questions out of three to be answered in 120-150 words to test the   drawing of
inferences and evaluation.(6×2=12 marks)
Section D( 20 Marks)
Fiction                                                                                                                                       40 Periods
Students can select one of the two prescribed texts.
Two Long Answer Questions out of three to be  answered in  80-100 words to seek comments, interpretation, evaluation and appreciation of characters,events, episodes and interpersonal relationships.(2×5=10 marks)
One Very Long Answer Question out of two to be answered in 150-200 words to test deeper understanding, interpretation, appreciation and drawing inferences.1×10=10 marks)
Prescribed Books:
1.  Kaleidoscope – Text book published by NCERT
2.  Fiction: A Tiger for Malgudi or The Financial Expert by R.K. Narayan (Novel) Fiction
Question Paper Design 2018-19
CBSE ENGLISH ELECTIVE NCERT XII (Code No. 001)                                                                             Marks -100
Typology Testing VSA Short Long Long Very Total Over
Competencies/learning 1 Answer Answer- Answer- Long marks all %
Outcomes marks 50-60 1 2 Answer
words 80 – 100 120-150 150 –
2 marks words
5 marks
6 marks
words (HOTS)
Reading Comprehension Conceptual understanding, decoding,
analysing, inferring,
interpreting, appreciating or literary conventions and vocabulary.
10 5 20 20
Creative Writing Skills Reasoning appropriacy of Style and tone, using appropriate format, infererring, analysing, evaluating, creativity with Fluency
Applying appropriate language Conventions,
Comprehension using structures
interactively, application, accuracy and fluency
10 2 1 30 30
Literature Texts Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary conventions illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, giving opinions and justifying, infererring, analysing, evaluating, creativity and Fluency 4 2 2 30 30
Fiction Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary conventions, Illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, infererring, analysing, evaluating and creating, giving opinions, justifying with fluency 2 1 20 20
TOTAL 20×1=
9×2=18 6×5=30 2×6=12 2×10=
100 100


To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) English – Elective CBSE (only for class XII) 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) English – Elective CBSE (only for class XII) 2018-19

Class-XII (Code No. 101) (2018-19)
CBSE READING SKILLS 60 Periods Very short answer / Short answer and MCQ type questions:
Two unseen passages (including poems) with a variety of questions including 04 marks for vocabulary such as word
formation and inferring meaning. The total range of the two passages including a poem or a stanza, should be around 1000-1100 words to assess comprehension, analysis, inference, evaluation and literary appreciation.
1.    550-600 words in length (for note-making and summarising)
2.    450-500 words in length (to test comprehension) The passage could be of any one of the following types: Factual passages, e.g., illustrations, description, reports
Discursive passages involving opinion, e.g., argumentative, persuasive
Literary passages, e.g., poems, extracts from fiction, biography, autobiography, travelogue, etc. In the case of a poem, the text may be shorter than the prescribed word limit.
CBSE WRITING SKILLS AND GRAMMAR                                                                                                             60 Periods
Short Answer Question: Notices, advertisements, factual description of people, places and objects, drafting posters, drafting, accepting and declining invitations.
Long Answer Question: Letter of any of the following types based on a verbal or visual input:
a)    Official letters for making inquiries, suggesting changes – registering and responding to complaints, asking for and giving information, placing orders and sending replies.
b)   Letters to the editor on various social, national and international issues.
c)    Application for a job including CV (Curriculum Vitae) / Resumé.
Very Long Answer Question: Sustained writing task such as writing a speech, an article for a magazine or a report based on verbal / visual input.
Grammar                                                                                                                                                               30 Periods
A variety of questions, as listed below may be asked, involving the application of grammar items in context (i.e., not in isolated sentences). The grammar syllabus will be sampled each year. Though only modals, determiners, voice and tense forms have been dealt with in class XI, however, other grammar items such as prepositions, verb forms, connectors which have been learnt earlier would also be included.
Very Short Questions and Multiple Choice Questions
Reordering of words and sentences
Composing a dialogue based on a given input Error correction in sentences
Drafting questions / questionnaires based on given input
Literature: Prescribed Books and Long Reading Text (Novel)                                                                       70 Periods
Questions to test comprehension at different levels and of different kinds – local, global, interpretative, inferential, evaluative and extrapolatory.
Very Short and Short Answer Questions: Two out of three extracts from different poems to test theme, setting and literary devices.
Short Answer Questions: Based on different prose / drama / poetry / pieces from the Literature Reader; to test local and global comprehension of ideas and languages used in the text.
Long Answer Question: Extended questions based on one of the prose texts or play in the Literature Reader to test global comprehension and for extrapolation beyond the text.
Long Answer Questions: To test understanding, appreciation, analysis, inference in a plot and writing a character sketch.
1.    Language Skills book – Class XII English Elective CBSE published by Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi.
2.    Literature Reader – Class XII English Elective CBSE published by Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi.
3.    Extended Reading Text (Either one)                                                                                                                  Author
i)    The Invisible Man (unabridged)                                                                                                             H.G. Wells
ii)   Silas Marner (unabridged)                                                                                                                  George Eliot
English Elective CBSE XII (Code No. 101)              Time: 3 hours                                                                Marks = 100
Typology Testing Competencies/
learning outcomes
Very Short
Answer 1 marks
Short Answer
words 4 marks
Long Answer-
80 –
words 5 marks
Long Answer- 2
words 6 marks
Very Long
Answer 150 –
words (HOTS)
Total marks Over all %
Reading Skills Conceptual understanding, decoding, analysing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary conventions and vocabulary, summarising and using appropriate format/s 5 5 1 1 20 20
Writing Skills and Grammar Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, using appropriate format with language fluency
Applying conventions appropriately using structures integratively with accuracy and fluency
10 1 1 2 40 40
Literary Texts and Long Reading Texts/Novel Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary conventions and fluency 10 1 2 1 1 40 40
TOTAL 5×1=
25×1=25 3×4=12 2×5=10 3×6=18 3×10=30 100 100

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) English – Elective (class XI) 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) English – Elective (class XI) 2018-19

CLASS XI (2018-19)
The course is intended to give students a high level of competence in English with an emphasis on the study of literary texts. The course will provide extensive exposure to a variety of rich texts of world literature as well as Indian writings in English, including classics; develop sensitivity to the creative and imaginative use of English and give them a taste for reading with delight and discernment. The course is primarily designed
to equip the students to pursue higher studies in English literature and English language at the college level.
The general objectives at this stage are:
i)   to provide extensive exposure to a variety of writings in English, including some classics to develop sensitivity to literary and creative uses of the language.
ii)  to further expand the learners’ vocabulary resources through the use of dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopaedia.
iii)  to develop a taste for reading with discernment and delight.
iv)  to critically examine a text and comment on different aspects.
v)   to develop proficiency in English both in receptive and productive skills.
At the end of this course, the learner
i)   grasps the global meaning of the text, its gist and understands how its theme and sub-themes relate.
ii)  relates to the details provided in the text, for example, how the details support a generalization or the conclusion either by classification or by contrast and comparison.
iii)  comprehends details, locates and identifies facts, arguments, logical relationships, generalization, conclusion, in the texts.
iv)  draws inferences, supplies missing details, predicts outcomes, grasps the significance of particular details and interprets texts.
v)   assesses and analyzes the point of view of the author.
vi)  infers the meanings of words and phrases from the context; differentiates between apparent synonyms.
vii) appreciates stylistic nuances, the lexical structure; its literal and figurative uses and analyses a variety of texts.
viii) identifies different styles of writing like humorous, satirical, contemplative, ironical and burlesque.
ix)  can produce text-based writing (writing in response to questions or tasks based on prescribed as well as ‘unseen’ texts)
x)   develops the advanced skills of reasoning, inferring, analysing, evaluating and creating.
xi)  develops familiarity with the poetic uses of language including features of the language through which artistic effect is achieved.
Methods and Techniques
The techniques used for teaching should promote habits of self-learning and reduce dependence on the
teacher. The multi-skill, learner-centred, activity-based approach already recommended for the previous stages of education, is still in place, though it will be used in such a way that silent reading of prescribed selected texts for comprehension will receive greater focus as one of the activities. Learners will be trained to read independently and intelligently, interacting actively with texts and other reference materials (dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, etc.) where necessary. Some pre-reading activity will generally be required, and course books suggest those activities. The reading of texts should be followed by post reading activities. It is important to remember that every text can generate different reading strategies. Students should be encouraged to interpret texts in different ways, understand the views of others and present their views on a literary text. Some projects may be assigned to students from time to time, for instance,
students may be asked to put together a few literary pieces on a given theme.
SECTION – A :-                                                                               20 marks
Reading an unseen passage and a poem                                                                                     35 Periods
1. The section will have 10 questions  including 4 Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ), i.e. 4 MCQs  from a Literary or discursive passage of about 900-950 words, and 6 Very Short Answer questions(VSA).   (1×10=10 marks)
2. 05 Short Answer Questions to be answered in 50-60 words shall be asked from  a poem of about 20-24 lines to test interpretation and appreciation.(2×5=10marks)
SECTION – B:-                                                                                                  20 marks
Creative Writing Skills                                                                                                                35 Periods
3.One Very Long Answer Question out of two to be answered in 150-200 words: An essay on an argumentative/discursive/reflective/descriptive topic.                                                  (10×1=10 marks)
4. One Very Long Answer Question out of two to be answered in 150-200 words :A composition such as an article / a report / a speech.                                                                  (10×1=10 marks)
SECTION – C(40 marks)
A.CBSE Literature Textbooks                                                                                                               20 marks
Woven Words: The questions can be asked from both Poetry and Prose.                                  75 Periods
5. Four Very Short Answer Questions out of 5   to test comprehension, literary appreciation and drawing inferences in poetry and prose.(1×4=4 marks)
6. Five Short Answer Questions out of 06 to be answered in   50-60 words   to test understanding, appreciation and analysis.(2×5=10 marks)
7. One Long Answer Questions out of 02 to be answered in 120-150 words to test literary appreciation and
drawing inferences.(1×6=6marks)
B. Arms and the Man – [Drama]  (10 marks)                                                                               25 Periods
8. Two Long Answer Questions out of three to be answered in 80-100 words   to test the evaluation of characters, events and episodes.(2×5=10 marks)
C. Fiction   (10 marks)                                                                                                           25 Periods
9. Two Short Answer Questions   out of three to be answered in 50-60 words   to   test analysis of
characters, events, episodes and interpersonal relationships and understanding of content, events and episodes(2×2=4 marks)
10. One Long Answer Question out of 02 to be answered in 120-150 words to test literary appreciation and drawing inferences.(1×6=6marks)
CBSE Seminar (20 marks)
Presentation of a book review/a play/a short story/a novel/novella (tale, table, parable) to be followed by a
question-answer session.
Poetry reading to be followed by interpretative tasks based on close reading and literary analysis of the text.
Critical review of a film or a play
Conducting a theatre workshop to be followed by a discussion
Note :Teachers may develop their own rubrics to assess the performance of student objectively
The parameters for assessing Speaking skills as given the syllabus of English Core may be referred to.
Prescribed Books:
1.  CBSE Text book: Woven Words published by NCERT
2.   Fiction: The Old Man and the Sea (Novel unabridged) by Ernest Hemingway
3.  Drama: Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw
CBSE ENGLISH ELECTIVE NCERT – XI (Code No. 001) Marks -100 (80+20 Seminar)
Typology Testing Competencies/learning MCQ Short Answer Long Answer Long Answer Very Long Total marks Overall
outcomes mark 50-60
80 –
150 –
words 5
words (HOTS)
Reading Comprehension Conceptual understanding, decoding, analysing, inferring, interpreting, appreciating, literary conventions and vocabulary. 10 5 20 20
Creative Writing Skill Reasoning, appropriacy of style and tone, use of appropriate format and fluency 2 20 20
Literature Texts Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary conventions illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, giving opinions and justifying with fluency 4 5 1 20 20
Drama Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary conventions, illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, giving opinions and justifying with fluency 2 10 10
Fiction Recalling, reasoning, appreciating literary conventions, Illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, giving opinions and justifying and fluency 2 1 10 10
Seminar Seeking information and clarifying, illustrating with relevant quotations from the texts, reasoning, diction, articulation clarity of pronunciation, using appropriate language conventions
Addressing participants using appropriate titles or nomenclatures and overall fluency
20 20
TOTAL 14×1
= 14
2×5=10 2×6=

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Engineering Graphics 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for  Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Engineering Graphics 2018-19

The  subject  of  ‘Engineering  Graphics’  has  become  an  indispensable  tool  for  Engineers,
Technocrats, Architects, Draftsmen, Surveyors, Designers and many other professionals in the recent times. Understanding of its fundamental principles and wider applications of the same in the above fields and many other daily life situations form the basis for the syllabus at Senior Secondary Stage.
Thestudy of thesubject of Engineering Graphics at Senior School Levelaims at helping the learner to:
• develop clear concept and perception of form, proportion and application.
•  develop the skill of expressing three-dimensional and two-dimensional objects into professional language and vice versa.
•  acquire the ability to readily draw neat sketches, often needed in “On-job situations”.
•  develop aclear understanding of plane and solid Geometry and machinedrawing so as to apply the same in relevant practical fields such as technology and industry.
• acquire speed and accuracy in use of drawinginstruments.
•  use technology (CAD) in developing isometric and orthographic projections of simple objects.
CLASS XI (2018-19)
One Paper: 3 Hours                                                                                                               70 Marks
S. No. Unit Marks Periods
1.  Lines, angles and rectilinear figures
2.  Circles and tangents
3. Special curves :ellipse, parabola, involute, cycloid, helix andsine- curve
16 38
4.  Orthographic-projections of points and line.
5.  Orthographic projection of regular plane figures.
6.  Orthographic projections of right regular solids.
7.  Section ofsolid-figures
27 86
8.  Orthographic projections of simple machine-blocks
9.  Isometric-projection of laminae (plane figures)
10. Development of surfaces
27 50
Practical 30 66
Total Marks 100 240
CBSE PLANE GEOMETRY                                                                                   38 Periods
Printing English alphabets (capital and small) numerals in standard proportions. Unidirectional/aligned system of dimensioning as per SP: 46-2003 (Revised)
Unit  1:  Construction  of  lines,  angles  and  their  divisions.  Simple  questions  based  on
triangles,  square, rhombus, trapeziums, regular polygons-pentagon, hexagon and octagon.                                                                                                                   08 Periods
Unit 2: Construction of circles, external and internal tangents of circles, inscribing, circumscribing circles in equilateral triangle, square, rhombus, regular polygons-pentagon, hexagon and octagon.                                                                                                                  10 Periods
Unit 3: Construction of Engineering curves:
(a) Ellipse by concentric circles, intersecting arcs and intersecting lines.
(b) Parabola by intersecting lines and intersecting arcs.
(c)  Involute of acircle, cycloid, helix and sine curve.                                            20 Periods
CBSE SOLID GEOMETRY                                                                              86 Periods
Unit 4: Methods of orthographic projections and dimensioning strictly as per SP: 46- 2003 revised conventions. Projection of points, lines.                                               20 Periods
Unit 5: Orthographic projections of Regular Plane figures – triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, circle and semi-circle.                                                                                         12Periods
Unit 6: Orthographic projections of right regular solids such as cubes, prisms and pyramid, (square, triangular, pentagonal and hexagonal), cones, cylinders, spheres, hemi- spheres and frustum of pyramids and cone when they are kept with their axis (a) perpendicular, to HP/VP (b) parallel to one plane and inclined to the other (c) parallel to HP and VP both.                                                                                                 14 Periods
Unit 7: Section of solids under the same conditions mentioned above made by the horizontal, vertical and inclined planes.                                                                                            40 Periods
CBSE MACHINE DRAWING                                                                         50 Periods
Unit 6: Orthographic projections of simple machine blocks.                     20 Periods Unit 7: Construction of isometric scale showing main divisions of 10 mm and
smaller divisions of 1 mm each. Isometric projection (drawn to isometric
scale) of figures such as triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, circles and semi-circles with their surface parallel to HP or VP and its one side or diagonal or diameter should be either parallel or perpendicular to HP/VP.
20 Periods
Unit 8:  Development of the surfaces of following solids:                                             10 Periods
1.   Cube, cuboid, prisms-triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal.
2.   Pyramids (triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal).
3.   Right circular cylinder and cone.
One paper (Practical): 3 Hours                                                                                                       66 Periods
1. Developing “Prisms” and “Pyramids” with the help of card board (thick paper).
2.   Developing different types of packaging boxes (cartons).
3.   Making different types of graphic designs/ murals for interior/ exterior decorations in colour using the knowledge of geometrical figures with the use of any Computer Software such as Collab-CAD and /or any equivalent pertinent software.
4. Drawing ellipse by Trammel and Thread method on the ground / drawing sheet / plywood / cardboard, etc.
5. Preparing top-view (plan) of a class room, Home: Drawing room / Bedroom / Study room / Kitchen, Engineering Graphics room drawing different objects therein.
6.   Drawing through activities: Involutes, cycloid, helix and sine curves listing their uses in daily life.
7.   Preparing the following sections of solids (prisms, pyramids, spheres, etc.) with clay, soap, thermocol, plasticine, wax or any other material easily and economically available. When the cutting plane is: parallel to the base, perpendicular to the base and inclined to the base. Also creating different objects with combination of above solids.
I   20activities (minimumtwoeachfromaforementioned seven points)aretobeassessed.
II.  In all the practicals, drawing/sketching of the views should be incorporated and evaluated accordingly.
III.    Theschemeofevaluation isasfollows:
(a) Practicals (2) 15 Marks
(b) Drawing/  Sketch 05 Marks
(c) Viva-voce 05 Marks
(d) Sessional Work 05 Marks
Total 30 Marks
CBSE CLASS-XII (2018-19)
One Paper: 3 Hours                                                                                                               70 Marks
S. No. Unit Marks Periods
Unit – I Isometric  Projections  of Solids 25 50
Unit – II Machine  Drawing
A.  Drawing of Machine parts
B.   Assembly Drawing and Dis-assembly drawings
1.   Bearings
2.   Rodjoints
3.   Tie-rod and pipe joints
4.   Couplings
5.   Pulleys
45 118
Practical 30 72
Total Marks 100 240
Unit I:    Isometric  Projection of Solids                                                                              50 Periods
(i) Construction of isometric scale showing main divisions of 10mm and smaller divisions of1mm, also showing the leading angles. Drawing helping view/s such as triangles, pentagon, hexagon, etc., using isometric scale.
(ii) Isometric projection (drawn to isometric scale) of solids such as cube, regular prism and pyramids (triangular, square, pentagonal and hexagonal), cone, cylinder, sphere, hemi- sphere, frustum of right regular pyramids (triangular, square, pentagonal, hexagonal) and cone, when they are cut by a plane parallel to the base. The axis and the base side of the solid should be either perpendicular to HP / VP or parallel to HP and VP. (Indicate the direction ofviewing)
(iii) Combination of two solids (except “frustum” of Pyramids and Cone) Keeping the base  side parallel or perpendicular to HP/VP and placed centrally together, axis of
both the solids should not be given parallel to HP.
Note:   (1) Question on frustum will be asked in vertical position only.
(2) Hidden lines are not required in isometric projection.
Unit II:  Machine Drawing (as per SP46: 2003)                                       118 Periods
A.   Drawing of machine parts                                                                                     36 Periods
(i) Drawing to full size scale with instruments.
(Internal choice will be given between any two of the following).
Introduction of threads: Standard profiles of screw threads square,  knuckle, B.S.W.,
Metric (external          and internal). Bolts (Square, Hexagonal, Tee and Hook); Nuts:
(Square and    Hexagonal), Plain washer,     combination of nut and bolt with or without washer for     assembling two parts together, Single riveted lap joint with standarddimensions.
(ii) Free-hand sketches
(Internal choice will be given between any two of the following).
Conventional representation of external and internal threads; studs (plain, square-
neck and collar); screws (round-head, cheese-head, 900 flat counter sunk-head, hexagonal socket head and grub-screw). Types of rivets:- snap head, pan head- without tapered neck, flat head and 600 countersunk flat head. Types of sunk-keys (rectangular taper, woodruff and double-head feather key with gib head on both
Note: In the above mentioned machine parts (free hand sketches) “in-position” shall not be asked.
B.   Assembly  drawings  and  Dis-Assembly  drawings  (Internal  choice  will  be  given
between an Assembly drawing and a Dis-Assembly drawing).
Note:        1.     In all Assembly drawings, half sectional front view will be asked. Side/End view or
Top View/Plan will be drawn without section.
2.     In all the Dis-assembly drawings, only two orthographic views (one of the two
views may be half in section or full in section) of any two parts.
3.      (a) In all sectional views, hidden lines/ edges are not to be shown.
(b) In all full views, hidden/edges are to be shown.
1. Bearings
(i)         Open-Bearing
(ii)        Bused- Bearing
2. Rod-Joints
(i)         Cotter-joints for circular-rods (socket and spigot joint)
(ii)        Cotter-joints for round-rods (sleeve and cotter joint)
(iii)      Cotter-joints for square rods (Gib and cotter-joint)
3. Tie-rod and Pipe-joint
(i)         Turnbuckle
(ii)        Flange pipe joint
4. Couplings
(i)         Unprotected Flange Coupling (having socket and spigot arrangement)
(ii)        Protected Flange Coupling
5. Pulleys
(i)         Solid cast iron pulley – (up to 200 mm diameters) having solid web
CBSE PRACTICALS                                                                                           30 Marks                      72 Periods
One paper (Practical): 3 Hours
(i) To perform the following tasks from the given views of the prescribed Machine
Block (One). Value-Points
1.     Copy the given views                                                                                                             1
2.    Drawing the missing view without hidden lines                                                               2
3.    Sketching the Isometric view without hidden edges                                                         5
4.  To make the machine block of the above in three dimensions.
(not to scale but approximately proportionately) drawn with any medium i.e. thermocol, soap- cake, plasticine, clay, wax, orchsis (available with florists), etc.                                      7
(ii) Computer Aided Design (CAD) – Project                                                                               10
Project file to be submitted on the simple solids (Prism, Pyramids and Frustums of equilateral triangle, square, pentagon and hexagon) or machine blocks as prescribed in part-I by using the CAD software.
(iii) (i) Sessional work relating to machine blocks as prescribed.                                                    3
(ii) Viva-voce based on part-I and part-II                                                                                     2
Total Marks                                                                                                                                      30

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Economics 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Economics 2018-19

Economics is one of the social sciences, which has great influence on every human being. As economic life and the economy go through changes, the need to ground education in children’s own experience becomes essential. While doing so, it is imperative to provide them opportunities to acquire analytical skills to observe and understand the economic realities.
At senior secondary stage, the learners are in a position to understand abstract ideas, exercise the power
of thinking and to develop their own perception. It is at this stage, the learners are exposed to the rigour of the discipline of economics in a systematic way.
The economics courses are introduced in such a way that in the initial stage, the learners are introduced
to the economic realities that the nation is facing today along with some basic statistical tools to understand these broader economic realities. In the later stage, the learners are introduced to economics as a theory of abstraction.
The economics courses also contain many projects and activities. These will provide opportunities for
the learners to explore various economic issues both from their day-to-day life and also from issues, which are broader and invisible in nature. The academic skills that they learn in these courses would help to develop the projects and activities. The syllabus is also expected to provide opportunities to use information and communication technologies to facilitate their learning process.
·    Understanding  of  some  basic  economic  concepts  and  development  of  economic  reasoning which the learners can apply in their day-to-day life as citizens, workers and consumers.
·    Realisation of learners’ role in nation building and sensitivity to the economic issues that the nation is facing today.
·    Equipment with basic tools of economics and statistics to analyse economic issues. This is pertinent for even those who may not pursue this course beyond senior secondary stage.
·    Development of understanding that there can be more than one view on any economic issue and necessary skills to argue logically with reasoning.
Session 2018-19
Class XI Part A: Introductory Microeconomics Part B: Statistics for Economics
Class XII Part A: Introductory Microeconomics Part B: Introductory Macroeconomics
Session 2019-20
Class XI Part A: Introductory Microeconomics Part B: Statistics for Economics
Class XII Part A: Introductory Macroeconomics Part B: Indian Economic Development
CLASS – XI (2018-19)
Theory: 80 Marks        Project: 20 Marks                                                            3 Hours
Units Marks Periods
Part A Introductory Microeconomics
Introduction 4 8
Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand 13 32
Producer Behaviour and Supply 13 32
Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple applications 10 28
40 100
Part B Statistics for Economics
1. Introduction 13 07
2. Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data 27
3. Statistical Tools and Interpretation 27 66
40 100
Part C Project Work 20 20
Part A: Introductory Microeconomics
Unit 1: Introduction                                                                                                             8 Periods
Meaning of microeconomics and macroeconomics; positive and normative economics
What is an economy? Central problems of an economy: what, how and for whom to produce;
concepts of production possibility frontier and opportunity cost.
Unit 2: Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand                                                                 32 Periods
Consumer’s equilibrium – meaning of utility, marginal utility, law of diminishing marginal utility, conditions of consumer’s equilibrium using marginal utility analysis.
Indifference curve analysis of consumer’s equilibrium-the consumer’s budget (budget set and
budget line), preferences of the consumer (indifference curve, indifference map) and conditions of consumer’s equilibrium.
Demand, market demand, determinants of demand, demand schedule, demand curve and its
slope, movement along and shifts in the demand curve; price elasticity of demand – factors affecting price elasticity of demand; measurement of price elasticity of demand – percentage-change method.
Unit 3: Producer Behaviour and Supply                                                                           32 Periods
Meaning of Production Function – Short-Run and Long-Run
Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product.
Returns to a Factor
Cost: Short run costs – total cost, total fixed cost, total variable cost; Average cost; Average
fixed cost, average variable cost and marginal cost-meaning and their relationships.
Revenue – total, average and marginal revenue – meaning and their relationship.
Producer’s equilibrium-meaning and its conditions in terms of marginal revenue-marginal cost.
Supply, market supply, determinants of supply, supply schedule, supply curve and its slope, movements along and shifts in supply curve, price elasticity of supply; measurement of price elasticity of supply – percentage-change method.
Unit  4:  Forms  of  Market  and  Price  Determination  under  Perfect  Competition  with  simple
applications.                                                                                                                          28 Periods
Perfect competition – Features; Determination of market equilibrium and effects of shifts in demand and supply.
Other Market Forms – monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly – their meaning and features.
Simple Applications of Demand and Supply: Price ceiling, price floor.
Part B: Statistics for Economics
In this course, the learners are expected to acquire skills in collection, organisation and presentation of quantitative and qualitative information pertaining to various simple economic aspects systematically. It also intends to provide some basic statistical tools to analyse, and interpret any economic information and draw appropriate inferences. In this process, the learners are also expected to understand the behaviour of various economic data.
Unit 1: Introduction                                                                                                             07 Periods
What is Economics?
Meaning, scope, functions and importance of statistics in Economics
Unit 2: Collection, Organisation and Presentation of data                                              27 Periods
Collection of data – sources of data – primary and secondary; how basic data is collected, with concepts of Sampling; Sampling and Non-Sampling errors; methods of collecting data; some important sources of secondary data: Census of India and  National  Sample  Survey Organisation.
Organisation of Data: Meaning and types of variables; Frequency Distribution.
Presentation of Data: Tabular Presentation and Diagrammatic Presentation of Data: (i) Geometric forms (bar diagrams and pie diagrams), (ii) Frequency diagrams (histogram, polygon and ogive) and (iii) Arithmetic line graphs (time series graph).
Unit 3: Statistical Tools and Interpretation                                                                      66 Periods
(For all the numerical problems and solutions, the appropriate economic interpretation may be attempted. This means, the students need to solve the problems and provide interpretation for the results derived.)
Measures of Central Tendency- mean (simple and weighted), median and mode
Measures of Dispersion – absolute dispersion (range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard
deviation); relative dispersion (co-efficient of range, co-efficient of quartile-deviation, co-efficient of mean deviation, co-efficient of variation); Lorenz Curve: Meaning, construction and its application.
Correlation – meaning and properties, scatter diagram; Measures of correlation – Karl Pearson’s method
(two variables ungrouped data) Spearman’s rank correlation.
Introduction to Index Numbers – meaning, types – wholesale price index, consumer price index and
index of industrial production, uses of index numbers; Inflation and index numbers.
Part C: Developing Project in Economics                                                   20 Periods
The students may be encouraged to develop projects, as per the suggested project guidelines. Case studies of a few organisations / outlets may also be encouraged. Under this the students will do only ONE comprehensive project using concepts from both part A and part B.
Some of the examples of the projects are as follows (they are not mandatory but suggestive):
(i) A report on demographic structure of your neighborhood.
(ii) Changing consumer awareness amongst households.
(iii) Dissemination of price information for growers and its impact on consumers.
(iv) Study of a cooperative institution: milk cooperatives, marketing cooperatives, etc.
(v) Case studies on public private partnership, outsourcing and outward Foreign Direct Investment.
(vi) Global warming.
(vii) Designing eco-friendly projects applicable in school such as paper and water recycle.
The idea behind introducing this unit is to enable the students to develop the ways and means by which
a project can be developed using the skills learned in the course. This includes all the steps involved in designing a project starting from choosing a title, exploring the information relating to the  title, collection of primary and secondary data, analysing the data, presentation of the project and using various statistical tools and their interpretation and conclusion.
Suggested Question Paper Design
Economics (Code No. 030) Class XI (2018-19)
March 2019 Examination
Theory: 80 marks + Project: 20 Marks                                                              Duration: 3 hrs.
Typology of Questions Very Short Answer/ MCQ
1 Mark
Short Answer I 3 Marks Short Answer II 4 Marks Long Answer 6 Marks Marks %
1 Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know meaning of specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories; Identify information) 2 2 2 22 27%
2 Understanding(Comprehension– to be familiar with meaning and to      understand      conceptually, interpret,     compare,     contrast, explain,  paraphrase,  or  interpret information) 2 1 2 1 19 24%
3 Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret a situation,
provide an example, or solve a problem)
2 1 1 1 15 19%
4 High    Order    Thinking    Skills (Analysis & Synthesis- Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between    different    pieces    of information,    Organize     and/or integrate     unique     pieces     of information   from  a   variety  of sources) 1 1 1 1 14 17%
5 Evaluation and Multi- Disciplinary- (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 1 1 10 13%
Total 8×1=8 4×3=12 6×4=24 6×6=36 Theory 80+20
There will be Internal Choice in questions of 3 marks, 4 marks and 6 marks in both sections (A and B).
(Total 3 internal choices in section A and total 3 internal choices in section B).
CLASS – XII (2018-19)
Theory: 80 Marks        Project: 20 Marks                                                                         3 Hours
Units Marks Periods
Part A Introductory Microeconomics
Introduction 4 8
Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand 13 32
Producer Behaviour and Supply 13 32
Forms of Market and Price Determination under perfect competition with simple applications 10 28
40 100
Part B Introductory Macroeconomics
National Income and Related Aggregates 10 28
Money and Banking 6 15
Determination of Income and Employment 12 27
Government Budget and the Economy 6 15
Balance of Payments 6 15
40 100
Part C Project Work 20 20
Part A: Introductory Microeconomics
Unit 1: Introduction                                                                                                             8 Periods
Meaning of microeconomics and macroeconomics; positive and normative economics
What is an economy? Central problems of an economy: what, how and for whom to produce;
concepts of production possibility frontier and opportunity cost.
Unit 2: Consumer’s Equilibrium and Demand                                                                 32 Periods
Consumer’s equilibrium – meaning of utility, marginal utility, law of diminishing marginal utility, conditions of consumer’s equilibrium using marginal utility analysis.
Indifference curve analysis of consumer’s equilibrium-the consumer’s budget (budget set and
budget line), preferences of the consumer (indifference curve, indifference map) and conditions of consumer’s equilibrium.
Demand, market demand, determinants of demand, demand schedule, demand curve and its
slope, movement along and shifts in the demand curve; price elasticity of demand – factors affecting price elasticity of demand; measurement of price elasticity of demand – percentage-change method.
Unit 3: Producer Behaviour and Supply                                                                           32 Periods
Meaning of Production Function – Short-Run and Long-Run
Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product.
Returns to a Factor
Cost: Short run costs – total cost, total fixed cost, total variable cost; Average cost; Average
fixed cost, average variable cost and marginal cost-meaning and their relationships.
Revenue – total, average and marginal revenue – meaning and their relationship.
Producer’s equilibrium-meaning and its conditions in terms of marginal revenue-marginal cost.
Supply, market supply, determinants of supply, supply schedule, supply curve and its slope, movements along and shifts in supply curve, price elasticity of supply; measurement of price elasticity of supply – percentage-change method.
Unit  4:  Forms  of  Market  and  Price  Determination  under  Perfect  Competition  with  simple
applications.                                                                                                                          28 Periods
Perfect competition – Features; Determination of market equilibrium and effects of shifts in demand and supply.
Other Market Forms – monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly – their meaning and features.
Simple Applications of Demand and Supply: Price ceiling, price floor.
Part B: Introductory Macroeconomics
Unit 5: National Income and Related Aggregates                                                             28 Periods Some basic concepts: consumption goods, capital goods, final goods, intermediate goods; stocks and flows; gross investment and depreciation.
Circular flow of income (two sector model); Methods of calculating National Income – Value Added or Product method, Expenditure method, Income method.
Aggregates related to National Income:
Gross National Product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP), Gross and Net Domestic Product (GDP and NDP) – at market price, at factor cost; Real and Nominal GDP.
GDP and Welfare
Unit 6: Money and Banking                                                                                                15 Periods
Money – meaning and supply of money – Currency held by the public and net demand deposits held by commercial banks.
Money creation by the commercial banking system.
Central bank and its functions (example of the Reserve Bank of India): Bank of issue, Govt. Bank, Banker’s Bank, Control of Credit through Bank Rate, CRR, SLR, Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate, Open Market Operations, Margin requirement.
Unit 7: Determination of Income and Employment                                                         27 Periods
Aggregate demand and its components.
Propensity to consume and propensity to save (average and marginal). Short-run equilibrium output; investment multiplier and its mechanism. Meaning of full employment and involuntary unemployment.
Problems of excess demand and deficient demand; measures to correct them – changes in
government spending, taxes and money supply.
Unit 8: Government Budget and the Economy                                                                 15 Periods
Government budget – meaning, objectives and components.
Classification of receipts – revenue receipts and capital receipts; classification of expenditure – revenue expenditure and capital expenditure.
Measures of government deficit – revenue deficit, fiscal deficit, primary deficit their meaning.
Unit 9: Balance of Payments                                                                                               15 Periods
Balance of payments account – meaning and components; balance of payments deficit-meaning. Foreign exchange rate – meaning of fixed and flexible rates and managed floating.
Determination of exchange rate in a free market.
Part C: Developing Project in Economics                                                   20 Periods
Prescribed Books:
1. Statistics for Economics, Class XI, NCERT
2. Indian Economic Development, Class XI, NCERT
3. Introductory Microeconomics, Class XII, NCERT
4. Macroeconomics, Class XII, NCERT
5. Supplementary Reading Material in Economics, Class XII, CBSE
Note: The above publications are also available in Hindi Medium.
Suggested Question Paper Design
Economics (Code No. 030) Class XII (2018-19)
March 2019 Examination
Marks: 80                                                                                                                 Duration: 3 hrs.
S.N. Typology of Questions Very Short Answer/ MCQ
1 Mark
Short Answer II
3 Marks
Short Answer I 4 Marks Long Answer 6 Marks Marks %
1 Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple   recall   questions,   to   know specific    facts,    terms,    concepts, principles,    or    theories;    identify, define, or recite, information) 2 2 2 22 27%
2 Understanding- (Comprehension –to be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase, or interpret information) 2 1 2 1 19 24%
3 Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 2 1 1 1 15 19%
4 High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis
& Synthesis- Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information, Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information from a variety of sources)
1 1 1 1 14 17%
5 Evaluation and Multi-Disciplinary- (Appraise,  judge,  and/or  justify  the value  or   worth  of  a  decision  or outcome,   or   to   predict   outcomes based on values) 1 1 1 10 13%
Total 8×1=8 4×3=12 6×4=24 6×6=36 80 (24) 100%
Note: There will be Internal Choice in questions of 3 marks, 4 marks and 6 marks in both sections (A
and B). (Total 3 internal choices in section A and total 3 internal choices in section B).
Guidelines for Project Work in Economics (Class XII)
·    Students are supposed to pick any ONE of the two suggested projects.
·    The project should be of 30-40 pages (approx), preferably hand-written.
· Teachers should help the students to select the topic after detailed discussions and deliberations. Teacher should play the role of a facilitator and should supervise and monitor the project work of the student. The teacher must periodically discuss and review the progress of the project.
· The teacher must play a vital role of a guide in the research work for the relevant data, material and information regarding the project work. Also, the students must be guided to quote the source (in the Bibliography/References section) of the information to ensure authenticity.
· The teacher must ensure that the students actually learn the concepts related to the project as he/she would be required to face questions related to the project in viva-voce stage of the final presentation of the project. Empirical study based / investing project work may be appreciated.
· The teacher may arrange a presentation in the classroom of each and every student so that students may learn from each others’ project work.
· The teacher must ensure that the students learn various aspects of the concept related to the topic of the project work.
I.      CBSE Project (Option One) : What’s Going Around Us
The purpose of this project is to –
· Enable the student to understand the scope and repercussions of various Economic events and happenings taking place around the country and the world. (eg. The Dynamics of the Goods & Services Tax and likely impacts on the Indian Economy or the Economics behind the Demonetisation of 500 and 1000 Rupee Notes and the Short Run and Long Run impact on the Indian Economy or The impact of BREXIT from the European Union etc.)
·   Provide an opportunity to the learner to develop economic reasoning and acquire analytical skills to observe and understand the economic events.
· Make students aware about the different economic developments taking place in the country and across the world.
· Develop the understanding that there can be more than one view on any economic issue and to develop the skill to argue logically with reasoning.
· Compare the efficacy of economic policies and their respective implementations in real world situations and analyse the impact of Economic Policies on the lives of common people.
· Provide an opportunity to the learner to explore various economic issues both from his/her day to day life and also issues which are of broader perspective.
Scope of the project: Student may work upon the following lines:
·    Introduction
·    Details of the topic
·    Pros and Cons of the economic event/happening
·    Major criticism related to the topic (if any)
·    Students’ own views/perception/ opinion and learning from the work
·    Any other valid idea as per the perceived notion of the student who is actually working and presenting the Project-Work.
Mode of presentation and submission of the Project: At the end of the stipulated term, each student will present the work in the Project File (with viva voce) to the external examiner.
Marking Scheme: Marks are suggested to be given as –
S.No. Heading Marks Allotted
1. Relevance of the topic 3
2. Knowledge Content/Research Work 6
3. Presentation Technique 3
4. Viva 8
Total 20 Marks
The external examiner should value the efforts of the students on the criteria suggested.
Suggestive List
1.   Micro and small scale industries
2.   Food supply channel in India
3.   Contemporary employment situation in India
4.   Disinvestment policy
5.   Health expenditure (of any state)
6.   Goods and Services Tax Act
7.   Inclusive growth strategy
8.   Human Development Index
9.   Self help groups
10. Any other topic
II.        CBSE Project (Option Two): Analyse any concept from the syllabus
The purpose of this project is to –
·    Develop interest of the students in the concepts of Economic theory and application of the concept to the real life situations.
·    Provide opportunity to the learners to develop economic reasoning vis-a-vis to the given concept from the syllabus.
·    Enable the students to understand abstract ideas, exercise the power of thinking and to develop his/her own perception
·    To develop the understanding that there can be more than one view on any economic issue and to develop the skill to argue logically with reasoning
·    Compare the efficacy of economic policies in real world situations
·    To expose the student to the rigour of the discipline of economics in a systematic way
·    Impact of Economic Theory/ Principles and concepts on the lives of common people
Scope of the project:
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled in the project.
Explanation of the concept:
–     Meaning and Definition
–     Application of the concept
–     Diagrammatic Explanation (if any)
–     Numerical Explanation related to the concept etc. (if any)
–     Students’ own views/perception/ opinion and learning from the topic..
Mode of presentation and submission of the Project:
At the end of the stipulated term, each student(s) will present their work in the Project File (with viva voce) to the external examiner.
Marking Scheme:
Marks are suggested to be given as –
S.No. Heading Marks Allotted
1. Relevance of the topic 3
2. Knowledge Content/Research Work 6
3. Presentation Technique 3
4. Viva 8
Total 20 Marks
The external examiner should value the efforts of the students on the criteria suggested.
Suggested List:
·    Price Determination
·    Price Discrimination
·    Opportunity Cost
·    Production Possibility Curve
·    Demand and its determinants
·    Supply and its determinants
·    Production – Returns to a Factor
·    Cost function and Cost Curves
·    Monopoly
·    Oligopoly
·    Monopolistic Competition
·    Credit Creation
·    Money Multiplier
·    Central Bank and its functions
·    Government Budget & its Components
·    Budget deficit
·    Exchange Rate Systems
·    Foreign Exchange Markets
·    Balance of payments
·    Any other topic

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Computer Science Old 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Computer Science Old 2018-19

(Code No. 083)
(For the session 2018-19 only)
Learning Objectives:
·     To understand basics of computers.
·     To develop logic for Problem Solving.
·     To develop problem solving skills and their implementation using C++.
·     To understand and implement the concept of Object Oriented Methodology.
·     To understand the concept of working with Relational Database.
·     To understand the basic concept of Computing Logic.
·     To understand the basic concepts of Communication and Networking technologies.
·     To understand Open Source concepts.
Class XI (Theory) – C++
ks: 70
Duration: 3 hours                                                                                                                Total Mar
Unit No. Unit Name                                                          Marks
1. COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS                                                                                   10
2. PROGRAMMING METHODOLOGY                                                                             12
3. INTRODUCTION TO C++                                                                                         14
4. PROGRAMMING IN C++                                                                                           34
Total                                                                 70
Unit 1:    Computer Fundamentals                                                 (18 Theory + 6 Practical) Periods
Classification of computers: Basics of computer and its operation; Functional Components and their interconnections, concept of Booting.
Software concepts: Types of Software – System Software, Utility Software and  Application Software
System Software: Operating System, Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler;
Operating System: Need for Operating System, Functions of Operating System (Processor Management, Memory Management, File Management and Device Management), Types of Operating System-Interactive (GUI based), Time Sharing, Real Time and Distributed, Commonly used Operating System: UNIX, LINUX, Windows, Solaris, BOSS (Bharat Operating System Solutions); Mobile OS – Android, Symbian, IOS.
Utility Software: Anti-Virus, File Management tools, Compression tools and Disk Management tools (Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, Backup).
Open Source Concepts: Open Source Software, Freeware, Shareware, and Proprietary Software.
Application Software: Office Tools – Word Processor, Presentation Tool, Spreadsheet Package, Database Management System; Domain Specific tools – School Management System, Inventory
Management  System,  Payroll  System,  Financial  Accounting,  Hotel  Management,  Reservation
System and Weather Forecasting System.
Number System: Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal and conversion between different number systems.
Internal Storage encoding of Characters: ASCII, ISCII (Indian Scripts Standard Code for Information Interchange), and UNICODE (for multilingual computing)
Microprocessor: Basic concepts, Clock speed (MHz, GHz), 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit, 128 bit processors; Types – CISC Processors (Complex Instruction Set Computing), RISC  Processors (Reduced Instruction Set Computing), and EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing).
Memory Concepts: Units: Byte, Kilo Byte, Mega Byte, Giga Byte, Tera Byte, Peta Byte, Exa Byte, Zetta Byte, Yotta Byte.
Primary Memory: Cache, RAM, ROM
Secondary Memory: Fixed and Removable storage – Hard Disk Drive, CD/DVD Drive, Pen Drive, Blue Ray Disk.
Input Output Ports/ Connections: Serial, Parallel and Universal Serial Bus, PS-2 port, Infrared port, Bluetooth, Fire wire.
Unit 2:    Programming Methodology                                            (28 Theory + 10 Practical) Periods
General Concepts: Modular Approach, Clarity and Simplicity of Expressions, Use of proper names
for Identifiers, Comments, Indentation; Documentation and Program Maintenance; Running and Debugging programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical Errors
Problem  Solving  Methodologies:  Understanding  of  the  problem,  Solution  for  the  problem,
Identifying minimum number of inputs required for output, Writing code to optimizing execution time and memory storage, step by step solution for the problem, breaking down solution into simple steps (modular approach), Identification of arithmetic and logical operations required for
solution; Control Structure- Conditional control and looping (finite and infinite).
Problem Solving: Introduction to Algorithms/Flowcharts.
Unit-3:    Introduction to C++                                                       (44 Theory + 36 Practical) Periods
Getting Started: C++ character set, C++ Tokens (Identifiers, Keywords, Constants, Operators,), Structure of a C++ Program (include files, main function), Header files – iostream.h, iomanip.h, cout, cin; use of I/O operators (<<and>>), Use of endl and setw ( ), Cascading of I/O operators, compilation , Error Messages; Use of editor, basic commands of editor, compilation, linking and
Data Types, Variables and Constants: Concept of Data types; Built-in Data types: char, int , float
and double; Constants: Integer Constants, Character constants (- \n, \t, \b), Floating Point Constants,   String   Constants;   Access   modifier:   const;   Variables   of   built-in-data   types, Declaration/Initialization of variables, Assignment statement, Type modifier: signed, unsigned,
Operator and Expressions: Operators: Arithmetic operators (-,+,*,/,%), Assignment operator (=),
c++  shorthands  (+=,  -=,*=,/=,%=)  Unary  operators  (-),  Increment  (++)  and  Decrement  (–) Operators, Relational operator (>,>=,<=,=,!=), Logical operators (!,&&,||), Conditional operator:
<condition>?<if—true>:<if  false>;  Precedence  of  Operators;  Automatic  type  conversion  in
expressions, Type casting;
UNIT 4: PROGRAMMING IN C++                                                      (50 Theory + 48 Practical) Periods
Flow of control
Conditional statements: if else, Nested if,, use of conditional operator,
Nested, break statement (to be used in only); Loops: while, do – while, for and Nested loops
Inbuilt Functions
Header file Categorization Header File Function
Standard input/output functions stdio.h gets ( ), puts ( )
Character Functions ctype.h isalnum ( ), isalpha ( ),
isdigit ( ), islower ( ),
isupper ( ), tolower ( ),
toupper ( )
strcpy ( ), strcat ( ),
strlen ( ), strcmp ( ),
String Function string.h strcmpi ( ), strrev ( ),
strupr ( ), strlwr ( )
Mathematical Functions math.h fabs ( ), pow ( ), sqrt ( ), sin ( ),
cos ( ), abs ( )
Introduction to user-defined function and its requirements.
Defining  a  function;  function  prototype,  Invoking/calling  a  function,  passing  arguments  to
function, specifying argument data types, default argument, constant argument, call by value, call by reference, returning values from a function, calling functions with arrays, scope rules of
variables: local and global variables.
Relating to Parameters and return type concepts in built-in functions.
Structured Data Type
Arrays: Introduction to Array and its advantages.
One Dimensional Array: Declaration/initialization of One-dimensional array, Accepting array
elements, accessing array elements, manipulation of array elements (sum of elements, product of elements, average of elements, linear search, finding maximum/minimum value)
Declaration / Initialization of a String, string manipulations (counting vowels/ consonants/ digits/
special characters, case conversion, reversing a string, reversing each word of a string)
Two-dimensional Array: Declaration/initialization of a two-dimensional array, inputting array elements, accessing array elements, manipulation of Array elements (sum of row element, column elements, diagonal elements, finding maximum / minimum values)
User-defined Data Types: Introduction to user defined data types.
Structure: Defining a Structure (Keyword Structure), declaring structure variables, accessing
structure elements, passing structure to functions as value and reference, argument/parameter, function returning structure, array of structure, passing an array of structure as an argument/ a parameter to a function.
Defining a symbol name using typedef keyword and defining a macro using #define preprocessor
Class XI (Practical) – C++
Duration: 3 hours                                                                                                               Total Marks: 30
1.  Programming in C++                                                                                                                    10
One programming problem in C++ to be developed and tested on Computer during the examination. Marks are allotted on the basis of following:
Logic                               :   6 Marks
Documentation                :   2 Marks Output presentation         :   2 Marks
2. Project Work                                                                                                                              06 + 4*
Problems using String, Number, array and structure manipulation
General Guidelines: Initial Requirement, developing an interface for user (it is advised to use text based interface screen), developing logic for playing the game and developing logic for scoring points
·     Memory  game:  A  number  guessing  game  with  application  of  2  dimensional  arrays  containing randomly generated numbers in pairs hidden inside boxes.
·     Hollywood/Hangman: A word guessing game
·     Cows  ‘N  Bulls:  A  word/number  Guessing game
·     Random Number Guessing Game (High\Low)
·     A game to check whether a word does not use any of the forbidden letters
·     Cross‘N knots game: A regular tic-tac –toe game.
Similar projects may be undertaken in other domains. (As mentioned in general guidelines for project, given at the end of the curriculum in a group of 2-4 students)
* Collaboration and Presentation of the project
3. Practical File                                                                                                                                  5+1*
(a) Record of the configuration of computer system used by the student in the computer lab (by exploring inside computer system in the first 2 lab classes).
(b) Must have minimum 20 programs from the topics covered in class XI course.
·     Programs on Control structures
·     Programs on String manipulations
·     Programs on array manipulations (1D & 2D)
·     Programs on structures.
*1 mark is for innovating while developing programmes.
4. Viva Voce                                                                                                                                           04
Viva will be asked from the syllabus covered in class XI and the project developed by the student(s).
*1 mark is for innovating while developing programme.
Class XII (Theory) – C++ (Session 2018-19)
Duration: 3 hours                                                              Total Marks: 70
Unit No. Unit Name Marks
Total 70
Unit 1: Object Oriented Programming in C++      (50 Theory + 40 Practical) Periods
Review: C++ covered in class XI,
Object Oriented Programming: Concept of Object Oriented Programming – Data hiding, Data
encapsulation,   Class   and   Object,   Abstract   class   and   Concrete   class,   Polymorphism
(Implementation of polymorphism using Function overloading as an example in C++); Inheritance, Advantages of Object Oriented Programming over earlier programming methodologies,
Implementation of Object Oriented Programming concepts in C++: Definition of a class, Member
of a class – Data Members and Member Functions (methods), Using Private and Public visibility modes, default visibility mode (private); Member function definition: inside class definition and outside class definition using scope resolution operator (::); accessing members from object (s),
Objects as function arguments–pass by value and pass by reference;
Constructor and Destructor: Constructor: special characteristics, declaration and definition of a
constructor, default constructor, overloaded constructors, copy constructor, constructor with default arguments;
Destructor: Special Characteristics, declaration and definition of destructor;
Inheritance (Extending Classes): Concept of Inheritances, Base Class, Derived classes, protected
visibility mode; Single level inheritance, Multilevel inheritance and Multiple inheritance, Privately
derived, publicly derived and Protectedly derived class, accessibility of members from objects and within derived class (es);
Data File Handling: Need for a data file, Types of data files – Text file and Binary file;
Text  File:  Basic  file  operations  on  text  file:  Creating/Writing  text  into  file,  Reading  and
Manipulation of text from an already existing text File (accessing sequentially).
Binary File: Creation of file, Writing data into file, Searching for required data from file,
Appending data to a file, Insertion of data in sorted file, Deletion of data from file, Modification of data in a file;
Implementation of above mentioned data file handling in C++; Components of C++ to be used with file handling: Header file: fstream.h; ifstream, ofstream, classes;
Opening a text file in—in, out, and app modes;
Using cascading operators (>>,<<) for writing text to the file and reading text from the file; open (), get (), read (), put (), write(), getline() and close() functions; Detecting end-of-file (with or without using eof() function), tellg(), tellp(), seekg(), seekp();
Introduction to Pointer, Declaration and Initialization of Pointer; Dynamic memory allocation/de- allocation operators: new, delete; Pointers and Arrays: Array of Pointers, Pointer to an array (1 dimensional array), Function returning a pointer, Reference variables and use of alias; Function call by reference. Pointer to structure: De-reference/Deference operator: *, ->; self referential
Unit 2:    Data Structures                                                             (42 Theory + 36 Practical) Periods
Introduction to data structure- array, stack queues primitive and non-primitive data structure,
linear and non-linear structure, static and dynamic data structure.
One and two Dimensional arrays: Sequential allocation and address calculation;
One dimensional array: Traversal, Searching (Linear, Binary Search), Insertion of an element in an array, deletion of an element from an array, Sorting (Insertion, Selection, Bubble)
Two-dimensional arrays: Traversal Finding sum/difference of two NxM arrays containing numeric values, Interchanging Row and Column elements in a two dimensional array;
Stack (Array and Linked implementation of Stack):
Introduction to stack (LIFO: Last in First out Operations)
Operations on stack (PUSH and POP) and its Implementation in C++, Converting expressions from INFIX to POSTFIX notation and evaluation of Postfix expression;
Queue: (Array and Linked Implementation)
Introduction to Queue (FIFO: First in First out operations)
Operations on Queue (Insert and Delete and its Implementation in C++, circular queue using array.
Unit 3:    Database Management System and SQL                     (20 Theory + 20 Practical) Periods
Data base Concepts: Introduction to data base concepts and its need.
Relational data model: Concept of domain, tuple, relation, key, primary key, alternate key,
candidate key;
Relational algebra: Selection, Projection, Union and Cartesian product;
Structured Query Language:
General Concepts: Advantages of using SQL, Data Definition Language and Data Manipulation
SQL functions: SUM ( ), AVG ( ), COUNT ( ), MAX ( ) AND MIN ( ); Obtaining results (SELECT query)
from 2 tables using equi-join, Cartesian product and Union
Note: Implementation of the above mentioned commands could be done on any SQL supported
software on one or two tables.
Unit 4:    Boolean Algebra                                                              (16 Theory + 0 Practical) Periods
Role of Logical Operations in Computing.
Binary-valued Quantities, Boolean Variable, Boolean Constant and Boolean Operators: AND, OR,
NOT; Truth Tables; Closure Property, Commutative Law, Associative Law, Identity law, Inverse Law, Principle of Duality, Idempotent Law, Distributive Law, Absorption Law, Involution Law, DeMorgan’s Law and their applications;
Obtaining Sum of Product (SOP) and Product of Sum (POS) form the Truth Table, Reducing Boolean
Expression (SOP and POS) to its minimal form, Use of Karnaugh Map for minimization of Boolean expressions (up to 4 variables);
Application of Boolean Logic: Digital electronic circuit design using basic Logic Gates (NOT, AND,
Use of Boolean operators (NOT, AND, OR) in SQL SELECT statements
Use of Boolean operators (AND, OR) in search engine queries.
Unit 5:    Communication Technologies                                          (16 Theory + 3 Practical) Periods
Evolution of Networking: ARPANET, Internet, Interspace Different ways of sending data across the network with reference to switching techniques (Circuit and Packet switching).
Data Communication terminologies: Concept of Channel, Bandwidth (Hz, KHz, MHz) and Data transfer rate (bps, Kbps, Mbps, Gbps, Tbps).
Transmission  media:  Twisted  pair  cable,  coaxial  cable,  optical  fiber,  infrared,  radio  link, microwave link and satellite link.
Network devices: Modem, RJ45 connector, Ethernet Card, Router, Switch, Gateway, wifi card.
Network Topologies and types: Bus, Star, Tree, PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN.
Network Protocol: TCP/IP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), PPP, SMTP, POP3 Remote Login (Talent), and Internet Wireless/Mobile Communication protocol such as GSM, CDMA, GPRS, and WLL.
Mobile Telecommunication Technologies: 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G; Mobile processors;
Electronic mail protocols such as SMTP, POP3
Protocols for Chat and Video Conferencing VOIP Wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi and WiMax
Network Security Concepts:
Threats and prevention from Viruses, Worms, Trojan horse, Spams
Use of Cookies, Protection using Firewall, https;
India IT Act, Cyber Law, Cyber Crimes, IPR issues, hacking.
Introduction To Web services: WWW, Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML); Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP); Domain Names; URL; Website,  Web browser, Web Servers; Web Hosting, Web Scripting – Client side (VB Script, Java Script, PHP) and Server side (ASP, JSP, PHP), Web 2.0 (for social networking)
E-commerce payment transactions using online banking, mobile banking and payment apps and services.
Class XII (Practical) –C++
Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                           Total Marks: 30
1. Programming in C++                                                                                                                  10
One programming problem in C++ to be developed and tested in Computer during the examination.
Marks are allotted on the basis of following:
Logic : 6 Marks
Documentation/Indentation : 2 Marks
Output presentation : 2 Marks
Notes: The types of problem to be given will be of application type from the following topics
·     Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional)
·     Class(es) and objects
·     Stack using arrays and or linked implementation
·     Queue using arrays (circular) and or linked implementation
·     Binary File operations (Creation, Displaying, Searching and
·     Text File operations (Creation, Displaying and modification)
2. SQL Commands                                                                                                                                  05
Five Query questions based on a particular Table / Relation to be tested practically on Computer during the examination. The command along with the result must be written in the answer sheet.
3. Project Work                                                                                                                                     05
The project has to be developed in C++ language with Object Oriented Technology and also should have use of Data files. (The project is required to be developed in a group of 2-4 students)
·     Presentation on the computer
·     Project report (Listing, Sample Outputs, Documentations)
·     Viva
* 1 mark is for innovation while writing programme.
4. Practical File                                                                                                                                     06
Must have minimum 20 programs from the following topics
·     Arrays (One dimensional and two dimensional, sorting, searching, merging, deletion & insertion of
·     Class(es) and objects
·     Stacks using arrays and linked implementation
·     Queue using arrays & linked implementation (circular also).
·      File (Binary and Text) operations (Creation, Updation, Query)
·      Any computational Based problems
·     15 SQL commands along with the output based on any table/relation:
5. Viva Voce                                                                                                                                           04
Viva will be asked from syllabus covered in class XII and the project developed by student.
1.  Preamble
CBSE Guidelines for Projects (Class XI and XII)
1.1 The academic course in Computer Science includes on Project in each year. The Purpose behind this is
to consolidate the concepts and practices imparted during the course and to serve as a record of competence.
1.2  A group of 2-3 students as team may be allowed to work on one project.
2.  Project content
2.1 Project for class XI can be selected from the topics mentioned in the syllabus or domains on the similar lines
2.2 Project for class XII should ensure the coverage of following areas of curriculum:
·     Flow of control
·     Data Structure
·     Object Oriented Programming C++
·     Data File Handling
CBSE Theme of the project can be
·     Any subsystem of a System Software or Tool
·     Any Scientific or a fairly complex algorithmic situation
·     School Management, Banking, Library Information System, Hotel or Hospital Management System,
·     Transport query system
·     Quizzes / Games;
·     Tutor, Computer Aided Learning Systems
2.3 It is suggested to prepare a bilingual (English and other Indian language) user manual part of project file.
2.4 The aim of the project is to highlight the abilities of algorithmic formulation, modular programming, optimized code preparation, systematic documentation and other associated aspects of Software Development.

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Computer Science New 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Computer Science New 2018-19

Computer Science (New) CBSE
Code No. 083
(Optional for the academic year 2018-19 and mandatory for the academic year 2019-20 onwards)
1. Prerequisites
No major prerequisites are required for this course other than basic Mathematical skills. However, it
will be helpful if the student has a basic knowledge of Computer Applications.
2. Learning Outcomes
1.   Develop basic computational thinking. Learn how to reason with variables, state transitions,
conditionals, and iteration.
2.   Understand the notion of data types, and higher order data structures such as lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
3.   Appreciate the notion of an algorithm, and understand its structure, including how algorithms handle corner cases.
4.   Develop a basic understanding of computer systems – architecture, OS, mobile and cloud computing.
5.   Learn basic SQL programming.
6.   Learn all about cyber safety.
3. Distribution of Marks
Unit No. Unit Name Marks
1. Programming and Computational Thinking – 1 35
2. Computer Systems and Organisation 10
3. Data Management – 1 15
4. Society, Law and Ethics – 1 10
5. Practical 30
Total 100
4.1 Unit 1: Programming and Computational Thinking (PCT-1)         (80 Theory + 70 Practical)
·     Familiarization  with the basics of  Python programming: a simple “hello  world” program,
process of writing a program, running it, and print statements; simple data-types: integer, float, string
· Introduce the notion of a variable, and methods to manipulate it (concept of L-value and R- value even if not taught explicitly)
· Knowledge of data types and operators: accepting input from the console, assignment statement, expressions, operators and their precedence.
· Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else; simple programs: e.g.: absolute value, sort 3 numbers, and divisibility.
· Notion of iterative computation and control flow: for, while, flowcharts, decision trees and pseudo code; write a lot of programs: interest calculation, primarily testing, and factorials.
·    Idea of debugging: errors and exceptions; debugging: pdb, break points.
·    Lists, tuples and dictionary: finding the maximum, minimum, mean; linear search on list/tuple of numbers, and counting the frequency of elements in a list using a dictionary. Introduce the notion of accessing elements in a collection using numbers and names.
·    Sorting algorithm: bubble and insertion sort; count the number of operations while sorting.
· Strings: compare, concat, substring; notion of states and transitions using state transition diagrams.
4.2. Unit 2: Computer Systems and Organisation (CSO)                        (20 Theory + 6 Practical)
·     Basic computer organisation: description of a computer system and mobile system, CPU,
memory, hard disk, I/O, battery, power.
·    Types of software: application, OS, utility, libraries.
·     Language of Bits: bit, byte, MB, GB, TB, and PB.
·    Boolean logic: OR, AND, NAND, NOR, XOR, NOT, truth tables, De Morgan’s laws
·    Information representation: numbers in base 2, 8, 16, unsigned integers, binary addition
·    Strings: ASCII, UTF8, UTF32, ISCII (Indian script code)
·     Execution of a program: basic flow of compilation – program à binary à execution
·    Interpreters (process one line at a time), difference between a compiler and an interpreter
·    Running a program: Notion of an operating system, how an operating system runs a program, idea of loading, operating system as a resource manager.
·    Concept of cloud computers, cloud storage (public/private), and brief introduction to parallel computing.
4.3. Unit 3: Data Management (DM-1)                                                      (30 Theory+ 24 Practical)
·     Relational databases: idea of a database and the need for it, relations, keys, primary key,
foreign key; use SQL commands to create a table, keys, foreign keys; insert/delete an entry, delete a table.
·    SQL commands: select, project, and join; indexes, and a lot of in-class practice.
·     Basics of NoSQL databases – Mongo DB.
4.4. Unit 4: Society, Law and Ethics (SLE-1) – Cyber safety                                          (10 Theory)
·     Cyber safety: safely browsing the web, identity protection, confidentiality, social networks,
cyber trolls and bullying
·     Appropriate usage of social networks: spread of rumours, and common social networking sites (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook) and specific usage rules.
·    Safely accessing web sites: adware, malware, viruses, Trojans
·     Safely  communicating  data:  secure  connections,  eavesdropping,  phishing  and  identity verification.
5. Practical
S.No. Unit Name Marks (Total=30)
1. Lab Test (12 marks)
Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code quality) 8
SQL program (at least 4 queries) 4
2. Report File + viva (10 marks)
Report file: Minimum 20 Python programs and 8 SQL commands 7
Viva voce (based on the report file) 3
3. Project (that uses most of the concepts that have been learnt) (See CS-XII for the rules regarding the projects). 8
5.1. Programming in Python: At least the following Python concepts should be covered in the lab
sessions:  expressions,  conditionals,  loops,  list,  dictionary,  and  strings.  The  following  are  some representative lab assignments.
·     Find the largest and smallest numbers in a list.
·     Find the third largest number in a list.
·     Test for primarily.
·     Find whether a string is a palindrome or not.
·     Given two integers x and n, compute xn.
·    Compute the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of two integers.
·     Test if a number is equal to the sum of the cubes of its digits. Find the smallest and largest such numbers.
5.2. Data Management: SQL Commands At least the following SQL commands should be covered
during  the  labs:  create,  insert,  delete,  select,  and  join.  The  following  are  some  representative assignments.
·     Create a student table with the student id, name, and marks as attributes where the student id
is the primary key.
·     Insert the details of a new student in the above table.
·     Delete the details of a particular student in the above table.
·     Use the select command to get the details of the students with marks more than 80.
·     Create a new table (name, date of birth) by joining two tables (student id, name) and (student id, date of birth).
·     Create a new table (order ID, customer Name, and order Date) by joining two tables (order ID, customer ID, and order Date) and (customer ID, customer Name, contact Name, country).
CBSE Computer Science
Code No. 083
Optional for the academic year 2019-20 and mandatory for the academic year
2020-21 onwards
1. Prerequisites
Computer Science- Class XI
2. Learning Outcomes
1.   Understand the concept of functions and recursion.
2.   Learn how to create and use Python libraries.
3.   Learn file handling.
4.   Learn about the concept of efficiency in algorithms and computing in general.
5.   Learn basic data structures: lists, stacks, and queues.
6.   Get a basic understanding of computer networks: network stack, basic network hardware, basic protocols, and basic tools.
7.   Connect a Python program with an SQL database, and learn aggregation functions in SQL.
8.   Have  a  clear  understanding  of  cyber  ethics  and  cybercrime.  Understand  the  value  of technology in societies, gender and disability issues, and the technology behind biometric ids.
3. Distribution of Marks
Unit No. Unit Name Marks
1. Programming and Computational Thinking – 2 30
2. Computer Networks 15
3. Data Management – 2 15
4. Society, Law and Ethics – 2 10
5. Practicals 30
Total 100
4.1 Unit 1: Programming and Computational Thinking (PCT-2)          (80 Theory + 70 Practical)
·     Revision of the basics of Python
·     Functions: scope, parameter passing, mutable/immutable properties of data objects, pass arrays to functions, return values, functions using libraries: mathematical, and string functions.
·     File handling: open and close a file, read, write, and append to a file, standard input, output, and error streams, relative and absolute paths.
·    Using Python libraries: create and import Python libraries
·     Recursion:  simple  algorithms  with  recursion:  factorial,  Fibonacci  numbers;  recursion  on arrays: binary search
·  Idea of efficiency: performance defined as inversely proportional to the wall clock time, count the number of operations a piece of code is performing, and measure the time taken by a program. Example: take two different programs for the same problem, and understand how the efficient one takes less time.
·     Data visualization using Pyplot: line chart, pie chart, and bar chart.
·    Data-structures: lists, stacks, queues.
4.2 Unit 2: Computer Networks (CN)                                                     (30 Theory + 10 Practical)
·     Structure of a network: Types of networks: local area and wide area (web and internet), new
technologies such as cloud and IoT, public vs. private cloud, wired and wireless networks; concept of a client and server.
·     Network devices such as a NIC, switch, hub, router, and access point.
· Network stack: amplitude and frequency modulation, collision in wireless networks, error checking, and the notion of a MAC address, main idea of routing. IP addresses: (v4 and v6), routing table, router, DNS, and web URLs, TCP: basic idea of retransmission, and rate modulation when there is congestion (analogy to a road network), Protocols: 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi- Fi. What makes a protocol have a higher bandwidth?
·    Basic network tools: traceroute, ping, ipconfig, nslookup, whois, speed-test.
· Application layer: HTTP (basic idea), working of email, secure communication: encryption and certificates (HTTPS), network applications: remote desktop, remote login, HTTP, FTP, SCP, SSH, POP/IMAP, SMTP, VoIP, NFC.
4.3 Unit 3: Data Management (DM-2)                                                     (20 Theory + 20 Practical)
·     Write a minimal Django based web application that parses a GET and POST request, and
writes the fields to a file – flat file and CSV file.
·     Interface Python with an SQL database
·    SQL commands: aggregation functions – having, group by, order by.
4.4. Unit 4: Society, Law and Ethics (SLE-2)                                                                   (10 Theory)
·     Intellectual property rights, plagiarism, digital rights management, and licensing (Creative
Commons, GPL and Apache), open source, open data, privacy.
·     Privacy laws, fraud; cyber-crime- phishing, illegal downloads, child pornography, scams; cyber forensics, IT Act, 2000.
·     Technology and society: understanding of societal issues and cultural changes induced by technology.
·    E-waste management: proper disposal of used electronic gadgets.
·     Identity theft, unique ids, and biometrics.
·    Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers.
5. Practical
S.No. Unit Name Marks (Total=30)
1. Lab Test (10 marks)
Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code quality) 7
Small Python program that sends a SQL query to a database and displays the result. A stub program can be provided. 3
2. Report File + viva(9 marks)
Report file: Minimum 21 Python programs. Out of this at least 4 programs should send SQL commands to a database and retrieve the result; at least 1 program should implement the web server to write user data to a CSV file. 7
Viva voce based on the report file 2
3. Project + viva (11 marks)
Project (that uses most of the concepts that have been learnt) 8
Project viva voce 3
Some sample lab assignments are as follows:
5.1. Programming in Python:
·     Recursively find the factorial of a natural number.
·     Read a file line by line and print it.
·     Remove all the lines that contain the character `a’ in a file and write it to another file.
· Write a Python function sin(x, n) to calculate the value of sin(x) using its Taylor series expansion up to n terms. Compare the values of sin(x) for different values of n with the correct value.
·     Write  a  random  number  generator  that  generates  random  numbers  between  1  and  6 (simulates a dice).
·     Write a recursive code to find the sum of all elements of a list.
·     Write a recursive code to compute the nth Fibonacci number.
·    Write a Python program to implement a stack and queue using a list data-structure.
·     Write a recursive Python program to test if a string is a palindrome or not.
·     Write a Python program to plot the function y = x2 using the pyplot or matplotlib libraries.
· Create a graphical application that accepts user inputs, performs some operation on them, and then writes the output on the screen. For example, write a small calculator. Use the tkinter library.
·     Open a webpage using the urllib library.
·     Compute EMIs for a loan using the numpy or scipy libraries.
·     Take a sample of 10 phishing e-mails and find the most common words.
5.2. Data Management: SQL and web-server
·     Find the min, max, sum, and average of the marks in a student marks table.
·     Find the total number of customers from each country in the table (customer ID, customer name, country) using group by.
·     Write a SQL query to order the (student ID, marks) table in descending order of the marks.
·    Integrate SQL with Python by importing the MySQL module
·     Write a Django based web server to parse a user request (POST), and write it to a CSV file.
6. Project
The aim of the class project is to create something that is tangible and useful. This should be done in
groups of 2 to 3 students, and should be started by students at least 6 months before the submission deadline. The aim here is to find a real world problem that is worthwhile to solve. Students are encouraged to visit local businesses and ask them about the problems that they are facing. For example, if a business is finding it hard to create invoices for filing GST claims, then students can do a project that takes the raw data (list of transactions), groups the transactions by category, accounts for the GST tax rates, and creates invoices in the appropriate format. Students can be extremely creative here. They can use a wide variety of Python libraries to create user friendly applications such as games, software for their school, software for their disabled fellow students, and mobile applications, Of course to do some of this projects, some additional learning is required; this should be encouraged. Students should know how to teach themselves.
If three people work on a project for 6 months, at least 500 lines of code is expected. The committee
has also been made aware about the degree of plagiarism in such projects. Teachers should take a very strict look at this situation, and take very strict disciplinary action against students who are cheating on lab assignments, or projects, or using pirated software to do the same. Everything that is proposed can be achieved using absolutely free, and legitimate open source software.

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Chemistry 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Chemistry 2018-19

8. CHEMISTRY (Code No. 043) CBSE
Higher Secondary is the most crucial stage of school education because at this juncture specialized
discipline based, content -oriented courses are introduced. Students reach this stage after 10 years of general education and opt for Chemistry with a purpose of pursuing their career in basic sciences or professional courses like medicine, engineering, technology and other applied areas. Therefore, there is a need to provide learners with sufficient conceptual background of Chemistry, which will make them competent to meet the challenges of academic and professional courses after the senior secondary
The new and updated curriculum is based on disciplinary approach with rigour and depth taking care
that the syllabus is not heavy and at the same time it is comparable to the international level. The knowledge related to the subject of Chemistry has undergone tremendous changes during the past one decade. Many new areas like synthetic materials, bio -molecules, natural resources, industrial chemistry are coming in a big way and deserve to be an integral part of chemistry syllabus at senior secondary stage. At international level, new formulations and nomenclature of elements and compounds, symbols and units of physical quantities floated by scientific bodies like IUPAC and CGPM are of immense importance and need to be incorporated in the updated syllabus. The revised syllabus takes care of all these aspects. Greater emphasis has been laid on use of new nomenclature, symbols and formulations, teaching of fundamental concepts, application of concepts in chemistry to industry/ technology, logical
sequencing of units, removal of obsolete content and repetition, etc.
The curriculum of Chemistry at Senior Secondary Stage aims to:
•    promote understanding of basic facts and concepts in chemistry while retaining the excitement of chemistry.
•    make  students  capable  of  studying  chemistry  in  academic  and  professional  courses  (such  as medicine, engineering, technology) at tertiary level.
• expose the students to various emerging new areas of chemistry and apprise them with their relevance in future studies and their application in various spheres of chemical sciences and technology.
•    equip students to face various challenges related to health, nutrition, environment, population, weather, industries and agriculture.
•    develop problem solving skills in students.
•    expose the students to different processes used in industries and their technological applications.
•    apprise students with interface of chemistry with other disciplines of science such as physics, biology, geology, engineering etc.
•    acquaint students with different aspects of chemistry used in daily life.
•    develop an interest in students to study chemistry as a discipline.
•    integrate life skills and values in the context of chemistry.
CLASS-XI (THEORY) (2018-19)
Total Periods (Theory 160+ Practical 60)
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                      Total Marks 70
Unit No. Title No. of Periods Marks
Unit I Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry O8 08
Unit II Structure of Atom 10
Unit III Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 06 04
Unit IV Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 14 20
Unit V States of Matter: Gases, Liquids and solids 18
Unit VI Chemical Thermodynamics 16
Unit VII Equilibrium 14
Unit VIII Redox Reactions 06 20
Unit IX Hydrogen 08
Unit X s -Block Elements 10
Unit XI p -Block Elements 18
Unit XII Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques 14 18
Unit XIII Hydrocarbons 12
Unit XIV Environmental Chemistry 06
Total 160 70
Unit I:    Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry                                                     8 Periods
General Introduction: Importance and scope of chemistry.
Nature of matter, laws of chemical combination, Dalton’s atomic theory: concept of elements, atoms and molecules.
Atomic and molecular masses, mole concept and molar mass, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula, chemical reactions, stoichiometry and calculations based on stoichiometry.
Unit II:   Structure of Atom                                                                             10 Periods
Bohr’s model and its limitations, concept of shells and subshells, dual nature of matter and light, de Broglie’s relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, concept of orbitals, quantum numbers, shapes of s, p and d orbitals, rules for filling electrons in orbitals – Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle and Hund’s rule, electronic configuration of atoms,
stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals.
Unit III:  Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties                 06 Periods
Modern periodic law and the present form of periodic table, periodic trends in properties of elements -atomic radii, ionic radii, inert gas radii, Ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electronegativity, valency. Nomenclature of elements with atomic number greater
than 100
Unit IV:  Chemical Bonding and Molecular structure                                      14 Periods
Valence electrons, ionic bond, covalent bond, bond parameters, Lewis structure, polar character of covalent bond, covalent character of ionic bond, valence bond theory, resonance, geometry of covalent molecules, VSEPR theory, concept of hybridization, involving      s, p and d orbitals and shapes of some simple molecules, molecular orbital
theory of homonuclear diatomic molecules(qualitative idea only), hydrogen bond.
Unit V:  States of Matter: Gases, Liquids and Solids                                        18 Periods
Three states of matter, intermolecular interactions, types of bonding, melting and boiling points, role of gas laws in elucidating the concept of the molecule, Boyle’s law, Charles law, Gay Lussac’s law, Avogadro’s law, ideal behaviour, empirical derivation of gas equation, Avogadro’s number, ideal gas equation. Deviation from ideal behaviour, liquefaction of gases, critical temperature, kinetic energy and molecular speeds (elementary idea)
Liquid State: vapour pressure, viscosity and surface tension (qualitative idea only, no mathematical derivations)
Solid  state:  Classification  of  solids  based  on  different  binding  forces:  molecular,  ionic,
covalent and metallic solids, amorphous and crystalline solids (elementary idea). Unit cell in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices, calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, packing efficiency, voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell, point
defects, electrical and magnetic properties.
Unit VI:  Chemical Thermodynamics                                                               16 Periods
Concepts of System and types of systems, surroundings, work, heat, energy, extensive and intensive properties, state functions. First law of thermodynamics -internal energy and enthalpy, heat capacity and specific heat, measurement of AU and AH, Hess’s law of constant heat summation, enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion, formation, atomization, sublimation, phase transition, ionization, solution and dilution. Second law of Thermodynamics (brief introduction). Introduction of entropy as a state function, Gibb’s energy change for spontaneous and non- spontaneous processes, criteria for equilibrium.
Third law of thermodynamics (brief introduction).
Unit VII: Equilibrium                                                                                       14 Periods
Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of mass action, equilibrium constant, factors affecting equilibrium- Le Chatelier’s principle, ionic equilibrium- ionization of acids and bases, strong and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, ionization of poly basic acids, acid strength, concept of pH, Henderson Equation, hydrolysis of salts (elementary idea), buffer solution, solubility product, common ion effect
(with illustrative examples).
Unit VIII: Redox Reactions                                                                              06 Periods
Concept of oxidation and reduction, redox reactions, oxidation number, balancing redox
reactions, in terms of loss and gain of electrons and change in oxidation number, applications of redox reactions.
Unit IX:  Hydrogen                                                                                         08 Periods
Position of hydrogen in periodic table, occurrence, isotopes, preparation, properties and
uses of hydrogen, hydrides-ionic covalent and interstitial; physical and chemical properties of water, heavy water, hydrogen peroxide -preparation, reactions and structure and use;
hydrogen as a fuel.
Unit X:   s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals)                       10 Periods
Group 1 and Group 2 Elements General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence,
anomalous properties of the first element of each group, diagonal relationship, trends in the variation of properties (such as ionization enthalpy, atomic and ionic radii), trends  in chemical reactivity with oxygen, water, hydrogen and halogens, uses. Preparation and Properties of  Some  Important Compounds: Sodium  Carbonate,  Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Hydrogencarbonate, Biological importance of Sodium and Potassium. Calcium Oxide and Calcium Carbonate and their industrial uses, biological importance of
Magnesium and Calcium
Unit XI:  p -Block Elements                                                                            18 Periods
General Introduction to p -Block Elements
Group 13 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of
properties, oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity, anomalous properties of first
element of the group, Boron – physical and chemical properties, some important compounds, Borax, Boric acid, Boron Hydrides, Aluminium: Reactions with acids and alkalies, uses.
Group 14 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, variation of
properties, oxidation states, trends in chemical reactivity, anomalous behaviour of first elements. Carbon-catenation, allotropic forms, physical and chemical properties; uses of some important compounds: oxides. Important compounds of Silicon and a few uses: Silicon
Tetrachloride, Silicones, Silicates and Zeolites, their uses.
Group -15 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, oxidation
states, trends in physical and chemical properties; Nitrogen preparation properties and uses; compounds of Nitrogen, preparation and properties of Ammonia and Nitric Acid, Oxides of Nitrogen(Structure  only)  ;  Phosphorus  –  allotropic  forms,  compounds  of  Phosphorus:
Preparation and Properties of Phosphine, Halides and Oxoacids (elementary idea only).
Unit XII:  Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques            14 Periods
General introduction, methods of purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis, classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Electronic displacements in a covalent bond: inductive effect, electromeric effect, resonance and hyper conjugation. Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: free radicals, carbocations, carbanions,
electrophiles and nucleophiles, types of organic reactions.
Unit XIII: Hydrocarbons                                                                            12 Periods
Classification of Hydrocarbons Aliphatic Hydrocarbons:
Alkanes  –  Nomenclature,  isomerism,  conformation  (ethane  only),  physical  properties,
chemical  reactions  including  free  radical  mechanism  of  halogenation,  combustion  and pyrolysis.
Alkenes – Nomenclature, structure of double bond (ethene), geometrical isomerism, physical
properties, methods of preparation, chemical reactions: addition of hydrogen, halogen,
water, hydrogen halides (Markownikov’s addition and peroxide effect), ozonolysis, oxidation, mechanism of electrophilic addition.
Alkynes – Nomenclature, structure of triple bond (ethyne), physical properties, methods of
preparation, chemical reactions: acidic character of alkynes, addition reaction of – hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides and water.
Aromatic   Hydrocarbons:   Introduction,   IUPAC   nomenclature,   benzene:   resonance,
aromaticity,  chemical  properties:  mechanism  of  electrophilic  substitution.  Nitration,
sulphonation, halogenation, Friedel Craft’s alkylation and acylation, directive influence of functional group in monosubstituted benzene. Carcinogenicity and toxicity.
Unit XIV: Environmental Chemistry                                                               06 Periods
Environmental pollution – air, water and soil pollution, chemical reactions in atmosphere, smog, major atmospheric pollutants, acid rain, ozone and its reactions, effects of depletion of ozone layer, greenhouse effect and global warming- pollution due to industrial wastes, green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution, strategies for control  of
environmental pollution.
CBSE PRACTICAL SYLLABUS                                                                        Total Periods 60
Micro-chemical methods are available for several of the practical experiments. Wherever possible such techniques should be used:
A.   Basic Laboratory Techniques
1.   Cutting glass tube and glass rod
2.   Bending a glass tube
3.   Drawing out a glass jet
4.   Boring a cork
B.   Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances
1.   Determination of melting point of an organic compound.
2.   Determination of boiling point of an organic compound.
3.   Crystallization of impure sample of any one of the following: Alum, Copper Sulphate, Benzoic Acid.
C.   Experiments based on pH
(a)  Any one of the following experiments:
•      Determination of pH of some solutions obtained from fruit juices, solution of known and varied concentrations of acids, bases and salts using pH paper or universal indicator.
•      Comparing the pH of solutions of strong and weak acids of same concentration.
•      Study the pH change in the titration of a strong base using universal indicator.
(b)  Study the pH change by common-ion in case of weak acids and weak bases.
D.   Chemical Equilibrium
One of the following experiments:
a)   Study the shift in equilibrium between ferric ions and thiocyanate ions by increasing/decreasing the concentration of either of the ions.
Evaluation Scheme for Examination Marks
Volumetric Analysis 08
Salt Analysis 08
Content Based Experiment 06
Project Work 04
Class record and viva 04
Total 30
b)   Study the shift in equilibrium between [Co(H2O)6] concentration of either of the ions.
and chloride ions by changing the
E.   Quantitative Estimation
i)    Using a chemical balance.
ii)   Preparation of standard solution of Oxalic acid.
iii)  Determination of strength of a given solution of Sodium Hydroxide by titrating it against standard solution of Oxalic acid.
iv)  Preparation of standard solution of Sodium Carbonate.
v)   Determination of strength of a given solution of Hydrochloric acid by titrating it against standard Sodium Carbonate solution.
F.   Qualitative Analysis
(a)  Determination of one anion and one cation in a given salt
Cations- Pb2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Ca2+, Sr2+,Ba2+,    Mg2+, [NH ]+
2-      2-                2-                2-
–        –        –    –                3-                  2-                      –
Anions – [CO3]
, S , [SO3]
, [SO4]
, [NO3] , Cl ,Br , I , [PO4]
, [C2O4]
(Note: Insoluble salts excluded)
(b)  Detection of -Nitrogen, Sulphur, Chlorine in organic compounds.
Scientific investigations involving laboratory testing and collecting information from other sources.
A few suggested Projects
•    Checking the bacterial contamination in drinking water by testing sulphide ion.
•     Study   of the methods of purification of water.
• Testing the hardness, presence of Iron, Fluoride, Chloride, etc., depending upon the regional variation in drinking water and study of causes of presence of these ions above permissible limit (if any).
•    Investigation of the foaming capacity of different washing soaps and the effect of addition of Sodium Carbonate on it.
•     Study   the acidity of different samples of tea leaves.
•    Determination of the rate of evaporation of different liquids.
•     Study   the effect of acids and bases on the tensile strength of fibers.
•     Study   of acidity of fruit and vegetable juices.
Note: Any other investigatory project, which involves about 10 periods of work, can be chosen with the approval of the teacher.
Practical Examination for Visually Impaired Students Class XI
Note: Same Evaluation scheme and general guidelines for visually impaired students as given for Class XII may be followed.
A.   List of apparatus for identification for assessment in practicals (All experiments)
Beaker, Tripod stand, Wire gauze, glass rod, funnel, filter paper, Bunsen burner, test tube, test tube stand, dropper, test tube holder, ignition tube, china dish, tongs, funnel, tripod stand, wire gauze, Bunsen burner, standard flask, pipette, burette, conical flask, funnel, clamp stand, dropper, wash bottle, filter paper
•    Odour detection in qualitative analysis
•    Procedure/Setup of the apparatus
B.   List of Experiments
A.   Characterization and Purification of Chemical Substances
1. Crystallization of an impure sample of any one of the following: copper sulphate, benzoic acid
B.   Experiments based on pH
1.   Determination of pH of some solutions obtained from fruit juices, solutions of known and varied concentrations of acids, bases and salts using pH paper
2.   Comparing the pH of solutions of strong and weak acids of same concentration.
C.   Chemical Equilibrium
1.   Study   the   shift   in   equilibrium   between   ferric   ions   and   thiocyanate   ions   by increasing/decreasing the concentration of either ions.
2.   Study the shift in equilibrium between [Co(H2O)6]
concentration of either of the ions.
D.   Quantitative estimation
1.   Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid.
and chloride ions by changing the
2.   Determination of molarity of a given solution of sodium hydroxide by titrating it against
standard solution of oxalic acid.
E.   Qualitative Analysis
1.   Determination of one anion and one cation in a given salt
2.   Cations- NH4+
2-         2-
2-        –                      –
Anions – [CO3]
,  S , [SO3]
, Cl , CH3COO
(Note: insoluble salts excluded)
3.   Detection of Nitrogen in the given organic compound.
4.   Detection of Halogen in the given organic compound.
Note: The above practicals may be carried out in an experiential manner rather than recording
observations. Prescribed Books:
1.           Chemistry Part -I, Class-XI, Published by NCERT.
2.           Chemistry Part -II, Class-XI, Published by NCERT.
CHEMISTRY (Code No. 043)
Time 3 Hours                                                                                                                      Max. Marks: 70
S. Typology of Questions Very Short Answer (VSA)
(1 mark)
Short Answer-I (SA-I)
(2 marks)
Short Answer – II (SA-II)
Long Answer (LA)
(5 marks)
Total Marks %
1. Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories, Identify, define,or recite, information) 2 1 1 7 10%
2 Understanding- Comprehension -to be familiar with meaning and to understand  conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase information) 2 4 1 21 30%
3 Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations, Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 2 4 1 21 30%
4 High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis
& Synthesis-
Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information, Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information from a variety of sources)
2 1 1 10 14%
5 Evaluation- (Appraise,  judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 2 2 11 16%
TOTAL 5X1=5 7×2=14 12×3=36 3×5=15 70(27) 100%
Type of Question Mark per Question Total No. of Questions Total Marks
VSA 1 5 05
SA-I 2 7 14
SA-II 3 12 36
LA 5 3 15
Total 27 70
1.   Internal Choice: There is no overall choice in the paper. However, there is an internal choice in
one question of 2 marks weightage, one question of 3 marks weightage and all the three questions of 5 marks weightage.
2.   The above template is only a sample. Suitable internal variations may be made for generating
similar templates keeping the overall weightage to different form of questions and typology of questions same
Total Periods (Theory 160 + Practical 60)
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                               70 Marks
Unit No. Title No. of Periods Marks
Unit I Solid State 10 23
Unit II Solutions 10
Unit III Electrochemistry 12
Unit IV Chemical Kinetics 10
Unit V Surface Chemistry 08
Unit VI General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements 08 19
Unit VII p-Block Elements 12
Unit VIII d -and f -Block Elements 12
Unit IX Coordination Compounds 12
Unit X Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 10 28
Unit XI Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 10
Unit XII Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 10
Unit XIII Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen 10
Unit XIV Biomolecules 12
Unit XV Polymers 08
Unit XVI Chemistry in Everyday Life 06
Total 160 70
Unit I: Solid State                                                                                            10 Periods
Classification of solids based on different binding forces: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic
solids, amorphous and crystalline solids (elementary idea). Unit cell in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices, calculation of density of unit cell, packing in solids, packing efficiency, voids, number of  atoms per unit  cell in a cubic unit  cell, point defects, electrical and magnetic properties.
Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors and insulators and n and p type semiconductors.
Unit II: Solutions                                                                                             10 Periods
Types of solutions, expression of concentration of solutions of solids in liquids, solubility of gases
in liquids, solid solutions, colligative properties – relative lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult’s law, elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point, osmotic pressure, determination of molecular masses using colligative properties, abnormal molecular mass, Van’t Hoff factor.
Unit III: Electrochemistry                                                                                  12 Periods
Redox reactions, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity, variations
of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch’s Law, electrolysis and law of electrolysis (elementary idea), dry cell-electrolytic cells and Galvanic cells, lead accumulator, EMF of a cell, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells, Relation
between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell, fuel cells, corrosion.
Unit IV: Chemical Kinetics                                                                            10 Periods
Rate of a reaction (Average and instantaneous), factors affecting rate of reaction: concentration,
temperature, catalyst; order and molecularity of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant, integrated rate equations and half-life (only for zero and  first order reactions), concept of collision theory (elementary idea, no mathematical treatment). Activation energy, Arrhenious
Unit V: Surface Chemistry                                                                             08 Periods
Adsorption – physisorption and chemisorption, factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids, catalysis, homogenous and heterogenous activity and selectivity; enzyme catalysis colloidal state distinction between true solutions, colloids and suspension; lyophilic, lyophobic multi-molecular and macromolecular colloids; properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulation, emulsion – types of emulsions.
Unit VI: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements                08 Periods
Principles and methods of extraction – concentration, oxidation, reduction – electrolytic method
and refining; occurrence and principles of extraction of aluminium, copper, zinc and iron
Unit VII: Some p -Block Elements                                                               12 Periods
Group -15 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, oxidation states, trends in physical and chemical properties; Nitrogen preparation properties and uses; compounds of Nitrogen, preparation and properties of Ammonia and Nitric Acid, Oxides of Nitrogen(Structure only) ; Phosphorus – allotropic forms, compounds of Phosphorus: Preparation and Properties of Phosphine, Halides and Oxoacids (elementary idea only).
Group 16 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends    in  physical  and  chemical  properties, dioxygen: Preparation, Properties and  uses, classification of Oxides, Ozone, Sulphur -allotropic forms; compounds of Sulphur: Preparation Properties  and  uses  of  Sulphur-dioxide,  Sulphuric  Acid:  industrial  process  of  manufacture, properties and uses; Oxoacids of Sulphur (Structures only).
Group 17 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, oxidation states, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties; compounds of halogens, Preparation, properties and uses of Chlorine and Hydrochloric acid, interhalogen compounds, Oxoacids of halogens (structures only).
Group 18 Elements: General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence, trends in physical and chemical properties, uses.
Unit VIII: “d” and “f” Block Elements                                                               12 Periods
General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition
metals, general trends in properties of the first row transition metals – metallic character, ionization  enthalpy,  oxidation  states,  ionic  radii,  colour,  catalytic  property,  magnetic
properties, interstitial compounds, alloy formation, preparation and properties of K2Cr2O7 and
Lanthanoids – Electronic configuration, oxidation states, chemical reactivity and lanthanoid contraction and its consequences.
Actinoids – Electronic configuration, oxidation states and comparison with lanthanoids.
Unit IX: Coordination Compounds                                                                   12 Periods
Coordination  compounds  –  Introduction,  ligands,  coordination  number,  colour,  magnetic
properties and shapes, IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds. Bonding, Werner’s theory, VBT, and CFT; structure and stereoisomerism, importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative inclusion, extraction of metals and biological system).
Unit X: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes                                                                 10 Periods
Haloalkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C-X bond, physical and chemical properties, mechanism
of substitution reactions, optical rotation.
Haloarenes:  Nature  of  C-X bond,  substitution  reactions  (Directive  influence  of  halogen  in monosubstituted compounds only).
Uses and environmental effects of – dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.
Unit XI: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers                                                             10 Periods
Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties (of primary
alcohols  only),  identification  of  primary,  secondary  and  tertiary  alcohols,  mechanism  of dehydration, uses with special reference to methanol and ethanol.
Phenols:  Nomenclature,  methods  of  preparation,  physical  and  chemical  properties,  acidic
nature of phenol, electrophillic substitution reactions, uses of phenols.
Ethers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses.
Unit XII:  Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids                                         10 Periods
Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group, methods of preparation,
physical  and  chemical  properties,  mechanism of  nucleophilic addition,  reactivity of  alpha hydrogen in aldehydes, uses.
Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, acidic nature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical
properties; uses.
Unit XIII: Organic compounds containing Nitrogen                                           10 Periods
Amines: Nomenclature, classification, structure, methods of preparation, physical and chemical
properties, uses, identification of primary, secondary and tertiary amines.
Cyanides and Isocyanides – will be mentioned at relevant places in text.
Diazonium salts: Preparation, chemical reactions and importance in synthetic organic chemistry.
Unit XIV: Biomolecules                                                                                    12 Periods
Carbohydrates – Classification (aldoses and ketoses), monosaccahrides (glucose and fructose), D-
L configuration oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen); Importance of carbohydrates.
Proteins -Elementary idea of – amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins, structure of
proteins – primary, secondary, tertiary structure and quaternary structures (qualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins; enzymes. Hormones – Elementary idea excluding structure.
Vitamins – Classification and functions.
Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA.
Unit XV: Polymers                                                                                         08 Periods
Classification – natural and synthetic, methods of polymerization (addition and condensation),
copolymerization,  some  important  polymers:  natural  and  synthetic  like  polythene,  nylon polyesters, bakelite, rubber. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable polymers.
Unit XVI: Chemistry in Everyday life                                                               06 Periods
Chemicals in medicines – analgesics, tranquilizers antiseptics, disinfectants, antimicrobials,
antifertility drugs, antibiotics, antacids, antihistamines.
Chemicals in food – preservatives, artificial sweetening agents, elementary idea of antioxidants. Cleansing agents- soaps and detergents, cleansing action.
Evaluation Scheme for Examination Marks
Volumetric Analysis 08
Salt Analysis 08
Content Based Experiment 06
Project Work 04
Class record and viva 04
Total 30
PRACTICALS SYLLABUS                                                                                        60 Periods
Micro-chemical methods are available for several of the practical experiments.
Wherever possible, such techniques should be used.
A.   Surface Chemistry
(a)  Preparation of one lyophilic and one lyophobic sol Lyophilic sol – starch, egg albumin and gum
Lyophobic sol – aluminium hydroxide, ferric hydroxide, arsenous sulphide.
(b)  Dialysis of sol-prepared in (a) above.
(c)  Study of the role of emulsifying agents in stabilizing the emulsion of different oils.
B.   Chemical Kinetics
(a)    Effect of concentration and temperature on the rate of reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid.
(b)  Study of reaction rates of any one of the following:
(i)   Reaction of Iodide ion with Hydrogen Peroxide at room temperature using different
concentration of Iodide ions.
(ii)   Reaction between Potassium Iodate, (KIO3) and Sodium Sulphite: (Na2SO3) using starch solution as indicator (clock reaction).
C.   Thermochemistry
Any one of the following experiments
i)    Enthalpy of dissolution of Copper Sulphate or Potassium Nitrate.
ii)    Enthalpy of neutralization of strong acid (HCI) and strong base (NaOH).
iii)  Determination of enthaply change during interaction (Hydrogen bond formation) between Acetone and Chloroform.
D.   Electrochemistry
Variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+|| Cu2+/Cu with change in concentration of electrolytes (CuSO or ZnSO 4) at room temperature.
E.   Chromatography
i)    Separation of pigments from extracts of leaves and flowers by paper chromatography and determination of Rf values.
ii)   Separation of constituents present in an inorganic mixture containing two cations only (constituents having large difference in Rf values to be provided).
F.   Preparation of Inorganic Compounds
i)    Preparation of double salt of Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate or Potash Alum.
ii)    Preparation of Potassium Ferric Oxalate.
G.   Preparation of Organic Compounds
Preparation of any one of the following compounds
i)    Acetanilide
ii)   Di -benzal Acetone
iii)  p-Nitroacetanilide
iv)  Aniline yellow or 2 – Naphthol Aniline dye.
H.   Tests for the functional groups present in organic compounds:
Unsaturation, alcoholic, phenolic, aldehydic, ketonic, carboxylic and amino (Primary) groups.
I.    Characteristic tests of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in pure samples and their detection in given
food stuffs.
J. Determination of concentration/ molarity of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a standard solution
i)    Oxalic acid,ss
ii)   Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate
(Students will be required to prepare standard solutions by weighing themselves).
K. Qualitative analysis
Determination of one cation and one anion in a given salt.
Cation – Pb2+, Cu2+, Al3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+,[NH ]+
2-      2-                2-                2-
–        –        –    –                3-                  2-                      –
Anions – [CO3]
, S , [SO3]
, [SO4]
, [NO2] , Cl ,Br , I , [PO4]
, [C2O4]
(Note: Insoluble salts excluded)
Scientific investigations involving laboratory testing and collecting information from other sources.
A few suggested Projects.
·   Study of the presence of oxalate ions in guava fruit at different stages of ripening.
·   Study of quantity of casein present in different samples of milk.
·   Preparation of soybean milk and its comparison with the natural milk with respect to curd formation, effect of temperature, etc.
·   Study  of  the  effect  of  Potassium  Bisulphate  as  food  preservative  under  various  conditions (temperature, concentration, time, etc.)
·   Study of digestion of starch by salivary amylase and effect of pH and temperature on it.
·   Comparative study of the rate of fermentation of following materials: wheat flour, gram flour, potato juice, carrot juice, etc.
·   Extraction of essential oils present in Saunf (aniseed), Ajwain (carum), Illaichi (cardamom).
·   Study of common food adulterants in fat, oil, butter, sugar, turmeric power, chilli powder and pepper.
Note: Any other investigatory project, which involves about 10 periods of work, can be chosen with the
approval of the teacher.
Practical Examination for Visually Impaired Students of Classes XI and XII Evaluation Scheme
Time Allowed: Two hours                                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 30
Identification/ Familiarity with the apparatus 5 marks
Written test (based on given/ prescribed practicals 10 marks
Practical Record 5 marks
Viva 10 marks
Total 30 marks
General Guidelines
•    The practical examination will be of two hour duration.
•    A separate list of ten experiments is included here.
•    The written examination in practicals for these students will be conducted at the time of practical examination of all other students.
•    The written test will be of 30 minutes duration.
•     The question paper given to the students should be legibly typed. It should contain a total of
15practical skill based very short answer type questions. A student would be required to answer any 10 questions.
•    A writer may be allowed to such students as per CBSE examination rules.
• All questions included in the question papers should be related to the listed practicals. Every question should require about two minutes to be answered.
• These students are also required to maintain a practical file. A student is expected to record at least five of the listed experiments as per the specific instructions for each subject. These practicals should be duly checked and signed by the internal examiner.
• The format of writing any experiment in the practical file should include aim, apparatus required, simple theory, procedure, related practical skills, precautions etc.
•    Questions may be generated jointly by the external/internal examiners and used for assessment.
• The viva questions may include questions based on basic theory/principle/concept, apparatus/materials/ chemicals required, procedure, precautions, sources of error etc.
A.  Items for Identification/Familiarity of the apparatus for assessment in practicals (All experiments)
Beaker, glass rod, tripod stand, wire gauze, Bunsen burner, Whatman filter paper, gas jar, capillary tube, Pestle and mortar, Test tubes, tongs, test tube holder, test tube stand, burette, Pipette, conical flask, standard flask, clamp stand, Tripod stand, burner, wire gauze, funnel, filter paper
Hands-on Assessment
•    Identification/familiarity with the apparatus
•     Odour detection in qualitative analysis
B.  List of Practicals
The experiments have been divided into two sections: Section A and Section B. The experiments mentioned in Section B are mandatory.
A  Surface Chemistry
(1)  Preparation of one lyophilic and one lyophobic sol
Lyophilic sol – starch, egg albumin and gum
(2)  Preparation of one lyophobic sol Lyophobic sol – Ferric hydroxide
B   Chromatography
(1)  Separation  of  pigments  from  extracts  of  leaves  and  flowers  by  paper  chromatography  and determination of Rf values (distance values may be provided).
C   Tests for the functional groups present in organic compounds:
(1)  Alcoholic and Carboxylic groups.
(2)  Aldehydic and Ketonic
D   Characteristic tests of carbohydrates and proteins in the given food stuffs.
E   Preparation of Inorganic Compounds- Potash Alum
F Quantitative analysis
SECTION-B (Mandatory)
(1)  (a)    Preparation of the standard solution of Oxalic acid of a given volume
(b)     Determination of molarity of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a standard solution of Oxalic acid.
(2)  The above exercise [F 1 (a) and (b)] to be conducted using Ferrous ammonium sulphate (Mohr’s salt)
G     Qualitative analysis:
(1) Determination of one cation and one anion in a given salt. Cations- NH4+
2-            2-
2-        –                      –
Anions – [CO3]
,   S , [SO3]
, Cl , CH3COO
(Note: Insoluble salts excluded)
Note:  The  above  practicals  may  be  carried  out  in  an  experiential  manner  rather  than  recording
Prescribed Books:
1.  Chemistry Part -I, Class-XII, Published by NCERT.
2.  Chemistry Part -II, Class-XII, Published by NCERT.
Time 3 Hours                                                                                                                      Max. Marks: 70
Typology of Questions Very Short Answer (VSA)
(1 mark)
Short Answer-I (SA-I)
(2 marks)
Short Answer – II (SA-II)
(3 marks)
Long Answer (LA)
(5 marks)
Total Marks %
1. Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories, Identify, define, or recite, information) 2 1 1 7 10%
2 Understanding -Comprehension
–to be familiar with meaning and           to           understand
conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase information)
2 4 1 21 30%
3 Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations, Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 2 4 1 21 30%
4 High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis & Synthesis- Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate  between different pieces of information, Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information from a variety of sources) 2 1 1 10 14%
5 Evaluation- (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 2 2 11 16%
TOTAL 5×1=5 7×2=14 12×3=36 3×5=15 70(27) 100%
Type of Question Mark per Question Total No. of Questions Total Marks
VSA 1 5 05
SA-I 2 7 14
SA-II 3 12 36
LA 5 3 15
Total 27 70
1.   Internal Choice: There is no overall choice in the paper. However, there is an internal choice in one
question of 2 marks weightage, one question of 3 marks weightage and all the three questions of 5 marks weightage.
2.   The above template is only a sample. Suitable internal variations may be made for generating
similar templates keeping the overall weightage to different form of questions and typology of questions same.

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Business Studies 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Business Studies 2018-19

The courses in Business Studies and Accountancy are introduced at + 2 stage of Senior Secondary Education as formal commerce education is provided after first ten years of schooling. Therefore, it becomes necessary that instructions in these subjects are given in such a manner that students have a good understanding of the principles and practices bearing in business (trade and industry) as well as their relationship with the society.
Business is a dynamic process that brings together technology, natural resources and
human initiative in a constantly changing global environment. To understand the framework in which a business operates, a detailed study of the organisation and management of business processes and its interaction with the environment is required. Globalisation has changed the way organizations transact their business.
Information Technology is becoming a part of business operations in more and more
organisations. Computerised systems are fast replacing other systems. E-business and other related concepts are picking up fast which need to be emphasized in the curriculum.
The course in Business Studies prepares students to analyse, manage, evaluate and
respond to changes which affect business. It provides a way of looking at and interacting with the business environment. It recognizes the fact that business influences and is influenced by social, political, legal and economic forces.
It allows students to appreciate that business is an integral component of society and
develops an understanding of many social and ethical issues.
Therefore, to acquire basic knowledge of the business world, a course in Business
Studies would be useful. It also informs students of a range of study and work options and bridges the gap between school and work.
·    To develop students with an understanding of the processes of business and its environment;
·    To acquaint students with the dynamic nature and inter-dependent aspects of business;
·    To develop an interest in the theory and practice of business, trade and industry;
·    To familiarize students with theoretical foundations of the process of organizing and managing the operations of a business firm;
·    To help students appreciate the economic and social significance of business activity and the social cost and benefits arising there from;
·    To acquaint students with the practice of managing the operations and resources of business;
·    To  enable  students  to  act  more  effectively  and  responsibly  as  consumers, employers, employees and citizens;
·    To develop a business attitude and skills in students.
·    To inculcate appropriate attitude and develop skills among students to pursue higher education, world of work including self employment.
CBSE CLASS–XI (2018-19)
One Paper                                                                                                   100 Marks
3 Hours
Units Periods Marks
Part A Foundations of Business
1 Nature and Purpose of Business 22 20
2 Forms of Business Organisations 26
3 Public, Private and Global Enterprises 22 18
4 Business Services 22
5 Emerging Modes of Business 12 12
6 Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics 16
Total 120 50
Part B Finance and Trade
7 Sources of Business Finance 30 20
8 Small Business 16
9 Internal Trade 30 20
10 International Business 14
11 Project Work 30 10
Total 120 50
Part A: Foundation of Business                                                                120 Periods
Concept includes meaning and features
Unit 1: Evolution and Fundamentals of Business                                     22 Periods
History of Commerce in India: Indigenous Banking System, Rise of Intermediaries, Transport, Trading               Communities: Merchant Corporations, Major Trade Centres, Major Imports and Exports, Position of Indian Sub-Continent in the World Economy. After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Know the History of Commerce in India
Business -Concept
·    Concept includes meaning and features
After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of business with special reference to economic and non-economic activities.
·    Discuss the characteristics of business.
Business, profession and employment- Concept ·    Understand the concept of business, profession and employment.
·    Differentiate between business, profession and employment.
Objectives of business ·    Appreciate the economic and social objectives of business.
·    Examine the role of profit in business.
Classification of business activities – Industry and Commerce ·    Understand the broad categories of business activities- industry and commerce.
Industry-types: primary, secondary, tertiary Meaning and subgroups ·    Describe the various types of industries.
Commerce-trade: (types-internal, external; wholesale and retail) and auxiliaries to trade; (banking, insurance, transportation, warehousing, communication, and advertising) – meaning ·    Discuss the meaning of commerce, trade and auxiliaries to trade.
·    Discuss the meaning of different types of trade and auxiliaries to trade.
·    Examine the role of commerce- trade and auxiliaries to trade.
Business risk-Concept ·    Understand the concept of risk as a special characteristic of business.
·    Examine the nature and causes of business risks.
Unit 2: Forms of Business organizations                                           26 Periods
Sole Proprietorship-Concept, merits and limitations. After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
· List the different forms of business organizations and understand their meaning.
·    Identify and explain the concept, merits and limitations of Sole Proprietorship.
Partnership-Concept, types, merits and limitation of partnership, registration of a partnership firm, partnership deed. Types of partners ·    Identify and explain the concept, merits and limitations of a Partnership firm.
·    Understand the types of partnership on the basis of duration and on the basis of liability.
·    Define limited liability partnership.
·    State the need for registration of a partnership firm.
·    Discuss types of partners –active, sleeping, secret, nominal and partner by estoppel.
Hindu Undivided Family Business: Concept ·    Understand the concept of Hindu Undivided Family Business.
Cooperative Societies-Concept, merits, and limitations. ·    Identify and explain the concept, merits and limitations of Cooperative Societies.
·    Understand the concept of
consumers, producers, marketing, farmers, credit and housing co- operatives.
Company-Concept, merits and limitations; Types: Private, Public and One Person Company – Concept ·    Identify and explain the concept, merits and limitations of private and public companies.
·    Understand the meaning of one person company.
·    Distinguish between a private company and a public company.
Formation of company-stages, important documents to be used in formation of a company ·    Highlight the stages in the formation of a company.
·    Discuss the important documents used in the various stages in the formation of a company.
Choice of form of business organization ·    Distinguish between the various forms of business organizations.
·    Explain the factors that influence the choice of a suitable form of business organization.
Unit 3: Public, Private and Global Enterprises                                   22 Periods
Public sector and private sector enterprises – Concept After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Develop an understanding of Public sector and private sector enterprises
Forms of public sector enterprises: Departmental Undertakings, Statutory Corporations and Government Company. · Identify and explain the features, merits and limitations of different forms of public sector enterprises
Global enterprises (MNCs) – Features, Joint ventures, Public private partnership – concept ·    Develop an understanding of global enterprises, joint ventures and public private partnership by studying their meaning and features.
Unit 4: Business Services                                                                    22 Periods
Business services and its types – Meaning. Banking: Types of bank accounts- savings, current, recurring, fixed deposit and multiple option deposit account. ·    Understand the meaning and types of business services.
·    Discuss the meaning and types of Business service Banking
·    Develop an understanding of difference types of bank account.
Banking services with particular reference to Bank Draft, Bank Overdraft, Cash credit. E-Banking meaning, Types of digital payments ·    Develop an understanding of the different services provided by banks
Insurance-: Principles, Types –life, health, fire and marine insurance –concept ·    Recall the concept of insurance
·    Understand Utmost Good Faith, Insurable Interest, Indemnity, Contribution, Doctrine of Subrogation and Causa Proxima as principles of insurance
·    Discuss the meaning of different types of insurance-life, health, fire, marine insurance.
Postal Service-Mail, Registered Post, Parcel, Speed Post, Courier-meaning. ·    Understand the utility of different telecom services
Unit 5: Emerging Modes of Business                                                  12 Periods
E-business (concept), scope and benefits After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Give the meaning of e-business.
·    Discuss the scope of e-business.
·    Appreciate the benefits of e- business
·    Distinguish e-business from traditional business.
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Concept, need and scope ·    Understand the concept of outsourcing.
·    Examine the scope of outsourcing, appreciate the need of outsourcing.
·    Discuss the meaning of Business Process Outsourcing and Knowledge Process Outsourcing
Unit 6: Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics      16 Periods
Concept of social responsibility After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    State the concept of social responsibility.
Case of social responsibility ·    Examine the case for social responsibility.
Responsibility towards owners, investors, consumers, employees, government and community. ·    Identify the social responsibility towards different interest groups.
Environment protection and business- Meaning and role ·    Appreciate the role of business in environment protection.
Business Ethics-Concept and Elements ·    State the concept of business ethics.
·    Describe the elements of business ethics.
Part B: Finance and Trade                                                                  120 Periods
Concept includes meaning and features
Unit 7: Sources of Business Finance                                                  30 Periods
Concept of business finance After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    State the meaning, nature and importance of business finance.
Owners’ funds- equity shares, preferences share, retained earnings, Global Depository receipt (GDR), American Depository Receipt (ADR) and International Depository Receipt (IDR) – concept ·    Classify the various sources of funds into owners’ funds.
·    State the meaning of owners’ funds.
·    Understand the meaning of Global Depository receipts, American Depository Receipts and International Depository Receipts.
Borrowed funds: debentures and bonds, loan from financial institution and commercial banks, public deposits, trade credit, Inter Corporate Deposits (ICD). ·    State the meaning of borrowed funds.
·    Discuss the concept of debentures, bonds, loans from financial institutions and commercial banks, Trade credit and inter corporate deposits.
·    Distinguish between owners’ funds and borrowed funds.
Unit 8: Small Business and Enterprises                                                 16 Periods
Entrepreneurship Development (ED): Concept, Characteristics and Need
·    Process Entrepreneurship Development: Start-up India Scheme, ways to fund start-up
·    Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship
After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of Entrepreneurship Development (ED), Intellectual Property Rights
Small scale enterprise as defined by MSMED Act 2006 (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Act) After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the meaning of small business
Role of small business in India with special reference to rural areas ·    Discuss the role of small business in India
Government schemes and agencies for small scale industries: National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) and District Industrial Centre (DIC) with special reference to rural, backward areas ·    Appreciate the various Government schemes and agencies for development of small scale industries. NSIC and DIC with special reference to rural, backward area.
Unit 9: Internal Trade                                                                                 30 Periods
Internal trade – meaning and types services rendered by a wholesaler and a retailer
GST (Goods and Services Tax): Concept and key-features
After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    State the meaning and types of internal trade.
·    Appreciate the services of wholesalers and retailers.
·    Understand the concept of GST
Types of retail-trade-Itinerant and small scale fixed shops retailers ·    Explain the different types of retail trade.
Large scale retailers-Departmental stores, chain stores – concept ·    Highlight the distinctive features of departmental stores, chain stores and mail order business.
Concept of automatic vending machine ·    State the concept of automatic vending machine.
Main documents used in internal trade: Performa invoice, invoice, debit note, credit note. Lorry receipt (LR) and Railways Receipt (RR). ·    Describe the main documents used in internal trade.
Terms of Trade: Cash on Delivery (COD), Free on Board (FOB), Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF), Errors and Omissions Excepted (E&OE). ·    Develop an understanding of the various terms used in internal trade.
Unit 10: International Trade                                                                  14 Periods
International trade – concept After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of international trade.
International trade: concept and benefits ·    Describe the scope of international trade to the nation and business firms.
Export trade- Meaning, objectives and procedure of Export Trade ·    State the meaning and objectives of export trade.
·    Explain the important steps involved in executing export trade.
Import Trade- Meaning, objectives and procedure ·    State the meaning and objectives of import trade.
·    Discuss the important steps involved in executing import trade.
Documents involved in International Trade; indent, letter of credit, shipping order, shipping bills, mate’s receipt(DA/DP), specimen of the documents, importance ·    Develop an understanding of the various documents used in international trade.
·    Identify the specimen of the various documents used in international trade.
·    Highlight the importance of the
documents needed in connection with international trade transactions
World Trade Organization (WTO) meaning and objectives ·    State the meaning of World Trade Organization.
·    Discuss the objectives of World Trade Organization in promoting international trade.
Unit 11: Project Work                                                                           30 Periods
As per CBSE guidelines.
Code No. 054                                      CLASS XI
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks – 90
S N Typology of Questions Learning Outcomes & Testing Skills Very Short Answer (VSA) (1
Short Answ er -I (SA-I) (3
Mark s)
Short Answer -II (SA-II) (4
Long Answer (LA) (5 Marks) Essay Type (6 Marks ) Total Marks %
Wei ghta ge
1. Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories; Identify, define, or recite, information) ·       Reasoning
·       Analytical Skills
·       Critical Skills
2 1 1 1 14 16%
2. Understanding- (Comprehension –to be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase, or interpret information) 2 2 1 1 18 20%
3. Application- (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 2 1 1 1 2 26 29%
4. High Order Thinking Skills- (Analysis & SynthesisClassify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information; Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information from a variety of sources) 2 1 1 1 1 20 22%
5. Evaluation- (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 1 1 12 13%
TOTAL-1 project (10 8×1=8 6×3= 5×4= 20 4×5= 20 4×6= 24 90(27) 100
Marks) 18 project %
Estimated Time (in minutes) 8 min 27
30 min 40 min 60 min 165 min+15 min for revision
CLASS–XII (2018-19)
One Paper                                          3 Hours                                 Theory: 80 Marks Project: 20 Marks
Units Periods Marks
Part A Principles and Functions of Management
1. Nature and Significance of Management 14 16
2 Principles of Management 14
3 Business Environment 12
4 Planning 14 14
5 Organising 18
6 Staffing 16 20
7 Directing 18
8 Controlling 14
120 50
Part B Business Finance and Marketing
9 Financial Management 22 15
10 Financial Markets 20
11 Marketing Management 32 15
12 Consumer Protection 16
Part C Project Work (One) 30 20
120 50
Part A: Principles and Functions of Management                                  120 Periods
Concept includes meaning and features
Unit 1: Nature and Significance of Management                                14 Periods
Management-concept, objectives, and importance
·    Concept includes meaning and features
After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of management.
·    Explain the meaning of ‘Effectiveness and Efficiency.
·    Discuss the objectives of management.
·    Describe the importance of management.
Management as Science, Art and Profession ·    Examine the nature of management as a science, art and profession.
Levels of Management ·    Understand the role of top, middle and lower levels of management
Management functions-planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling ·    Explain the functions of management
Coordination- concept and importance ·    Discuss the concept and characteristics of coordination.
·    Explain the importance of coordination.
Unit 2: Principles of Management                                                                 14 Periods
Principles of Management- concept and significance After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of principles of management.
·    Explain the significance of management principles.
Fayol’s principles of management ·    Discuss the principles of management developed by Fayol.
Taylor’s Scientific management- principles and techniques ·    Explain the principles and techniques of ‘Scientific Management’.
·    Compare the contributions of Fayol and Taylor.
Unit 3: Business Environment                                                             12 Periods
Business Environment- concept and importance After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of ‘Business Environment’.
·    Describe the importance of business environment
Dimensions of Business Environment- Economic, Social, Technological, Political and Legal
Demonetization – concept and features
·    Describe the various dimensions of ‘Business Environment’.
·    Understand the concept of demonetization
Impact of Government policy changes on business with special reference to liberalization, privatization and globalization in India ·    Examine the impact of government policy changes on business in India with reference to liberalisation, privatization and globalisation since 1991.
·    Discuss the managerial response to changes in business environment.
Unit 4: Planning                                                                                     14 Periods
Concept, importance and limitation After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of planning.
·    Describe the importance of planning.
·    Understand the limitations of planning.
Planning process ·    Describe the steps in the process of planning.
Single use and standing plans. Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, method Rule, budget and Programme ·    Develop an understanding of single use and standing plans
·    Describe objectives, policies, strategy, procedure, method, rule, budget and programme as types of plans.
Unit 5: Organising                                                                                 18 Periods
Concept and importance After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of organizing as a structure and as a process.
·    Explain the importance of organising.
Organising Process ·    Describe the steps in the process of organizing
Structure of organisation- functional and divisional concept. Formal and informal organisation- concept ·    Describe functional and divisional structures of organisation.
·    Explain the advantages, disadvantages and suitability of functional and divisional structure.
·    Understand the concept of formal and informal organisation.
·    Discuss the advantages, disadvantages of formal and informal organisation.
Delegation: concept, elements and importance ·    Understand the concept of delegation.
·    Describe the elements of delegation.
·    Appreciate the importance of Delegation.
Decentralization: concept and importance ·    Understand the concept of decentralisation.
·    Explain the importance of decentralisation.
·    Differentiate between delegation and decentralisation.
Unit 6: Staffing                                                                                            16 Periods
Concept and importance of staffing After going through this unit, the student/
learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of staffing.
·    Explain the importance of staffing
Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management concept ·    Understand the specialized duties and activities performed by Human Resource Management
Staffing process ·    Describe the steps in the process of staffing
Recruitment process ·    Understand the meaning of recruitment.
·    Discuss the sources of recruitment.
·    Explain the merits and demerits of internal and external sources of recruitment.
Selection- process ·    Understand the meaning of selection.
·    Describe the steps involved in the process of selection.
Training and Development- Concept and importance, Methods of training- on the job and off the job – vestibule training, apprenticeship training and internship training ·    Understand the concept of training and development.
·    Appreciate the importance of training to the organisation and to the employees.
·    Discuss the meaning of induction training, vestibule training, apprenticeship training and internship training.
·    Differentiate between training and development.
·    Discuss on the job and off the job methods of training.
Unit 7: Directing                                                                                     18 Periods
Concept and importance After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Describe the concept of directing.
·    Discuss the importance of directing
Elements of Directing ·    Describe the four elements of directing
Supervision –concept, function of a supervisor ·    Understand the concept of supervision.
·    Discuss the functions performed by a supervisor.
Motivation-concept, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Financial and non-financial incentives ·    Understand the concept of motivation.
·    Develop an understanding of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
·    Discuss the various financial and
non-financial incentives.
Leadership- concept, styles- authoritative, democratic and laissez faire ·    Understand the concept of leadership.
·    Understand the various styles of leadership.
Communication- concept, formal and informal communication; barriers to effective communication, how to overcome the barriers ·    Understand the concept of communication
·    Understand the elements of the communication process.
·    Discuss the concept of formal and informal communication.
·    Discuss the various barriers to effective communication.
·    Suggest measures to overcome barriers to communication.
Unit 8: Controlling                                                                                 14 Periods
Concept and importance After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of controlling.
·    Explain the importance of controlling.
Relationship between planning and controlling ·    Describe the relationship between planning and controlling
Steps in process of control ·    Discuss the steps in the process of controlling.
Part B: Business Finance and Marketing                                          120 Periods
Concept includes meaning and features
Unit 9: Financial Management                                                              22 Periods
Concept, role and objectives of Financial Management After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of financial management.
·    Explain the role of financial management in an organisation.
·    Discuss the objectives of financial management
Financial decisions: investment, financing and dividend- Meaning and factors affecting ·    Discuss the three financial decisions and the factors affecting them.
Financial Planning- concept and importance l ·    Describe the concept of financial planning and its objectives.
·    Explain the importance of financial planning.
Capital Structure- Concept ·    Understand the concept of capital structure.
·    Describe the factors determining the choice of an appropriate capital structure of a company.
Fixed and Working Capital- Concept and factors affecting their requirements ·    Understand the concept of fixed and working capital.
·    Describe the factors determining the requirements of fixed and working capital.
Unit 10: Financial Markets                                                                    20 Periods
Financial Markets: Concept, Functions and types After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of financial market.
·    Explain the functions of financial market.
·    Understand capital market and money market as types of financial markets.
Money market and its instruments ·    Understand the concept of money market.
·    Describe the various money market instruments.
Capital market and its types (primary and secondary), methods of floatation in the primary market ·    Discuss the concept of capital market.
·    Explain primary and secondary markets as types of capital market.
·    Differentiate between capital market and money market.
·    Discuss the methods of floating new issues in the primary market.
·    Distinguish between primary and secondary markets.
Stock Exchange- Functions and trading procedure ·    Give the meaning of a stock exchange.
·    Explain the functions of a stock exchange.
·    Discuss the trading procedure in a stock exchange.
· Give the meaning of depository services and demat account as used in the trading procedure of securities.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) – objectives and functions ·    State the objectives of SEBI.
·    Explain the functions of SEBI.
Unit 11: Marketing Management                                                          32 Periods
Selling and Marketing- Concept After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of selling, marketing.
·    Explain the features of marketing.
·    Distinguish between marketing and selling.
Marketing Management- Concept ·    Describe the concept of marketing management.
Marketing Functions ·    Discuss the functions of marketing.
Marketing management philosophies ·    Explain marketing management philosophies.
Marketing Mix – Concept and elements ·    Understand the concept of marketing mix.
·    Describe the elements of marketing mix.
Product – branding, labelling and packaging – Concept ·    Understand the concept of product as an element of marketing mix.
·    Understand the concept of branding, labelling and packaging.
Price- Concept, Factors determining price ·    Understand the concept of price as an element of marketing mix.
·    Describe the factors determining price of a product.
Physical Distribution – concept and components, channels of distribution: types, choice of channels. ·    Understand the concept of physical distribution.
·    Explain the components of physical distribution.
·    Describe the various channels of distribution.
·    Discuss the factors determining the choice of channels of distribution.
Promotion – Concept and elements; advertising concept, role, objections against advertising, personal selling- concept and qualities of a good salesman, sales promotion- concept and techniques, public relations- concept and role ·    Understand the concept of promotion as an element of marketing mix.
·    Describe the elements of promotion mix.
·    Understand the concept of advertising.
·    Describe the role of advertising.
·    Examine the objections to advertising.
·    Understand the concept of personal selling.
·    Discuss the qualities of a good salesman.
·    Understand the concept of sales
·    Explain the commonly used techniques of sales promotion.
·    Discuss the concept and role of public relations.
Unit 12: Consumer Protection                                                              16 Periods
Concept and importance of consumer protection After going through this unit, the student/ learner would be able to:
·    Understand the concept of consumer protection.
·    Describe the importance of consumer protection.
·    Discuss the scope of Consumer Protection Act, 1986
Consumer Protection Act 1986: Meaning of consumer
Rights and responsibilities of consumers Who can file a complaint against whom? Redressal machinery
Remedies available
·    Understand the concept of a consumer according to the Consumer protection Act 1986.
·    Explain the consumer rights
·    Understand the responsibilities of consumers
·    Understand who can file a complaint and against whom?
·    Discuss the legal redressal machinery under Consumer protection Act 1986.
·    Examine the remedies available to the consumer under Consumer protection Act 1986.
Consumer awareness- Role of consumer organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). ·    Describe the role of consumer organizations and NGOs in protecting consumers’ interests.
Unit 13: Project Work                                                                            30 Periods
The course in Business Studies is introduced at Senior School level to provide students
with a sound understanding of the principles and practices bearing in business (trade and industry) as well as their  relationship with the society.  Business is a dynamic process that brings together technology, natural resources and human initiative in a constantly changing global environment. With the purpose to help them understand the framework within which a business operates, and its interaction with the social, economic, technological and legal environment, the CBSE has introduced Project Work in the Business Studies Syllabus for Classes XI and XII. The projects have been designed to allow students to appreciate that business is an integral component of society and help them develop an understanding of the social and ethical issues concerning them.
The project work also aims to empower the teacher to relate all the concepts with what is
happening around the world and the student’s surroundings, making them appear more clear and contextual. This will enable the student to enjoy studies and use his free time effectively in observing what’s happening around.
By means of Project Work the students are exposed to life beyond textbooks giving them
opportunities to refer materials, gather information, analyze it further to obtain relevant information and decide what matter to keep.
After doing the Project Work in Business Studies, the students will be able to do the
· develop a practical approach by using modern technologies in the field  of business and management;
· get an opportunity for exposure to the operational environment in the field of business management and related services;
· inculcate important skills of team work, problem solving, time management, information collection, processing, analysing and synthesizing relevant information to derive meaningful conclusions
· get involved in the process of research work; l demonstrate his or her capabilities while working independently and
·    make studies an enjoyable experience to cherish.
This section provides some basic guidelines for the teachers to launch the projects in
Business Studies. It is very necessary to interact, support, guide, facilitate and encourage students while assigning projects to them.
The teachers must  ensure  that  the  project  work  assigned to the students  whether
individually or in group are discussed at different stages right from assignment to drafts review and finalization. Students should be facilitated in terms of providing relevant
materials  or  suggesting  websites,  or  obtaining  required  permissions  from  business
houses, malls etc for their project. The periods assigned to the Project Work should be suitably spaced throughout the academic session. The teachers MUST ensure that the students actually go through the rigors and enjoy the process of doing the project rather than depending on any readymade material available commercially.
The following steps might be followed:
1.  Students must take any one topic during the academic session of Class XI.
2.  The project may be done in a group or individually.
3. The topic should be assigned after discussion with the students in the class and should then be discussed at every stage of submission of the draft/final project work.
4. The teacher should play the role of a facilitator and should closely supervise the process of project completion.
5.  The teachers must ensure that the student’s self esteem should go up, and he
/she should be able to enjoy this process.
6. The project work for each term should culminate in the form of Power Point Presentation/Exhibition/ Skit before the entire class. This will help in developing ICT and communication skills among them.
The teacher should help students to identify any one project from the given topics.
I. Project One: Field Visit
The objective of introducing this project among the students is to give a first hand
experience to them regarding the different types of business units operating in their surroundings, to observe their features and activities and relate them to the theoretical knowledge given in their text books. The students should select a place of field visit from the following: – (Add more as per local area availability.)
1. Visit to a Handicraft unit.
2. Visit to an Industry.
3. Visit to a Whole sale market (vegetables, fruits, flowers, grains, garments, etc.)
4. Visit to a Departmental store.
5. Visit to a Mall.
The following points should be kept in mind while preparing this visit.
1.  Select a suitable day free from rush/crowd with lean business hours.
2.  The teacher must visit the place first and check out on logistics. It’s better to seek permission from the concerned business- incharge.
3.  Visit to be discussed with the students in advance. They should be encouraged to prepare a worksheet containing points of observation and reporting.
4.  Students may carry their cameras (at their own risk) with prior permission for collecting evidence of their observations.
1. Visit to a Handicraft Unit
The purpose of visiting a Handicraft unit is to understand nature and scope of its
business, stake holders involved and other aspects as outlined below
a) The raw material and the processes used in the business: People /parties/firms from
which they obtain their raw material.
b) The market, the buyers, the middlemen, and the areas covered. c) The countries to which exports are made.
d) Mode of payment to workers, suppliers etc.
e) Working conditions.
f) Modernization of the process over a period of time.
g) Facilities, security and training for the staff and workers.
h) Subsidies available/ availed.
i) Any other aspect that the teachers deem fit.
2. Visit to an Industry.
The students are required to observe the following:
a) Nature of the business organisation.
b) Determinants for location of business unit.
c)  Form  of  business  enterprise:  Sole  Proprietorship,  Partnership,  Undivided  Hindu Family, Joint Stock Company (a Multinational Company).
d) Different stages of production/process
e) Auxiliaries involved in the process.
f) Workers employed, method of  wage payment, training  programmes and facilities available.
g) Social responsibilities discharged towards workers, investors, society, environment and government.
h) Levels of management.
i) Code of conduct for employers and employees.
j) Capital structure employed- borrowed v/s owned.
k) Quality control, recycling of defective goods.
l) Subsidies available/availed.
m) Safety Measures employed.
n) Working conditions for labour in observation of Labour Laws.
o) Storage of raw material and finished goods.
p) Transport management for employees, raw material and finished goods.
q)  Functioning  of  various  departments  and  coordination  among  them  (Production, Human Resource, Finance and Marketing)
r) Waste Management.
s) Any other observation.
3. Visit to a whole sale market: vegetables/fruits/flowers/grains/garments etc.
The students are required to observe the following:
a) Sources of merchandise.
b) Local market practices.
c) Any linked up businesses like transporters, packagers, money lenders, agents, etc.
d) Nature of the goods dealt in.
e) Types of buyers and sellers.
f) Mode of the goods dispersed, minimum quantity sold, types of packaging employed.
g) Factors determining the price fluctuations.
h) Seasonal factors (if any) affecting the business.
i) Weekly/ monthly non-working days.
j) Strikes, if any- causes thereof.
k) Mode of payments.
l) Wastage and disposal of dead stock.
m) Nature of price fluctuations, reason thereof.
n) Warehousing facilities available\availed.
o) Any other aspect.
4. Visit to a Departmental store
The students are required to observe the following:
a) Different departments and their lay out.
b) Nature of products offered for sale.
c) Display of fresh arrivals.
d) Promotional campaigns.
e) Spaces and advertisements.
f) Assistance by Sales Personnel.
g)  Billing  counter  at  store  –  Cash,  Credit  Card/  Debit  Card,  swipe  facility.  Added attractions and facilities at the counter.
h) Additional facilities offered to customers
i) Any other relevant aspect.
5. Visit to a Mall.
The students are required to observe the following:
a) Number of floors, shops occupied and unoccupied.
b) Nature of shops, their ownership status
c) Nature of goods dealt in: local brands, international brands,
d) Service business shops- Spas, gym, saloons etc.
e) Rented spaces, owned spaces,
f) Different types of promotional schemes.
g) Most visited shops.
h) Special attractions of the Mall- Food court, Gaming zone or Cinema etc.
i) Innovative facilities.
j) Parking facilities. Teachers may add more to the list.
II. Project Two: Case Study on a Product
a)  Take a product having seasonal growth and regular demand with which students
can relate. For example,
·    Apples from Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir.
·    Oranges from Nagpur,
·    Mangoes from Maharashtra/U.P./Bihar/Andhra Pradesh etc.
·    Strawberries from Panchgani,
·    Aloe vera from Rajasthan,
·    Walnuts/almonds from Kashmir,
·    Jackfruit from South,
·    Guavas from Allahabad,
·    Pineapples from North East India,
·    Tea from Assam,
·    Orchids from Sikkim and Meghalaya,
·    Pottery of Manipur,
·    Fishes from coastal areas.
Students may develop a Case Study on the following lines:
(i)  Research for change in price of the product. For example, apples in Himachal
Pradesh during plucking and non plucking season.
(ii) Effect on prices in the absence of effective transport system.
(iii) Effect on prices in the absence of suitable warehouse facilities.
(iv) Duties performed by the warehouses.
(v) Demand and supply situation of the product during harvesting season, prices near the place of origin and away.
Students may be motivated to find out the importance of producing and selling these products and their processed items along with the roles of Transport, Warehousing, Advertising, Banking, Insurance, Packaging, Wholesale selling, Retailing, Co-operative farming, Co-operative marketing etc.
The teacher may develop the points for other projects on similar lines for students to
work on.
The teacher may assign this project as ‘group’ project and may give different products to
different groups. It could conclude in the form of an exhibition.
III. Project Three: Aids to Trade
Taking any one AID TO TRADE, for example Insurance and gathering information on
following aspects
1. History of Insurance Lloyd’s contribution.
2. Development of regulatory Mechanism.
3. Insurance Companies in India
4. Principles of Insurance.
5. Types of Insurance. Importance of insurance to the businessmen.
6. Benefits of crop, orchards, animal and poultry insurance to the farmers.
7. Terminologies used (premium, face value, market value, maturity value, surrender value) and their meanings.
8. Anecdotes and interesting cases of insurance. Reference of films depicting people committing fraudulent acts with insurance companies.
9. Careers in Insurance.
Teachers to develop such aspects for other aids to trade.
IV. Project Four: Import /Export Procedure
Any one from the following
1. Import /Export procedure
The students should identify a product of their city/country which is imported /exported.
They are required to find the details of the actual import/export procedure. They may take help from the Chambers of Commerce, Banker, existing Importers/Exporters, etc.
They should find details of the procedure and link it with their Text knowledge.
The specimens of documents collected should be pasted in the Project file with brief
description of each. They may also visit railway godowns/dockyards/ transport agencies and may collect pictures of the same.
Presentation and submission of project report.
At the end of the stipulated term, each student will prepare and submit his/her project
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission.
1. The total project will be in a file format, consisting of the recordings of the value of shares and the graphs.
2. The project will be handwritten.
3. The project will be presented in a neat folder.
4. The project report will be developed in the following sequence-
Cover page should project the title, student information, school and year. List of contents.
Acknowledgements and preface (acknowledging the institution, the news papers read, T.V. channels viewed, places visited and persons who have helped).
Topic with suitable heading.
Planning and activities done during the project, if any. Observations and findings while conducting the project. News paper clippings to reflect the changes of share prices.
Conclusions (summarised suggestions or findings, future scope of study). Appendix (if needed).
Teachers report.
Teachers will initial preface page.
At the completion of the evaluation of the project, it will be punched in the centre so that the report cannot be reused but is available for reference only.
The projects will be returned after evaluation. The school may keep the best projects.
V. Project Five: A visit to any State Emporium (other than your school state).
The purpose of this project is that it leads to –
Development of deeper understanding of the diversity of products in the states like
Assam, Tripura, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, Chhatisgarh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and other states of the country.
Sensitization and orientation of students about other states, their trade, business and commerce,
Understanding the cultural and socio-economic aspects of the state by the students,
Developing the understanding of role of folk art, artisanship and craftsmanship of the
state in its growth and economic development
Understanding the role of gifts of nature and natural produce in the development of trade, business and commerce
Understanding the role of vocational skills and abilities on the livelihood of artisans/ craftsman
Understanding of entrepreneurial skills and abilities of the artisans/craftsman Understanding of the unemployment problem of the state and role of art and craft of
the state in generating employment opportunities Value aspect –
Sense  of  gratitude  –  by  appreciating  the  contributions  made  by  others  in  the betterment of our lives
Appreciating the dignity of work
Sensitivity towards social, cultural, ethnical and religious differences Benefits of social harmony and peace
Understanding and appreciating the unity in diversity in India
Appreciating differences in race, skin colour, languages, religion, habits, festivals, clothing coexistence
Presentation and Submission of Project Report
At the end of the stipulated term, each student will prepare and submit his/her project
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission.
1. Nature of the business organisation (emporium)
2. Determinants for location of the concerned emporium
3. Is the space rented or owned
4. Nature of the goods dealt in
5. Sources of merchandise of the emporium
6.  Role  of  co-operative  societies  in  the  manufacturing  and/or  marketing  of  the merchandise
7. Role of gifts of nature or natural produce in the development of goods/merchandise
8. Types of buyers and sellers
9.  Modes  of  goods  dispersed, minimum quantity sold  and  type  of  carrying  bag  or package used for delivery of the products sold
10. Factors determining the pricing at the emporium
11. Comparison between the prices of goods available at the emporium with the prices in the open market. Also highlight probable causes of variations if any.
12. Kind of raw material available naturally, used in making the products
13. The technique used in making the products i.e., hand made or machine made
14. Has the child labour being used in making the products sold at the emporium
15. Are the products eco-friendly, in terms of manufacturing, disposal and packing
16. Seasonal factors if any affecting the business of the emporium
17. Weekly/ Monthly non-working days
18. Mode of billing and payments – Cash, Credit Card/ Debit Card, Swipe facility.
19. Does the emporium sell its merchandise in installment / deferred payment basis
20. Do they provide home delivery and after sales services.
21. Different types of promotional campaigns / schemes
22. Assistance by Sales Personnel
23. Export orientation of this emporium and procedure used
24. Policies related to damaged/ returned goods
25. Any government facility available to the emporium
26. Warehousing facilities available / availed
27. Impact of tourism on the business of emporium
28. Additional facility offered to customers
29. Any Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assumed by the emporium
30. Contribution made by the emporium to its locality
The marks will be allocated on the following heads.
1 Initiative, cooperativeness and participation 1 Mark
2 Creativity in presentation 1 Mark
3 Content, observation and research work 2 Marks
4 Analysis of situations 2 Marks
5 Viva 4 Marks
Total 10 Marks
Students are supposed to select one unit out of four and are required to make only
ONE project from the selected unit. (Consist of one project of 20 marks)
1.  Help students to select any ONE Topic for the entire year.
2.  The topic should be assigned after discussion with the students in the class and should then be discussed at every stage of the submission of the project.
The teacher should play the role of a facilitator and should closely supervise the
process of project completion. The teachers must ensure that the project work assigned to the students whether individually or in group are discussed at different stages right from assignment to drafts review and finalization. Students should be facilitated in terms of providing relevant materials or suggesting websites, or obtaining required permissions from business houses, malls etc for their project. The periods assigned to the Project Work should be suitably spaced throughout the academic session. The teachers MUST ensure that the student actually go through the rigors and enjoy the process of doing the project rather than depending on any readymade material available outside.
3.  The students must make a presentation of the project before the class.
4. The teachers must ensure that the student’s self-esteem and creativity is enhanced and both the teacher and the student enjoy this process.
5. The teachers should feel pride in the fact that they have explored the different dimensions of the project in an innovative way and their students have put in genuine work.
I. Project One: Elements of Business Environment
The teachers should help the students in selecting any one element of the following:
1. Changes witnessed over the last few years on mode of packaging and its economic
impact. The teacher may guide the students to identify the following changes:
a) The changes in transportation of fruits and vegetables such as cardboard crates being
used in place of wooden crates, etc. Reasons for above changes.
b) Milk being supplied in glass bottles, later in plastic bags and now in tetra-pack and through vending machines.
c) Plastic furniture [doors and stools] gaining preference over wooden furniture.
d) The origin of cardboard and the various stages of changes and growth.
e) Brown paper bags packing to recycled paper bags to plastic bags and cloth bags.
f) Re use of packaging [bottles, jars and tins] to attract customers for their products.
g) The concept of pyramid packaging for milk.
h) Cost being borne by the consumer/manufacturer.
i) Packaging used as means of advertisements.
2. The reasons behind changes in the following:
Coca – Cola and Fanta in the seventies to Thums up and Campa Cola in the eighties to Pepsi and Coke in nineties.
The teacher may guide the students to the times when India sold Coca Cola and Fanta which were being manufactured in India by the foreign companies.
The students may be asked to enquire about
a) Reasons of stopping the manufacturing of the above mentioned drinks in India THEN.
b) The introduction of Thums up and Campa cola range.
c) Re entry of Coke and introduction of Pepsi in the Indian market.
d) Factors responsible for the change.
e) Other linkages with the above.
f) Leading brands and the company having the highest market share.
g) Different local brands venturing in the Indian market.
h) The rating of the above brands in the market.
i) The survival and reasons of failure in competition with the international brands.
j) Other observations made by the students
The teacher may develop the following on the above lines
3. Changing role of the women in the past 25 years relating to joint families, nuclear
families, women as a bread earner of the family, changes in the requirement trend of mixers, washing machines, micro wave and standard of living.
4. The changes in the pattern of import and export of different Products.
5. The trend in the changing interest rates and their effect on savings.
6. A study on child labour laws, its implementation and consequences.
7. The state of ‘anti plastic campaign,’ the law, its effects and implementation.
8. The laws of mining /setting up of industries, rules and regulations, licences required for running that business.
9. Social factors affecting acceptance and rejection of an identified product. (Dish washer, Atta maker, etc)
10. What has the effect of change in environment on the types of goods and services? The students can take examples like:
a) Washing machines, micro waves, mixers and grinder.
b) Need for crèche, day care centre for young and old.
c) Ready to eat food, eating food outside, and tiffin centres.
11. Change in the man-machine ratio with technological advances resulting in change of cost structure.
12. Effect of changes in technological environment on the behaviour of employee.
II. Project Two: Principles of Management
The students are required to visit any one of the following:
1. A departmental store.
2. An Industrial unit.
3. A fast food outlet.
4. Any other organisation approved by the teacher.
They are required to observe the application of the general Principles of management advocated by Fayol.
Fayol’s principles
1. Division of work.
2. Unity of command.
3. Unity of direction.
4. Scalar chain
5. Espirit de corps
6. Fair remuneration to all.
7. Order.
8. Equity.
9. Discipline
10. Subordination of individual interest to general interest.
11. Initiative.
12. Centralisation and decentralisation.
13. Stability of tenure.
They may enquire into the application of scientific management techniques by F.W.
Taylor in the unit visited.
Scientific techniques of management.
1. Functional foremanship.
2. Standardisation and simplification of work.
3. Method study.
4. Motion Study.
5. Time Study.
6. Fatigue Study
7. Differential piece rate plan.
Tips to teacher
(i) The teacher may organize this visit.
(ii) The teacher should facilitate the students to identify any unit of their choice and guide them to identify the principles that are being followed.
(iii) Similarly they should guide the students to identify the techniques of scientific management implemented in the organisation.
(iv) It may be done as a group activity.
(v) The observations could be on the basis of
The different stages of division of work resulting to specialisation.
Following instructions and accountability of subordinates to higher authorities. Visibility of order and equity in the unit.
Balance of authority and responsibility.
Communication levels and pattern in the organisation.
Methods and techniques followed by the organisation for unity of direction and coordination amongst all.
Methods of wage payments followed.The arrangements of fatigue study. Derivation of time study.
Derivation and advantages of method study. Organisational chart of functional foremanship.
Any other identified in the organisation
vi. It is advised that students should be motivated to pick up different areas of visit. As presentations of different areas in the class would help in better understanding to the other students.
vii. The students may be encouraged to develop worksheets. Teachers should help students to prepare observation tools to be used for undertaking the project.
Examples; worksheets, questionnaire, interviews and organisational chart etc.
III. Project Three: Stock Exchange
The purpose of this project is to teach school students the values of investing and utilising the stock market. This project also teaches important lessons about the economy, mathematics and financial responsibility.
The basis of this project is to learn about the stock market while investing a specified
amount of fake money in certain stocks. Students then study the results and buy and sell as they see fit.
This project will also guide the students and provide them with the supplies necessary to
successfully monitor stock market trends and will teach students how to calculate profit and loss on stock.
The project work will enable the students to:
understand the topics like sources of business finance and capital market understand the concepts used in stock exchange
inculcate the habit of watching business channels, reading business journals/newspapers and seeking information from their elders.
The students are expected to:
a) Develop a brief report on History of Stock Exchanges in India. (your country)
b) Prepare a list of at least 25 companies listed on a Stock Exchange.
c) To make an imaginary portfolio totalling a sum of Rs. 50,000 equally in any of the 5 companies of their choice listed above over a period of twenty working days.
The students may be required to report the prices of the stocks on daily basis and
present it diagrammatically on the graph paper.
They will understand the weekly holidays and the holidays under the Negotiable Instruments Act.
They will also come across with terms like closing prices, opening prices, etc.
During this period of recording students are supposed to distinctively record the daily and starting and closing prices of the week other days under the negotiable instrument act so that they acquire knowledge about closing and opening prices.
The students may conclude by identifying the causes in the fluctuations of
prices. Normally it would be related to the front page news of the a business journal, for example,
Change of seasons. Festivals.
Spread of epidemic. Strikes and accidents
Natural and human disasters. Political environment.
Lack of faith in the government policies.
Impact of changes in government policies for specific industry. International events.
Contract and treaties at the international scene. Relations with the neighbouring countries.
Crisis in developed countries, etc.
The students are expected to find the value of their investments and accordingly
rearrange their portfolio. The project work should cover the following aspects;
1. Graphical presentation of the share prices of different companies on different dates.
2. Change in market value of shares due to change of seasons, festivals, natural and human disasters.
3. Change in market value of shares due to change in political environment/ policies of various countries/crisis in developed countries or any other reasons
4. Identify the top ten companies out of the 25 selected on the basis of their market value of shares.
It does not matter if they have made profits or losses.
IV. Project Four: Marketing
1.  Adhesives
2.  Air conditioners
3.  Baby diapers
4.  Bathing Soap
5.  Bathroom cleaner
6.  Bike
7.  Blanket
8.  Body Spray
9.  Bread
10. Breakfast cereal
11. Butter
12. Camera
13. Car
14. Cheese spreads
15. Chocolate
16. Coffee
17. Cosmetology product
18. Crayons
19. Crockery
20. Cutlery
21. Cycle
22. DTH
23. Eraser
24. e-wash
25. Fairness cream
26. Fans
27. Fruit candy
28. Furniture
29. Hair Dye
30. Hair Oil
31. Infant dress
32. Inverter
33. Jams
34. Jeans
35. Jewellery
36. Kurti
37. Ladies bag
38. Ladies footwear
39. Learning Toys
40. Lipstick
41. Microwave oven
42. Mixers
43. Mobile
44. Moisturizer
45. Music player
46. Nail polish
47. Newspaper
48. Noodles
49. Pen
50. Pen drive
51. Pencil
52. Pickles
53. Razor
54. Ready Soups
55. Refrigerator
56. RO system
57. Roasted snacks
58. Salt
59. Sarees
60. Sauces/ Ketchup
61. Shampoo
62. Shaving cream
63. Shoe polish
64. Shoes
65. Squashes
66. Suitcase/ airbag
67. Sunglasses
68. Tea
69. Tiffin Wallah
70. Toothpaste
71. Wallet
72. Washing detergent
73. Washing machine
74. Washing powder
75. Water bottle
76. Water storage tank
77. Wipes
Any more as suggested by the teacher.
The  teacher  must  ensure  that  the  identified  product  should  not  be  items  whose
consumption/use   is   discouraged   by   the   society   and   government   like   alcohol products/pan masala and tobacco products, etc.
Identify   one   product/service   from   the   above   which   the   students   may   like   to
manufacture/provide [pre-assumption].
Now  the  students  are  required  to  make  a  project  on  the  identified  product/service
keeping in mind the following:
1. Why have they selected this product/service?
2. Find out ‘5’ competitive brands that exist in the market.
3. What permission and licences would be required to make the product?
4. What are your competitors Unique Selling Proposition.[U.S.P.]?
5. Does your product have any range give details?
6. What is the name of your product?
7. Enlist its features.
8. Draw the ‘Label’ of your product.
9. Draw a logo for your product.
10. Draft a tag line.
11. What is the selling price of your competitor’s product?
(i) Selling price to consumer
(ii) Selling price to retailer
(iii) Selling price to wholesaler
What is the profit margin in percentage to the
Manufacturer. Wholesaler. Retailer.
12. How will your product be packaged?
13. Which channel of distribution are you going to use? Give reasons for selection?
14. Decisions related to warehousing, state reasons.
15. What is going to be your selling price?
(i) To consumer
(ii) To retailer
(iii) To wholesaler
16. List 5 ways of promoting your product.
17. Any schemes for
(i) The wholesaler
(ii) The retailer
(iii) The consumer
18. What is going to be your ‘U.S.P?
19. What means of transport you will use and why?
20. Draft a social message for your label.
21. What cost effective techniques will you follow for your product.
22. What cost effective techniques will you follow for your promotion plan.
At this stage the students will realise the importance of the concept of marketing mix and the necessary decision regarding the four P’s of marketing.
Product Place Price Promotion
On the basis of the work done by the students the project report should include the
1. Type of product /service identified and the (consumer/industries) process involve there in.
2. Brand name and the product.
3. Range of the product.
4. Identification mark or logo.
5. Tagline.
6. Labeling and packaging.
7. Price of the product and basis of price fixation.
8. Selected channels of distribution and reasons thereof.
9. Decisions related to transportation and warehousing. State reasons.
10.  Promotional  techniques  used  and  starting  reasons  for  deciding  the  particular technique.
11. Grading and standardization.
Presentation and Submission of Project Report
At the end of the stipulated term, each student will prepare and submit his/her project report.
Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for its preparation and submission.
1. The total length of the project will be of 25 to 30 pages.
2. The project should be handwritten.
3. The project should be presented in a neat folder.
4. The project report should be developed in the following sequence-
Cover page should include the title of the Project, student information, school and year.
List of contents.
Acknowledgements and preface (acknowledging  the institution, the places visited and the persons who have helped).
Topic with suitable heading.
Planning and activities done during the project, if any. Observations and findings of the visit.
Conclusions (summarized suggestions or findings, future scope of study). Photographs (if any).
Teacher’s observation. Signatures of the teachers.
At the completion of the evaluation of the project, it should be punched in the centre so that the report may not be reused but is available for reference only.
The project will be returned after evaluation. The school may keep the best projects.
Allocation of Marks = 20 Marks
The marks will be allocated under the following heads:
1 Initiative, cooperativeness and participation 2 Mark
2 Creativity in presentation 2 Mark
3 Content, observation and research work 4 Marks
4 Analysis of situations 4 Marks
5 Viva 8 Marks
Total 20 Marks
Code No. 054
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks – 80
S N Typology of Questions Learning Outcomes
& Testing Skills
Very Short Answer (VSA) (1
Short Answ er -I (SA-I) (3
Mark s)
Short Answer -II (SA-II) (4
Long Answer (LA) (5 Marks) Essay Type (6 Marks ) Total Marks %
Wei ghta ge
1. Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories; Identify, define, or recite, information) ·       Reasonin g
·       Analytica l Skills
·       Critical Skills
2 1 1 1 14 17%
2. Understanding- (Comprehension –to be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase, or interpret information) 2 2 1 1 18 23%
3. Application- (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 2 1 1 1 1 20 25%
4. High Order Thinking Skills- (Analysis & SynthesisClassify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information; Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information from a variety of sources) 2 1 2 1 19 24%
5. Evaluation- (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 1 09 11%
TOTAL – 1 project 8×1=8 5×3= 6×4= 24 3×5= 15 3×6= 18 80(25) 100
(20 Marks) 15 project %
Estimated Time (in minutes) 8 min 27
30 min 40 min 60 min 165 min+15 min for revision

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Biotechnology 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Biotechnology 2018-19

An unprecedented growth of human knowledge in the field of Biological Sciences coupled with equally
significant developments in the field of technology have brought significant changes into existing social and economic systems. The emerging field of Biotechnology is likely to further enhance the applications of Science and Technology in the service of human welfare. Modern Biotechnology processes encompass a wide range of new products such as antibiotics, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies and many more. Furthermore, developments in recombinant DNA technology have yielded numerous new useful products in the fields of healthcare and agriculture. The present syllabus takes care of all these aspects. Due emphasis has been laid on familiarizing the learners with the fundamental concepts, basic techniques and their applications. It is expected that the knowledge gained through the study of different topics and the skills acquired through the prescribed practical work will make the learners competent to meet the challenges of academic as well as professional courses after studying the subject at senior secondary stage.
The broad objectives of teaching Biotechnology at senior secondary level are:
To help the learners know and understand basic facts and concepts of the subject at elementary stage.
To expose the students to different basic processes and basic techniques used in Biotechnology. To familiarize the learners to understand the relationship of the subject to health, nutrition,
environment, agriculture and industry, etc.
To develop conceptual competence in the learners so as to cope up with professional courses in future career.
To acquaint students with different applications of Biotechnology in everyday life.
To develop an interest in students to study biotechnology as a discipline.
CLASS – XI (2018-19)
One Paper                                                                                                                                  Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks 70+30
Units No. of Periods Marks
Unit- I Biotechnology: An overview 20 5
Unit-II Molecules of Life 50 20
Unit-III Genetics and Molecular Biology 50 20
Unit-IV Cells and Organisms 60 25
Practicals 60 30
Total 240 100
One Paper                                                                                                                                        Time: 3 hrs.
Total Marks :70                                         180 Periods
Unit-I Biotechnology: An overview                                                            5 Marks                  20 Periods
Chapter 1: Biotechnology: An Overview
Historical Perspectives, Technology and Applications of Biotechnology, Global market and Biotech Products, Public Perception of Biotechnology, Biotechnology in India and Global Trends
Unit-II Molecules of Life                                                                               20 Marks                 50 Periods
Chapter 1: Biomolecules: Building Blocks
Building Blocks of Carbohydrates – Sugars and Their Derivatives, Building Blocks of Proteins – Amino Acids, Building Blocks of Lipids – Simple Fatty Acids, Sphingosine,
Glycerol and Cholesterol, Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids – Nucleotides, Biochemical Transformations
Chapter 2: Macromolecules: Structure & Function
Carbohydrates – The Energy Givers, Proteins – The Performers, Enzymes – The Catalysts, Lipids and Biomembranes – The Barriers, Nucleic Acids – The Managers
Unit-III Genetics and Molecular Biology                                                  20 Marks                   50 Periods
Chapter 1: Concepts of Genetics
Historical Perspective, Multiple Alleles, Linkage and Crossing Over, Genetic Mapping, Gene Interaction,
Sex-Linked Inheritance, Extranuclear Inheritance, Quantitative Inheritance, Genes at the Population Level
Chapter 2: Genes and Genomes: Structure and Function Discovery of DNA as Genetic Material, DNA
Replication, Fine Structure of the Genes, From Gene to Protein, Transcription – The Basic Process,
Genetic Code, Translation, Regulation of Gene Expression, Mutations, DNA Repair, Human Genetic Disorders, Genome Organization
Unit IV: Cells and Organisms                                                                       25 Marks                  60 Periods
Chapter 1 The Basic Unit of Life
Cell Structure and Components, Tissues and Organs, Stem Cells, Biodiversity, Organization of Life
Chapter 2: Cell Growth and Development
Cell  Division,  Cell  Cycle,  Cell  Communication,  Nutrition,  Gaseous  Exchange,  Internal  Transport, Maintaining  the  Internal  Environment,  Reproduction,   In  Vitro  Fertilization,  Animal  and  Plant
Development, Immune Response in Animals, Programmed Cell Death, Defense Mechanisms in Plants
CBSE PRACTICALS                                                                                                                                         60 Periods
Note: Every student is required to do the following experiments during the academic session.
1.   Recording practical results and safety rules in the laboratory
2.   Preparation of buffers and pH determination
3.   Sterilization techniques
4.   Preparation of bacterial growth medium
5.   Determination of bacterial growth curve
6.   Cell counting
7.   Isolation of milk protein (Casein)
8.   Estimation of whey protein by biuret method
9.   Assaying the enzyme acid phosphate
10. Estimation of blood glucose by enzymatic and glucometer method (GOD/POD)
11. Study of various stages of mitosis and calculation of mitotic index
12. Preparation of karyotype
Scheme of Evaluation
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                              Max. Marks 30
The scheme of evaluation at the end of session will be as under:
Two experiments              :   20 Marks Viva on experiments        :    5 Marks
Practical record                 :    5 Marks
CLASS XII (2018-19)
One Paper                                                                                                                            Max. Marks 70+30
Time: 3 hrs.
Units No. of Periods Marks
Unit V Protein and Gene Manipulation 100 40
Unit VI Cell Culture and Genetic Manipulation 80 30
Practicals 60 30
Total 240 100
One paper                                                                                                                                            Time: 3 hrs.
Total Marks : 70                  180 Periods
Unit-V Protein and Gene Manipulation                                                                  40 Marks     100 Periods
Chapter-1: Recombinant DNA Technology
Introduction, Tool of rDNA technology, Making rDNA, Introduction of recombinant DNA into host cells, Identification of Recombinants, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Hybridization Techniques, DNA Library, DNA Sequencing, Site-directed Mutagenesis
Chapter-2: Protein Structure and Engineering
Introduction to the world of proteins, 3-D shape of proteins, Structure-Function Relationship in Proteins, Purification of Proteins, Characterization of Proteins, Protein Based Products, Designing Proteins (Protein Engineering)
Chapter-3: Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics
Introduction, Genome, Sequencing Projects, Gene prediction and counting, Genome Similarity, SNPs and Comparative Genomics, Functional Genomics, Proteomics, History of Bioinformatics, Sequences
and nomenclature, Information Sources, Analysis using Bioinformatics tools
Unit-VI Cell Culture and Genetic Manipulation                                                  30 Marks         80 Periods
Chapter-1: Microbial Cell Culture and its Applications
Introduction, Microbial Nutrition and Culture Techniques, Measurement and Kinetics of Microbial Growth,  Scale-up  of  Microbial  Process,  Isolation  of  Microbial  Products,  Strain  Isolation  and Improvement, Applications of Microbial Culture Technology, Biosafety Issues in Microbial Technology Chapter -2: Plant Cell Culture and Applications
Introduction,  Cell  and  Tissue  Culture  Techniques,  Applications  of  Cell  and  Tissue  Culture,  Gene Transfer Methods in Plants, Transgenic Plants with Beneficial Traits, Biosafety of Transgenic Plants
Chapter-3: Animal Cell Culture and Applications
Introduction, Animal Cell Culture Techniques, Characterization of Cell lines, Methods of Gene Delivery
into  Cells,  Scale-up  of  Animal  Culture  Process,  Applications  of  Animal  Cell  Culture,  Stem  Cell Technology, Tissue Engineering
PRACTICALS                                                                                                         30 Marks             60 Periods
Note: Every student will be required to do the following experiments during the academic session.
1. Use of special equipment in biotechnology experiments
2. Isolation of bacterial plasmid DNA
3. Detection of DNA by gel electrophoreses
4. Isolation of Genomic DNA (CTAB method)
5. Estimation of DNA
6. Bacterial transformation using any plasmid
7. Restriction digestion of plasmid DNA & its analysis by gel electrophoresis
8. Isolation of bacteria from curd & staining of bacteria
9. Cell viability assay
10. Data retrieval and data base search using internet site NCBI and download a DNA and protein sequence from internet, analyze it and comment on it
11. Reading of a DNA sequencing gel to arrive at the sequence
12. Project work
Scheme of Evaluation :
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                     Max. Marks 30
The scheme of evaluation at the end of the session will be as under:
A Two experiments 6+6 (only one computer based practical)
Practical record 04
Viva on Practicals 04
B Project work
Write up 05
Viva on project 05
Total 30
CBSE Prescribed Books:
1. A Text Book of Biotechnology – Class XI : Published by CBSE, New Delhi
2. A Laboratory Manual of Biotechnology – Class XI : Published by CBSE, New Delhi
3. A Text Book of Biotechnology – Class XII : Published by CBSE, New Delhi
4. A Laboratory Manual of Biotechnology – Class XII : Published by CBSE, New Delhi
Time 3 Hours                                                                                                                       Max. Marks: 70
Typology of Questions Very Short Answer (VSA)
(1 mark)
Short Answer-I (SA-I)
(2 marks)
Short Answer-II (SA-II)
(3 marks)
Long Answer (L.A.)
(5 marks)
Total Marks %
01 Knowledge Based 2 1 2 1 15 22%
02 Conceptual Understanding (Application and Reasoning based) 3 4 8 1 40 57%
03 Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) 1 2 05 07%
04 Skill Based 1 1 1 10 14%
Total 6 8 11 3 70 100%
Total No. of questions = 28
1. No chapter wise weightage. Care to be taken to cover all the chapters.
2. The above template is only a sample. Suitable internal variations may be made for generating similar templates keeping the overall weightage to different form of questions and typology of
questions same.

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Biology 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Biology 2018-19

BIOLOGY (Code No. 044) CBSE
The present syllabus provides the students with new concepts along with an extended exposure to
contemporary areas of the subject. The syllabus also aims at emphasizing on the underlying principles that are common to both animals and plants as well as highlighting the relationship of Biology with other areas of knowledge. The format of the syllabus allows a simple, clear, sequential flow of concepts. It relates the study of biology to  real life through the use of technology. It links the discoveries and innovations in biology to everyday life such as environment, industry, health and agriculture.  The updated syllabus also focuses on reducing the curriculum load while ensuring that ample opportunities and scope for learning and appreciating basic concepts of the subject continue to be available within its framework. The prescribed syllabus is expected to:
promote understanding of basic principles of Biology;
encourage learning of emerging knowledge and its relevance to individual and  society;
promote   rational/scientific   attitude   towards   issues   related   to   population,   environment   and development;
enhance awareness about environmental issues, problems and their appropriate solutions;
create awareness amongst the learners about diversity in the living organisms and developing respect for other living beings;
appreciate that the most complex biological phenomena are built on essentially simple processes;
It is expected that the students would get an exposure to various branches of Biology in the syllabus in a
more contextual and friendly manner as they study its various units.
BIOLOGY (Code No. 044)
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                              Max. Marks: 70
Unit Title No. of Periods Marks
I Diversity of Living Organisms 23 07
II Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals 22 12
III Cell: Structure and Function 35 15
IV Plant Physiology 40 18
V Human Physiology 40 18
Total 160 70
Unit-I Diversity of Living Organisms                                                                                                      23 Periods
Chapter-1: The Living World
What  is  living?  Biodiversity;  Need  for  classification;  three  domains  of  life;  taxonomy  and  systematics; concept  of  species  and  taxonomical  hierarchy;  binomial  nomenclature;  tools  for  study  of  taxonomy-
museums, zoological parks, herbaria, botanical gardens.
Chapter-2: Biological Classification
Five kingdom classification; Salient features and classification of Monera, Protista and Fungi into major groups: Lichens, Viruses and Viroids.
Chapter-3: Plant Kingdom
Salient  features  and  classification  of  plants  into  major  groups  –  Algae,  Bryophyta,  Pteridophyta,
Gymnospermae and Angiospermae (three to five salient and distinguishing features and at least two examples of each category); Angiosperms – classification upto class, characteristic features and examples.
Chapter-4: Animal Kingdom
Salient features and classification of animals non-chordates up to phyla level and chordates up to class level (three to five salient features and at least two examples of each category).
(No live animals or specimen should be displayed.)
Unit-II Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants                                                               22 Periods
Chapter-5: Morphology of Flowering Plants
Morphology and modifications: Internal Morphology of different parts of flowering plants: root, stem,
leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruit and seed (to be dealt along with the relevant experiment of the Practical Syllabus).
Chapter-6: Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Anatomy and functions of different tissues.
Chapter-7: Structural Organisation in Animals
Animal  tissues;  Morphology,  anatomy  and  functions  of  different  systems  (digestive,  circulatory, respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of an insect (cockroach). (a brief account only)
Unit-III Cell: Structure and Function                                                                                              35 Periods
Chapter-8: Cell-The Unit of Life
Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life: Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Plant cell and animal cell; cell envelope; cell membrane, cell wall; cell organelles – structure and function; endomembrane system, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles; mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, microbodies; cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultrastructure and function);
Chapter-9: Biomolecules
Chemical constituents of living cells: biomolecules, structure and function of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids; Enzymes- types, properties, enzyme action.
Chapter-10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and their significance
Unit-IV Plant Physiology                                                                                                                           40 Periods
Chapter-11: Transport in Plants
Movement of water, gases and nutrients; cell to cell transport, diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport; plant-water relations, imbibition, water potential, osmosis, plasmolysis; long distance transport of water – Absorption, apoplast, symplast, transpiration pull, root pressure and guttation; transpiration, opening and closing of stomata; Uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients – Transport
of food, phloem transport, massflow hypothesis.
Chapter-12: Mineral Nutrition
Essential minerals, macro- and micronutrients and their role;  deficiency symptoms; mineral toxicity; elementary idea of hydroponics as a method to study mineral nutrition; nitrogen metabolism, nitrogen
cycle, biological nitrogen fixation.
Chapter-13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Photosynthesis as a means of autotrophic nutrition; site of photosynthesis, pigments involved in photosynthesis (elementary idea); photochemical and biosynthetic phases of photosynthesis; cyclic and non-cyclic  photophosphorylation;  chemiosmotic  hypothesis;  photorespiration;  C3  and  C4  pathways;
factors affecting photosynthesis.
Chapter-14: Respiration in Plants
Exchange of gases; cellular respiration – glycolysis, fermentation (anaerobic), TCA cycle and electron
transport system (aerobic); energy relations – number of ATP molecules generated; amphibolic pathways; respiratory quotient.
Chapter-15: Plant – Growth and Development
Seed germination; phases of plant growth and plant growth rate; conditions of growth; differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation; sequence of developmental processes in a plant cell; growth
regulators – auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, ABA; seed dormancy; vernalisation; photoperiodism.
Unit-V Human Physiology                                                                                                                         40 Periods
Chapter-16: Digestion and Absorption
Alimentary canal and digestive glands, role of digestive enzymes and gastrointestinal hormones; Peristalsis, digestion, absorption and assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats; calorific values of proteins,  carbohydrates  and  fats;  egestion;  nutritional  and  digestive  disorders  –  PEM,  indigestion,
constipation, vomiting, jaundice, diarrhoea.
Chapter-17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases
Respiratory organs in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in humans; mechanism of breathing and its regulation in humans – exchange of gases, transport of gases and regulation of respiration, respiratory volume; disorders related to respiration – asthma, emphysema, occupational respiratory disorders.
Chapter-18: Body Fluids and Circulation
Composition of blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood; composition of lymph and its function; human circulatory system – Structure of human heart and blood vessels; cardiac cycle, cardiac output, ECG; double circulation; regulation of cardiac activity; disorders of circulatory system – hypertension, coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, heart failure.
Chapter-19: Excretory Products and Their Elimination
Modes of excretion – ammonotelism, ureotelism, uricotelism; human excretory system – structure and function; urine formation, osmoregulation; regulation of kidney function  – renin – angiotensin, atrial natriuretic factor, ADH and diabetes insipidus; role of other organs in excretion; disorders – uraemia, renal failure, renal calculi, nephritis; dialysis and artificial kidney, kidney transplant.
Chapter-20: Locomotion and Movement
Types of movement – ciliary, flagellar, muscular; skeletal muscle- contractile proteins and muscle contraction; skeletal system and its functions; joints; disorders of muscular and skeletal system – myasthenia gravis, tetany, muscular dystrophy, arthritis, osteoporosis, gout.
Chapter-21: Neural Control and Coordination
Neuron and nerves; Nervous system in humans – central nervous system; peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system; generation and conduction of nerve impulse; reflex action; sensory perception; sense organs; elementary structure and functions of eye and ear
Chapter-22: Chemical Coordination and Integration
Endocrine glands and hormones; human endocrine system – hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, gonads; mechanism of hormone action (elementary idea); role of hormones as messengers and  regulators,  hypo –  and  hyperactivity and  related  disorders; dwarfism, acromegaly, cretinism, goiter, exophthalmic goiter, diabetes, Addison’s disease.
Note: Diseases related to all the human physiological systems to be taught in brief.
Time Allowed: Three hours                                                                                                        Max. Marks: 30
Evaluation Scheme
One Major Experiment Part A (Experiment No- 1,3,7,8) 5 Marks
One Minor Experiment Part A (Experiment No- 6,9,10,11,12,13) 4 Marks
Slide Preparation Part A (Experiment No- 2,4,5) 5 Marks
Spotting Part B 7 Marks
Practical Record+Viva Voce 4 Marks
Project Record + Viva Voce 5 Marks
Total 30Marks
A: List of Experiments                                                                                                                                  60 Periods
1.   Study and description of three locally available common flowering plants, one from each of the
families Solanaceae, Fabacceae and Liliaceae (Poaceae, Asteraceae or Brassicaceae  can be substituted in case of particular geographical location) including dissection and display of floral whorls, anther and ovary to show number of chambers (floral formulae and floral diagrams). Types of root (Tap and adventitious); stem (herbaceous and woody); leaf (arrangement, shape, venation, simple and compound).
2. Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot roots and stems (primary).
3. Study of osmosis by potato osmometer.
4. Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels (e.g. Rhoeo leaves).
5. Study of distribution of stomata in the upper and lower surface of leaves.
6. Comparative study of the rates of transpiration in the upper and lower surface of leaves.
7. Test for the presence of sugar, starch, proteins and fats. Detection in suitable plant and animal materials.
8. Separation of plant pigments through paper chromatography.
9. Study of the rate of respiration in flower buds/leaf tissue and germinating seeds.
10. Test for presence of urea in urine.
11. Test for presence of sugar in urine.
12. Test for presence of albumin in urine.
13. Test for presence of bile salts in urine.
B. Study/observation of the following (spotting)
1. Study of the parts of a compound microscope.
2. Study of the specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons – Bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Rhizopus, mushroom, yeast, liverwort, moss, fern, pine, one monocotyledonous plant, one dicotyledonous plant and one lichen.
3. Study of virtual specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons – Amoeba, Hydra, liverfluke, Ascaris, leech, earthworm, prawn, silkworm, honeybee, snail, starfish, shark, rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and rabbit.
4. Study of tissues and diversity in shapes and sizes of plant and animal cells (palisade cells, guard cells, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem, phloem, squamous epithelium, muscle fibers and mammalian blood smear) through temporary/permanent slides.
5. Study of mitosis in onion root tip cells and animals cells (grasshopper) from permanent slides.
6. Study of different modifications in roots, stems and leaves.
7. Study and identification of different types of inflorescence (cymose and racemose).
8. Study of imbibition in seeds/raisins.
9. Observation and comments on the experimental set up for showing:
a) Anaerobic respiration
b) Phototropism
c) Effect of apical bud removal
d) Suction due to transpiration
10. Study of human skeleton and different types of joints with the help of virtual images/models only.
11. Study of external morphology of cockroach through virtual images/models.
Practical Examination for Visually Impaired Students
Class XI
Note: The ‘Evaluation schemes’ and ‘General Guidelines’ for visually impaired students as given for Class XII may be followed.
A. Items for Identification/Familiarity with the apparatus / equipments / animal and plant material / chemicals etc. for assessment in practicals(All experiments)
Plants of –
Solanaceae- Brinjal, Petunia, any other Fabaceae- Rice, Wheat, any other Liliaceae- Any of the Lilies
A compound microscope, seeds of monocot and dicot- maize and gram or any other Model of Human skeleton to show –
Ball and socket joints of girdles and limbs Rib cage
Test tube, honey comb, Mollusc shell, Models of Pigeon and Star fish, mushroom, petridish, succulents
such as Aloe vera/kalenchoe, raisins, beaker, potatoes, scalpel, chromatography paper, chromatography chamber, alcohol, specimen/model of cockroach.
B. List of Practicals
1. Study three locally available common flowering plants of the families – Solanaceae, fabaceae, Liliaceae and identify:
Types of roots as Tap and Adventitious Types of stems as Herbaceous or Woody Types of leaves as Compound or Simple
2. Study the parts of a compound microscope- eye piece and objective lense, mirror, stage, coarse and fine adjustment knobs.
3. Differentiate between monocot and dicot plants on the basis of venation patterns.
4. Study the following parts of human skeleton (Model): Ball and socket joints of thigh and shoulder
Rib cage
5. Study honey bee through comb, snail through shell, Starfish through model, Pigeon through model.
6. Identify the given specimen of a fungus – Mushroom.
7. Study the adaptive features of xerophytic plants.
8. Study the process of osmosis through endosmosis in raisins.
9. Identify and relate the given experimental set up with aim of experiment:
Paper Chromatography or
Potato Osmometer
10. Study the external features/morphology of cockroach through model.
Note:  The  above  practicals  may  be  carried  out  in  an  experiential  manner  rather  than  recording observations.
Prescribed Books:
1. Biology Class-XI, Published by NCERT
2. Other related books and manuals brought out by NCERT (consider multimedia also)
BIOLOGY (Code No. 044)
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                                     Max. Marks: 70
S.No Typology of Questions Very Short Answer (VSA)
(1 mark)
Short Answer-I (SA-I)
(2 marks)
Short Answer-II (SA-II)
(3 marks)
Long Answer (LA)
(5 marks)
Total Marks %
1. Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories, Identify, define,
or recite, information)
2 1 1 7 10%
2. Understanding- (Comprehension -To be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase information) 2 4 1 21 30%
3. Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations, Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 2 4 1 21 30%
4. High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis & Synthesis- Classify, Compare, Contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information, Organize and/or integrate unique
pieces of information from a variety of sources)
2 1 1 1 12 17%
5. Evaluation- (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 1 2 09 13%
TOTAL 5×1=5 7×2=14 12×3=36 3×5=15 70(27) 100%
Type of Question Mark(s) per Question Total No. of Questions Total Marks
VSA 1 5 05
SA-I 2 7 14
SA-II 3 12 36
LA 5 3 15
Total 27 70
1.   Internal Choice: There is no overall choice in the paper. However, there is an internal choice in
one question of 2 marks weightage, one question of 3 marks weightage and all three questions of 5 marks weightage.
2.   The above template is only a sample. Suitable internal variations may be made for generating
similar templates keeping the overall weightage to different form of questions and typology of questions same.
CLASS XII (2018-19)
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                                 Max. Marks: 70
Unit Title No. of Periods Marks
VI Reproduction 30 14
VII Genetics and Evolution 40 18
VIII Biology and Human Welfare 30 14
IX Biotechnology and its Applications 30 10
X Ecology and Environment 30 14
Total 160 70
Unit-VI Reproduction                                                                                                                               30 periods
Chapter-1: Reproduction in Organisms
Reproduction, a characteristic feature of all organisms for continuation of species; modes of reproduction
– asexual and sexual reproduction; asexual reproduction – binary fission, sporulation, budding, gemmule formation, fragmentation; vegetative propagation in plants.
Chapter-2: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Flower structure; development of male and female gametophytes; pollination – types, agencies and examples; outbreeding devices; pollen-pistil interaction; double fertilization; post fertilization events – development of endosperm and embryo, development of seed and formation of fruit; special modes- apomixis, parthenocarpy, polyembryony; Significance of seed dispersal and fruit formation.
Chapter-3: Human Reproduction
Male and female reproductive systems; microscopic anatomy of testis and ovary; gametogenesis – spermatogenesis and oogenesis; menstrual cycle; fertilisation, embryo development upto blastocyst formation, implantation; pregnancy and placenta formation (elementary idea); parturition (elementary idea); lactation (elementary idea).
Chapter-4: Reproductive Health
Need for reproductive health and prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs); birth control – need and methods, contraception and medical termination of pregnancy (MTP); amniocentesis; infertility and assisted reproductive technologies – IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (elementary idea for general awareness).
Unit-VII Genetics and Evolution                                                                                                        40 Periods
Chapter-5: Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Heredity and variation: Mendelian inheritance; deviations from Mendelism – incomplete dominance, co-
dominance, multiple alleles and inheritance of blood groups, pleiotropy; elementary idea of polygenic inheritance; chromosome theory of inheritance; chromosomes and genes; Sex determination – in humans, birds and honey bee; linkage and crossing over; sex linked inheritance – haemophilia, colour blindness; Mendelian disorders in humans – thalassemia;
chromosomal disorders in humans; Down’s syndrome, Turner’s and Klinefelter’s syndromes.
Chapter-6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Search for genetic material and DNA as genetic material; Structure of DNA and RNA; DNA packaging; DNA replication; Central dogma; transcription, genetic code, translation; gene expression and regulation – lac operon; genome and human and rice genome projects; DNA fingerprinting.
Chapter-7: Evolution
Origin of life; biological evolution and evidences for biological evolution (paleontology, comparative anatomy, embryology and molecular evidences); Darwin’s contribution, modern synthetic theory of evolution; mechanism of evolution – variation (mutation and recombination) and natural selection with examples, types of natural selection; Gene flow and genetic drift; Hardy – Weinberg’s principle; adaptive radiation; human evolution.
Unit-VIII Biology and Human Welfare                                                                                                  30 Periods
Chapter-8: Human Health and Diseases
Pathogens; parasites causing human diseases (malaria, dengue, chickengunia, filariasis, ascariasis, typhoid, pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, ring worm) and their control; Basic concepts of immunology – vaccines; cancer, HIV and AIDS; Adolescence – drug and alcohol abuse.
Chapter-9: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
Improvement in food production: Plant breeding, tissue culture, single cell protein, Biofortification, Apiculture and Animal husbandry.
Chapter-10: Microbes in Human Welfare
In household food processing, industrial production, sewage treatment, energy generation and microbes as biocontrol agents and biofertilizers. Antibiotics; production and judicious use.
Unit-IX Biotechnology and Its Applications                                                                                     30 Periods
Chapter-11: Biotechnology – Principles and processes
Genetic Engineering (Recombinant DNA Technology).
Chapter-12: Biotechnology and its Application
Application of biotechnology in health and agriculture: Human insulin and vaccine production, stem cell technology, gene therapy; genetically modified organisms – Bt crops; transgenic animals; biosafety issues, bio piracy and patents.
Unit-X Ecology and Environment                                                                                                          30 Periods
Chapter-13: Organisms and Populations
Organisms  and  environment:  Habitat  and  niche,  population  and  ecological  adaptations;  population
interactions – mutualism, competition, predation, parasitism; population attributes – growth, birth rate and death rate, age distribution.
Chapter-14: Ecosystem
Ecosystems: Patterns, components; productivity and decomposition; energy flow; pyramids of number, biomass, energy; nutrient cycles (carbon and phosphorous); ecological succession; ecological services – carbon fixation, pollination, seed dispersal, oxygen release (in brief).
Chapter-15: Biodiversity and its Conservation
Biodiversity-Concept, patterns, importance; loss of biodiversity; biodiversity conservation; hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction, Red Data Book, biosphere reserves, national parks, sanctuaries and Ramsar sites.
Chapter-16: Environmental Issues
Air pollution and its control; water pollution and its control; agrochemicals and their effects; solid waste management; radioactive waste management; greenhouse effect and climate change impact and mitigation; ozone layer depletion; deforestation; any one case study as success story addressing environmental issue(s).
Time allowed: 3 Hours                                                                                                                      Max. Marks: 30
Evaluation Scheme
One Major Experiment 5 Marks
One Minor Experiment 4 Marks
Slide Preparation 5 Marks
Spotting 7 Marks
Practical Record+Viva Voce 4 Marks
Project Record + Viva Voce 5 Marks
Total 30Marks
A.   List of Experiments                                                                                                                    60 Periods
1. Study pollen germination on a slide.
2. Collect and study soil from at least two different sites and study them for texture, moisture content, pH and water holding capacity. Correlate with the kinds of plants found in them.
3. Collect water from two different water bodies around you and study them for pH, clarity and presence of any living organism.
4. Study the presence of suspended particulate matter in air at two widely different sites.
5. Study the plant population density by quadrat method.
6. Study the plant population frequency by quadrat method.
7. Prepare a temporary mount of onion root tip to study mitosis.
8. Study the effect of different temperatures and three different pH on the activity of salivary amylase on starch.
9. Isolate DNA from available plant material such as spinach, green pea seeds, papaya, etc.
B.   Study/observation of the following (Spotting)
1. Flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (wind, insects, birds).
2. Pollen germination on stigma through a permanent slide.
3. Identification of stages of gamete development, i.e., T.S. of testis and T.S. of ovary through permanent slides (from grasshopper/mice).
4. Meiosis in onion bud cell or grasshopper testis through permanent slides.
5. T.S. of blastula through permanent slides (Mammalian).
6. Mendelian inheritance using seeds of different colour/sizes of any plant.
7. Prepared pedigree charts of any one of the genetic traits such as rolling of tongue, blood groups, ear lobes, widow’s peak and colour blindness.
8. Controlled pollination – emasculation, tagging and bagging.
9.  Common  disease  causing  organisms  like  Ascaris,  Entamoeba,  Plasmodium,  any  fungus  causing ringworm through permanent slides or specimens. Comment on symptoms of diseases that they cause.
10. Two plants and two animals (models/virtual images) found in xeric conditions. Comment upon their morphological adaptations.
11. Two plants and two animals (models/virtual images) found in aquatic conditions. Comment upon their morphological adaptations.
Practical Examination for Visually Impaired Students of Classes XI and XII
Evaluation Scheme
Time Allowed: Two hours                                                                                                                  Max. Marks: 30
Identification/Familiarity with the apparatus 5 marks
Written test (Based on given / prescribed practicals) 10 marks
Practical Records 5 marks
Viva 10 marks
Total 30 marks
General Guidelines
The practical examination will be of two hour duration. A separate list of ten experiments is included here.
The written examination in practicals for these students will be conducted at the time of practical examination of all other students.
The written test will be of 30 minutes duration.
The question paper given to the students should be legibly typed. It should contain a total of 15 practical skill based very short answer type questions. A student would be required to answer any 10 questions.
A writer may be allowed to such students as per CBSE examination rules.
All questions included in the question paper should be related to the listed practicals. Every question should require about two minutes to be answered.
These students are also required to maintain a practical file. A student is expected to record at least five of the listed experiments as per the specific instructions for each subject. These practicals should be duly checked and signed by the internal examiner.
The format of writing any experiment in the practical file should include aim, apparatus required, simple theory, procedure, related practical skills, precautions etc.
Questions may be generated jointly by the external/internal examiners and used for assessment.
The viva questions may include questions based on basic theory / principle / concept, apparatus / materials / chemicals required, procedure, precautions, sources of error etc.
Class XII
A. Items for Identification/ familiarity with the apparatus for assessment in practicals (All experiments)
Beaker, flask, petridishes, soil from different sites- sandy, clayey, loamy, small potted plants, aluminium foil, paint brush, test tubes, starch solution, iodine, ice cubes, Bunsen burner/water bath, large colourful flowers, Maize inflorescence, model of developmental stages highlighting morula and blastula of frog, beads of different shapes (cubes, round) /size, smooth and rough, tags of different shapes, bags, Ascaris, Cacti (Opuntia).
B. List of Practicals
1. Study of the soil obtained from at least two different sites for their texture and water holding capacity.
2. Study of presence of suspended particulate matter in air at two widely different sites.
3. Study of the effect of different temperatures on the activity of salivary amylase.
4. Study of flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (wind, insects).
5. Identification of T.S of morula or blastula of frog.
6. Study of Mendelian inheritance pattern using beads of different colour/sizes.
7. Prepararation of pedigree charts of genetic traits such as rolling of tongue, colour blindness.
8. Study of emasculation, tagging and bagging by trying out an exercise on controlled pollination.
9. Identify common disease causing organisms like Ascaris and learn some common symptoms of the
disease that they cause.
10. Comment upon the morphological adaptations of plants found in xerophytic conditions.
Note:  The  above  practicals  may  be  carried  out  in  an  experiential  manner  rather  than  recording observations.
Prescribed Books:
1. Biology, Class-XII, Published by NCERT
2. Other related books and manuals brought out by NCERT (consider multimedia also)
BIOLOGY (Code No. 044)
Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                                       Max. Marks: 70
S.No Typology of Questions Very Short Answer (VSA)
(1 mark)
Short Answer-I (SA-I)
(2 marks)
Short Answer-II (SA-II)
(3 marks)
Long Answer (LA)
(5 marks)
Total Marks %
1. Remembering- (Knowledge based Simple recall questions,
to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories, Identify, define,
or recite, information)
2 1 1 7 10%
2. Understanding- (Comprehension -To be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase information) 2 4 1 21 30%
3. Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations, Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example,
or solve a problem)
2 4 1 21 30%
4. High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis & Synthesis- Classify, Compare, Contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information, Organize and/or integrate unique
pieces of information from a variety of sources)
2 1 1 1 12 17%
5. Evaluation- (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 1 2 9 13%
TOTAL 5×1=5 7×2=14 12×3=36 3×5=15 70(27) 100%
Type of Question Mark(s) per Question Total No. of Questions Total Marks
VSA 1 05 05
SA-I 2 07 14
SA-II 3 12 36
LA 5 3 15
Total 27 70
1.   Internal Choice: There is no overall choice in the paper. However, there is an internal choice in
one question of 2 marks weightage, one question of 3 marks weightage and all three questions of 5 marks weightage.
2.   The above template is only a sample. Suitable internal variations may be made for generating similar templates keeping the overall weightage to different form of questions and typology of
questions same.

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Agriculture (only for class XII) 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Agriculture (only for class XII) 2018-19

13. AGRICULTURE (Code No. 068) CBSE
Agriculture has been the prime enterprise for the National Economy of this country for centuries
and that is why India is called Agrarian country. This sector also provides maximum employment to the people of this country. Agriculture is the production of food and fiber, ever since its advent. It has undergone several paradigm changes. The major landmark in Agriculture happened during 1960s when the country witnessed Green Revolution. Which boosted the crop production. Use of short duration crop varieties, fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural tools and expansion of area under irrigation were important interventions brought in Agriculture. Livestock is an integral part of Agriculture in India. Their by-products are used to build and maintain soil fertility along with plant protection. The animal products such as meat, milk and eggs are the source of nutrients in human diet as well.
Several emerging dimensions of contemporary Agriculture such as organic agriculture and animal
husbandry practices are now getting attention. Food processing, value addition and preservation have been the focus of policies formation in recent times which are helpful in minimizing the wastage in Agriculture. This is helping in better income realizing through marketin of value added products. The income from Agriculture can also be increased by associating in subsidiary enterprises such as mushroom production, bio-pesticides, bee-keeping, vermi-culture etc.
The board objectives of teaching Agriculture at Senior Secondary level are:
·    To help the students to comprehended the facts and importance of Agriculture.
·    To expose the students to crop production, animal husbandry, horticulture etc.
·    To  familiarize  the  students  with  waste  management  and  physical  environment  in Agriculture
·    To  expose  the  students  to  find  better  income  and  avenue  generating  avenues  of agriculture and its associated activities.
AGRICULTURE (Code No. 068)
One Theory Paper                                                                                                70+30=100 Marks
Unit Wise Weightage                                                                                                Time: 3 hours
SECTION Periods Marks
I Advanced Crop Production and Organic Farming
Unit – I Advanced Crop Production Unit – II Organic Farming
II Post-Harvest   Management   ,   Food   Processing   and   Value Addition
Unit III: Post-Harvest Management
Unit IV: Food Processing and Value Addition
III Subsidairy Enterprises of Agriculture
Unit V: Subsidiary Enterprises in Agriculture
40 20
Practical 50 30
220 100
SECTION – I                                                                                                         Total periods – 66
Unit- I: Advance Crop Production                                                                             42 Periods
·    Food production including horticultural crops and its importance in the economy and
nutritional security.
·    Soil  fertility,  productivity  and  concept  of  essential  plant  nutrients.  Classification  of essential plant nutrients.
·    Roles and functions of essential plant nutrients, their important deficiency symptoms.
·    Soil samplings and its processing. Introduction to soil pH and Organic Carbon.
·   Introduction to manure, fertilizers, Bio-fertilizers, their methods of application. Concept of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM).
·    Concept of soil moisture availability various irrigation methods. Concept of precision and pressure irrigation – Drip and sprinkler irrigation.
·   Methods of insect pest and disease management – Chemical, Biological and Mechanical. Concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Unit – II: Organic Farming                                                                                               24 Periods
·   Concept, history and importance of Organic farming.
·    Present status and contribution in the National economy.
·    Important  food  products  grown  organically.  Important  Government  Schemes  for  the promotion of organic farming in our country. Kitchen gardening.
SECTION-II                                                                                                                Total periods -64
Unit III: Post Harvest Management                                                                               12 Periods
·    Post  harvesting  management  of  fruits,  vegetables  and  flowers,  cereals,  pulses  and
Status of food processing in our country.
·   Important Government schemes for food sector.
Unit IV: Food Processing and Value Addition                                                              52 Periods
·    Principles and methods of food processing and preservation. Benefits of food processing.
·   Important value added products from fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses and oil seeds. Preparation of jam, jelly, ketchup, morabba, pickles, marmalade.
·   Packaging, quality standards and their marketing including export.
·   Flowers and their harvesting: important processed flower products, packaging, storage and their marketing.
·    Concept of safe food and important food regulations.
SECTION-III                                                                                                                      Total Periods – 40
·   Important subsidiary enterprises based on Agriculture including Horticulture and their
importance in the socio-economic status of an individual.
·    Mushroom, their nutritional status and methods of production
·    Beekeeping and its important usage and importance of Honey, Wax and Royal jelly.
·   Landscaping, development and maintenance of lawns and avenue gardens.
·    Preparation    of    Bio-pesticides    (plant    based),    Organic    manures    (composts)    and Vermicomposting.
·    Setting up nurseries and marketing of plant sapling and important Govt. Schemes for the support of these enterprises.
AGRICULTURE (Code No. 068)
One Practical Paper                                                                                                             30 Marks
Time: 3 Hours
Unit Wise Weightage                                                                                                       (Periods 50)
Section Periods Marks
I Advance Crop Production and Organic Farming 22 08
II Post-Harvest  Management,  Food  Processing  and Value
14 06
III Subsidiary Enterprises in Agriculture 14 06
IV Collection and Visit Report 05
V Viva Voce 05
Total 50 30
Unit I: Advance Crop Production and Organic Farming                                                22 Periods
(a) Soil sampling and determination of Soil pH.
(b) Determination of soil organic carbon content.
(c) Preparation of nursery and seed beds.
(d) Seed treatment with fungicides and Bio-fertilizers.
(e) Identification of different types of chemical fertilizers, composts, bio-fertilizers.
(f)  Calculation of fertilizer requirement of crops (for wheat, rice and maize) based on their nutrient needs.
(g) Preparation of FYM and Compost.
(h) Uses of sprayers and dusters for pest control and nutrient spray.
(i)  Determination of moisture content of crop seeds (wheat, rice, maize and mustard).
(j)  To find out 100-grain weight of crop seeds (wheat, rice, maize and mustard).
(k) Visit to a crop field and compare healthy plant with a diseased and insect affected plant.
(l)  Identification of different types of Insecticides, Fungicides and Herbicides.
Unit II: Post-Harvest Management, Food Processing and Value Addition               14 Periods
(a) Visit to Bakery Unit, Local Chakki.
(b) Preparation of Jam, Jelly, ketchup and Morabba
(c) Drying of fruits, vegetables and flowers.
(d) Preparation of pickles.
(e) Identification of fresh and aged vegetables and fruits.
(f)  Visit to cold storage and record the storage of various fruits and vegetables.
(g) Harvesting and packaging of flowers.
(h) Preparation of flower arrangements such as garland and rangoli.
(i)  Visit to a flower mandi and record the activities in the mandi.
(j)  Visit to a local fruit market and record the activities in the market.
SECTION: III                                                                                                                                  14 Periods
Unit III: Subsidiary Enterprises in Agriculture
(a) Preparation of plant based bio-pesticides (neem)
(b) Visit to Mushroom production unit.
(c)  Visit to nearby apiary and record the process of beekeeping.
(d) Observe the characteristics of different bee products (honey and wax).
(e) Visit to a vermicomposting unit.
(f)  Observe the characteristics of compost.
1.   The students have to prepare a report on the visits recording their observations on the
2. In case of practical of fruit and vegetable preservation and methods of production of value added products from fruits and vegetables, the student will have to write the procedure adopted and the necessary precautions to be taken in the answer sheet provided.
Report on the Visits
The student has to prepare a report of their visit to different organizations and submit to Subject
teacher for the evaluation. The report must contain the student’s original work and observations.
CBSE Viva Voce
Students can be asked questions based on:
(i)     Identification of objects.
(ii)     Visit Report analysis.
(iii)     Experiences in their field visits, etc.
A range of 5 to 10 questions can be asked depending on the response of the student. Evaluation
5×1=5 or should be based on number of questions answered. Evaluator should stick to the time and ½x10=5 number of questions.
AGRICULTURE (Theory) (Code No. 068)
Time: 3 hrs.                                                                                                                            Marks: 70
S.No Typology of Questions Learning Outcomes & Testing Skills Very Short Answer- 1 Mark Short Answer–I 2 Marks Short Answer-2 3 Marks Long Answer 5 marks Marks %
1 Remembering(Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories, Identify, define, or recite, information); Map skill based questions (Identification, location) • Reasoning
• Analytical Skills
3 1 1 1 13 19%
2 Understanding- (Comprehension –to be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase information) 3 1 3 2 24 34%
3 Application (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 2 2 2 18 26%
4 High Order Thinking Skills (Analysis & Synthesis- Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information; Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of information from a variety of sources) 1 1 1 10 14%
5 Evaluation- (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 2 5 7%
TOTAL 9X1=9 5X2=10 7X3=21 6X5=30 70 100%
Note: No Chapter wise weightage, care should be taken to cover all chapters.

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Accountancy 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Senior School Certificate Examination (XI-XII) Accountancy 2018-19

19. ACCOUNTANCY (Code No. 055) CBSE
The course in accountancy is introduced at plus two stage of senior second of school education, as the formal commerce education is provided after ten years of schooling. With the fast changing economic scenario, accounting as a source of financial information has carved out a place for itself at the senior secondary stage. Its syllabus content provide students a firm foundation in basic accounting concepts and methodology and also acquaint them with the changes taking place in the preparation and presentation of financial statements in accordance to the applicable accounting standards and the Companies Act 2013.
The course in accounting put emphasis on developing basic understanding about accounting as an information system. The emphasis in class Xi is placed on basic concepts and process of accounting leading to the preparation of accounts for a sole proprietorship firm. The students are also familiarized with basic calculations of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in recording the business transactions.
The increased role of ICT in all walks of life cannot be overemphasized and is becoming an integral part of business operations. The learners of accounting are introduced to Computerized Accounting System at class XI and XII. Computerized Accounting System is a  compulsory component which is to  be studied by all students of commerce in class XI; whereas in class XII it is offered as an optional subject to Company Accounts and Analysis of Financial Statements. This course is developed to impart skills for designing need based accounting database for maintaining book of accounts.
The complete course of Accountancy at the senior secondary stage introduces the learners to the world of business and emphasize on strengthening the fundamentals of the subject.
1.   To familiarize students with new and emerging areas in the preparation and presentation of financial statements.
2.   To acquaint students with basic accounting concepts and accounting standards.
3.   To develop the skills of designing need based accounting database.
4.   To appreciate the role of ICT in business operations.
5.   To develop an understanding about recording of business transactions and preparation of financial statements.
6.   To enable students with accounting for Not-for-Profit organizations, accounting for Partnership Firms and company accounts.
Accountancy (Code No.055)
Couse Structure Class-XI (2018-19)
One Paper                                                                                                                                                                  Theory: 90 Marks
3 Hours
Units Periods Marks
Part A: Financial Accounting-1
Unit-1: Theoretical Framework 25 15
Unit-2: Accounting Process 105 40
130 55
CBSE Part B: Financial Accounting-II 
Unit-3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship from Complete and Incomplete Records 60 25
Unit-4: Computers in Accounting 20 10
80 35
CBSE Part C: Project Work 30 10
PART A: FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING – I                                                                                                       55 Marks
Unit-1: Theoretical Frame Work                                                                                                                                         25 Periods
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Accounting                                11 Periods
· Accounting- concept, objectives, advantages and limitations, types of accounting information; users of accounting information and their needs. Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information. Role of Accounting in Business.
·     Basic Accounting Terms- Business Transaction, Capital, Drawings. Liabilities (Non Current and Current). Assets (Non Current, Current); Fixed assets (Tangible and Intangible), Expenditure (Capital and Revenue), Expense, Income, Profit, Gain, Loss, Purchase, Sales, Goods, Stock, Debtor, Creditor, Voucher, Discount (Trade discount and Cash Discount)
Theory Base of Accounting                                14 Periods
·     Fundamental accounting assumptions: GAAP: Concept
·     Business Entity, Money Measurement, Going Concern, Accounting Period, Cost Concept, Dual Aspect, Revenue Recognition, Matching, Full Disclosure, Consistency, Conservatism, Materiality and Objectivity
·     System of Accounting. Basis of Accounting: cash basis and accrual basis
·     Accounting Standards: Need, benefits, limitations, applicability; IFRS- Need
After going through this Unit, the students will be able to:
· describe the meaning, significance, objectives, advantages and limitations of accounting in the modem economic environment with varied types of business and non-business economic entities.
· identify / recognise the individual(s) and entities that use accounting information for serving their needs of decision making.
· explain the various terms used in accounting and differentiate between different related terms like current and non-current, capital and revenue.
· give examples of terms like business transaction, liabilities, assets, expenditure and purchases.
· explain that sales/purchases include both cash and credit sales/purchases relating to the accounting year.
·     differentiate among income, profits and gains.
·     state  the  meaning  of  fundamental  accounting
·      Goods and Services Tax (GST): Characteristics and Objective. assumptions and their relevance in accounting.
· describe the meaning of accounting assumptions and the situation in which an assumption is applied during the accounting process.
· explain the meaning and  objectives  of accounting standards.
·  appreciate  that  various   accounting standards developed nationally and globally are in practice for bringing parity in the accounting treatment of different items.
· acknowledge the fact  that  recording  of accounting transactions follows double entry system.
· explain the bases of recording accounting transaction and to appreciate that accrual basis is a better basis for  depicting the correct financial position of an enterprise.
·      Understand the need of IFRS
·  Explain  the  meaning,  objective   and characteristic of GST.
Unit-2: Accounting Process                                                                                                105 Periods
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes
Recording of Business Transactions                      30 Periods
·      Voucher and Transactions: Source documents and Vouchers, Preparation of Vouchers, Accounting Equation Approach: Meaning and Analysis, Rules of Debit and Credit.
·      Recording of Transactions: Books of Original Entry-
§ Journal
§ Special Purpose books:
§ Cash Book: Simple, cash book with bank column and petty cashbook
§ Purchases book
§ Sales book
§ Purchases return book
§ Sales return book
Note: Including simple GST calculations
After going through this Unit, the students will be able to:
· explain the concept of accounting equation and appreciate that every transaction affects either both the sides of the equation or a positive effect on one item and a negative effect on another item on the same side of accounting equation.
·    explain the effect of a transaction (increase or decrease) on the assets, liabilities, capital, revenue and expenses.
·     appreciate   that   on   the   basis   of   source
·     Ledger: Format, Posting from journal and subsidiary books, Balancing of accounts
15 Periods
Bank Reconciliation Statement:
·Need and preparation, Bank Reconciliation Statement with Adjusted Cash Book
Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves.            20 Periods
·     Depreciation: Concept, Features, Causes, factors
·     Other similar terms: Depletion and Amortisation
documents,     accounting     vouchers     are
prepared  for  recording  transaction  in  the books of accounts.
· develop the understanding of recording  of transactions in journal and the skill of calculating GST.
· explain the purpose of maintaining a Cash Book and develop the skill of preparing the format of different types of cash books and the method of recording cash transactions in Cash book.
·      Methods of Depreciation:
i.        Straight Line Method (SLM)
ii.        Written Down Value Method (WDV)
Note: Excluding change of method
·     Difference between SLM and WDV; Advantages of SLM and WDV
·     Accounting treatment of depreciation
i.        Charging to asset account
ii.        Creating provision for depreciation/accumulated depreciation account
iii.        Treatment for disposal of asset
·     Provisions and Reserves: Difference
·      Types of Reserves:
i.        Revenue reserve
ii.        Capital reserve
iii.        General reserve
iv.        Specific reserve
v.        Secret Reserve
·     Difference between capital and revenue reserve
Accounting for Bills of Exchange.                      20 Periods
·     Bill of exchange and Promissory Note: Definition, Specimen, Features, Parties.
·     Difference between Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note
·      Terms in Bill of Exchange:
i.        Term of Bill
ii.        Accommodation bill (concept)
iii.        Days of Grace
iv.        Date of maturity
v.        Discounting of bill
vi.        Endorsement of bill
vii.        Bill after due date
viii.        Negotiation
ix.        Bill sent for collection
x.        Dishonour of bill
xi.        Retirement of bill
xii.        Renewal of bill
·     Accounting Treatment
Note: excluding accounting treatment for accommodation bill
Trial balance and Rectification of Errors        20 Periods
·     Trial balance: objectives and preparation
(Scope: Trial balance with balance method only)
· Errors: types-errors of omission, commission, principles, and compensating; their effect on Trial Balance.
·     Detection and rectification of errors; preparation of suspense account.
· describe the method  of  recording transactions other than cash transactions as per their nature in different subsidiary books .
· appreciate that at times bank balance as indicated by cash book is different from the bank balance as shown by the pass book / bank statement and to reconcile both the balances, bank reconciliation statement is prepared.
· develop understanding of preparing bank reconciliation statement.
·    appreciate that for ascertaining the position of individual accounts, transactions are posted from subsidiary books and journal proper into the concerned accounts in the ledger and
develop the skill of ledger posting.
·  explain  the  necessity  of  providing depreciation and develop the skill of using different methods for computing depreciation.
· understand the accounting treatment of providing depreciation directly to the concerned asset account or by creating provision for depreciation account.
· appreciate the method of asset disposal through the concerned asset account or by preparing asset disposal account.
· appreciate  the  need  for  creating  reserves and also making provisions for events which may belong to the current year but may happen in next year.
· appreciate the difference between  reserve and reserve fund.
· acquire the knowledge of using bills of exchange and promissory notes for financing business transactions;
· understand the meaning and distinctive features of these instruments and develop the skills of their preparation.
· state the meaning of different terms used in bills of exchange and their implication in accounting.
· explain the method of recording of bill transactions.
·     state the need and objectives of preparing
trial   balance   and   develop   the   skill   of preparing trial balance.
· appreciate that errors may  be  committed during the process of accounting.
· understand the meaning of different types of errors and their effect on trial balance.
· develop the skill  of  identification  and location of errors and their rectification and preparation of suspense account.
Part B: Financial Accounting – II                                                                                                                 35 Marks
Unit 3: Financial Statements of Sole Proprietorship: From Complete and Incomplete Records                          60 Periods
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes
Financial Statements
Receipts and Expenditure: Revenue receipts and capital receipts. Capital expenditure, Revenue expenditure and deferred expenditure
Objective and Importance.
Trading and Profit and Loss Account: Gross Profit, Operating profit and net profit. Preparation.
Balance Sheet: need, grouping and marshalling of assets and liabilities. Preparation.
Adjustments in preparation of financial statements with respect to closing stock, outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses, accrued income, income received in advance, depreciation, bad debts, provision for doubtful debts, provision for discount on debtors, Abnormal loss, Goods taken for personal use/staff welfare, interest on capital and managers commission.
Preparation of Trading and Profit and Loss account and Balance Sheet of a sole proprietorship with adjustments.
Incomplete Records
Features, Reasons and Limitations.
Ascertainment of profit/loss by statement of affairs method.
Difference between Accounts from incomplete records and Statement of Affairs. Preparation of Trading , Profit and Loss account and Balance Sheet.
After going through this Unit, the students will be able to:
·     state the meaning of financial statements the
·     purpose of preparing financial statements.
· state the meaning of gross profit, operating profit and net profit and develop the skill of preparing trading and profit and loss account.
·     explain the need for preparing balance sheet.
· understand the technique of grouping and marshalling of assets and liabilities.
· appreciate that there may be certain items other than those shown in trial balance which may need adjustments while preparing financial statements.
· develop the understanding and skill to do adjustments for items and their presentation in financial statements like depreciation, closing stock, provisions, abnormal loss etc.
· develop the skill of preparation  of  trading  and profit and loss account and balance sheet.
· state the meaning of incomplete records and their uses and limitations.
· develop the understanding  and  skill  of computation of profit / loss using the statement of affairs method.
Unit 4: Computers in Accounting                                                                                                                                        20 Periods
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes
· Introduction to computer and accounting information system {AIS}: Introduction to computers (elements, capabilities, limitations of computer system)
· Introduction to  operating  software,  utility software and application software. Introduction to accounting information system (AIS) as a part of Management Information System.
·     Automation of accounting process: meaning
· Stages in automation: (a) Accounting process in a computerised environment; comparison between manual accounting process and computerised accounting process, (b) Sourcing of accounting software; kinds of software: readymade software; customised software and tailor-made software; generic considerations before sourcing accounting software (c) creation of account groups and hierarchy (d) generation of reports – trial balance, profit and loss account and balance sheet.
(i) The scope of the unit is to understand accounting as an information system for the generation of accounting information and preparation of accounting reports.
(ii) It is presumed that the working knowledge of any appropriate accounting software will be given to the students to help them learn basic accounting operations on computers.
After going through this Unit, the students will be able to:
· state the meaning of a computer, describe its components, capabilities and limitations.
· state the meaning of accounting information system.
· appreciate the need for use of computers in accounting for preparing accounting reports.
· develop the understanding of comparing the manual and computerized accounting process and appreciate the advantages and limitations of automation.
· understand the different kinds of accounting software.
Part C: Project Work (Any One)                                                                                         10 Marks 30 Periods
1.    Collection of source documents, preparation of vouchers, recording of transactions with the help of vouchers.
2.  Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement with the given cash book and the pass book with twenty to twenty- five transactions.
3. Comprehensive project of any sole proprietorship business. This may state with journal entries and their ledgering, preparation of Trial balance. Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet. Expenses, incomes and profit (loss), assets and liabilities are to be depicted using pie chart / bar diagram.
It is suggested to undertake this project after completing the unit on preparation of financial statements. The student(s) will be allowed to select any business of their choice or develop the transaction of imaginary business.
The project is to run through the chapters and make the project an interesting process. The amounts should emerge as more realistic and closer to reality.
3. Specific Guidelines for Teachers
Give a list of options to the students to select a business form. You can add to the given list:
1. A beauty parlour 10. Men’s wear 19. A coffeeshop
2. Men’s saloon 11. Ladies wear 20. A music shop
3. A tailoring shop 12. Kiddies wear 21. A juiceshop
4. A canteen 13. A Saree shop 22. A schoolcanteen
5. A cake shop 14. Artificialjewellery shop 23. An ice cream parlour
6. A confectionery shop 15. A small restaurant 24. A sandwich shop
7. A chocolate shop 16. A sweet shop 25. A flower shop
8. A dry cleaner 17. A groceryshop
9. A stationery shop 18. A shoeshop
After selection, advise the student(s) to visit a shop in the locality (this will help them to settle on a realistic amounts
different items. The student(s) would be able to see the things as they need to invest in furniture, decor, lights, machines, computers etc.
A suggested list of different item is given below.
1.   Rent                                                                                                    19. Wages andSalary
2.   Advance rent [approximately three months]                             20. Newspaper andmagazines
3.   Electricity deposit                                                                            21. Pettyexpenses
4.   Electricity bill                                                                                    22. Teaexpenses
5.   Electricity fitting                                                                              23. Packagingexpenses
6.   Water bill                                                                                           24. Transport
7.   Water connection security deposit                                              25. Delivery cycle or a vehiclepurchased
8.   Water fittings                                                                                   26. Registration
9.   Telephone bill                                                                                   27. Insurance
10. Telephone security deposit                                                           28. Auditorsfee
11. Telephone instrument                                                                    29. Repairs &Maintenance
12. Furniture                                                                                           30. Depreciations
13. Computers                                                                                        31. Airconditioners
14. Internet connection                                                                        32. Fans andlights
15. Stationery                                                                                         33. Interiordecorations
16. Advertisements                                                                                34. Refrigerators
17. Glow sign                                                                                           35. Purchase andsales
18. Rates and Taxes
At this stage performas of bulk of originality and ledger may be provided to the students and they may be asked to
complete the same.
In the next step the students are expected to prepare the trial balance and the financial statements.
Suggested Question Paper Design Accountancy (Code No. 055) Class XI (2018-19)
Marks 90                                                                                                                                                                       Duration: 3 hrs.
Typology of Questions Very Short Answer 1 Mark Short Answer I
3 Marks
Short Answer II
4 Marks
Long Answer I
6 Marks
Long Answer II
8 Marks
Marks %
1 Remembering – (Knowledge based simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories; identify, define, or recite, information) 2 2 1 1 18 20%
2 Understanding – (Comprehension
– to be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase, or interpret information)
1 1 2 1 27 30%
3 Application – (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 2 1 1 22 25%
4 High Order Thinking Skills – (Analysis
& Synthesis- Classify, compare,
contrast,               or differentiate  between different pieces    of    information;    Organize and/or  integrate  unique  pieces  of information    from    a    variety    of sources)
2 2 1 1 18 20%
5 Evaluation – (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 2 1 5 5%
TOTAL 6×1=6 6×3=18 5×4=20 5×6=30 2×8=16 90
Note: Scheme of options: All questions carrying 8 marks will have internal choice.
Note: The Board has introduced Learning Outcomes in the syllabus to motivate students to constantly explore all levels of learning. However these are only indicative. These do not in any way restrict the scope of questions being asked in the examinations. The examination question will be strictly based on the prescribed question paper design and syllabus.
Accountancy (Code No. 055)
Class-XII (2018-19)
One Paper                                                                                                                                                                 Theory: 80 Marks
3 Hours
Units Periods Marks
Part A Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Partnership Firms and Companies
Unit 1. Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations 25 10
Unit 2. Accounting for Partnership Firms 90 35
Unit 3. Accounting for Companies 35 15
150 60
Part B Financial Statement Analysis
Unit 4. Analysis of Financial Statements 30 12
Unit 5. Cash Flow Statement 20 8
50 20
Part C Project Work 40 20
Project work will include:
Project File 4 Marks
Written Test 12 Marks (One Hour)
Viva Voce 4 Marks
Part B Computerized Accounting
Unit 4. Computerized Accounting 50 20
Part C Practical Work 26 20
Practical work will include:
Practical File 4 Marks
Practical Examination 12 Marks (One Hour)
Viva Voce’ 4 Marks
Part A: Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organizations, Partnership Firms and Companies
60 Marks 150 Periods
Unit 1: Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations                                                                                      25 Periods
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes
·     Not-for-profit organizations: concept.
· Receipts and Payments Account: features and preparation.
· Income and Expenditure Account: features, preparation of income and expenditure account and balance sheet from the given receipts and payments account with additional information.
(i) Adjustments in a question should not exceed 3 or 4 in number and restricted to subscriptions, consumption of consumables and sale of assets/ old material.
(ii) Entrance/admission fees and general donations are to be treated as revenue receipts.
(iii) Trading Account of incidental activities is not to be prepared.
After going through this Unit, the students will be able to:
· state the  meaning  of  a  Not-for-profit organisation and its distinction from a profit making entity.
· state the meaning of receipts and payments account, and understanding its features.
· develop the understanding and skill ofpreparing receipts and payments account.
· state the meaning of income and expenditure account and understand its features.
· develop the understanding and skill of preparing income and expenditure account and balance sheet of a not-for-profit organisation with the help of given receipts and payments  account and additional information.
Unit 2: Accounting for Partnership Firms                                                                                                                         90 periods
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes
·     Partnership: features, Partnership Deed.
· Provisions of the Indian Partnership Act 1932 in the absence of partnership deed.
·  Fixed  v/s  fluctuating  capital  accounts. Preparation of Profit and Loss Appropriation account- division of profit among partners, guarantee of profits.
· Past adjustments (relating to interest on capital, interest on drawing, salary and profit
After going through this Unit, the students will be able to:
·     state  the  meaning  of  partnership,  partnership firm and partnership deed.
·     describe the characteristic features ofpartnership and the contents of partnership deed.
·     discuss the significance of provision of Partnership Act in the absence of partnership
sharing ratio).
·   Goodwill: nature, factors affecting and methods of valuation – average profit, super profit and capitalization.
Note: Interest on partner’s loan is to be treated as a charge against profits.
Accounting for Partnership firms – Reconstitution and Dissolution.
· Change in the Profit Sharing Ratio among the existing partners – sacrificing ratio, gaining ratio, accounting for revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities and treatment of reserves and accumulated profits. Preparation of revaluation account and balance sheet.
· Admission of a partner – effect of admission of a partner on change in the profit sharing ratio, treatment of goodwill (as per AS 26), treatment for revaluation of assets and re- assessment of liabilities, treatment of reserves and accumulated profits, adjustment of  capital accounts and preparation of balance sheet.
· Retirement and death of a partner: effect of retirement / death of a partner on change in profit sharing ratio, treatment of goodwill (as per AS 26), treatment for revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities, adjustment of accumulated profits and reserves, adjustment of capital accounts and preparation of balance sheet. Preparation of loan account of the retiring partner.
·   Calculation of deceased partner’s share of profit till the date of death. Preparation of deceased partner’s capital account and his executor’s account.
· Dissolution of a partnership firm: meaning of dissolution of partnership and partnership firm, types of dissolution of a firm. Settlement of accounts – preparation of realization account, and other related accounts: capital accounts of partners and cash/bank a/c (excluding piecemeal distribution, sale to a company and insolvency of partner(s)).
(i)  The realized value of each asset must be given at the time of dissolution.
(ii) In case, the realization expenses are borne by a
· differentiate between fixed  and  fluctuating capital, outline the process and develop the understanding and skill of preparation of Profit and Loss Appropriation Account.
· develop the understanding and  skill  of prepration profit and loss appropriation account involving guarantee of profits.
· develop the understanding and skill of making past adjustments.
· state the meaning, nature and factors affecting goodwill
·    develop the understanding and skill  ofvaluation of goodwill using different methods.
· state the meaning  of  sacrificing  ratio,  gaining ratio and the change in profit sharing ratio among existing partners.
· develop the understanding of accounting treatment of revaluation assets and re- assessment of liabilities and treatment of reserves and accumulated profits by preparing revaluation account and balance sheet.
· explain the effect  of  change  in  profit  sharing ratio on admission of a new partner.
· develop the understanding  and  skill  of treatment of goodwill as per AS-26, treatment of revaluation of assets and re-assessment of liabilities, treatment of reserves and accumulated profits, adjustment of capital accounts and preparation of balance sheet of the new firm.
· explain the effect of retirement / death of  a partner on change in profit sharing ratio.
· develop the understanding of accounting treatment of goodwill, revaluation of assets and re-assessment of liabilities and adjustment of accumulated profits and reserves on retirement
/ death of a partner and capital adjustment.
· develop the skill of calculation of deceased partner’s share till the time of his death and prepare deceased partner’s executor’s account.
·   discuss the preparation of the capital accounts of the remaining partners and the balance sheet of the firm after retirement / death of a partner.
·     understand the situations under which a
partner, clear indication should be given regarding the payment thereof. partnership firm can be dissolved.
·     develop the understanding of preparation of realisation account and other related accounts.
Unit-3 Accounting for Companies                                                                                                                                      35 Periods
Units/Topics Learning Outcomes
Accounting for Share Capital
·    Share and share capital: nature and types.
· Accounting for share capital: issue and allotment of equity and preferences shares. Public subscription of shares – over subscription and under subscription of shares; issue at par and at premium, calls in advance and arrears (excluding interest),  issue of shares for consideration other than cash.
· Concept of Private Placement and Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP).
· Accounting treatment of forfeiture and re-issue of shares.
· Disclosure of share capital in the Balance Sheet of a company.
Accounting for Debentures
· Debentures: Issue of debentures at par, at apremium and at a discount. Issue of debentures for consideration other than cash; Issue of debentures with terms of redemption; debentures as collateral security-concept, interest on debentures. Writting off discount / loss on issue of debentures.
· Redemption of debentures-Methods:  Lump  sum, draw of lots.
Creation of Debenture Redemption Reserve.
Note: Related sections of the Companies Act, 2013 will apply.
After going through this Unit, the students will be able to:
· state the meaning of share and share capital and differentiate between equity shares and preference shares and different types of share capital.
·    understand the meaning of private placement of shares and Employee Stock Option Plan.
· explain the  accounting  treatment  of  share capital transactions regarding issue of shares.
· develop the understanding of accounting treatment of forfeiture and re-issue of forfeited shares.
· describe the presentation of share capital in the balance sheet of the company as per schedule III part I of the Companies Act 2013.
· explain the accounting treatment of different categories of transactions related to issue of debentures.
·   develop the understanding and skill of writing of discount / loss on issue of debentures.
· understand  the  concept  of  collateral  security and its presentation in balance sheet.
· develop the skill of calculating interest on debentures and its accounting treatment.
·     state the meaning of redemption of debentures.
· develop the understanding of accounting treatment of transactions related  to redemption of debentures by lump sum, draw of lots and Creation of Debenture Redemption Reserve.
Part B: Financial Statement Analysis                                                                                                        20 Marks
Unit 4: Analysis of Financial Statements                                                                                                                           30 Periods
Financial          statements of  of     a     company: Statement     Profit and the        Loss   and    Balance Sheet in         prescribed             form  with major After going through this Unit, the students will be able to:
·     develop the understanding of major headings
headings and sub headings (as per Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013).
Note: Exceptional items, extraordinary items and profit (loss) from discontinued operations are excluded.
·  Financial Statement Analysis: Objectives, importance and limitations.
·  Tools for Financial Statement Analysis:
Comparative statements, common size statements, cash flow analysis, ratio analysis.
·  Accounting Ratios: Meaning, Objectives, classification and computation.
Liquidity Ratios: Current ratio and Quick ratio.
Solvency Ratios: Debt to Equity Ratio, Total Asset to Debt Ratio, Proprietary Ratio  and Interest Coverage Ratio.
Activity Ratios: Inventory Turnover Ratio, Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio, Trade Payables Turnover Ratio and Working Capital Turnover Ratio.
Profitability Ratios: Gross Profit Ratio, Operating Ratio, Operating Profit Ratio, Net Profit Ratio and Return on Investment.
and sub-headings (as per Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013)  of balance sheet as per the prescribed norms / formats.
· state the meaning, objectives and limitations of financial statement analysis.
· discuss the meaning of different tools of ‘financial statements analysis’.
· develop  the  understanding  and  skill  of preparation of comparative and common size financial statements.
· state the meaning, objectives and significance of different types of ratios.
· develop the understanding of computation of current ratio and quick ratio.
· develop the skill of computation of debt equity ratio, total asset to debt ratio, proprietary ratio and interest coverage ratio.
· develop the skill of computation of inventory turnover ratio, trade receivables and trade payables ratio and working capital turnover ratio.
· develop the skill of computation of gross profit ratio, operating ratio, operating profit ratio, net profit ratio and return on investment.
Note: Net Profit Ratio is to be calculated on the basis profit before and after tax.
Unit 5: Cash Flow Statement                                                                                                                                                 20 Periods
·     Meaning, objectives and preparation (as per AS 3 (Revised) (Indirect Method only)
(i) Adjustments relating to depreciation and amortization, profit or loss on sale of assets including investments, dividend (both final and interim) and tax.
(ii) Bank overdraft and cash credit to be treated as short term borrowings.
(iii)Current Investments to be taken as Marketable securities unless otherwise specified.
After going through this Unit, the students will be able to:
· state the meaning and objectives of cash flow statement.
·    develop the understanding of preparation of Cash Flow Statement using indirect method as per AS 3 with given adjustments.
Project Work                                                                                                                          20 Marks 40 Periods
Note: Kindly refer to the Guidelines published by the CBSE.
Part B: Computerised Accounting                                                                                     20 Marks 50 Periods
Unit 3: Computerised Accounting
Overview of Computerised Accounting System.
·     Introduction: Application in Accounting.
·     Features of Computerised Accounting System.
·     Structure of CAS.
·     Software Packages: Generic; Specific; Tailored.
Accounting Application of Electronic Spreadsheet.
Concept of electronic spreadsheet.
Features offered by electronic spreadsheet.
Application in generating accounting information – bank reconciliation statement; asset accounting; loan repayment of loan schedule, ratio analysis
Data representation- graphs, charts and diagrams.
Using Computerized Accounting System.
Steps in installation of CAS, codification and Hierarchy of account heads, creation of accounts.
Data: Entry, validation and verification.
Adjusting entries, preparation of balance sheet, profit and loss account with closing entries and opening entries. Need and security features of the system.
Database Management System (DBMS)
Concept and Features of DBMS. DBMS in Business Application.
Generating Accounting Information – Payroll.
Part C: Practical Work 20 Marks 26 Periods
Please refer to the guidelines published by CBSE.
Prescribed Books:
Financial Accounting -I                           Class XI
NCERT Publication
Accountancy -II                                       Class XI NCERT Publication
Accountancy -I                                         Class XII
Accountancy -II                                       Class XII
NCERT Publication
NCERT Publication
Guidelines for Project Work in Accounting and Practical work in computerised Accounting Class XII CBSE
Suggested Question Paper Design
Accountancy (Code No. 055) Class XII (2018-19)
One Paper                                                                                                                                                Theory: 80 Marks
Duration: 3 hrs.
Typology of Questions Very Short Answer 1 Mark Short Answer
3 Marks
Short Answer II
4 Marks
Long Answer I
6 Marks
Long Answer II
8 Marks
Marks %
1. Remembering – (Knowledge based Simple recall questions, to know specific facts, terms, concepts, principles, or theories; Identify, define, or recite, information) 3 1 1 1 16 20%
2. Understanding – (Comprehension – to be familiar with meaning and to understand conceptually, interpret, compare, contrast, explain, paraphrase, or interpret information) 2 2 1 1 24 30%
3. Application – (Use abstract information in concrete situation, to apply knowledge to new situations; Use given content to interpret a situation, provide an example, or solve a problem) 2 2 1 20 25%
4. High Order Thinking Skills – (Analysis
& Synthesis- Classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between different pieces of information; Organize and/or integrate unique pieces of
2 1 1 16 20%
5. Evaluation – (Appraise, judge, and/or justify the value or worth of a decision or outcome, or to predict outcomes based on values) 1 1 04 05%
TOTAL 8×1=8 4×3=12 5×4=20 4×6=24 2×8=16 80(23)
Scheme of options: All questions carrying 8 marks will have an internal choice.
Note: The Board has introduced Learning Outcomes in the syllabus to motivate students to constantly explore
all levels of learning. However these are only indicative. These do not in any way restrict the scope of questions asked in the examinations. The examination questions will be str

ictly based on the prescribed question paper design and syllabus

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

Secondary School Certificate Examination (IX-X) Urdu Course B 2018-19

CBSE Curriculum for Secondary School Certificate Examination (IX-X) Urdu Course B 2018-19

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CBSE URDU (Code – 303)
Time: 3Hrs.                                                                                       Total: 80 Marks.
The question paper is divided into four sections:
Section: A Reading comprehension 10 Marks 32 Periods
Section: B Writing 14 Marks 40 Periods
Section: C Grammar 24 Marks 40 Periods
Section: D    Literature                                            32 Marks                80 Periods
CBSE Design of Question Paper
Section Type of Question No. of questions No. of internal questions with marks Total Marks
A Unseen MCQ 1 5X2 10
B Writing LAQ 1 1X10 10
LAQ 1 1X4 4
C Grammar SAQ 5 5X4=20 20
LAQ 1 4X1 4
D Literature Reader Prose MCQ 1 1X7 7
LAQ 1 1X6 6
SAQ 2 2X2 4
Poetry MCQ 1 1X5 5
LAQ 1 1X6 6
SAQ 2 2X2 4
TOTAL 17 80
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URDU (Code – 303)
Time: 3Hrs.                                                                                       Total: 80 Marks.
The question paper is divided into four sections:
Section: A Reading comprehension 10 Marks 32 Periods
Section: B Writing 15 Marks 40 Periods
Section: C Grammar 23 Marks 40 Periods
Section: D    Literature                                            32 Marks                80 Periods
Design of Question Paper
Section Type of Question No. of questions No. of internal questions with marks Total Marks
A Unseen MCQ 2 5X2 10
B Writing LAQ 1 1X10 10
LAQ 1 1X5 5
C Grammar LAQ 2 2X4=8 8
SAQ 5 5X3 15
D Literature Reader Prose MCQ 1 1X7 7
LAQ 1 1X6 6
SAQ 2 2X2 4
Poetry MCQ 1 1X5 5
LAQ 1 1X6 6
SAQ 2 2X2 4
TOTAL 19 80

To see the full specifications with in-depth details click here

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