India successfully tests 3rd-gen anti-tank missile NAG in desert conditions
– Indigenously developed Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM) Nag was successfully test-fired in desert conditions against two tank targets at different ranges and timings. With this, the developmental trials of Nag missile have been completed and it is now ready for induction.
– ATMG Nag is one of five missile systems developed indigenously by DRDO under integrated guided missile development programme (IGMDP). The other four missiles are Agni, Akash, Trishul and Prithvi. It is manufactured by India’s sole missile producer, state-owned Bharat Dynamics Limited.
– The Nag missile is third generation ATMG which works on “fire and forget” principle. It has operational range of 500m to 4km (Land version) and 7-10km (when air-launched).
– It is equipped with highly advanced Imaging Infrared Radar (IRR) seeker along with integrated avionics. This technology is possessed by very few nations.
– It also possesses advanced passive homing guidance system. It has been designed mainly to destroy modern main battle tanks and other heavily armoured targets. It can be launched from land and air-based platforms.
In order to educate Salt manufacturers, to improve quality of salt, to meet global standards and to compete in the international market, the Government has established Model Salt Farms at Nawa in Rajasthan, Ganjam in Odisha and Markanam in Tamil Nadu. Whereas the Model Salt Farms at Nawa and Ganjam have been established in collaboration with the State Government concerned and Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSMCRI), Bhavnagar; the Model Salt Farm at Markanam has been established in collaboration with CSMCRI, Bhavnagar. Further, training is also being imparted to salt workers for skill upgradation. 28 such training programmes have been organized in the last 3 years thereby benefitting 780 salt workers and 40 master trainers.
The Government is providing financial assistance to salt workers for labour welfare and development works, as stipulated under code of principles framed for the purpose. An expenditure of Rs. 98.89 lakhs has been incurred through Salt Commissioner’s Organisation (SCO) on Labour Welfare and Development Works during the last 3 years. The expenditure made in the State of Gujarat is Rs. 30.46 lakhs for the said purpose during the said period.
This information was given by the Commerce and Industry MinisterSmt. Nirmala Sitharaman in a written reply in Rajya Sabha today
S.S.C. Combined Graduate Level Tier-I Examination Held on 2-9-2016 General Awareness & General Intelligence Question Paper and Answer Key
S.S.C. Combined Graduate Level Tier-I Exam., 2016
Held on 2-9-2016
General Awareness
1. Which of the following is known as the Manchester of South India ?
(A) Kochi
(B) Vishakapatnam
(C) Coimbatore
(D) Bangalore
Ans: (C)
2. Who was the flag bearer of India at Rio Olympics 2016 ?
(A) P.V. Sindhu
(B) Jwala Gutta
(C) Yogeshwar Dutt
(D) Abhinav Bindra
Ans: (D)
3. Which of the following is the first cricketer to score 1000 runs in an innings ?
(A) Sachin Tendulkar
(B) Vinod Kamble
(C) Pranav Dhanawade
(D) Virat Kholi
Ans: (C)
4. Which of the following is the largest irrigation plan in India ?
(A) Buckingham Canal
(B) Indira Gandhi Canal
(C) Upper Ganges Canal
(D) Tajewala Canal
Ans: (B)
5. The soil of Kerala is rich in which of the following soils ?
(A) Alluvial Soil
(B) Laterite Soil
(C) Sandy Soil
(D) Loamy Soil
Ans: (B)
6. Which of the process is known as nitrification ?
(A) Reaction of Nitrogen Monoxide with oxygen to form nitric acid
(B) Reaction of nitrogen dioxide with water to form nitric acid
(C) Conversion of ammonia to nitrites
(D) Conversion of nitrite to nitric oxide
Ans: (C)
7. Asbestos is found maximum in which of the following countries ?
(A) Australia
(B) Canada
(C) Africa
(D) Russia
Ans: (D)
8. Which country announces the imposition of a three-month state emergency after failed coup ?
(A) Turkey
(B) Syria
(C) Sudan
(D) Iran
Ans: (A)
9. Beighton Cup is related to which of the following sport ?
(A) Football
(B) Hockey
(C) Badminton
(D) Cricket
Ans: (B)
10. Sun temple is situate in which of the following states ?
(A) Odisha
(B) Gujarat
(C) Karnataka
(D) Tamil Nadu
Ans: (A)
11. The growth of bacteria is measured by –
(A) hemacytometer
(B) spectrophotometer
(C) calorimeter
(D) auxanometer
Ans: (B)
12. The sideways erosion which widens the river valley called ?
(A) Lateral Corrosion
(B) Vertical Corrosion
(C) Side Corrosion
(D) Mean Corrosion
Ans: (C)
13. The Constitution-
(A) is silent on the President’s re-election to the office
(B) allows re-election of a person to the President’s post
(C) restricts a person to remain President for only two terms
(D) has been amended to allow a person only one term as President
Ans: (B)
14. Smooth muscles are likely to be found in-
(A) muscles of legs
(B) muscles of arms
(C) stomach
(D) heart
Ans: (D)
15. Synagogue is the place of worship of-
(A) Zoroastrianism
(B) Taoism
(C) Judaism
(D) Shintoism
Ans: (C)
16. The civilian airport of highest altitude is in-
(A) Tibet
(B) Nepal
(C) India
(D) China
Ans: (A)
17. The branch of biology which deals with extinct organisms is called-
(A) Palynology
(B) Phylogeny
(C) Palaeobotany
(D) Palaentology
Ans: (B)
18. The least distance of distinct vision is-
(A) 35 cm
(B) 25 cm
(C) 45 cm
(D) 15 cm
Ans: (B)
19. When will demand become a grant ?
(A) When a demand is proposed
(B) After the discussion on demand is over
(C) After the demand is granted
(D) When the budget session is closed
Ans: (A)
20. Summer rains in Australia broadly decreases from-
(A) east to west
(B) west to east
(C) north to south
(D) south to north
Ans: (C)
21. The blue revolution is related with-
(A) Fish production
(B) Food grain production
(C) Oil seed production
(D) Milk Production
Ans: (A)
22. Which is post-harvest folk dance in Assam ?
(A) Ankia Nat
(B) Bihu
(C) Raut Nacha
(D) Namgen
Ans: (B)
23. The substrate of photorespiration is-
(A) Fructose
(B) Pyruvic acid
(C) Glycolate
(D) Glucose
Ans: (C)
24. The UNIX operating system is suitable of-
(A) Multi user
(B) Real-Time Processing
(C) Distributed Processing
(D) Single user
Ans: (A)
25. Sink hole is a phenomenon of-
(A) Plain
(B) Desert
(C) Tundra
(D) Karst
Ans: (D)
General Intelligence
Directions- (Q. 1 to 3) Find the odd words/letters/numbers from the given alternative.
1. (A) AEFJ
Ans: (D)
2. (A) 81: 243
(B) 16 : 64
(C) 64 : 192
(D) 25 : 75
Ans: (B)
3. (A) Distinguish
(B) Scatter
(C) Differentiate
(D) Classification
Ans: (B)
4. Arrange the following words as per the English dictionary and find the last word-
(A) Root
(B) Fruit
(C) Stem
(D) Leaf
Ans: (C)
5. How many triangles are there in the given figure ?
(A) 5
(B) 7
(C) 8
(D) 9
Ans: (A)
6. In a certain code language, APPROACH is coded as CHOAPRAP. How will RESTRICT be coded ?
Ans: (C)
7. Select the related word/letter/number from the given alternative series –
Apes : Gibber : : Camels : ?
(A) Grunt
(B) Cheep
(C) Bleat
(D) Whine
Ans: (A)
8. TSR : FED : : WVU : ?
Ans: (B)
9. 7 : 32 : : 28 : ?
(A) 126
(B) 136
(C) 116
(D) 128
Ans: (C)
10. John, in the morning, started walking towards North and then turn towards opposite side of the sun. He then turn left again and stops. Which direction is he facing now ?
(A) North
(B) West
(C) South
(D) East
Ans: (C)
11. If 64 + 7 = 460
43 + 8 = ?
25 + 8 = 212
(A) 360
(B) 376
(C) 332
(D) 356
Ans: (D)
12. In a village there are landlords of which some are literate. Which of the following best expresses the relationship between them ?
(D) None of these
Ans: (C)
13. Which one of the given figure completes the given figure ?
Ans: (D)
14. What is the mirror image of the following figure ?
Ans: (B)
15. If the given words are arranged in descending order then which of the following be last ?
Sapling Tree Plant Seed
(A) Sapling
(B) Plant
(C) Seed
(D) Tree
Ans: (C)
16. Which one is wrong number in the given series ?
7 56 447 3584 28672
(A) 3584
(B) 56
(C) 7
(D) 447
Ans: (D)
17. In this question, a statement is followed by assumption I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the following assumptions logically follows from the given statement.
Statement : Only good singers are invited in the conference. No one without sweet vice is a good singer.
Assumption :
I. All invited singers in the conference have sweet voice.
II. Those singers who do not have sweet vice are not invited in the conference.
(A) Only I follows
(B) Neither I nor II follow
(C) Both I and II follows
(D) Only II follows
Ans: (C)
18. If ‘+’ mean ‘×’, ‘−’ means ‘÷’, ‘×’ means ‘−’ and ‘÷’ means ‘+’ then find the value of the following equation –
6 + 64 – 8 ÷ 45 × 8
(A) 85
(B) 76
(C) 87
(D) 75
Ans: (A)
19. Which of the following has the given figure embedded in it ?
Ans: (B)
20. Find the missing number from the given alternative-
1 4 2 3 2 ?
(A) 2
(B) 5
(C) 3
(D) 4
Ans: (C)
21. Find the missing number from the given alternative –
(A) 13
(B) 15
(C) 17
(D) 19
Ans: (B)
Directions – (Q. 22 and 23) Find the missing number/letter/from the given alternative.
Ans: (A)
23. 0 4 18 48 ? 180
(A) 58
(B) 68
(C) 84
(D) 100
Ans: (D)
24. Select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word –
Ans: (D)
25. A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets by two matrices given below. The columns and row of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column. Ex : ‘U’ can be represented by 03, 14, 32 etc. and ‘O’ can be represented by 56, 67, 75 etc. Similarly you have to identify the set for the word given in the question.