Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Analytical Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



LM 14






Date & Time: 28/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00 Dept. No.                                                Max. : 100 Marks






Answer the following                                                                             10×2 = 20


  1. What are antidotes? Cite two examples.
  2. What is sublimation? Mention two compounds which can be purified by this method.
  3. How is adsorption different from absorption? Name one analytical technique, which uses adsorption phenomenon?
  4. What are Rf values? Mention their significance.
  5. What are primary standards and secondary standards?
  6. What is solubility product? What is its application?
  7. Distinguish end point from equivalence point.
  8. What is the unit for measuring strength of an acid? Give its mathematical expression.
  9. Explain coprecipitation and post precipitation.
  10. Give an account of Beer-Lambert’s law. What is its use?




Answer any eight of the following:                                                       8×5 = 40


  1. How are burettes and standard flasks calibrated?
  2. Explain various types of errors.
  3. Give the principle involved in solvent extraction technique, with special reference to distribution coefficient.
  4. How is an aromatic carboxylic acid recrystallised?
  5. Describe the detection of compounds by thin layer chromatographic technique.
  6. Molecular weight of a dibasic acid is 50. What is the amount of this acid required to prepare 250mL of its 0.2N solution?
  7. Derive Henderson’s equation.
  8. Describe precipitation titration with an example.
  9. The solubility product of a sparingly soluble MX type salt is 10 -14 at 250 Calculate its solubility in molarity if its molecular weight is 100.
  10. What are the precautions to be taken to avoid error while precipitating a compound in gravimetric analysis?
  11. What are Selection Rules? Give selection rules for electronic (UV- vis) spectroscopy.
  12. Taking a planar triangular molecule as example, explain various types of vibrations. (Show sketch)










Answer any four of the following:                                                        4×10 = 40


  1. Write an essay on errors in chemical analysis, with special reference to types and minimizing the same.
  2. Explain fractional distillation with an example.
  3. In principle, how is ion exchange chromatography different from other chromatographic techniques? How is this technique useful in softening of water?
  4. Discuss complexometric titrations.
  5. How is indicator decided for an acid – base titration? Explain using phenolphthalein and methylorange as indicator.
  6. Write short notes on (i) chromophores

(ii) auxochrome

(iii) signal to noise ratio

(iv) line-width



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Allied Mathematics For Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download

              LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


CV 09







Date & Time: 28/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00   Dept. No.                                          Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions:                                                                                  10 ´ 2 = 20

  1. Find the angle which the tangent at (2, 4) to the curve y = 6 + x – makes with the x-axis.
  2. Differentiate with respect to .
  3. Evaluate .
  4. Solve (+ D + 1)y = 0.
  5. Sum the series to .
  6. Solve .
  7. Write down the value of in powers of .
  8. Prove that cosh(xy) = coshx coshy – sinhx sinhy.
  9. What is the chance that a leap year selected at a random will contain 53 Sundays?
  10. Let X be a random variable with the following distribution
X –3 6 9

Find the expectation of X.




Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                          5 ´ 8 = 40

  1. What is the maximum value of .
  2. Evaluate .
  3. Sum the series to
  4. (a) Solve z = px + qy + 2.

(b) Obtain a partial differential equation by eliminating a, b from. (4 + 4)

  1. Expand in a series of sines of multiples of .
  2. Prove that (a) sinh 3x = 3sinh x + 4.

(b) .                  (4 + 4)

  1. A problem in statistics is given to 5 students whose chances of solving are respectively. What is the probability that the problem will be solved if all of them try independently?
  2. The mean yield for one-acre plot is 662 kilos with a S. D 32 kilo. Assuming normal distribution, how many one-acre plots in a batch of 1000 plots would you expect to have yield       (i) Over 700 kilos

(ii) Below 650 kilos

given that, , .




Answer any TWO questions:                                                                          2 ´ 20 = 40

  1. (a) Differentiate (i) , (ii)

(b) Show that the parabolas  and  cut orthogonally. (5 + 5 + 10)

  1. (a) Solve.

(b) Prove that.                       (8 + 12)

  1. (a) Sum the series to .

(b) Find the eigen values and eigen vectors of .  (8 + 12)

  1. (a) Obtain the Fourier series for the function and

deduce that .

(b) Find the mean of the Binomial distribution.   (15 + 5)



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Loyola College B.Com Corporate & Secretaryship April 2007 Statistics For Management Question Paper PDF Download


MS 09







Date & Time: 19/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL questions.                                                                 (10 x 2 =20 marks)


  1. Define equally likely events and give an example.
  2. The mean of a Binomial distribution is 4 and variance is 3. Find P(X = 15).
  3. What is the objective of statistical quality control?
  4. Name some variable control charts.
  5. State the addition theorem of probability.
  6. What are index numbers? What do they measure?
  7. State any two methods of constructing weighted index numbers.
  8. State the minimax-maximin principle in game theory.
  9. Find the value of the game:
B1 B2
A1 0 2
A2 -1 4
  1. What are the two types of errors in testing of hypothesis?




Answer any FIVE questions.                                                          (5 x 8 =40 marks)


  1. An urn contains 6 white, 4 red and 9 blue balls. If 3 balls are drawn at random, find the probability that,
    • 2 of the balls drawn are white, (ii) one is of each colour
    • none is red, (iv) atleast one is white


  1. For a Binomial distribution with parameters n = 5, p = 0.3, find the probabilities of getting, (i) atleast 3 successes,  (ii) atmost 3 successes

(iii) exactly 3 failures,  (iv) exactly 3 successes


  1. Construct a control chart for C, ie., number of defects from the following data pertaining to the imperfections in 20 pieces of cloth of equal length in a certain make of polyester and infer whether the process is in a state of control: 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 6, 10, 4, 6, 5, 7, 4, 9, 7, 3.


  1. Explain quality assurance, statistical process control, and types of control charts.


  1. The following data relate to the prices and quantities of 5 commodities in the years 2005 and 2006. Construct the following index numbers for prices for the year 2006, taking 2005 as the base, (i) Laspeyre’s, (ii) Paasche’s, (iii) Fisher’s Ideal,

(iv) Bowleys.




Base Year Current Year
Quantity Price Quantity Price
A 8 4 10 9
B 7 3 8 5
C 6 4 5 8
D 5 2 7 4







  1. (i) Define Linear Programming.

(ii) A company has 3 operational departments (weaving, processing and packing) with capacity to produce 3 different types of clothes namely suitings, shirtings and woolens yielding profit of   Rs. 2, Rs. 4, and Rs. 3 per metre respectively. One metre suiting requires 3 minutes in weaving, 2 minutes in processing and 1 minute in packing. Similarly one metre of shirting requires 4 minutes in weaving, 1 minute in processing and 3 minute in packing, while one metre of woolen requires 3 minutes in each department. In a week, total run time of each department is 60, 40 and 80 hours for weaving, processing and packing departments respectively. Formulate the LPP to find the product mix to maximize the profit.


  1. Solve the following game graphically:

Player B

Player A


  1. Set up an ANOVA table for the following per hectare yield (in 100 Kgs) for 3 varieties of rice, each grown in 4 plots:


Variety of rice
Plots of land R1 R2 R3
1 6 5 5
2 7 5 4
3 3 3 3
4 8 7 4

Test whether there is significant difference among the average yields in the 3 varieties of wheat, at 5 % level.




Answer any TWO questions.                                                        (2 x 20 =40 marks)


  1. (i) Write down the probability distribution function of a Poisson random variable, and fit a poisson distribution to the following data: (Given e _ .05 = 0.61)
X 0 1 2 3 4
Frequency 122 122 60 15 2





(ii) Students of a class were given an aptitude test. Their marks were found to be normally distributed with mean 60 and standard deviation 5. What percentage of the students scored:

  • more than 60 marks, (b) less than 56 marks (c) between 45 and 65 marks. (12 + 8)









  1. From the following data calculate the control limits for the mean and range control charts and also check if the process is in control. Measurements of the units are given in cms.
                  S.No of Samples
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
50 51 50 48 46 55 45 50 47 56
55 50 53 53 50 51 48 56 53 53
52 53 48 50 44 56 53 54 49 55
49 50 52 51 48 47 48 53 52 54
54 46 47 53 47 51 51 57 54 52











Commodity 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
I 2 3 5 7 8
II 8 10 12 4 18
III 4 5 7 9 12
  1. (i) Calculate fixed base index numbers and chain base index numbers for the following






(ii) Determine the least cost allocation of the available machines to 5 jobs.

Machines A B C D E
1 25 29 31 42 37
2 22 19 35 18 26
3 39 38 26 20 33
4 34 27 28 40 32
5 24 42 36 23 45









(10 + 10)

  1. There are three sources A, B, C which store a given product. These sources supply these products to four dealers D, E, F, G. The cost (Rs.) of transporting the products from various sources to various dealers, the capacities of the sources and the demands of the dealers are given below.


D E F G Supply
A 6 8 8 5 30
B 5 11 9 7 40
C 8 9 7 13 50
Demand 35 28 32 25  


Find out the solution for transporting the products at a minimum cost by using  (i) North-West Corner Rule, (ii) Least Cost method and (iii) Vogel’s Approximation Method. Compare the costs and write down the best solution.



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Loyola College B.Com Corporate & Secretaryship April 2007 Financial Accounting Question Paper PDF Download

                LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


HO 03






Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00 Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL the questions.                                        (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Specify any four groups interested in ‘Accounting Information’?
  2. What is the need for providing depreciation?
  3. Write a short note on ‘Imprest System’?
  4. What should be the basis of allocation for the following expenses under
    ‘Departmental Accounts’?

(i) Carriage inwards   (ii) Factory manager’s salary

  1. What do you mean by ‘Indemnity Period’ in Fire Insurance?
  2. Mention the ‘Journal Entry’ required when goods are repossessed under ‘Debtors system’?
  3. A machine was purchased for Rs.50000 on 1.1.2005. The useful life of the machine is five years and the residual value is Rs.10000.

Find out the amount of depreciation to be provided every year under the straight line method?

  1. M/s STAR & Co., purchased a plant on 1.1.2002. The cash price being Rs.25,000.  The purchase is on hire purchase system.  10000 has to be paid on the signing of the contract and thereafter, Rs.10000 has to be paid annually for two years.  Interest was charged at 5%.

Prepare Hire-vender account to show the interest payable?

  1. Calculate the amount of Drawings from the following information?

Opening capital Rs.6,00,000;  Closing capital Rs.15,60,000 and

profits Rs.2,40,000.

  1. Net profit Rs.1,00,000; Fixed expenses (including depreciation) Rs.1,60,000 and G.P. ratio is 25% on turnover.

What is cost of sales?



Answer any FIVE  questions.                                     (5 ´ 8 = 40 marks)


  1. Distinguish between Hire Purchase and Instalment purchase systems?
  2. Write short notes on the following:

(i) Royalty                   (ii)  Inter-departmental transfers

(iii)Final accounts        (iv) Book Debts

  1. What are the advantages of ‘Double Entry System’ of Book Keeping?


  1. M/s GOODLUCK & COMPANY purchased a plant on 1.4.2005 for Rs.70000.  On 1.10.2005, further plant was purchased for Rs.40000.  On 1.7.2006, the plant purchased on 1.4.2005 having become obsolete, was sold off for Rs.50000.  Depreciation has to be charged at 15% on the original cost of the plant assuming that the accounts are closed every year on 31st


(i) Plant Account         (ii)  Provision for Depreciation Account




  1. From the following details, prepare Creditors Ledger Adjustment a/c in the General Ledger and General Ledger Adjustment account in the Debtors Ledger as on 31.1.2002.


Debtors Balance (1.1.2002)                            …                    35,250

Creditors Balance (1.1.2002)                          …                    48,750

Transactions  for the month of January:

Credit purchases                                             …                    30,500

Credit sales                                                     ….                    20,700

Return Inwards                                               …                         600

Return outwards                                             …                         800

Cash received from customers                        …                    34,000

Discount allowed to customers                       …                         700

Cash paid to creditors                                     …                    48,000

Discount received from creditors                   …                         800

Acceptance received from Debtors                …                    10,000

Creditors Bills accepted                                  …                    14,000

B/R returned dishonoured                              …                      2,000

B/P returned dishonoured                               …                      4,000

Bad debts written off                                     …                      1,000

Sundry charges debited to customers             …                         400

Allowance from creditors                               …                         300

  1. The following purchases were made by business house having three departments.

Dept. x                        :  852 units

Dept. y                        :  768 units                  at a total cost of Rs.20000

Dept. z                        :  594 units


Sales were as follows:

Dept. x                        :  53 units

Dept. y                        :  48 units

Dept. z                        :  61 units

Sales were as follows:

Dept. x                        :  864 units @ Rs.10.35 each

Dept. y                        :  715 units @ Rs.11.25 each

Dept. z                        :  583 units @ Rs.12.40 each

The rate of gross profit is same in each department.

Prepare Departmental Trading Account.


  1. A Calcutta head office has a branch at Bombay to which goods are invoiced at cost plus 20%

From the following particulars, prepare the Branch Account in the head office.

books.                                                                               Rs.

Goods sent to branch                          …                    1,20,000

Total sales                                           …                    1,50,000

Cash sales                                            …                       50,000

Cash received from branch Drs.         …                       40,000

Branch Drs on 1.1.2005                      …                       15,000

Branch Stock on 1.1.2005                  …                       60,000

Branch Stock on 31.12.2005              …                       36,000






  1. A fire occurred in the premises of Mr. B. Rao on 7th June 2003.

In order to make a claim on their fire policies in respect of the stock,  calculate the amount of claim from the following information.  The stock salvaged was Rs.15,200.

2000           2001             2002            2003

(Rs)           (Rs)               (Rs)             (Rs)


Opening Stock                       64,000         60,000          64,000         72,000

Purchases                            1,64,000      1,88,800       2,26,400      3,12,000

Sales                                    2,40,000      2,64,000       3,12,000      3,96,000

Closing stock                         60,000         64,000          72,000           ?



Answer any TWO questions.                                      (2 ´ 20 = 40 marks)


  1. The under mentioned balances appeared in the books on

M/s PROSPERITY & COMPANY as on 31.12.2005.

Rs.                                                        Rs.

Share Capital                          6.00,000   Manufacturing Expenses   3,59,000

(Authorised and                                       Establishments                     26,814

issued 60000                                      General charges                    31,078

shares of                                             Machinery                          2,00,000

Rs.10 each)                                         Motor Vehicles                    15,000

General Reserve                      2,50,000    Furniture                                5,000

Unclaimed dividends                   6,526    Stock (1.1.2005)               1,72,058

Trade creditors                           36,858   Book Debts                        2,23,380

Buildings                                 1,00,000   Interim Dividends                  15,000

Purchases                                5,00,903   Interest (Cr)                             8,544

Sales                                        9,83,947   P & L A/c (Cr) (1.1.2005)     16,848

Investments                             2,88,950   Staff Provident Fund              37,500

Depreciation Reserve                 71,000

Cash Balance                              72,240

Directors Fees                              1,800




  • The stocks on 31.12.2005 were valued at Rs.1,48,680.
  • Provide Rs.10,000 for depreciation on blocks and Rs.1500 for the Company’s contribution to the staff provident fund.
  • Interest accrued on investment amounted to Rs.2,750.
  • A claim of Rs.2,500 for workmen compensation is being disputed by the company.
  • Establishment includes Rs.6,000 paid to the manager who is entitled to remuneration at 5% on net profit ascertained after charging such remuneration according to the companies Act subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000 per annum.










  1. On 1.1.2002, M/s RIGHT & COMPANY purchased from M/s WRONG & COMPANY five trucks costing Rs.80,000 each on the hire purchase system.

It was agreed that Rs.1,00,000 should be paid immediately and the balance in three instalments of Rs.1,20,000 each at the end of each year.

M/s WRONG & COMPANY charges interest @ 10% p.a.  The buyer depreciates trucks at 20% p.a. on the diminishing balance method.  The buyer paid cash down and two instalments but failed to pay the last instalment.  Consequently, M/s WRONG & COMPANY repossessed three trucks leaving two trucks with the buyer and adjusting the value of three trucks against the amount due.

The trucks repossessed were valued on the basis of 30% depreciation p.a. on the written down value.  M/s WRONG & COMPANY sold the trucks repossessed for Rs.1,20,000 after necessary repairs amounting to Rs.20,000.

Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of the both the parties.


  1. M/s NORMAL & COMPANY took from M/s ABNORMAL & COMPANY  a lease of a Coal field for a period of 10 years from 1st January 1980 on a royalty of 40 paise per tonne of coal got with a ‘Dead Rent’ of Rs.5000 a year and a power to recoup shortworkings during the first 5 years of the lease.

The annual outputs were as follows:


Year                Outputs

1980                  3000 tonnes

1981                  7000 tonnes

1982                15000 tonnes

1983                20000 tonnes

1984                25000 tonnes

Prepare ledger accounts in the books of M/s NORMAL & COMPANY.



X         X         X




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Loyola College B.Com Corporate & Secretaryship April 2007 Corporate Accounting Question Paper PDF Download



HO 07






Date & Time: 21/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks



Section: A

Answer any ten only:                                                                                         10 x 2 = 20


  • What do you understand by ‘Calls in Advance”? How much interest should be paid on them?


  • Write short note on: Firm Underwriting


  • Redemption of 20,000 preference shares of Rs.100 each was carried out by utilization of reserves and by issue of 8000 Equity shares of Rs.100 each at Rs.125. How much should be credited to capital redemption reserve a/c?


  • Journalize in the following cases, where debenture issue price is Rs.1, 00,000. Rate of interest 8%.
    1. Issued at a discount of 10% and redeemable at par.
    2. Issued at premium of 5% and redeemable at par.
  • Distinguish between ex-interest and cum – interest.


  • State “True” or “False”.
    1. Pre-incorporation loss may be treated as goodwill and debited to goodwill account.
    2. Gross profit is to be divided between pre and post incorporation periods in time ratio
    3. Profit prior to incorporation are capital profits and are not available for dividend
    4. Expenses such as directors fees, discount on issue of shares, underwriting commission, interest on debentures etc., are to be charged fully to post incorporation period.
  • Define “Goodwill”.


  • Write short note on: Internal reconstruction.


  • S Ltd was taken over by R.Ltd the following position was mutually agreed upon:

S.Ltd.                R.Ltd.

No.of shares                            60,000               90,000

Face Value of share                Rs.100                 Rs.10

Net Assets                  Rs.3,60,00,000     Rs.72,00,000

Ascertain intrinsic values of the shares, ratio of exchange of shares and No of shares to be issued.

  • Who are preferential creditors?

Section – B

Answer any five only.                                                                               8 x 5 = 40


  • Explain in detail the requirements for the redemption of preference shares as per Section 80 of the Companies act 1956?
  • Distinguish between Merger method and Purchase method of Accounting for Amalgamation.


  • Explain the main factors affecting the value of goodwill of a joint stock company and also explain any one method of valuation of goodwill.


  • T Ltd, issued 50,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at par. The entire issue was underwritten as follows:


  • 30,000 shares (firm underwriting 4,000)
  • 15,000 shares (firm underwriting 5,000)
  • 5,000 shares (firm underwriting 1.000)

Total applications including firm underwriting were for 40,000 shares. The marked applications were as follows:

  • 10,000 shares; B-7,000 shares; and C-3,000 shares.

The underwriting contract provides that credit of for unmarked applications are given to the underwriters in proportion to the shares underwritten.

Determine the liability of each underwriter and amount of commission payable to them assuming that rate to be 2% on issue price.


  • X Ltd. buys its own 6% debentures of the nominal value Rs.20, 000 at Rs.96 on 31st March 2005. Record the transaction in the books of X Ltd. If the quotation is (1) cum interest, and (2) ex – interest. X Ltd. pays debenture interest half-yearly on 30th June and 31st X Ltd cancels the debentures purchased on 31st March 2005. Record the entries for cancellation when debentures were purchased on (1) cum interest, and (2) ex – interest.


  • On 1st July2000 a Ltd., purchased the business of Mr. Remi a sole trader, taking over all the assets with the exception of book debts amounting to Rs.1,25,000 and creditors amounting to Rs.75,000. The company undertook to collect all the book debts and pay off the creditors and for this service; it has to be paid a commission of 3% on the amounts collected and 1% on amounts paid. The debtors realized Rs.1,12,000 out of which Rs.68,000 was paid to creditors in full settlement. The company was also forced to meet a contingent liability of Rs.3,000 on account of a claim against the vender for damages. The vendor received Rs.30,000, 10% debentures of Rs.100 each at 95 and the balance in cash in settlement of his account with the company. Journalize the above transactions in the books of the company.


  • The Balance Sheet of S Ltd., disclosed the following positions as on 31st December 2005


Liabilities                          Rs                    Assets                                Rs


Share capital:

6,000 equity shares

of Rs.100 each            3,00,000               Goodwill                        82,500

Profit &Loss A/c             37,500               Investments                 2,62,500

General Reserve           1,12,500               Stock                           3,30,000

6% Debentures             2.25,000               Debtors                       1,95,000

Creditors                      2,25,000               Cash                               30,000

9,00,000                                                   9,00,000


The profits for the past five years were: 1996-Rs.15,000; 1997-Rs.35,000;

1998-Rs.25,000; 1999-Rs.27,500; 2000-Rs.47,500.


The Market value of investments was Rs.1,65,000


Goodwill is to be valued at three years purchase of the average annual profits for the last five years.


Find out the intrinsic value of each share.



  • ABC Company Ltd., Passed resolution and got court permission for the reduction of its share capital by Rs.5,00,000 for the purposes mentioned as under:


  • To write off the debit balances of R&L A/c pf Rs.2,10,000


  • To reduce the value of Plant & Machinery by Rs.90,000 and goodwill by Rs.40,000.


  • To reduce the value of investments by Rs.80,000


The reduction was made by converting 50,000 preference shares of Rs.20 each fully paid to the same number of preference shares of  Rs.15 each fully paid and by converting 50,000 equity shares of Rs.20 each on which Rs.15 is paid up into 50,000 shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up.


Pass journal entries to record the share capital reduction.


Section – C


Answer any two only.                                                                         2 x 20 = 40


19) K Ltd went into liquidation on 31.12.2005 when their Balance Sheet read as follows:

Liabilities                                Rs.                   Assets                          Rs.

Issued & Subscribed                                       Land & Building         7, 50,000

Capital:                                                            Plant & Machinery   18, 75,000

15000 10% cumulative                                   Patents                                    3, 00,000

Preference shares of                                        Stock                           4, 02,500

Rs.100 each fully paid                        15, 00,000       Debtors                       8, 25,000

7500 equity shares of                                      Bank                            2, 25,000

Rs.100 each, Rs.75 paid          5, 62,500        Profit &loss a/c           8, 53,750

22500 equity shares of

Rs.100 each, Rs.60 paid         13, 50,000

15% debenture secured by

a floating charge                     7,50,000

Interest outstanding on

Debenture                               1, 12,500

Creditors                                 9, 56,250

52, 31,250                                           52, 31,250


Preference dividends were in arrears for 2 years and the creditors included preferential creditors of Rs.38, 000.


The assets realized as follows: Land and building Rs.9,00,000; Plant and machinery Rs.15,00,000; Patents Rs.2,25,000; Stock Rs.4,50,000; Debtors Rs.6,00,000.

The expenses of liquidation amounted to Rs.27, 250. The liquidator is entitled to a commission of 3% on assets realized except cash. Assuming that the final payments including those on debentures were made on 30.06.2001, show the liquidator’s final statement of account.








20) S Ltd issued a prospectus inviting applications for 50,000 equity shares of Rs.10

each, payable Rs.5 on application (including Rs.2 as premium), Rs.4 on allotment and the balance towards first and final call. Applications were received for 65,000 shares. Application money received on 5000 shares was refunded and allotment was made pro-rata to applicants of 60,000 shares. Money overpaid on applications including premium was adjusted on account of sums due on allotment.


Mr.Pradeep to whom 700 shares were allotted failed to pay the allotment money and his shares were forfeited on his subsequent failure to pay the call money.


All the forfeited shares were subsequently sold to Mr.Remi credited as fully paid for Rs.9 per share.


You are required to set out the journal entries.


  • M Ltd., and N Ltd., agreed to amalgamate on the basis of the following Balance sheet as on 31.03.2005

Liabilites                     M                     N           Assets                     M                N

Rs.                   Rs.                                        Rs.              Rs.

Share Capital               75,000             50,000 Goodwill               30,000       ——–

Rs.25 each

P&L A/C                       7,500               2,500 Fixed Assets         31,500      38,800

Creditors                       3,500               3,500 Stock                     15,000      12,000

Depreciation Fund      ——–                2,500 Debtors                   8,000        5,200

Bank                        1,500        2,500

86,000             58,500                                86,000      58,500


The assets and liabilities are to be taken over by anew company formed called P Ltd., at book values P.Ltd’s capital is Rs.2,00,000 divided into 10,000  equity shares of Rs.10 each and 10,000 9% preference shares of Rs.10 each.


P Ltd issued the 5000 shares of Rs.10 each to each company and the preference shares were issued for the balance of purchase price.


Pass journal entries in the books of P Ltd and prepare its Balance Sheet, if the amalgamation is in the nature of purchase.




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Loyola College B.Com Corporate & Secretaryship April 2007 Company Law Question Paper PDF Download



HO 08


BC 4501 / CR 4501 – COMPANY LAW



Date & Time: 24/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00         Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions                                                                             (10×2=20 marks)

  1. What is meant by common seal?
  2. What is a preliminary contract?
  3.   What is meant by reorganization of share capital?
  4.   What is meant by doctrine of Indoor management?
  5.   Who is an additional director?
  6. Highlight the rule in Peel’s case.
  7. What is a Holding company?
  8.   Bring out any two differences between transfer and transmission of shares.
  9. Who is a managing director?
  10. What is a share warrant?




Answer any five questions                                                                              (5×8 = 40marks)

  1. “ A company is a legal entity different from its members” In what cases do the

courts ignore this principle?

  1. Discuss the rules relating to Government Companies.
  2. Write a note on the fiduciary position of a promoter. How is he remunerated?
  3. Explain the different types of share capital.
  4. Discuss the disqualification of directors.
  5. What are the limitations to the alteration of the Articles of Association?
  6. Bring out the features of shares. Differenciate between stocks and shares.
  7. What are the powers of a director which can be exercised at the Board Meeting?





Answer any two questions                                                                           (2×20 =40marks)

  1. Write a note on the contents of the Memorandum of Association
  2. Give a detailed account of the provisions relating to Managerial Remuneration.
  3. Discuss the administration of the Companies Act of 1956.


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Loyola College B.Com Corporate & Secretaryship April 2007 Business Management Question Paper PDF Download



HO 01






Date & Time: 25/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks







Answer all the questions:                                                                   (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. What is meant by an organization chart?
  2. Define M.B.O.
  3. With two examples give the meaning of off the job training.
  4. What is ZBB?
  5. What is meant by scalar chain of command?
  6. What is the implication of illumination experiments?
  7. Give any two differences between delegation and decentralization.
  8. What is span of control?
  9. List down the steps in communication process.
  10. Bring out two differences between policies and procedures.



Answer any five questions:                                                                (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. Why is delegation not accepted by subordinates?
  2. What are the various sources of recruitment.                                                       13.  Compare and contrast contributions of F.W.Taylor and H. Fayol to management.
  3. Explain the various principles of Direction.
  4. Define control.  Explain its process.
  5.   Explain the principles of a good organization.
  6. Define coordination. Explain the techniques of coordination.
  7. Define decision making. Explain the various types of decisions.




Answer any two questions                                                                 (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Define planning. Assess its role in management. Explain its process.
  2. Explain the principles of management with suitable examples.
  3. What are the various styles of leadership? What are the qualities of a successful leader?


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Loyola College B.Com Corporate & Secretaryship April 2007 Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download



HO 02






Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




Part A

Answer all the questions:                                                 (10×2=20)


1) What are the demographic factors affecting business environment?

2) List any four weakness of trade union movement in India?

3) What is macro environment of business?

4) Define the term “promotion” in business?

5) What are the basic weaknesses of socialism?

6) Define industrial licensing?

7) What are the rights of consumer?

8) What is GNP?

9) Define the term “urbanization”?

10) List the features of consumer movement in India?


Part B

Answer any five of the following:                                                            (5×8=40)


11)”Business decision- making is an economic process”-Explain?

12) List and explain the merits of mixed economy?

13) What is legal environment of business?

14) What are the programmes of urbanization?

15) Analyse the responsibilities of business towards its employees?

16) Explain the important provision of consumer protection Act.1986?

17) What are the relationships between population and economic growth?

18) What are the regulatory functions of SEBI?



Part c


Answer any two of the following:                                                            (20×2=40)


19) What you mean by social and cultural environment? Discuss how social and cultural

environment affect business?

20) How do the following factors of environment affect the pricing of product of business firm (1) technology (2) increase in sales tax (3) inflation in the economy

21) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology?


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Retail Marketing Question Paper PDF Download



TH 22






Date & Time: 23/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks




SECTION-A                                            (10 x 2=20 Marks)


Answer ALL of the following in this section:


  1. What is ‘Point-of-Purchase’?
  2. What is ‘Retail Promotion’?
  3. What is Odd Pricing?
  4. Describe the meaning of ‘Reverse Logistics’.
  5. What is ‘Assortment’?
  6. How would you explain ‘Outsourcing’ in the context of retailing?
  7. What is the important use of Electronic Data Interchange for both retailers and suppliers?
  8. Describe the meaning of ‘Impulse Purchases’.
  9. What is ‘Relationship Retailing’?
  10. Who is a ‘Destination Retailer’?


SECTION-B                                               (5 x 8=40 Marks)


Answer any FIVE of the following in this section:


  1. What do you understand by the four different methods available for gathering primary data?
  2. Define “Isolated Store”. Enumerate the advantages and limitations of this retail location type.
  3. What is retailing? List out and explain its’ special characteristics also.
  4. Enumerate the recommendations should web retailers carefully consider?
  5. Explain the six-step approach that helps retailers to pay close attention to customer service.
  6. “A retail price strategy can be demand, cost and / or competitive in orientation”- comment.
  7. What is Direct Marketing? List out its strategic business advantages and also its limitations.
  8. Briefly explain any eight important factors that contribute to a retailer image.


SECTION-C                                            (2 x 20=40 Marks)


Answer any TWO of the following in this section:


  1. Describe the meaning of different types of retail institutions characterized by ownership. Enumerate also the competitive advantages and limitations associated with Independent retailer and chain retailer.
  2. Explain in detail what is your understanding over the following elements of a retail strategy:- (a) Situation analysis (b) Objectives and (c) Identification of Customers
  3. Assume that you are a HR Manager working for an upcoming hypermarket in Chennai . What are the personnel activities, your department would carry out in the name of Human resource management process?


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Project Metrics Question Paper PDF Download

                LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


HC 08






Date & Time: 19/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00 Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks



Answer all Questions                                                                                    10 X 2 = 20

  1. What is a project?
  2. What are the activities included in allocating resources?
  3. What the two types of strategic assignments?
  4. When Planning should be done in a project?
  5. What are the possibilities of occurrence of risk in a project?
  6. What are the schedules included in allocating resources?
  7. What is meant by assessing progress?
  8. Define contract.
  9. What is meant by BS 6079?
  10. Define Risk management.


Answer all Questions                                                                                    5 X 8 = 40

  1. a) Discuss in detail about the information flow and control in an organization.


  1. b) Explain the steps included in analysing of characteristic of a project.


  1. a) Explain Cash flow forecasting in detail.


  1. b) What are the objectives of planning activity?


  1. a) Define the following:

(i) Most likely time (ii) Optimistic time (iii) Pessimistic time


  1. b) List the various types of cost and explain.


  1. a) Discuss about the Time and material contract and its disadvantage.


  1. b) What are the steps included in change control procedure?


  1. a) Explain the factors that are taken for project control in British standard.


  1. b) Discuss about the planning process of BS 6079.


Answer any two Questions                                                               2 X 20 = 40


  1. a) Discuss in detail about the project control life cycle. (10 marks)
  1. b) Explain in detail about the cost-benefit evaluation techniques. (10 marks)


  1. a) Explain Barry Boehm risk engineering. (10 marks)
  1. b) List the categories of resources and explain. (10 marks)


  1. a) Explain BS 6079 Project lifecycle in detail. (10 marks)
  1. b) Explain the factors that are considered for risk identification. (10 marks)


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Personal Investment Question Paper PDF Download



TH 16






Date & Time: 03/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL questions:                                                                        ( 10 x 2 = 20 )



  1. What do you mean by investment?


  1. Define the term Return.


  1. What is FVIFA?


  1. Give the meaning of Beta?


  1. What is meant by portfolio?


  1. For what ‘compounding’ is used in bond valuation?


  1. How bonus shares differ from rights shares?


  1. What do you mean coupon rate?


  1. Velan expects to receive Rs.2000 annually for 5 years at the end of each year. What is the

present value of this annuity at the discount rate 9%?


  1. A Rs.1,000 bond matures in 20 years and offers a 9% coupon rate. The required rate of return is

11%.  Compute the bond value.




Answer any five questions:                                                                    ( 5 x 8 = 40 )



  1. Give a brief account of capital asset pricing model?


  1. Explain in detail about systematic and unsystematic risks.


  1. Stocks are considered to be risky, but bonds are not – This statement is not fully
    correct. Elucidate.


  1. Explain the methods of valuation of equity shares.


  1. Write note on mutual fund.


  1. Explain the primary objectives that affect that selection of investment?





  1. Mr.Madhu seeks to invest Rs.1,00,000 for 3 years. He will receive an annual interest of 12%.

Should he invest in annual, semi-annual or quarterly compounding? Which is beneficial?


  1. A finance company advertises that it will pay a lumpsum of Rs.44,650 at the end of five years

to investors who deposit annually Rs.6,000 for 5 years.  What is the interest rate implicit in this



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                 ( 2 x 20 = 40 )



  1. Explain the various factors the investor should consider in security analysis.


  1. Give a brief account of various investment alternatives available to the personal
    investor other than stock and debentures.


  1. Write note on: (a) Sweat equity (b) Pre-emptive right (c) default risk (d) Yield to
    maturity and (e) Time value of money



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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Marketing Research Question Paper PDF Download



TH 21






Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL questions in not more than 3 lines each                                   (2 x 10 = 20 marks)


  1. What is a phychogalvanometer?
  2. Define marketing research.
  3. State the 5 major components of Advertising Research.
  4. What is a field experiment?
  5. What is a dichotomous question?
  6. Briefly explain Corporate Responsibility Research.
  7. What are the main areas in Product Research?
  8. Briefly explain Distribution Channel Studies.
  9. State the two types of indirect observation.
  10. State the conditions needed for effective observation.





Answer any FIVE in not more than 2 pages each                                    (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. What are the characteristics of an ideal marketing research output?
  2. Briefly explain the slope of marketing research.
  3. When should exploratory research be used?  What are its main components?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the questionnaire method of data collection?
  5. Write a note on unstructured direct observation.  What are its disadvantages?
  6. What are the key factors which contribute to the success of focus-group discussion?
  7. What are the essential qualities of a good research report?
  8. Present a Model Research Report.




Answer any TWO in not more than 4 pages each                                    (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. a) What is experimental causality?
  1. b) How is the Before – After- without control – experimentation used?
  2. c) What are its strengths and weakness?
  1. Explain the four questioning methods in terms of structure an Disguise.  Also bring out each one’s merits and demerits.
  2. What are the components of a general research design?

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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Marketing Management Question Paper PDF Download



TH 14






Date & Time: 02/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks






Answer all the Question in not more that 3 lines each.                              (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Briefly define marketing.
  2. What is a Market?
  3. What is Customer Lifetime value?
  4. What is CRM?
  5. What do mean by penetration pricing?
  6. What is Marketing mix?
  7. Briefly  describe the concept of ‘Micro Environment’, which focus a market oriented company.
  8. Define Marketing Information System.
  9. What is a Motive in the context of Consumer behaviour?
  10. What is Consumer perception?





Answer any five Questions.                                                                        (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. How would you capture value from customers?
  2. Enumerate and explain the social factors which influence a consumer’s behaviour.
  3. Explain the 4 types of consumer buying behaviour.
  4. What is Behavioural  Segmentation of Consumer markets?  What are its main components and how are these important from a marketing point of view?
  5. Write short notes on the following in the context of target marketing:

(a)  Undifferentiated marketing          (b)  Differentiated marketing

(c)  Concentrated marketing               (d)  Micro marketing   – Answer with Examples.

  1. How many positioning strategies are there in marketing? Explain each one.
  2. Enumerate and explain the different types of consumer product classifications.  What are the marketing considerations and buying behaviour in each?
  3. What are the key elements in building and managing strong brands?




Answer any TWO Questions.                                     .                               (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. What are the main components of a company’s macro environment?  Explain each of them briefly.
  2. Briefly explain the stages in the development of a new product.
  3. What are the external factors that affect pricing decision? Give a brief answer.

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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Management Accounts Question Paper PDF Download



TH 24






Date & Time: 18/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




  1. Answer all the questions: 10 x 2 = 20 Marks
  1. What are Financial Statements?
  2. Bring out the significance of Turnover ratios.
  3. Mention any four limitations of funds flow statement.
  4. Define Marginal cost.
  5. What is a Master Budget?
  6. Find out the semi variable cost for 40,000 units.  Semi variable cost for 30,000 units: Rs.15,000, which is 40% fixed and 60% variable?
  7. Calculate funds from operation from the following particulars:
  • Net profit for the year ended 31.3.2007: Rs.6,50,000
  • Profit on sale of building: Rs.40,000
  • Goodwill written off during the year Rs.10,000
  • Old machinery worth Rs.8,000 has been sold for Rs.6,500
  • Depreciation has been provided on plant at 20% per year. The value of plant is Rs.5,00,000
  1. The fixed cost per month in a factory is Rs.50,000.  The contribution per unit is Rs.50 for product A and Rs.25 for B.  Which of the following product mixes is most yielding?

(a)  800 A and 1000 B                         (b) 1,500 A only

(c) 3,000 B only                                 (d) 1,200 A and 400 B

  1. Find out fixed assets and gross profit from the following information:

Sales Rs.10,00,000

Gross profit ratio – 25%

Fixed assets turnover ratio (on cost of sales) 5 times

  1. From the following data, calculate labour cost and rate variances for the two departments:

  Dept. A          Dept. B


Actual direct wages                                          Rs.80,000        Rs.72,000

Standard hours produced                                      10,000               8,000

Standard rate per hour                                     Rs.8                 Rs.10

Actual hours worked                                            12,000               7,000




  1. Answer any FIVE questions only: 5 x 8 = 40 Marks


  1. “Marginal costing is a valuable aid for managerial decisions” – Discuss.
  2. Highlight the advantages and limitations of Management accounting.
  3. Distinguish between standard costing and budgetary control.
  4. Following are the ratios relating to the trading activities of Neela Traders Ltd., Chennai.

Receivables turnover  –  90 days (360 days year)

Inventory turnover  – 3 times

Payables turnover  –  3 months

Gross profit ratio  –  25%

Gross profit for the year amounted to Rs.18,000.  Closing inventory of the year is Rs.2,000 above the opening inventory.  Bills receivable amount to Rs.2,500 and bills payable Rs.1,000.  Ascertain the following:

  • Sales (b) Debtors (c) Closing inventory (d) Sundry creditors




15.Following are the comparative balance sheets of Cheran Company Limited


Liabilities                    31.12.2005  31.12.2006         Assets                 31.12.2005  31.12.06


Share capital                70,000             74,000             Bank                         9,000         —

Debentures                  12,000               6,000             A/cs. Receivable     14,900     17,700

A/cs. Payable              10,360             11,840             Stock in trade          49,200     42,700

Pro. Fr. Doubtful debts     700               800               Buildings                 20,000     40,600

P & L A/c                       10,040          10,560             Goodwill                 10,000       5,000

Bank overdraft                  —                2,800

————————-                                              ———————

1,03,100      1,06,000                                          1,03,100  1,06,000


Additional Information:


  • Buildings were acquired for Rs.20,600
  • Amount provided for amortization of goodwill totaled Rs.5,000
  • Dividend paid totaled Rs.3,500
  • Debenture loan repaid was Rs.6,000

Explain how the overdraft of Rs.2,800 as on 31st Dec. 2006 has arisen.


16.The following are the operating details of two plants operating under the same management:


Particulars                                                                   Plant A                        Plant B

Sales                                                                                        10,00,000                 8,00,000

Variable cost                                                                             6,00,000                 5.00,000

Fixed cost                                                                                 2,00,000                 1,00,000

Capacity of operation                                                                   100%                       50%


You are required to ascertain:

  • Break even sales and break even capacity of the merged plant
  • Profit and Profitability of operating the merged plant at 90% of the capacity
  • Capacity level of operation, if profit of Rs.4,00,000 (the profit made by both plants before merger) has to be made by  the merged plant.


  1. Fixed Expenses                                           Rs. (lakhs)            Rs. (lakhs)


            Wages                                                                         16.8

Rent, taxes, etc.                                                          11.2

Depreciation                                                                14.0

Administration expenses                                             17.8

——-                           59.8

Semi Variable expenses (50% capacity)

            Repair and maintenance                                                5.0

Indirect labour                                                                        19.8

Sales Dept. salaries                                                       5.8

Sundry administration expenses                                   5.2

——-                           35.8

            Variable expenses (at 50% capacity)

Material                                                                       48.0

Labour                                                                         51.2

Other expenses                                                              7.6

——-                           106.8


Assume that fixed expenses remain constant at all levels, semi variable expenses remain constant between 40% and 65%, 10% increase between 65% and 85% and 20% increase between 85% and 100%.  Sales at various levels are as under:

Rs. (lakhs)


             60% capacity                          200

75% capacity                          240

90% capacity                          300

100% capacity                         340

Prepare a flexible budget for the half-year and forecast profits at 60%, 75%, 90% and 100% capacity.


  1. A company manufactures a particular product the standard material cost of which is Rs.10 per unit. The following information is obtained from the cost records.
  • Standard Mix

Material           Quantity          Rate     Amount

Units             Rs.         Rs.

A                            70                10         700

B                            30                  5         150

——-                          ——-

  • 850

Loss 15%                15                                           —

——–                          ——-

  • 850

———                        ——–


(ii) Actual results for January 2007:

Material           Quantity          Rate     Amount

Units             Rs.         Rs.

A                           400               11        4,400

B                           200                 6        1,200

——-                          ——-

  • 5,600

Loss 10%                60                               —

——–                        ——–

  • 5,600

——-                        ——–

Calculate: (1) Material price variance (2) Material mix variance (3) Material usage variance (4) Material yield variance (5) Material cost variance


III. Answer any TWO questions only:                                                2 x 20 = 40 Marks

  1. You are given the following information pertaining to the financial statements of Premsai Ltd., as on 31.12.2006. On the basis of the information supplied, you are required to prepare the Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year and a Balance Sheet as on that date:


Net current assets                                            Rs.2,00,000

Issued share capital                                         Rs.6,00,000

Current ratio                                                    1.8

Quick ratio                                                      1.35

Fixed assets to shareholders equity                80%

Rate of gross profit                                         25%

Net profit to issued share capital                    20%

Stock turnover ratio (cost of goods

Goods sold to closing stock)                          5 times

Average age of outstanding debts

For the year                                                   36 ½ days




  1. Prepare a funds flow statement from the following Balance Sheets of PRR as at 31st March 2006 and 2007


Liabilities             2006         2007                        Asset                  2006         2007                     

Share capital                4,50,000  4,50,000                  Fixed Assets        4,00,000   3,20,000

General Reserve          3,00,000  3,10,000                  Investments             50,000     60,000

P & L Account               56,000     68,000                  Stock                    2,40,000   2,10,000

Creditors                     1,68,000  1,34,000                  Sundry Debtors    2,10,000  4,55,000

Mortgage Loan                —       2,70,000                  Bank                     1,49,000  1,97,000

Pro. For Taxation          75,000      10,000

———————–                                               ————————

10,49,000 12,42,000                                            10,49,000 12,42,000

Additional Information:

  • Investments costing Rs.8,000 were sold during the year for Rs.8,500 and further investments were purchased during the year for Rs.18,000
  • The net profit for the year was Rs.62,000 after charging depreciation on fixed assets Rs.70,000 for the year and provision for taxation Rs.10,000
  • During the year part of fixed assets costing Rs.10,000 was disposed for Rs.12,000 and the profit was included in the P&L A/c.
  • Dividend paid during the year amounted to Rs.40,000


  1. A newly started Pushpak Company wishes to prepare cash budget from January. Prepare a cash budget for the 6 months from the following estimated revenue and expenses:
Month Total Sales Materials Wages Production Overhead Selling & Distribution










































Cash balance on 1st January was Rs.10,000.  A new machine is to be installed at Rs.30,000 on credit, to be repaid by two equal installments in March and April.

Sales commission at 5% on total sales is to be paid within the month following actual sales.

Rs.10,000 being the amount of 2nd call may be received in March.  Share premium amounting to Rs.2,000 is also obtained with 2nd call.

Period of credit allowed by suppliers – 2 months

Period of credit allowed to customers – 1 month

Delay in payment of overheads – 1 month

Delay in payment of wages – ½ month

Assume cash sales to be 50% of the total sales


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Labour Laws Question Paper PDF Download


HO 06







Date & Time: 19/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00   Dept. No.                                                                  Max. : 100 Marks




Section – A


  1. Answer all the questions: 10 x 2 = 20 Marks


  1. Who are certifying surgeons?  What are their duties?
  2. State the provisions relating to working hours as per the Factories Act.
  3. Give the formulae for calculating the amount of compensation in case of death and permanent total disablement of a workman.
  4. Write short notes on Doctrine of Assumed risks.
  5. What do you mean by Benefit period under the ESI Act, 1948?
  6. Mention the organizations that are exempted from the purview of ESI Act.
  7. What are the objectives of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947?
  8. Briefly explain the concept of Lay-off.
  9. Highlight the powers of the Certifying officers.
  10. How are standing orders made known to the workmen employed in an industrial establishment?


Section – B


II. Answer any FIVE questions only:                                              5 x 8 = 40 Marks


  1. “Certified standing orders constitute statutory conditions of employment” – Comment.
  2.  What is the procedure for modification of standing orders?  State the provisions relating to Subsistence Allowance.
  3. Explain briefly the provisions relating to safety as per the Factories Act, 1948.
  4. Discuss the rules relating to employment of women and young persons as per the Factories Act, 1948.
  5. Describe the ad judicatory machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes.
  6. Briefly explain the various benefits under the ESI Act, 1948.
  7. Discuss the rules relating to compensation as per the Workman’s Compensation Act, 1923.
  8. Write short notes on the following:
    1. Strike B. Lock out C. retrenchment D. Closure.

Section – C


III. Answer any TWO questions only:                                            2 x 20 = 40 Marks

  1. What is meant by Standing orders?  Explain the matters to be specified in the Standing orders of an industrial establishment.
  2. Define Wages.  Explain the provisions relating to Annual leave with wages.
  3. Explain the provisions relating to Health and Welfare of the Workmen as per the Factories Act, 1948.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 International Marketing Question Paper PDF Download



TH 20





Date & Time: 18/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00     Dept. No.                                                   Max. : 100 Marks



SECTION-A                                                      (10 x 2=20 Marks)

Answer ALL of the following in this section:

  • What is meant by ‘Strategic concept of Marketing’?
  • Describe the meaning of ‘Global Localisation’.
  • What is a ‘Transnational Corporation’?
  • What is ‘Balance of payments’.
  • What is Sales Promotion?
  • Define the term “Culture”.
  • What is ‘Intercultural Socialisation’?
  • Describe the meaning of ‘Expropriation’.
  • What is ‘Product Positioning’?
  • What is ‘Gray Marketing’.?

SECTION-B                                                         (5 x 8=40 Marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following in this section:


  • What are the stages of national market development based on GNP per capita, and what percentage of world income is found in each of the stages? Why is this information important to global marketers?
  • Write short notes on:- (a) Hofstede’s Cultural Typology, (b) Self-reference Criteria and (c) Environmental sensitivity.
  • What six criteria should be assessed when evaluating potential export markets?
  • Explain the meaning of different management orientations.
  • Distinguish between a low context culture and a high context culture.
  • Describe the degrees of Economic co-operation. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples.
  • List out and explain the major issues of distribution in Global Marketing.
  • Discuss the criteria global marketers should consider while making product design decisions.

SECTION-C                                           (2 x 20=40 Marks)

Answer any TWO of the following in this section:


  • Explain in detail the entry strategies (along with the options each one offers) made available for a company that wants to expand its’ market outside the home country.
  • Discuss the various combinations of product / communication strategies available to global marketers. When is it appropriate to use each?
  • Identify and explain the driving and restraining forces affecting global integration and global marketing.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Industrial Organisation Question Paper PDF Download



TH 63






Date & Time: 24/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00   Dept. No.                                             Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL the questions.                                                                (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)


  1. Comment on ‘extractive industries’.
  2. Enumerate the requisites of Business success.
  3. Mention the important advantages of a sound organisation.
  4. What are the objectives of organisation?
  5. What are reasons for the existence of sole – trade business organisation?
  6. What are the objectives of plant layout?
  7. Mention the important documents required for the registration of a company?
  8. How can the size of a business unit be measured?
  9. Mention the limitations of Self Financing.
  10. State the advantages of Scientific Management.


Answer any FIVE questions.                                                              (5 x 8 = 40 Marks)


  1. Define Business. Describe its main categories.
  2. Describe the scope of Commerce, Trade, Industry and Business.
  3. Explain the important steps in organisation.
  4. Examine the essential characteristics of a good form of Industrial Organisation.
  5. Discuss the various factors affecting plant layout.
  6. What is meant by Capital Structure? Explain the factors affecting Capital Structure of industry
  7. Discuss the managerial factors influencing the size of a firm.
  8. On what grounds do employers and employees Criticise Scientific Management.



Answer any TWO questions.                                                              (2 x 20 = 40 Marks)


  1. Define Business. Describe the main objectives of Industry and business.  Examine the relevance of profit objective in the present day industrial environment.
  2. Comment on ‘ a good form of Industrial organisation’. Discuss the preliminary considerations which a business man should keep in mind while selecting a form of business or  industry?
  3. What is Scientific Management? Explain the elements of Scientific Management.  Examine the case for and against Scientific Management.



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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Indian Banking Question Paper PDF Download



TH 11






Date & Time: 27/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00        Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks






Answer all the questions.                                                                    (10 X 2 = 20)


  • Define Banking.
  • What is electronic banking?
  • What is venture capital.
  • State any 2 kinds of lending.
  • What are unsecured loans?
  • What is village adoption scheme.
  • What is gold banking?
  • Write any 2 exceptions to the right of general lien.
  • What is the relationship of a banker as a debtor?
  • Write the formula for credit creation.




Answer any five of the following.                                                      (5 X 8 = 40)


  • What are the limitations of credit creation?
  • Give any 8 differences between unit banking and branch banking.
  • Explain the kinds of crossing.
  • Explain the kinds of endorsement.
  • Explain the principles of lending.
  • What are the statutory protections given to a collecting banker?
  • Write about the relationships between a banker and a customer.
  • Give any 8 advantages of branch banking.





Answer any two of the following.                                                      (2 X 20 = 40)


  • Explain the functions of RBI.
  • Explain the banker’s rights in detail.
  • Explain the legal precautions to be taken by a paying banker in honoring a

customer’s cheque.

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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download



TH 13






Date & Time: 30/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00          Dept. No.                                                     Max. : 100 Marks






Explain the following concepts in FIVE lines each:                            ( 10 x 2 = 20  Marks)


  • HR outcomes.
  • Manpower Planning.
  • Head hunters.
  • Performance Appraisal.
  • Job Analysis.
  • Hot Stove Rule
  • Sensivity
  • Stress Interview.


Answer any FIVE questions:   Answers should not exceed 2 pages each)      ( 5 x 8 = 40 Marks)


  • Explain the two factors Hygreni Motivation theory put forward by Federick Herzberg.
  • Distinguish between Job Description and Job Specification.
  • Prescribe a procedure for handling disciplinary problems in an organization.
  • State the objectives of human resources management.
  • Explain the different kinds of employment interviews popular with companies in Chennai.
  • Explain the different kinds of external recruitment methods. Why are job fairs becoming a common method of recruitment in Madras?


  • What are the problems and challenges facing a HR manager today?
  • How would you asses training needs in an organization?


Answer any TWO questions: Answers should not exceed 4 – 6 pages each:   ( 2 x 20 = 40 Marks)


  1. Explain the steps involved in Manpower Planning. As an HR manager what retaining strategies would you contemplate to control high attrition rates in IT companies?


  1. Explain the various traditional and non traditional methods of performance appraisal. How would you conduct appraisal interviews?


  1. Explain the different kinds of training conducted in industry today. How would you assess the effectives of a training programme?



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Loyola College B.Com April 2007 General Economics Question Paper PDF Download

                LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


RF 53




(Also equivalent to EC 2103/3103)




Date & Time: 23/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00 Dept.  No.                                            Max. : 100 Marks




    Answer any FIVEof the following in 75 words (5×4=20 )


1.Write short notes on utility,want and demand.

2.How is equilibrium of a firm determined?

3.Explain the components of personal income.

4.What is selective credit control?

5.How can inflation be a sign of prosperity?

6.Explain the concept of non – developmental expenditure.

7.What is an iso-quant ?



    Answer any FOUR of the following in 300 words (4×10=40) 


8.Discuss the exceptions to the law of demand

9.How does the central bank control credit?

10.Explain the broader and narrow definition of money.

11.Distinguish between direct and indirect taxes.

12.What are the determinants of velocity of money ?

13.Discuss the difficulties encountered  in barter system.

14.Explain the features of perfect competition .




    Answer any TWO of the following in 900 words (2×20=40)


15.Elaborate the functions of commercial banks .

16.Discuss how income is determined in a two sector model.

17.Explain the determinants of consumption ,savings and investment

18.Discuss the significance of various costs & revenue concepts in production.




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