Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Insurance Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 27-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer ALL the Questions in this section:                                                                (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)


  1. Define the term ‘Insurance’.
  2. What is meant by ‘Bonus in reduction of premium’?
  3. Write the meaning of ‘Inchmaree Clause’ of Marine Insurance.
  4. Write the meaning of ‘Jeevan Darang’- a newly launched policy of LIC.
  5. What is meant by ‘Assignment’ with regard to Life Insurance?
  6. What is ‘Doctrine of subrogation’, related to Insurance?
  7. What is the meaning of ‘Adverse mortality selection’ that is one of the surrender charges in Life Insurance?
  8. What is meant by the ‘principle of cooperation’ in Insurance?
  9. What is ‘Reinsurance’?
  10. What do you understand by the application of average clause in payment of insurance claim?




Answer any FIVE Questions in this section:                                                                   (5 x 8 = 40 Marks)


  1. “Insurance is not to prevent risk, but to indemnify the losses arising from a certain risk”- Comment.
  2. Distinguish between ‘Annuity Contracts’ and ‘Life Insurance Policies’.
  3. What are the advantages of ‘Reinsurance’?
  4. “Pure endowment grants protection against living long, while the term policy grants protection against living too short”. Discuss your views on this statement.
  5. Critically examine the ‘Principles of Investment’ in relation to Insurance as laid down by Mr. A.H.Bailey.
  6. Explain the various Marine perils.
  7. Discuss the preventive efforts that could be taken to reduce the chance of occurrence of fire.
  8. Explain the coverage and features of personal accident insurance.




Answer any TWO Questions in this section:                                                (2 x 20 = 40 Marks)


  1. Discuss in detail the importance of Insurance from the view point of Individuals, Business enterprises and society.
  2. Explain briefly the features of Life Insurance Contract.
  3. List out and explain the different fire insurance policies.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Industrial Relations Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 02-05-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



 Answer all the questions:                                                                                                       (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. What is slow down strike?
  2. What is a physiological need?
  3. What is multiplier effect?
  4. What is retrenchment?
  5. Who are predatory unions?
  6. What is craft union?
  7. What is collective bargaining?
  8. What is open door policy?
  9. What is “outside leadership”  in trade union?
  10. What is Red-Hot stove rule?


Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                                                    (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Explain the importance of good industrial relations to a country and its economy.
  2. Explain the Gandhian approach to industrial relations.
  3. Explain the causes of industrial disputes.
  4. Mention any five reasons, why workers organize themselves in to a trade union.
  5. What are the obstacles in the growth of strong trade unionism?
  6.  Explain the benefits of collective bargaining.
  7. What are the major causes of indiscipline?
  8. What are the causes of grievances in an organisations?



    Answer any TWO questions:                                                                                             (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. What are the various methods available for the prevention and settlement of industrial disputes?
  2. What are the various functions of trade unions?
  3. Explain the conditions essential for successful collective bargaining.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Indian Banking Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 25-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




Answer ALL the Questions:                                                                                (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Define banking.
  2. Differentiate between overdrafts and cash credit.
  3. What is meant by lender of the last resort?
  4. Differentiate between a debit card and a credit card.
  5. What is CRR?
  6. What is the concept of mutual funds?
  7. What is priority sector lending?
  8. What is the significance of specimen signature?
  9. What are secured loans?
  10. What is hypothecation?




Answer any FIVE Questions:                                                                               (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain the significance of crossing of cheques with illustration.
  2. Every loan creates a deposit.  Explain.
  3. Briefly explain the quantitative and qualitative credit controls.
  4. What are the other businesses permitted for a banking company?
  5. Explain Garnishee order.  What are its characteristics?
  6. Explain the banker’s right of appropriation.
  7. Differentiate between a savings account and a current account.
  8. Explain the principles of sound lending.




Answer any TWO Questions:                                                                             (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain the functions of commercial banks.
  2. Bring out the various functions of the RBI.
  3. Explain the general relationship between banker and customer.






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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 30-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



(10×2=20 marks)

Answer ALL questions:


  1. Define ‘Human Resource Management’.
  2. What is Manpower Planning?
  3. What is Job Specification?
  4. State any two functions of ‘Human Resource Management’.
  5. What is Application Blank?
  6. What is meant by recruitment?
  7. Define the term ‘Training’.
  8. What is ‘Off-the-job Training’?
  1. What do you mean by Performance Appraisal?
  1. What is Discipline?



(5×8=40 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions:


  1. What steps are involved in the selection procedure?
  2. Discuss the significance of training to employers.
  1. Critically discuss the various sources of recruitment of employees.
  2. What is job description? How is it prepared? Explain with the help of specimen.
  3. Explain in detail any two theories of motivation.
  4. Discuss briefly various on-the-job and off-the-job training and development methods.
  5. Explain the types of interview.
  6. Discuss briefly the changing roles of a HR Manager.



(2×20=40 marks)

Answer any TWO questions:


  1. What are the main functions of Human Resource Management in an industrial organisation? Discuss briefly.
  1. Explain in detail the process of Human resource planning.  Explain further the remedies to fill the gap in surplus and deficient manpower?
  1. What is Performance Appraisal? Discuss the various methods of Performance Appraisal.




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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 General Economics Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 19-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




Answer any FIVE questions in about 75 words each            :                                                                 (5X4 = 20)


  1. Define demand and supply.
  2. What are indifference curves?
  3. Write a short note on relative income hypothesis.
  4. What is marginal efficiency of capital?
  5. What is meant by velocity of money?
  6. Distinguish between main budget and supplementary budget.
  7. Define Inflation.



Answer any Four questions in about 250 words each:                                                               (4X10=40)


  1. Explain the law of supply using a suitable illustration.
  2. Bring out the trends of Public Expenditure.
  3. Illustrate the determination of price in perfect competition.
  4. Examine the role of Central Bank in India.
  5. Explain the factors of production.
  6. Discuss the features of monetary policy in India.
  7. Explain the various methods of measuring national income.




Answer any Two questions in about 900 words each            :                                                                 (2X20=40)


  1. Examine the Keynesian theory of employment and output.
  2. Explain the different classification of money.
  3. Discuss the causes of inflation. How can it be controlled?
  4. Discuss the various components of the budget.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 General Economics Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 23-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00





ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS IN ABOUT 75 WORDS EACH:                                   (5 X 4 = 20Mks)


  1. Define Economics in the words of Adam Smith.
  2. Differentiate micro and macro economics
  3. What is high powered money?
  4. State the kinds of cost.
  5. Write any four assumptions of consumption function.
  6. What is demand schedule?
  7. Define Money.




ANSWER ANY FOUR QUESTIONS IN ABOUT 300 WORDS EACH:                   (4 X 10 = 40Mks)


  1. Discuss the various methods of measuring National Income.
  2. Explain the functions of commercial bank.
  3. Explain the origin and evolution of money.
  4. Elaborate the various types of demand.
  5. What is budget? Bring out its various kinds.
  6. Distinguish between developmental and non-developmental budget.
  7. Explain the types of inflation.




ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS IN ABOUT 900 WORDS EACH:                 (2 X 20 = 40Mks)


  1. What is demand? Explain the various types in elasticity of demand
  2. Explain the credit control by central bank.

17 Elaborate the various concepts of National Income.

  1. Explain the functions of money.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 General Economics Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 28-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Part – A


Attempt any 5 questions in 75 words each:                                                                             (5 x 4 = 20)


  1. What is demand? What are the factors determining demand function?
  2. What is iso-quant? What are the properties of it?
  3. What is NNP? Differentiate NNPMP and NNPFC.
  4. What is ‘demonstration effect’? Give an example.
  5. Define ‘money’ and ‘near money’. Give examples.
  6. What is inflation? What are the types of inflation?
  7. What are the rules to be followed in the preparation of the budget?

Part – B


Attempt any 4 questions in 250 words each:                                                                         (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. Discuss the economic problems with production possibility curve?
  2. What is law of demand? Discuss movements Vs shifts of demand curve with suitable diagrams.
  3. Discuss the difficulties in the measurement of National Income.
  4. What is consumption function? Estimate APC and MPC from the given data and represent diagrammatically.
  2010 2011
Income (Y) 20000 30000
Consumption (C) 15000 20000
  1. What are the limitations on the power of banks to create credit?
  2. What are the four measures of money supply in India? Explain them.
  3. Discuss the merits and demerits of direct and indirect taxes.


Part – C


Attempt any 2 questions in 1200 words each:                                                                   (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. Discuss the traditional theory of short – run cost functions (TCs, ACs and MC) with suitable diagrams.
  2. Define MEC and MEI. Discuss the determinants of investment by Keynes.  Suppose the price of machine is Rs. 2, 00,000, the expected rate of return for the next four years are as Rs. 80,000, Rs. 70,000, Rs. 60,000 and Rs. 50, 000 respectively and the rate of interest is 5 per cent.   Estimate the viability of a project from the given data through present value method.
  3. Discuss the different functions of a Central Bank.
  4. Discuss the developmental and non-developmental expenditures on revenue and capital account with recent projections in India.

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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Financial Services Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 30-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


SECTION – A              ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS                                      (10×2=20)


  1. What is scripless trade?
  2. Indicate the role of SPV in securitization.
  3. What is consortium finance?
  4. Distinguish between financial turn around and management turn around.
  5. Explain the concept of sale and lease back.
  6. State any two benefits of securitization.
  7. Mention the key elements of factoring.
  8. How is seed capital helpful to the borrowing concern?
  9. What are the reforms made by SEBI for the merchant banker?
  10. Why is a due diligence certificate important?

SECTION-B                 ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS                            (5X8=40)


  1. Explain the process of securitization.
  2. Distinguish financial lease and operating lease.
  3. Explain the importance of venture capital financing.
  4. Explain the procedure in depository system.
  5. State the responsibilities of merchant banker in Rights Issue.
  6. Elucidate the process of forfaiting.
  7. How is lease evaluated from the lessee and lessor point of view?
  8. The turnover of A Ltd is Rs.60 lakhs of which 80% is on credit. Debtors are allowed 1 month to clear off their dues. A factor is willing to advance 90% of the bills raised on credit for a fee of 2% a month, plus a commission of 4% of the total amount of debts.     A Ltd as a result of this arrangement is likely to save Rs. 21,600 annually in management costs and avoid bad debts at 1% on credit sales. A scheduled bank has come forward to make an advance equal to 90% of the debts at an interest of 18% p.a. However its processing fees will be at 2.5% on the debts. Suggest whether to accept factoring or the offer made by    the bank?

SECTION – C              ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS                (2X20=40)


  1. What are the various functions of a merchant banker?
  2. (a) Explain the types of factoring.

(b) Write the merits and demerits of factoring.


  1. ABC Ltd wishes to acquire a computer costing Rs.1, 00,000. It is faced with two options. (a) To acquire the computer by taking a 15% p.a loan from HDFC bank repayable in five equal installments at the end of each year together with interest.

(b) To acquire the asset at a lease rental of Rs. 320 per Rs. 1000 on the asset value payable at the end of each year for five years.

If the tax rate is 50%, cost of capital is 16% and the asset has five years of life with a scrap value of 50% of the book value at the end of its life, which option would you recommend. Assume the company charges depreciation @ 20% p.a on WDV method.




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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Financial Accounting Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 28-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer ALL the questions:                                                                                     (10×2=20 Marks)


  1. What do you understand by “Self – Balancing System of Ledger”?
  2. State any four objectives of preparing departmental accounts.
  3. What is minimum rent?
  4. Under stock and debtor system, cost of shortage is debited to
  5. a) Branch adjustment a/c    b) Branch stock a/c
  6. c) Branch profit & loss a/c d) Goods sent top branch a/c
  7. Hire purchaser is in the position of a ———— with regard to goods obtained on hire purchase
  8. a) Creditor     b) Debtor    c) Bailor         d) Bailee
  9. Salary paid to manager must be debited to:
  10. a) Manager’s A/c b) Office expenses A/c c) Salaries A/c             d) Trading A/c
  11. A firm purchased a plant for Rs.60,000. Erection charges Rs.5,000. Effective life of the plant is 13 years. Calculate the amount of depreciation per year under Straight Line Method.
  12. A fire occurred in a firm on 10th Value of stock on that date was Rs.80,000, but it was insured for only Rs.56,000. Stock destroyed by fire was Rs.50,000. Find the claim.
  13. A purchased a machine on hire-purchase basis. The cash price of the machine was Rs.22,350. As per the terms, the buyer had to pay Rs.6,000 on signing the agreement and the balance in three annual instalments of Rs.6,000 each. Vendor charges interest at 5% p.a. Calculate the interest amount for the first instalment.
  14. Calculate debtors’ balance at the end:

Opening debtors Rs.40,000

Total sales Rs.1,60,000

Cash sales Rs.20,000

Cash received from customers Rs.60,000

Bad debts Rs.4,000

Returns inward Rs.1,000

Bills received from customers Rs.18,000.



Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                                   (5×8=40 Marks)


  1. Distinguish between a Trail Balance and a Balance Sheet.
  2. State the advantages of “Self – Balancing System of Ledger.
  3. Give the differences between hire purchase and instalment purchase system.
  4. On 1st April 2001, Kumar purchased a secondhand machine for Rs.80,000 and spent Rs.20,000 on its

cartage, repairs and installation. The residual value at the end of its expected useful life of 4 years is

estimated at Rs.40,000. On 30th September 2003, this machine is sold for Rs.50,000. Depreciation is

to be provided according to straight line method. The Books are closed on 31st December every year.

Prepare Machinery Account.



  1. From the following particulars, calculate credit sales and credit purchases.
Debtors as at 31.3.2002 28,000
Debtors as at 31.3.2001 24,000
Sales returns 1,000
Cash received from Debtors 74,800
Bills receivable drawn 26,000
Discount allowed 1,000
Bad debts 1,000
Cheques received from debtors 10,000
Bills receivable dishonoured 4,000
Cheque dishonoured 6,000


Balance of creditors on 31.3.2001 5,000
Returns outwards 3,000
Cash paid to creditors 25,000
Discount allowed by creditors 1,000
Bills accepted 5,000
Balance of creditors on 31.3.2002 10,000


  1. Trading and Profit and Loss A/c of Janaki Radio and Gramophone Equipment Co. for the six months

ended 31.3.1993 is presented to you in the following form:

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Purchases Sales
Radio (A) 1,40,700 Radio (A) 1,50,000
Gramophones (B) 90,600 Gramophones (B) 1,00,000
Spare parts ( C) 64,400 Spare parts ( C) 25,000
Salaries & wages 48,000 Stock as on 31.3.93
Rent 10,800 Radio (A) 60,100
Sundry expenses 11,000 Gramophones (B) 20,300
Profit 34,500 Spare parts ( C) 44,600
4,00,000 4,00,000


Prepare departmental accounts for each of the three departments A, B and C mentioned above

after taking into account the following:

  1. i) Radios and Gramophones are sold at the show room and spare parts at workshop.
  2. ii) Salaries and wages comprise as follows: Show rooms ¾ and workshop ¼.

It was decided to allocate the show room salaries and wages in the ratio of 1:2 between the

departments A and B.

iii) The work shop rent is Rs.500 per month. The rent of show room is to be divided equally

between the departments A & B.

  1. iv) Sundry expenses are to be allocated on the basis of the turnover of each department.


  1. X purchased a type writer on hire – purchase system. As per terms, he is required to pay Rs. 800

down, Rs. 400 at the end of the first year Rs. 300 at the end of the second year and Rs. 700 at the end

of the third year. Interest is charged at 5% p.a.  Calculate the total cash price of the typewriter and the

amount of interest payable on each installment.







  1. A fire occurred in the premises of Mr. Bean on 5.9.2002. All stocks were destroyed except to the

extent of Rs.5,000. From the following figures, ascertain the loss of stock suffered by him.

Stock on 1.1.2001 30,000
Purchases during 2001 1,50,000
Sales during 2001 2,00,000
Stock on 31.12.2001 40,000
Purchases during 2002 upto the date of fire 1,40,000
Sales during 2002 upto the date of fire 1,70,000




Answer any TWO questions:                                                                                   (2×20=40 Marks)


  1. From the following Trial Balance as on 31.3.2006 and the adjustments given, prepare Trading and

Profit and Loss A/c for the year ending 31.3.2006 and the Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2006.

Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)
Opening Stock 15,000  Capital 25,000
Machinery 30,000  Purchase Returns 1,000
Purchases 40,000  Bills payable 5,000
Sales Returns 2,000  Sales 1,24,000
Wages 10,000  Sundry Creditors 5,000
Salaries 5,000  Provision for doubtful debts 500
Office rent 12,000  Provision for discount on debtors 100
Insurance 6,000
Sundry Debtors 20,000
Cash 4,000
Bank Balance 15,600
Bad debts 1,000
1,60,600 1,60,600


  1. Closing stock at the year end was Rs.30,000
  2. Further bad debts amounted to Rs.500
  3. 5% of the profit is to be appropriated for creating Reserve fund
  4. Create 5% provision for doubtful debts on debtors
  5. Create 2% provision for discount on debtors
  6. Create 1% reserve on creditors.


  1. Madras Ltd., invoices goods to its branch at cost plus 331/3%. From the following particulars prepare

the Branch Stock Account the Branch Stock Adjustment Account and Branch Profit & Loss Account

as they would appear in the books of Head Office:

Stock at Commencement at Branch at invoice price 1,50,000
Stock at Close at Branch at invoice price 1,20,000
Goods sent to branch during the year at invoice price
(including goods invoiced at Rs. 20,000 to branch on
31.3.95 but not received by branch before close of the Year) 10,00,000
Return of goods to Head Office (invoice price) 50,000
Cash sales at Branch 9,00,000
Credit Sales at Branch 50,000
Invoice value of goods pilfered 10,000
Normal loss at Branch due to shortage and deterioration
    of stock ( at invoice price) 15,000
Madras Ltd. closes its books on 31st March, 1995
Goods lost in transit 10,000
Claim from insurance Co. 8,000


  1. Mr. N wrote a book on Management and got it published with M/s Nachiar publications on the terms

that royalties will be paid @ Rs.5 per copy sold subject to a minimum amount of Rs.15,000 with a

right of recoupment of short workings over the first three years of the lease. From the following


(a) Royalties A/c, (b) Short working A/c and (c) Mr. N’s A/c.

The other details are:

Year    No. of copies printed              Closing stock

1991                2,000                                       100

1992                3,000                                       200

1993                4,000                                       400

1994                5,000                                       500.





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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Fin. Accounts & Fin. Stat. Analysis Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 19-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



(10 x2=20)


  1. What is book keeping?
  2. Enlist any four users of accounting information.
  3. What is nominal account?
  4. Give the meaning of management accounting.
  5. Write any two differences between Cash discount and trade discount.
  6. What is non-trading concern?
  7. Define Cash flow statement.
  8. What is meant by liquid assets?
  9. Prepare Subsidiary book from the following information:

Bought, 5 dozen Ink Pens from Camlin Ltd. @ Rs.20 each (Trade Discount=5%)

Sold, 3 dozen Ink Pens to Loyola Stationery Mart @ Rs.35 each (Trade Discount=20%)

Purchased, 3 dozen Pencils from Natraj Ltd.  @ Rs.3 each

Sold, 10 Pencils to Anand @ Rs.4 each

  1. Calculate Fixed assets turn over ratio:

Bank balance Rs.10000. Furniture Rs.80000, Sales Rs.153000, Sales Returns Rs.13000, Depreciation Rs.10000, Creditors Rs.5000


Part – B

(5 x8=40)

Answer any FIVE questions


  1. Bring out the advantages of book keeping.
  2. What are the basic concepts of accounting?
  3. Distinguish between Receipts and Payments and income and expenditure.
  4. How do you classify the following items into personal, Real and nominal accounts?
  • Loyola College
  • Salaries
  • Land & Buildings
  • Sales
  • Outstanding Wages
  • Rent
  • Arunachalam
  • Sundry Debtors


  1. Pass journal entries in the books of Arumugham for the month of Jan. 2012

Jan. 1  Started business with Cash Rs.50000 and Land Rs.450000.

3 Bought goods from Michael on credit Rs.10000

5 Sold goods to Ahmed for Cash Rs.25000

9  Final settlement made to Michael Rs.9950

12 Paid Salaries Rs.18000 and Wages Rs.2000

18 Deposited cash into bank Rs.5000

25 Withdrew cash from bank for own use Rs.2000

29 Bought furniture from M/s. Woodpecker Ltd. for Cash Rs.28000


  1. Record the following transactions in the analytical petty cash book of Mr.Antony.
Date Particulars Rs.
      2012 Mar.1 Received from Head Office 2000
3 Paid for Office cleaning 100
6 Bought Postal Envelop 100
7 Paid Railway Fare 350
9 Bought Pen & Pencils 65
10 Refreshment to Office Staff 120
12 Revenue Stamps 150
14 Paid Taxi Hire 200
17 Coffee & Snacks 50
19 Office Cleaning 150
23 Scribbling pads 320
28 Paid bus fare to Peon 30
30 Telegram to H.O. 15


  1. You are required to prepare Bank reconciliation statement of Mr. Amar for Feb. 2012
  • Balance as per the Cash Book Rs.20000
  • Cheque issued to Madhu on Feb.5, but presented for payment in March Rs.3000
  • Our customer Mr. Sherwin has paid into our bank account Rs.20000
  • Cheque received from Arun Rs.6000 on Feb. 20, but was not deposited till date.
  • Demand Draft charges found in Pass Book Rs.50
  • LIC Premium paid by the banker as per our standing instruction Rs.5000
  • A wrong credit found in the Pass book Rs.500
  • Interest credited in the pass book Rs.25




  1. Ascertain the operating profit before changes in working capital changes from the following information:

Net Profit before tax and extraordinary items Rs.200000

Dividend received on Long term investments in shares Rs.40000

Interest received on long term investment in debentures of other companies Rs.30000

Goodwill written off Rs.20000

Discount on issue of shares written off Rs.10000

Preliminary expenses written off Rs.25000

Depreciation charged on fixed assets Rs.65000

Profit on sale of equipment Rs.10000

Loss on sale of Long term investments Rs.8000

Part – C

 (2 x20=40)

Answer any TWO questions


  1. Prepare a three column cash of Mr. Selva for the month of March 2012.
Date Particulars Rs.
2012 Mar.1 Cash in hand 150000
Cash at Bank 100000
3 Bought goods from Kumar on credit 40000
5 Sold goods to Ganesh on credit 25000
7 Final settlement made to Kumar 39500
10 Bought Computer for cash and payment made by cheque 35000
11 Cash Sales made 15000
13 Final settlement received from Ganesh 24750
15 Paid into Bank 5000
18 Cash Purchases 75000
20 Paid Rent 12000
22 Withdrew from bank 30000
25 Received Commission by cheque and deposited immediately 2000
27 Withdrew cash from Bank for own use 1500
29 Our customer Mr.Jegan has paid into our bank account 25000
30 Deposited into bank all Cash in excess of 10000



  1. From the following details, you are required to prepare:

(a) Gross Profit Ratio (b) Net profit ratio (c) Stock Turn over ratio (d) Debtors turnover ratio (e) Current ratio

Sales Rs.300000, Cost of goods sold Rs.240000, Opening stock Rs.58000, Closing Stock Rs.62000, Debtors Rs.30000, Office expenses Rs.30000, Cash Rs.35000, Land Rs.900000, Bills Payable Rs.10000 and Creditors Rs.60000


  1. Prepare Trading and Profit Loss Account and Balance Sheet of  Balakrishnan from the given below trial balance as on 31-3-2012
S.No Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs.)
1 Capital 300000
2 Buildings 100000
3 Stock (1-4-2011) 100000
4 Purchases 400000
5 Machinery 200000
6 Power 10000
7 Wages 30000
8 Insurance Premium 4000
9 Office Rent 55000
10 Salaries 110000
11 Printings Charges 20000
12 Bad Debts 2000
13 Commission Received 3000
14 Debtors 51000
15 Creditors 25000
16 Cash 10000
17 Provision for Bad and Doubtful debts 4000
18 Bank Loan 125000
19 Sales 700000
20 Advertisement 18000
21 Goodwill 47000
1157000 1157000



  1. Closing Stock was Rs.150000
  2. Salaries outstanding Rs.10000
  3. Insurance Premium prepaid for 3 months
  4. Write off further bad debts Rs.1000 and provide for bad and doubtful debts @2% p.a. on remaining debtors
  5. Depreciate Machinery @ 10% p.a.































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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Creative Advertising Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 16-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




Answer ALL the questions:                                                                                (10×2=20)


  1. Mention the four elements of marketing mix.
  2. What is decoding in communication?
  3. Who are the target audience in advertisement?
  4. Mention any two budgeting methods for advertisement.
  5. Write a note on celebrity endorsements.
  6. Who is a copy writer?
  7. What does an ad designer do?
  8. Identify an ad jingle of a popular product.
  9. Mention any two categories of typeface.
  10. Who is a consumer?



Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                                     (5×8=40)


  1. Explain the functions of advertising.
  2. Explain the communication phases in advertising.
  3. What is an appeal? Mention any 4 types of appeal.
  4. Discuss the various headlines available for a copywriter.
  5. What is an ad layout? Enumerate the four stages in the ad layout process.
  6. Explain the guiding principles in designing an ad.
  7. Identify the psychological influence on buyer behaviour.
  8. Explain the process of decision making and its importance in advertising.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                               (2×20=40)


  1. What is advertising? Explain how it is classified.
  2. What is creativity? Describe the steps involved in the creative process.
  3. “Designing a print ad is a process of bringing together the copy and artwork in a way that best communicates the intended advertisement message”. Elaborate with reference to choosing a format and designing the page.

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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Cost Accounting Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 27-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer ALL Questions:                                                                                           (10×2=20 Marks)


  1. What is Reorder Level?
  2. What is Batch Costing?
  3. Write a short note on Escalation clause.
  4. What is By – Products.
  5. State whether True or False
  6. Unit costing is applied in those industries where different products are produced simultaneously
  7. In the cement industries the unit of cost is per tonne.


  1. Calculate the re-order quantity from the following particulars:

Annual usage                                …30,000 units

Buying cost per order                   …Rs.15

Cost per Unit                                …Rs.100

Cost of carrying inventory            …10% of cost


  1. The firm employs 5 workers at an hourly rate of Rs.25/- During the week they worked for 4 days for a total period of 40 hrs each and completed a job for which the standard time was 48 hrs for each worker. Calculate the labour cost, under Rowan method.


  1. What is machine hour rate?
  2. A transport service company is running five buses between two towns which are 60 Kms.

apart. Seating capacity of each bus is 35 passengeres. Actual passengers carried were 80% of

the seating capacity. The company operates for 25 days a month. Each bus made two round

trips per day. Calculate the total passengers kms for the month.


  1. What are the bases for apportionment of expenses given below to the different departments?
  2. i) Rent & Rates ii)  Supervisory wages   iii) Depreciation    iv) General lighting.


Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                                   (5×8=40 Marks)

  1. From the following particulars, prepare a Cost Statement showing the components of Total Cost and

Profit for the year ended 31st December 2006.

1-1-2006 31-12-2006
Rs. Rs.
Stock of finished goods 6,000 15,000
Stock of raw materials 40,000 50,000
Work-in-progress 15,000 10,000




Rs.   Rs.
Purchase of raw materials 4,75,000 Sales for the year 8,60,000
Carriage inward 12,500 Income tax 500
Wages 1,75,000 Dividend 1,000
Works Manager’s salary 30,000 Debenture interest 5,000
Factory employees’ salaries 60,000 Transfer to Sinking Fund for replacement of machinery 10,000
Factory rent, taxes and insurance 7,250
Power expenses 9,500 Goodwill written off 10,000
Other production expenses 43,000 Payment of sales tax 16,000
General expenses


32,500 Selling expenses 9,250
  1. P Ltd. Uses three types of materials A,B and C for production of ‘X’ the final product. The relevant monthly data for the components are as given below:
A B  
Normal usage (units) 250 175
Minimum usage (units) 100 100
Maximum usage (units) 300 250
Reorder quantity (units) 750 900
Reorder period (months) 2 to 3 3 to 4
Calculate for each component:-
a)      Reorder level; b)      Minimum level;
c)      Maximum level and d)      Average stock level


  1. Distinguish between Taylor’s Differential Rate and Emerson Efficiency Plan.


  1. The following particulars relate to a new machine purchased:


Purchase price of the machine      4,00,000
Installation expenses      1,00,000
Rent per quarter          15,000
General lighting for the total area            1,000 Per month
Foreman’s salary          30,000 Per annum
Insurance premium for the machine            3,000 Per annum
Estimated repair for the machine            5,000 Per annum
Estimated consumable stores            4,000 Per annum
Power – 2 units per hour at Rs.50 per 100 units.

The estimated life of the machine is 10 years and the estimated value at the end of the 10th year is

Rs.1 lakh. The machine is expected to run 20,000 hours in its life time. The machine occupies

25% of the total area. The foreman devotes 1/6th of his time for the machine. Calculate the

machine hour rate for the machine.


  1. From the following data prepare a reconciliation statement.      Rs.

Profit as per cost accounts                                                                        1,50,000

Works overheads under-recovered                                                  10,000

Administrative overheads under-recovered                                     22,500

Selling overheads over-recovered                                                    18,500

Overvaluation of opening stock in cost accounts                            16,000

Overvaluation of closing stock in cost accounts                                7,000

Interest earned during the year                                                          4,250

Rent received during the year                                                          27,000

Bad debts written off during the year                                               8,500

Preliminary expenses written off during the year                            17,000




  1. Prakash Transport company has been given a route 20 km. long to run a bus. The bus costs the

company a sum of Rs.50,000. It has been insured at 3% p.a. and the annual tax will amount to

Rs.1,000. Garage rent is Rs.100 p.m. Annual repairs will be Rs.1,000 and the bus is likely to last

for 5 years.

The driver’s salary will be Rs.2,500 p.m. and the conductor’s salary will be Rs.1,500 p.m. in

addition to 10% taking as commission (to be shared by the driver and the conductor equally).

The cost of stationery will be Rs.100 p.m. Manager-cum-Accountant’s salary is Rs.3500 p.m.

Petrol and oil will be Rs.25 per 100 km. the bus will make 3 round trips carrying, on an average,

40 passengers on each trip. Assuming 15% profit on takings, calculate the bus fare to be charged

from each passenger. The bus will run on an average 25 days in a month.


  1. Prepare a Stores Ledger Account from the following details using LIFO method of pricing the issue of


April 1 Opening Balance 10,850 kgs @ Rs.130.00 per kg
2 Purchased 20,000 kgs @ Rs.134.00 per kg
3 Issued   6,750 kgs to production
5 Issued   8,500 kgs to production
6 Received back      550 kgs from production

being surplus

7 Purchased 17,550 kgs @ Rs.128.00 per kg
8 Issued 11,250 kgs to production
9 Physical stock verification revealed a loss of      250 kgs
10 Issued   8.950 kgs to production
12 Issued   6.300 kg. to production
15 Purchased 10,000 kgs @ Rs. 132.00 per kg
16 Issued   7,750 kgs to production
  1. Write short notes on:
  2. a)    Perpetual Inventory system.
  3. b) ABC analysis.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                                   (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Trichy Limited has three production departments (A,B and C) and two service departments (D and E).

From the following figures extracted from the records of the company, calculate the overhead rate per

labour hour using Repeated Distribution method.



Indirect materials 15,000
Indirect wages 10,000
Depreciation on machinery 25,000
Depreciation on building 5,000
Rent, Rates and taxes 10,000
Electric power machinery 15,000
Electric power for lighting 500
General expenses 15,000
Items Total A B C D E
Direct materials Rs.60,000 20,000 10,000 19,000 6,000 5,000
Direct wages 40,000 15,000 15,000 4,000 2,000 4,000
Value of machinery  2,50,000 60,000 1,00,000 40,000 25,000 25,000
Floor area (sq.ft.) 50,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 10,000
H.P. of machinery 150 50 60 30 5 5
No. of light points 50 15 10 10 5 10
Labour hours 15,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 2,000
The expenses of service departments D and E are to be apportioned as follows:
D 40 20 30 10
E 30 30 30 10


  1. The following information is available in respect of a contract undertaken by a building contractor in 2000. The contract was for Rs.2,40,000


Materials used 45,000
Wages paid 66,000
General charges 2,400
Plant installed at site on 1st July 2000 12,000
Materials in hand at the end 2,400
Wages accrued due 2,400
Work certified 1,20,000
Work completed but not certified 3,000
Cash received 90,000
Materials transferred to other contracts 2,400
Materials received from other contracts 600


Depreciation on plant is to be provided at 10% per annum. Prepare Contract Account and show what

part of the profit on contract should be taken to credit in 2000.


  1. The product of company passes through three distinct processes to completion. They are known as A,B and C. from past experience it is ascertained that loss is incurred in each process as: Process A-2%, Process B-5%, Process C-10%. In each case the percentage of loss is computed on the number of units entering the process concerned. The loss of each process possesses a scrap value. The loss of processes A and B is sold at Rs. 5 per 100 units and that of process C at Rs.20 per 100 unts. The output of each process passes immediately to the next process and the finished units are passed from process C into stock.
Process A Process B Process C
Rs. Rs. Rs.
Materials consumed 6,000 4,000 2,000
Direct Labour 8,000 6,000 3,000
Manufacturing expenses 1,000 1,000 1,500

20,000 units have been issued to process A at a cost of Rs.10,000. The output of each process has been

as under: Process A 19,500; Process B 18,800; Process C 16,000. There is no work-in-progress in any



Prepare Process Accounts. Calculations should be made to the nearest rupee.



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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Company Law & Secretarial Practice Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 26-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer ALL questions:                                                                                        (10×2=20 marks)


  1. What is “Separate legal Entity”?
  2. What is “Lifting of Corporate veil”?
  3. What are “Provisional Contracts’?
  4. What are the legal effects of obtaining a “Certificate of incorporation?”
  5. Mention any FOUR statutory books to be maintained by a company.
  6. What is “Dividend”?
  7. What are “Minutes”?
  8. What are the obligations to be fulfilled by maintaining books of account?
  9. What is “Doctrine of Ultra Vires”?
  10. What is NCLT? What does it do?




     Answer any FIVE questions only:                                                                 (5×8=40marks)


  1. Explain the concept of “One Man Company”.
  2. Define “Promoters”. What are their main functions?
  3. What are the legal provisions relating to the books of Accounts? Explain.
  4. What are the legal provisions of the Act regarding the issue of notice for a meeting?
  5. Discuss the methods by which a person can become a member of a company.
  6. What is a resolution? What are the provisions of law that a secretary should keep in

mind while putting a resolution to vote?

  1. What is “Interest”? What are the steps to be taken by the secretary for payment of


  1. Draft an agenda for a Board meeting.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                   (2×20=40marks)


  1. What are the restrictions imposed on the Company while altering the Articles of

Association?  Explain.

  1. What are the rules to be followed while paying “Dividends”? Explain.
  2. Draft a Chairman’s Speech for the ensuing Annual General meeting of a




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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 21-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer ALL Questions:                                                                                           (10 x 2 =20 marks)

  1. State the need for underwriting of shares.
  2. Distinguish between ‘Ex-interest’ and ‘cum-interest’ price.
  3. Under what headings will you classify the following items while preparing the Balance sheet of a company :
  4. Preliminary expenses
  5. Bills payable
  6. Provision for tax
  7. Outstanding debenture interest
  8. Explain the term capital reduction.
  9. What is Normal Rate of Return?
  10. 50,000 shares of Rs.10 each are issued at a premium of 10%, the full amount of shares will be paid in one lump sum.
  11. Sadan Ltd. issued 20,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at par.  The issue was underwritten for maximum remuneration permissible by law.  The public applied for and received 16,000 shares.  Calculate the commission payable to the underwriter.
  12. Forex Ltd. issued 2000,12% debentures of Rs. 100 each at a discount of 5% , repayable at a premium of 10% . Give the appropriate journal entry.
  13. Calculate managerial remuneration, assuming there are two whole time directors, a part time director and manager from the details given below :

Net profit before provision for income tax and managerial remuneration but after depreciation Rs.8,70,410.

Depreciation provided in the books Rs.3,10,000 and allowable depreciation is Rs.2,60,000.

  1. 5,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each are reduced to fully paid shares of Rs.6 each. Show the effect of the above in the books of the company.


    Answer any FIVE Questions:                                                                                (5 x 8 =40 marks)


  1. Explain the different kinds of ‘Alteration of share capital’ which do not require approval of court of law.
  2. What is ‘Statement of affairs’? How is it prepared?
  3. Describe the method of dealing with ‘unmarked applications’ in relation to an underwriting contract.
  4. Axe Ltd. issued 40,000 shares of Rs.10 each at a premium of Rs.2 per share.  The shares were payable as follows : Rs.2 on application, Rs.5 on allotment (including premium)and Rs.5 on first and final call.  All the shares were applied for and allotted.  All moneys were received with the exception of the first and final call on 1,000 shares which were forfeited.  400 of these were reissued as fully paid at Rs.8 per share.  Give the necessary journal entries.
  5. Irone Ltd was incorporated on July 31, 2010 to purchase the business of Rode Ltd. as on April1,2010. The books of accounts disclosed the following on March31,2011.
  6. Sales for the year Rs.32,10,400 (1st April1 –31st July ,2010 Rs.8,02,600, 1st August to 31st March  24,07,800)
  7. Gross profit for the year Rs.4,12,800, managing director’s salary Rs.12,000, preliminary expenses written off Rs.18,000, company secretary’s salary 58,000.
  8. Bab debts written off Rs.14,890. (prior to 31st July Rs.4,020 and after Rs.10,870)
  9. Depreciation on machinery Rs.25,200, general expenses Rs.51,000, Advertising Rs.7,400, Interest on debentures Rs.20,000.

You are required to prepare a statement showing the Pre-incorporation and Post-incorporation profits.


  1. The Balance sheet of Skey Ltd.as on 31st2010 is as follows :

Liabilities                    Rs.                               Assets                          Rs.

Share Capital:

15,000 equity shares of

Rs.100 each fully paid                        15,00,000                    Land& Buildings          6,60,000

Profit and loss account              3,09,000                   Plant & Machinery        2,85,000

Sundry creditors                        2,31,000                   Stock                           10,50,000

Bank overdraft                              60,000                   Sundry Debtors             4,65,000

Provision for taxation                1,35,000

Dividend equalization fund       2,25,000

___________                                                    ___________

24,60,000                                                          24,60,000

___________                                                     __________

The net profit of the company after deducting all working charges and providing for depreciation and taxation were as under :

2006 – Rs.2,25,000 ;   2007 – Rs.2,88,000;    2008 – Rs.2,70,000;  2009 – Rs.3,00,000;  2010 – Rs.2,85,000

On 31st December 2010, land and buildings were valued at Rs.7,50,000 and Plant and machinery at Rs.4,50,000.

10% is considered as the reasonable return on capital.

Calculate the value of the company’s shares after taking into account the revised values on fixed assets and goodwill  based on four years purchase of the annual super profits.


  1. The financial position of Axe Ltd. on 1st April 2010 and 31st March 2011 was as follows :

Liabilities                                                        1.4.2010(Rs.)              31.3.2011(Rs.)

Current liabilities                                             72,000                                     82,000

Loan from associate company                        –                                               40,000

Loan from bank                                              60,000                                     50,000

Capital and Reserves                                   2,96,000                                  2,98,000


 Assets                                                         1.4.2010                              31.3.2011

Cash                                                                8,000                                         7,200

Debtors                                                         70,000                                       76,800

Stock                                                             50,000                                       44,000

Land                                                              40,000                                       60,000

Building                                                     1,00,000                                    1,10,000

Machinery                                                  2,14,000                                    2,44,000

Provision for depreciation                           (54,000)                                    (72,000)


During the year Rs.52,000 was paid as dividends .  Prepare Cash Flow Statement as per

AS-3 .

  1. The Balance sheet of Yee Ltd. as on 31st2010 disclosed the following information :

15% Debentures                                  Rs.8,00,000

Debenture Sinking Fund                          3,40,000

Debenture Sinking fund investment represented by Rs.80,000 own Debentures purchased at 98 and the remaining amount by Rs.2,80,000 4% stock.

On the above date , directors redeemed all the debentures . For this purpose, they realized 4% stock at par.  They utilized Rs.1,20,000 for redemption out of current year’s profits.  You are required to give journal entries.



    Answer any TWO Questions:                                                                              (2 x 20 =40 marks)

  1. Bigge Ltd. has a nominal capital of Rs.6,00,000 divided into shares of Rs.10 each. The following Trial Balance is extracted from the books of the company as on 31st December 2010.

Calls in arrear                                  7,500       6% Debentures                        3,00,000

Premises (Rs.60,000 added                            Profit and loss account              14,500

On 1.7.2010)                              3,60,000       Creditors                                    50,000

Machinery                                  3,00,000       General reserve                          25,000

Interim dividend paid                    7,500       Share capital (called up)          4,60,000

Purchases                                   1,85,000       Bills payable                               38,000

Preliminary expenses                       5,000       Sales                                        4,15,000

Freight                                           13,100       Provision for bad debts                3,500

Director’s fees                                 5,740

Bad debts                                        2,110

4% government securities             60,000

Stock (1.1.2010)                           75,000

Furniture                                         7,200

Sundry Debtors                             87,000

Goodwill                                       25,000

Cash                                                   750

Bank                                               39,900

Wages                                            84,800

General expenses                           16,900

Salaries                                           14,500

Debenture interest                            9,000

_________                                                    _________

13,06,000                                                      13,06,000

__________                                                   __________

Prepare final accounts for the year ending 31st  December 2010 in the prescribed form, after taking into account the following adjustments :

  1. Depreciate machinery by 10% and furniture by 5%
  2. Write off half of the preliminary expenses
  3. Wages include Rs.10,000 paid for the construction of a compound wall to the premises and no adjustment was made.
  4. Provide 5% for bad debt on sundry debtors
  5. Transfer Rs.10,000 to general reserve.
  6. Provide for income tax Rs.25,000
  7. Stock on 31st December was Rs.1,01,000.



  1. Neo Company  was formed on 1st January 2010 with an authorized capital of Rs.7,00,000 divided into 50,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each and 2,000 preference shares of Rs.100 each to acquire the business of Wilson as a going concern. The Balance sheet of Wilson at 31st December 2010 is given below :

Liabilities                        Rs.               Assets                                                   Rs.

Sundry creditors           7,500             Cash at bank                                         3,800

A’s Loan account        15,500             Sundry debtors                                     9,700

Wilson’s capital       1,57,000              Stock                                                   36,000

Furniture                                               3,500

Plant and machinery                           70,000

Land and Buildings                            57,000

_________                                                                   _________

1,80,000                                                                       1,80,000

__________                                                                 __________

The purchase consideration was to be discharged by the issue of 15,000 equity shares of

Rs.10 each, 500 preference shares of Rs.100 each and Rs.20,000 in cash.  Neo Co. also

agreed to discharge the sundry creditors but declined to accept A’s loan.  All the assets of

the old company  were taken over at their balance sheet values except stock which was

valued at Rs.40,000. A provision of 5% was also created against sundry debtors.

To provide necessary working capital and to pay the purchase consideration the

remaining equity shares were issued at a premium of 10% and all cash was duly received.

The preliminary expenses amounting to Rs.15,000 were paid by the company

immediately after the issue.

Show the opening entries in the books of the  Neo Company Ltd. and also the opening

Balance sheet.


  1. King Ltd. went into voluntary liquidation on 31st December 2010 when their Balance sheet read as follows :

Liabilities                    Rs.                   Assets                          Rs.

Issued and subscribed capital :                                   Land and Buildings      7,50,000

15,000 10% cumulative preference                             Plant and machinery   18,75,000

Shares of Rs.100 each fully paid        15,00,000        Patents                                      3,00,000

7,500 equity shares of Rs.100                                     Stock                             4,02,500

Each,, Rs.75 paid                                  5,62,500       Sundry Debtors             8,25,000

22,500 equity shares of Rs.100                                   Cash at bank                 2,25,000

Each, Rs.60 paid                                 13,50,000        Profit and loss account 8,53,750

15% debenture secured by a

Floating charge                                     7,50,000

Interest outstanding on debentures      1,12,500

Creditors                                               9,56,250

________                                         _________

52,31,250                                         52,31,250

________                                         _________

Preference dividends were in arrears for 2 years and the creditors included preferential

creditors of Rs.38,000.

The assets were realized as follows :

Land and buildings     Rs.9,00,000, Plant and machinery      Rs.15,00,000, Patents

Rs.2,25,000, Stock   Rs.4,50,000, Sundry debtors     Rs.6,00,000.

The expenses of liquidation amounted to Rs.27,250.

The liquidator is entitled to a commission of 3% on assets realized except cash.

Assuming the final payments including those on debentures were made on 30th June

2010,  Show the liquidator’s final statement of accounts.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Business Mathematics Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 19-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Part A (Answer ALL questions)                                                                              (2 x 10 = 20)

  1. The total cost C for output x is given by . Find the average cost of output of 10 units.
  2. If the marginal function for output is given by, find the total revenue function by integration.
  3. Find the differential coefficient of  with respect to x.
  4. Find the first order partial derivatives of .
  5. Evaluate.
  6. Prove that.
  7. If, find A2.
  8. If , Can you find the inverse of the matrix of A?
  9. If  then find A and
  10. Define Feasible solution.


Part B (Answer any FIVE of the following)                                                           (5 x 8 = 40)

  1. The total cost C for output x is given by . Find (i) Cost when output is 4 units (ii) Average cost when output is 10 units (iii) Marginal cost when output is 3 units.
  2. If then prove that .
  3. For the following pair of demand functions for two commodities X1 and X2, determine the four partial marginal demands, the nature of relationship (Complementary, Competitive or neither) between X1 and X2 and the four partial elasticities of demand  and .
  4. Integrate with respect to x.
  5. Prove that .
  6. If  then show that .
  7. Compute the inverse of the matrix .
  8. Resolve into partial fractions: .


Part C (Answer any TWO questions)                                                                     (2 x 20 = 40)

  1. (a) If AR and MR denote the average and marginal revenue at any output, show that elasticity of demand is equal to. Verify this for the linear demand law.

(b) If the marginal revenue function is , show that  is the demand law.                                                                                                          (10+10)


  1. (a) If , prove that .

(b) Evaluate.                                                                              (10+10)

  1. (a) Find the consumer’s surplus and producer’s surplus for the demand curve  and the supply curve .

(b) Find the maximum and minimum values of the function.



  1. (a) Solve the equations ; ; by inverse matrix method.

(b) Solve the following LPP by graphical method:


Subject to



.                                                                  (12+8)































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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Business Law & Vat Question Paper PDF Download




CO 4503/CO 4501 – BUSINESS LAW & VAT




Date : 24-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS:                                                                            (10×2=20 marks)


  1. Define a contract of sale.
  2. What are future goods?
  3. Give the meaning of the terms ‘condition’ and ‘warranty’.
  4. Who is a gratuitous carrier?
  5. Give the meaning for re-insurance and double insurance.
  6. What is VAT?
  7. What is meant by CAVEAT EMPTOR?
  8. Write a note on symbolic delivery.
  9. What is right of lien?
  10. Give the meaning for the terms ‘insurance’ and ‘assurance’.


ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS:                                                                          (5×8=40 marks)

  1. Explain the essentials of a valid contract of sale.
  2. Explain the various implied conditions.
  3. Bring out the rights of a common carrier.
  4. Describe the objectives of the Consumer Protection Act.
  5. Explain the objectives of VAT.
  6. Explain the circumstances under which sale of goods by non-owners is valid.
  7. Briefly describe the different kinds of contract of insurance.
  8. Discuss the rights of the consumers.


ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS:                                                                    (2×20=40 marks)

  1. Distinguish between a sale and an agreement to sell.
  2. Explain the fundamental principles of Insurance contract.
  3. Discuss the liabilities of railway administration as carrier of goods.


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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Business Law – I Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 24-04-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer ALL the questions:                                                                                   (10×2=20)


  1. What is an Agreement? Explain with an example.
  2. What constitutes an Offer?
  3. Who are ‘incompetent to Contract’?
  4. Give the meaning of ‘privity to Contract’.
  5. Write any four agreements contrary to public policy.
  6. Mention the characteristics of a Contingent Contract.
  7. Who must perform the Contract?
  8. State any two differences between Contracts of indemnity and guarantee.
  9. When is a Pledge by non-owners valid?
  10. Who is a Del-Credere Agent?



Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                                        (5×8=40)


  1. How are Contracts classified?
  2. Enumerate the legal rules as to Acceptance.
  3. State the exceptions to the rule that Contracts without consideration is void.
  4. What is assignment of Contract? How does it take place?
  5. What are Quasi-contracts? Enumerate the different types of Quasi-contracts.
  6. State the circumstances in which a Surety is discharged from liability.
  7. Explain the duties of a Bailee under bailment.
  8. Mention the rights of an Agent against the Principal.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                                      (2×20=40)


  1. “When there is no consent there is no Contract.”  Discuss with reference to flaws in consent.
  2. What is a void agreement? Enumerate expressly declared void agreements under the Indian Contract Act.
  3. What remedies are available to an aggrieved party for breach of Contract?




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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 02-05-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS:                                                                               (10X2 = 20 Marks)


  1. What is Economic Environment?
  2. What is Joint Family System?
  3. What is Fiscal Deficit?
  4. Define GNP.
  5. What is meant by Deficit Financing?
  6. What is Electronic Trading?
  7. What is Cultural Heritage?
  8. What is Social Audit?
  9. How does Climate affect the place of business?
  10. What is I.P.O.?



ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS:                                                          (5X8 = 40 Marks)


  1. Discuss the Role of Government in the Economy.
  2. Discuss the Merits and De-merits of Joint Family System.
  3. Evaluate Socialist System.
  4. Describe India’s Industrial Policy.
  5. What benefits can be achieved if Companies take care to reduce Pollution?
  6. Explain the Objectives and Role of Stock Exchange.
  7. State the functions of W.T.O.
  8. What are the Rights of the Consumer?




ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS:                                                         (2X20 = 40 Marks)


  1. Discuss how the external environment affects Business.
  2. Describe Social Responsibility of Business towards stakeholders.
  3. What is Globalization? State the advantages.





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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Business Correspondence Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Com April 2012 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 02-05-2012              Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

Part A

Answer All Questions                                                                                                           (10 X 2 =20)


  1. What are the various forms of written communication?
  2. Mention any three important points that should be included in a quotation.
  3. How do business organization benefits from issuing press release?
  4. Mention the stages of a collection series.
  5. What is meant by ‘Status Consciousness’?
  6. Why is it important to sign every pages of the Minutes book?
  7. What are the advantages of allowing credit in trading?
  8. In what way is a classified advertisement similar to a telegram?
  9. What is a performance report?
  10. Mention any three objectives of a sales letter.


Part B

Answer any Five Questions                                                                                                    (5 X 8 =40)


  1. Describe with illustration the different parts of a Business letter.
  2. Discuss the important guidelines for drafting letter of Credit and status enquiry.
  3. Draft a report of a committee appointed to identify areas of diversification for a company engaged in producing home appliances.
  4. Draft a letter of appreciation to an employee who has achieved the sales target.
  5. What are the Characteristics of a good Classified Advertisement?
  6. Explain the various advantages of forming committees.
  7. How should a candidate behave during a selection interview?
  8. You have been asked to declare open “Commerce Form 2011” draft an appropriate speech for the occasion.


Part C

Answer any Two Questions                                                                                               (2 X 20 =40)


  1. Briefly discuss the changes brought in the field of Communication by the newly introduced electronic devices.
  2. Draft an Application to Reliance Company Ltd. Mumbai, for the post of Chartered Accountant specially emphasizing your good auditing skills, knowledge of State and Central taxes and your dignified personality.
  3. You have received a letter from Mr. Vasanth. Vasanth & Co, reminds you to settle a claim of Rs 5 lakhs immediately. Draft a suitable replay requesting for extending of the terms and suggesting payments in installments.

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