Loyola College B.Com Nov 2016 Business Management Question Paper PDF Download

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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Company Law & Secretarial Practice Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 05/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00




Answer ALL the questions:                                                                                               (10×2=20)


  1. What is a Public Company?
  2. What is a Government Company?
  3. What is memorandum of association?
  4. What is meant by constructive notice of memorandum and articles?
  5. What are statutory books?
  6. What is dividend warrant?
  7. What is dividend?
  8. What are minutes?
  9. What are preliminary or pre-incorporation contracts?
  10. What is a special resolution?




Answer any FIVE questions only:                                                                          (5×8=40)


  1. Explain the cases in which corporate veil can be lifted.
  2. What are the advantages of a company?
  3. Discuss the exceptions to the doctrine of indoor management.
  4. Explain the differences between memorandum of association and articles of association.
  5. List out the various statistical books required to be maintained by the company.
  6. Discuss the duties of secretary regarding maintenance of statutory books.
  7. Explain the procedure regarding payment of dividend.
  8. Discuss the legal provisions relating to minutes.




Answer any TWO questions only:                                                                                 (2×20=40)

  1. How can you classify companies on the basis of incorporation and on the basis of liability?
  2. Discuss the kinds of resolutions in detail.
  3. Who is a promoter? Discuss his legal position in relation to the company which he promotes and how is he remunerated?


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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Company Accounts Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 03/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer All Questions:                                                                                              (10 X 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Explain the term ‘Firm Underwriting’.
  2. What is call money? What is the maximum amount of a call according to table A.?
  3. What do you understand by redemption of debenture out of profits.?
  4. What are ‘divisible profit’?
  5. Write a note on ‘pre – incorporation profit’.
  6. How do you calculate ‘Average capital employed’?
  7. 5,000 Equity shares of Rs 100 each reduced to Rs 75 each and 1000 preference shares of Rs 50 each is reduced by Rs 25 Pass Journal entries.
  8. Amount needed after 5 years for debenture redemption is Rs 60,00,000. Rate of interest on investment expected is 5% Annual investment needed to get Rs 15 after 5 years, Rs 2.71462. Ascertain the annual transfer to sinking fund.
  9. Padma co.Ltd was formed for taking over the business of Mr. Ganapathi. The purchase consideration was Rs 1,92,000 which will be settled by issue 960 shares of Rs 100 each at a discount of 5% and balance in cash. Assets taken over were Rs 2,08,000 and liabilities taken over were Rs 28,000. Give journal entries in the books of padma co.Ltd.
  10. Calculate Net profit before tax and Extra ordinary items. P&L a/c balance on 31/03/10:

Rs. 10,00,000 and on 31/03/11 Rs 11,00,000 Transfer to General Reserve Rs.10,000,

Proposed Dividend Rs. 25,000,  Provision for taxation Rs. 40,000.




Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                                     (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. What is ‘acquisition of Business’? Explain the methods of computing purchase consideration on acquisition of business.
  2. Explain the Provisions Under sec 78 of the companies Act for the use of share premium.
  3. Explain the circumstances under which valuation of shares is essential and discuss the various methods of valuation.
  4. WYE Co.Ltd. issued 20,000 shares of Rs.10 each. These shares were underwritten as follows:

X: 10,000 shares,     Y: 6,000 shares.  The public applied for 16,000 shares which included market application as follows:-     X: 2,400 shares;     Y: 600 shares.

Determine the obligating of the underwriters.

  1. Ltd issued 2,000 12% Debentures of Rs.100 each on 1.1.2008 at a discount of 10%, redeemable at premium of 15% in equal annual drawings in two years out of profits. Give journal entries both at the time of issue and redemption of debentures.   (ignore the treatment of loss on issue of debentures and interest).
  2. From the following Profit & Loss Account of Soundarya Ltd. For the year ended 31.12.2010 and additional data given, calculate commission due to managing director at 5% of net profit.  Salary of managing director is to be treated as part payment of the commission.

Profit & Loss A/c  of the year ended 31.12.2010.

  Rs.   Rs.
To opening stock 11,000 Pay sales 1,70,000
To Bonus (including Rs.500 for 2009) 5,000 By closing stock 15,000
To Director’s fees 3,000 By other income:


To Managing director:






Profit sale of fixed assets 1,000
To Development rebate reserve 800    
To provision for Tax 3,000    
To Establishments Expenses 40,000    
To Loss on sale of investments 200    
To Net profit c/d 1,22,000    
  1,88,000   1,88,000

The book value of the fixed assets sold was Rs.2,000 and their original cost was Rs.2,600.


  1. A company was incorporated on 1st May 2010 acquiring the business of a sole trader with effect from 1st January 2010. The accounts of the company were closed for the first time on 30th September 2010, disclosing a gross profit of Rs.1,68,000.  The establishment expenses were Rs.42,660. Directors’ fees Rs.3,000 per month, preliminary expenses written off Rs.4,000, rent upto  June, 2010 was Rs.300 per month which was there after increased to Rs.750 per month.  Salary to the manager was at Rs.1500 per month who was appointed a director at the time of incorporation of the company.

Prepare a statement showing profits prior and subsequent to incorporation assuming that the net sales were Rs.24,60,000.  The monthly average of which for the first four months of 2010 was half of that of the remaining period.

  1. From the following information, calculate the value of good will on the basis of 3 years purchase of super profit.
  • Average capital employed in the business is Rs.20,00,000.
  • Rate of interest expected from capital having regard to the risk involved is 10%.
  • Net trading profits of the firm for the past three years were Rs.3,50,400; Rs.2,80,300; and Rs.3,10,100.
  • Fair remuneration to the partners for their services is Rs,48,000 p.a.
  • Sundry assets of the firm are Rs.23,50,400 and current Liabilities are Rs.95,110.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                                   (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Swan ltd., issued 8,000 9% Redeemable preference shares of Rs.100 each at par 1.7.2004, redeemable at the option of the company on or after 30th June 2010, partly or fully.

Redemption were made out of profit as follows:

  • 1,200 shares on 30th June 2010 at par.
  • 1,600 shares on 31st December 2010 at 10% premium.
  • Remaining shares 30th June 2011 at a premium of 5% by making a fresh issue of 40,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each at premium of Re.1 each,

On 30th June 2011, the company also decided to capitalize 50% of its Capital redemption reserve by issuing bonus shares of Rs.10 each fully paid at a premium of Rs.2.50 per share.   Pass necessary entries to record the above transactions.

  1. The Silver Ore co.ltd. was formed on 1.4.2007 with an authorized capital of Rs.6,00,000 in shares of Rs.10 each of these 52,000 shares had been issued and subscribed but there was calls in arrear on 100 shares.  From the following trial balance as on March 31, 2008, Prepare the Trading and Profit & Loss Account and the Balance sheet:
  Rs.   Rs.
Cash at bank 1,05,500 Share Capital 5,18,750
Plant 40,000 Sale of Silver 1,79,500
Mines 2,20,000 Interest on F.D. up to Dec.31 3,900
Promotion expenses 6,000 Dividend on Investment 3,200
Advertising 5,000    
Cartage on plant 1,800    
Furniture & Buildings 20,900    
Administrative Expenses 28,000    
Repairs to plant 900    
Coal and oil 6,500    
Royalties paid 10,000    
Railway Track & wagons 17,000    
Wages of miners 74,220    
Cash 530    
Investment – shares of tin mines 80,000    
Brokerage on above 1,000    
6% FD in syndicate bank 89,000    
  7,06,350   7,06,350


  • Depreciate plant and Railways by 10% . Furniture & building by 5%
  • Write off a third of the promotion expenses.
  • Value of silver ore of march 31, 2008 Rs.15,000.
  • The directors forfeited on Dec. 20, 2007, 100 shares on which only Rs.7.50 had been paid.


  1. Knight co.ltd went into voluntary liquidation on 31.12.2010 when their balance sheet read as follows:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Issued & subscribed capital: 15,000 10% cumulative preference shares of Rs.100 each fully paid 15,00,000 Land  & Buildings 7,50,000
7,500 Equity shares of Rs.100 each Rs.75 paid 5,62,500 Plant & Machinery 18,75,000
22,500 equity shares of Rs.100 each Rs.60 paid 13,50,000 Patents 3,00,000
15% debenture secured by a floating charge 7,50,000 Stock 4,02,500
Interest outstanding on debentures 1,12,500 Sundry debtors 8,25,000
Creditors 9,56,250 Cash at bank 2,25,000
    Profit & Loss a/c 8,53,750
  52,31,250   52,31,250

Preference dividends were in arrears for 2 years and the creditors included Preferential creditors of Rs.38,000.

The assets were realized as follows:  land & Buildings Rs.9,00,000; Plant & machinery Rs.15,00,000; patents Rs.2,25,000; Stock Rs.4,50,000; Sundry debtors Rs.6,00,000.


The expenses of liquidation amounted to Rs.27,250.  The liquidator is entitled to a commission of 3% on assets realized except cash.  Assuming the final payments including those on debentures were made on 30.6.2011, show the liquidator’s final statement of account.

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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Business Law & Vat Question Paper PDF Download




CO 4503/CO 4501 – BUSINESS LAW & VAT




Date : 07/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




Explain the following Terms:                                                                           (10×2=20 marks)


  1. Auction sale
  2. Agreement to sell
  3. MRTP Commission
  4. Appeal
  5. Subrogation
  6. Contract of insurance
  7. Restrictive Trade Practice
  8. VAT
  9. Scheduled goods
  10. Common carrier

PART – B    

Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                               (5×8=40 marks)


  1. What are the duties of the buyer?
  2. What are the Express and Implied conditions?
  3. What are the objects of the Central Consumer Protection Council?
  4. Explain “Unfair Trade Practices” under the MRTP Act.
  5. What are the functions of Insurance?
  6. Explain the different types of Fire Insurance Policies.
  7. What are the rights of a Common Carrier?
  8. What are the objectives of VAT?



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                     (2×20=40 marks)


  1. What are the rights of an Unpaid Seller? Describe using examples.
  2. Describe the procedure on admission of complaint relating to goods and services. Explain using illustrations.
  3. Explain and Illustrate the fundamental principles of Insurance.


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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Business Law – I Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 02/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer ALL questions:                                                                                                   (10×2=20 marks)


  1. What is ‘quid –pro-quo’?
  2. Define contract as per Indian Contract Act
  3. What is a ‘void agreement’?
  4. Explain a “contingent contract”
  5. What do you mean by the term ‘tender of performance’?
  6. Define a ‘Quasi contract’?
  7. What is mitigation of loss?
  8. Who is an agent?
  9. What is a contract of indemnity?

10.What is general lien?




Answer any FIVE questions only:                                                                                     (5×8=40 marks)


  1. “ No consideration No contract” state the exceptions to this general rule.
  2. Distinguish between coercion and undue influence.
  3. List out any eight agreements declared void.
  4. Explain the circumstances under which claim for ‘quantum merit” arises.
  5. What are the essentials of a valid tender?
  6. State the circumstances in which quasi contractual obligation arise.
  7. Distinguish between contract of indemnity and guarantee.
  8. What are the essentials of Bailment?



Answer any TWO questions only:                                                                                 (2×20=40 marks)


  1. What are the essentials of a valid contract?
  2. What do you mean by discharge of contract? Discuss the various modes by which it may be


  1. What are the rights and duties of an agent towards his principal?





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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 10/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00




ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS:                                                                        (10×2=20marks)


  1. What do you understand by Business Environment?
  2. Define Economic planning.
  3. What is Balance of Payment?
  4. What is GDP?
  5. Define political environment.
  6. Give the objectives of MRTP.
  7. What is Fiscal policies?
  8. What do you mean by the process of globalisation?
  9. What is capital market?
  10. What is Mixed economy?



ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS:                                                                      (5×8=40marks)


  1. Write the Economic and Social Indicator.
  2. Write the features of socio cultural environment.
  3. What are the benefits to the host countries from MNC’s?
  4. What are the main objectives of Indian Fiscal Policy?
  5. Explain the features of Economic Environment.
  6. What are the objectives of the New Industrial Policy?
  7. Explain briefly any four disadvantages of Privatisation.
  8. Comment on the objectives of public enterprises.




ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS:                                                                    (2×20=40marks)


  1. Describe the factors affecting Business Environment, using illustrations.
  2. State and explain the provisions of Environment Protection Act, 1986.
  3. Define ‘Consumer Protection Council’, What is the difference between District Forum,

State and National Commission.


Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Business Environment And Ethics Question Paper PDF Download








Date : 10/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



Answer ALL Questions:                                                                                                (10 x 2 = 20 )


  1. Fill in the Blanks: (4 x ½ = 2)


  1. The _______ Business Environment consists of a micro and macro environment.
  2. The characteristics of _______ like skill, quality, morale commitment and attitude can

contribute to the strength and weakness of the organization.

  1. The business environment in many countries has been significantly influenced by the

invasion of _______  culture.

  1. Cultural transmission takes place by means of _______ commission.


  1. True or False: (4 x ½ = 2)


  1. The Indian Constitution guarantees the citizens the fundamental right to freedom to practice

any profession, trade or business.

  1. Social Responsibility of business refers to what the business does for the benefit of society.
  2. In the mixed economy only features of private capitalism are evident.
  3. The macro environment is also known as task and operating environment.


  1. Choose the best alternative: ( 4 x ½ = 2)


  1. The division of powers between the Central and State Government has been defined

through the  ____ lists given in our Indian Constitution.

  1. a) Union List b) State List         c) Concurrent list             d) All the 3
  2. The entrepreneurial role consists of governmental participation in business through ______

ownership and management of industrial and commercial undertakings.

  1. a) Public b) Private         c) Free enterprise      d) Government Enterprise
  2. Urbanisation means the ________ of nation’s population living in urban areas.
  3. a) proportion b) nature         c)  rate               d) structure
  4. ______ is that branch of Commerce which is concerned with the sale transfer or exchange of

goods and services.

  1. a) Marketing b) Trade         c) Economics         d) Industry
  2. Match the following: (4 x ½ = 2)


  1. Entre-pot trade –     Automobiles
  2. Primary industry – Welfare of people
  3. State Policy – extractive and genetic
  4. Assembling – re-export trade


  1. Explain the term Macro Environment.
  2. What is a Technology Index?
  3. Name two fundamental rights.
  4. Define Business Ethics.
  5. What is GATT?
  6. Identify two limitations of Environmental Analysis.




Answer any FIVE Questions:                                                                                          ( 5 x 8 = 40 )


  1. Explain the types of Business Environment and list out the importance and limitations.
  2. What are the approaches of Environmental Analysis?
  3. List out the merits and demerits of the different Economic Systems.
  4. What are the functions and economic roles of the State?
  5. Explain the relevance of the Competition Act.
  6. What is the impact of foreign cultures on Indian Businesses? Illustrate with examples.
  7. What are the demographic factors that affect Business Environment?
  8. Explain the role and functions of the World Trade Organisation.




Answer any TWO Questions:                                                                                         ( 2 x 20 = 40 )


  1. Explain the role of Economic Parameters. Bring out a detailed description of the various

indices that help study the effect of Economic factors that affect the Environment.

  1. What is the COPRA? Bring out the significant provisions and role of the CPA – 1986 in

protecting the interest of consumers.

  1. Explain the factors related to Corporate Social Responsibility. Illustrate the strategies

used in implementing a CSR initiative for different business groups with suitable examples.

  1. Outline the Trading Blocks that affect Globalisation across the world. Also explain the

impact of Globalisation in India with relevance to the IT Industry.



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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Business Communication Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 09/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS:                                                                                   (10×2=20)


  1. Define Proposition.
  2. Mention any four factors that can be give rise to complaints.
  3. What is a counter offer?
  4. Give the meaning of ‘Reprimand Interview’.
  5. Write the three possible attitudes that suppliers can have towards a complaint.
  6. Mention any two types of advertisement copy.
  7. How does language act as a barrier to effective communication?
  8. Distinguish between reference and testimonials.
  9. What is the meaning of “3 percent, 7 days”?
  10. What is an enclosure?



ANSWER ANY FIVE QUESTIONS:                                                                         (5X8=40)


  1. Briefly explain the functions of business letters.
  2. How do marketers write effective sales letters?
  3. Draft an office circular emphasising the need of minimising the use of staff cars.
  4. Draft a suitable reply to a customer who has complained about the poor services of computers supplied by you.
  5. The commerce forum of your college plan to organize a two day seminar on the need to tackle inflation. Prepare a suitable handout to be issued to the press.
  6. As a retailer, draft a letter to Rainbow India Private Ltd., Calcutta, placing an urgent order with them for certain goods required for the forthcoming rainy season. Draw their attention to the need for prompt delivery.
  7. Explain the components of a Resume.
  8. What are the guidelines to be followed to make Advertisements attractive and effective?



ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS:                                                                 (2X20=40)


  1. (a) Explain the principles of communication.(10 marks)


(b) Apply these principles to develop effective telephone communication in an                 organisation. (10 marks)


  1. Draft an application to TCS, Chennai for the post of HR Manager specially emphasizing your effective management practices, good leadership styles and command over English.
  2. You are residing in an upcountry town. You read in the newspapers that Eastern and Western Stores Ltd., Mumbai, are holding their annual sale in the current month and you want to order some sports materials required by you. Write:
  1. A letter to Eastern and Western Stores Ltd., asking for their catalogue.(10 marks)
  2. A letter from Eastern and Western Stores Ltd., informing you that a catalogue has been sent and that the catalogue also contains usual business terms.(10 marks)



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Loyola College B.Com Nov 2012 Basic Economics Question Paper PDF Download







Date : 02/11/2012             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


PART – A                                             

Answer any FIVE questions in about 75 words each:                                                   (4 x 5 = 20marks)


  1. Define Economics.
  2. Write a short note on TR and MR.
  3. Define the term Money
  4. What are the factors of production?
  5. Define GNP and GDP.
  6. What is meant by Deficit spending?
  7. Write a short note on classification of commercial Banks.


                                                             PART – B                                      

Answer any FOUR questions in about  250 words each:                                           (4 x 10 = 40 marks)


  1. Briefly explain the subject matter of economics.
  2. Explain the scope of public finance.
  3. Describe the functions of development banks.
  4. Explain the various phases of a Business cycles.
  5. Explain the role of public expenditure.
  6. Discuss the various causes of inflation.
  7. Define Demand and explain the law of demand with an illustration.


PART – C                                          

Answer any TWO questions in about 900 words each:                                              (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain the price -output determination under perfect competition.
  2. Discuss the various instrument s of credit control.
  3. Describe the merits and demerits of direct and indirect taxes.
  4. Discuss the components of national income and various methods to compute the same.


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B.Com Environmental Studies Sample Paper 1 (English & Hindi)

Environmental Studies


(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

अति लघु ऊत्तर वाले प्रश्न (अनिवार्य)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question delimit answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark.

नोट: सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए| आप अपने उत्तर को प्रश्नानुसार एक शब्द , एक वाक्य या अधिकतम 30 शब्दों में परिसीमित कीजिये| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1अंक का है|                                                                                                              6×1=6


(i) What is biosphere?

जैव-मण्डल क्या है ?

(ii)How much area of land is covered under forest?

स्थलीय भू –भाग का कितना क्षेत्र वनों से आच्छादित हैं?

(iii)Give name of the state bird of Rajasthan.

राजस्थान के राज्य पक्षी का नाम बताइए |

(iv)Write down major types of Pesticides.

पीडकनाशी के प्रमुख प्रकार लिखिए |

(v)Name the disease of babies caused due to high concentration of nitrate in drinking water.

पीने के पानी में नाईट्रेट की मात्रा अधिक होने पर शिशुओं का कौनसा रोग हो जाता हैं?

(vi)Who started Chipko movement?

चिपको आन्दोंलन किसने शुरू किया?



(Short Answer Questions)

लघु उत्तर वाले प्रश्न

Note: Answer any 4 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 3 marks.                                                                            

नोट: निम्नलिखित में से किन्हीं 4 प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए| आप अपने उत्तर को अधिकतम 100 शब्दों में परिसीमित कीजिये| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 3 अंकों का है|                                                                                                                                                      4×3=12

2. Explain about various trophic levels in an ecosystem.

पारिस्थतिकी तंत्र में विभिन्न पोषक स्तरों को समझाइए |

3. Write a brief account on Biogas.

जैवगैस पर संक्षिप्त लेख लिखिए |

4. What is desertification?

मरुस्थलीकरण क्या हैं?

5. What do you mean by endangered species?

संकटग्रस्त जातियों से आप क्या समझते हैं?

6. Write short note on hot spots in India.

भारत के तप्त स्थलों पर संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी लिखिए |


Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions)

(दीर्घ उत्तर वाले  प्रश्न)

Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit each answer maximum up to 400 words. Each question carries 6 marks.

नोट : निम्नलिखित में से किन्हीं 02 प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए|आपको  अपने प्रत्येक उत्तर को अधिकतम 400 शब्दों में परिसीमित करना है| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 6 अंकों का है|                                                            2×6=12


7. What is an ecosystem? Explain its structure & components.

पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र क्या हैं? इसकी संरचना  एवं घटकों को समझाइए |

8. Discuss about the growing energy need and use of alternate sources of energy.

ऊर्जा की बदती आवश्यकता एवं ऊर्जा के वैकल्पिक स्रोतों के उपयोग का वर्णन करो |

9. Give an account on biodiversity conservation and write about the national parks and sanctuaries of Rajasthan.

जैव विविधता संरक्षण पर विवरण दीजिए और राजस्थान के नेशनल पार्क एवं अभयारण्य के बारे में लिखिए |

10. Write a detailed note on environmental laws.

पर्यावरण सम्बन्धी कानूनों पर विस्तृत लेख लिखिए |

B.Com Business Environment Sample Paper 1 (English & Hindi)

Business Environment

व्यावसायिक पर्यावरण – Max Marks: 30

Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.

यह प्रश्न पत्र ‘A’,’B’ और ‘C’ तीन खण्डों में विभाजित है| प्रत्येक खण्ड के निर्देशानुसार प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए|



(Very Short Answer Type Questions) – अति लघु ऊत्तर वाले प्रश्न (अनिवार्य)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 mark. 6×1=06

नोट: सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए| आप अपने उत्तर को प्रश्नानुसार एक शब्द, एक वाक्य या अधिकतम 30 शब्दों में परिसीमित कीजिये| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है|                                             6×1=06

1. मौद्रिक नीति को परिभाषित कीजिये।

Define monetary policy.

2. व्यावसायिक वातावरण से आप क्या समझते हैं?

What do you mean by business environment?

3. वैश्वीकरण से आप क्या समझते हैं?

What do you mean by globalization?

4. विश्व व्यापार संगठन क्या है?

What is World Trade Organization?

5. भुगतान सन्तुलन से आप क्या समझते हैं?

What do you mean by balance of payments?

6. आर्थिक नियोजन के क्या उद्धेश्य है?

What are the objectives of economic planning?



(Short Answer Questions) – लघु उत्तर वाले प्रश्न

Note: Answer any four questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 3 marks. 4×3=12

नोट: निम्नलिखित में से किन्हीं 4 प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए| आप अपने उत्तर को अधिकतम 100 शब्दों में परिसीमित कीजिये| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 3 अंकों का है|

1. व्यावसायिक वातावरण को प्रभावित करने वाले घटकों को स्पष्ट कीजिये।

Explain the factors affecting Business Environment.

2. भारत की राजकोषीय नीति पर एक आलोचनात्मक लेख लिखिये।

Write a critical note on Fiscal Policy of India.

3. भारत के आर्थिक विकास में प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश की भूमिका लिखिये।

Write the role of foreign direct investment in Economic development of India.

4. विकासशील देशों में प्रतिकूल भुगतान सन्तुलन के कारणों को समझाइये।

Discuss the causes of unfavourable balance of payments in developing economies.

5. निम्न पर टिप्पणियाँ लिखिये:

Write short notes on:

  • आर्थिक नियोजन की उपलब्घियों एवं असफलताएँ
  • Achievements and failures of economic planning in India


  • भारत में लोक उपक्रमों का विनिवेश
  • Disinvestment of public enterprises in India


Section ‘C’

(Long Answer Questions) – (दीर्घ उत्तर वाले  प्रश्न)

Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 400 words. Each question carries 06 marks.

नोट : निम्नलिखित में से किन्हीं 02 प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए|आपको अपने प्रत्येक उत्तर को अधिकतम 400 शब्दों में परिसीमित करना है| प्रत्येक प्रश्न 06 अंकों का है|                                                         2×6=12

1. निर्यात-आयात नीति क्या है? भारत की वर्तमान निर्यात-आयात नीति की मुख्य विशेषताएँ लिखिये।

What is EXIM policy? Write main characteristics of latest-EXIM Policy of India.

2. औद्योगिक रूग्णता से आप क्या समझते हैं? भारत में औद्योगिक रूग्णता के कारणों की व्याख्या कीजिये।

What do you mean by Industrial Sickness? Explain cases of Industrial Sickness in India.

3. व्यावसायिक वातावरण से आप क्या समझते हैं? व्यावसायिक वातावरण के अध्ययन की महत्ता को समझाइये।

What do you mean by business environment? Explain the significance of study of business environment.

4. भारत में बेरोजगारी की स्थिति पर प्रकाश डालिये तथा बेरोजगारी की इस समस्या के हल के लिए अपने सुझाव दीजिये।

Discuss the state of unemployment in India and also give your suggestions for solving the problem of unemployment in India.

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