Loyola College B.Sc. Computer Science Nov 2006 Operating System Question Paper PDF Download


AK 08


         CS 5501 – OPERATING SYSTEM

(Also equivalent to CSC 507)



Date & Time : 25-10-2006/9.00-12.00       Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL the questions                                                                              (10 x 2 = 20)


1) List the two main functions of an operating system?

2) Mention the three states that a process may be in?

3) Name the four conditions for deadlock?

4) State the difference between a safe state and an unsafe state?

5) What is a dirty bit?

6) What is paging daemon?

7) Define cycle stealing?

8) What is polling or busy waiting?

9) How is the file access categorized?

10) What is called a hard link?



Answer ALL the questions                                                                              (5 x 8 =40)

11) a) Discuss the system calls for directory management.


  1. b) What are layered systems?

12 a) Explain critical region in detail


  1. b) Discuss Banker’s algorithm for a single resource to avoid deadlock.

13) a) Explain memory management with linked list.


  1. b) Discuss the following:
  • FIFO algorithm (2)
  • Second chance algorithm (2)
  • Clock page algorithm (2)
  • LRU (2)

14) a) Explain in detail about DMA, with a neat block diagram


  1. b) How to bridge the gap between CPU performance and disk

performance using RAID?

15) a)List out the Unix system calls to manage the directories.


  1. b) What are the different forms of directory system?


Answer any TWO questions                                                                             (2  x 20 = 40)

16) Discuss the following in detail:

  1. Paging
  2. Page tables
  3. TLB

17) Discuss in detail about I/O software layers.

18) What are the implementation issues in virtual memory system?



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Loyola College B.Sc. Computer Science Nov 2006 Introduction To C Programming Question Paper PDF Download

                 LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AK 01



(Also equivalent to CSC 500)



Date & Time : 01-11-2006/1.00-4.00     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all questions:                                                                              10 X 2 = 20

  1. What is an array variable?
  2. Define Algorithm.
  3. What is an escape sequence? What are its Advantages?
  4. What are parts of C Character Set?
  5. Give the arithmetic Operator precedence in C.
  6. List out any four mathematical functions in C.
  7. List out the bitwise operators in C.
  8. State the advantages of using Function in C Program.
  9. Give the construct of Structure.
  10. Define union.


Answer all questions:                                                                              5 X 8 = 40


11a) Discuss briefly the efficiency of algorithm


  1. b) Define flowchart. List out the symbols. Give an example.


12a) Briefly discuss various classification of statements with example.


  1. b) Explain the following topics with suitable example.
  2. Constant
  3. Keywords
  • Identifiers


13a) Demonstrate through program any four String functions in C.


  1. b) Briefly discuss while and for loop with example.


14a) Define function. Explain any two types of user-defined function.


  1. b) Explain the various storage classes in C language.


15a) What is structure? Give example for passing structure to functions.


  1. b) Explain creating a data file with example.



Answer any two questions:                                                                                  2 X 20 = 40


16a) Discuss in detail about steps involved in computer programming.

  1. b) Write the different types of operators in C Language. Explain the ternary operator with example.

17a) Write a program to enter some text and display the text in reverse order.

  1. b) Discuss the following statements
  2.   continue       2. break            3. goto

18a) Write a program to read data from the keyboard and write the content to a file called “input”

  1. b) write a program to define structure with following fields.

Sno, Regno, Vehicle_Type, Fuel

Develop a program in C to read and display the data of the structure.

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Loyola College B.Sc. Computer Science Nov 2006 Computer Graphics Question Paper PDF Download

                LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AK 06



(Also equivalent to CS 5504)



Date & Time : 01-11-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the questions                                                        (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. Name any two Graphics software?
  2. Define Bitmap.
  3. What are the basic attributes of a straight line?
  4. Draw the Miter join & Bevel join?
  5. What is a viewport?
  6. Define Clipping.
  7. Mention any four 3D display techniques.
  8. Write the matrix equation for 3D translation.
  9. What are the two types of projection?
  1. What are the classifications of visible surface detection



Answer all the questions                                                        (5 x 8 = 40)

  1. a) Write short notes on Raster scan display.


  1. b) Write short notes on Joystick, Trackball and Spaceball.
  2. a) Explain Line attributes


  1. b) Write about 2D – Transformation in (i) Rotation (ii) General pivot point rotation.
  2. a) Explain window to viewport coordinate transformation


  1. b) Explain Sutherland Hodgeman Polygon clipping.
  2. a) Give an account of 3D rotation.


  1. b) Explain the following types of 3D – Transformation (i) Translation (ii)


  1. a) Explain about parallel projection.


  1. b) Explain the A–buffer method.


Answer  any two question:                                                      (2 x20 = 40)

  1. a) Explain the Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm with example
  2. b) Write about DVST & Flat panel Displays


  1. a) What are the interactive picture construction techniques? Explain
  2. b) Explain the Cohen Sutherland line clipping


  1. a) Discuss the three Dimensional display methods.
  2. b) Explain the Back Face Removal Method.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Computer Science Nov 2006 Applied Electronics Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AK 03



(Also equivalent to CSC 101)



Date & Time : 28-10-2006/9.00-12.00    Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all Questions.                                                             10 x 2 = 20

  1.  What is a Semiconductor ?
  2. What do you mean by barrier voltage ?
  3. Write any four important characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier.
  4. Define CMRR.
  5. State DeMorgan’s Theorem.
  6. Expand A + BC as minterms.
  7. What do you mean by race around condition.
  8. What are the four different modes of operation of  shift register.
  9. Define main memory and auxillary memory.
  10. Define Hit Ratio.


Answer all Questions.                                                             5 x 8 = 40


11.a. Explain the different modes of operation of a Transistor.


  1. Explain the operation of NPN transistor with a neat sketch.

12.a. Explain the Summing amplifier with an example.


  1. Explain the Flash Analog to Digital Convertor.

13.a. Reduce the following using K map:

  1.     ∑ (0,2,5,7,8,10,13,15) .
  2. ABC +  ABC  +  ABC  +  ABC .


  1. What is Multiplexer ? Explain any one Multiplexer with neat diagram.

14.a. Explain the RS flip flop and give the table.


  1. Explain the Shift Left Shift Register using D flip flop.

15.a. Explain the various registers used in basic computer.


  1. Explain any two mapping procedure of Cache memory.



Answer any TWO Questions.                                                 2 x 20 = 40


16.a.With necessary diagram explain the reverse characteristics of a PN junction diode.

b.Explain the Weighted resistor Digital to Analog Convertor.


17.a.Explain the Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor.

b.Describe  the working of  Johnson Counter with neat diagram.


18.a.Explain the Paging technique in the Virtual memory.

b.Explain 3 x 8 Decoder with necessary diagram.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Synthetics Org.Chem. & Org. Spectroscopy Question Paper PDF Download



LM 18


                           CH 6603 – SYNTHETICS ORG.CHEM. & ORG. SPECTROSCOPY

(Also equivalent to CHE 603)



Date & Time : 26-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




                                                Answer all the questions                   (10 ×2 = 20 marks)

  1. What are protecting groups? Give an example of a protecting group for amines and alcohols.
  2. What is raney nickel and Adam’s catalyst?
  3. Distinguish between linear and convergent method of synthesis.
  4. Predict the product and reason for the formation of the product.
  5. Add the necessary reagents for the forward and reverse reactions.
  6. Identify the base peak when acetone undergoes fragmentation during mass spectral study.
  7. Define hyperchromic shift. How does it arise in the electronic spectrum of an organic compound?
  8. Name the methods by which non-first order NMR spectrum is resolved into a first order spectrum.
  9. Calculate the frequency regions for N=O stretching vibrations.
  10. Define the following a) auxochromes         b)  shielding effect



                                                Answer any eight questions            (8 × 5 = 40 marks)

  1. How are the following conversions effected?
  2. Predict which of the following products would be got in Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of cyclohexylmethyl ketone.Why?


  1. Give the reterosynthesis and the synthesis of 2-aminocyclohexanone using umpolung concepts.
  2. Give the reterosynthesis and the synthesis of the following.
  3. Explain a) Aldol condensation b) Michael addition reaction
  4. What are the diene and the dienophile used in the synthesis of the following compounds?
  5. What is solvent cut-off region? How do solvents affect the lmax of any compound? Explain with suitable examples.
  6. Write the various fragmentation pattern for an arbitrary compound A–B-C–D.
  7. What are the advantages of FT-IR over dispersive IR spectrophotometer? Give suitable evidences to mark the differences.
  8. Assign the IR spectral regions and calculate lmax of the following compound


  1. What are the factors that affect the coupling constants of NMR signals? Explain any three in detail.
  2. Explain the following with respect to 13C-NMR spectroscopy
  3. a) Deuterium coupling b) nuclear overhauser effect


Answer any four questions            (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

  1. Predict the product with mechanism
  2. Give the reterosynthesis and the synthesis of the following
  3. a) Predict the product with mechanism for the reaction of EAA with traces of
    sodium hydrogen carbonate.
    b) How are the following conversions effected?
  4. a) Predict the number of NMR signals with increasing order of d values for each of the following compounds.
  5. i) phenylacetic acid
  6. ii) o-hydroxyacetophenone
  7. b) Of the given pairs of isomers which will show the longest wavelength of UV absorption. Give reasons.
  8. i) 1,2-pentadiene and 1,3-pentadiene
  9. ii) 4-hept-1-enone and 4-hept-2-enone
  10. For the given compound predict the following
  11. a) IR vibrational frequencies for various groups present
  12. b) Mass spectral fragmentation pattern
  13. c) Proton NMR spectral data with splitting and chemical shift values.


  1. Elucidate the structure of the given organic compound from the following spectral data (Annexure-I). The molecular formula of the compound is C6H10O2





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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Organic Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download



LM 9


                                                     CH 4500 – ORGANIC CHEMISTRY – II

(Also equivalent to CHE 507)



Date & Time : 25-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part A

Answer all the questions.                                                                          10´2=20

  1. Give an evidence for the resonance structure of benzene.
  2. What is aldol condensation?
  3. Cyclopropane readily undergoes ring-opening reactions. Explain
  4. Why is tropylium cation aromatic?
  5. What will be the major product formed on dehydrohalogenation of 2-bromo-2,3-dimethylbutane.
  6. Name the following alcohols by carbinol and IUPAC system:
    • CH3-CHOH-CH=CH2
    • CH3-CH2-C(CH3)(OH)-CH2-CH2-CH3
  1. C-O-C bond angle in diethyl ether is greater than H-O-H bond angle in water. Explain.
  2. Arrange the following in the order of increasing acidity.

p-toluic acid, phenyl acetic acid, m-nitrobenzoic acid, benzoic acid.

  1. Accont for the lower boiling point and decreasing water solubility of o-nitrophenol as compared with their m- and p- isomers.
  2. What is coupling reaction? Give an example.

Part B

Answer any eight questions.                                                                      8´5=40

  1. Aromatic electrophilic substitution in phenol takes place at ortho and para positions. Explain.
  2. Design a synthesis that would convert phenol primarily to a) o-bromophenol
  3. Give the major products of the following reactions with reason.
  1. bromination of p-fluorotoluene
  2. nitration of p-nitrotoluene
  3. Explain the stability of cyclohexane on the basis of Sache Mohr theory and the potential energy diagram.
  4. Give reasons for the following:
    1. p-chloronitrobenzene has less dipole moment than p-nitrotoluene.
    2. Nitrobenzene and not benzene is used as a solvent for Friedel-Craft’s    alkylation of bromobenzene.
    3. c) Halogens are o-p directors but are deactivating.
    4. Explain the mechanism of Cannizaro reaction.
    5. Explain the mechanism of hydroboration-oxidation of alkenes.
    6. Write the mechanism of nitration of methyl phenyl ether.
    7. Convert the following:
  5. Phenol into salicylic acid
  6. Salicylic acid into a-chloro benzoyl chloride.
  7. Explain Gabriel phthalimide synthesis.  How would you use this method in the preparation of glycine and n-propyl amine?
  8. What is diazodisation? How is benzene diazonium chloride prepared? Give its


  1. Discuss the mechanism of pinacol-pinacolone rearrangement.

Part C

Answer any four questions.                                                                     4´10=40

  1. a) Explain the mechanism of formation of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone derivative from acetone.
  2. b) Compound A with the molecular formula C5H8O2 on reduction forms n-pentane and forms dioxime with hydroxylamine. It gives positive test with Tollen’s reagent and also forms iodoform. Suggest a suitable structure of the compound.
  3. a) Two isomeric hydrocarbons A and B have molecular formula C8H10. A on oxidation gives benzoic acid while a dicarboxylic acid is formed by the oxidation of B which later on heating forms anhydride. Suggest the structures of A and B.
  4. b) CH3-CH (X) – CH2– CH2– CH3 on dehydrohalogenation forms 2-pentene and 1-

pentene. The major and minor product varies with respect to the substituents.

Explain the reactions with reason.

Substituents 2-pentene 1-pentene
Br 80% 20%
Cl 75% 25%
F 65% 35%
S+R2 30% 70%
N+R3 30% 70%


  1. a) When nitrobenzene is nitrated m-dinitrobenzene is formed as the major product whereas anisole on nitration forms a mixture of o- and p-nitro compounds. Explain.
  2. How are the following conversions done?
    1. phenol to cyclohexane
    2. cyclopropane to butanoic acid.       (6+2+2)
    3. i) Explain the mechanism of Reimer-Tiemann’s reaction. (4+6)

ii)Identify the products ( A, B, C and D) in the following sequence of reactions.

Isopropyl alcohol   A

B   C  D

  1. a)Write any two methods of preparation of each primary, secondary and tertiary

amines.                                                                                                               (6)

b)Phenol is less acidic than trinitrophenol and carboxylic acids.  Explain.       (4)

  1. a) Explain the mechanism of Hofmann rearrangement. (6)
  2. b) How will you convert phenol into salicylaldehyde? Give the mechanism.   (4)


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Organic Chemistry – I Question Paper PDF Download



LM 4


                                                     CH 2500 – ORGANIC CHEMISTRY – I

(Also equivalent to CHE 502)



Date & Time : 24-04-2006/1.00-4.00 P.M.   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks


                                                Answer all questions                         (10 ×2 = 20 marks)

  1. Draw the sawhorse and Newman projection structures of propane.
  2. Arrange the following in the increasing order of stability.
    1, 3-butadiene, 1, 2-butadiene, 1, 4-butadiene.
  3. Draw the structure of
    (a) (Z)-3-isopropyl-2-heptene (b) (E)-1-bromo-2-chloropropene.
  4. Define the following (a) racemic mixture (b) resolution.
  5. Arrange the following in the increasing order of reactivity towards Diel’s-Alder reaction.
  6. What are the factors that affect the free radical halogenation of alkanes?
  7. What is Baeyer’s test?
  8. What happens when calcium carbide is treated with water?
  9. What is Wurtz reaction?
  10. Draw the structure of the following compounds
  11. a) 2,6-dimethyl-4-ethyl-2,4-heptadiene
  12. b) 3,5-diethyl-1,7-octadiyne.


                                                Answer any eight questions             (8 × 5 = 40 marks)

  1. What are conformers? How are they different from configuraitonal isomers? Give an example.
  2. Predict the product with mechanism for the reaction of 2, 4-hexadiene with HCl.
  3. The specific rotation of R-(+)-glyceraldehyde is + 8.7°. If the observed rotation of a mixture of R-glyceraldehyde and s-glyceraldehyde is +1.4°, what percent of glyceraldehydes is present as the R enantiomer?
  4. Draw the various stereoisomers of 3-chloro-2-butne and indicate which of them are entantiomers and diastereomers.
  5. Predict the product with mechanism
  6. Define the following
    a) asymmetric synthesis b) chemoselectivity c) regioselectivity.
  7. Compare the free radical chlorination and bromination of methane for reactivity and quantum yield.
  8. Why the alternative mechanism of chlorination of methane is not possible? Explain with proof.
  9. What is Kolbe’s synthesis? How is butane synthesized by above method?
  10. How is ozonolysis used to differentiate 1-butene and isobutene. Write the mechanism of the above reaction.
  11. What are the products formed when 1-butyne is subjected to hydroboration and oxidation. Explain the mechanism of the reaction.
  12. Give the mechanism of addition of bromine to ethylene.


                                                Answer any four questions   (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

  1. Indicate whether the following pairs of compounds are identical or enantiomers or constitutional isomers.
  2. Perform a conformational analysis of rotation of C2-C3 bonds in n-butane and explain using a potential energy diagram.
  3. a) Dienes undergo free radical reactions faster than alkenes. Why?
    b) What are atropisomers? Give suitable example.
    c) Which of the following conjugated dienes would not react with a dienophile in
    Diel’s-Alder reaction? Why?
  4. Explain in detail the chlorination reaction of methane. How many products are formed? Discuss the rate of the reaction and the reaction mechanism of the reaction.
  5. a) A hydrocarbon reacts with conc. H2SO4 to form an alkyl hydrogen sulphates which on hydrolysis yields tert-butyl alcohol. What is the structural formula of the hydrocarbon? Write the equations.
  6. b) Write the structure of the alkene, which on ozonolysis gives 2-butananone and 2-mehtylpropanaldehyde. Write the mechanism of the reactions.
  7. a) compound A, C4H6 gave the following tests
  8. i) A + Br2 / CCl4 ® B (C4H6Br4)
  9. ii) A + H2 / Pt® C (C4H10)

Identify A, B and C

  1. b) What are the uses of the following compounds?
  2. i) ethylene ii) acetylene iii) propene


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Natural Products Question Paper PDF Download



LM 19


                                                        CH 6604 – NATURAL PRODUCTS

(Also equivalent to CHE 604)



Date & Time : 24-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks


Answer ALL the questions.                                                               (10 X 2 = 20)

  1. Explain isoprene rule with respect to geraniol.
  2. Draw the structure of piperonylic acid and caffeine.
  3. Predict the product for the reaction between anthracene and maleic anhydride.
  4. How is the presence of unsaturation tested in alkaloids?
  5. How is urea converted into parabanic acid?
  6. Give the resonance structure of naphthalene.
  7. Apply Huckel’s rule to predict the aromatic character of thiophene and explain.
  8. How is 2-aminopyridine obtained from pyridine?
  9. What is nicotinic acid? How is it obtained?
  10. What are alkaloids? Give an example for pyridine alkaloid.


Answer any EIGHT questions only.                                                   (8 X 5 = 40)

  1. Explain Hoffmann’s exhaustive methylation of coniine.
  2. Naphthalene on sulphonation at 50 ⁰C and at 150 ⁰C yields different products. Explain.
  3. What are carcinogens? Explain the carcinogenic activity of polynuclear hydrocarbons.
  4. How is anthracene obtained by Haworth’s synthesis?
  5. Resonance energy of benzene is 36 kcal mol-1 while that of naphthalene is 61 kcal mol-1. Explain.
  6. Electrophilic substitution of pyridine yields 3- substituted product. Explain.
  7. Explain the synthesis of uric acid.
  8. Write note on anthocyanins.
  9. How are the following obtained from pyrrole:
  10. Pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid. b. 2-Formylpyrrole.
  11. How is the presence of two benzene rings established in naphthalene?
  12. Account for the products of oxidation of quinoline with acidified potassium permanganate.
  13. How are terpenes isolated?



Answer any FOUR questions only.                                                     (4 X 10 = 40)

  1. Establish the structure of uric acid.
  2. Elucidate the structure of nicotine.
  3. Describe the constitution of citral.
  4. a. Discuss the structure of piperic acid.
  5. Write a note on flavones.
  6. Explain the following:
  7. Skraup’s synthesis b. Conversion of thiophene to thiophene-2-carboxylic acid.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Molecular Dynamics Question Paper PDF Download



LM 15


                                                     CH 6600 – MOLECULAR DYNAMICS

(Also equivalent to CHE 600)



Date & Time : 19-04-2006/FORENOON     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



                                                            PART – A                            

            Answer ALL questions.                                            (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)


  1. State the de Broglie relation. Explain the condition under which it is applicable.
  2. Normalise eax in the interaval (0,1).
  3. What are the possible values for angular momentum according to Bohr’s postulate?
  4. Give the expressions for wave function and energy for the third p-energy level of 1,3-
  5. Evaluate ln N! when N = 1030 using Stirling’s formula.
  6. Calculate the number of ways of distributing four particles among five energy levels if the particles are electrons.
  7. Write Boltzmann equation connecting entropy and thermodynamic probability.
  8. What is intersystem crossing?
  9. Define quantum yield of a photochemical reaction.
  10. Mention any four relaxation methods used in the kinetic study of fast reactions.


PART – B                 

       Answer any EIGHT questions.                                     (8 ´ 5 = 40 marks)


  1. Determine the kinetic energy of the electrons emitted by a light of 100 nm if the threshold frequency of the metal is 9.0 ´ 1014
  2. Calculate the ionization energy per mole of H atom.
  3. Derive the expression for Hamiltonian operator in cartesian coordinates.
  4. Examine whether “A sin ax” is Eigen function for the second order differential operator. If so, state the Eigen value.
  5. Calculate the wave length of transition for a conjugate olefin containing 3 double bonds.
  6. Explain how partition functions can be separated.
  7. Calculate the ratio of translational partition function of D2(g) to H2(g)  at the same temperature and volume.
  8. Write Sackur-Tetrode equation and mention the terms involved.
  9. Derive the relation connecting internal energy(E) and molecular partition function(Q).
  10. Explain the principle of flash photolysis.
  11. Explain the factors affecting phosphorescence emission.
  12. Explain photosensitisation with two examples.



       Answer any FOUR questions.                                      (4 ´ 10 = 40 marks)


  1. Obtain an expression for the radius of “H” atom on the basis of the Bohr’s model of atom.
  2. Obtain the expressions for the energy and wave function of a free particle in a one dimensional box.
  3. State the postulates of Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law and hence derive an expression for most probable distribution.
  4. Explain any two of the following
    (a) Fluorescence and structure
  • Kinetics of H2-Br2 (photochemical) reaction.
  • Chemical actinometer.
  1. Draw Jablonski diagram and explain in detail.
  2. Derive the following

(a)  E = RT2

(b)  Etranslation =


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Microbial Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download



IB 7


                                                PB 4202 – MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY



Date & Time : 22-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part A

Answer all the questions                                                                         (20 marks)

  1. Choose the correct answer (5 x 1 = 5 )
  1. ________ are enzymes which acts on proteins.
  1. a) amylases b) pectinases             c) proteases     d) lipases
  1. The viral surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus is .
  1. a) HbsAg b) HbcAg c)  HbeAg       d)  HbdAg
  1. Malt extract contains ………… % of nitrogen.
  1. a) 5 b) 5.5               c) 8.5               d)  80
  1. The production of malt beverages is known as …….
  1. a) Malting       b) Mashing            c) Brewing      d) Ripening
  1. Which of the following one is an exopolysaccharide?
  1. a) Xanthan            b) Inulin          c) Renin           d) Pectin


  1. State whether the following statements are True or False (5 x 1  = 5 )
  1. An endocellular enzyme is not secreted in the fermentation medium.
  2. Immunizing agents that stimulate immunity to toxins are called toxoids.
  3. Microorganisms can be preserved by Lyophilization.
  4. Spirulina contains carotene pigments.
  5. Biosensor is used for the quantitative estimation of important substances in body fluid

III. Complete the following                                                                              (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. ______ is the first discovered antibiotic.
  2. _______ are used in removal of starch sizing from woven cloth.
  3. The technology used for the cultivation of eukaryotic cells in large scale is called as __________
  4. The moisture content of soft cheese is  ________
  5. VAM  refers to ________    __________   _________.
  1. Answer the following in one or two sentences. (5 x 1 = 5)
  1. What is a constitutive enzyme ?.
  2. What is acquired immunity ?.
  3. What is Beerwort?
  4. Define transgenic microbe
  5. What is single cell protein?

Part B

Answer any five of the following each in about 350 words. Draw necessary diagrams.                                                                                         (5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Explain the microbial production of pectinase.
  2. List out any 5 applications of microbial enzymes.
  3. Explain the transformation of steroids.
  4. Mention the different sources of Nitrogen and Carbon energy in fermentation industry.
  5. Describe the methodology of wine production. Add a note on types of wine.
  6. Define Bioplastics. Write notes on  Xanthan production and its applications.
  7. With the flow chart, explain the steps involved in cheese production.
  8. What is biosensor? Explain its working principle and its application.

Part C

Answer the following  questions each within 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams

(2 x 20 = 40)

  1. a) i) Describe the different stages of fermentation process (10 marks)
  2. ii) Describe in detail the cultivation of mushroom. Add a note on their nutritional  composition (10 marks).


  1. b) i) Define Biofertilizer. Explain the method of mass cultivation of Azolla and Rhizobium. Add a note on their significance (12 marks).
  2. ii) Define biopesticide. Why Bacillus thuringiensis is called as biopesticide?    (8 marks)
  3. a) What are antibiotics ?. What are its properties ?. Give an account on the industrial production of penicillin.


  1. b) Give an account on the applications of aminoacids and explain the industrial production of L glutamic acid.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Inorganic Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download



LM 10


                                                   CH 4501 – INORGANIC CHEMISTRY – II

(Also equivalent to CHE 506)



Date & Time : 27-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part – A

Answer all the questions                    (10 ´ 2 = 20)


  1. Name any two alloys of copper and give the composition.
  2. How does KMnO4 on acidic medium act as an oxidizing agent? Give the chemical equation.
  3. ‘Zinc does not show variable oxidation state’. Explain.
  4. What is EAN rule? Calculate EAN for K3[Fe(CN)6].
  5. What is the source of the presence of crystal defects in regular solids?
  6. Give the structure of EDTA and indicate the coordination sites.
  7. What are fertile and fissile isotopes? Give examples.
  8. Half life of Po210 is 140 days. Calculate the number of days after which 1/4g of Po210 will be left undisintegrated from 1g of the isotope?
  9. What are isotopes and isotones? Give an example for each.
  10. Account for the fact that the conductivity of the metal decreases if the temperature is increased.

Part – B

Answer any eight questions                 (8 ´ 5 = 40)


  1. Explain the zone refining and cyanide processes of refining of metals.
  2. What is lanthanide contraction? How are individual lanthanides separated by ion-exchange chromatography techniques.
  3. Predict the geometry of [Co(CN)6]3-(diamagnetic) and [CoF6]3-(paramagnetic) using VB theory.
  4. What are electron capture process and spallation reaction? Give an example for each.
  5. Explain the various steps involved in the extraction of Uranium (Give chemical reactions wherever necessary).
  6. Calculate the CFSE for octahedral, high and low spin d4 and d7
  7. a) Differentiate hydrogen bomb and atom bomb
    b) Complete the nuclear reaction:

                                                       12Mg24 (2He4, 0n1 )    ;      17Cl35( 0n1, 1H1)

  1. Derive the relationship between half-life period,t1/2 and decay constant, K of a radioactive element.
  2. Explain Geiger-Nuttal rule with suitable example.
  3. (a) Calculate the density of nucleus of 81Br isotope.
    (b) In a period of time 236U was found to have permitted 7 alpha particles and four beta particles. Find the final product.
  4. Explain the conducting behaviour of metals using band theory.
  5. Define unit cell. Discuss the structure of Nacl unit cell.


Part – C

Answer any four questions                 (4 ´ 10 = 40)


  1. Explain the significances of Ellingham diagram in the conversion of metallic oxide to metal in the metallurgical process?
  2. Discuss (a) hydrate (b) linkage   (c) ionization and (d) geometrical isomerism exhibited by coordination compounds with suitable examples.
  3. Discuss the splitting of d-orbitals of metals in square planar environment of ligands.
  4. Discuss the factors affecting the stability of a nucleus.
  5. Explain the working principles of a nuclear reactor and breeder reactor. Describe the working of a nuclear reactor to generate electricity.
  6. (a) What is the principle of X-ray diffraction techniques? (b) Explain the single crystal diffraction technique.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Industrial Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



LM 20


                                                     CH 6605 – INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY

(Also equivalent to CHE 605)



Date & Time : 26-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks

Part A

Answer the following                                                                             10×2 = 20

  1. What are renewable and nonrenewable energy resources?
  2. How is producer gas manufactured?
  3. How are chemical fuels classified?
  4. What are herbicides? Cite two examples.
  5. Give approximate chemical composition of any one mixed fertilizer.
  6. What are the ions responsible for making water hard?
  7. How are suspended impurities in water removed?
  8. What is acid rain? What are its consequences?
  9. Explain origin of poisoning of ground water by cyanide ions.
  10. Give any two differences between paints and dyes.


Part B

Answer any eight of the following:                                                       8×5 = 40


  1. Define calorific value of a fuel. State advantages and disadvantages (two each) of gaseous fuels over solid fuels.
  2. What is coal? Explain its preparation, properties and uses.
  3. Write short notes on primary and secondary fuels.
  4. Explain the role of micronutrients in agriculture.
  5. What is triple superphosphate? How is it prepared?
  6. Give the preparation and two uses of lime – sulphur.
  7. Explain differences between temporary hardness and permanent hardness of water
  8. Describe reverse osmosis, with special reference to desalination of sea water.
  9. Explain (ii) green house effect and (ii) ozone layer depletion
  10. What are the ways of reducing carbonmonoxide pollution in atmospheric air?
  11. What are plastics? What are their advantages? How do they affect environment?
  12. Write notes on food industry.

Part C


Answer any four of the following:                                                        4×10 = 40


  1. Explain the significance of the following constituents of coal (i) moisture (ii) volatile matter (iii) carbon (iv) ash.
  2. Explain of petroleum. Discuss advantages of catalytic cracking over thermal cracking.
  3. Write notes on (i) phosphatic fertilizers (ii) annealing of glass
  4. Discuss the use of complexometric titrations in estimating hardness of water.
  5. How is river water converted into potable water?
  6. Discuss methods to treat industrial waste water and gases.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 General Chemistry For Physics & Maths Question Paper PDF Download



LM 03


                               CH 2100 – GENERAL CHEMISTRY FOR PHYSICS & MATHS

(Also equivalent to CH 3100)



Date & Time : 26-04-2006/1.00-4.00 P.M.   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



                                 PART-A                                                             (10×2=20)

   Answer all questions.


  1. Write any four characteristics of d-block elements.
  2. Write the IUPAC name of the following.

a)[ CoCl(NH3)5] Cl2          b)[ Pt(NH3)6] Cl4

  1. What is Friedel-Craft’s alkylation?
  2. Differentiate enantiomers and diastereomers.
  3. State Henry’s law.
  4. What is degree of freedom?
  5. Define quantum yield.
  6. Draw the structure of the following.
  7. Adenine b) Cytosine
  8. What is vulcanisation of rubber?
  9. How is Buna-s rubber prepared?


                                                    PART – B

Answer any eight questions.                                                              (8 x 5 = 40)


  1. a) Transition metal compounds are generally coloured. Why?
  2. b) Differentiate primary valency and secondary valency of coordination compounds.

12     Draw the structure of hemoglobin and explain its functions.

  1. Which of the following exhibit geometrical isomerism? Explain
  2. 2-butene b) 1,2-dichloro propane c) 2,3-butenedioic acid.
  3. Compare the stereochemistry of SN1 and SN2 reaction.
  4. Explain the optical isomerism of lactic acid.
  5. Draw the phase diagram of phenol-water system and explain.
  6. Derive the rate expression of first order reaction.
  7. State a) Grotthus-Draper law b) Stark-Einstein’s law.
  8. Write a note on replication of DNA.
  9. Draw the structure and give any two functions of the following.
  10. a) Oxytocin   b) Adrenaline



  1. Define the following.
  2. a) polymer      b) degree of polymerization     c) Elastomers
  3. What are the causes of corrosion?



         Answer any four questions.                                                             (4 x 10 = 40)

  1. a) What is EAN principle? Apply it to the following compounds and explain their


  1. i) [Co(NH3)6]3+                       ii) K3[Fe(CN)]                                   (6)
  2. b) Predict the geometry, hybridization and magnetic properties of [Co(CN)6]3-                                                                                                                  (4)

24        a)  Give the mechanism of halogenation of benzene.                                     (4)

  1. Define the following term:
  2. i) racemic mixture ii) resolution iii) optical isomerism                               (6)
  3. a) What are the conditions of ideal solutions.                         (4)
  4. b) Draw the phase diagram of simple eutectic system. Explain.                    (6)
  5. Derive the rate expression for the reaction 2A¾® products. Find the value of half life period.                                                             (6+4)
  6. Discuss the double stranded helical structure of DNA. (10)
  7. a) Write a note on “galvanisation”. (4)
  8. b) Explain the mechanism of step growth and chain growth polymerization with any one example.                                                                         (6)


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Coordination Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



LM 16


                                                 CH 6601 – COORDINATION CHEMISTRY

(Also equivalent to CHE 601)



Date & Time : 21-04-2006/FORENOON     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer All the questions                                                                                10×2=20

  1. Draw the structure of salicyldoxime? How is it prepared?
  2. Calculate the CFSE value for [Cr(NH3)6]3+ complex.
  3. How is ferrocene prepared? Draw is structure.
  4. Show that Ni(CO)4 obeys EAN rule.
  5. Draw the structures of (a) Co2(CO)8 (b) Mn2(CO)10
  6. What are metal-arene complexes? Give one example.
  7. What is cisplatin? Mention its use.
  8. Give the IUPAC name of (a) K[PtCl3(C2H4)] (b) Fe2(CO)9
  9. How is ‘salen’ ligand prepared?
  10. Mention any two uses of crown ethers.



Answer any Eight only                                                                                   8×5=40

  1. Apply ligand field theory to [Fe(CN)6]4- and [Fe(H2O)6]3+
  2. How are cis and trans – [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] prepared?
  3. Give the evidence for the bridge mechanism in inner sphere electron transfer      mechanism.
  4. Describe the splitting of d orbitals in the tetrahedral ligand field.
  5. Give any two reactions indicating the metal template synthesis.
  6. Explain the Wackers process of converting ethylene to ethanal.
  7. Discuss the photosubstitution reactions in metal carbonyls.
  8. How is ‘Do’ influenced by the nature of the central metal atom?
  9. Draw the structures of (a) Ni(DMG)2 (b) [Zn(EDTA)]-1
  10. Write a note on biological significance of alkali and alkaline earth metals.
  11. Write a note on iron-molybdenum centre in nitrogenase enzyme






Answer any Four only                                                                                   4×10=40

  1. State Jahn-Teller theorem. Explain the d-orbital splitting due to elongation and compression along the z-axis in the octahedral complexes. Give one evidence for such a distorted structure.
  2. Discuss the association and dissociation mechanism of the substitution reactions in octahedral complexes.
  3. Discuss the bonding in metal carbonyls. Give any two evidences supporting the bonding scheme.
  4. Describe the hydrogenation of alkene using Wilkinson catalyst. State the merits of this method.
  5. Discuss the structure and function of carboxypeptidase-A.
  6. Write a note on (a) Crown Ethers (b) Color in transition metal compounds



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Chemistry Of Materials Question Paper PDF Download



LM 17


                                                  CH 6602 – CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS

(Also equivalent to CHE 602)



Date & Time : 24-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part A

Answer all the questions.                                                                          10×2=20

  1. What are Bravais lattices?
  2. Differentiate type I and type II semiconductors.
  3. What are intrinsic semiconductors? Give an example.
  4. What is Curie-Weiss law?
  5. What is Meissner effect?
  6. Give two examples each of n-type or p-type metal oxide semiconductor.
  7. Define piezoelectric ceramics.
  8. How is radius ratio rule useful in determining the crystal structure?
  9. Define magnetic susceptibility.
  10. What is CVD technique?

Part B

Answer any eight questions.                                                                      8×5=40

  1. What are liquid crystals? Explain the different types of liquid crystals.
  2. How is the structure of compounds determined by powder method?
  3. Explain the crystal structure of perovksite with a neat diagram.
  4. Mention any five differences between hard and soft magnetic materials.
  5. What are ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials? Give examples.
  6. How is solar energy harnessed using photovoltaic cells?
  7. Describe the technique of crystal growth from solutions.
  8. An alkali metal crystallizes in a cubic lattice. The edge of the unit cell is 4.16Ao. The density is 975kg/m3 and its atomic weight is 23. Find the number of atoms in the unit cell and give your comment about the type of cubic cell.
  9. Draw and explain the crystal structure of NaCl.
  10. Describe the principle and fabrication of a transistor using n-p junction.
  11. How are TG and DTA useful in the structural determination of crystals? Give    examples.
  12. What is Frenkel defect? Explain with an example.

Part C

Answer any four questions.                                                                     4X10=40

  1. What are the types of non-stoichiometric defects? Explain with examples.
  2. Draw and explain the structures of wurtzite and zinc blende. Mention the     differences between them.
  3. Describe the hydrothermal growth and growth from melt methods for preparing    crystals.
  4. Write a note on photoelectrocatalytic splitting and photo reduction of water.
  5. Explain BCS theory and Kirkendall effect.
  6. a) Mention any four types of Bravais lattices available depending upon the shapes of the unit cells? Explain with suitable examples.
  7. b) Explain photo galvanic studies using a heterobinuclear complex.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2006 Bio-Chemistry For Biologist Question Paper PDF Download



LM 08


                                             CH 4202 – BIO-CHEMISTRY FOR BIOLOGIST

(Also equivalent to CHE 202)



Date & Time : 22-04-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL the questions.                                                               (10 X 2 = 20)

  1. What is isoelectric point?
  2. Give the structure of lecithin.
  3. How is C- terminal of a peptide determined?
  4. What are enzymes? How are they named?
  5. Mention the roles of the various types of RNA.
  6. What is a reducing sugar? Cite an example.
  7. Give the net reaction of glycolysis.
  8. Explain the enfleurage process.
  9. List the uses of camphor.
  10. Draw the structures of BHC and DDT.


Answer any EIGHT questions only.                                                   (8 X 5 = 40)

  1. Discuss the secondary structures of proteins.
  2. Why do almost all enzyme catalyzed reactions show a pH optimum?
  3. Write a short note on the classification of lipids.
  4. What are anomers? Draw the anomeric structures of D-glucose and compare their stability.
  5. Mention the monosaccharide units present in the following sugars:
  6. Maltose b. Cellobiose   c. Lactose        d. Sucrose       e. Starch.
  7. Discuss the different types of soil found in India.
  8. Write a short note on N, P and K fertilizers.
  9. Compare and contrast the two nucleic acids in their composition, secondary structure, bases present and their abundance in the body.
  10. Illustrate the importance of hydrogen bonding in the base pairs of nucleic acids.
  11. Write a short note on flavanoids.
  12. What is isoprene rule? Explain it with an example.
  13. Draw the geometrical isomers of citral. List the uses of citral.





Answer any FOUR questions only.                                      (4 X 10 = 40)

  1. Discuss the kinds of enzyme inhibition.
  2. Discuss the citric acid cycle in detail.
  3. a. Calculate the net gain of ATP in glycolysis of one mole glucose.             (3)
  4. Write a short note on muta rotation.             (4)
  5. What is denaturation of proteins? What are the factors influencing it? (3)
  6. a. How are terpenoids classified? Give an example each. (5)
  7. Explain the structure, physical properties and uses of α- pinene. (5)
  8. a. What are cofactors? Brief the three kinds of cofactors with an example. (6)
  9. What is iodine value of oil? How is it determined? What is its significance?  (4)
  10. “DNA makes RNA and RNA makes proteins” – establish this with respect to the      biosynthesis of proteins.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Polymer Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download


AD 07


         CH 5400 – POLYMER CHEMISTRY

(Also equivalent to CHE 400/CH518)



Date & Time : 30-10-2006/9.00-12.00     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions                                               (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)

  1. What are plastics? How are they classified?
  2. How is cross–linked polymer prepared from trifunctional monomers?
  3. What are the initiators used in free–radical polymerization?
  4. How does nitrobenzene inhibit the action of a growing polymer chain?
  5. Define living polymers.
  6. Give any two examples for each anionic and cationic surfactants.
  7. Write the advantages of suspension polymerization.
  8. Define block copolymer and graft copolymer.
  9. What are ‘antioxidants’ ? Give an example.
  10. Define virgin polymers.


Answer any EIGHT questions.                                   (8 ´ 5 = 40 marks)

  1. Discuss the mechanism of cationic polymerization.
  2. The polymer obtained by bulk polymerization is highly pure. Why? Explain.
  3. Write short notes on interfacial condensation.
  4. Explain the geometrical isomerism in polymers.
  5. Differentiate random and chain–end polymer degradation.
  6. What are the raw materials used to prepare polyethylene? Explain LDPE and HDPE.
  7. Write a note on PMMA.
  8. Discuss the factors affecting the c–c bond stability in thermal degradation.
  9. Explain the different types of plastics.
  10. Define the following terms.

(a)  Fillers        (b)  plasticizers            (c) stabilizers

  1. Discuss the process of Die–casting.
  2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of extrusion moulding.



Answer any FOUR questions.                                                (4 ´ 10 = 40 marks)


23.(a) Explain the mechanism of photo–initiated polymerization.  Write the role of
initiators in redox–oxidation reaction.

(b) How does the chain transfer takes place in free–radical polymerization?  (5 + 5)

  1. Explain the bimetallic mechanism of Zieglar–Natta catalyst and its advantages.
  2. Discuss emulsion polymerization.
  3. (a) What is photodegradation? Explain the characteristics of photo stabilizers.

(b) Discuss the salient features of conducting polymers.                         (5 + 5)

  1. (a) How is PET prepared? Why does its melting point high?

(b) Explain the preparation of nylon 6,6 and bakelite.                             (5 + 5)

  1. What is FRP? Explain the different techniques used and mention their

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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Physical Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download


AD 09


         CH 5500 – PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY – II

(Also equivalent to CHE 508)



Date & Time : 25-10-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL questions.                                              (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Write the anodic reaction of SCE.
  2. Define concentration cell. Give an example for concentration cell without
  3. Derive the relation between emf and equilibrium constant.
  4. Calculate the ionic strength of 0.01 m MgCl2.
  5. Explain how the use of KCl minimises liquid junction potential.
  6. Differentiate order from molecularity.
  7. What is the role of a catalyst in a reversible reaction?
  8. “Adsorption if spontaneous must be exothermic”. Explain.
  9. Calculate the value of one Einstein for a radiation of wavelength 300 nm.

(Use SI units).

  1. The half life of a reaction is doubled on doubling the initial concentration.
    Deduce the order of the reaction and the units of rate constant.



Answer any EIGHT questions.                                   (8 ´ 5 = 40 marks)

  1. Explain an experimental method of determining the standard reduction potential
    of Zn electrode.
  2. Explain the construction and working of Weston saturated cell.
  3. Calculate the emf of the following cell Zn/Zn2+(0.05 m)½½Zn2+(0.005 m)½Zn.
  4. How will you determine the Ksp of Ag2CrO4?
  5. Explain the working of lead storage cell.
  6. Mention Debye–Huckel equation. How will you verify it experimentally?
  7. Derive an expression for the rate constant of a II order reaction with unequal
    concentrations ofHowH


  1. Explain the steps involved in thermal chain reactions with special reference to the
    dissociation of ethanal.  Indicate the rate expression for each step.
  2. At 378.5° C the half life period for a I order reaction is 363 min and Ea is
    52 kcal/mol.  Calculate the time required for the reactant to be 75% decomposed
    at 450° C(R = 2 cal K1 mol1).
  3. How is surface area of a solid determined using adsorption studies?
  4. Explain “Skrabal” plots.
  5. The decomposition of NH3(g) on a tungsten filament follows first order kinetics
    at low pressure and zero order kinetics at high pressure.  Explain.
  6. Explain “photosensitation” with two examples.







Answer any FOUR questions.                                                (4 ´ 10 = 40 marks)


  1. Explain any five types of electrodes. Derive expression for EMF of each of them.

25.(a) Explain the derivation of Nernst equation.

(b) Calculate the emf of Cu½Cu2+ (0.01 m) electrode at 25° C.

(Cu½Cu2+ : SRP = 0.34 V)

  1. Explain the following

(a)  Determination of Ka of a weak acid by conductometric method.

(b)  Conductometric titration of a mixture of HCl and CH3COOH  vs  Standard


  1. Explain how the kinetic parameters for a single substrate enzymatic reaction can
    be obtained.
  2. Explain the principle of “flash photolysis” with a block diagram.
  3. Mention the postulates of ARRT and explain how the expression for rate constant
    can be obtained from ARRT.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 Inorganic Chemistry – I Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AD 01



(Also equivalent to CHE 500)



Date & Time : 03-11-2006/1.00-4.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer all the questions                                  (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. What are the factors affecting the lattice energy?
  2. Which are readily soluble in water (a) CaCO3 (b) K2CO3. Give reasons for your answer.
  3. Why an anion is always bigger and a cation is always smaller in size than the parent atom?
  4. Give the Lewis structure of ammonia molecule.
  5. Explain why the density of ice is less than water?
  6. What are London forces? What is their origin?
  7. Arrange the following acids according to their increasing acid strength with suitable    explanation, HOCl, HClO3, HClO2, HClO4.
  8. How does HNO3 behave as a base in concentrated sulphuric acid? Give the chemical equation.
  9. How is hydrogen peroxide prepared?
  10. Give the reasons for the anomalous properties of oxygen from the rest of the elements.




Answer any eight questions                                 (8 x 5 = 40)


  1. What is lattice energy? How is it determined for the formation of NaCl using Born Haber’s
  2. Calculate the electronegativity of carbon (rC = 0.71 Ao) following Allred –Rochow method.
  3. Explain the types of hydrogen bonding and explain any two of its consequences.
  4. Discuss the structure of (a) PCl5 (b) POF3 using hybridization theory.
  5. Write short notes on (i) p-type & n-type semiconductors
  6. What are clathrates? What are their characteristics?
  7. What are conjugate acid-base pairs? Give two examples.
  8. Explain the role alkali metal in liquid ammonia as solvent.
  9. Write a short note on nitrogen fixation.
  10. Compare the gradation properties of nitrogen group elements with respect to their oxidation    states, metallic character and electronegativity.
  11. Give the preparation, properties and uses of hydrazine
  12. How does O3 react with (a) lead sulphide  (b) potassium iodide









Answer any four questions                                                 (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. (a) Discuss fajan’s rule with suitable examples.

(b) Explain the structure of the following compounds using VSEPRtheory

(a) ClF3   (b) ICl4

  1. Construct a qualitative MO energy level diagram for O2 Write the MO electronic    configuration and bond order for O2, O2+, O22+ O2-, O22-molecule
  2. How does band theory of metals explain the conducting properties of metals?
  3. Explain HSAB theory. Mention any four applications.
  4. How are oxides classified? Give examples
  5. (a) How are superphosphate and triple super phosphate prepared?

(b) Compare and contrast the properties of O3 and H2O2.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry Nov 2006 General Microbiology Question Paper PDF Download



AE 03



(Also equivalent to PB 4200)



Date & Time : 31-10-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




                                                            PART A


                        Answer all the questions                               (20 Marks)

  1. Choose the best answer (5 x 1 = 5)

1.Which one of the following is true for viruses?

(a) made up of proteins only.

(b) multiply only in host cells.

(c) occur only inside the bacteria.

(d) complex, cellular and microscopic entities.


  1. E.coli has _________________ DNA.

(a) circular double stranded                        (b) linear double stranded

(c) circular single stranded                         (d) linear single stranded.


  1. Little leaf of brinjal is a _________ disease.

(a) spiroplasmal                   (b) viral

(c) mycoplasmal                  (d) fungal.


  1. Microbes produce __________________ enzymes.

(a) extra-cellular                 (b) intra-cellular

(c) allosteric                        (d) both extra and intra cellular.

  1. The cell wall of fungi is made up of

(a) chitin     (b) pectin         (c) polysaccharide       (d) protein.


  1. State true or false (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Influenza virus is an example of enveloped helical virus.
  3. The reserve food material in fungi is glycogen.
  4. Transformation was discovered by Lederberg.
  5. The causal organism of citrus canker is Xanthomonas citri.

10.Gamma radiations can be used for food preservation.


III. Complete the following:                                                            (5 x 1 = 5)

11.The spores with flagella are called _______________________

12.Culture preservation by freeze- drying is called ____________________

13._________________ fragments are synthesized during discontinuous replication.

14.The primary host for Puccinia graminis is ___________________

15.The antibiotic discovered by Sir Alexander Flemming was ______________







  1. Answer the following questions each in about 50 words (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. Define selective media.
  3. What is spermatization?
  4. Define Operon.
  5. Give the composition of Bordeaux mixture.
  6. What is pasteurization?




  1. Answer any five of the following each in about 350 words only. Draw necessary

diagrams                                                                                                   (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. Enumerate the general characteristics of Viruses.
  2. Briefly discuss about the microbial enzymes and their commercial applications.
  3. Identify and comment on the various phases of microbial growth curve.
  4. How bacteria are classified based on the nutritional requirements?

25.With the help of labelled diagrams, explain the different types of asexual reproduction

in fungi.

26.Explain in detail about bacterial conjugation.

27.Write about the pathogen , symptoms and control measures of Tobacco mosaic


28.Explain nitrogen cycle in detail mentioning the role of microorganisms.



  1. Answer the following questions each in about 1500 words. Draw necessary

diagrams.                                                                                     (2 x 20 = 40)

29.(a) Describe  in brief the range of thallus structure, vegetative, asexual and sexual

reproduction of microalgae.



(b) Write an essay on the internal and external feautures of a bacterial cell.


  1. (a) Explain the following:


(ii) Transformation.



(b) Explain the processes involved in wastewater treatment.





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