Syllabus for BITSAT Biology 2016

Part IV: Biology

1: Diversity in Living World

1.1    Biology – its meaning and relevance to mankind
1.2   What is living; Taxonomic categories and aids; Systematics and Binomial system of nomenclature.
1.3    Introductory classification of living organisms (Two-kingdom system, Five-kingdom system);
1.4    Plant kingdom – Salient features of major groups (Algae to Angiosperms);
1.5    Animal kingdom – Salient features of Nonchordates up to phylum, and Chordates up to class level.

2: Cell: The Unit of Life; Structure and Function

2.1    Cell wall; Cell membrane; Endomembrane system (ER, Golgi apparatus/Dictyosome, Lysosomes, Vacuoles); Mitochondria; Plastids; Ribosomes; Cytoskeleton; Cilia and Flagella; Centrosome and Centriole; Nucleus; Microbodies.
2.2    Structural differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic, and between plant and animal cells.
2.3    Cell cycle (various phases); Mitosis; Meiosis.
2.4    Biomolecules – Structure and function of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic acids.
2.5    Enzymes – Chemical nature, types, properties and mechanism of action.

3: Genetics and Evolution

3.1    Mendelian inheritance; Chromosome theory of inheritance; Gene interaction; Incomplete dominance; Co-dominance; Complementary genes; Multiple alleles;
3.2    Linkage and Crossing over; Inheritance patterns of hemophilia and blood groups in humans.
3.3    DNA –its organization and replication; Transcription and Translation;
3.4    Gene expression and regulation; DNA fingerprinting.
3.5    Theories and evidences of evolution, including modern Darwinism.

4: Structure and Function – Plants

4.1    Morphology of a flowering plant; Tissues and tissue systems in plants; Anatomy and function of root, stem (including modifications), leaf, inflorescence, flower (including position and arrangement of different whorls, placentation), fruit and seed; Types of fruit; Secondary growth;
4.2    Absorption and movement of water (including diffusion, osmosis and water relations of cell) and of nutrients; Translocation of food; Transpiration and gaseous exchange; Mechanism of stomatal movement.
4.3    Mineral nutrition – Macro- and micro-nutrients in plants including deficiency disorders; Biological nitrogen fixation mechanism.
4.4    Photosynthesis – Light reaction, cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation; various pathways of carbon dioxide fixation; Photorespiration; Limiting factors.
4.5    Respiration – Anaerobic, Fermentation, Aerobic; Glycolysis, TCA cycle; Electron transport system; Energy relations.

5: Structure and Function – Animals

5.1    Human Physiology – Digestive system – organs, digestion and absorption; Respiratory system – organs, breathing and exchange and transport of gases.
5.2    Body fluids and circulation – Blood, lymph, double circulation, regulation of cardiac activity; Hypertension, Coronary artery diseases.
5.3    Excretion system – Urine formation, regulation of kidney function
5.4    Locomotion and movement – Skeletal system, joints, muscles, types of movement.
5.5    Control and co-ordination – Central and peripheral nervous systems, structure and function of neuron, reflex action and sensory reception; Role of various types of endocrine glands; Mechanism of hormone action.

6: Reproduction, Growth and Movement in Plants

6.1    Asexual methods of reproduction;
6.2    Sexual Reproduction – Development of male and female gametophytes; Pollination (Types and agents); Fertilization; Development of embryo, endosperm, seed and fruit (including parthenocarpy and elminth).
6.3    Growth and Movement – Growth phases; Types of growth regulators and their role in seed dormancy, germination and movement;
6.4    Apical dominance; Senescence; Abscission; Photo- periodism; Vernalisation;
6.5    Various types of movements.

7: Reproduction and Development in Humans

7.1    Male and female reproductive systems;
7.2    Menstrual cycle; Gamete production; Fertilisation; Implantation;
7.3    Embryo development;
7.4    Pregnancy and parturition;
7.5    Birth control and contraception.

8: Ecology and Environment

8.1    Meaning of ecology, environment, habitat and niche.
8.2    Ecological levels of organization (organism to biosphere); Characteristics of Species, Population, Biotic Community and Ecosystem; Succession and Climax. Ecosystem – Biotic and abiotic components; Ecological pyramids; Food chain and Food web;
8.3    Energy flow; Major types of ecosystems including agroecosystem.
8.4    Ecological adaptations – Structural and physiological features in plants and animals of aquatic and desert habitats.
8.5    Biodiversity and Environmental Issues – Meaning, types and conservation strategies (Biosphere reserves, National parks and Sanctuaries), Air and Water Pollution (sources and major pollutants); Global warming and Climate change; Ozone depletion; Noise pollution; Radioactive pollution; Methods of pollution control (including an idea of bioremediation); Deforestation; Extinction of species (Hot Spots).

9: Biology and Human Welfare

9.1    Animal husbandry – Livestock, Poultry, Fisheries; Major animal diseases and their control. Pathogens of major communicable diseases of humans caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoans and elminthes, and their control.
9.2    Cancer; AIDS.
9.3    Adolescence and drug/alcohol abuse;
9.4    Basic concepts of immunology.
9.5    Plant Breeding and Tissue Culture in crop improvement.

10: Biotechnology and its Applications

10.1    Microbes as ideal system for biotechnology;
10.2   Microbial technology in food processing, industrial production (alcohol, acids, enzymes, antibiotics), sewage treatment and energy generation.
10.3    Steps in recombinant DNA technology – restriction enzymes, NA insertion by vectors and other methods, regeneration of recombinants
10.4    Applications of R-DNA technology in human health –Production of Insulin, Vaccines and Growth hormones, Organ transplant, Gene therapy.
10.5    Applications in Industry and Agriculture – Production of expensive enzymes, strain improvement to scale up bioprocesses, GM crops by transfer of genes for nitrogen fixation, herbicide-resistance and pest-resistance including Bt crops.

Syllabus for BITSAT Mathematics 2016

Part IV: Mathematics

1. Algebra

1.1    Complex numbers, addition, multiplication, conjugation, polar representation, properties of modulus and principal argument, triangle inequality, roots of complex numbers, geometric interpretations; Fundamental theorem of algebra.
1.2    Theory of Quadratic equations, quadratic equations in real and complex number system and their solutions.
1.3    Arithmetic and geometric progressions, arithmetic, geometric and arithmeticogeometric series, sums of finite arithmetic and geometric progressions, infinite geometric series, sums of squares and cubes of the first n natural numbers.
1.4    Logarithms and their properties.
1.5    Exponential series.
1.6    Permutations and combinations, Permutations as an arrangement and combination as selection, simple applications.
1.7    Binomial theorem for a positive integral index, properties of binomial coefficients, Pascal’s triangle
1.8    Matrices and determinants of order two or three, properties and evaluation of determinants, addition and multiplication of matrices, adjoint and inverse of matrices, Solutions of simultaneous linear equations in two or three variables, elementary row and column operations of matrices, Types of matrices, applications of determinants in finding the area of triangles.
1.9    Sets, Relations and Functions, algebra of sets applications, equivalence relations, mappings, oneone, into and onto mappings, composition of mappings, binary operation, inverse of function, functions of real variables like polynomial, modulus, signum and greatest integer.
1.10   Mathematical reasoning and methods of proofs , Mathematically acceptable statements. Connecting words/phrases – consolidating the understanding of “ if and only if (necessary and sufficient) condition”, “implies”, “and/or”, “implied” by”, “and”, “or”, “ there exists” and through variety of examples related to real life and Mathematics. Validating the statements involving the connecting words – difference between contradiction, converse and contra positive., Mathematical induction
1.11    Linear Inequalities, solution of linear inequalities in one variable ( Algebraic) and two variables (Graphical).

2. Trigonometry

2.1    Measurement of angles in radians and degrees, positive and negative angles, trigonometric ratios, functions with their graphs and identities.
2.2   Solution of trigonometric equations.
2.3    Inverse trigonometric functions

3. Two-dimensional Coordinate Geometry

3.1    Cartesian coordinates, distance between two points, section formulae, shift of origin.
3.2    Straight lines and pair of straight lines: Equation of straight lines in various forms, angle between two lines, distance of a point from a line, lines through the point of intersection of two given lines, equation of the bisector of the angle between two lines, concurrent lines.
3.3    Circles: Equation of circle in standard form, parametric equations of a circle.
3.4    Conic sections : parabola, ellipse and hyperbola their eccentricity, directrices & foci.

4. Three dimensional Coordinate Geometry

4.1    Co-ordinate axes and co-ordinate planes, distance between two points, section formula, direction cosines and direction ratios, equation of a straight line in space and skew lines.
4.2    Angle between two lines whose direction ratios are given, shortest distance between two lines.
4.3    Equation of a plane, distance of a point from a plane, condition for coplanarity of three lines, angles between two planes, angle between a line and a plane.

5. Differential calculus

5.1    Domain and range of a real valued function, Limits and Continuity of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, Differentiability.
5.2    Derivative of different types of functions (polynomial, rational, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, implicit functions), derivative of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, chain rule, parametric form.
5.3    Geometric interpretation of derivative, Tangents and Normals.
5.4    Increasing and decreasing functions, Maxima and minima of a function.
5.5    Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem and Intermediate Value Theorem.

6. Integral calculus

6.1    Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, indefinite integrals of standard functions.
6.2    Methods of integration: Integration by substitution, Integration by parts, integration by partial fractions, and integration by trigonometric identities.
6.3    Definite integrals and their properties, Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus, applications in finding areas under simple curves.
6.4    Application of definite integrals to the determination of areas of regions bounded by simple curves.

7. Ordinary Differential Equations

7.1    Order and degree of a differential equation, formulation of a differential equation whole general solution is given, variables separable method.
7.2    Solution of homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree
7.3    Linear first order differential equations

8. Probability

8.1    Various terminology in probability, axiomatic and other approaches of probability, addition and multiplication rules of probability.
8.2    Conditional probability, total probability and Baye’s theorem
8.3    Independent events
8.4    Discrete random variables and distributions with mean and variance.

9. Vectors

9.1    Direction ratio/cosines of vectors, addition of vectors, scalar multiplication, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio.
9.2    Dot and cross products of two vectors, projection of a vector on a line.
9.3    Scalar triple products and their geometrical interpretations.

10. Statistics

10.1  Measures of dispersion
10.2   Analysis of frequency distributions with equal means but different variances

11. Linear Programming

11.1    Various terminology and formulation of linear Programming
11.2    Solution of linear Programming using graphical method, feasible and infeasible regions, feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solutions (upto three nonitrivial constraints)

12. Mathematical modelling

12.1    Formulation of simple real life problem, solution using matrices, calculus and linear programming.

Syllabus for BITSAT Chemistry 2016

Part II: Chemistry

1. States of Matter

1.1    Measurement: Physical quantities and SI units, Dimensional analysis, Precision, Significant figures.
1.2   Chemical reactions: Laws of chemical combination, Dalton’s atomic theory; Mole concept; Atomic, molecular and molar masses; Percentage composition empirical & molecular formula; Balanced chemical equations & stoichiometry
1.3   Three states of matter, intermolecular interactions, types of bonding, melting and boiling points
Gaseous state: Gas Laws, ideal behavior, ideal gas equation, empirical derivation of gas equation, Avogadro number, Kinetic theory – Maxwell distribution of velocities, Average, root mean square and most probable velocities and relation to temperature, Diffusion; Deviation from ideal behaviour – Critical temperature, Liquefaction of gases, van der Waals equation.
1.4   Liquid state: Vapour pressure, surface tension, viscosity.
1.5   Solid state: Classification; Space lattices & crystal systems; Unit cell in two dimensional and three dimensional lattices, calculation of density of unit cell – Cubic & hexagonal systems; Close packing; Crystal structures: Simple AB and AB2 type ionic crystals, covalent crystals – diamond & graphite, metals. Voids, number of atoms per unit cell in a cubic unit cell, Imperfections- Point defects, non-stoichiometric crystals; Electrical, magnetic and dielectric properties; Amorphous solids – qualitative description. Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors and insulators, and n- and p- type semiconductors.

2. Atomic Structure

2.1  Introduction: Radioactivity, Subatomic particles; Atomic number, isotopes and isobars, Thompson’s model and its limitations, Rutherford’s picture of atom and its limitations; Hydrogen atom spectrum and Bohr model and its limitations.
2.2 Quantum mechanics: Wave-particle duality – de Broglie relation, Uncertainty principle; Hydrogen atom: Quantum numbers and wavefunctions, atomic orbitals and their shapes (s, p, and d), Spin quantum number.
2.3  Many electron atoms: Pauli exclusion principle; Aufbau principle and the electronic configuration of atoms, Hund’s rule.
2.4  Periodicity: Brief history of the development of periodic tables Periodic law and the modern periodic table; Types of elements: s, p, d, and f blocks; Periodic trends: ionization energy, atomic, and ionic radii, inter gas radii, electron affinity, electro negativity and valency. Nomenclature of elements with atomic number greater than 100.

3. Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure

3.1  Valence electrons, Ionic Bond: Lattice Energy and Born-Haber cycle; Covalent character of ionic bonds and polar character of covalent bond, bond parameters
3.2  Molecular Structure: Lewis picture & resonance structures, VSEPR model & molecular shapes
3.3  Covalent Bond: Valence Bond Theory- Orbital overlap, Directionality of bonds & hybridization (s, p & d orbitals only), Resonance; Molecular orbital theory- Methodology, Orbital energy level diagram, Bond order, Magnetic properties for homonuclear diatomic species (qualitative idea only).
3.4  Metallic Bond: Qualitative description.
3.5  Intermolecular Forces: Polarity; Dipole moments; Hydrogen Bond.

4. Thermodynamics

4.1  Basic Concepts: Systems and surroundings; State functions; Intensive & Extensive Properties; Zeroth Law and Temperature
4.2 First Law of Thermodynamics: Work, internal energy, heat, enthalpy, heat capacities and specific heats, measurements of ΔU and ΔH, Enthalpies of formation, phase transformation, ionization, electron gain; Thermochemistry; Hess’s Law, Enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion, atomization, sublimation, solution and dilution
4.3 Second Law: Spontaneous and reversible processes; entropy; Gibbs free energy related to spontaneity and non-spontaneity, non-mechanical work; Standard free energies of formation, free energy change and chemical equilibrium
4.4  Third Law: Introduction

5. Physical and Chemical Equilibria

5.1   Concentration Units: Mole Fraction, Molarity, and Molality
5.2  Solutions: Solubility of solids and gases in liquids, Vapour Pressure, Raoult’s law, Relative lowering of vapour pressure, depression in freezing point; elevation in boiling point; osmotic pressure, determination of molecular mass; solid solutions, abnormal molecular mass, van’t Hoff factor. Equilibrium: Dynamic nature of equilibrium, law of mass action
5.3 Physical Equilibrium: Equilibria involving physical changes (solid-liquid, liquid-gas, solid-gas), Surface chemistry, Adsorption, Physical and Chemical adsorption, Langmuir Isotherm, Colloids and emulsion, classification, preparation, uses.
5.4  Chemical Equilibria: Equilibrium constants (KP, KC), Factors affecting equilibrium, Le-Chatelier’s principle.
5.5  Ionic Equilibria: Strong and Weak electrolytes, Acids and Bases (Arrhenius, Lewis, Lowry and Bronsted) and their dissociation; degree of ionization, Ionization of Water; ionization of polybasic acids, pH; Buffer solutions; Henderson equation, Acid-base titrations; Hydrolysis; Solubility Product of Sparingly Soluble Salts; Common Ion Effect.
5.6  Factors Affecting Equilibria: Concentration, Temperature, Pressure, Catalysts, Significance of G and G0 in Chemical Equilibria.

6. Electrochemistry

6.1  Redox Reactions: Oxidation-reduction reactions (electron transfer concept); Oxidation number; Balancing of redox reactions; Electrochemical cells and cell reactions; Standard electrode potentials; EMF of Galvanic cells; Nernst equation; Factors affecting the electrode potential; Gibbs energy change and cell potential; Secondary cells; dry cells, Fuel cells; Corrosion and its prevention.
6.2 Electrolytic Conduction: Electrolytic Conductance; Specific and molar conductivities; variations of conductivity with concentration , Kolhrausch’s Law and its application, Electrolysis, Faraday’s laws of electrolysis; Coulometer; Electrode potential and electrolysis, Commercial production of the chemicals, NaOH, Na, Al, Cl2 & F2.

7. Chemical Kinetics

7.1 Aspects of Kinetics: Rate and Rate expression of a reaction; Rate constant; Order and molecularity of the reaction; Integrated rate expressions and half life for zero and first order reactions.
7.2 Factor Affecting the Rate of the Reactions: Concentration of the reactants, catalyst; size of particles, Temperature dependence of rate constant concept of collision theory (elementary idea, no mathematical treatment); Activation energy; Catalysis, Surface catalysis, enzymes, zeolites; Factors affecting rate of collisions between molecules.
7.3    Mechanism of Reaction: Elementary reactions; Complex reactions; Reactions involving two/three steps only.
7.4    Surface Chemistry: Adsorption – physisorption and chemisorption; factors affecting adsorption of gasses on solids; catalysis: homogeneous and heterogeneous, activity and selectivity: enzyme catalysis, colloidal state: distinction between true solutions, colloids and suspensions; lyophillic, lyophobic multi molecular and macromolecular colloids; properties of colloids; Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, electrophoresis, coagulations; emulsions – types of emulsions.

8. Hydrogen and s-block elements

8.1   Hydrogen: Element: unique position in periodic table, occurrence, isotopes; Dihydrogen: preparation, properties, reactions, and uses; Molecular, saline, ionic, covalent, interstitial hydrides; Water: Properties; Structure and aggregation of water molecules; Heavy water; Hydrogen peroxide: preparation, reaction, structure & use, Hydrogen as a fuel.
8.2    s-block elements: Abundance and occurrence; Anomalous properties of the first elements in each group; diagonal relationships; trends in the variation of properties (ionization energy, atomic & ionic radii).
8.3    Alkali metals: Lithium, sodium and potassium: occurrence, extraction, reactivity, and electrode potentials; Biological importance; Reactions with oxygen, hydrogen, halogens water and liquid ammonia; Basic nature of oxides and hydroxides; Halides; Properties and uses of compounds such as NaCl, Na2CO3, NaHCO3, NaOH, KCl, and KOH.
8.4    Alkaline earth metals: Magnesium and calcium: Occurrence, extraction, reactivity and electrode potentials; Reactions with O2, H2O, H2 and halogens; Solubility and thermal stability of oxo salts; Biological importance of Ca and Mg; Preparation, properties and uses of important compounds such as CaO, Ca(OH)2, plaster of Paris, MgSO4, MgCl2, CaCO3, and CaSO4; Lime and limestone, cement.

9. p- d- and f-block elements

9.1    General: Abundance, distribution, physical and chemical properties, isolation and uses of elements; Trends in chemical reactivity of elements of a group; electronic configuration, oxidation states; anomalous properties of first element of each group.
9.2    Group 13 elements: Boron; Properties and uses of borax, boric acid, boron hydrides & halides. Reaction of aluminum with acids and alkalis;
9.3    Group 14 elements: Carbon: carbon catenation, physical & chemical properties, uses, allotropes (graphite, diamond, fullerenes), oxides, halides and sulphides, carbides; Silicon: Silica, silicates, silicone, silicon tetrachloride, Zeolites, and their uses
9.4    Group 15 elements: Dinitrogen; Preparation, reactivity and uses of nitrogen; Industrial and biological nitrogen fixation; Compound of nitrogen; Ammonia: Haber’s process, properties and reactions; Oxides of nitrogen and their structures; Properties and Ostwald’s process of nitric acid production; Fertilizers – NPK type; Production of phosphorus; Allotropes of phosphorus; Preparation, structure and properties of hydrides, oxides, oxoacids (elementary idea only) and halides of phosphorus, phosphine.
9.5    Group 16 elements: Isolation and chemical reactivity of dioxygen; Acidic, basic and amphoteric oxides; Preparation, structure and properties of ozone; Allotropes of sulphur; Preparation/production properties and uses of sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid; Structure and properties of oxides, oxoacids (structures only), hydrides and halides of sulphur.
9.6    Group 17 and group 18 elements: Structure and properties of hydrides, oxides, oxoacids of halogens (structures only); preparation, properties & uses of chlorine & HCl; Inter halogen compounds; Bleaching Powder; Uses of Group 18 elements, Preparation, structure and reactions of xenon fluorides, oxides, and oxoacids.
9.7    d-Block elements: General trends in the chemistry of first row transition elements; Metallic character; Oxidation state; ionization enthalpy; Ionic radii; Color; Catalytic properties; Magnetic properties; Interstitial compounds; Occurrence and extraction of iron, copper, silver, zinc, and mercury; Alloy formation; Steel and some important alloys; preparation and properties of CuSO4, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4, Mercury halides; Silver nitrate and silver halides; Photography.
9.8    f-Block elements: Lanthanoids and actinoids; Oxidation states and chemical reactivity of lanthanoids compounds; Lanthanide contraction and its consequences, Comparison of actinoids and lanthanoids.
9.9    Coordination Compounds: Coordination number; Ligands; Werner’s coordination theory; IUPAC nomenclature; Application and importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems e.g. chlorophyll, vitamin B12, and hemoglobin); Bonding: Valence-bond approach, Crystal field theory (qualitative); Stability constants; Shapes, color and magnetic properties; Isomerism including stereoisomerisms; Organometallic compounds.

10. Principles of Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons

10.1    Classification: General Introduction, classification based on functional groups, trivial and IUPAC nomenclature. Methods of purification: qualitative and quantitative,
10.2    Electronic displacement in a covalent bond: Inductive, resonance effects, and hyperconjugation; free radicals; carbocations, carbanions, nucleophiles and electrophiles; types of organic reactions, free radial halogenations.
10.3    Alkanes and cycloalkanes: Structural isomerism, general properties and chemical reactions, free redical helogenation, combustion and pyrolysis.
10.4    Alkenes and alkynes: General methods of preparation and reactions, physical properties, electrophilic and free radical additions, acidic character of alkynes and (1,2 and 1,4) addition to dienes.
10.5    Aromatic hydrocarbons: Sources; properties; isomerism; resonance delocalization; aromaticity; polynuclear hydrocarbons; IUPAC nomenclature; mechanism of electrophilic substitution reaction, directive influence and effect of substituents on reactivity; carcinogenicity and toxicity.
10.6    Haloalkanes and haloarenes: Physical properties, nomenclature, optical rotation, chemical reactions and mechanism of substitution reaction. Uses and environmental effects; di, tri, tetrachloromethanes, iodoform, freon and DDT.
10.7    Petroleum: Composition and refining, uses of petrochemicals.

11. Stereochemistry

11.1    Introduction: Chiral molecules; optical activity; polarimetry; R,S and D,L configurations; Fischer projections; enantiomerism; racemates; diastereomerism and meso structures.
11.2    Conformations: Ethane conformations; Newman and Sawhorse projections.
11.3    Geometrical isomerism in alkenes

12. Organic Compounds with Functional Groups Containing Oxygen and Nitrogen

12.1    General: Nomenclature, electronic structure, important methods of preparation, identification, important reactions, physical and chemical properties, uses of alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, nitro compounds, amines, diazonium salts, cyanides and isocyanides.
12.2    Specific: Reactivity of -hydrogen in carbonyl compounds, effect of substituents on alpha-carbon on acid strength, comparative reactivity of acid derivatives, mechanism of nucleophilic addition and dehydration, basic character of amines, methods of preparation, and their separation, importance of diazonium salts in synthetic organic chemistry.

13. Biological , Industrial and Environmental chemistry

13.1    The Cell: Concept of cell and energy cycle.
13.2   Carbohydrates: Classification; Monosaccharides; Structures of pentoses and hexoses; Anomeric carbon; Mutarotation; Simple chemical reactions of glucose, Disaccharides: reducing and non-reducing sugars – sucrose, maltose and lactose; Polysaccharides: elementary idea of structures of starch, cellulose and glycogen.
13.3    Proteins: Amino acids; Peptide bond; Polypeptides; Primary structure of proteins; Simple idea of secondary , tertiary and quarternary structures of proteins; Denaturation of proteins and enzymes.
13.4    Nucleic Acids: Types of nucleic acids; Primary building blocks of nucleic acids (chemical composition of DNA & RNA); Primary structure of DNA and its double helix; Replication; Transcription and protein synthesis; Genetic code.
13.5    Vitamins: Classification, structure, functions in biosystems; Hormones
13.6   Polymers: Classification of polymers; General methods of polymerization; Molecular mass of polymers; Biopolymers and biodegradable polymers; methods of polymerization (free radical, cationic and anionic addition polymerizations); Copolymerization: Natural rubber; Vulcanization of rubber; Synthetic rubbers. Condensation polymers.
13.7    Pollution: Environmental pollutants; soil, water and air pollution; Chemical reactions in atmosphere; Smog; Major atmospheric pollutants; Acid rain; Ozone and its reactions; Depletion of ozone layer and its effects; Industrial air pollution; Green house effect and global warming; Green Chemistry, study for control of environmental pollution.
13.8  Chemicals in medicine, health-care and food: Analgesics, Tranquilizers, antiseptics, disinfectants, anti-microbials, anti-fertility drugs, antihistamines, antibiotics, antacids; Preservatives, artificial sweetening agents, antioxidants, soaps and detergents.

14. Theoretical Principles of Experimental Chemistry

14.1   Volumetric Analysis: Principles; Standard solutions of sodium carbonate and oxalic acid; Acid-base titrations; Redox reactions involving KI, H2SO4, Na2SO3, Na2S2O3 and H2S; Potassium permanganate in acidic, basic and neutral media; Titrations of oxalic acid, ferrous ammonium sulphate with KMnO4, K2 Cr2O7/Na2S2O3, Cu(II)/Na2S2O3.
14.2   Qualitative analysis of Inorganic Salts: Principles in the determination of the cations Pb2+, Cu2+, As3+, Mn2+, Al3+, Zn2+, Co2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+, Fe3+, Ni2+ and the anions CO32-, S2-, SO42-, SO32-, NO2-, NO3-, Cl-, Br-, I-, PO43-, CH3COO-, C2O42-.
14.3    Physical Chemistry Experiments: preparation and crystallization of alum, copper sulphate. Benzoic acid ferrous sulphate, double salt of alum and ferrous sulphate, potassium ferric sulphate; Temperature vs. solubility; Study of pH charges by common ion effect in case of weak acids and weak bases; pH measurements of some solutions obtained from fruit juices, solutions of known and varied concentrations of acids, bases and salts using pH paper or universal indicator; Lyophilic and lyophobic sols; Dialysis; Role of emulsifying agents in emulsification. Equilibrium studies involving ferric and thiocyanate ions (ii) [Co(H2O)6]2+ and chloride ions; Enthalpy determination for strong acid vs. strong base neutralization reaction (ii) hydrogen bonding interaction between acetone and chloroform; Rates of the reaction between (i) sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid, (ii) potassium iodate and sodium sulphite (iii) iodide vs. hydrogen peroxide, concentration and temperature effects in these reactions.
14.4  Purification Methods: Filtration, crystallization, sublimation, distillation, differential extraction, and chromatography. Principles of melting point and boiling point determination; principles of paper chromatographic separation – Rf values.
14.5    Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds: Detection of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorous and halogens; Detection of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in foodstuff; Detection of alcoholic, phenolic, aldehydic, ketonic, carboxylic, amino groups and unsaturation.
14.6    Quantitative Analysis of Organic Compounds: Basic principles for the quantitative estimation of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, halogen, sulphur and phosphorous; Molecular mass determination by silver salt and chloroplatinate salt methods; Calculations of empirical and molecular formulae.
14.7    Principles of Organic Chemistry Experiments: Preparation of iodoform, acetanilide, p-nitro acetanilide, di-benzayl acetone, aniline yellow, beta-naphthol; Preparation of acetylene and study of its acidic character.
14.8    Basic Laboratory Technique: Cutting glass tube and glass rod, bending a glass tube, drawing out a glass jet, boring of cork.

Syllabus for BITSAT Physics 2016

Part I: Physics

1. Units & Measurement

1.1    Units (Different systems of units, SI units, fundamental and derived units)
1.2    Dimensional Analysis
1.3    Precision and significant figures
1.4    Fundamental measurements in Physics (Vernier calipers, screw gauge, Physical balance etc)

2. Kinematics

2.1    Properties of vectors
2.2    Position, velocity and acceleration vectors
2.3    Motion with constant acceleration
2.4    Projectile motion
2.5    Uniform circular motion
2.6    Relative motion

3. Newton’s Laws of Motion

3.1    Newton’s laws (free body diagram, resolution of forces)
3.2    Motion on an inclined plane
3.3    Motion of blocks with pulley systems
3.4    Circular motion – centripetal force
3.5    Inertial and non-inertial frames

4. Impulse and Momentum

4.1    Definition of impulse and momentum
4.2    Conservation of momentum
4.3    Collisions
4.4    Momentum of a system of particles
4.5    Center of mass

5. Work and Energy

5.1    Work done by a force
5.2    Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem
5.3    Power
5.4    Conservative forces and potential energy
5.5    Conservation of mechanical energy

6. Rotational Motion

6.1    Description of rotation (angular displacement, angular velocity and angular acceleration)
6.2    Rotational motion with constant angular acceleration
6.3    Moment of inertia, Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems, rotational kinetic energy
6.4    Torque and angular momentum
6.5    Conservation of angular momentum
6.6    Rolling motion

7. Gravitation

7.1    Newton’s law of gravitation
7.2    Gravitational potential energy, Escape velocity
7.3    Motion of planets – Kepler’s laws, satellite motion

8. Mechanics of Solids and Fluids

8.1    Elasticity
8.2    Pressure, density and Archimedes’ principle
8.3    Viscosity and Surface Tension
8.4    Bernoulli’s theorem

9. Oscillations

9.1    Kinematics of simple harmonic motion
9.2    Spring mass system, simple and compound pendulum
9.3    Forced & damped oscillations, resonance

10. Waves

10.1    Progressive sinusoidal waves
10.2    Standing waves in strings and pipes
10.3    Superposition of waves, beats
10.4    Doppler Effect

11. Heat and Thermodynamics

11.1    Kinetic theory of gases
11.2    Thermal equilibrium and temperature
11.3    Specific heat, Heat Transfer – Conduction, convection and radiation, thermal conductivity, Newton’s law of cooling
11.4    Work, heat and first law of thermodynamics
11.5    2nd law of thermodynamics, Carnot engine – Efficiency and Coefficient of performance

12. Electrostatics

12.1    Coulomb’s law
12.2    Electric field (discrete and continuous charge distributions)
12.3    Electrostatic potential and Electrostatic potential energy
12.4    Gauss’ law and its applications
12.5    Electric dipole
12.6    Capacitance and dielectrics (parallel plate capacitor, capacitors in series and parallel)

13. Current Electricity

13.1    Ohm’s law, Joule heating
13.2    D.C circuits – Resistors and cells in series and parallel, Kirchoff’s laws, potentiometer and Wheatstone bridge,
13.3    Electrical Resistance (Resistivity, origin and temperature dependence of resistivity).

14. Magnetic Effect of Current

14.1    Biot-Savart’s law and its applications
14.2    Ampere’s law and its applications
14.3    Lorentz force, force on current carrying conductors in a magnetic field
14.4    Magnetic moment of a current loop, torque on a current loop, Galvanometer and its conversion to voltmeter and ammeter

15. Electromagnetic Induction

15.1    Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, eddy currents
15.2    Self and mutual inductance
15.3    Transformers and generators
15.4    Alternating current (peak and rms value)
15.5    AC circuits, LCR circuits

16. Optics

16.1    Laws of reflection and refraction
16.2    Lenses and mirrors
16.3    Optical instruments – telescope and microscope
16.4    Interference – Huygen’s principle, Young’s double slit experiment
16.5    Interference in thin films
16.6    Diffraction due to a single slit
16.7    Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics (only qualitative ideas), Electromagnetic spectrum
16.8    Polarization – states of polarization, Malus’ law, Brewster’s law

17. Modern Physics

17.1    Dual nature of light and matter – Photoelectric effect, De Broglie wavelength
17.2    Atomic models – Rutherford’s experiment, Bohr’s atomic model
17.3    Hydrogen atom spectrum
17.4    Radioactivity
17.5    Nuclear reactions : Fission and fusion, binding energy

18. Electronic Devices

18.1    Energy bands in solids (qualitative ideas only), conductors, insulators and semiconductors;
18.2    Semiconductor diode – I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias, diode as a rectifier; I-V characteristics of LED, photodiode, solar cell, and Zener diode; Zener diode as a voltage regulator.
18.3    Junction transistor, transistor action, characteristics of a transistor; transistor as an amplifier (common emitter configuration) and oscillator
18.4    Logic gates (OR, AND, NOT, NAND and NOR). Transistor as a switch.

Career Choice at BITS Pilani

Career choice at BITS Pilani:

               BITS Pilani is one of the best Universities of India with best physical and academic infrastructure, Placement facilities, consultancy, curriculum, delivery system, standard education based on current industry, happiness index and so on.

BIT has been accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) with a grade “A”. Also, according to a survey titled “Top Science and Technology schools in Asia-Pacific” which was conducted by Asiaweek’s magazine, BITS was in the top 20 in Asia.


Specialties of BITS:

  • BITS Pilani offers admission to the candidate only on merit basis. It does not encourage any recommendation or references.
  • BITS Pilani has got collaboration with many foreign Universities like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This helps the students of BITS Pilani to easily continue their higher education in these foreign Universities.
  • You can feel proud about the brand name “BITS” when you pass out of the college. “BITS Pilani” is a very famous brand name which is recognized in all over the world.
  • It has very good alumni support with most of the students of BITS in top most position in their life and career.
  • BITS Pilani offers direct admission to the board toppers (Never mind the scores secured in BITSAT) at any Indian campuses of BITS.
  • It also offers scholarships for the meritorious students who are from poor family background. Almost 25% of students avail this facility from every batch.
  • Placement of BITS Pilani is something which everyone is familiar with. BITS University provides the country’s best placement facilities which had placed several students in the highest paying jobs.
  • BITS Pilani also offers the students the facility of “Course Flexibility”. You can pursue Engineering and Science at the same time and you can even finish your Engineering degree in 3.5 years if you have required caliber.


Career oriented courses in BITS Pilani:

          Few of the popular and important courses are mentioned below:


First degree courses:

  • BE (Hons) Chemical Engineering:

             Chemical Engineering is one of the nurturing fields which aim to bring more leaders and entrepreneurs in this field. BITS Pilani offers best faculties who have completed Ph.D and Postdocs from IIT’s and Universities abroad. BITS Pilani not only offers B.E (Hons) but also M.E in Chemical Engineering and Ph.D in this field.

         What after Chemical Engineering?

  1. Chemical Engineers are high in demand in current scenario. They are highly employable in the designations such as Field Engineers, Product Engineers and also work in MNCs and in Government sectors.
  2. It is one of the best paying professions in which salary hike is made around 30% over the last decade.
  3. Chemical Engineers work for the welfare of the people. Even Day to day life products are produced only after the supervision of the chemical engineers.


  • BE (Hons) Civil:

             This is one of the oldest departments in BITS Pilani which was established in the year 1956. This department offers Civil Engineering courses in B.E (Hons) Civil, M.E (Civil) and Doctorate programs. Civil Engineering is rather another group which has wide varieties of opportunities all over the world. Civil Engineer is the one who plans, designs, constructs and maintains large projects and systems of a country like Roadways, Tunnels, Bridges, sewage treatment, dams, etc. They are the backbone of any country they are working for.


          What after Civil Engineering?

  1. Positions like Structural Engineer, Offshore Structural Engineer, Project Engineer, Associate Engineer, CAD/CAM Engineer, etc., are the highly paid positions in the field of Civil Engineering.
  2. Civil Engineers are always in high demand in the community. Thus, every possible civil engineer has excellent pay scale.
  3. Civil Engineers get the opportunity to explore new places and travel every nook and corner of the country.
  4. You can check out the chart for referring the hierarchy of Civil Engineering jobs:


  • BE (Hons) Computer Science and Engineering:

                 Computer Science and Engineering a most common and demanding field which most of the students wish to choose.

You can find the semester wise pattern for the CSE in BITS Pilani in the following link:

         What after Computer Science and Engineering?

  1. Most of the students of BITS, have bagged jobs successfully in Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Microsoft, etc., Other computer science students have successfully chosen their future path as researchers, Computer field jobs in Government sectors, higher education in the same field, etc.,
  2. This is an industry which caters to the world standards. Thus, the pay package is always high for every computer engineer.


  • BE (Hons) Electrical and Electronics Engineering:

                   In BITS Pilani, EEE department is formed from the Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering departments which were formed in the year 1969 and 1970 respectively.

         What after Electrical and Electronic Engineering?

  1. The field of EEE mainly covers the generation of power, storage and usage of power. This field is very important and has high demands in the society.
  2. This field is very important since “Power” seems to be an integral part of our day-to-day life.
  3. EEE engineers are offered opportunities in various fields such as renewable energy sector, communications industry, aerospace industry, power sectors and in Information technology fields.


  • BE (Hons) Manufacturing:

                  The main motive for starting this department is to encourage young talents in the field of product development. This course targets mainly in the product development, testing, manufacturing, etc.

You can find the semester wise pattern for BE(Hons) Manufacturing in the below link:


        What after Manufacturing Engineering?

  1. Pursuing Manufacturing engineering allows you to work for the product development. It offers the opportunities to work with the vendors and suppliers for fixing the price for the products, delivery planning, meeting the standard of the final products, etc.,
  2. Types of designations offered for those who have completed BE (Hons) Manufacturing engineering are:
  • Product Engineer
  • Testing Engineer
  • Mechanical Design Engineer
  • Manufacturing researcher
  • Plant and Machinery Engineer and so on


Higher degree courses:

  • Sc (Hons) Biological sciences:

             To target in the modern areas of science and technology, BITS Pilani developed department of Biological sciences by merging the departments of zoology and botany which were established in the year 1969.


          What after M.Sc Biological Sciences?

  1. Obviously, Biological science is a study of plants and living organisms. Within the subjects of Botany and zoology, there are numerous sub-subjects such as Cell Biology, Bio-Chemistry, Ecology, Microbiology, bio-statistics and Genetics.
  2. Students who have successfully completed M.Sc Biological Science are able to get opportunities in various Government firms, research labs, private pharmaceutical firms, etc.,
  3. They can also choose to be a lecturer/ professor in the field of Biological science.
  4. Students with best communication skills and Ph.D degree are able to get higher positions in the Ministries of India as research officers or as an entry level scientist.


  • Sc (Hons) Enomics:

             BITS Pilani offers best education in the field of economics by providing strong fundamentals in the theories of economics. This makes the students to handle every real life applications of economics very easily.

          What after M.Sc Economics?

  1. A huge list of Government and private jobs are waiting for the candidates those who have successfully completed M.Sc Economics.
  2. Meritorious students can get prestigious jobs in Government sectors such as Indian Civil Services, Indian Economic Services, National sample survey, Reserve Bank of India, Ministry of Economic affairs, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, National Council for applied Economics, etc.,


  • Sc (Hons) Mathematics

                    This department was actually established in the year 1944 under Birla Science College which was later incorporated in the institute in 1964.This department mainly focuses on the standard education in the specialized fields of Mathematics such as Algebra and analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling, etc.

          What after M.Sc Mathematics?

  1. The candidates who have successfully completed M.Sc Mathematics can take up UPSC and SSC exams which are conducted by the Central Government to fill up the various Government Posts in various departments of the country.
  2. The candidate has wide opportunity after completing M.Sc Mathematics. He/She are eligible to take up lecturer/Professor positions in the Universities and Colleges, apply for Private and Government Banking sectors, Defence department, Railways, etc.,

          Whatever course you pursue through BITS Pilani, you have a guaranteed success in the respected fields especially because of the brand name “BITS”. So, students who have successfully completed the course in BITS Pilani have high reputation and recognition in all the Government sectors, Private sectors, Universities/Colleges, etc.,

Thus, best career opportunities are guaranteed if you are from BITS Pilani.



BITSAT 2016:

            There are various popular engineering entrance examination in India such as JEE Main, JEE Advanced, IIT JEE, etc. Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITSAT) is a one such popular engineering entrance examination which is conducted to filter out the most talented students for the admission to the engineering courses in BITS campuses.

It is one of the best prestigious private colleges of India for pursuing under graduate engineering courses. It is also only Indian institution which has three campuses in India and one campus in Dubai.

Currently, BITS campuses are as follows:

  • Pilani campus which was established in the year 1929.
  • Hyderabad campus which was established in the year 2008
  • K K Birla Goa campus which was established in the year 2004
  • Dubai campus which was established in the year 2000

BITS Pilani was declared as a deemed University under the Act of UGC. BITSAT is the only mode for getting into BITS’s Integrated First degree programmes.



            BITSAT is one of the toughest online engineering entrance exam conducted on May month of every year. Being one of the most renowned and prestigious college of India, it has its own exam pattern to check the student’s engineering knowledge deeply.

Let us check few details about BITSAT 2015.


BITSAT 2015:

             BITSAT 2015 was commenced on May 14 and ended up in May 29, 2015. Around 1 lakh 80,000 students took part in this exam and it was considered as one of the toughest exams than the usual BITSAT.

Apart from the portions of NCERT books, there were lot of difficult questions from rotational motion, derivatives, inertia and limits, etc. Students who performed well in this exam were directly given the score card. It seems no group discussion and personal interview was conducted this year.


Important dates for BITSAT 2016: (Tentative)


             Let’s check out the important dates for BITSAT 2016

Application form will be available from: December third week, 2015

Last date for the application form: February fourth week, 2016

Allotment of test center and announcement to the candidates: February fourth week, 2016

Reserving test date: First to third week of March, 2016

Issuance of Admit card or Hall ticket: Third to last week of April, 2016

BITSAT 2016 Online examination dates: Second to last week of May, 2016

Candidates to apply for the admission along with their 12th class certificates: Third week to last week of June, 2016

Admission list and waiting list announcement: July first week, 2016


Are you eligible for BITSAT?

                   Let’s check the eligibility for BITSAT 2016 below:

  • Candidate must have secured at least 75% of average marks in 12th board exam with 60% in all major subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • Candidates who are currently pursuing 12th standard can also apply for this exam.
  • Toppers in 12th board examination are given more preference during the BITS admission.
  • Candidate must be well versed in English.


How to apply for BITSAT 2016?

  • Candidates who are interested in BITSAT have to register their names in BITSAT 2016 through the website wait for the official announcement of the BITSAT 2016)
  • Fill in the application form carefully by entering all the required informations such as name, Father’s name, certificates of 12th and 10th, date of birth, etc., and pay the prescribed fees either through debit or credit card.
  • The fee prescribed must be around Rs.2090/- for male candidates and Rs.1590/- for female candidates.
  • Click on the submit button and take a print out of the confirmation page.


BITSAT Pattern and syllabus:

Total duration of the BITSAT exam: 3 hours

Examination mode: Online test

Language of the question booklet: English

Each correct attempt carries 3 marks

Each incorrect attempt deducts -1 mark

The paper is divided into four parts such as :

       Part I: Physics which contains 40 questions

       Part II: Chemistry which contains 40 questions

       Part III: English proficiency contains 15 questions whereas Logical reasoning contains 10 questions

       Part IV: Mathematics or Biology which contains 45 questions

Every student will be getting different question booklet. The questions will be set with equal difficulty levels. Students have to choose the Part IV preference and they are given question booklet according their choice (mathematics or Biology).


Special thing in BITSAT:

                   Students who are capable can also opt to solve 12 more questions along with the above 150 questions in the question booklet. These 12 questions must be completed before the stipulated time frame. Also, the students cannot go behind the previous questions for any revision or correction after choosing to solve these 12 questions.


Syllabus for BITSAT 2016:

Syllabus for BITSAT can be referred in following link:


How to prepare for BITSAT 2016?

  • Online study material for BITSAT is available which covers all the topics of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology.
  • You can also download previous years question papers, participate in mock test, create self test, etc.
  • You can also take part in the online mock test for BITSAT which is conducted widely through several websites.


Admit card for BITSAT 2016:

             Admit card or Hall ticket will be available for download (April 2016 onwards) from the official website of BITSAT. Admit card may contain important details of the candidate such as Name, Father’s name, Date of birth, Choice of city, Application number or registration number, Date of his exam, Venue of his exam, etc.

This is a very important document which is needed throughout the admission process.

To download the admit card, you have to remember the username and password which you received during the time of registration. If you have forgotten the username and password, don’t panic. There are instructions in the official site to find out the forgotten password or username.

Admit card must not be folded or defaced. Students have to paste their photographs in the admit card before entering into the examination hall.

Announcement of the results:

                     BITSAT exam will be held on May, 2016. Results are expected to be declared on first week of July, 2016. Candidates can check their results online with their roll numbers and application number.

Merit list of the students will be later announced by the organizing committee. As soon as the results are declared, students are provided with their score card which contains sectional as well as overall rank of the student.


Seat Allotment for BITSAT:

             Merit list of the students will be called for the counselling session. Those candidates have to fill in and submit the application form to participate in the BITSAT counselling. According to the student’s overall rank, availability of seats, BITS organization will announce the admission list with which the students will be allotted seat in any of the BITS campuses. Generally, BITSAT counselling takes place in four iterations.

            Thus, students who are currently started to prepare for BITSAT, remember to note the pattern and syllabus of BITSAT carefully. Since this is one of the toughest exams be ready to face any kinds of questions apart from the syllabus.

All the best to crack BITSAT 2016!!


BITSAT 2015 Application Process

The Step by Step Guide to BITSAT 2015 Application Process

BITSAT 2015 Application Form is currently accessible from December 18, 2015 onwards. Due date to seek BITSAT 2015 is on the February 20, 2015. The BITSAT 2015 Online Application Procedure must be taken over to see the BITS Admission Test for admissions to the designing courses at the BITS facilities at Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad. Applicants must meet the qualification criteria of BITSAT 2015 preceding applying. Applicants will have the capacity to think about the Application structures, their accessibility, last dates for accommodation, walled in areas required and in addition the applicable expenses through the BITSAT 2015 Application Form Procedure. Intrigued understudies can fill BITSAT 2015 Application Form beneath.

The Form Filling Process

Know how to fill the structure beneath to keep away from oversights and submit the structure effectively. Look at the step-wise aide

Step 1

  • Fill BITSAT 2015 application form on the official web of the institute
  • When you visit the enrollment page, you will see a significant structure filling guidelines for seeking BITSAT 2015. Perused them painstakingly and reconnoiter “I have perused and seen all the guidelines” box.

Step 2

In this step enter your personal data in the application structure on the screen

  • Verify you enter your name accurately and precisely as it shows up in your Class XII examination mark sheet
  • Enter right date of birth as in your certificate
  • Enter father’s name accurately

Step 3

 The next step is to fill up instructive subtle elements like the test center preference with your educational details

  • Enter full name, sexual orientation, your date of birth, your father’s name, your mother’s name, Email address s, location for correspondence and contact number
  • Enter Class XII subtle elements – Name of the current school or college you are presently studying, board of your examination,  your year of passing out the exams and also elect the subject to be taken for Part IV of BITSAT like you want to opt for Mathematics or Biology.

Step 4

When you have typed the total details in the previous steps like your personal and educational background you are directed to a page where you are told to confirm the correctness for the verification

  • You have to verify what you have entered
  • If the details you have entered is correct you have to confirm by clicking on the button
  • If you want to correct or change the information you have to do it by clicking on the Edit button. If you have to change the date you need to update the date button
  • Once you are done with all the changes as required, click on the confirmation button to shift to the next page of the admission process.

Step 5

Making the Payment of Application Fee:

  • The fees for BITSAT 2015 is Rs.2090 for male candidates and Rs. 1590 for female candidates for Hyderabad and Pillani test centers
  • For applying for the admission test for the Dubai test center you have to pay Rs. 3, 100 or US$50 which applies to both male and female candidates
  • You can make the payment either by debit or credit card issued by Master and Visa.
  • Payment can also be made using an Online Payment gateway
  • If you prefer to pay by cash you can also step in one of the listed ICICI Bank and make the payment for your Application fee. A confirmation of your cash deposit the bank will give you a receipt for the same.

BITSAT 2015 Logical Reasoning Syllabus

                                                   Logical Reasoning

The test is given to the candidates to judge their power of reasoning spread in verbal and nonverbal areas. The candidates  should  be  able  to  think  logically  so  that  they  perceive  the  data  accurately, understand  the relationships correctly, figure out the missing numbers or words, and to apply rules to new and different contexts. These  indicators  are  measured  through  performance  on  such  tasks  as  detecting  missing  links,  following directions, classifying words, establishing sequences, and completing analogies.

1. Verbal Reasoning

1.1         Analogy

           Analogy means correspondence. In the questions based on analogy, a particular relationship is given and another similar relationship has to be identified from the alternatives provided.

1.2          Classification

               Classification means to assort the items of a given group on the basis of  certain common quality they possess and then spot the odd option out.

1.3          Series Completion

               Here series of numbers or letters are given and one is asked to either complete the series or find out the wrong part in the series.

1.4        Logical Deduction – Reading Passage

              Here a brief passage is given and based on the passage the candidate is required to identify the correct or incorrect logical conclusions.

1.5       Chart Logic

            Here a chart or a table is given that is partially filled in and asks to complete it in accordance with the information given either in the chart /table or in the question.

2. Nonverbal Reasoning

2.1        Pattern Perception

          Here a certain pattern is given and generally a quarter is left blank. The candidate is required to identify the correct quarter from the given four alternatives.

2.2      Figure Formation and Analysis

           The candidate is required to analyze and form a figure from various given parts.

2.3      Paper Cutting

            It involves the analysis of a pattern that is formed when a folded piece of paper is cut into a definite design.

2.4       Figure Matrix

             In this more than one set of figures is given in the form of a matrix, all of them following the same rule. The candidate is required to follow the rule and identify the missing figure.

2.5      Rule Detection

           Here a particular rule is given and it is required to select from the given sets of figures, a set of figures, which obeys the rule and forms the .

BITSAT 2015 English Proficiency Syllabus

English Proficiency

This test is designed to assess the test takers’ general proficiency in the use of English language as a   means of self-expression in real life situations and specifically to test the test takers’ knowledge of basic grammar, their vocabulary, their ability to read fast and comprehend, and also their ability to apply the elements of effective writing.

1. Grammar

1.1          Agreement, Time and Tense, Parallel construction, Relative pronouns

1.2          Determiners, Prepositions, Modals, Adjectives

1.3          Voice, Transformation

1.4          Question tags, Phrasal verbs

2. Vocabulary

2.1          Synonyms, Antonyms, Odd Word, One Word, Jumbled letters, Homophones,


2.2          Contextual meaning.

2.3          Analogy

3. Reading Comprehension

3.1          Content/ideas

3.2          Vocabulary

3.3          Referents

3.4          Idioms/Phrases

3.5          Reconstruction (rewording)

4. Composition

4.1          Rearrangement

4.2          Paragraph Unity

4.3          Linkers/Connectives



BITSAT 2015 Exam Pattern

Click here for BITSAT Model Papers & Free Sample papers

Test Pattern:

  • All questions are of objective type (multiple choice questions); each question with  choice of four answers, only one being correct choice.
  • Each correct answer fetches 3 marks, while each incorrect answer has a penalty of 1 mark (-1 mark).
  • No marks are awarded for questions not attempted.
  • While the candidate can skip a question, the computer  will not allow the candidate to choose more than one option as correct answer.
  • There will be  150 questions in all.

BITSAT-2015 will be of total 3-hour duration (without break). The test consists of four parts:

Part I : Physics

Part II : Chemistry

Part III : (a) English Proficiency and (b) Logical Reasoning

Part IV : Mathematics or Biology (For B.Pharm candidates)

The number of questions in each part is as follows:

Subject No of questions
Part I – Physics 40
Part II – Chemistry 40
Part III-(a) English Proficiency 15
(b) Logical Reasoning 10
Part IV -Mathematics/Biology (For B.Pharm) 45
Total 150


  • There is no time limit for individual parts of the test. The candidate can go back and change  any of his/her answers among the 150 questions.
  • If a candidate answers all the 150 questions (without skipping any question), the candidate  will have an option of attempting 12 (twelve) extra questions, if there is still time left. These  extra questions will be from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics/Biology only; four  questions from each part. Further, once the candidate has opted for extra questions, he  cannot go back for correction of any of the earlier answered 150 questions.
  • The questions are so designed that a good student will be able to answer 150 questions in  180 minutes. The extra questions (a maximum of 12) will give a chance to highly meritorious  candidates to score higher. However, candidates should keep in mind the fact that there is  negative marking for wrong answers and any attempt to answer the questions by pure  guessing of the answers is not likely to have any advantage, but may result in a reduction in  the total score.
  • The questions will be selected at random from a large question bank. Different candidates  will get different question sets. An expert committee will ensure that the question sets are of  comparable difficulty level, content, question type etc. In this matter, the decision of the  expert committee will be final and binding on the candidate.
  • All the questions and instructions of the test will be in English only. Candidates should bring  a pen for the purpose of rough work, signing etc. Blank sheets for rough work will be  provided, if required. Calculators and logarithmic tables are not allowed in the test centers.
  • Candidates are not allowed to bring any other personal belongings such as mobiles.
  • Each candidate who registers for BITSAT-2015 will be instructed to download a ‘Hall Ticket’.
  • Candidates with the hall ticket only will be allowed inside the Test centers. All centers are closely monitored for security and candidates’ identity and activities will be recorded using  web cameras and/or closed circuit TV cameras. Candidate’s finger print and photograph will  be taken at the time of the test and will be matched at the time of admission. Anyone  violating the rules of the test center will not be allowed to continue with the test and will  automatically be disqualified.




BITSAT 2015 Eligibility Criteria

Click here for BITSAT Model Papers & Free Sample papers

Eligibility for BITSAT 2015 Entrance Examination:

(i) For admission to Engineering(B.Tech/BE) Course:  Candidate should have passed the 12th examination of 10+2 system from a recognized Central or State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics and adequate proficiency in English.

(ii) For admission to B.Pharm.(Hons.): Candidate should have passed the 12th examination of 10+2 system from a recognized Central or State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology and adequate proficiency in  English. However candidates with PCM may also apply for Pharmacy program.

Admission to all the programmes is subject to the conditions given below.

The candidate should have obtained a minimum of aggregate 75% marks in Physics,  Chemistry and Mathematics subjects (if he/she has taken Mathematics in BITSAT) or a  minimum of aggregate 75% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects (if he/she has  taken Biology in BITSAT) subjects in 12th examination, with at least 60% marks in each of  the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics / Biology subjects.

Only Students who are appearing for 12th examination in 2015 or who have passed  12th  Examination in 2014 are eligible to appear in the BITSAT-2015 test. If a candidate  has taken more than one attempt in 12th class or its equivalent, only his latest performance is  considered, provided this attempt has been for the full component of subjects/courses  prescribed. Students who have passed 12th examination in 2013 or earlier are NOT eligible  to appear in BITSAT-2015. Students who are presently studying in BITS at any of its  campuses are not eligible to appear in BITSAT-2015.

Admissions will be made purely on merit. The merit position of the candidate for admission  will be based on the score obtained by the candidate in the BITSAT-2015. However, their  eligibility for admission is subject to fulfilling the requirement of minimum marks in 12th  examination, as mentioned above.

Direct Admission to Board Toppers:

In the past, admission process of the Institute always ensured guaranteed admission to all  the students who obtained first ranks in their respective board examinations. This has given  a very vital input of highly meritorious students from all over India. First rank students of all  the central and state boards in India for the year 2015 will be given direct admission to the  program of their choice, irrespective of their BITSAT-2015 score as per the eligibility criteria  mentioned above. Further details about this scheme will be available at BITS website by 20th  May, 2015.

BITSAT 2015 Important Dates

Click here for BITSAT Model Papers & Free Sample papers

BITSAT 2015 Important Dates for taking admission into B.Tech/BE courses for the academic session of 2015-16.

BITSAT 2015 Important Dates
Important dates and deadlines
Deadline to apply for BITSAT-2015 20th February, 2015
Test Center allotment and announcement to candidates 25th February, 2015
Candidates to reserve Test dates 1st March – 21st March, 2015
Candidates to download the Hall tickets with instructions 15th April – 30th April, 2015
BITSAT Online tests 14th May – 29th May, 2015
Candidates to apply for admission with 12th marks and Preferences to Degree programmes 20th May – 30th June, 2015
Admit list and Wait list announcement 1st July, 2015

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BITSAT 2015 Exam Details

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BITSAT 2015 Syllabus

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BITSAT 2015 Exam Details

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BITSAT is a computer based online test. ‘Computer Based Online test’ means the candidate sits in front of a computer and the questions are presented on the computer monitor and the candidate answers the questions on the computer through the use of keyboard or mouse. Each computer is connected to a server, which prepares the question set and delivers it to the candidate on the computer. This is unlike the traditional paper-pencil based test, which is generally offered on a single day to all candidates.

BITSAT-2015 will be offered over a period of time and the candidate can choose the Center, the Day and Time of his/her convenience to take the test, as described in the later sections.

BITSAT score report: At the completion of the test, the computer will announce the result to the candidate in terms of number of total correct answers and wrong answers, with the score. The candidate can also check and print his score report at the BITS website after all the tests are completed. No student will be allowed to repeat the test in the same year.


BITSAT 2015 Chemistry Syllabus


1. States of Matter

1.1          Measurement: Physical quantities and SI units, Dimensional analysis, Precision, Significant figures.

1.2       Chemical  reactions:  Laws  of  chemical  combination,  Dalton’s  atomic  theory;  Mole  concept;  Atomic, molecular and molar masses; Percentage composition empirical & molecular formula; Balanced chemical equations & stoichiometry

1.3        Gaseous state: Gas Laws, ideal behavior, empirical derivation of gas equation, Kinetic theory – Maxwell distribution  of  velocities,  Average,  root  mean  square  and  most  probable  velocities  and  relation  to temperature, Diffusion; Deviation from ideal behaviour – Critical temperature, Liquefaction of gases, vander Waals equation.

1.4         Liquid state: Vapour pressure, surface tension, viscosity.

1.5          Solid state: Classification; Space lattices & crystal systems; Unit cell – Cubic & hexagonal systems; Close packing; Crystal structures: Simple AB and AB2 type ionic crystals, covalent crystals – diamond & graphite, metals.  Imperfections-  Point  defects,  non-stoichiometric  crystals;  Electrical,  magnetic  and  dielectric properties; Amorphous solids – qualitative description. Band theory of metals, conductors, semiconductors and insulators, and n- and p- type semiconductors.

2. Atomic Structure

2.1          Introduction: Radioactivity, Subatomic particles; Atomic number, isotopes and isobars, Rutherford’s picture of atom; Hydrogen atom  spectrum and Bohr model.

2.2          Quantum mechanics: Wave-particle duality  – de Broglie relation, Uncertainty principle; Hydrogen atom: Quantum numbers and  wavefunctions, atomic orbitals and their shapes  (s, p, and d), Spin quantum number.

2.3          Many electron atoms: Pauli exclusion principle; Aufbau principle and the electronic configuration of atoms, Hund’s rule.

2.4          Periodicity: Periodic law and the modern periodic table; Types of elements: s, p, d, and f blocks; Periodic trends: ionization energy, atomic and ionic radii, electron affinity, electro negativity and valency.

3.   Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure

3.1          Ionic Bond: Lattice Energy and Born-Haber cycle; Covalent character of ionic bonds and polar character of covalent bond

3.2          Molecular Structure: Lewis picture & resonance structures, VSEPR model & molecular shapes

3.3          Covalent Bond: Valence Bond Theory- Orbital overlap, Directionality of bonds & hybridization (s, p & d orbitals only), Resonance; Molecular orbital theory- Methodology, Orbital energy level diagram, Bond order, Magnetic properties for homonuclear diatomic species.

3.4          Metallic Bond: Qualitative description.

3.5          Intermolecular Forces: Polarity; Dipole moments; Hydrogen Bond.

4. Thermodynamics

4.1           Basic Concepts: Systems and surroundings; State functions; Intensive & Extensive Properties; Zeroth Law and Temperature

4.2           First  Law  of  Thermodynamics:  Work,  internal  energy,  heat,  enthalpy,  heat  capacities;  Enthalpies  of formation,  phase  transformation,  ionization,  electron  gain;  Thermochemistry;  Hess’s  Law.  Bond dissociation, combustion, atomization, sublimation, dilution

4.3           Second Law: Spontaneous and reversible processes; entropy; Gibbs free energy related to spontaneity and  non-mechanical  work;  Standard  free  energies  of  formation,  free  energy  change  and  chemical equilibrium

4.4           Third Law: Introduction

5. Physical and Chemical Equilibria

5.1          Concentration Units: Mole Fraction, Molarity, and Molality

5.2          Solutions: Solubility of solids and gases in liquids, Vapour Pressure, Raoult’s law, Relative lowering of vapour pressure, depression in freezing point; elevation in boiling point; osmotic pressure, determination of molecular mass; solid solutions.

5.3          Physical  Equilibrium:  Equilibria  involving  physical  changes (solid-liquid,  liquid-gas,  solid-gas),  Surface chemistry,  Adsorption,  Physical and  Chemical  adsorption,  Langmuir  Isotherm, Colloids  and  emulsion, classification, preparation, uses.

5.4          Chemical Equilibria: Equilibrium constants (KP, KC), Le-Chatelier’s principle.

5.5          Ionic Equilibria: Strong and Weak electrolytes, Acids and Bases (Arrhenius, Lewis, Lowry and Bronsted) and their dissociation; Ionization of Water; pH; Buffer solutions; Acid-base titrations; Hydrolysis; Solubility Product of Sparingly Soluble Salts; Common Ion Effect.

5.6          Factors Affecting Equilibria: Concentration, Temperature, Pressure, Catalysts, Significance of ∆ G and ∆ Gin Chemical Equilibria.

6. Electrochemistry

6.1          Redox Reactions: Oxidation-reduction reactions (electron transfer concept); Oxidation number; Balancing of redox reactions; Electrochemical cells and cell reactions; Electrode potentials; EMF of Galvanic cells; Nernst equation; Factors affecting the electrode potential; Gibbs energy change and cell potential;  Secondary cells; Fuel cells; Corrosion and its prevention.

6.2          Electrolytic Conduction: Electrolytic Conductance; Specific and molar conductivities; Kolhrausch’s Law and its application, Faraday’s laws of electrolysis; Coulometer; Electrode potential and electrolysis, Commercial production of the chemicals, NaOH, Na, Al, Cl2   & F2.

7. Chemical Kinetics

7.1          Aspects of Kinetics: Rate and Rate expression of a reaction; Rate constant; Order and molecularity of the reaction; Integrated rate expressions and half life for zero and first order reactions.

7.2          Factor Affecting the Rate of the Reactions: Concentration of the reactants, size of particles; Temperature dependence of rate constant; Activation energy; Catalysis, Surface catalysis, enzymes, zeolites; Factors affecting rate of collisions between molecules.

7.3          Mechanism of Reaction: Elementary reactions; Complex reactions; Reactions involving two/three steps only.

8. Hydrogen and s-block elements

8.1          Hydrogen:  Element:  unique  position  in  periodic  table,  occurrence,  isotopes;  Dihydrogen:  preparation, properties, reactions, and uses; Molecular, saline, ionic, covalent, interstitial hydrides; Water: Properties; Structure and aggregation of water molecules; Heavy water; Hydrogen peroxide: preparation, reaction, structure & use, Hydrogen as a fuel.

8.2          s-block elements:   Abundance and occurrence; Anomalous properties of the first elements in each group; diagonal relationships; trends in the variation of properties (ionization energy, atomic & ionic radii).

8.3          Alkali metals: Lithium, sodium and potassium: occurrence, extraction, reactivity, and electrode potentials; Biological importance; Reactions with oxygen, hydrogen, halogens water and liquid ammonia; Basic nature of oxides and hydroxides; Halides; Properties and uses of compounds such as NaCl, Na2CO3, NaHCO3, NaOH, KCl, and KOH.

8.4          Alkaline earth metals: Magnesium and calcium: Occurrence, extraction, reactivity and electrode potentials; Reactions with non-metals; Solubility and thermal stability of oxo salts; Biological importance; Properties and uses of important compounds such as CaO, Ca(OH)2, plaster of Paris, MgSO4, MgCl2, CaCO3, and CaSO4; Lime and limestone, cement.

9. p- d- and f-block elements

9.1          General: Abundance, distribution, physical and chemical properties, isolation and uses of elements; Trends in  chemical  reactivity  of  elements  of  a  group;  electronic  configuration,  oxidation  states;  anomalous properties of first element of each group.

9.2          Group 13 elements: Boron; Properties and uses of borax, boric acid, boron hydrides & halides. Reaction of aluminum with acids and alkalis;

9.3          Group 14 elements: Carbon: carbon catenation, physical & chemical properties, uses, allotropes (graphite, diamond, fullerenes), oxides, halides and sulphides, carbides; Silicon: Silica, silicates, silicone, silicon tetrachloride, Zeolites.

9.4          Group  15  elements:  Dinitrogen;  Reactivity  and  uses  of  nitrogen  and  its  compounds;  Industrial  and biological nitrogen fixation; Ammonia: Haber’s process, properties and reactions; Oxides of nitrogen and their  structures;  Ostwald’s  process  of  nitric  acid  production;  Fertilizers –    NPK  type;  Production  of phosphorus; Allotropes of phosphorus; Preparation, structure and properties of hydrides, oxides, oxoacids (elementary idea only) and halides of phosphorus, phosphine.

9.5          Group 16 elements:   Isolation and chemical reactivity of dioxygen; Acidic, basic and amphoteric oxides; Preparation, structure and properties of ozone; Allotropes of sulphur; Production of sulphur and sulphuric acid; Structure and properties of oxides, oxoacids (structures only), hydrides and halides of sulphur.

9.6          Group  17 and group  18 elements: Structure and properties of hydrides, oxides,  oxoacids of chlorine (structures only); preparation, properties & uses of chlorine & HCl; Inter halogen compounds; Bleaching Powder; Preparation, structure and reactions of xenon fluorides, oxides, and oxoacids.

9.7          d-Block elements: General trends in the chemistry of first row transition elements; Metallic character; Oxidation  state;  ionization  enthalpy;  Ionic  radii;  Catalytic  properties;  Magnetic  properties;  Interstitial compounds; Occurrence and extraction of iron, copper, silver, zinc, and mercury; Alloy formation; Steel and some important alloys; preparation and properties of CuSO4, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4, Mercury halides; Silver nitrate and silver halides; Photography.

9.8          f-Block  elements:  Lanthanoids  and  actinoids;  Oxidation  states  and  chemical  reactivity  of  lanthanoids compounds; Lanthanide contraction; Comparison of actinoids and lanthanoids.

9.9          Coordination  Compounds:  Coordination  number;  Ligands;  Werner’s  coordination  theory;  IUPAC nomenclature; Application and importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems e.g. chlorophyll, vitamin B12, and hemoglobin); Bonding: Valence-bond approach, Crystal field theory  (qualitative); Stability constants; Shapes, color and magnetic properties; Isomerism including stereoisomerisms; Organometallic compounds.

10. Principles of Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons

10.1        Classification:   Based on functional groups, trivial and IUPAC nomenclature. Methods of purification: qualitative and quantitative.

10.2        Electronic displacement in a covalent bond:    Inductive, resonance effects, and hyperconjugation; free radicals; carbocations, carbanions, nucleophiles and electrophiles; types of organic reactions.

10.3        Alkanes and cycloalkanes:   Structural isomerism, general properties and chemical reactions.

10.4        Alkenes and alkynes: General methods of preparation and reactions, physical properties, electrophilic and free radical additions, acidic   character of alkynes and (1,2 and 1,4) addition to dienes.

10.5 Aromatic hydrocarbons: Sources; properties; isomerism; resonance delocalization; aromaticity; polynuclear hydrocarbons;  mechanism  of  electrophilic  substitution  reaction,  directive  influence  and  effect  of substituents on reactivity; carcinogenicity and toxicity.

10.6        Haloalkanes  and  haloarenes:  Physical  properties,  chemical  reactions  and  mechanism  of  substitution reaction. Uses and environmental effects; di, tri, tetrachloromethanes, iodoform, freon and DDT.

10.7        Petroleum: Composition and refining, uses of petrochemicals.

11. Stereochemistry

11.1 Introduction: Chiral molecules; optical activity; polarimetry; R,S and D,L configurations; Fischer projections; enantiomerism; racemates; diastereomerism and meso structures.

11.2        Conformations: Ethane conformations; Newman and Sawhorse projections.

11.3        Geometrical isomerism in alkenes

12. Organic Compounds with Functional Groups Containing Oxygen and Nitrogen

12.1        General: Electronic structure, important methods of preparation, identification, important reactions, physical properties and uses of alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, nitro compounds, amines, diazonium salts, cyanides and isocyanides.

12.2        Specific: Effect of substituents on alpha-carbon on acid strength, comparative reactivity of acid derivatives, mechanism of nucleophilic addition and dehydration, basic character of amines methods of preparation,  and their separation, importance of diazonium salts in synthetic organic chemistry.

13. Biological , Industrial and Environmental chemistry

13.1        The Cell: Concept of cell and energy cycle.

13.2        Carbohydrates: Classification; Monosaccharides; Structures of pentoses and hexoses; Anomeric carbon; Mutarotation; Simple chemical reactions of glucose, Disaccharides: reducing and non-reducing sugars – sucrose, maltose and lactose; Polysaccharides: elementary idea of structures of starch, cellulose and  glycogen.

13.3        Proteins: Amino acids; Peptide bond; Polypeptides; Primary structure of proteins; Simple idea of secondary , tertiary and quarternary tructures of proteins; Denaturation of proteins and enzymes.

13.4        Nucleic Acids: Types of nucleic acids; Primary building blocks of nucleic acids (chemical composition of DNA  &  RNA);  Primary  structure  of  DNA  and  its  double  helix;  Replication;  Transcription  and  protein synthesis; Genetic code.

13.5         Vitamins: Classification, structure, functions in biosystems; Hormones

13.6        Polymers: Classification of polymers; General methods of polymerization; Molecular mass of polymers; Biopolymers and biodegradable polymers; Free radical, cationic and anionic addition polymerizations; Copolymerization: Natural rubber; Vulcanization of rubber; Synthetic rubbers. Condensation polymers.

13.7        Pollution:   Environmental pollutants; soil, water and air pollution; Chemical reactions in atmosphere; Smog; Major atmospheric pollutants; Acid rain; Ozone and its reactions; Depletion of ozone layer and its effects; Industrial air pollution; Green house effect and global warming; Green Chemistry.

13.8        Chemicals in medicine, health-care and food: Analgesics, Tranquilizers, antiseptics, disinfectants, anti- microbials,  anti-fertility  drugs,  antihistamines,  antibiotics,  antacids;  Preservatives,  artificial  sweetening agents, antioxidants, soaps and detergents.

14. Theoretical Principles of Experimental Chemistry

14.1        Volumetric  Analysis:  Principles;  Standard  solutions  of  sodium  carbonate  and  oxalic  acid;  Acid-base titrations; Redox reactions involving KI, H2SO4, Na2SO3, Na2S2O3and H2S; Potassium permanganate in acidic, basic and neutral media; Titrations of oxalic acid, ferrous ammonium sulphate with KMnO4, K2 Cr2O7/Na2S2O3, Cu(II)/Na2S2O3.

14.2        Qualitative analysis of Inorganic Salts: Principles in the determination of the cations Pb2+, Cu2+, As3+, Mn2+,

Zn2+, Co2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4+, Fe3+, Ni2+ and the anions CO32-, S2-, SO42-, SO32-, NO2-, NO3-, Cl, Br, I, PO43-, CH3COO, C2O42-.

14.3        Physical  Chemistry  Experiments:  preparation  and  crystallization  of  alum,  copper  sulphate,  ferrous sulphate, double salt of alum and ferrous sulphate, potassium ferric sulphate; Temperature vs. solubility; pH measurements; Lyophilic and lyophobic sols; Dialysis; Role of emulsifying agents in emulsification. Equilibrium studies involving (i) ferric and thiocyanate ions (ii) [Co(H2O)6]2+ and chloride ions; Enthalpy determination for (i) strong acid vs. strong base neutralization reaction (ii) hydrogen bonding interaction between acetone and chloroform; Rates of the reaction between (i) sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid,  (ii) potassium iodate and sodium sulphite  (iii) iodide vs. hydrogen peroxide,    concentration and temperature effects in these reactions.

14.4        Purification  Methods:  Filtration,  crystallization,  sublimation,  distillation,  differential  extraction,  and chromatography.  Principles  of  melting  point  and  boiling  point  determination;  principles  of  paper chromatographic separation – Rf values.

14.5        Qualitative Analysis of Organic Compounds: Detection of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorous and halogens; Detection of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in foodstuff; Detection of alcoholic, phenolic, aldehydic, ketonic, carboxylic, amino groups and unsaturation.

14.6        Quantitative Analysis of Organic Compounds: Basic principles for the quantitative estimation of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, halogen, sulphur and phosphorous; Molecular mass determination by silver salt and chloroplatinate salt methods; Calculations of empirical and molecular formulae.

14.7        Principles of Organic Chemistry Experiments:   Preparation of iodoform, acetanilide, p-nitro acetanilide, di- benzayl acetone, aniline yellow, beta-naphthol; Preparation of acetylene and study of its acidic character.

BITSAT 2015 Physics Syllabus


1. Units & Measurement

1.1          Units (Different systems of units, SI units, fundamental and derived units)

1.2          Dimensional Analysis

1.3          Precision and significant figures

1.4          Fundamental measurements in Physics (Vernier calipers, screw gauge,

Physical balance etc)

2. Kinematics

2.1          Properties of vectors

2.2          Position, velocity and acceleration vectors

2.3          Motion with constant acceleration

2.4          Projectile motion

2.5          Uniform circular motion

2.6          Relative motion

3. Newton’s Laws of Motion

3.1          Newton’s laws (free body diagram, resolution of forces)

3.2          Motion on an inclined plane

3.3          Motion of blocks with pulley systems

3.4          Circular motion – centripetal force

3.5          Inertial and non-inertial frames

4. Impulse and Momentum

4.1          Definition of impulse and momentum

4.2          Conservation of momentum

4.3          Collisions

4.4          Momentum of a system of particles

4.5          Center of mass

5. Work and Energy

5.1          Work done by a force

5.2          Kinetic energy and work-energy theorem

5.3          Power

5.4          Conservative forces and potential energy

5.5          Conservation of mechanical energy

6. Rotational Motion

6.1          Description of rotation (angular displacement, angular velocity and angular


6.2          Rotational motion with constant angular acceleration

6.3          Moment of inertia, Parallel and perpendicular axes theorems, rotational kinetic


6.4          Torque and angular momentum

6.5          Conservation of angular momentum

6.6          Rolling motion

7. Gravitation

7.1          Newton’s law of gravitation

7.2          Gravitational potential energy, Escape velocity

7.3          Motion of planets – Kepler’s laws, satellite motion

8. Mechanics of Solids and Fluids

8.1          Elasticity

8.2          Pressure, density and Archimedes’ principle

8.3          Viscosity and Surface Tension

8.4          Bernoulli’s theorem

9. Oscillations

9.1          Kinematics of simple harmonic motion

9.2          Spring mass system, simple and compound pendulum

9.3          Forced & damped oscillations, resonance

10. Waves

10.1        Progressive sinusoidal waves

10.2        Standing waves in strings and pipes

10.3        Superposition of waves, beats

10.4        Doppler Effect

11. Heat and Thermodynamics

11.1        Kinetic theory of gases

11.2        Thermal equilibrium and temperature

11.3        Specific heat, Heat Transfer – Conduction, convection and radiation,   thermal

conductivity, Newton’s law of cooling

11.4        Work, heat and first law of thermodynamics

11.5        2nd   law of thermodynamics, Carnot engine – Efficiency and Coefficient of


12. Electrostatics

12.1        Coulomb’s law

12.2        Electric field (discrete and continuous charge distributions)

12.3        Electrostatic potential and Electrostatic potential energy

12.4        Gauss’ law and its applications

12.5        Electric dipole

12.6        Capacitance and dielectrics (parallel plate capacitor, capacitors in series and


13. Current Electricity

13.1        Ohm’s law, Joule heating

13.2        D.C circuits – Resistors and cells in series and parallel, Kirchoff’s laws,

potentiometer and Wheatstone bridge

13.3        Electrical Resistance (Resistivity, origin and temperature dependence of


14. Magnetic Effect of Current

14.1        Biot-Savart’s law and its applications

14.2        Ampere’s law and its applications

14.3        Lorentz force, force on current carrying conductors in a magnetic field

14.4        Magnetic moment of a current loop, torque on a current loop, Galvanometer and

its conversion to voltmeter and ammeter

15. Electromagnetic Induction

15.1        Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, eddy currents

15.2        Self and mutual inductance

15.3        Transformers and generators

15.4        Alternating current (peak and rms value)

15.5        AC circuits, LCR circuits

16. Optics

16.1        Laws of reflection and refraction

16.2        Lenses and mirrors

16.3        Optical instruments – telescope and microscope

16.4        Interference – Huygen’s principle, Young’s double slit experiment

16.5        Interference in thin films

16.6        Diffraction due to a single slit

16.7        Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics (only qualitative ideas),

Electromagnetic spectrum

16.8        Polarization – states of polarization, Malus’ law, Brewster’s law

17. Modern Physics

17.1        Dual nature of light and matter – Photoelectric effect, De Broglie wavelength

17.2        Atomic models – Rutherford’s experiment, Bohr’s atomic model

17.3        Hydrogen atom spectrum

17.4        Radioactivity

17.5        Nuclear reactions : Fission and fusion, binding energy


BITSAT 2015 Exam Centres

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BITSAT 2015 Test Centres
1.Pilani Campus of BITS 27. Kalyan
2. Goa Campus of BITS 28. Kanpur
3. Hyderabad Campus of BITS 29. Kolkatta
4. Agartala 30. Lucknow
5. Agra 31. Madurai
6. Ahmedabad 32. Mumbai
7. Allahabad 33. Muzzafarpur
8.Bangalore 34. Mysore
9. Bhopal 35. Nagpur
10. Bhubaneswar 36. Nasik
11. Chandigarh 37. Noida
12. Chennai 38. Patna
13. Coimbatore 39. Pimpri-Chinchwad
14. Delhi 40. Pune
15. Dubai Campus of BITS (International center) 41. Raipur
16. Ghaziabad 42. Rajkot
17. Gorakhpur 43. Ranchi
18. Gurgaon 44. Roorkee
19. Guwahati 45. Siliguri
20. Gwalior 46. Srinagar
21. Hyderabad City 47. Surat
22. Indore 48. Tirupati
23. Jaipur 49. Trivandurm
24. Jalandhar 50. Vadodara
25. Jammu 51. Vijayawada
26. Jodhpur 52. Visakhapatnam

The candidate can choose the centers from within India or Dubai. If a candidate chooses centers within India, he/she will be asked to give three preferences and will be allotted one out of these three. If a candidate chooses Dubai as a center, he/she will not be asked for any other center preference and will be allotted Dubai center only.


BITSAT 2015 Mathematics Syllabus


1. Algebra

1.1 Complex numbers, addition, multiplication, conjugation, polar representation, properties of modulus and principal argument, triangle inequality, roots of complex numbers, geometric interpretations; Fundamental theorem of algebra.

1.2 Theory of Quadratic equations, quadratic equations in real and complex number system and their solutions, relation between roots and coefficients, nature of roots, equations reducible to quadratic equations.

1.3 Arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means, arithmetico-geometric series, sums of finite arithmetic and geometric progressions, infinite geometric series, sums of squares and cubes of the first n natural numbers.

1.4 Logarithms and their properties.

1.5 Exponential series.

1.6 Permutations and combinations, Permutations as an arrangement and combination as selection, simple applications.

1.7 Binomial theorem for a positive integral index, properties of binomial coefficients, Pascal’s triangle.

1.8 Matrices and determinants of order two or three, properties and evaluation of determinants, addition and multiplication of matrices, adjoint and inverse of matrices, Solutions of simultaneous linear equations in two or three variables, elementary row and column operations of matrices.

1.9 Sets, Relations and Functions, algebra of sets applications, equivalence relations, mappings, one-one, into and onto mappings, composition of mappings, binary operation, inverse of function, functions of real variables like polynomial, modulus, signum and greatest integer.

1.10 Mathematical Induction

1.11 Linear Inequalities, solution of linear inequalities in one and two variables.

2. Trigonometry

2.1 Measurement of angles in radians and degrees, positive and negative angles, trigonometric ratios, functions and identities.

2.2 Solution of trigonometric equations.

2.3 Properties of triangles and solutions of triangles

2.4 Inverse trigonometric functions

2.5 Heights and distances

3. Two-dimensional Coordinate Geometry

3.1 Cartesian coordinates, distance between two points, section formulae, shift of origin.

3.2 Straight lines and pair of straight lines: Equation of straight lines in various forms, angle between two lines, distance of a point from a line, lines through the point of intersection of two given lines, equation of the bisector of the angle between two lines, concurrent lines.

3.3 Circles and family of circles :Equation of circle in various form, equation of tangent, normal & chords, parametric equations of a circle , intersection of a circle with a straight line or a circle, equation of circle through point of intersection of two circles, conditions for two intersecting circles to be orthogonal.

3.4 Conic sections : parabola, ellipse and hyperbola their eccentricity, directrices & foci, parametric forms, equations of tangent & normal, conditions for y=mx+c to be a tangent and point of tangency.

4. Three dimensional Coordinate Geometry

4.1 Co-ordinate axes and co-ordinate planes, distance between two points, section formula, direction cosines and direction ratios, equation of a straight line in space and skew lines.

4.2 Angle between two lines whose direction ratios are given, shortest distance between two lines.

4.3 Equation of a plane, distance of a point from a plane, condition for coplanarity of three lines, angles between two planes, angle between a line and a plane.

5. Differential calculus

5.1 Domain and range of a real valued function, Limits and Continuity of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, Differentiability.

5.2 Derivative of different types of functions (polynomial, rational, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, implicit functions), derivative of the sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions, chain rule.

5.3 Geometric interpretation of derivative, Tangents and Normals.

5.4 Increasing and decreasing functions, Maxima and minima of a function.

5.5 Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorem and Intermediate Value Theorem.

6. Integral calculus

6.1 Integration as the inverse process of differentiation, indefinite integrals of standard functions.

6.2 Methods of integration: Integration by substitution, Integration by parts, integration by partial fractions, and integration by trigonometric identities.

6.3 Definite integrals and their properties, Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus, applications in finding areas under simple curves.

6.4 Application of definite integrals to the determination of areas of regions bounded by simple curves.

7. Ordinary Differential Equations

7.1 Order and degree of a differential equation, formulation of a differential equation whole general solution is given, variables separable method.

7.2 Solution of homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree

7.3 Linear first order differential equations

8. Probability

8.1 Various terminology in probability, axiomatic and other approaches of probability, addition and multiplication rules of probability.

8.2 Conditional probability, total probability and Baye’s theorem

8.3 Independent events

8.4 Discrete random variables and distributions with mean and variance.

9. Vectors

9.1 Direction ratio/cosines of vectors, addition of vectors, scalar multiplication, position vector of a point dividing a line segment in a given ratio.

9.2 Dot and cross products of two vectors, projection of a vector on a line.

9.3 Scalar triple products and their geometrical interpretations.

10. Statistics

10.1 Measures of dispersion

10.2 Measures of skewness and Central Tendency, Analysis of frequency distributions with equal means but different variances

11.Linear Programming

11.1 Various terminology and formulation of linear Programming

11.2 Solution of linear Programming using graphical method, feasible and infeasible regions, feasible and infeasible solutions, optimal feasible solutions (upto three nonitrivial constraints)

BITSAT 2015 Exam Syllabus

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The BITSAT-2015 test will be conducted on the basis of NCERT syllabus for 11th  and 12th class. 

BITSAT 2015  Mathematics  Syllabus

BITSAT 2015  Physics  Syllabus

BITSAT 2015  Chemistry  Syllabus

BITSAT 2015  English Proficiency  Syllabus

BITSAT 2015  Logical Reasoning  Syllabus


BITSAT 2014 Merit List for Admission

  • A candidate who has appeared in BITSAT-2014 will be eligible for admission only if he/she gets the required minimum marks in the Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects of 12th examination as per the eligibility criteria described already.
  • All candidates who have appeared in BITSAT-2014 and are interested in admission will be required to submit Admission application with 12th marks and preferences to different degree programmes offered, on or before 30th June 2014, the details of this will be available in the BITS website by 20th May 2014.
  • The merit position of such eligible candidates (i.e., those who have appeared in BITSAT-2014 and who have submitted the application for admission in the prescribed form with 12th marks, preferences and the required fees) will be prepared on the basis of their scores in BITSAT-2014.
  • There will be two separate merit lists prepared for admission.
  • One for all the programmes except the B.Pharm.(Hons.) and, the other only for B.Pharm.(Hons.). The cases of bracketing, if any, will be dealt with as described below.
  • When the score of two candidates are the same, first their scores obtained in Mathematics/Biology (For B.Pharm) in BITSAT will be considered for separating them, If the tie still exists, then their scores in Physics in BITSAT will be considered for separating them. Further tie is eliminated using their scores in Chemistry. Finally, their PCM/PCB(For B.Pharm) total marks in 12th examination will be considered for their separation.

BITSAT 2014 Model Papers (10 Sets)

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