Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level (10+2) Examination
(1st Shift) Tier-I Held on 21 October, 2012
General Intelligence
Directions-(Q. 1-6) select the related letter/word/number from the given alternatives.
1. Jewellery : Gold : : Furniture : ?
(A) Table
(B) Tree
(C) Wood
(D) Paint
2. Author : Novel : : Choreographer : ?
(A) Music
(B) Picture
(C) Make-up
(D) Dance
3. Rig : Ofd : : Met : ?
(A) Jbq
(B) Kcr
(C) Jer
(D) Kbq
4. BDAC : FHEG : : NPMO : ?
5. 49 : 64 : : 144 : ?
(A) 186
(B) 121
(C) 256
(D) 169
6. SHOE : NCJZ : : REWA : ?
Directions-(Q. 7 to 10) Select the one which is different from the other three responses.
(A) Tongue
(B) Teeth
(C) Nose
(D) Ear
(A) Petrol – Car
(B) Electricity – Television
(C) Ink – Pen
(D) Dust – Vacuum cleaner
(A) Light – Heavy
(B) Crime – Blame
(C) Short – Long
(D) Man – Woman
(A) 343
(B) 512
(C) 729
(D) 144
Directions-(Q. 11 and 12) Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?
11. (1) Destination (2) Booking
(3) Boarding (4) Travel
(5) Planning
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(B) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2
(C) 4, 3, 1, 2, 5
(D) 5, 2, 3, 4, 1
12. (1) Diagnosis (2) Doctor
(3) Sick (4) Treatment
(5) Recovery
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(B) 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
(C) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5
(D) 4, 5, 1, 3, 2
13. Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary-
(1) Genuine (2) Genesis
(3) Gender (4) Gentle
(5) General
(A) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1
(B) 1, 5, 4, 3, 2
(C) 3, 5, 2, 4, 1
(D) 2, 5, 3, 1, 4
Directions-(Q. 14 to 17) A series is given, with one term/number/letters missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
14. V, VIII, XI, XIV, ?, XX
(A) IX
(C) XV
3463 (2218) 1245
5324 ( ? ) 3626
(A) 2312
(B) 1142
(C) 1698
(D) 1592
16. XGH, WIJ, VKL, UMN, ?
17. SCD, TEF, UGH, ?, WKL
18. K is more beautiful than B. B is not as beautiful as Y. J is not as beautiful as B or Y. Whose beauty is in the least degree?
(A) Y
(B) K
(C) B
(D) J
19. A person’s present age is two-fifth of the age of his mother. After 8 He will be one-half of the age of his mother. How old is the mother at present?
(A) 32 years
(B) 36 years
(C) 40 years
(D) 48 years
20. Raghu and Babu are twins. Babu’s sister is Reema. Reema’s husband is Rajan. Raghu’s mother is Lakshmi. Lakshmi’s husband is Rajsh. How is Rajesh related to Rajan?
(A) Uncle
(B) Son-in-law
(C) Father-in-law
(D) Cousin
21. If – stands for ÷, + stands for ×, ÷ stands for – and × stands for +, find out which one is correct?
(A) 49 + 7 – 3 × 5 ÷ 8 = 20
(B) 49 – 7 + 3 ÷ 5 × 8 = 24
(C) 49 × 7 + 3 ÷ 5 – 8 = 16
(D) 49 ÷ 7 ×3 + 5 – 8 = 26
Directions-(Q. 22 and 23) From the given alternatives select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
24. If MADRAS is written as DAMSAR, how can MUMBAI be written in that code?
25. If DREAM is coded as 78026 and CHILD is coded as 53417, how can LEADER be coded?
(A) 102078
(B) 102708
(C) 102087
(D) 102780
26. If Rat is called Dog, Dog is called Mongoose, Mongoose is called Lion, Lion is called Snake and Snake is called Elephant, which is reared as a pet?
(A) Rat
(B) Dog
(C) Mongoose
(D) Lion
Directions-(Q. 27 to 31) Select the missing number from the given responses.
27. 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, ?
(A) 23
(B) 20
(C) 22
(D) 21
28. 69, 72, 78, 87, ?, 114
(A) 93
(B) 96
(C) 111
(D) 99
29. 1 8 ? 2 7
(A) 41
(B) 64
(C) 35
(D) 61
30. 48, 82, 44, 77, 40, 72, ?
(A) 36
(B) 40
(C) 76
(D) 70
31. If 36 (146) 437
then 574 (?) 641
(A) 236
(B) 356
(C) 250
(D) 134
32. The number of students in a course increases every year in a college. Find out the number in 2010 from the following information-
(A) 55
(B) 65
(C) 70
(D) 75
33. Prakash travelled 6 km northward, then turned left and travelled 4 km, then turned left and travelled 6 km. How far was Prakash from the starting point?
(A) 10 km
(B) 8 km
(C) 6 km
(D) 4 km
34. Two cars leave the same place at the same time. One runs at 20 km/hr towards north and the other at 15 km/hr towards east. What will be the distance between them (in km) after 2 hours of travelling?
(A) 70
(B) 10
(C) 25
(D) 50
35. If Police is called Teacher, Teacher is called Politician, Politician is called Doctor, Doctor is called Surgeon, who will arrest the criminals?
(A) Police
(B) Lawyer
(C) Teacher
(D) Doctor
Directions-(Q. 36 and 37) Two statements are given followed by two/four conclusions I, II, III and IV. You have to consider the two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements.
36. Statements :
(1) Some buses are four wheelers.
(2) All four wheelers are vans.
(I) Some vans are buses.
(II) Some buses are vans.
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Either conclusion I or II follows
(D) Both conclusions I and II follow
37. Statements:
(1) All peacocks are lions.
(2) Some tigers are peacocks.
(I) Some lions are not tigers.
(II) All tigers are lions.
(III) Some tigers are lions.
(IV) All peacocks are tigers
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Only conclusion III follows
(D) Only conclusion IV follows
Directions –(Q. 38 and 39) If a mirror is placed on the line XY, then which of the answer figures is the correct image of the given question figure?
40. How many cubes are there in this diagram?
(A) 16
(B) 12
(C) 10
(D) 8
41. How many educated people are employed?
(A) 18
(B) 26
(C) 24
(D) 16
42. From the details, find out the number of people who do not read any newspaper-
(A) 195
(B) 135
(C) 175
(D) 75
43. Find out the number of people who do not play any game-
(A) 9
(B) 24
(C) 18
(D) 15
44. Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?
Directions-(Q. 45 to 47) From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded.
48. If the following pattern is drawn on a transparent rectangular sheet and folded along the dotted line, how does it appear?
49. A triangular sheet of paper has been folded and punched as shown in the following series of figures. How will it appear when opened?
50. A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., M can be represented by 14, 21, etc. and P can be represented by 59, 78, etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word MIST.
(A) 02, 58, 03, 86
(B) 40, 77, 34, 98
(C) 14, 89, 22, 88
(D) 40, 58, 03, 56
For Visually Handicapped Candidates Only
Directions-(Q. 38 and 39) Select the related word from the given alternatives.
38. Peacock : India : : Bear : ?
(A) Australia
(B) Russia
(C) America
(D) England
39. Menu : Food : : Catalogue : ?
(A) Library
(B) Newspaper
(C) Rack
(D) Books
Directions-(Q. 40 and 41) Select the missing number/letters from the given responses.
40. 544, 509, 474, 439, ?
(A) 404
(B) 414
(C) 420
(D) 445
41. prt, ?, bdf, hjl, npr
(A) vwc
(B) vya
(C) xzb
(D) vxz
Directions-(Q. 42 and 43) Select the one which is different from the other three responses.
(A) Scythe
(B) Knife
(C) Pillar
(D) Saw
(A) Guitar
(B) Violin
(C) Veena
(D) Keyboard
44. Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary-
(1) Devious (2) Devout
(3) Devolution (4) Devotional
(5) Development
(A) 2, 5, 1, 3, 4
(B) 4, 2, 3, 5, 1
(C) 5, 2, 3, 1, 4
(D) 5, 1, 3, 4, 2
45. Which will appear third in the dictionary?
(A) Serif
(B) Sergeant
(C) Serous
(D) Serjeant
46. How is my brother’s grandfather’s only son’s only boy related to me?
(A) Brother
(B) Sister
(C) Cousin
(D) Mother
Directions-(Q. 47 and 48) From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
49. If STAMPEDE can be written as PESTAMDE, then TAMPERED can be written as-
50. In a certain code, RAINTREE is written as ARNIRTEE. How is DAHLIA written in that code?
English Language
Directions-(Q. 51-56) Some parts of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and blacken the oval (•) corresponding to the appropriate letter (A, B, C). If a sentence is free from error, blacken the oval corresponding to (D) in the Answer Sheet.
51. India has got (A)/ freedom (B)/in 1947. (C)/ No error (D)
52. Every scientific invention (A)/ has proved (B)/ much harmful to society than beneficial. (C)/ No error (D)
53. She is preparing (A)/ for this examination (B)/ since 2004. (C)/ No error (D)
54. I can depend upon (A)/ your help, (B)/ can I? (C)/ No error (D)
55. I am tired (A)/ so I’ll lay down (B)/ and take rest. (C)/ No error (D)
56. If her grandfather (A)/ would have lived three more days (B)/ he would have been 100 years old. (C)/ No error (D)
Directions-(Q. 57-61) Sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by blackening the appropriate oval (•) in the Answer Sheet.
57. She thanked Vishal as she could reach the station on time ……. .his help.
(A) since
(B) for
(C) with
(D) in
58. My …….. brother is called Arhaan.
(A) older
(B) oldest
(C) senior
(D) elder
59. The lawyer has plenty of ……….
(A) criminals
(B) buyers
(C) customers
(D) clients
60. “I have brought the book. It’s ……. !” Ravi said assertively to all the boys present.
(A) mine
(B) my
(C) me
(D) myself
61. “The project is good, but there is ……… missing to make it an excellent work,” the engineer commented.
(A) everything
(B) anything
(C) something
(D) nothing
Directions-(Q. 62-64) Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
62. Fortitude
(A) Prudence
(B) Support
(C) Courage
(D) Sincerity
63. Imply
(A) Conclude
(B) Connote
(C) Confirm
(D) Comply
64. Vigilant
(A) Intelligent
(B) Ambitious
(C) Smart
(D) Watchful
Directions-(Q. 65-67) Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
65. Feeble
(A) Rickety
(B) Weak
(C) Infirm
(D) Robust
66. Adulterate
(A) Contaminate
(B) Purify
(C) Wash
(D) Stain
67. Vain
(A) Conceited
(B) Egotistic
(C) Humble
(D) Proud
Directions-(Q. 68-72) Four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
68. A cry in wilderness
(A) a cry in vain
(B) an unpleasant situation
(C) a cry in disgrace
(D) a cry with a laughter
69. To rock the boat
(A) to conspire against
(B) to create difficulties
(C) to agitate against
(D) to upset the balance
70. To beat the air
(A) to make a great effort
(B) to act intelligently
(C) to make efforts that are useless and/or vain
(D) to make every possible effort
71. See through
(A) to persist with something
(B) to see off
(C) to detect the true nature
(D) to ignore something
72. To give airs
(A) exhale
(B) inhale
(C) boast
(D) humble
Directions-(Q. 73-79) A part of the sentence is bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B), (C) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is (D). Mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
73. She is my better half.
(A) wife
(B) Mrs.
(C) partner
(D) No improvement
74. The Prime Minister has gone to Brazil, isn’t it?
(A) has he ?
(B) hasn’t he?
(C) didn’t he?
(D) No improvement
75. They were congratulated him for his birthday.
(A) congratulated him for
(B) were congratulated him on
(C) congratulated him on
(D) No improvement
76. My cousin sister is a teacher.
(A) cousin
(B) cousin’s sister
(C) cousin brother
(D) No improvement
77. The news is so good but it can’t be true.
(A) too good to
(B) very good to
(C) rather good to
(D) No improvement
78. I had lived in this house since 2005.
(A) am living
(B) have been living
(C) have lived
(D) No improvement
79. Keeping away from controversy is best policy.
(A) a better policy
(B) the best policy
(C) most best policy
(D) No improvement
Directions-(Q. 80-83) Out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
80. Impossible to decipher, make out or read-
(A) eligible
(B) intelligible
(C) illegible
(D) ambiguous
81. Careful not to harm or inconvenience others-
(A) humble
(B) considerate
(C) obstinate
(D) rash
82. One who finds it easy to produce new and original ideas and things.
(A) impulsive
(B) creative
(C) hospitable
(D) bright
83. Done with good judgement-
(A) eminent
(B) judicious
(C) enviable
(D) judicial
Directions-(Q. 84 and 85) There are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and indicate it by blackening the appropriate oval (•) in the Answer Sheet.
(A) grammar
(B) gramer
(C) grammer
(D) gramar
(A) imidate
(B) imidiate
(C) immediate
(D) imidiat
Directions-(Q. 86-100) You have following two brief passage with 10 questions in passage I and 5 questions in passage II. Read the passages carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable words out of the four alternatives given.
Passage I
(Q. 86-95)
Beggars have found a new way of making money. They seek …(86)… via SMS, requesting to credit sums …(87)… from Rs 10 to Rs 100. They explain their …(88)… and end the message with a statement of …(89)… “Those who are God fearing will definitely …(90)… to their request and will be heaped with …(91)… as a reward for their good …(92)…” Many also send heavenly pictures of …(93)… Quite a few people …(94)… and give away alms. They …(95)… that they are giving money in the name of God, irrespective of who the receiver is.
(A) donation
(B) loan
(C) alms
(D) favour
(A) differing
(B) ranging
(C) fluctuating
(D) producing
(A) problem
(B) difficulty
(C) task
(D) duty
(A) dependence
(B) morality
(C) immorality
(D) faith
(A) leap
(B) heed
(C) forward
(D) think
(A) curse
(B) cruelty
(C) blessings
(D) tensions
(A) deed
(B) work
(C) task
(D) job
(A) river
(B) hell
(C) garden
(D) paradise
(A) take action
(B) respond
(C) argue
(D) quarrel
(A) argue
(B) consider
(C) believe
(D) imagine
Passage II
(Q. 96-100)
Left-handed persons can do certain things better than those who are right-handed. They generally find it more …(96)… to learn languages and mathematics, but have an advantage when it …(97)… to music or sports. Recent research shows that the reason for …(98)… or right-handedness, and the qualities …(99)… go with each of these, …(100)… lie in differences in the construction of the brain.
(A) easy
(B) difficult
(C) hard
(D) rigid
(A) come
(B) came
(C) comes
(D) coming
(A) left
(B) right
(C) lame
(D) handicapped
(A) those
(B) these
(C) who
(D) that
(A) might
(B) must
(C) may
(D) need
Quantitative Aptitude
101. The wrong number in the series is 2, 9, 28, 65, 126, 216, 344
(A) 9
(B) 65
(C) 216
(D) None of these
102. Eight consecutive numbers are given. If the average of the two numbers that appear in the middle is 6, then the sum of the eight given numbers is-
(A) 36
(B) 48
(C) 54
(D) 64
103. If then
is equal to-
104. A and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days, while B alone can finish it in 30 days. A alone can finish the work in-
(A) 15 days
(B) 18 days
(C) 20 days
(D) 25 days
105. A and B can do a job together in 12 days. A is 2 times as efficient as B. In how many days can B alone complete the work?
(A) 36
(B) 12
(C) 18
(D) 9
106. The marked price is 20% higher than cost price. A discount of 20% is given on the marked price. By this type of sale, there is-
(A) no loss or gain
(B) 4% gain
(C) 4% loss
(D) 2% loss
107. A chair listed at Rs 350 is available at successive discounts of 25% and 10%. The selling price of the chair is-
(A) Rs 240.25
(B) Rs 242.25
(C) Rs 236.25
(D) Rs 230.25
108. A tradesman marks his goods at such a price that after allowing a discount of 15%, he makes a profit of 20%. What is the marked price of an article whose cost price is Rs 170?
(A) Rs 220
(B) Rs 200
(C) Rs 240
(D) Rs 260
109. In two types of stainless steel, the ratio of chromium and steel are 2 : 11 and 5 : 21 respectively. In what proportion should the two types be mixed so that the ratio of chromium to steel in the mixed type become 7 : 32?
(A) 1 : 2
(B) 1 : 3
(C) 2 : 3
(D) 3 : 4
110. A sum of Rs 7,000 is divided among A, B, C in such a way that the shares of A and B are in the ratio 2 : 3 and those of B and C are in the ratio 4 : 5. The share of B is-
(A) Rs 1,600
(B) Rs 2,000
(C) Rs 2,400
(D) Rs 3,000
111. Tea worth Rs 126 per kg and Rs 135 per kg are mixed with a third variety in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2. If the mixture is worth Rs 153 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be-
(A) Rs 169.5
(B) Rs 170.0
(C) Rs 175.5
(D) Rs 180.0
112. In the afternoon, a student read 100 pages at the rate of 60 pages per hour. In the evening, when she was tired, she read 100 more pages at the rate of 40 pages per hour. What was her average rate of reading, in pages per hour?
(A) 48
(B) 50
(C) 60
(D) 70
113. The mean weight of 34 students of a school is 42 kg. If the weight of the teacher be included, the mean rises by 400 gram. Find the weight of the teacher (in kg).
(A) 66
(B) 56
(C) 55
(D) 57
114. A cricketer has a mean score of 60 runs in 10 innings. Find out how many runs are to be scored in the eleventh innings to raise the mean score to 62?
(A) 80
(B) 81
(C) 83
(D) 82
115. A trader purchases a watch and a wall clock for Rs 390. He sells them making a profit of 10% on the watch and 15% on the wall clock. He earns a profit of Rs 51.50. The difference between the original prices of the wall clock and the watch is equal to-
(A) Rs 110
(B) Rs 100
(C) Rs 80
(D) Rs 120
116. A salesman expects a gain of 13% on his cost price. If in a month his sale was Rs 7,91,000, what was his profit?
(A) Rs 91,000
(B) Rs 97,786
(C) Rs 85,659
(D) Rs 88,300
117. A merchant fixed the selling price of his articles at Rs 700 after adding 40% profit to the cost price. As the sale was very low at this price level, he decided to fix the selling price at 10% profit. Find the new selling price.
(A) Rs 450
(B) Rs 490
(C) Rs 500
(D) Rs 550
118. A saves 20% of his monthly salary. If his monthly expenditure is Rs 6,000, then his monthly savings is-
(A) Rs 1,200
(B) Rs 4,800
(C) Rs 1,500
(D) Rs 1,800
119. From 2008 to 2009, the sales of a book decreased by 80%. If the sales in 2010 were the same in 2008, by what percent did it increase from 2009 to 2010?
(A) 80%
(B) 100%
(C) 120%
(D) 400%
120. The speed of a bus is 72 km/hr. The distance covered by the bus in 5 seconds is-
(A) 50 m
(B) 74.5 m
(C) 100 m
(D) 60 m
121. Two men start together to walk a certain distance, one at 4 km/h and another at 3 km/h. The former arrives half an hour before the latter. Find the distance-
(A) 6 km
(B) 9 km
(C) 8 km
(D) 7 km
122. A person invests Rs 12,000 as fixed deposit at a bank at the rate of 10% per annum simple interest. But due to some pressing needs he has to withdraw the entire money after 3 years, for which the bank allowed him a lower rate of interest. If he gets Rs 3,320 less than what he would have got at the end of 5 years, the rate of interest allowed by the bank is-
123. The compound interest on Rs 30,000 at 7% per annum for a certain time is Rs 4,347. The time is-
(A) 2 years
(B) 2.5 years
(C) 3 years
(D) 4 years
124. A prism has as the base a right-angled triangle whose sides adjacent to the right angles are 10 cm and 12 cm long. The height of the prism is 6 gm/cubic cm. The weight of the prism is-
(A) 3.4 kg
(B) 4.8 kg
(C) 6.4 kg
(D) 7.2 kg
125. Three circles of radii 4 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm touch each other pairwise externally. The area of the triangle formed by the line segments joining the centres of the three circles is-
(A) 6√6 sq. cm
(B) 24√6 sq. cm
(C) 144√13 sq. cm
(D) 12√105 sq. cm
126. The radius of the base of a right circular cone is doubled. To keep the volume fixed, the height of the cone will be-
(A) half of the previous height
(B) one-third of the previous height
(C) one-fourth of the previous height
(D) 1/√2 times of the previous height
127. The base of a cone and a cylinder have the same radius 6 cm; they have also the same height 8 cm. The ratio of the curved surfaces of the cylinder to that of the cone is-
(A) 4 : 3
(B) 5 : 3
(C) 8 : 5
(D) 8 : 3
128. The ratio of length of each equal side and the third side of an isosceles triangle is 3 : 4. If the area of the triangle is 18√5 square unit, the third side is-
(A) 8√2 unit
(B) 12 unit
(C) 16 unit
(D) 5√10 unit
129. In a circle of radius 21 cm, an arc subtends an angle of 72° at the centre. The length of the arc is-
(A) 13.2 cm
(B) 19.8 cm
(C) 21.6 cm
(D) 26.4 cm
130. The x-intercept of the graph of 7x – 3y = 2 is-
(A) 2/5
(B) 2/7
(C) 3/4
(D) 3/7
131. If x = √3 + √2, then the value of is-
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 2√2
(D) 2√3
132. If p + q = 10 and pq = 5, then the numerical value of will be-
(A) 22
(B) 18
(C) 16
(D) 20
133. If then the value of
will be-
(A) 3√3
(B) 5
(C) 1
(D) 2
134. An equilateral triangle TQR is drawn inside a square PQRS. The value of the angle PTS, in degrees, is-
(A) 75
(B) 90
(C) 120
(D) 150
135. If a, b and c are the sides of a triangle and a2 + b2 + c2 = ab + bc + ca, then the triangle is-
(A) equilateral
(B) isosceles
(C) right-angled
(D) obtuse-angled
136. The distance between the centres of two equal circles, each of radius 3 cm, is 10 cm. The length of a transverse common tangent is-
(A) 4 cm
(B) 6 cm
(C) 8 cm
(D) 10 cm
137. If the perimeter of a right-angled triangle is 56 cm and area of the triangle is 84 sq. cm, then the length of the hypotenuse is (in cm) –
(A) 7 cm
(B) 24 cm
(C) 25 cm
(D) 50 cm
138. In ∆ ABC, ∠A = 30°, ∠B = 60°. Find ∠C in circular measure-
(A) πc/6
(B) πc/2
(C) 2πc/3
(D) 3πc/4
139. If cos θ + sec θ = 2, the value cos6θ + sec6θ is-
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 8
140. A man standing at a point P is watching the top of a tower, which makes an angle of elevation of 30°. The man walks some distance towards the tower and then his angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 60°. If the height of the tower is 30 m, then the distance he moves is-
(A) 20 m
(B) 20√3 m
(C) 22 m
(D) 22√3 m
Directions-The following pie-chart shows the performance in an examination in a particular year for 360 students. Study the pie-chart and answer the questions no. 141-145.
141. The number of students who passed in first division is-
(A) 45
(B) 54
(C) 64
(D) 74
142. The number of students who passed in second division is more than those in first division by-
(A) 111
(B) 112
(C) 109
(D) 108
143. The ratio of successful students to the failed students is-
(A) 9 : 1
(B) 5 : 1
(C) 1 : 9
(D) 2 : 7
144. The percentage of students who have failed in the examination is-
(A) 20%
(B) 36%
(C) 10%
(D) 30%
145. The total number of students who have passed in 2nd or 3rd division is-
(A) 162
(B) 270
(C) 108
(D) None of these
Directions: The following is a horizontal bar diagram showing the accidents in which two-wheelers are involved with other objects. Study the diagram and answer the questions no. 146-150.
146. The percentage of accidents in which pedestrians and cyclists are involved is-
(A) 60
(B) 20.4
(C) 24
(D) 6
147. The percentage by which the accidents involving buses is less than the accidents involving tanker lorry is-
(A) 40
(B) 28
(C) 6
(D) 4
148. The difference in percentage between the accidents involving two-wheelers and two-wheelers and two-wheelers and other objects is respectively.
(A) 54, more
(B) 54, less
(C) 77, more
(D) 77, less
149. 60% of the accidents are involved due to-
(A) two-wheelers, cars, buses and stationary vehicles
(B) two-wheelers, cars, buses and tanker lorry
(C) cars, buses, tanker lorry and pedestrians
(D) cars, tanker, lorry, bicycles and stationary vehicles
150. If the data of the bar diagram is represented by a pie-chart, and the angle of a sector of the pie-chart is 36°, then this sector represents the accidents involving-
(A) buses
(B) stationary vehicles
(C) pedestrians
(D) bicycles
For Visually Handicapped Candidates Only
141. A number on subtracting 12 from it, reduces to its 80%. 30% of that number is-
(A) 18
(B) 24
(C) 30
(D) 36
142. If a, b, c are in continued proportion, then the value of is-
(A) 2
(B) 1/2
(C) 1
(D) 1/3
143. A shopkeeper sells all articles at a discount of 7.5% but increases the selling price of each article by 20%. His gain on each article is-
(A) 5%
(B) 9.5%
(C) 11%
(D) 12.5%
- A train 220 metres long is running at a speed of 60 km/hr. In how many seconds will it pass a man who is running at 6 km/hr in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going?
(A) 6 second
(B) 9 second
(C) 12 second
(D) 15 second
145. If x + y = √3 and x – y = √2, then the value of 8xy(x2 + y2) will be-
(A) 5/2
(B) √6
(C) 5/9
(D) 5
146. The average of consecutive odd numbers up to 300 is-
(A) 300
(B) 100
(C) 150
(D) 250
147. If is-
(A) 3/4
(B) 2/3
(C) −2/3
(D) −3/4
148. In the series 2 + 5 + 8 … + 152, what will be the middle term?
(A) 77
(B) 71
(C) 74
(D) 80
149. PT is a tangent at T of a circle with centre at O. TA is diameter. AP cuts the circle at B. If PT = 6 cm, PB = 3 c, then AB is-
(A) 3 cm
(B) 3√3 cm
(C) 9 cm
(D) 6 cm
150. The length of the minute hand of a wall clock is 7 cm. The area swept by it in 30 minutes is-
(A) 147 cm2
(B) 154 cm2
(C) 77 cm2
(D) 210 cm2
General Awareness
151. The basic characteristic off a capitalistic economy is-
(A) Full employment
(B) The private ownership of the means of production
(C) Absence of monopoly
(D) Large-scale production in primary industries
152. Which one of the following taxes is not a direct tax?
(A) Gift tax
(B) Wealth tax
(C) Sales tax
(D) Estate duty
153. UNDP prepares-
(A) Index Number of Price Level
(B) Physical Quality Index
(C) Human Development index
(D) Standard of living index
154. Fiscal policy refers to-
(A) Sale and purchase of securities by RBI
(B) Government taxes, expenditure and borrowings
(C) Government borrowings from abroad
(D) Sharing of its revenue by Central Government with States
155. Public opinion gets an authoritative expression in a democracy through-
(A) Newspapers
(B) Parliament
(C) Pressure groups
(D) Public meetings
156. Which one of the following is not a determining factor of a country’s foreign policy?
(A) National interests
(B) Interdependence
(C) Cultural conditions
(D) Religious conditions
157. Who will act as the Chairman of Public Accounts Committee?
(A) The Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha
(B) The Leader of the House
(C) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(D) The Vice-President of India
158. Who was the chosen unanimously as the President of India?
(A) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
(B) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
(C) K. R. Narayanan
(D) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
159. The Constitution of India was passed by the Constituent Assembly on-
(A) 17th October, 1949
(B) 14th November, 1949
(C) 26th November, 1949
(D) 26th January, 1949
160. The power to decide an election petition is vested in the-
(A) Parliament
(B) Supreme Court
(C) High Court
(D) Election Commission
161. The 1857 Mutiny failed mainly because-
(A) the British got French support
(B) the British numbered more
(C) of lack of planning and leadership
(D) it was premature
162. The Story of ‘My Experiments with Truth’ is the autobiography of-
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai
(B) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(D) Mahatma Gandhi
163. Who among the following made the Ganapati festival very popular in Maharashtra?
(A) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(B) Annie Besant
(C) Mahadev Ranade
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
164. The Mughal ruler who built the Buland Darwaza was-
(A) Akbar
(B) Babur
(C) Humayun
(D) Bahadur Shah
165. Diarchy in the provinces was introduced through the-
(A) Indian Councils Act, 1861
(B) Indian Councils Act, 1892
(C) Government of India Act, 1919
(D) Government of India Act, 1935
166. Which of the following is the world’s largest desert?
(A) Gobi
(B) Sahara
(C) The Great Australian Desert
(D) Arabian Desert
167. The rate of erosion in a stream is lowest where-
(A) breadth is greater
(B) velocity is more
(C) the river joins the sea
(D) depth is greater
168. The name ‘Sahyadri’ is related to-
(A) Western Ghats
(B) Cyclone hazards
(C) A rain-bearing wind
(D) Himalayan Peak
169. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Himachal Pradesh – Shillong
(B) Andhra Pradesh – Hyderabad
(C) Uttar Pradesh – Lucknow
(D) Arunachal Pradesh – Itanagr
170. Tides in the sea have stored in them-
(A) Hydraulic energy
(B) Kinetic energy
(C) Gravitational potential energy
(D) A combination of all the three forms of energy
171. Delivery of developed fetus is scientifically called as-
(A) Parturition
(B) Oviposition
(C) Abortion
(D) Ovulation
172. Thyroxine hormone is secreted by-
(A) Pituitary gland
(B) Thyroid gland
(C) Adrenal gland
(D) Testes
173. The digestive juice which has no enzyme is-
(A) Bile
(B) Saliva
(C) Intestinal juice
(D) Gastric juice
174. An essential feature of seed germination is the presence of-
(A) Minerals
(B) Water
(C) Light
(D) Temperature
175. Plants that grow on stones and rocks are-
(A) Halophytes
(B) Aerophytes
(C) Psammophytes
(D) Lithophytes
176. Tactile hair is found in the body of-
(A) Insects
(B) Mammals
(C) Reptiles
(D) Birds
177. The source of energy in the Sun is-
(A) nuclear fission
(B) nuclear fusion
(C) radioactivity
(D) electrical energy
178. Which one of the following materials is used as controller in a nuclear reactor power generator?
(A) Cadmium
(B) Beryllium
(C) Graphite
(D) Heavy water
179. Banking of curves on road or railway track is done to provide-
(A) centripetal force
(B) centrifugal force
(C) gravitational force
(D) angular velocity
180. ………. Is a type of application software used for communication.
(B) Word processing
(C) Database
(D) Image editing
181. A floppy disk is-
(A) a semiconductor random-access memory
(B) an EPROM
(C) used as the primary memory in computer systems
(D) made up of magnetic material
182. MDI stands for-
(A) Multiple Document Interface
(B) Multiple Design Interface
(C) Multiple Design Interaction
(D) Multiple Document Interaction
183. People die in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide because-
(A) it is a poisonous gas
(B) it destroys tissues
(C) of want of oxygen
(D) of suffocation
184. Which of the following acts as photosensitizer during photosynthesis?
(A) Oxygen
(B) Nitrogen
(C) Chlorophyll
(D) Chlorine
185. What happens when bleaching powder is left exposed to air?
(A) It turns dark brown in colour
(B) It turns yellow in colour
(C) It gradually loses its oxygen
(D) It gradually loses its chlorine
186. Arsenic pollution leads to-
(A) White foot disease
(B) Black foot disease
(C) Dyslexia
(D) Allergy
187. Which one of the following does not contribute to pollution?
(A) Thermal Power Plant
(B) Nuclear Power Plant
(C) Hydroelectric Power Plant
(D) Atomic Power Plant
188. Which of the following are the two major components of dry air (by volume)?
(A) Nitrogen and Oxygen
(B) Oxygen and Argon
(C) Nitrogen and Ammonia
(D) Oxygen and Carbon dioxide
189. Which one of the following is not an example of Lotic ecosystem?
(A) Stream
(B) Lagoon
(C) Pond
(D) Estuary
190. Permissible noise level at industrial area during daytime is-
(A) 40 dB (A)
(B) 75 dB (A)
(C) 120 dB (A)
(D) 140 dB (A)
191. Benazir Bhutto, the former Pakistan Prime Minister was assassinated in-
(A) Hyderabad
(B) Karachi
(C) Rawalpindi
(D) Islamabad
192. Which of the following is correctly matched?
Research Institutes Headquarters
(A) Leather Research Institute – Lucknow
(B) Rice Research Institute – Cuttack
(C) Silk Research Institute – Bangalore
(D) Sugar Research Institute – Chennai
193. Who was affectionately known as the “Grand Old Man of India”?
(A) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(D) Dadabhai Naoroji
194. India test fired successfully its Agni-V, surface-to-surface ICBM from Wheeler Island on-
(A) 7th March, 2012
(B) 7th April, 2012
(C) 17th March, 2012
(D) 19th April, 2012
195. Find the odd one out.
(A) IDBI – Industrial Finance
(B) SIDBI – Financial assistance to small industries
(C) FCI – Financial assistance to commercial institutions
(D) EXIM Bank – Financing of export import trade
196. The Twelfth Five Year Plan will be operative for the period-
(A) 2010-2015
(B) 2011-2016
(C) 2012-2017
(D) 2013-2018
197. The State with largest gap in male and female literacy is-
(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Rajasthan
(D) Kerala
198. “Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.” Who said these words?
(A) William Shakespeare
(B) Milton
(C) William Wordsworth
(D) Lord Tennyson
199. Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) is associated with the ban on which of the following?
(A) Ban on certain organizations under UN laws
(B) Ban on money laundering activities
(C) Ban on nuclear tests for developing arsenals
(D) Ban on terrorism
200. The Pulitzer Prize is associated with which of the following?
(A) Environmental Protection
(B) Civil Aviation
(C) Journalism
(D) Olympic Games